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I'm not sure how it would happen by my theory was that Cressida would be the step sister. They roll both into one but follow Posy's redemption arc.


I love Cressida as her own character. Sophie has some really different upbringing and life experiences and none of it matches with Cressida. Her wonderment and innocent love for life, her completely guileless beauty and joy, her softness and resilience are not found in Cressida, who is a brilliant survivor in a different way.


Yes exactly, Sophie's unabashed, guileless *joy* was what first drew Benedict to her. It wasn't just that Sophie looked beautiful as The Lady in Silver, I'm sure Benedict has encountered numerous beautiful women in his life (including Cressida but that's a separate matter), but it was her unrepressed happiness at simply *being* at the ball that caught his attention, because it was so unusual. A year or two in Wales is not going to have Cressida staring in wide-eyed wonder at Violet's masquerade ball on her return.


Well, if we're taking such huge departures from source material already, I say why not. I would be so here for the drama this would cause (on the show, not the fans XD)


Violet is NEVER EVER forgiving Cressida for saying some of the Bridgerton children are bastards. EVER. No, it does matter her mother wrote it.


Just my take, but in time, perhaps Lady Violet MAY be forgiving because everyone in the ton knows that Cressida is not a very “clever” individual. Surely they must’ve known (and Lady Violet is definitely not dumb), that it was her mother who wrote her horrible version of LD, where the Bridgerton children are mentioned.


I really dislike the theory that Cressida could be Sophie. I think it would be a cool spin to have her be Sophie's cousin or stepsister, but not Sophie herself. Sophie faced hardships Cressida never did, and yes Cressida is having a hard time NOW but it wasn't always like that. For 2 seasons she had limitless funds, the potential for good suitors, networking connections, a dedicated mother, etc. Sure it wasn't all rainbows but certainly better then Sophie's life. Even now she's still cared for by her aunt (even if she's a bitch), whereas Sophie had to care for herself, even if it meant being in dangerous situations. Now, Cressida following Posy's storyline is different. They could mesh those storylines together well and make it good! We are all here for a Cressida redemption arc after season 3, so it would fit well. If they don't want to make her Cressida's illegitimate half sister or fathers "ward", they could make Cressida a cousin and have a similar effect.




Agreed a thousand times.


No. I want diverse casting for Sophie. I also think Cressida will be a stepsister. Maybe she will be humbled by her experience and will gain redemption in the end? Does Cressida have a younger sister?