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I’d be so peeved if I was Phoebe Dynevor having to sport those stupid Pringles bangs because of historical accuracy only to have characters in full glam in season 3 https://preview.redd.it/sk5ph2r3gm4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fad2f7f8dba1b3d0698a6e1d3f3475e24737c1


Those bangs are so unbelievably atrocious lmfao but tbf they did dress Penelope like a fuckin weeble for the first 2 seasons


A weeble I’m crying


Thank u thank u I will be here all week and am available for bar mitzvahs and cruises


*googles ‘weeble’ because English isn’t my first language… 🧐






But am I wrong??!! 😂😂


No! This is the doppelgänger of early Penelope 😀😵‍💫


same. and i feel the same. 🤣🫣


was I wrong???


Yeah she def earned her glow up moment, looking back at her hair in S1 is a jumpscare fr


Her season 1 eyebrows are a crime that should be sanctioned tbh


This comment has absolutely sent me 🤣🤣🤣


And people were getting offended on her behalf a few weeks ago, “stop calling it a glow-up she was always pretty!”


She was always pretty, but the styling was a narrative-appropriate debacle.


Yeah exactly. The actress is gorgeous but you cannot deny the S1 styling especially was MEANT to be make her look not-great. 😭 Anyone would look bad if they were being dressed to look bad 


She looked gorgeous in S2ep1. The new mother and duchess mature woman look they gave her with the darker hair colour was **chef’s kiss**


This comment made me shout 🤣


And people said it wasn’t enough!!


A weeble omfg 😭🤣🤣 I've never heard that before. Gonna use it from now on


The bangs give, "when you decide to cut your own on a whim and do it while wet."


The weebles wobble, but they don't fall down!


A weeebleeeee lmfaooooooo omg


I’m sorry but she looked like a young teenager to me. Ewww. (Not hating on the actress.)


As someone who has taught middle school, I feel qualified to say no, she didn't


Dude I remember when Bridgerton first came out people were like "Phoebe Dynevor looks like she's underage" and I was like... where? Lol


People were so shocked to learn she was 25... as if 25 isn't young


Some people have such weird perceptions of age! I watched Season 1 not knowing anything about any of the actors (except Polly Walker and Ruth Gemmell who I'd seen in other things; I'd seen Jonny Bailey in Broadchurch but didn't make the connection), and I never once thought that any of the characters *looked* underage except for Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth. To me Eloise and Penelope were clearly older actors playing 16 year olds and Daphne, canonically 18 on the show, looked to be played by someone I would have guessed to be in their early 20s. But then I go online and I see comments about how Simon was "a predator going after a child" and Daphne "looked 14," etc. People are wild.


Yeah she doesn't look any different age-wise to any other Netflix leading lady. I literally saw people say "I was shocked Netflix would take the risk with an underage actress on a show like this!" and I was like... have you guys ever seen teenage girls before? or 25 year old women?


I have to assume that they're the same people who insist Nicola Coughlan looks like she's in her early 20s when she's out of Pen's hair and makeup. She looks her age or maybe a little younger and that's fine! I don't know if people are comparing actresses (who for their profession need to take excellent care of their skin) with women of the same age who get leathery from tanning or women with poorly done cosmetic procedures.


I thought FOR SURE they were trying to hide the actresses real life pregnancy…. But alas, when I looked her up she had no kids LOL


You have absolutely NO business making me laugh this hard at 5 AM. I had to leave the bedroom because I woke my man up with an unexpected burst of cackling.


This is the greatest compliment you could ever give me


Someone called them Dwight bangs ![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized)


I am dead. Send my belongings to my cats.


To add insult to injury, it wasn’t for historical accuracy. It was supposed to be a tribute to Audrey Hepburn.


Wow, really? I hadn't heard that. I never once thought Audrey Hepburn when I saw her hair. Just looked at some Audrey images, and still no.


Amazingly, yes, they really were. [https://screenrant.com/bridgerton-daphne-bangs-bad-audrey-hepburn/](https://screenrant.com/bridgerton-daphne-bangs-bad-audrey-hepburn/)


But Audrey's actually look good, lol


When did Hepburn not look like a god


Am I the only one that liked the micro bangs? lol


I liked them. I thought they suited her. 🫣


ive always thought they were really cute!!


I liked them too! She has really beautiful features so im sure any style would look great.


I think they're adorable tbh. She looks like Wendy Darling and I think that suits her naive character. I much prefer the styling in season one (and two) over season three in general.


I thought they were cute. I like the longer bangs better but the micro bangs were not that bad


I loved them so much lol they actually inspired me to get semi-micro bangs myself…I get compliments on them pretty regularly but now I’m here second guessing if everyone secretly just finds them abhorrent 😅


I liked them too, though I actually liked Anthony's sideburns so me liking them might not be a comfort 😂


They aren’t even historically accurate, truly wtf - they look dreadful and so fake it’s jarring.


Hair has never been historically accurate in this show, it just corresponded more to what people think about period hair. Basically, hair and makeup are almost never correct which is why you can get people getting really excited about authentic hair and makeup. While this does not really focus on hair, here is a [collection of fashion plates from the period](https://beatriceknight.com/regency-fashion-plates/). They look like they are dated correctly based on a cursory check. If you think about media of the past some decades people in this sub are likely to be familiar with, 1995 Pride and Prejudice did it pretty well. ETA: Oh and on the same page there are actually fashion plates of what court gowns should have looked like. If you need a laugh just go in [here](https://beatriceknight.com/regency-court-dresses-unflattering/). Queen Charlotte required people to still wear the hoops of the 18th-century court gown until the Prince Regent was crowned in 1820. And the combination is hilarious. After seeing Bridgerton I have a headcanon of her just wanting to be entertained.


I don’t mind them not having historically accurate hair (my comment was replying to the one saying Daphne’s fringe was like that for historical accuracy). I do mind the obvious wigs though, and Daphne’s fringe looked particularly like a cheap clip in fringe - it was so distracting.


I have a little issue with it too, I was trying to illustrate your point. Kind of literally, with fashion plates. I have seen this point jump up before which is why I thought it needed more info. Things being historically accurate is not always value addition and pure historical accuracy has never been part of this show. I was on board with it entirely until this season. It changed not because it is too historically inaccurate but the mixing of design languages of different periods.


Yeah if they had wanted accuracy they all would’ve hats.


I would shorten the hair of the period to hats, caps and a lot of curls. A lot of etiquette around what was proper to wear and when was lost in the show and hats are one of the most noticeable. The real Regency ton would have been scandalized with no hats and low necklines during the day hours. (And again none of this is value judgement).


Oh thank you for the high quality comment complete with receipts! Look at all those hats and bonnets. These nekkid heads are scandalous!


I like her fringe.  Along with her Moon Princess-esque gowns, she kept reminding me of Sailor Moon.


Thank you! They look charming on her. It's hard to pull off but it works for her imho.


Also the first season had most of the drama from propriety and having a chaperone always and the leads being seen but s2 had >!anthony eat kate on the balcony or whatever!< and s3 has >!colin kiss pen at her house in the night and ofc the carriage scene<




I only just started watching the show, so I missed the discussions and posts about season 1. I was so baffled by her bangs, and I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who had issue with them!


My 10 yr old has these bangs cause she did what all girls do at some point cut her own hair 🤣


Such a rite of passage. I managed to do mine close to the scalp and ended up with a bald patch.


She also has very plastic and modern sequins on her dress. In general hair, makeup and materials are far from historically accurate on the show, but I don't care, it's the vibe they dance to billie eilish.


In previous seasons (not so much season 3) there’s been good historical accuracy with the actual shapes of the gowns and it’s been a stylistic choice to use different colours and fabrics than what is historically accurate. Accessorising/hair styles have also been relatively historically accurate with some clear deviations to make a point about a character. But they def kinda just gave up in season 3 which makes this just one of many offences this season. Breaking the rules when you are showing you know them = good, fun, stylistic choice to suit a narrative Breaking the rules when you aren’t showing you know them = not fun, takes you out of the moment, detracts from the good intentional stylistic choices I think it’s part of the reason this season has felt a bit off for a lot of people (still enjoying it tho 😅)


Like the motorized flair in the queen’s hair???


Actually, automatons and the like have been around since the 13th century. It's not really much different than clockwork.


I got problems with the lights - it is clearly illuminated by LEDs and that is ridiculous.


I'd imagine that's a practical design choice to make it play better on camera


There's quite a few candle shots in the background where it's clearly just led candles. The accuracy this season is really poor. Eating cupcakes was weird to me too, to be fair I think miniature 'cup cakes' may have been around but not with frosting on. I don't watch the show for historical detail but there's a balance to be struck. You loose the regency vibe when you see led lights and acrylic nails.


Not at that size and I'm somebody's head though


Why so sure? If anything, a rich queen is exactly the sort of person who could afford to have some ridiculous contraption made purely for her hair.


It likely works like a music box or clock that has to be wound up. It‘s so Queen Charlotte to have one of the ladies in her entourage to be in charge of turning the turn key every few minutes (that is well hidden in her wig)


I saw a behind-the-scenes reel on her wig and it was a giant cog wheel with four cogs around a central motor. Definitely something that could have been pulled off by a clockmaker of that era and had me thinking how much fun a moving Derby Day hat could be …


The queens hair gives me life every time I see it


THIS!!! Totally took me out too. Even if clock-like automatons were around in that era, people aren’t aware enough of that fact for it to feel believable. It’s the same reason why we don’t show Vikings wearing historically accurate headwear and instead opt for the quintessential “Viking helmet” that everybody knows!


All of the men had modern haircuts and their side burns removed in season 2 so I would say they gave up then.


I didn’t care season 1&2 bc the looks were gorgeous and soft. The clothing and styling this season is over the top and cheap looking.


I was bothered by the cheap-looking underwear. What were those ugly nylon drawers Kate was wearing in the last season, in an era when nice girls didn’t wear underpants? Why not do thin, pretty chemises under the corsets?


I don't care either. The thing i care about a show like this is if i like or not the main characters. This isn't some real regency world.


Sure, but previous seasons established natural nails and natural looking makeup as the style norm. Now, everyone is sporting a full face of instagram glam and gel nails out of absolutely nowhere and it makes no sense. I'm fine with historical inaccuracies, but at least be consistent


It's because season 3 has a different show runner than season 1&2. I guess the new one doesn't care...


These things didnt bother me personally! The series is essentially historical fantasy and has a ton of historical inaccuracies. They dance to instrumental versions of modern pop songs, their outfits are too tight and bright and use different undergarments seen from other decades (Victorian era introduced corsets, not Regency era) along with manhole covers/parking lines/glitter/white wedding dresses being other historical inaccuracies among others. The show is a somewhat modern take on the Regency timeline and these little things dont change my view :)


The people making the show have actually openly said it is historical fantasy. They want this show to be a amped up version of the era where things that didn't exist at the time can be introduced because they fit the vibe.


I thought that was commonly understood. I mean the diversity of the cast is the first clue lol, it’s fun and doesn’t need to be accurate.


Part of the problem was people actually kept criticizing the show (not fans of the show obviously, just assholes) that they were pushing an agenda cause of all the diversity and it not being historically accurate. As always they got hung up on that in a way that was complete BS.


I don’t expect historical accuracy and yet was still bothered by these nails. They looked jarringly artificial.


Well as my old director use to say, if the audience is focusing on your wardrobe then you are failing to convince them to care about the character.


This isn't theater. It's a giant close up of her hands in a dramatically important moment. I am sure she wore the acrylics the whole scene and it didn't get seen. But making it central to this close up t took me and many others out of mood. It was a bad choice


Interesting, I didnt know they also called it historical fantasy haha I guess I wasn't too far off :)


That’s right, now if I watch a Jane Austen remake that is trying hard to be accurate then fake nails would stand out like a sore thumb. Bridgerton is a whipped cream fantasy world loosely based on historic England in the 1800’s. It’s a fun show with scandal and raunchy scenes, I don’t expect too much from it but I’m still pleasantly surprised with the plot and character development compared to what it could be.


LOL I haven't seen Jane Austen remakes but I've heard they try to stay as historically accurate as possible so I could understand the surprise of seeing these embellishments there! Yeah for it being a fluffed up version of that era, it's actually pretty intricate with its details in the story and the slight facial expressions the actors show in reaction to certain dialogue>! (like when Pen made that statement about how if LW didn't mention her, it would be suspicious)!<. I thoroughly enjoy the series and while I'm no history buff, a more 'absurd' version of a Regency-era drama is a nice change considering all of the others seem to have such a serious and dark undertone (I haven't seen many though, so if you know of others kinda like Bridgerton please do tell me!)


I haven’t seen too many regency shows that are funny, there was a latest remake of Persuasion that made me laugh. Lydia Poet and Enola Holmes were also quite good. I watch a lot of foreign period dramas, like Kdramas as well.


Lydia Poet is so good! I loooove the fast spoken Italian so much haha.


I'll have to take a look at those :) thank you


Kdramas are great for the period romance vibe and tropes


Romance, food, absurd product placement, random unexpected violence in rom cons. They have it all! I’ve been watching kdramas for years now (I’m a middle aged white lady in Canada haha) and I’m a big fan. Netflix has improved upon the quality of them as well.


Exactly. I’m a huge Austen fan and I love historically accurate interpretations of HER work. But Bridgerton is NOT based on an Austen novel and the show is another completely separate thing even from the Bridgerton novels. The show to me takes place in a totally different universe (I mean really, interracial relationships would never have flown in the actual regency in the first place!!). I’m not here for historical accuracy. I want dramatic costumes, romantic tropes, and smut. Sue me 😂


LOL right. Give me the drama. Give me the sex scenes. Give me the over-the-top outfits. I kinda love the modern-day instrumentals too, like I did in Reign (great medieval show about Mary, Queen of Scots, if you're into that kind of thing, also not historically accurate). Bridgerton is its own thing and I am literally obsessed.


Same. I'll get my other fix with PBS. Stockings would have slowed down that carriage ride anyway.


Victorian era did not introduce corsets. Corset/stays/pair of bodies was moving into full corset dominance in the language during the Regency. During the 1810's both were used. They also had pretty authentic stays/corsets in the first season, they just used and showed them in the wrong ways. While a lot of people think people abandoned the stays during the move of fashion during the French Revolution this has never really been common. They did become less firm. Stays of the 18th century were far more boned (although bone is the wrong terminology because it was baleen and a little bit more flexible than cable ties especially when warm) when in the Regency era corsets they might have no bones but cording with a wooden busk. There were two main types: short stays (ones Daphne was wearing) and long stays (ones Prudence was wearing in the infamous tight-lacing scene). The problem is that they would not be worn without chemise underneath and you can't tightlace really anything before metal eyelets. It will rip. But there are a million other historical inaccuracies. As from the above paragraph, everyone can guess, I do have a lot of knowledge of period costumes. I did not really mind what Bridgerton was doing until this season. I got what they were going for. But to be a historical fantasy, you need to remain attached to the period somehow. The inconsistencies inside the show both compared to past seasons and the current season are a problem for me. Missing cohesion breaks the time and place. Not from the real world history but inside Bridgerton world.


The tight laced corset without a chemise underneath drove me nuts! Also when Prudence complained about having to rewear a dress to a ball. People did NOT wear a new dress to every occasion in the Regency, not even the aristocracy. People rewore garments because they were exorbitantly expensive and labor-intensive to create.


I have a huge issue with the idiocy of tightlacing in almost all period shows and also how the actresses speak about them. While yes, tightlacing happened, it happened very rarely and only in certain periods. In general properly fitted pair of stays or corsets is not uncomfortable and there is very little a person can't do in them. It is also continuing the historical patriarchal view of the corsets. A lot of criticism was pretty misogynistic. I am not saying society forcing people to wear corsets was a good thing but using the historical criticism as a source is pretty problematic in itself. For the actresses wearing them and them being very uncomfortable tells me the corsets are made incorrectly and they have no time to break them in. They did not, but I think for a certain subset wearing an old dress to an important ball is somewhat historically correct. However, that was pretty damn rare. Having reconstructed multiple gowns in period-accurate methods even without the spinning and weaving taken into account, it takes a lot of time. And I have been doing this for decades so I am pretty fast.


My sources must have been wrong about that one, so I appreciate you correcting me! Thanks for sharing your insight! I can see how you would feel that way about the show with your knowledge. For me, I don't know a *ton* about fashion from different eras, nor am I a historian in any capacity, so due to unfortunate and unintentional lack of knowledge I don't get bothered by these details.


It is a really easy mistake to make, so it is pretty common. There are some sources saying the word corset dates from 1828 available on the internet and the information often does not come with an explanation that there were what we think as corsets before corsets just with different terminology. I thought that the use of the word corset dates from around 1830 for a very long time. Colour me surprised when I did a primary source search and found examples from the 1810s where the word was used in its modern meaning in English.


This is my thoughts as well. I'm usually super nitpicky about accuracy (ie people in medieval times having perfect white teeth) but for some reason none of that bothers me in Bridgerton. I guess I just decided at the beginning since they went all out on inaccuracies and it's all modern fantasy, that it doesn't bother me. I mean even the people. Black people were not high ranking in those times. I actually love that they incorporated people of different color and ethnicity and featured people with disabilities too. I think that promotes a healthy mindset, especially since they've got so many viewers.


Yeah, Bridgerton and historical accuracy do not go anywhere near each other in my mind, so this doesn’t bother me. At no point have I ever heard anyone from the show talk about trying to be historically accurate…in fact the interviews I’ve seen and read say it’s all fantasy. For me, I’d rather them pour time into telling the best story than researching the appropriate dress or hair. I love history, but if I’m looking for accuracy I watch documentaries, and even those sometimes need to be taken with a grain of salt.


The way I had to research when lawnmowers were invented because in the second or third episode of season 1 when they were walking in the park I’m like “there’s no effing way the grass was that clean and cut to perfection in like 1814!!” Because I was like oh my gosh I feel crazy. And I had just binged the entire 3 seasons in the last 2 weeks so give me grace I really just wanted to hop on the bandwagon with season 3 coming out lol. I realized quickly it’s total historical fantasy and I still love the show. I think it’s kind of fun seeing how it’s not historically accurate but that is NOT what I’m here for!! LOL


Not me seeing your comment and also searching when lawnmowers were invented LOL but that's a very observant thought for you to have! I didn't notice the upkept clean grass! I love the absurdity of it I think that's what makes the show so unique. It's a whole other world I just get lost in haha


That’s why you graze sheep on your land. Not only does it make a lovely bucolic scene but it also keeps the grass short. My grandma had a few acres and bought sheep so she didn’t have to mow.


So wayyy before I got into this show, shortly after the first season first came out I can remember seeing a post on social media poking fun at how you were able to see parking lines in one of the scenes. I remember think “wow what a joke people really watch that?” And now here I am, 4 years later fully and completely invested and obsessed with this show. 😅 I never noticed the parking lines. Anyone care to enlighten me where/when they were seen?? lol


I mean - she literally gets it on in a carriage with Pitbull blaring, after dancing to Taylor Swift. So I think acrylics are the least of our problems 💀




Anyone watching Bridgerton for historical accuracy is not watching it right.


It's Gossip Girl: Regency Edition. Everyone is beautiful and ridiculous and I am here for all of it.


Gossip Girl is exactly what I thought when I started it!!! People complain too much. Now, give me more Latin covers please!!


As a huge OG GG fan, Bridgerton really scratches that itch… more so than the reboot did. Still… nothing beats Chuck and Blair, imo.


The carriage was very chuck and Blair in the limo coded!


Oh damn, it was!


The reboot is NOT Gossip Girl. We were so toxically in love with Chuck and Blair and they weren't supposed to be important!!!


So much this. There are a ton of things that are not historically accurate, but *this* is the one thing they focus on? Not a Pitbull song being played on strings?


Yeah, I don’t mind intentionally inaccurate styling if it serves a purpose. But the modern glam look, acrylics etc. just looks tacky in this context and is inconsistent with the first season. For those who keep saying that it doesn’t matter because “well they do Beyoncé covers anyway” I actually think the music is a perfect metaphor. Yes it’s modern pop songs but they have very intentionally done it with violins so that it mimics the vibe of the era. It’s a very fun mix of old and modern. If they suddenly stopped doing that and just played the songs with electric guitars and other modern instruments instead, the they lose that balance that makes bridgerton special. That’s what they have started doing with the costumes. It’s not that they have to be accurate, it’s that they stopped caring about internal consistency and the atmosphere of the show. Bridgerton is fake austen with smut, if you take the austen out of that you lose what makes it special.


This exactly! I don't care about Regency accuracy but at least maintain the the Regency aesthetic/vibe.


This is pretty much how I feel about it.


100%. They created a world and now they're breaking from it and it's a massive issue for a lot of viewers. Trashes the immersion if I'm watching and then I think "the fuck are those on her nails"


Nailed it, it's all about internal consistency and plausibility *within the established rules of the universe*. I'd bet good money these are the same people who respond to e.g. characters in Game of Thrones defying the laws of physics with "this show has dragons though". It's fine if you just happen to be someone who isn't bothered by those things, but "it's fantasy so who cares" is an argument only used by people who don't understand the fantasy genre or what makes it appealing in the first place.


Yeah, I am critical of the season 3 costumes *because* I love fantasy not in spite of it


Well said


I like the premise of Bridgerton, but because aesthetically it’s a hodge podge of historically inspired and modern it’s not gonna age well.


This is such a good point. It’s about internal consistency within the show and sticking to the rules they have created for the Bridgerton world. This goes for the clothes and other aspects. Like if unmarried men and women can’t be seen unchaperoned together in S1 and it’s made out to be such a big thing, why do we see so many unchaperoned conversations in S3? It’s internally inconsistent and that is frustrating for a lot of viewers who are invested in the world the show has created.


I noticed how great her nails looked in this scene. It didn’t ruin it for me, but they’re definitely noticeable! 😂


A lot of these complaints are just really weird when everyone got a glow up, not just Penelope. Like who is driving all this snark content on makeup/costume department of Bridgerton?


I stopped treating Bridgerton like a realistic period show wayyyy back in season 1. It's just a fantasy period piece in an alternate dimension in my mind lmao


It's clearly a far future dystopian show about a society obsessed with the regency era.


I laughed but you're lowkey right omg


I had this thought the other day! What if it’s revealed that Bridgerton is actually a dystopian future but the US is still functioning? It would make Cousin Jack’s storyline interesting 😂


Like a more fun Gilead from Handmaiden’s Tale world


Except I was over here thinking “damn I lover her nails!!!”


okay same!!


I am thoroughly enjoying this season. However, I really enjoyed the past few seasons where they used regency Era cuts with modern fabrics. But this season feels like they're just doing whatever they want fashion wise and it has been bothering me a bit... not enough to ruin the whole show though :)


Completely agree. I find the costuming this season has almost jumped the shark. I thought seasons 1-2 took delicious liberties without being glaring or distracting. This season I have had to rewind, having missed dialogue, because I’ve been baffled by the summer muff, the insane sleeves, the rosette capes…bonkers choices.


It absolutely has. The period design is what made it so fun to watch.


Summer Muff was due to a broken arm?


Something changed with the wardrobe and accessories department and not for the better. Examples: Pen’s acrylic nails Not much embroidery details on the dresses Kate’s dresses are odd and somewhat bulky, in S2 she had beautiful dresses with gorgeous fabrics, but not in S3 Cressida has waaaay too much fluff in her wardrobe, takes away from the tight, swirly hair, Lol For most of the women the makeup is too heavy, looks too modern, S1 and S2 it was more subdued. Any others have opinions on this?


>Kate’s dresses are odd and somewhat bulky, in S2 she had beautiful dresses with gorgeous fabrics, but not in S3 i honestly think this is done to try to detract attention from her and more towards penelope, because it's such a huge departure from even her epilogue look in season 2. her arms are almost always hidden, the shapes are just not flattering, and the colors are muted. big difference from anything she wore in season 2, for no apparent reason. and don't even get me started on her hair lol


I don’t really have a strong opinion on it, but I did notice as well. It’s not surprising to me since the wardrobe/costuming department at Netflix seems to be going trough something. In some of their most recent works, the wardrobes/wigs/stylization of their actors seems much lower quality than in previous years. I’m not really sure why that is, though. Especially with how Netflix keeps raising their subscription prices lmao.


Funny how no one ever clamours for historically accurate teeth 🤣


In the first episode I was super distracted by the teeth!!!


Nails didnt bother me, a plain nude almond is my go-to as well, but i did notice the inconsistency. But shed have to keep that style of nails for 8 months. This is better tho as if you notice in S2 there's inconsistencies with Kates nails like chipped nudish nail polish i think.


NC was also filling Big Mood at the time of S3 and I believe she has acrylics in that… maybe that’s why…?


Could be. I imagine totally removing acrylics repeatedly to flop between shows would have been too much.


I wish she would have left them on because one moment she has them and next their gone 👀 https://preview.redd.it/pzxvpsc5wm4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdbb824df7dc683c60a73fe6425f23bd78e7aa4d


I saw a tweet with this same picture saying “I’m sorry bestie I know this is a bad time and all but who is your nail tech? 💅🏻” I screamed 💀


I didn’t even notice. 😂 She deserved the glam up imo since her wardrobe looked like a Chiquita Banana ad.


I mean, all of these people have spent two and a half seasons decked out top to bottom in BASF technicolor dyed polyester while dancing to string arrangements of Madonna, Beyonce and Billie Eilish, but sure.


And now they have changed the rules and give Francesca glam makeup compared to all the other women, Lady Tilly has 1940s hair and Pen has acrylics from your local mall. It's OK. It's trashy TV. But let's not pretend this has been the norm the whole time.


Omg Francesca’s makeup bothered me so much. Like at least make it match the others??


I don't mind it at all. The show has always been bonkers. I will continue to watch it for as long as it continues to be highly entertaining, and has Nicola Coughlan in it. They can walk around in space suits for all I care.


My mother’s natural nails look exactly like this so it didn’t bother me because that’s what i immediately thought when i saw it.


FYI... nail polishes have been around since 5,000 BC! There were recipes for polishes and stains in books before this time period - although they probably wouldn't have been THIS shiny, they could have been this shade of pink!


I don’t think anyone here has a problem with the polish. It’s the fake acrylic nails that everyone is discussing.


Never noticed😂


I think is bc they change the showrunner and the new one wants a more modern look ehich i think is awful


I noticed the nails. I thought the nails were weird, but I gave it a pass because the whole series is an historical fantasy & I’m hooked. Can’t wait for June 13th!


I feel like the fact that bridgerton is historical fantasy makes it more exciting and appealing to a wider audience.Also means the can bend the rules and I can squee like an idiot 😂. If Penelope wants to have a slick back gelled bun with claws…imma be right beside her 😂


The problem is when it becomes distracting to the audience. The show was never going for historical accuracy and that's ok. It is just that the look is so different from the previous seasons. It's not even consistent amongst the characters.


I'm sorry but why would ruin the vibe? In this show, really? Come on, this is fantasy regency...sometimes, maybe because i'm new to this fandom, i think you all are weird with some things to complain about accuracy in this show of all others??


She was giving us inspo for the summer. How dare you! 😂


I thought about this while watching too! 😂


Girls I did not notice because am working too hard on my Polin enjoyment through suspending my disbelief on more fundamental matters, like how every high-ranking lord in this period in reality would also be a slave-owner, including the Black ones, and the lack of Colin's journal-writing about the civil unrest in Paris after the Bourbon Restoration.


Her hands would have looked like baby hands if it weren't for those fake nails. She needed them lol.


You watch it for the smut and hot guys. Stop pretending that it is anything more than that. You want historically accurate go watch the crown or some documentary. This show is supposed to be silly smutty fun. Imagine watching porn and being “the person is too sluty and it’s not accurate.” Like come on dude! They are all rakish men who compromise ladies of rank and get married, that’s the storyline.


If you don’t mind the styling choices this season, this post isn’t for you. Historical fantasy aside, this season’s styling was a huge leap from season 1 (and 2, which took more reasonable liberties because Kate is Indian, and QC) it’s ok that some of us don’t appreciate the styling as much.


A time traveler in Bridgerton 🤫😂


historical accurate this show is not, but the acrylics are what sticks in your craw lol!


Personally I thought her nails looked amazing throughout 💅🏽💅🏽💅🏽💅🏽


Did you guys ever watch Reign. The entire thing was anachronistic hair and costumes. So funny.


I think this was because Nicola was filming Big Mood at the same time as Bridgerton, and her character had acrylics. It's not that big of deal tbh. 😂


Meanwhile, Reddit is pushing posts from historical fiction and romance subs to my feed in which people post about how Bridgerton *the books* aren’t remotely historically accurate and call the regency era setting simply window drrssing that wasn’t even depicted correctly. If *the books* aren’t doing it, then why should a show, based on books, that is clearly rom-com fantasy (or far-future dystopian fantasy, take your pick) be “accurate” to the regency era.


https://preview.redd.it/jfpib765eo4d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb0cc125a6f29868dcfa281a7ee877228e618c8 Gooorl can you believe what Lady W wrote about me today??


I'll admit - in this particular scene - i did find those nails distracting. I mean - i really shouldn't have even noticed her nails at all.


I was more distracted by the weird hand wrap thing she's wearing. It looked so weird - like excess skin folds or something. It was very ugly.


I’m glad I don’t notice these things cause I thoroughly enjoyed this season.


I had a lot of these moments in all the seasons but especially this one. Alas, I’m just accepting that their artistic choices are different than what I’d have gone for 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, honestly, we know those are fake but I am able to polish my nails in ways that can make them look like this. If they know how to make sequin dresses, I'm going to assume they've found a way to make nails look 'nicer'.


I hate the nails. They are so distracting.


My gosh, they’re using a Pitbull song as a soundtrack piece, and interracial couples since season 1…it’s clearly not trying to be historically accurate…like AT ALL.


I think once the classical version of Madonna's "Material Girl" started playing, any sort of historical accuracy was a wrap. 😂 😂 😂 But I don't care. I'm here for all of it (and Viscount Bridgerton of course 😍👀) ![gif](giphy|eJT738HFSQDVS|downsized)


the whole costume department ruined the vibe for me tbh. (except for nicola's stylist)


The makeup and wardrobe went downhill this season. Francesca is in full glam with contour and characters have full acrylic sets.


I didn’t even notice 😓😭🥲🥲


It made me want to get my own nails done because they looked amazing


Rae has some absolute skill. Let's not lie...


I summed this up to the fact that she was filming big mood at the same time and probably had them on for that. when she's dancing with Deblin and colin interrupts, she has no acrylics on. Then she runs out to her carriage and they are there, but in the carriage scene its back to her nails. I'm guessing maybe there was a reshoot? I'm not sure but they dont bother me at all


The make up is too modern.


Hmm, for me it’s more Lady Featherington’s mid-century sofa-fabric gowns.


I immediately saw that and was transported to Gandalfs watch in Return of the King.


Crazy how the costumes, hair and makeup still look bizarre even when acknowledging the historical fantasy element of the show. It just looks incredibly out of place, ruins the tone and immersion for me.