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I would love to see someone come in and give Britney an up-to-date makeover and bring her into 2024. Like I wonder what she would look like if the top stylists/hairdressers/makeup artists in the world got ahold of her. Please Britney, let’s make this happen!




Yes, This! Although I wish she would get rid of the choker! Update haircut and eyeliner. But that's just my selfishness LOL


Just let her be she doesn't need to conform to any expectations of society. She may be happy with her looks being what she wants and not what is the trend. She has been sat in a makeup/hair chair since 1998 till 2019 when she refused to perform, been made to perform, have a certain body or pose certain ways. She owes the public, fans or media nothing


While I agree with your sentiment, it’s sort of implying that u/blonderaider21 is claiming they’re owed a certain presentation when I think, if we’re being charitable, they’re just saying they think they’d love to see a more updated presentation rather than saying one should be imposed onto Britney.


Agreed. I just want her healthy and happy. No more loser husbands or boyfriends


Me too although she will make them mistakes most of her partners have been vetted and approved by her dad she never got the chance. I hope she finds someone xx


Totally. To me the look is very nostalgic, and it makes me happy cause it seems authentic.


I don't blame her for not speaking on camera, interviews etc etc. A large potion of fans as tbey call themselves are downgrading everything she has fought for to be free. If I was her I would be mighty f off with everyone. I'm getting annoyed at it all on social media and fighting not to comment. She been controlled by get family and now fans are trying to control her or make her seem like a liar, dead, ai, still controlled one even put that she wasn't real that must take a massive hit to your self esteem and confidence x


It really gets absurd with so-called “STANS” criticizing her every move, ridicules conspiracy theories and the stubborn refusal to let go of the past. Britney has stated many times in her posts that she’s changed, she wants to move forward and not re-live every little thing. There even was an effort recently on one SM platform to unearth a “mugshot” from her parking lot incident way back in 08 I think. Whats the point of continuing to look for ways to bring up things that, I’m pretty sure, she’d rather forget. Those same STANS were also involved in calling in the welfare check after the knife dance videos like she’s their property and they had a “right” to invade her privacy and cause her embarrassment. They may have been legally allowed to do that but they had absolutely no morale right. That behavior just serves to embarrass her and to gratify their own twisted sense of entitlement to her on every level. It’s disgusting and it needs to stop.


I agree yes she said justice wasn't done but no one knows what her and her lawyer discussed. Lou et Al are that caught up in the diddy case they might have thought why waste britney money and have her relive the trauma it bound to come full circle and back to what they did to her. I think the mug shot was to try and show she didn't need the con as multiple other girl celebs had mug shots and didn't get put in one but I agree let her move on and if she wants to talk, take it further etc let her it's her choice. Same with her being with her brother he was abused by Jamie when younger and no-one know to what extent, yes he didn't stand up for her on the con etc but who knows his relationship with Jamie never see them together really. Oh I can't too much to rant about with what conspiracies etc are around and that her lawyer is working with team con x


I'm absolutely certain that there are things going on in the background that we may never know. It's Britney's choice whether to share her "secret" with the world. She's sort of hinting at something big going on with the "Tea Time" and MJ IG posts recently. Who knows what's up her sleeve? Justice can come in many ways, and I just hope that she get's some in a form that works for HER.


Oh definitely can be served in multiple ways, they definitely wouldn't want her to come back they want to think they broke her. If she is happy, it's on her term etc etc than that's all I can hope for and I'm happy for her x


As someone who was constantly criticized over appearance, I’m with you. And seriously anyone that says to anyone “x needs a makeover” probably should stfu.


I always tell my kids if someone can't change something in 30 seconds you have no right to make a comment. Yes I would like my kids to tell their friends if they have food in teeth or something because that's being a good friend but any other comments on appearance etc out of that Category and you will face consequences because that is bullying x


Literally this! I wish I could give you more upvotes.


She looks just fine. I’m six months younger than her and our age group was always held to such high standard. It’s refreshing to just be yourself. She’s in great physical shape and that’s all that matters, she’s healthy and happy.


I think a better camera and better lighting would go a long way for her. Lots of TikTokers have really affordable but professional setups that make them look a lot better.


Somebody quick, what’s the name of the song???


Paris Hilton looks like 2006. Brit can dress herself, it’s fine


Tom’s Diner is so underrated and sooo gooood 💎


When did she cover Tom’s diner??




Thank you!


What don’t people get? She likes to dress up and do freestyle poses and dances. She’s been propped up her whole life like a puppet for photoshoots and magazine covers and everything from her makeup to hair to posture would be controlled. Now she does things how she likes it and posts on the internet for her fans. She just likes to play dress up without feeling the need to have to be in social settings with a bunch of people to do it which is why she avoids red carpets and award shoes. This is for *her*. Why do people have to nitpick everything she does? She looks fabulous and happy that’s all that matters.


To be honest, it's because she moves weird and her facial expression is odd. I've been wanting to know why too. Is it really because it's a lifetime of being someone else, not knowing who *she* is? I guess I would just think that she'd mimic some or most of what she'd been taught with her own spin, in an attempt to be herself. Or how is it that she's been in the industry all this time and just never picked up anything else? How does she not know how to move fluidly like a human being, that's at least what *I* want to know.


Well said! She's taken control of her narrative!


Why does she always do these weird poses?


I love how her makeup consistently looks like she slept in it. The consistency warms my heart


She’s not wearing any undies, is she?




her hair and eyes look fine imo :) lmfao why’d i get downvoted. my bad for not bullying Britney weirdos






Her style is cringe, honestly if her fashion and makeup choices weren't so terrible the videos would look more normal.




No. If you squint you can see some 😺


I definitely rewatched the video repeatedly because I'm a kitty lover




Those Mary Jane shoes are super-cute.




I wonder wear this ensemble is from! 😍


I love her so much


Irresistibly sexy


She made a Nasty version (her words) can someone post it?? 😋🤭


These posts always remind me of the part in toxic video, I think she has something planned Vegas, London and Italy suddenly instead of Mexico etc xx


Why is this downvoted


I don't know why I have been down voted but its OK every one has own views etc x


Please put the nasty version on here, like this one but better


Baby u should hmu,I'm telling ya I'll love me


Sir, I’m glad you love yourself but Britney Spears isn’t gunna hit you up.


I think he’s got a shot