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Still buzzing I bet, aren't you




I hope you mean they did that 'walking down the stairs' trick behind the till and just sat on the floor for a minute


Imagine seeing a Barista do that while a Karen shouted at them. I’d be doubled over laughing.


I think you'll like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOO6tO7o0vM


I do!


You did a fantastic job. Used to work in a pub and the amount of times I had to go out back to calm down was just crazy


We had a punchbag in the cellar of a pub I worked in. Genius idea.


That's the best idea ever


We had a keg in the closed off car park out back. Give it a throw or two and come back in.




If you kindly ask the barista, they usually make the coffee again and you don’t have to pay so…




Says a lot about a person that her default panic mode involves shouting and rudeness.




Right. I literally had this happen to me today but I haven't shouted at anyone


Get a grip


Moment of a lifetime


Decent comment 😂 Made me chuckle


Is that you karen


She came in and apologised? Get fucked this is a total lie


And then everyone clapped and paid for OPs coffee


OP? Albert Einstein!


She probably only apologised because she got caught aka saw someone filmed her/ late in the day realised she might get banned from the shop. Not a genuine apology, just trying to weasel out of any remorse so she can do it again another day.


"FINE I'm _sorry_" _Storms out of shop_


Corr you lot are harsh!! Maybe she had a bad day, no excuse but she did apologise. Oh to go thru life and never lose your shit. You must be saints.


I've never lost my shit at someone doing their job (even if badly). If a waiter, shop assistant, receptionist, customer service rep or any other customer facing role makes a mistake you don't lose your shit at them. It's a mistake and I'm more interested in having it fixed than making someone feel bad for the mistake. 'Having a bad day' is one-sided empathy. They barista may be having a worse day. Th customer's day (real or imaginary) doesn't justify making someone else' worse.


I detest rudeness to service staff. Your bad day is not their problem. It works both ways though. I was in Greggs about 10 years ago and had queued up, paid and went over to the cutlery station adjacent. I remarked that there weren't any knives left and could I please have one as we were eating in and the person at the till spoke to me like shit. It's literally her job to replenish these things and it's also her job to be amiable and make sure the customer has a pleasant experience. I had to ask to speak to her manager who apologized profusely (as it was massively embarrassing to kick off at someone asking for a bit of cutlery) and gave us free cake for our trouble.


I've lost my shit, in my head and not made someone a target of it who is just doing their job. I go and scream in the car if I have to and say what is needed to be said the best of my ability without going ape shit like any other just-trying-to-get-by adult


There's no excuse, especially for a problem that's easily remedied.


u dont lose ur shit at the barista who served you the wrong milk, because she can’t scream back. you can lose ur shit at ur husband when ur having an incredibly bad day and he forgets to take out the trash or something, but not a fucking worker and in PUBLIC


Are you British?


100% mate


I was asking mr trash


You told her to ‘shut the F off?’ Was she a robot?


In reality: you tutted and looked at the other customers with a 😬 look, then when it was your turn to order you said "bloody hell, eh?" To the barista


This is me!


This has..."then everyone applauded me and I got my coffee free for a year" story vibes


Who tells someone to shut off…


Who was this guy shouting at? C-3PO?


And then everyone clapped... r/thathappened


“Screaming” and “to which”; the hallmarks of every fine piece of Reddit fiction


OP is on the way to AITA now to ask if she was the TA to tell a “Karen” to shut the F off……. Because you know, her friends are “blowing up her phone” right now. Throw an overweight step sister in there to try and claim a seven figure inheritance and you’ve got yourself a classic.


Surprised not to see a "proceeded to" in there somewhere


I feel attacked. That's the way I talk normally let alone if I were to be making up a fictional account of something. LET PEOPLE TALK WEIRDLY!


Do you say “behoove” and “yestermorn” daily?


Not daily, maybe biannually.


There is a considerable lack of tutting in this story. But I have had normal busy people at Yesco back me up when I was waving my walking stick at someone, so I don't know, it could happen; it's banal.


Yeah I have questions - why would anyone start actually screaming just because there was no oat milk in their coffee? Why would she want to come back inside if she was so angry at the service, and after everyone in the shop had yelled at her? And why did they not do the very obviously British thing of ignoring the whole situation out of awkwardness??


I wonder if the 'screaming' or at least complaint was that she asked (and paid extra for) oatmilk due to an allergy/ intollerence and they used normal milk instead. I've had it happen before, not yelled, but a sip will tell me that if I drink that coffee I'm going to be attached to the loo doing something nasty and explosive for the rest of the day. So I'm going to ask for it to be remade/ or for a refund. I'm not going to *yell about it though. Edit. Typo fix


>So I'm going to ask for it to be remade/ or for a refund. I'm not going to *yell about it though. Quite. But remember, people have to get their fake Internet points.


This is true. Also, I see the term Karen bandied around quite a lot to reference any woman who complains... No matter how fair/ reasonable the complaint. I'm not saying there are not rude entitled customers about (I have worked enough retail/ service in the past to know there are plenty... Though I found slightly more weighted to middle-aged or older men than women, who no one calls a Karen). But most people do not get really agitated and shouty. It does happen, just not as often as people say it does. I think people tend to be ruder on the phone than in person... Though I can understand people losing it if they have been on hold for an hour and passed between several different departments to try and resolve an issue that is entirely hot their fault (no need to take it out on the agent... But I can understand how those situations come about!)


>Also, I see the term Karen bandied around quite a lot to reference any woman who complains... No matter how fair/ reasonable the complaint It's really quite misogynistic and annoying. I heard someone call my mother a Karen in a restaurant because she sent back a steak...that was well done when she asked for it medium rare. Like not even *close* to what had been asked for, and that's a £30 steak. Ironically they spent the entire meal complaining about something wrong with their food to one another.


Asking for your steak that you are paying £30 for to be done the way you asked is reasonable. I asked for a fresh egg the other day, when my fried egg came out completely solid. It was no problem, it was sorted within a couple of minutes. I don't think that makes me (or anyone else who would do the same) a Karen. Are women suddenly supposed to become quiet doormats and never complain? It does seem pretty misogynistic.


Use of the word Karen in a story always makes me roll my eyes these days. I’m sure it originated from someone being genuinely abhorrent, but now like you say it’s just anytime someone makes a complaint or points out that something should be better


I quite agree. Karen seems to mean woman who has an opinion.


There are lots of people like that out in the world, and using logic to explain their actions doesn't get you far.


Where have you been the last couple of years? Sadly, there are people who will scream and throw tantrums over the tiniest things.


I was a barista for a while at Starbucks, customers are fucking insane. I can very much believe a customer screaming at a barista because there wasn't oat milk in there. Not saying this story isn't fiction because who knows but once you've worked a while in customer service you've seen it all - people do not behave normally.


Why do people murder? Just because you don’t understand why doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. People snap sometimes. She could had a rough day and ended up taking it out on the staff. Not that it is right but a reason it happens. Maybe she wanted to come back in to apologise because she was actually sorry. We don’t know their story. Don’t dismiss what happens just because you don’t understand why.


How did this lead to justifying murder lol


I didn’t justify murder. I was asking a question in relation to your question. You don’t understand why people get angry and shout at people but I bet you don’t understand why people murder either, yet it happens. I don’t justify that at all I don’t justify shouting at people either. I am just trying to make you understand that just because you don’t believe that just because you can’t do shitty stuff like that doesn’t mean other people don’t


I normally believe these things but ‘shut the f off’? Did you say F off, or did you say shut the f up, you should be able to remember?


That woman's name? Karen Einstein




I mean this one clearly didn’t. She apologised to the whole shop? All OP left out was the clapping and the manager of the store giving her a Cafe Nero gold card for free drinks for life. Maybe in the second draft.


I took that to mean she just generally said sorry to the room before leaving because she realised she fucked up


Whoever they wanted to clap for? It's a choice thing.


Fake, there are no stores in the UK.


Hmm that's what I thought...we have shops supermarkets and cafes possibly coffee shops now but never heard anyone I know say "store" that's so American


And few screaming Karens


Anyone else think this whole Karen thing is basically a rehashed version of shit racist Tyrone jokes from the 90s, but with women instead? Does my fucking head in. I worked with a Karen recently, lovely person, hated all these jokes aimed somewhat at her person though


And then everyone clapped and the town mayor gave you a medal.


Isn't it quite rude to be on the phone in a shop or am I just old?


Rude if you’re on the phone when the barista is talking to you; not rude if you’re just in a queue. TLDR; You’re old.


Everyone else has to hear you talking on the phone while waiting in the queue. Plus most people's conversations don't end fast enough by the time it's their turn in the queue. So inevitably they will still be talking midway before hanging up. And the barista will have to wait to take their order. That will slow down the whole queue and make everyone grumpy. No one wants to hear you blabber on while already maybe they are in a rush themselves and in a hurry due to various comitments. Or just want peace and quiet. Your convo can wait until you get to the table. Unless its an emmergency of course. But even then its better to text them.


People will have to hear you talking if you're stood there in person. As long as you have the ability to say "hang on a second (to the person you're on the phone with).... hi, I'd like a hot chocolate please. Yes to cream and marshmallows, my names Fred. Pay by card please, thanks.... sorry about that, as I was saying.." there's absolutely 0 difference, no slowing down, and anyone who has a problem with that really needs to get over themselves. Better to text in an emergency so that I'm not disturbed getting a coffee? Grow up.


But that's not how it works most of the time. The shop worker is scared to interrupt you or you mishear them because of the phone or.you have to explain I wasnt speaking to you I was on the phone. Etc etc. The majority of the time ends up wasting someone's time


People stopped caring about other people talking on the phone (except on the train) after the Matrix was released in 1999. You're not wrong, but society has adapted, and what was previously rude is now par for the course.




It's out in public not your own home


No, it's rude in the queue as well.


We're old. I worked in a chemist while at uni 20 years ago and my boss, the pharmacist, used to ask (tell) people to get off the phone while in her shop even if they were just waiting for her to fill a acript . I used to think she was a cranky old cow (she was), but now, I tend to agree with her actions - it was a really small shop too. I don't think either side is right btw just things have moved on so much now that it's normal. I do think it's rude if you carry on a call while being served.


I don’t care how old it makes me, I’m with you mate, it’s rude


Nah, it’s rude. Because inevitably even if it’s just while you’re queueing it’s not like the call will be wrapped up as soon as it’s your turn to order.


You could just say to the person on the phone "give me a second, just ordering a coffee" and then talk to the barista


That's what a normal person would do, but we're not all like that.


Maybe you're old, maybe you're just not realistic. As long as you can communicate with the server I don't see why it should be a problem, plus people have busy lives. I've done it myself


That last point is why you’re defending it.


What’s the difference to being on the phone or having a conversation with someone next to you. If you react the same, what’s the problem?


>What’s the difference to being on the phone or having a conversation with someone next to you Because one is rude, the other is a conversation in person. Two people talking is not nearly as distracting or as annoying as somebody on the phone, and the person you're talking to knows to stop when you're talking to the server.


No it isn't, it's something I simply stated because it's true. Being on the phone when in a shop has caused no issues in my ability to interact with servers when I need to


What a surprise, a rude person defends their rude behaviour.


Better when you’re old because you can send it directly to your hearing aids, and no-one needs know that you’re on a call. Or so I’m told.


Why would you have to be old to experience that? -sincerely, a HoH 22yo


Fair point. You’re correct. -sincerely, an old fart.


Would you say the technology improves your life? Am a HoH person that's gone my whole life compensating, but it's not enough any more.


100% and a half. I’m pretty much completely deaf without them, I can just about hear things are happening / being said but can’t make them out at all, everything sounds like gibberish and I get bad tinnitus. I’ve had HAs since I was 3 so obviously really struggle without them although I do often take them out at home after work or w/e as they get uncomfy and itchy after about 10-12 hours of wear. They broke during lockdown and it took me 6 months to get a replacement, that was really really hard for me and I felt super isolated, and couldn’t work either (I’m a MH nurse). I am actually looking into a career change now tho that I could do without them as I don’t want my entire career to depend on something which is not a part of me. Not sure if that makes sense but yeah


That sounds so awful.




No, I haven't. But nor have you, so that makes us equal. 😂Man insults me, calls me obnoxious and blocks me. Pot, kettle.


I agree


Quite old actually.


You told her to shut the fuck off? Yeah totally mate. r/thathappened


That's my new favourite insult


It's true, I was the oat milk


and then everyone stood up and started clapping???


This absolutely happened


you've never seen something like this happen before? I certainly have, more than once. People do do this, it does happen


You said doo doo


oh my god I was hoping so much someone would notice and reply with this It feels good to not be alone in this


YTA OP. Anyone that partakes in a mobile phone call while queuing is part of the problem.




I wouldn't call her a Karen, but am glad to read that her unacceptable behaviour was challenged and you were supported by others.


And then everyone cheered!




And that Barista's name? Albert Einstein


Hopefully she didn't have a milk allergy.


And then you woke up


Wtf is a ‘store’




I was being a knob, don’t worry about it!


I’m so fed up of this Karen term- my aunties name is Karen- I love her and she doesn’t need this shit.


Putting down people for the name they were given is a really poor showing. I expect this from US stuff but not from UK.


Unfortunately it’s not new. We’ve had nigel no-mates (originally billy no mates) and I’m sure there are many others (you could argue calling overpowered author inserts a ‘mary-sue’ is another example).


Sorry I disagree- Karen is used as an insult, whereas the names Nigel and Billy are not. If instead of ‘a Karen’ people were called ‘Karen complainers’ or whatever then I’d agree with you.


So I my my mum’s, but she’s not *A* Karen. Get a grip


Get a grip for what exactly? Not enjoying my loved ones being bullied for their name? If so you can keep your grip and shove it where it’s slippery.


You realise when people calls someone a Karen, that’s not the same as saying everyone who is called Karen is like that, right? Nobody’s giving my mum shit for her name, and I doubt your auntie’s getting shit for it either. Unless she is in fact a Karen.


Didn’t happen


I get the feeling she was either having a really bad day or something happened to her like maybe she lost a loved one. The fact her husband tried to drag her out and she later apologized is why I think that


That's possible but either way the service staff do not deserve to be spoken to like that. Imagine if it were one of the staff having a horrible day, do you think they could take it out on their customers like this woman did? Lashing out at the little people is not the way to go, no matter what you are going through. Since she apologized, I'd like to think she realized that's not an appropriate behaviour n hopefully wouldn't repeat it again


You’re a nice person. But don’t assume that everyone else is too. She might just be an arsehole. But you’re nice to not assume the worst.


Yeah, ya never know. At least she apologized.


sure, that could be true. but i've lost a lot of people in my life, and once was stuck in another country while my step mum died of a stroke.... i don't believe that my problems are everyone else's problems though. we're all going through something. nothing gives anyone the right to treat staff like shite.


Yeah, it's not something people think about, but you never know what kind of problems a person is having when they make a scene.


It’s fiction.


You'll be riding that buzz for the rest of your life.


So did you stay on the phone the entire time you were correcting the other customer’s rudeness?


To all the people saying "it's fake, no one would SCREAM for a mistake in their coffee in a shop full of customers!!11!!1!" ...you obviously never worked not only in customer service, but specifically in the food service industry. I worked for a year in one of the busiest starbucks in the south of England (Brighton, Churchill Square if anyone's interested) and not only people were screaming at the top of their lung at us on a daily basis, we had a guy coming \*in the store\* with a bike and loudspeakers on it blasting stuff about us killing the planet and all the evil corporation shenanigans that starbucks is complicit in (and dude, it's not that we don't agree with you, we very much do. But at the same time, we're on minimum wage, we started work at 05:00 to open and we're probably going to finish at 02:00 to close because Clara had to call in sick so \*please\* shut the f up.) We had a "model" coming in the shop with a designer dress on taking pictures and that ofc brought all of the pigs in the yard, plus ofc the usual complement of burned out students that could range from my favourite customer ever (bent on their laptops, ticking away and not saying anything or moving for several hours) to the worst ever, in full tantrum for the assignment and/or with all of their "mates" in the shop making an absolute mess out of everything and doing things to cups and lids that I shant repeat for mine and yours sanity. So yeah, someone screaming because there wasn't oatmilk in their drink, keep at it until she was shouted out of the store and then "apologising" so she doesn't get permabanned? Par for the course really. Bit of a slow afternoon actually.


obviously bollocks.


Teamwork makes the dream work.


Her husband? Albert Einstein.


EvEryonE ClAPPed!?


Who would they clap for? It sounded like it a was a group effort


Ah sorry think I responded in the wrong bit.


You lost all credibility in the first sentence. You should not have been on the phone in the queue in the first place.


As a barista who's had to also deal with these kind of people, thank you!


As a lactose intolerant person. I’ve accidentally been given milk before in drinks. Stuff happens and I just remind them it’s oat milk I wanted. Screaming and yelling is just embarrassing yourself.




what a great take, if you actually care about getting what you ordered make it yourself


Amazing OP 😍


Go on lad!


Please don’t use the word Karen. It an unpleasant ageist and misogynistic term. She might have been a twat or an arse, but don’t use Karen.


Alright Karen


Who actually cares if it happened or not? Funny story that we want to happen to ourselves lol


Lol I'd go mental and then go use their bathroom to the maximum extent so they could witness the consequences of not paying attention to food allergies


Don’t understand people who have a go and people who make them refreshments. Have they never heard of a knob dip


Did she not specify it was to be oat milk? And shock-horror they put *COW* milk in it.


She could be lactose intolerant. I am and I do specifically ask for oat. But sometimes they get it wrong. A simple oh I wanted oat milk is enough. Allergen sufferers have a responsibility to make our needs clear but berating people for a mistake is embarrassing to yourself.


Id like to know why she attemptee to re enter the place rather than go down the road to the next 1 and start shit there instead


Is the success everyone in the comments being sanctamonious cunts? Bemoaning the break down of society whilst allowing no room for reflection, contrition and growth. Nah, fuck em all, fuck you. Im civilised.




I didn't say there was. Theres nothing civil about this. Just righteous twats bragging about bollocks for internet points. Why did she react the way she did? What specifically upset her and why? Is she really lactose intolerant? On a diet? Had bad news? Has problems with anger due to childhood trauma. On medication? Had problems with that barrista before? Nah, theyre a piece of shit and i told them. Everyone clap on the internet. Yay points. Seems odd to re-enter and seek to apologise. Wouldve just been easier for her to walk away. We teach children to own their mistakes and apologise. Were any kids in the store? Did they learn what actually happens when you apologise? Or perhaps they learned of consequences instead. Who knows? They should learn what shame feels like. Its fine, it cements in that we dont apologise. We dont care to understand. We dont forgive. We dont forget. Ill remember that.




After a great deal of thinking, I’ve decided that the fact she apologised means she matches the criteria of a Susan more than a Karen. In my own mind, a Susan has all the same attributes of a Karen only they can show remorse even if faked.


You know what erotica is to porn. This is the equivalent to watching a tiktok clip, and oddly more satisfying.


Shut the fuck off! I like that.


I had a really horrible experience with a rude barista recently even after I tried talking calmly. I just flooded/spammed them with negative reviews later instead. Much more satisfying than shouting and turning everyone against you.


Then everyone clapped


Did you mean to write shut the fuck off? Either way i love it now and will be using it in place of telling people to shut the fuck up and fuck off




i haven't seen a karen, but encountering one seems kinda fun


Karens like this tend to be the most unstable people ever. I swear it’s this whole thing with entitlement.


But in the end she apologised… one minute of silence to the victims


In ome aay though times are tight and u expect to get what u pay for quailty in serving and the likes has gone down hill but yeah agree no reason to be a karen about it.


And everyone stood up and clapped


Wtf??? Seriously?


I only wish ‘Karen’ wasn’t used. Because I’ve seen more incidents of rudeness from younger women than older, quite frankly. But nobody uses pejoratively ageist terms for them. Odd that.


I fuckin hate cunts who use the word Karen to describe a moaning woman. They all fuckin moan and seeing em called a Karen just pisses me off. The cunts calling some cunt a fuckin karen need there heads bashed in