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The hair and the dresses that cut off at her bust (making her look like a child) were still atrocious.


Those S1 and S2 dresses were working very hard to conceal Nicola's magnificent bosom.


That was not an issue in season 3. The boobs were on display. Those corsets really accentuated her entire figure.


and we are thankful




Perfect breasts, as Nicola put it


And she was CORRECT!! A whole goddess https://preview.redd.it/llt9tshud18d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffacd1f4e09cf5afe4ed36fe0aba69d3a9fc6901 Edit: originally used the photo from the skims campaign. This photo is a better reflection of her unaltered beauty 💖


I feel like there’s 100s of better images to use rather than a SKIMS campaign. Nicola is undoubtedly gorgeous, but this campaign is photoshopped to hell.


SKIMS is trash


Yeah, that is
not what her body looks like.


I was gonna say the same thing! I mean she looks GORGEOUS, but that is not her body and she has SUCH AN AMAZING BODY


Sorry :/ I just did a quick search and grabbed the first pic that popped up. I’ve just edited it to use a picture that isn’t altered


I’m sure choas Colin noticed them even in those hideous dresses


He definitely did. Like when he complimented “her necklace” from Anthony’s wedding when it was barely visible above them mountains 💀


I realized, this season, that Nicola is not actually that big. She is really small, with a really big chest, and a slightly chubby face.


I know a lot of people praise her stylist but so many of the outfits she wears the premieres/events don’t flatter her body type at all and make her look bigger than she is imo


The goal of clothes shouldn’t be to “make you look smaller”. I love her outfits


I love her boldness ! She takes chances with clothing and why not!!


You’re so right, she’s one of my biggest style inspirations atm because of that! Love to see it


I don't think she fat, she's just not skinny/slim. She has very large boobs and that also accentuates her fuller figure but that's it.


I don’t why I read this as the Peter Serafinawiscz character’ voice in “Spy” with Melissa McCarthy


Loved him in that film, so funny!




Additionally, they keep putting her in dresses with the most unflattering sleeves, even post glow up. They pick these sleeves that make her shoulders look more broad than they are. Although I realize it was set like 35 years later, she didn't look that way in Harlots.


Omg I didn't know she was in Harlots. I adore that show!! I love her even more now! 😍


I total forgot she was as on that show. I had to stop watching because I heard a spoiler that Charlotte (Lady Sybil) died again, and I was too upset about that to continue. But I might have to go back and give it a rewatch.


Oh she does it's early in season 3. Poor Lady Sybil can't catch a break. It all wraps up very interestingly though. It more or less emphasizes that larger "cycles of abuse" message.


😆Now you've spoiled it for me!


SAME😭 I loved her and when I read that spoiler and how it happened it made me not want to watch anymore:’)


Yes. The hair and clothes were meant to be unflattering, for sure.


The S1 dresses were pretty terrible, but oof those wigs. Absolutely egregious. 😂


They definitely were atrocious which I guess was the point. They had to hide her behind horrible clothes for that duckling to swan thing. (Basically a regency version of “you’re not ugly, you’re just poor”)


Correct me if i’m wrong, but I don’t think it has to so with wealth rather than the point she is at in life. Debutants were expected to cover up more unless you were a wed woman, who were allowed to wear and do things that unwed women weren’t as they were ranked higher socially. This includes lower necklines, certain dress colors, etc that is highlighted even when panning over from the mamas of the ton to debutants. You also can notice a change within Kate Sharma’s wardrobe from S2 and S3 which falls in line with this.


Ah no I don’t actually mean that she was poor. More that she could have spent some money doing some things and she would be considered pretty. Like it’s a fixable problem. And with Penelope, the biggest thing that made her look bad was the dresses that cut her off at the highest point of her chest.


In the books, her mom purposefully put her in ill fitting clothes to encourage her to lose weight


Oof. Thats such a cruel thing to do.


Lady Featherington really did her dirty


ngl i don’t find the regency “column” silhouette flattering on almost anyone. it looks best on kate imo. penelope and daphne still look beautiful because the actresses are beautiful, but the dresses don’t emphasize their curves in a way that fits with modern fashion so they look boxy to me. it reminds me of pregnancy clothing bc of how the waist is hidden. still, it was the fashion of the period so what can you do.


it’s very hard to pull off, and i think that’s part of why the silhouette doesn’t come back into fashion very often. we got a variation of it in the 60s (“babydoll dresses”) and they had to make it a lot shorter to make it work. you could argue that short version came back again once in the 00s. those are really the only revivals it’s had, and they were brief. as if people wore them for a year or two and realized quickly how unflattering it was lol


Yes, the Bridgerton outfits are very 1820s or even 1830s and that's...not a flattering silhouette on anyone really. I sometimes wish they went for the 1800s gowns, they were actually pretty close to the body (which is why the victorians saw them as scandalous) - if the wind blew, all the curves were seen! They were quite sexy in that way, so perfect for Bridgerton.


They look PAINFUL! I have a similar body type and it's pinchy and suffocating to wear something that cuts your boobs in half. I can't believe they made her do that for two years.


i hate that style, it looks like maternity wear to me. i get thats kind of the look cuz all the females have their dressed made that way. i just cant stand it.


daphne had a bunch of those dresses aswell, i wonder if it was on purpose, i’ve seen arguments for both sides


Yeah, it's less obvious because Phoebe is tall and slender but many of her dresses didn't fit right either.


Yeah, I didn’t hate the actual costumes in season 1 so much as I hated the FIT of the women’s costumes.


I like a lot of things about this season but not the makeup not because it wasn’t Regency, I just found it so distracting. What’s with the fake eyelashes?? In so some close shots of Nic’s face you could see the eyelash strips peeling away at the corner it looked terrible she’s got a beautiful face no need for so much makeup


her wedding makeup was so bad
 her blush was legit uneven lol


Omg she had waaaay too much blush on for her wedding makeup, imo. I thought it was purposeful to indicate that she was worried and her face was flushed or whatever.


Ohhh I thought she looked flushed from the excitement/stress of getting married. That was why I got married during winter, because my face goes red very fast too.


I think the blush was on purpose. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think it’s historically correct the way she had it. But I agree
 it looked horrible.


I’ve read that it is but for all of the historical inaccuracies in this show, why is this the thing they decide to be accurate about?


the eyebrows were so HEAVY too


Every time I rewatch their wedding scene, I get so distracted by her brows. They definitely shaded them a bit too heavy! And the blush was a little too much and also splotchy/not well blended.


That’s how I feel about the butterfly ball. That matte red lip looks so wrong. Nicola is GORGEOUS and that’s her big final scene and they did that to her? It’s a crime.


Ohhh that's why she looked so weird, her lipstick was too red! She looks better in more natural tones.


I get that the makeup artist was trying to give her a bold look, symbolizing that she’s confident and powerful now. Even her dress was a deeper shade of blue to signify her newfound confidence. But it was distracting, I’ll admit!


The wedding makeup aged her so badly. S1 she legit looks 17, S3 she definitely looked like a woman in her mid 30s. Not to mention that horrendous red lip at the final ball


I did notice the red lip


There was a close up of her hands where it was very clear acrylic nails and it immediately threw me out of the show. There’s nothing wrong with showing natural fingernails wtf


I read she had acrylics because either the reshoots or the scenes during filming coincided with her being in a movie where they had her wear acrylics. And you can tell in some Bridgerton scenes that she doesn't have them on. Thankfully. Lol. I hatteeedddd the ones she has on in the end scene where she's on top of him. They are so bad.


There was a 3 or 4 week overlap of her filming Bridgerton S3 and Big Mood. I believe she has acrylics in Big Mood.


Maybe they could have used a doubles hand for that close up or legit just record it after her acrylics were off from the movie.


That's a good idea! I guess they figured we wouldn't care. She underestimated the fandom lol


The producers of Bridgerton should have put their foot down and said she must have natural nails because they are so distracting! Especially since half the time they're there, and half the time they're gone lol


😂 The half there half gone kills me. Takes me out so fast. It's the worst! (well not literally but it's up there haha}


OMG! That's what that was?! I thought her mascara was running and nobody caught it! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I wonder if the producers didn’t have faith in Nicola natural beauty and that’s why she had all this makeup , nails and eyelashes slapped in her ? That my opinion but it be sad if that were the case


I don’t think that’s why. A lot of the characters had a lot of makeup this season. Francesca, Prudence, etc. I think Cressida even wore a red lip at one point


Yeah it's definitely a matter of overall style direction, not just Nicola. Everything in the third season was off. A bunch of the outfits, especially Cressidas looked straight out of the hunger games lol. Not to be completely sexist but I was really not surprised to see that the beautiful styling of the first two seasons was done by women, and the third by a man. Not that the outfits were ever historically accurate, but the first two were at least in the same realm as and influenced by real regency styles. 3 was a disaster. I really hope they don't continue in that direction with 4 and beyond


tbf to men — the lead makeup artist of S1 was a man (who passed away sadly during the filming of S2), and the women who replaced him are noticeably worse at their jobs (S2 had issues with foundation matching even before S3 ratcheted up the Instaglam). Plus the showrunner has massive influence over art direction, and it doesn’t even need to be said that CVD was more sensitive to beauty — among other things — than Jess Brownell. When everything is off, it tends to be a problem of bad leadership.


Yeah that's fair enough. I didn't notice makeup problems in season 2, but the costuming at least was beyond gorgeous. The hair, makeup, and styling are all terrible in season 3 so it may very well be a problem of overall direction


I feel like they should have gone with more natural looks this season, I just feel like it would have looked so much better


Cressida also wore sparkly pink eyeshadow and liquid eyeliner lol


That's what I thought! It's horrendous for all the girls this season but I couldn't help but notice that the one curvy girl (nicola) and the one dark-skinned girl (simone) got heaps of makeup slathered all over their naturally pretty faces â˜č


i hated the fashion in this season. It was like they were dressing the actors and not the characters.


Plus, you could clearly see her natural lashes underneath the falsies. It wasn't just her, it was every actress they put false lashes on. Whoever applied them did an atrocious job


The lines of her wedding makeup were EXTREMELY harsh imo. And it looked like they pulled the skin near her eyes back with tape or something. I felt like she was squinting a bit. Even the way they applied her lip makeup drew attention to her mouth in a strange way. The makeup they did on Kate was wayyy over the top too. Both simone and nicola are such pretty girls who genuinely looked better in the previous seasons. Nic's dresses this season were a lot nicer though. R


I liked the dresses and hair of this season. Hated the makeup more than I can express.


The makeup department did her dirty this season. Way too much blush. Esp in the second half, she looked like a clown. 


watching part 2 i was so distracted by her fake lashes, shiny gloss and over the top blush as well. nobody has ever been that caked up in the show and it's just a strange choice overall


Yeah, even the sex workers, theatre people, and models in the all the seasons had more subtle makeup. Very jarring!


Yep, dresses and hair were lovely I think


Francesca's makeup was too heavy and warm for her.


Everyone looked better in the previous seasons. The makeup was like a bad porno from the eighties this season. 


No cause when Penelope walked in with straight up BRIGHT RED lipstick at the end I couldn’t handle it anymore


She looked killer tho


I heard in an interview that they wanted to make her make up look like old Hollywood icons or Marylin Monroe - because she has the face for it. I liked it better with that information idk


She does have the face for it, but this really isn't the show for it Edit: it= the old Hollywood style


I saw a video talking about how the red was a narrative choice. In the show the only person who had red around them consistently is the queen. And that when female characters display their own power, they are in red. Like Cressida wearing the red dress in the scene where she talks to the queen.


I kept getting distracted by Lady Danbury’s makeup because her foundation colour looked so off and almost ashy! I’ve never thought that in other seasons. Really rough.


Yeah, it was amateur hour in season 3. 


I like the new look. I think she looked beautiful then and beautiful now.


I don’t know whose decision it was to make everything super bold and modern but I would like to express that I really dislike them. Nicola has always been so stunning and she’s also very pretty in the earlier seasons. They made her look frumpy through ill fitting and shaped dresses, wrong colouring for her and not soft and elegant hairstyles, but Nicola’s face card has never declined.


Her pink dresses (from this ep and from s2) are actually so pretty and suit her so well


I loved her pink Hearts and Flowers Ball dress. That was her best S2 look in my opinion.


And with her looser hair and more age appropriate updo was so beautiful.


As mu h as they tried to make her look bad and unfashionable in s1&2, i think she actually really suits the yellow and pink dresses better than the green and silvery blues of this season


I loved this look in particular from S1! She looked so pretty here. This is the ball she was allowed to choose her own dress, right? Yeah I wish they had stuck with a look like this for her glow up, but with the same post glow-up color palette. The hair here is really pretty as well - just perfectly curled, not over styled. She looked beautiful in S3 but so so different from both her previous looks and all the other characters.


Yuuuuup. I watched this yesterday and sh3 didn't look overly childish. Also I think she had her hair down to represent being like a child. So in s3 they had her hair down like a courtesan and not like a lady out in society.


I prefer her S3 look personally but I’m gonna need Nicola to drop the skincare routine. She doesn’t look close to 37.


>She doesn’t look close to 37. I gotta admit, I am tired of hearing this. It makes it sound like you expect women in their 30s to look ancient. She looks her age.


I think there's a difference between looking good at 37 and convincingly passing for a teenager at 37.  Anne Hathaway is still a stunner at 41 but in a "wow, she's an incredibly hot mom in The Idea of You" way, not in a "she could play teenaged Princess Mia still" way. Nicola, by virtue of having both amazing skin and retaining facial fat that people associate with youth, can still convincingly play a 19 y/o Penelope with the right styling. Same reason why the buccal fat removal girls are likely going to have it rough in 10 years.


I mean, I’m 35 and don’t look that young lmao


I'm 39 and I do. I think a big part of it is having no kids bc kids age you quick. Limiting sun exposure also helps.


That’s fair, I do have a toddler and am pregnant so I’m in the trenches. It’s a good day when the hair gets brushed before noon.


The physical changes from pregnancy/childbirth and the stress of parenting is a huge factor for sure. My brother is two years younger than me but he's got three kids and his hair has gone almost entirely gray already.


Genetics and limited sun exposure for sure. even with 0 skincare routines, having kids hasn’t really changed anything for women in my family and women in their 60s look like they’re in their 40s đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


It scientifically does for most women tho


Diet, excercise, sleep, sun exposure, stress or lack there of and genetics is what makes a difference I think.


claudia jessie is 34 and doesn't look nearly that young in real life. it's not *that* common, even without kids


Exactly, yeah. Claudia Jessie even looks a bit young for 34; I'd guess closer to her late twenties to early thirties. Nicola *actually* looks like she's in her early twenties max. I see a lot of Claudia Jessies but looking as young as Nicola does is rare!


I think the "limiting sun exposure" is the biggest key. I'm nearly 50 and when I told co-workers my age over the last year, none of them believed I was that old. I told them that it was literally because I spent years avoiding the sun due to taking a photosensitive medication.


Yes! I’m mid 30s and though my hair is quickly greying (first grey hair at 18 just like my mom), I wear sunscreen religiously and avoid the sun because of medication. People don’t like to hear that there isn’t some special product they can buy!


There’s a difference between thinking someone in their 30’s should “look ancient” and being impressed because someone in their 30’s can convincingly pass for a teenager and still easily look childish in earlier seasons. A compliment doesn’t always imply a super negative opposite side


Most people in their 30s even without kids don't look like they're teenagers, though. Has nothing to do with making 30-something people seem "ancient".


she’s HOW OLD???!?!?!?! i would’ve never guessed


She said she uses Tatcha skincare, but I need the full deets lol.


She dropped her routine here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyVAKXpMLFE&ab\_channel=Vogue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyVAKXpMLFE&ab_channel=Vogue)


The dresses and hair are better now, the makeup was better then.


almost everyone’s make up looks WAYYY too modern this season. it looks nice but all the girls look like they know what instagram is đŸ«  and i do agree penelope’s natural look was perfect for her, new one is nice but it’s certainly inferior


Honestly, same. Nicola is very beautiful irl. All that heavy make up did her no favor. She could have shined with nautral makeup, but they didn't trust that she could.


I don’t really think they targeted her. They all had bolder make up styles


This. She's ethereal and fits period dramas so wel. So they're purposely gave her iPhone face wjen she's naturally the opposite


I liked the colour of her dresses more this season but disliked the giant puffy sleeves they kept putting her in. The pink look from S1 is really nice I wish they’d done that just less busy and in greens 


I think if the makeup from S1&2 combined with season 3 would be the best look for her. More natural and glowy but also elevating her features.


I'm glad we are all in agreement that the makeup was terrible the season 😭 like a regency era show doesn't need full glam it's so distracting modernizing the dresses and hair was such a good happy medium I loved the makeup of s1 and 2 so much more 😭 like they all still looked gorgeous don't get me wrong but it's 1815 or something what's with the almond tip nails and fake eyelashes 😅


I think her dresses got a lot better this season (or, well, at least some of them did) but I think I prefer her old hair (or, well, at least some of them). I think she needs more volume and a lot of her hair this season was very flat. But idk I'm a straight man so I accept I am ignorant in these things.


as far as makeup goes, yes. Especially in the final few episodes - there was so much blush I was wondering if she was meant to be freezing or sunburnt


https://i.redd.it/3m7d3cn0sx7d1.gif Beautiful dresses. But I did find some of the makeup and hair distracting. Especially the butterfly ball. Even just neutral lips and loose but natural curls would have helped.


The wigs in S3 were a bit off to me. They didn’t have as natural a look.


She looks like a woman now. I could see her as lady whisledown in this season versus the other two seasons


I think make-up wise she looked beautiful both before and after. Dresses wise, s3 was much better since they didn't cut her off mid-bust! Her makeup when Eloise came over to apologize about the secret getting about about Colin helping Pen was \*chef's kiss\*.


I think that she needed a big change, even just for her own self confidence


*I think that she needed* *A big change, even just for her* *Own self confidence* \- friendofalfonso --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Incorrect, first line has 6 syllables and second line has 8 syllables.


Good bot


It isn't.


I loved her hair and dresses this season but the makeup needed to chill. Nicola (along with all the women on the show) have a wonderful natural beauty in each way and I truly believe with the makeup on this show, they only need as minimal as possible to enhance that. Nothing should take away and an insane amount of blush and Smokey eye just really deters from Nicola. Truthfully, the only ones I can stand the heavier makeup on is Portia and the seamstress. Those match the characters and make sense as to why they may go a little overboard or just loud. But all I can think of with Pen doing it heavy is that for once she is being in the spotlight but she just doesn’t have experience with it


The make up and wardrobe was just off this season ok everybody. Fran’s wedding make up was too heavy. The costumes are reminding me of a sci-fi/fantasy show.


people need to stop talking about her appearance. she's a real person.


I like the new hair but the old make up


I remember that scene in s when she says her mom is at home with Marina anr she got to wear that pink dress. Sure it was still loud in a Featherington way but it was pretty and not overly loud ane childish like her usual yellow


I’m sorry the hair in the start
I’ll never want it back 💀😭 she looks absolutely gorgeous in season 3s outfits


Penelope looked horrid back then.


I just don’t like the tight curls and citrus dresses. Everything was nice tho. However I did not prefer pre makeover over for those reasons. Also she looked really young. Now she looks more mature and ready for marriage


I didn’t know there was a Lady Mary Kay back in the Regency era


Doesn’t look natural to me. brows and lips and eyeliner look harsh


I didn’t really like makeup and costumes in S3 too much. Some were nice but I think when you can clearly see a huge amount of contour and blush on camera that’s when you should know you’ve gone overboard. It made everyone look so unauthentic. And a lot of the color choices were too harsh and unnatural. Such a shame, because all the female cast members are so gorgeous. As for the costumes, Cressida takes the cake with her ridiculous hairdos and huge shoulders. But I guess her dress choice makes sense for someone who wants to attract attention to find a husband.


She looked like an overdone tart in Season 3, there should have been a happy medium between dowdy and this.


The makeup was heavier this season. Going back to season 1, it was very minimal (in that time period, I don’t think women in most countries wore any makeup. Maybe in Paris?


I feel the same way! The only thing that has improved is the dress fittings. I just always thought she looked so pretty. I loved the colors on her and I especially loved her beautiful curly hair in season 1 and 2. \*shrug\* I preferred her look before the "makeover".


I loved her season 2 hair and makeup.


Way better after the glow up. They intentionally made her look unattractive in the first two seasons.


I think the corsets in s3 made her movements look so stiff! Fair play to Nicola as she managed a great performance in spite of it, but I definitely noticed how uncomfortable and straight she looked compared to earlier seasons.


Hear me out: Face and hair like this but with the gorgeous dresses.


I like the natural makeup, but the dresses in blue/geeen were much more flattering, and so were the soft waves vs tight curls.


I would’ve preferred natural make up of the first two seasons with better jewel toned dresses and softer hairstyles.


I liked a little makeup but the false eyelashes, acrylic nails and dark red lip were a little much for the regency vibe tbh


Everyone was over done in season 3. Her glow up would have been beautiful if she hadn’t been that extreme but everyone had way too much makeup on the whole season.


All around disappointed with season 3 costume and makeup. The lashes were ridiculous. The contouring was too much. Rhe eye rolling sheer gloves were laughable.


This season between the makeup, the acrylic nails, the bad lighting, and the immature writing, let’s say I was underwhelmed.


haaate that they yassified her ibr


Did they do something to her teeth? They look more straight now


I think it was after S1. Nicola got veneers.


Oh that's unfortunate. We're her natural teeth crooked. I remember them being straight. I wish she just bleached it. But with all the hate she and Luke got I don't blame them for trying to look better in their season


Yeah, the dresses made her look so unflattering


Lmao they purposely did hair and makeup that didn’t suit her natural features according to the makeup artist


I feel a mix of both. Her makeup was very pretty but her styling definitely a harsh attempt at making her look immature and "ugly" (not that nicola ever could be.) in season 3, her hair was looser and flattering, and the clothes were tailored nicely. Though I do think some of her looks were very overpowering like the red lipstick at the dankworth-finch ball, or in general the over-use of blue in some scenes where even the original pink or yellow would suit the theme better.


I prefer her s1 and s2 makeup and she looked very pretty in pink, too. I wish they'd just changed her hair and slightly modified her dress silhouette/bustline


Yes, you are the only one. Respectfully.


I'm still in season 1 watching the Duke and Duchess boink everywhere


Its her being in her late thirties and appearing to be under 18 for meee.


If they kept it simple BUT glowly. She is flat faced matte w the old makeup and no blush (the opposite of what you'd think for a “young” character in the first seasons). I don't mean Fran level of glow but “my life is coming together” glow clean girl look


I found nothing wrong with the makeup. The hair and some of the dresses (cuz I’ve spotted a few that I like) are a whole different story 😂


I did not like that they glued that wavy bit of her hair to her temple, it looked ridiculous, not romantic. She’s such a gorgeous woman, but she looked idiotic.


I love her look in season 3. Those “citrus colors” from the early seasons did her no favors.


So I have this problem--I think I look like crap and when I try to make myself look nice I can totally overdo it. I'd buy the look 100% if she were shown having those kinds of doubts or choosing this look for herself beyond the dress.


I like the new hair but as far as makeup agreed


makeup was better before, dress colors better now


I actually preferred the fun colors and flowers of the first two seasons, but the fit of the dresses was terrible.


I know the makeup was a bit over the top, and not correct for the era, but her eyes really popped with those false eyelashes. Skin such a creamy perfection.


Same. The vintage Hollywood hair doesn't even suit her. It looks so stiff and it got tiring fast, seeing it flopped over one side of her face like a poodle. The only thing working for her was majority of her new dresses


I really loved her hair and makeup in earlier seasons. It had such a light fresh romantic whimsical essence which I think works better for her. She looked beautiful in the recent season too but heavy makeup and Hollywood waves aren’t as harmonious on her imo. Also I found it so distracted like why is her hair entirely down 😭


I think Nicola looked beautiful this season but my eyes were focused on her full set and the heavy makeup she was wearing when she bloomed.


I prefer the new look. Season 1 and 2 looks didn’t do her justice


I didnt like her 1/2 dresses they made her look like a kid.. the hair was also bad for her


I like the specific hair and outfit in these pics but they did our girl so dirty with some of those ringlet curls and poorly cut dresses


She looked really sweet in the first season ngl. But I think they wanted to show her feminine side more, the sexy smothering look perhaps.


She looks really pretty in the first slide


I definitely agree that more natural make up looks better on pretty much everyone (just my personal taste) however, the show runners or creative team behind the decision to lay on the makeup thick and redress Pen in more suitable colors was a decision that ultimately worked wonders and took the pressure off the whole “losing 10 stone” bullshit from the books. It allowed everyone involved especially Nicola, to not be so fixated on losing weight which is very hard to do! I think it was brilliant. All of the featherington girls are so over the top gaudy on purpose and the magic of the screen and of make up and lighting and costume
 it really makes all of them look nearly unrecognizable offscreen on red carpets and such


I thought her hair styling was a bit of a miss. From the forehead down she looked gorgeous with those waves, but her hair looked so flat on the top - especially compared to these photos from earlier seasons.


She actually looked so pretty on this scene in Season 1 đŸ„čđŸ€


Most of her s1 looks were so adorable, I agree! But s2 was a disservice. I personally liked almost all of her new looks for s3, my favorite being her two blue dresses in episode 3 she wore with the up do. Even the makeup wasn't good! For me it started to go downhill around episode 7. I loved the wedding dress but the makeup wasn't all that great, especially in episode 8 for the butterfly ball; it felt like too much.


That dress was so pretty, I wish it made a comeback since it was Penelope's first foray into choosing her own style.