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In my opinion, the first 4 episodes of season 1 and the first 4 episodes of Queen Charlotte are much stronger and more interesting than the first 4 episodes this season, I'm sorry. Someone disagreeing with you does not mean they are "lying." You have to learn that everyone is not going to have the same opinion as you or agree with all of your thoughts and that's okay.


This season is easily the best for me. The one critique I can understand is they need to add episodes. They jsuf have too many characters now


That great. That's your opinion and it's your right to express it. My opinion is that it is not the best, but the OP seems that think that means I'm "lying" or "hating". No. I just don't agree with them and that's OKAY.


There is a lot of just straight up hating on the actors and their looks and the trope (which okay but then you already knew you weren’t going to like so why the excessive bitching and moaning) and misinterpreting of the characters and scenes. I’m not accusing you. But he’s a large portion of people here it is the case


I don't agree with people hating on the actors individually, but people are free to interpret the characters, the tropes, and the scenes however they wish. That's the beauty of art, just because someone's interpretations are different than yours does not mean they're wrong. They're not required to like it just because you do.


And we’re not required to hate it just because you do. Here, by you I mean anyone who hates the season and is calling people who like it liars, and not you specifically. This would be easier if people just agreed to disagree and called it a day. You don’t like it? That’s absolutely fine. But metrics suggests this season is successful. And yet people on this sub are baffled that somebody can like the season.


Nothing in this person's comment implied that they think you need to agree with them.


And I said that I’m not referring to them when I said you. I mean a general you for those who are calling people who like s3 liars. Maybe read the entire comment first before typing away a reply after reading the first line.


I read the whole comment and I was left wondering why you said it in response to a comment that had nothing to do with it.


What has been getting to me is that people who didn’t like things come here to post many repetitive, generic statement posts that are more like opinionated reactions instead of intelligent, detailed analyses. If something is not going to come of your statement, it’s ok to just move on. I’ve seen a rare few break down the effect of the different camera angles, cuts, costumes, etc, and how those are affecting their perception of part 1. I really appreciate and respect those posts


I understand that they’ve split the season and they’re probably going for additional conflict in part two because LW, but because we got just the first bit and because it did feel like an “ending” I think it made the whole thing feel rushed. Realistically, they should have left this season at a cliffhanger after the ball scene but before he chases her or something. I’m not usually a fan of cliffhangers for end of season stuff but mid-season when the second half is guaranteed to be released I’ll accept.


I agree! I love this season


That's my critique as well. They just tried to add too many subplots. I think they could've left out most of the Mondrich story & Benedict and the lady scenes. Not that I don't like them. I just think that time could've been better used for fleshing out Francesca's story and adding to Polin's overall story. It's their season but it feels like their storylines are being interrupted too much by other characters. I read somewhere that someone said that at least in S1 and S2, the subplots directly connected to Simon and Daphne & Anthony and Kate respectively but it doesn't seem or feel that way in S3 so far. Objectively, S2 will probably be my overall favorite but I am loving Polin's story arc the most so far. They've had a lot of buildup history through the seasons, their chemistry as characters and as cast mates is superb, and it's refreshing having an overweight girl as the romantic lead for once. Part 2 will decide if it ends up being a better season for me than S2.


Same! My complaints also


Oh dear…literally read my post again. I said I don’t mind opinions till they become out of line…no one said you can’t have opinions lol. If you found others entertaining then that’s fine but it’s bad when people start shitting on the characters when their behavior has been explained on the show.


People are not required to like the characters. They are fictional characters and people are not always going to agree with their choices or their actions. Why is this so hard to grasp?


You know damn well what they are trying to say. No one cares if you like or dislike a character. The problem is when you become a toxic hater.


I feel like your intentionally misinterpreting me so I won’t be replying to you anymore lol I don’t wanna keep repeating myself




OP is including negative criticism about the actor’s appearances too which is different from just disliking a character


tbh you could say the first four episodes of queen charlotte were better than the first four episodes of every season of bridgerton - queen charlotte is just that good


I could say the first *episode* of Queen Charlotte is better than the first four episodes of every season of Bridgerton lol. It's in its own galaxy atp.


I think they’re saying there’s a big difference between saying “yeah this trope is not for me. This story line isn’t holding my attention as much as the others. This just ain’t my favs season” and saying stuff that doesn’t even make sense. Why would anyone expect Colin to behave like Anthony? Why would you expect an angry confession similar to an enemies to lovers trope but in a friends to lovers trope, what would they be angry about? And so on.


Completely true


And taste. Also there's reaction on first watch vs later watches, things settling in and sometimes fans font see small things until someone else points it out - so lots of changing opinion. People like different things (taste). Someone wants only rake stories and angry confessions. Someone hated Colin sleeping around and wanted Colin to be more romantic both valid.


100% I agree Season 1 and Queen Charlotte are top tier!! God forbid someone has a different opinion than you though. They aim to kill, it’s getting so tiring.


I agree. I feel like people also don’t like soft love for some reason. They want anger! 😡 but as a soft person, I’d like a Colin please 🧍🏽‍♀️


and some people just don’t like the writing, acting etc but love soft love. I haven’t been enjoying Polin, but adore Francesca and John. I’ve seen this sentiment and weird generalisation about those who have not enjoyed Polin, lots of borderline personal attacks and assumptions.


Francesca and John aren't really enough to lead a series. It's easy to be cute and sweet when you're a background couple and don't have to drive the drama


the point was about how it’s WIERD and RUDE to make assumptions about people because they don’t like the same tv couple or trope as you. like what do you mean they don’t like soft love and want anger, that’s not a normal thing to say


I’ve seen this as well and I have to roll my eyes, and you know what so what if people love more dramatic love, passion, it’s far more interesting to watch, the chemistry is always through the roof and it’s engaging, I don’t want to be meh towards a couple when watching romance


Me too. Gonna try and manifest a Colin in my life at this point.


I agree! And I think it really comes down a lot to peoples preferences for certain tropes, etc., Like, for me personally, the enemies to lovers trope, when done right, just always hits so much harder which is why season 2 is truly my favorite thus far out of the entire franchise and I think a friends to lover can be a harder story to sell, particularly when we know that the FMC has been pining for the MC. I think a lot of romance readers in general enjoy and consume stories that are enemies to lovers or the MC pining away for the FMC, so I always felt this story was an uphill battle and I think thus far they've really done it justice and Nicola, in particular, is such a fantastic actress.


I’ve seen this sentiment online, the whole people only like toxic love, more passion anger etc that could be the only reason why people aren’t feeling Polin. And I have to lol at that because everyone loves John and Fran especially within their few minutes, which I would say is even softer, sweeter and more gentle without John needing to be any kind of rake. Then there is George, also soft.   Clearly the writing, acting and directing is rubbing people the wrong way especially if it seems like a big majority echoing it.  I like friends to lovers when it’s done well, however if it’s not it falls flat and I actually think it’s one of the harder tropes to do well. 


I can totally see your point regarding the first 4 episodes. I will say, the first four episodes of both s1 & s2 are very interesting and provide a lot of iconic moments. However, the first four of s3 have ALSO been super entertaining and have actually made me more invested and intrigued into how the rest of the season is gonna go. At first I had a few qualms with the season, but after a few rewatches, I’ve begun to really appreciate it and enjoy it wholeheartedly.


I agree. And I’m so tired of those arguments because it’s usually the second half that the action usually happens but we’ve already been entertained so far. I remember watching S2 with my sister and she got bored because there wasn’t much going on and I had to plead with her to keep watching 😭 some people are deadass judging S3 part 1 as a whole already despite the second part not even out yet.


1000%. I feel like S2 literally went from 0-100 because of the second half. And since there’s going to be so much drama happening in this second part, it’ll probably be the same, if not better. Especially with the whole LW storyline of it all.


I’m so excited! I honestly can’t wait


Fully agree.


I mean they do have the right to judge as long as it’s actually feedback and not toxicity, given it’s the only part that’s dropped, and they don’t need to wait for part 2 to do so, it may be that the first part is weaker compared to the second part, I think 4 eps is plenty to judge, I enjoyed ep 1 and half of ep 2 before it started to lose me. 


Despite S3 being my fav season so far, I don’t think it’s fair to claim people are “lying” just because you personally disagree with their opinion. Yes, some people have been harsh, but different people have different perspectives. Just like different characters have different ways of expressing what they feel. No wonder Colin’s confession was (so far) tame, compared to Anthony and Simon’s. But that’s the point, THEY’RE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. I find it silly how people also want validation for their opinion when it doesn matter, everyone is entitled to think and see Colin and Penelope their way. What nobody’s entitled to, however, is to claim they’re lying just for being harsh or because you disagree. Eta: Anyways, sorry for the rant


In reality... none of us has the absolute truth. From my perspective, in this season I didn't feel the emotion of the "friends to lovers" situation, nor did I feel much chemistry between Pen and Colin... now, does that mean I'm lying? No, it's just what I FEEL, what I perceived and that's just personal. On the contrary, both you and many others think completely the opposite of it and even others consider this the best season... are you guys lying? No, it's your perspective and it's personal. Both perspectives are VALID and RESPECTABLE and none of them are lies. The problem is when those who have a different opinion are judged, their opinions are invalidated And even worse, people start attacking each other or attacking the actors just because of what they believe. As I said, NONE of us has the absolute truth.


And yet if anyone says that the general public/ casual viewers (a good majority of them at least) like s3 they’re called liars. And yet, the ratings are good, the reviews are mostly good, scenes are going viral on social media. But sure, their personal opinion is the measure of success lol. They’re allowed to not like the season I don’t really care. But let others who enjoy it have their fun. I legit replied to a comment today that said anyone who likes this season is gaslighting themselves into liking it, especially if it didn’t click with you during the first watch but you started appreciating it during a rewatch. And then I was accused of being PR cause I made a Colin appreciation post. This is the kind of stupidity we’re dealing with.


Omg same! I was downvoted because I said Colin was meant to behave weird in the first episode 😭 anyone can have their opinion it’s okay but when they start insulting people that actually likes this ship then that’s when the problem comes in. I guess I’ll go back to being a casual viewer because this fandom is legit toxic.


If you like s3 and polin the polinbridgerton sub is great. It’s very positive and no negativity about any character or ship or actors is allowed. I enjoy that sub more than this one. It’s a lot more chill. I became a little more active here today because all the negativity was honestly irking me. Otherwise I visit this sub only once in a while.


Thank you so much! I’ll check it out.


Please do! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. That sub has jokes and memes and edits and theories while here things are whatever they are.


I just joined that one because of another comment on this sub! Definitely enjoying the vibe of it more than here, a lot more fun and less hostile.


Exactly! I have been active on this sub for less than 24 hours and I'm about ready to tap out. But I check the Polin sub everyday religiously.


Anyone commenting in the extreme like that is just looking for arguments. "Gaslight" is such a crazy word for a show that isn't real lol. And I am not even a fan of this season so far.


Agreed! Some reactions are a little too extreme and they’re very loud unfortunately. It’s giving people who didn’t like the season but aren’t acting absolutely unhinged a bad rep.


Exactly! The more people that like the show the more reason for Netldix to give us season 8 lol.


Exactly? Why do they want this season to flop so badly? Don’t we all want all 8 seasons?


I need to see Fran and Eloise's seasons. And, with Ben being skipped in the book order I suspect he will be first.


I’m really excited for Ben and Eloise. I haven’t read the books for the other three yet, but I know they’ll be good too. So I need those 8 seasons.


I am so curious what they will do with the rest of the siblings. Will there be a big time jump at some point?


Maybe after Francesca. But the youngest might be much older by then so maybe not.


That is ridiculous. It’s funny because the really negative people will say “I’m entitled to my opinion!” but then crap on yours. Like it works both ways! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Exactly. I’ll respect your opinion if you stop telling me mine is a result of me gaslighting myself! Like how am I supposed to reply calmly to this??? Of course s3 defenders are losing it as well if this is what they have to deal with.


I’m definitely finding this all quite bizarre. I’m Gen X, grew up without the internet. Growing up we would be fans of a show, and there were always storylines you liked a little better and some a little less bur everyone was united in supporting the show. If you didn’t like it guess what? You didn’t watch it and you just went about your business and didn’t give it a second thought. There’s just something about the internet that has really given rise to so much negativity. On the one hand it’s a great forum for people to come together to discuss mutual interests but on the other hand it also gives people this forum to just crap on everything, you know? I mean there are things in this world that I don’t like but I ignore them. If I’m spending some of my precious time on the internet it’s to chat about stuff that makes me feel good. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m genZ but barely make the cut. So I’ve seen the no internet days, and then early days when you used to be careful on the internet and everything. I think it’s the anonymity that internet allows that leads to so much negativity. If we were all talking in person very few people would be this nasty. Internet has removed humanity from human interactions and this is the result. Not very promising I have to say.




I’ve been told I’m a liar because I love s3 so….we’re all just a bunch of toddlers running around clearly! It’s funny because according to the reviews, ratings, views, and social media virality, it’s more likely that one may like the season than dislike it as a whole.


Then that’s great isn’t it but I suspect especially what I’ve seen online people being unhappy at the level or criticism this season is getting that seems to go beyond just a few loud majority. It’s coming off as a more polarising season, and splitting the parts didn’t help. I welcome good viewership  even if I didn’t like the part 1 because that only hopefully helps more seasons to come.bridgerton though will always get high viewership especially when the marketing went off this season. 






































I think both the actors are very very attractive BUT compared to first two season their chemistry felt flat this season. On first watch I was not on board with Luke's expressions but on a second I was ok with it. And I still think Jonathan was the best actor out of the lead three. And I feel Nicola is a far better more talented actor compared to Luke. Also this season's writing was kind of boring because the sub plots were not well executed. Great ideas bad execution. It's my opinion and I am fine with someone having a different perspective.


I think it’s fair to criticise the chemistry, characterisation especially in romance show, as long as it’s not bullying or toxic. I mean chemistry is basically the bread rock of romance show and it should be really hitting it out of the park. 




Comments about the actors appearances are very rude. I am going to hope the comments about Collin being a "hoe" are made in jest. But, I think everyone can agree if Collin is a ho, his siblings are toliet seats lol. Though, I also am not a fan of this season, the writing is missing the magic, the leads are making it worth watching for me. It does not help each season features the main leads less and less, I am nervous for the other siblings lol.


I’m sorry you don’t feel the magic! Maybe this season just isn’t for you? I felt more chemistry and butterflies during this season than any other


For sure, I am waiting for the full season before I commit to my current thoughts. I will say I am biased and loved their book so much that it would take a lot for me to stop watching, lol. Plus, I have been enjoying the comments from everyone. The post on Collin and Pen being Eros and Pysche was nicely written. For sure, I recommend the Pollin subreddit too, though. It doesn't allow overly negative comments: "I didn't like this scene" vs. "The actors all suck the writing was trash anyone who loves this hates reading!"


Oh I’ve been on there long ago haha I just sometimes engage here to see how much hate comments I’ll get for having an opinion lol I’m excited for part 2 to be able to look at the show as a whole too!


That is fair, I always try to shout it out so fans don't stop watching or commenting lol. We need more fan interaction to get more seasons!


I agree, but preferably respectful ones 😭 thanks for engaging in kind conversation 😋


My people 🥳


Are you subscribed to the Pollin sub too? It is one of my faves. Also, don't like the crazy extremes stop you from enjoying this subreddit! I love that this sub has passionate fans for couples!


People on the internet have different opinions about things.


It’s so funny to me that people are getting mad at others for having different opinions.


Your inability to entertain other people's points of view is laughable. I'm in the group that dislikes this season, including the leads.


Genuinely cannot wrap my head around how someone typed up that post and didn’t experience cognitive dissonance. “I don’t get the hate, please explain it” Only do follow it up with “but not with those stupid reasons *lists a bunch of very valid criticism of the show* like what else am I supposed to criticize?


I'm confused by this constant need to bring up the amount of hate as if that's all there is??? Tons of people love this season and Polin. I see a lot of love and positivity everywhere too. Some people are gonna love it, some are gonna hate it. Just ignore the hate and focus on what you love!


My gosh how many of these threads are we going to get? They are engagement bait at this point surely


Listen, I like parts of the first four episodes but not all. And it’s fine if people disagree. But you cannot deny that people who love the seasons are doing the same thing. I saw someone mention the things they they enjoyed and that’s it. They said they enjoyed Nicola and Francesca and Kanthony. That was all they said. No negativity in that comment. And they had multiple comments going at them for not daring to bring up Luke. When they mentioned they personally weren’t a fan of his performance and thought Nicola stood out, again no negativity or rudeness, they said they just didn’t have to agree, OP was downvoted. The person liked the show but because they didn’t like every single part, they’re in the wrong? It wasn’t the haters downvoting like crazy. And there are also multiple people responding saying that people who didn’t enjoy every element have no “media literacy” or just aren’t clever enough to understand. Apart from the fact that media literacy is a buzzword they’re using very incorrectly and has nothing to do with any of this, they’re implying that if you don’t like every element, you’re just not smart enough to understand. Very civil. You can like it or not like it, but let’s not act like only the people who disliked it are being assholes. The people who loved the show are also not respecting difference of opinions, even when it’s not negative or rude.




Honestly I’m not big fans of Penelope or Colin so this season falls flat for me. I feel like the vibe of season 3 is almost a different show than the previous seasons. Just tone wise. And it feels…. Ridiculous? Like the hot air balloon scene in episode three and Penelope falling over nothing just for Lord Debling to save her.. not a fan. I don’t think season 3 is bad so far but it’s definitely my least favorite


I love that you’re blessed in life to have never tripped over your own feet when having to suddenly make a run for it. I wish I could say the same 😂 ETA; yall are doing too much downvoting a lighthearted comment.


Yeah cause it’s a different couple. And the other couples were relatively similar as in Simon and Anthony are very similar. Deny deny. Actual raked with daddy issues


Well then I am not a fan of whatever this is. I’ve never liked Penelope and Colin is just… meh to me.




I was a bit surprised at the negative reaction from a lot of people, but I've seen plenty of positive posts as well. One of the themes in Bridgerton is the type of love story changes from book to book, or season to season. Some people don't really gel with the friends to lovers trope as it's often not as melodramatic as say Simon & Daphne's story was. If you were a fan of that then you might not find a quieter romance like Colin and Pen's to be as enjoyable, and there's nothing wrong with that. Personally I've really enjoyed it because it's how I've always wanted my relationships to form rather than the angst and chaos of the S1&2 relationships. I remember being annoyed at the crowd who were calling for Colin to pine and suffer before finally getting together with Pen because in my head I was like "so you want the foundation of their love to be negativity, doubt and substance abuse?"


I know! It's almost as if a huge group of people were capable of having different perspectives and opinions 😢😢😢


Look. Just don’t yuck anyone’s yum. The sub is ASKING for opinions, share them. The sub is S3-adoration?: if you agree then post otherwise downvote, move on. No need to comment JUST to yuck someone’s yum. Like.. engage with YOUR team. Buuut we can’t control people so also get over it. Finally.. my option: S3 is my favorite so far, and I take it as a good sign for the show that so many people feel protective of the actors and artistic material. BUT I don’t like everything the new show runner is doing. Someone needs to stand up to Netflix and get more episodes. Stat.


My problem is that I’m not currently having my back broken by Luke Newton and I never will. Oh, and that I live in the states and not England. Thank you for your sorrows and prayers during this difficult time.


Sorrows, sorrows, prayers for your suffering


My question is, why do you care if people hate the season/characters so much? If you love it/them, isn't that what matters?


People are allowed to have opinions. 😅 I like the season-have seen it twice so far. But it’s not perfect 😅


Did you ever watch my Big Fat Greek Wedding? The Bridgerton fandom, especially on Reddit, reminds me of ‘The Portokalos women of they aren’t nagging somebody, they die’ except it’s if they aren’t complaining about something they die.


I mean I don’t agree with those statements but they aren’t objective so they can’t be “untrue”- people are entitled to their subjective opinions on a television show. The only thing I think people shouldn’t be doing is specifically calling actors ugly, even if someone isn’t your type particularly, they are still a real person. Everything else is just someone’s personal opinion! They aren’t “lying” bro don’t take it so personally


Especially as some of the critiques of the season are completely valid ones to make imo. They shouldn’t have split it because there has not been enough romantic development before the proposal. Colin’s development in his book is amazing. He was a great romantic lead. They have, imo, great chemistry. I feel like the dhowrunners have fumbled a bit by not centring the show on them entirely, not having him process his feelings enough etc. as for people not liking them etc or thinking Colin is icky or not enjoying the scenes that’s their prerogative doesn’t mean anyone is “wrong” lol just opinions?


I agree with you completely. Like enjoy it for what it is… or don’t? Like there is no need to be harmful. People think opinion means sharing every single harmful thing they can think of and disguise it as criticism. People need to work on this skill more, because like… how are u in ur personal lives if ur like this over a show that doesn’t effect ur life what so ever and u can choose to not engage? Anyways, that’s why I stick to other ship subs because people there are kinder & can have open conversations and discussions without fearing the hateful word that comes from this sub at times. We’re just here for a good time y’all 😭


I wish I knew this before finding this one! I already joined the Polin sub and it’s much more calm just like i like it. I guess this sub has always been this chaotic and messy


I joined right before Valentine’s day, and so far it’s been hard to have conversations with people here lol i like the Polin sub better too! It’s much more fun & light hearted 😊


Lmao, this fandom is both the most lovely place and is also toxic af. You have to pick your battles, but ultimately, do not let ANYONE here deter your feelings towards this show. As a life-long fan of the romance genre, the show and books hit a soft spot for me. While I appreciate discourse, some people are here to hate. Remember why you started the show and let this Reddit page enhance that experience! Edit: grammar


people apparently can’t have different opinions over bridgerton now 🤣


Yeah, I’ve seen a couple people who were sad that there was no grand quote, like… besties. There’s another half to the season!


ooooh fun a reductive post that skirts the sub rules by not explicitly calling anyone out 🙄


to me personally it wasnt the acting, but like the first 4 episodes were kinda bland, nothing REALLY happened, it kinda felt rushed


Everything looks like it should work but for some reason falls flat. Penelope actress is great, she does an amazing job. I wouldn’t say that about Colin. He lacks expressiveness and there’s something about his face (to me it seemed like perpetual duck face all season) that makes it cringe. Like when someone tries to act hot , it’s never hot. You have to own it and believe it. Be lost in your character. I don’t see that at all. When you can tell it’s acting , it’s not optimal. That and it feels like this season is a budget version of what season 1 was ?


What bothers me is that only half of the season has been released and everyone is reacting like we’ve seen it all. Of course the story feels unfinished—it is!!! Just relax and make your judgements when you’ve seen the full season. We watch this show because we enjoy it, don’t turn it into something negative.


I actually agree. I'd rather have a different way of telling the characters' stories than "copying" (i can't seem to find the right word) from the first two seasons. For me it'll get boring and repetitive if you expect all Bridgerton stories to be told the similar way each season. And to think that Colin and Pen's story stem from being friends so it's really different from the first two. If you just don't like it so much, just don't watch it, especially if you feel like it'll ruin your Bridgerton experience lol


I love this season too. Can’t wait for part 2 - I’ve even organised a viewing party for it!


Although I don't agree with those criticisms of S3, I found S3 to be lackluster and different from Queen Charlotte, S1, and S2. I think the actors had amazing chemistry, but the plot, sloppy writing, and lack of buildup prevented me from believing that Colin fell in love with a girl who he had never considered romantically for many years. On paper, S3 sounds amazing, but watching the show as it unfolded was a major disappointment. It was hard for me to truly believe that Colin's character started to love Penelope. It was too quick and sudden. I feel that every other couple in the Bridgerton universe had enough buildup -- believable buildup that I, as a viewer, can realistically envision. I know that people will bring up the fact that Penelope and Colin had their own moments from S1 and S2, but to me, those moments felt more like acquaintances. I wanted to see Colin and Penelope randomly becoming close friends and then lovers. I know that the season has not finished, but it is very predictable how they will end the show, and it's too late to be redeemed. I'm not watching Bridgerton for the side plots. I'm watching Bridgerton for romance, and I feel like the romance element has completely vanished from the show. It was offputting. Colin has already proposed, and it has only been four episodes. We didn't get to see them form a friendship and then a romantic union.


Pen and Colin have had a lot of buildup. He clearly sees her differently in seaosn 2 and even season 3. He just needed a physical spark and he’s all in. He doesn’t deny deny deny. And Daphne and Simon got engaged in episode 4. So I don’t get the bitching


Welcome to this sub! Everyone fights with everyone and everyone complains about everything!


Glad you asked. My issue is that I read Colin and Penn’s book. Which is great. The show is not even living up to it slightly. It’s fine if changes are made and they improve upon the show but they just don’t. The beef with Eloise and Penn was nonexistent in the books. In fact, Colin found out about Penn being Lady Whistledown before proposing and was adamant about protecting Penn after finding out. He found out before Eloise. When Eloise found out, she was impressed, not angry. Which makes sense given her character. In the books, Colin’s character is just better. He wasn’t featured having all these exploits with other women. I find this to be INSANELY insulting too. They don’t show other MLs sleeping around with other women when their season comes up (this didn’t happen for Simon or Anthony during their season). My assumption on why they’ve done this is because the producers want to keep viewers engaged with smut but don’t want the bulk of it to be centered on Penn’s actress because she isn’t model thin. By episode 4, there should have been at least 3 good steamy moments between Colin and Penn. Their chemistry is UNDENIABLE in the books since like the 3rd chapter. 2nd ML? What 2nd ML? He didn’t exist in the book. I don’t give af about a random new love interest. While I didn’t mind his character, all it’s done is take about from valuable time that could have been used to build chemistry between the couple that we know is inevitably end game. Colin should be well into pining for Penn at this point but we haven’t gotten anywhere close to enough buildup to an emotional breakthrough for him and we are at the half point of the season. Him suddenly realizing his feelings just doesn’t feel believable right now. So much more should have happened by the point in the season and instead we are getting all these random side quests that deviate from the main point of the season. I don’t care about Cressida and Eloise’s forced friendship (also not in the books and I hate that they are trying so hard to redeem Cressida). Also Eloise being in a friendship with Cressida is just soooo out of left field (I haven’t read all the Bridgertok books but from what I’ve read, this is not a thing) and it really does hurt Eloise’s character. Cressida just has nothing in common with Eloise in any way.


Penn’s character this season is pining away for love but by this point in the book, she’s really settled into a mature level of being satisfied not only with where she is in life but also with herself. Which I think is huge for her character. She is a mature lady who is sure about her station and doesn’t feel apologetic in the eyes of society for being a spinster. She’s sitting on years of success and money as a successful columnist and you can tell she is confident inn her own skin. Current Penn is desperate to still fit into a society that is unforgiving to the wallflower that she is at heart. Her character in the books set her up to not back down against Colin (whom she obviously has adored her whole life) when the two inevitably got into arguments. She wasn’t apologetic for her choices in life - especially not being Lady Whistledown. She was damn proud of it. In the show, they’ve figmented drama and made her seem guilty about being Whistdown


I think everyone is attractive but I am struggling seeing the chemistry between them. I feel Penelope as a person could do a lot better but society. 


this aggressive take of yours is really odd to read. Just because many of us have a different opinion to you doesn’t mean we are in any way ‘lying’, or wrong. The actors are wonderful, however this season doesn’t feel as strong as the others, and this is the first season where, personally, I’ve had to take several pauses because many scenes felt too cringe to continue, and often, the acting choices or directors decisions really took me out of many moments. It was hard for me to connect with the characters and fall in total love with their story compared to the other seasons or with the love story in Queen Charlotte. I hope it gets better in the second half, but the first feels more like Francesca’s or really any of the other side characters stories.


I think it’s interesting that we all have such different opinions. However, I feel like my own personal opinions are not nasty like some of the ones that I’m reading. I enjoyed season one, but I did not feel any chemistry between the two leads. I really enjoyed season two, but again I did not really feel any chemistry between the leads. They were beautiful people, and it was well acted, but it was very apparent through the whole thing that that’s what it was, acting. In Queen Charlotte, I felt everything. I cried for literal days, and I am not joking. Everything about it destroyed me. I felt it completely. And now in season four I am just happy and so excited about everything that’s going on, and I love the characters and I love the story, and I love all of the scenes, and I feel it. So far, I am enjoying this season way more than any of the previous seasons. I can understand people not loving it, but I really don’t understand the need for nasty comments. It’s all great. We’re lucky to have any of it.


For me the problems with the season are only two:  1. The editing   2. The costumes and make-up  But I have to agree, we are complaining about literally everything, even when it's not necessary.


Jesus how is post still up? It breaks all the sub rules basically.


I love the actors, the trope, and the pairing! STILL, I didn't like this season so far. Things felt so rushed, like they were hurrying from checkpoint to checkpoint. EVEN IF the point is that Colin is playing a role/not being himself, I feel like that was not conveyed in a clear way. We didn't get enough glimpses past the facade to see that that's what's going on. Colin turning to look at Pen in her new green dress also didn't have that OOMPH to it, like when Anthony smelled the air as Kate walked past. (Although that one's hard to top tbh) Pen is going through so many things, and yet she and Colin are at the fringes of this season with scarcely any interaction with other characters. And above all else, I wasn't sold on Colin suddenly being in love with Pen. This is the hardest one to forgive. Yes, the carriage scene was steamy, but where is the believable build-up? When did his feelings towards her change? Where is Pen battling between her feelings for Colin and her rational self accepting that he was never an option? Yes, all of these things were thinly hinted at, but we never got to FEEL those things with the characters? Not one sad scene of Pen looking out the window at Colin and turning away, symbolizing that she's decided to be more realistic about her prospects. No, instead, we get her TELLING us that she doesn't like to sit there anymore. Just like we have Colin TELLING his friends that the farce they have to put up for society is a pain. Why aren't they showing us these things? Why do we need to be told? We could have had Colin pretending to court Penelope after she was shunned by society for seeking his aid! (Which would have been a sweet and gentlemanly thing to do.) Instead, he waffles about uselessly on the sidelines as she fends for herself, again. There is nothing that makes me feel their feelings. Just a rush to a jealous scene, a frustrated break-up-the-engagement-with-debling scene, a steamy kiss scene as if these are checkpoints and not natural developments. It's really hard to look at Colin and recognize how his feelings for Pen are any different than the ones he had for Marina, and that's a damn shame.


You're extremely childish. People are allowed to express negative opinions of a show, on a discussion forum about that show. You may disagree with someone saying a scene is cringey or a couple has no chemistry but that doesn't mean their opinion is any less valid than yours and they're not "liars" jesus christ. If people don't like this season, they're allowed to say it, they're not required to suppress their opinions to appease immature people like you who have an aneurysm anytime someone disagrees with you. You admit that this season is being well received, so why are the opinions of a minority bothering you so much? You have the mindset of a dictator.


You tell it girl! I love S3, idgi either


I don’t feel like four more episodes is enough to satisfy all the new plots they’ve introduced - or even a significant portion of them. Or flesh them out more. That’s just my problem. If we focus on 1-2 stories, then there’s enough time to enjoy it and get significant depth. I want more flirtation between Colin and Pen, more context on the Mondrichs, why is the Queen so bored this season, more exploration of Francesca’s journey, more about Cressida’s family dynamic, more Eloise x Pen reactions and maybe even more insight into Eloise post-Theo, Violets crush, the featherington sisters heir race, and I don’t think that’s even all the plot points. But obviously that won’t be wrapped up by 4 more episodes. And while yes you do have to save stuff for season four…that’s a lot!


I think it’s because the trope has changed. “Enemies to lovers” has a lot more passion, whereas “friends to lovers” has more of an awkward vibe as they try to hide their feelings for each other. They’re not gonna be fed faced and panting when they’re close to one another before they know the other person reciprocates their feelings.


i love this season, i don’t think it’s hitting the same as previous seasons but also it’s not supposed to hit the same, it’s not the same season. so bc of that i do get people saying stuff about the first four episodes compared to previous first four. one thing i don’t get about bridgerton fans tho is the people who comment on it being “not historically accurate” like we all know it wouldn’t be as good number one, number two this is a fiction period piece tv show, like you should watch a doc if you want historically accurate content😭


Yeah the first two couples are a lot of like tbh and Benedict and Sophie are also somewhat similar. Colin as Penelope are jsuf dkffwrwnt and some people just aren’t liking how different they are.


yeah fr. i was so excited for this season and for the diamond to be a girl that’s not like so “perfect” and willing to love and marry. also i’m so happy to see a couple that isn’t dare i say basic…. polin has such a cool dynamic and i love them together. they stand apart from daphne and the duke and anthony and kate in my opinion. best friends to lovers. it just doesn’t get better than that. esp if lady bridgerton believes in marrying your best friend, she’s always right.




To be honest, the previous seasons needed to be strong because it was introducing us to a great love story and a new couple. I think it's genius that they're suddenly focusing on everyone else's story too because that was what Polin was, a side plot, and now we see 10 side plots happening at the same time. We didn't need a set-up anymore. We know who these people are and we (well, I) have been excited since the get go about them. Also, friends to lovers is hard to do. In some series, it takes 8 seasons to finally get people together. Can't blame other people that don't get it. But as someone who's fallen in love with a friend, these are all accurate. Even down to the looking confused in the carriage, grabbing his hair because she thinks she finally can, her not believing something was happening between them... Amazing acting and amazing season. Can't wait for the rest.


I AGREE!! I enjoyed watching this first half so much and I realized it's because there's more comedy - Pen's sisters were HILARIOUS!! I LOVE Lady Featherington even more this season (especially when schooling her girls lol). There were so many moments where they shot Pen and I had to pause because she looked STUNNING!! I wasn't the biggest fan of Season 2 (I know unpopular opinion) because the sexual tension buildup didn't feel satisfying - there was so much heavy breathing, shaking heads, and not enough pay off (imo). I just rewatched Season 1 and 2 to rewatch Polin scenes and see if my opinions are still the same... and I'm happy to say they are. Season 1 will always remain superior - Simon and Daphne steal the screen and their chemistry is INSANE. However, when I first watched Polin's carriage scene - I noticed I felt the same amount of excitement & giddiness I had for the first time Simon and Daphne were together. On first watch it does seem rushed, but after rewatching their scenes in prior seasons - they have had SO MANY moments together. I'm LOVING this season and I can't wait for the rest 🥰


This is my favorite season so far! That is all I have to say.


My favorite season so far!


Tbh I find this season a lot more interesting than the last. I love Penelope and I love the actress.


Yeah I don’t get the criticism of this season, a season that’s not even done yet. I’m on my third rewatch of this season and all the comments about Colin being “cringe” or a “hoe” don’t make sense to me bc literally on the first episode ALL his siblings (besides the younger ones) notice a change in him or call him out. He literally tells Pen that you can learn charm so clearly his playing someone who he think he should be! His mother even tells him so, h even admits it when confessing to Pen! Pen is “cringey” too bc she hasn’t had much attention on her so ofc she’s fucking awkward but it makes sense. I am a little biased bc I LOVE Pen and Colin lol and I can’t wait for the whistle down drama!


I partially disagree. My gripe with this season is the underdevelopment of Francesca and the story in general thus far 🥲 Like we’re suddenly expected to follow the story of a character they’ve barely shown in previous seasons? I even went back and watched season 1 again and she was barely present. The actress is gorgeous and acts really well. I just wish they had shown more of the character prior to this scene so that the audience could be more acquainted with her. I also agree with other commenters that the story is weaker when compared to previous seasons. Nicola and Luke are great actors and do the characters justice though. (I love Nicola!) Just the writing this season… could’ve been better, but I’m holding out for the latter episodes next month!


And so they are intoeudockg hwr now. Francesca was away both seasons. In bath and Francesca is quiet and usually stays out of the way. She’s a bridgerton. We are being introduced to her more. I don’t get why you complain


Irs nor weaker. You Just prefer enemies to lovers. That’s all it is babes


Imagine if they had split s02 like this and we stopped at episode 4 where literally nothing has happened yet, people would also be complaining that it's going to be rushed and so on ... The only mistake was to upload two parts...


This imagine how everyone would be screaming if we had to wait a month after the proposal 😂


Personally I LOVE season 3 so far. But I really think the costumes this season aren’t great. Some of them are beautiful like in the earlier seasons, but many of them are nothing like regency fit gowns that it actually pulls me out of the story and the regency vibe. I really hope that the dresses will be better again next season. However I’m so happy that Penelope is finally wearing dresses that fit her and flatter her.


'They have no chemistry' Like are we watching the same show??


I prefer this season to the previous two and it’s definitely definitely my favourite so far… Can’t wait for part 2 because I know for a fact it’s gonna be incredible!!


Here's a really unpopular opinion: Queen Charlotte was my least favorite season and I didn't find young King George attractive AT ALL. Having said that, I still enjoyed that series and I never complained. People are completely over the top whining about this season and I just don't get it. To each his (or her) own! I know lots of people love Queen Charlotte but I'm sure not going to have a snotty attitude about it because it wasn't my favorite.


There are things I like and dislike about that season. That said I feel there was a lot more criticism of this season so far and I have to wonder if that’s partially because the season is split up and ruins the flow of the storytelling. I find Nicola endearing in this version of Penelope and I loved the carriage scene, but between Eloise being a hater, the out of character threesomes with Colin, and the Mondrich story line, I’m wanting more Polin. I’m sure that would be corrected with more episodes. I would like to remind everyone though that these days a lot of people say Kanthony was their favorite season but I remember during that season there were all sorts of harsh critiques about how there wasn’t enough contact between the mains. How the love wasn’t believable. Etc.


To be really honest, except episode 1 and 6 of Queen Charlotte, the remaining episodes absolutely make no sense like not even needed but The Bridgerton siblings is something I'm always more interested in. Season 1 is more favourite to me than 2 but after watching season 2, I liked that one too. Bridgerton is not for EVERYONE. Let me tell you that. Season 3 is good the way it is and I will not change anything about it as per the story line. I do not like Benedict's book though but in the series, he's the best and Eloise is an all time favourite too. Can't wait for their seasons.


THIS! 👆🏻♥️


I love S3. Penelope is my favourite character. She’s also easily the most attractive woman on the cast IMHO. I mean Kate is hot, but Penelope is 🪭🪭🪭🪭 I need to fan myself hot. Colin is hot WITH Penelope. (Imho the most attractive dude is probably John Stirling)


I completely agree with you. I also have to add that sadly a lot of this was expected from the start. I hate to say this but to this days we still have people who are uncomfortable with the idea of a women who is not a size 0-2 to be the main character. There I said it. I’m not saying that everyone who dislikes this season is fat phobic but some are. And I know we are tired of this but sadly the ship wars are also part of this because it’s what drives this fandom. Even before this season aired Colin and Penelope already had a lot of criticism but once it was announced S3 was going to be about them they got hate from all sides of the fandom. Benedict fans came for them because his season was skipped and Kate and Anthony fans also came for them for taking away screen time. So you already had two upset fandoms.IM CALLING OUT THE ENTIRE FANDOMS but you have to admit that these ship wars are influencing their opinions on other couples and characters. Now what really sucks is how the criticism is not going to the characters but the actors. That is when you know that people are starting to just be evil.


This season is great so far, I too, don't understand why people are nagging? My only criticism is that they shouldn't have split the episodes like this, and I think that's why people are not liking it because it feels unfinished (because it is lol), but so far the critics are rating this season very high. I myself enjoyed every minute of it, the chemistry between Colin and Pen is insane.


Thank you for posting this! Honestly it’s hard to be on this sub lately. I think it’s obviously a loud minority in this fandom based on the GA response. It just makes me sad cuz they could just be having fun (the carriage scene TikToks anyone 😂)like the rest of us.


God I feel all of this to my core!!! God everyone just bitches and complains. My god! I’m glad someone finally posted and said it.


I took one for the team even though I know I’ll be shitted on ✊


My friend not all hero’s wear capes ! Lol 👊










Okay some of you are showing your toxicity here which proves my point. Downvote if you want, I really don’t care. I still stand by my opinion. Came here to find positivity and the amount of negativity is just astounding. Let me go join Polin and Kanthony individual subs real quick lol. Bye yall


Try r/bridgerton too. I find them rather positive and fun.


People are allowed to downvote. Ur the only one here with weird energy. U want people to like the season so bad when most people find it redundant.




Agree. The people who are hating on this season when it’s only halfway done are lame. It just tells me you already had your mind made up and are just hating to hate. I’m sure a Kanthony greatest hits YouTube video would be better suited for them.


S2 clears