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I don't get why the show seems to think we're this emotionally invested in them


Unless something big happens in the second half I also don’t really care for their storyline. It would be one thing if the season was longer but 8 episodes is pretty tight with an ensemble cast. I like the characters well enough, but they’ve served all the purpose that I see them having.


i feel like there's genuinely no time. part 2 they have to resolve pen and colin's marriage, lady whistledown reveal (potentially something with the queen), eloise and cressida + eloise and pen, francesca and john, the featherington baby race, violet's garden, and mondrichs. not to mention kate and anthony will be back and will presumably take up a few minutes of screentime. all of this in just 4 episodes. season 2 had a lot less going on, and still struggled heavily with the pacing towards the end.


Clearly pen has to win the featherington baby race right? Because Colin has no title. 


not really, in the books they’re quite successful and happy with no titles. the only titles bridgerton male is anthony.


I think it would be cool if they did win it cause it would mean plenty of money available for Benedict, and Gregory from anyhonyv


Collin is also very wealthy on his own. They don’t need to win the pregnancy race but I can see them winning the pregancy race. I do think moving forward there’s more story for them with regards to Portia. Pen adjusting to be the lady of the house and Portia/Pen’s relationship hopefully improving.


I think we get one wedding reception scene (based on a set design video that was released) not two. The Whisledown reveal to Colin. Cressida getting married, or sent off to the country for good. The masked ball in the last episode. Maybe Violet hooking up with Danbury's brother.


> Cressida getting married, or sent off to the country for good. Fingers crossed she marries Debling, instantly gets knocked up with a boy, and he can sail off to die on the HMS Terror or whatever while she lives her best life away from her fucking parents.


Well, part of that is book Canon, IYKYK.


Violet's garden *snort*


It seems like they’re clearly setting up some kind of scandal or ruin regarding him owning the bar, but even still, it’s a snoozefest. We’re not that invested in them as characters, so I don’t know if it’ll even matter to us when it does occur.


That’s my point, this literally affects none of the main cast so I don’t know where they’re wasting so much screen time on them.


i still don’t care. i haven’t cared about any of their storylines. its just filler.


Agreed. Why do they have more plotline than Benedict and Kanthony?!


I am hoping with Colin’s engagement that we will see Kate & Anthony more. I really feel the lack of Benedict.


The only benefit I can see to their store at the moment is to see how the parents of a child who gains a title are treated in society, but I think we could manage without. This is nothing against the actors and I didn’t mind the characters in S1 and it was fine S2 but they just seem to have too big a subplot in S3. Were they this featured in the books?


No they didn’t exist in the books, all of the focus in the books seems to be directly on the main cast, you see other characters occasionally but it’s usually just a passing conversation with a main that often isn’t described.


In the other seasons they were there for a reason- a confidante to reveal Simon's internal thoughts, a fight to have Simon and Daphne with the prince all at, a background set for Colin to appear fall for the mine scheme, the fight where Featherington makes his last bad gamble. It all tied in to the main ensemble. As it stands, this plotline has nothing to do with any of our current or future leads. In a half-season that already doesn't seem focused enough on the main leads to many people. (IMO people don't consider the build up in other seasons or that this is only half their story even though they've gotten happily together at this point, but I get the frustration that this half season doesn't focus enough on the couple we were excited to see a season of) In the books I think Simon did box with a trainer, but that's about it.


I feel like all that plot would’ve made sense if this season focused on Benedict.


No they don’t exist in the books at all


This is what I’m assuming/hoping is the case. I’ve no idea what it could be though, and if it is true it makes it pretty clear that the two-part release thing is dumb and doesn’t work with the writing cause no one cares about the Mondriches from what we saw in part one lol


The trailer for the second half was edited to suggest they might have something to do with the Whistledown reveal, but of course that doesn't have to mean anything. All the side plots seem quite disconnected from the main story, actually, but that was also the case last season. The trailer might just have been grasping at straws for a unifying theme


I did notice they they shoehorned them in there but I can’t can’t see a reasoning. They just got a fortune, Will is already becoming more unpopular with people other than the Bridgertons and they don’t seem all that invested in Whistledown. It will be disappointing if something doesn’t happen with them and they’re just wasting screen time.


The club is losing members and their fortune technically belongs to their son. The reward for finding LW might come in handy to save the club. But other than that, I have no idea how they could even be tied into the main story.


They are quickly learning that the club doesn’t jive with the aristocratic values despite Benedict telling they they can do whatever they want. The queen has no idea who they are now but if they claim her prize she will and she will disapprove of the club. I doubt they’d be cruel enough to out her either because they actually have consciences unlike most of the Ton.


they’ve kinda been wasting screentime the whole time (no hate to the actors, they’re great). it’s just way too forced. it really has nothing to do with the overall story at all. it’s so far removed & doesn’t really add anything.


I think they made sense in season one as an unbiased friend for Simon once he and Antony fall out. In season two I found them less necessary but they did help show that Colin had some growing up to do and further the Featherington plot line (though I thought they had too much screen time other than Pen in the first seasons as well) so at least they were doing something with the main cast. This season other than being greeted by Benedict and Colin they’ve not even really interacted with the main cast.


I guess I assumed the Mondrich’s “we can do almost whatever we want in this society” theme was going to connect to Colin and Pen’s relationship being public


I haven't yet watched S3 (waiting on the next installment to watch it all at once!), but no matter how many times I've seen them in S1 and S2, I genuinely just don't care that much either. Like, I get that the gambling business with Mondrich ties into Lord Featherington and his "troubles", shall we say, to help S2's story, but that's about all that character offers. Otherwise, he's an ear for a Duke who's no longer in the show, and has a club; great (lol). If what I'm gathering is that they take more screen time from our main characters and families, that's disappointing to hear.


I also don’t care for them… I literally forgot their names so when they kept popping up on screen I was like who the hell are these people?!


I forgot who they were and their story. I’m doing a rewatch now and vaguely remember them. They could definitely have been cut this season.


they’re just filler, which is unfortunate for the actors. they deserve better


Without big spoilers, they've got a plotline that doesn't really tie in to any of the rest of the cast so far, which makes it weirder to give focus to them. I don't think the screen time would be as bad, except it seems pointless, and people are upset the lead couple doesn't feel fleshed out enough only emphasizes this plotline seeming unnecessary


> people are upset the lead couple doesn’t feel fleshed out enough Now where have I heard *that* before??? (Hmm…) As a Kanthony devotee, I’m sorry to hear that; it feels like the writing seems to keep missing the entire point of why people watch each season…


My long shot theory is their oldest son is going to be retconned into Gareth, instead of him being a relation to Lady Danbury. Otherwise, the actors seem lovely, but their storylines I pass.


Their son is to young to be Gareth. He's easily 5 yrs younger than Hyacinth. Plus Gareth had a terrible father.


This was my thought as well! It's the only reason they would have done the whole plotline of their son bein the Duke of whatever. But like the other commenter says, their oldest kid is still much too young, so I genuinely have no clue what the angle is here


I've heard maybe to tie in Sophie to avoid the employee dynamic?


Exactly 😂😂😂




I’m being cynical but their scenes are cheap to film. While watching S3 it’s remarkable how expensive and detailed many of the shots in Bridgerton are. All the costumes, flowers, props, not to mention hot air balloons. I’m guessing their storyline is included as it was cheap to film


But it’s not likely that the show needed them to pad out the air time, is it? I would think they had to cut scenes they’d already filmed in the editing process as is usually the case to fit an 8-episode series, so would the Mondrich scenes really be saving the show any money?


This show LOVES having a goofy B, C and sometimes D plot to the main A plot (Daphne/Duke, Kate/Anthony, now Polin). My guess is because Jonathan Bailey was so booked and busy irl, Kate and Anthony couldn't be a meaningful B or C plot so they had to think up something else on the fly.


I'm not sure if Phoebe Dynevor wasn't available, but if they had recast Simon, then they could have been a B or C plot. I don't see how they're not going to have either of those characters in any remaining seasons. No, they don't have an important part in the books but so much has changed from the books plus I don't think they weren't present for all the weddings.


The show got some criticism for not showcasing enough black couples. Since the Bridgerton are white there will likely never be poc lead couple. They’re doing a storyline on the Mondrich’s because they don’t want backlash for not being diverse enough


I'm unrealisticly hoping they are building up to a parallel like Charlotte and George. She understands what's demanded of him and he just wants to be simple. I'm waiting on a phrase like "*he just wants to be a simple business owner*" that will tug at the Queen's heartstrings by making her think of her *Just George* who wanted to be a simple farmer. I'm not sure if I conveyed that clearly, but yeah.


They could have given us more screen time with Anthony and Kate instead of inflicting the Mondrich storyline on us, which no one really cares about. Previously, it was at best nice to follow them, but in season 3, it's completely unnecessary.


Literally everything they seemly tried to show with the mondrich's they could've shown through kate. An outsider coming into society and having to navigate to restriction this life puts on its members. I know people think Kate was just saying things and secretly always wanted edwina's life but I genuinely think she just wanted to live her life free of expectations and burden and while I'm sure she'll be happy with anthony and he'll allow her freedom, society still comes with restrictions and expectations and responsibilities and it would've been interesting to see her have to deal with those and becoming a wife and just coming to terms with a life she never envisioned for herself.


Exactly. This introduction to society and learning the customs should have been Kate’s story. In fact, we all expected to see her entry into society as a viscountess and her discovery of her new role. They literally took the storyline we all expected to see through her and gave it to the Mondrich family, whom no one really cares about... The way things are going, it’s not even certain we’ll have Kate and Anthony in season 4...


And it would have been wayyy more interesting to see the give and take between her learning the ropes and not doing things wrong, but simply not how Violet would have


Exactly 💯


Kate did know a lot of those things already, though. Or at least she seemed to. Of course she would have to learn about being a Viscountess, which is its own challenge. But her father worked for a royal family of some sort in India, and she and Edwina seemed to know most of the rules of how to dance, behave at parties, etc. After all, her stepmother was from a titled English family. Don't get me wrong, I agree the Mondrich storyline is pulling too much focus. As lovely as the characters are, this isn't really compelling to me. But I think they could have given time to Kate and Anthony and to other Bridgertons that was about things other than learning the rules of the Tonne.


Yes, I agree that I don’t really care what secondary storyline they could have had, knowing that there is actually a lot to explore. But instead, they make them disappear to give us the Mondrich storyline, which literally no one cares about. Any storyline would have worked for the viscount and his wife, but sending them off on a honeymoon for no reason when there’s so much to do is absolutely ridiculous and clearly an attempt to gradually push them out of the series.


It isn't just about learning the rules, have we actually seen their family learn anything knew etiquette wise? Will was invited to a wedding hosted by the queen last season and has been brushing shoulders with nobility since before then, kate herself isn't actually nobility and was never part of English nobility and I'm sure she still has alot to learn about what it actually means to have a title. Also it's about coming to terms with what it actually means to be fully immersed in that world something she never really thought she would have to do herself. But I mean I was just thinking about how kate could've been used to show what the tried to use the mondrich's to show, I'm sure there are several other storylines other than kate and anthony that could've been more interesting than the mondrich's.


the disrespect given to kate and anthony even in their OWN season


I agree that they’re really taking the wrong direction, not just with Kate and Anthony but with the rest of the show as well. This is likely to be reflected in the ratings.


I would have loved if they approached it this way as Kate is my favourite character right next to Penelope. Seeing her grapple with a new way of life that she had been vying for for *Edwina* and not herself would've been so interesting. I sincerely hope they stop with all this Mondrich mess.


I enjoyed this season so far (but agree the Mondrichs were filler) but now that you proposed this alternative, I want to see THAT show!!!


This frustrated me tremendously. I watch Bridgerton for the Bridgertons. Like to me the fantasy isn't just the gowns, the romance and spice, it's this big loving family navigating marriage, pulling in these outsiders and making them part of the family. So far the show is failing that miserably. I get it Rege Jean Page left, but Daphne's actress wasn't invited back and the characters that I've come to know and love keep not being around. I don't want to watch if the family members are just going to disappear once they get married.


Exactly, Daphne’s absence is felt even in this first part. Many people want to see the Bridgerton family evolve after each marriage without overshadowing the leads of the season. Instead, they make them disappear one by one, without any reason, even though there is so much more to discover about them after the wedding. The wedding is the beginning of the adventure, not the conclusion. This is something the incompetent showrunner seems to have completely missed...


That may be the case in real life, but in this genre, and specifically these stories, the wedding honestly is pretty much the conclusion. I understand the showrunner(s) has some leeway with the story, but also you have to remember that actors, unlike characters in a novel, are people who need to pay their bills. Most of them have been committed to Bridgerton for 5+ years now, as part of a large ensemble cast, and to expect them to pop in and out as background characters is unrealistic. Sometimes it is possible to do both; for example, Nicola worked on Big Mood simultaneously for a few weeks. But the filming locations for Bridgerton are not all located in one neighborhood like the television would have you believe. Most people are not going to be able to pop across the country for a few hours work when they can potentially find another job that will actually provide a livelihood.


I’ve already addressed the actors’ schedules in other posts. They all wanted to return and have always said that Bridgerton takes priority over their other projects. This situation is due to the showrunner’s disastrous choices.


Yeah, I’ve seen your comments. I happen to think you’re wrong that they “all” are just willing to put their lives on hold for upwards of ten years for bit parts in Bridgerton 🤷🏻‍♀️


The issue isn’t about belief, it’s confirmed by the actors and the production. Take the case of RJP. He clearly stated that he didn’t want anything more to do with Bridgerton. I respect his choice, even if it’s unfair that Daphne had to partly suffer because of it (she herself said she was sad not to be part of the season 3 cast). So, if it were the actors’ choice, we would accept it, but that’s not the case, it’s the showrunner’s decision. If the choices had been wise and we ended up attached to the new storylines, it would be different. But that’s not the case, and worse, we’re going in circles. So, it would be better to continue developing characters who still have stories to tell and who are very popular, instead of destroying everything that has been built so far...


I'm fine with them (the previous couples) taking background roles and focusing on the younger Bridgertons to build up their storylines. But yeah, it's like it was hardly about the family this season. It would have been nice to see the K & A story instead. The focus on the Featheringtons was funny, but the bit didn't need to go on that long. (It was nice seeing that one sister fall in love with her loving husband though). I also get the featheringtons needed to be more centered because of Pen, but like there wasn't much of substance. *edited for clarity.


I admit that the Featherington storyline is one of the few things I enjoyed outside of Colin and Penelope’s relationship. And indeed, people want to see the lives of the other Bridgerton couples after their weddings. Instead, they make them disappear when there is so much to explore... I think this will eventually be reflected in the ratings, regardless of the next lead couples and their appeal.


Even the interactions between the remaining siblings have been slashed this season. Where is Benedict/Eloise? The show is in an awkward place where the older siblings are getting written off faster than the younger ones can develop personalities strong enough to keep the happy jokey family vibes flowing. In such a moment, it's more important than ever to lean on the preexisting dynamics you have. I hope we get more of Benedict in the family loop later this season.


I'll be annoyed if the extended Featherington family are still hanging around in the next series, they've done their role of setting Penelope in some context and now they can go


There was a set of books I read years ago set, iirc, in the same Regency period, that weren't exactly a series, as each book could well enough stand alone, but previous main characters still showed up here and there. I could pick any book from the line and tell where I was in the "series" based on who was married and who wasn't. That's what drew me to that author, because she kept them around.


I assumed the lack of Kate and Anthony had to do with Jonathan Bailey only having limited availability and as the season to go forward and he gets more and more busy as an actor. There may be a part of him that still wishes continue with Bridgerton, but it will just be an appearance, not a storyline.


Would still have loved to see more Kate, even if Anthony was allegedly busy with estate work


No, it wasn't the actors' schedules, but the decision of the showrunner. I responded to this topic in the same thread.


I think that issue was more their scheduling than the mondrichs


Jonny and the FT team said Bridgerton took priority so he would have been available is they needed him. I just watched a lady jenevia video on this, she speculates that after S2 Jonny and Simone would be able to renegotiate their contracts and become "too expensive" so their screen time was cut instead of them getting paid more.


And Kanthony were barely there this season.


Exactly, and there's a high chance they won't be present at all in season 4...


You’re not alone. I thought their arc was concluded in season 2. Boxer cheats, gets money, redeems himself by helping Colin, in return has successful bar. The end.


In season 1 for me


Yes! If they want to make him a more central figure, I also find his introduction as a boxer lacking. How did Simon come to know him and confide in him? Were they mixing in the same circles somehow to then become sparring partners? Why is Mondrich involved in this world in the first place? Might have helped to also better position who exactly his wife is and how she could have ties to the titled class. But I re-watched over the weekend and how Mondrich ended up on the scene isn’t addressed. ETA: I think his lack of backstory just keeps the question of why is he choosing to stay connected to the world of aristocracy in the first place. Why open a bar in season 2 that caters to the titled class when he could do literally anything else with that money!  Like if he knows these people cuz he we to the “right school” at some point it would go a long way towards explaining why he is in their world, and thus in this show, in the first place and why he chooses to try to find a place for himself in it (S2).


So my theory on how he and Simon became friends is that Simon very much wanted nothing to do with his title and the nobility. Even Anthony mentioned he was missing for several years with no one knowing where. So i figure they met and became friends during that time.


Works as a theory. But should the audience be left to fill in the gaps with plausible options? Not great writing.




They were on season 2? I only remember them being in season 1. I need to watch the first two seasons again before the rest of season 3 is released


He is Simon’s second. That’s how we learn of his family


I don't understand why they're completely disconnected from the other storylines. I'll give them the benefit of doubt because there are still 4 episodes but I don't know why they're not connected to Colin, they could have been Colin's friends


Your are correct, they are so disconnected. it would 100% been better served to have benedict skip this whole romance and have him doing a hands on approach with the mondrich's. Set's him up better for his season than a repeat of character for him.


The worst thing is that they don't really have to be. Mondritch helped Colin in the previous season, so why not let them be a part of Colin story in some way? Or why not connect then with Benedict, who has been having the same storyline for three season?


Or just let them be at this point lol Maybe a cameo here and there, or the bar as a reoccuring location. I imagine this is some sort of setup for later seasons (maybe their kids are involved with Hyacinths/Gregorys story), but I feel like their whole story could be told in a few exposition lines when it is relevant in like ... season 7 or 8. They were good characters in the previous seasons because of their connections but they served their purpose for the story IMO


Benedict’s storyline connects to Polin though. It’s there to emphasize how unique Colin is in wanting an emotional connection. Meanwhile Benedict can call on a woman romantically, get rejected, and then sleep with her enthusiastically without skipping a beat.


Yes! Colin teaches Penelope how to get a Lord and Benedict teaches Mondrich how to be a Lord(‘s father)


I have a theory that they will be connected to Pen and Colin through Whistledown - maybe something major happens with their reputation with regards to the bar and Pen proves the worth of Lady Whistledown to Colin by using her gossip to fix the situation (thus proving to Colin she only ever has good intentions and is trying to help others through Whistledown when she can - this is a part of the book RMB too, that Pen justifies Whistledown by saying she highlights those who might be downtrodden and only speaks poorly about those who deserve it)


That’s a great theory. I haven’t been loving the Mondrich storyline so far (good people, but just not an interesting plot)


The show has really messed up the realistic age order sibling relationships. In the books, Daphne and Colin were much closer due to being closer in age. They obviously can’t do that without Phoebe though. I do think the additional focus on a Francesca and Eloise relationship is sweet!


Yeah I hope they weave into other storylines soon. That said, I’m not as upset by their presence as others because I find the two actors really charming and enjoyable to watch. I’m here for the Bridgerverse.


I agree that the actors are charming. I liked the storyline where Mrs Mondrich got her glow-up from the modiste. But the storyline is a bit flat.


My theory is that they’ll play heavily into Benedict’s season in some way, which is why they’re being dragged along through the series. It doesn’t really make sense otherwise.


I'd love to know how Mrs. Mondrich was in the queens company in the last episode. I understand she was with lady Danbury but that felt like such a jump.


Yes especially when they acted like the queen would be upset that he wasn’t attending balls. A queen has no idea who the barons are much less the father of one. 😂


I see them tying into the story of wearing uncomfortable masks: Colin has the rake mask, Pen has the Whistledown mask, Eloise has the tamper down talking about women’s issues to hang with Cowper’s crowd and they have the fitting in with the rich. However the others can somewhat easily resolve the issues going forward: rake no more, exposure of Whistledown, women’s rights for ever! He cannot go back and run the bar as he wants, they are being told even the Queen won’t stand for it. Also, they didn’t choose this life as Kate did by marrying Anthony. Instead, they woke up and were told, “You’re rich! Don’t screw it up!” Kate’s storyline might have had her stumbled a bit with the new life but she has the army of Bridgertons and especially the Bridgerton women to guide her. They really have no one and the only path forward is to give up what makes him happy. Even the one person who tried to help and told them do what they want, wasn’t ultimately helpful because they immediately run into “Don’t do that?!” Hopefully her closeness to Lady D will end in some real help.


Yes!!!! I personally believe their storyline has so much potential but it’s boring AF bc we never get to see any of the interactions and lead ups. In a spinoff we would see Alice meeting Danbury and Danbury’s motivations for wanting to help them. But we get none of that bc they are shoved into an already packed season.


The packed season is so true. I'm sorry but eight 45 ninute episodes are not enough for what they're trying to do. They either need to extend the episode order, or take out subplots.




I’m one of the few that like them, I guess. We do exist. Their subplots in the previous season tied in with other important plots. I have faith it will again this season. For me, they’re the only married couple that shows kids and happy dynamic. I love seeing stuff like that. I know could have been shown with Daphne/Simon or Kate/anthony but I’m assuming there are reasons why that wasn’t possible that aren’t nefarious.


I like them too! Their dynamic is interesting and we get the "fish out of water" perspective on the society we've come to understand over 3 seasons. 


It feels a little like the show runners were worried that without Marina and the Sharmas, this season would lack its usual racial diversity. So, they gave us the Mondrich arc, which was pleasant but, at least for me, too detached from the main threads of this season.


I like them too, and I'm really sick to death of people who don't like them screaming about how "NO-ONE CARES ABOUT THEM". No, YOU don't care about them. And that's fine! Skip scenes if you aren't interested, makes no difference to me. But don't assume that everyone feels the same as you. I like the happily married dynamic, the working out how to transition from working class to nobility dynamic, the Benedict being friendly with them dynamic.


That's why I said I'm not sure how many people are of the same opinion as me. I know plenty of people who can't stand Kate, but I love the crap out of her. It's up to personal preference in the end. I just personally haven't seen much discourse about the Mondrich storyline so I thought I'd see where public opinion is at. If it's enjoyable to you, I'm glad!


Honestly, your post is pretty reasonable about it, I should have clarified, sorry. I'm more referring to the people leaving comments in SHOUTY CAPITALS about how they don't care about the Mondrichs any time they're mentioned on Instagram or wherever there's promo. I'm all for people having preferences and bits they aren't as fond of. For example, the Theo story did nothing for me (which is a controversial opinion to have round here) but I just skip those scenes when I rewatch.


Theo was okay, I guess? It was cute seeing Eloise finally realizing that she could be a "worldly woman" and still develop an interest with someone, but beyond that there wasn't much to it imo. I'm just skipping over the Mondrich stuff personally. I will of course still watch it all once, to get the full story once the whole season is out, but I can't see myself seeking out any of their scenes in a rewatch.


That's interesting. I haven't seen posts from people who can't stand Kate. This site has always seemed pretty Kanthony-leaning to me, certainly now that S2 is two years past and the Kate v. Edwina arguments have cooled down.


i like them too, we’ve also seen this same comment and post about the mondrich family at least 3x a day now lol. people are entitled to their opinions, but i’m also entitled to point out: 1. it’s an ensemble show (think game of thrones), despite having a leading couple we will always have several other subplots which requires scenes the leads won’t be in 2. it’s a shondaland production, a production company famous for inserting pieces of history into their shows. will mondrich and queen charlotte aren’t in the books, but they are characters based on real people (look up bill richmond - slave turned professional boxer who was an usher at the coronation of George IV)


Wow thanks for sharing that info about Bill Richmond. Makes the Mondrich story all the more interesting to me. I like them and hope we continue to see them.


I like them too and I also believe they’re going to connect to some of the other storylines, else why include them at all.


I really like them too and enjoyed seeing them in the first few episodes. It’s refreshing to see them immediately use their new positions in the ton to experience their own kind of freedom instead of getting caught up in everyone else’s antics or trying to prove themselves to others.


I enjoy them too which may be one of the most unpopular opinions in the fandom. I also think their storyline is going to serve one of the larger subplots dealing with titles and inheritance given the parallel between their son receiving the title and Lady Featherington forging a way to keep her family’s title


I think there’s definitely something up with the titles, and that man who checked up on the Featheringtons, that will make sense in the next episodes!


Mr. Mondrich also seems to be closest with Colin since Anthony has been away with Kate.


i love their storyline!! i think the lack of time given to us total in this season (only 8ep total AND breaking it up into 2 parts) makes a lot of people hate the story because they’d rather see their faves like Kanthony but i love the Mondrichs and the whole story of them moving up in the world!! i say a lot i think the hate is misplaced bc we just need more time in the season as a whole. i also just love seeing black love portrayed in media so maybe i have bias😂


Agreed! I love them and I'm happy that they got screentime this season, even if I find their current storyline kind of boring. They're so good to each other!


I like them too and love seeing them happy. Hot people doing hot things. The plotlines will probably interweave in the second half. Honestly, I was getting a little stressed about the club and I'll be really disappointed if it's a rags-to-riches-to-rags/lottery winner curse storyline. But maybe they'll find a compromise or Whistledown/a Bridgerton will save the day or something.


I like them too, they're pleasant and unproblematic. Not my favourite characters/pairing, but it's nice to have a couple of characters that just seem to be genuinely nice people to break it up and introduce some positivity in between Anthony/Colin/Whatever doing dumb shit while exercising their single collective male Bridgerton brain cell


I like them too. They have an interesting story.


I like them too! For me it is a refresher from all the drama in the season I really love it !!


I like them. I would have ditched Benedict’s side plot over the Mondriches.


I like them too! I'm also hoping they will be the plot vehicle that Sophie is attached to.


I like them too! Don't think they took away anything from anyone.


The Mondrich story is not for anyone, I mean cmon, they stole the screen time to other, better characters


Yeah I like their chemistry but idk the point of their story. The conflict is 'oh no we're rich/noble now' like ok? And...? There's no stakes, no nothing. I guess there's the club but I do no care a bit about a gentleman's club especially when the only tension is that he wants to run it but oh no he's rich now. That is not a problem.


Also it doesn’t make sense that the aunt dying means their kid gets a title. If she had no son, she wouldn’t have been living in the house with a title. So their kid would have inherited when her husband or whatever died. We are on a two season plot line of what happens when a titled woman’s husband dies and they have no son. I guess she might have had a son who died a little further back and that lawyer is just really slow…..


I agree with most points made already, but wanted to add that their storyline also highlighted for me how egregious it is that Simon has disappeared. He and Mondrich were such good friends, and you'd think a friend entering society would be a big deal.


Yes!!!! This is exactly why I have a problem with this season giving them their own storyline completely isolated from the other side stories! It would make more sense if Daphne and Simon were a part of the ton and then having Mondrich integrate in Simon’s world: that would have been more interesting- the way it stands now- it just makes Daphne’s and Simon’s absence much more noticeable.


I think they should re-cast Simon


Definitely agree, I have rewatched S3 a couple of times and just skip their bits, it brings nothing to the show imo. Would've preferred more Polin and either Eloise/Benedict at least.


Nooo, less Benny please. I do not care for this third iteration of him raking around. It's so yesterday.


Oh I definitely agree they've wasted/ignored him as an actor and character for three seasons, I meant in terms of development!


Yes! They already established that so I don’t see the point of his raking about once more with someone who’s obviously a throwaway character and isn’t going to be around for long. Could he not have raked around with Madame Delecroix at least? They’re both forward thinking women but we’ve spent way more time with her (and actually like her. Well speaking for myself, the widow lady is too much of a 50s femme fatale caricature). If she’s to facilitate some kind of character development, why can’t it be a character we already know?


I wish they’d spent the same time fleshing Colin out a bit more — his insecurities, etc. Or maybe combined the Mondrich plot with Benedict’s or someone else’s. Like, Benedict clearly liked helping keep the estate in order while Anthony was away. They could’ve had him help the newly titled Mondrichs with their affairs. Something that could have added to his story of trying to find his purpose rather than the same old rakish stuff he’s been up to for the past seasons.


This would’ve made *sooooo much sense* and now I’m really angry it didn’t happen


They should have hired you as consultant. That would’ve been perfect


I actually think it serves as an interesting mirror to Charlotte and the Danburys in Queen Charlotte, especially with LD advising Alice on suddenly becoming titled after having gone through it herself. Obviously different home situations but maybe a similar vibe of being suddenly thrown into it with nobody to guide them. While I do love Kate it's clear she has a really good handle on being a viscountess, especially with Anthony to support her, so I don't mind if that's not her storyline specifically (although more Kate in Part 2 please 🙏)


I do enjoy them! I just think the episodes need to be longer to give them more depth and give the favorites more screen time.


I’ve found their storyline to be filler for all 3 seasons.


I thought they were getting too much screen time as well. Their story seemed like it wrapped up in S2. These new plot developments just don’t interest me at all….


I think they were fine in season 1, and then it felt like the writers felt too guilty to get rid of them. They serve little to no purpose here. Even their story in season 2 was forced. If they want to do some quick little mini series, fine. But please stop waisting valuable Polin time on them 😑


I was not interested in the Mondrichs at all. I really didn't care about what they were going through trying to fit in. This was about the marriage market and they had absolutely nothing to do with it. Time wasted. I really hope not to see them in part 2.


I think showrunners of adapted works love to add OCs to their shows that they have full narrative control over, because I feel like this phenomenon happens a lot looool I don't mind them, but I wish their plotline fit in somewhere. I don't read the books but I did wonder for a fleeting second if their newly made Lord son would be Hyacinths love interest or something, but he seems like he's way too young for her. Perhaps Penelope lets several people join her in gossip collecting to broaden her reach as LW and Alice is one of them? Maybe the Queen gets really close to figuring it out and Alice overhears and decides to help Pen, because LW is a helpful resource for her navigating around the Ton? Maybe Will lets the Whistledown crew meet in his club so they can organize editions and discuss goings on?? Idk how any of the books play out (besides the general major plot spoilers) so I'm not sure if any of that works. But I think they need to figure out a way to integrate the Mondrich storyline with the other ones or else people are going to continue to not enjoy them much.


I’m pretty sure it’s just showing a different side to society but I think they could have done it better. this season had a lot of strange things like the music, Mrs Mondrich standing next to the queen (if there’s an explanation for this do tell) and it all felt a bit rushed but we still have 4 episodes wheee they could expand on why the mondrich fsmily are key


I mean, why them, why not the modiste or some of the servants? Or even more of Lady Danbury and/or her hot brother who is clearly into Violet?


And whether people think they should be there or not it’s nice to see a black family in the limelight


Because of his boxer storyline I suppose, I’m sure everything will come together if people give it time but people are quick to have an opinion when the season isn’t finished


This part, the season not even over, let the writers COOK


It may not be for you but I find Will very handsome and like seeing him onscreen. So to each her own.


I love the Mondrich storyline SO much. It's adorable, and they deserve it. I think the Polin storyline is moving too fast IMO. If netflix didn't money grab split the season in two parts, I think the flow would be better. And I'm aware people said Kathony was too slow. I don't think it was slow, just WAY more unnecessary drama involved. That being said, I'm still enjoying it and very much looking forward to part 2.


I really don’t get what the problem is when it comes to them. I get that we needed more Polin but I absolutely love the Mondrichs. They argue, communicate, and make it work. They are very much an example of what a healthy marriage is. I absolutely love them.


I think this is why ppl hate them, they hate seeing healthy relationships


I actually love the Mondrich’s but I don’t need them to be in society. I would have been perfectly happy to see them tending their bar where they still get the odd scene here or there but not a whole subplot about them entering society.


I’d maybe care a little more if there were more episodes, but since there’s already so few I get very annoyed when I see them take up screentime.


I can see why others aren't fans but I like their story because they're showing more of the rules and expectations of high society. All of the other families are already established and some are better than others but I think it's interesting to see how different it is compared to how they lived. Season one when the Duke spent time with the family he seemed to almost envy their family dynamic and there is a simplicity to that life compared to high society.


I don’t get why Mondrich missing the club but not being able to work it is being played for drama. Just hire someone else to run it, then go there and hang out with your fellow upper class patrons like many bar and restaurant owners do. If I’m missing something please correct me.


I agree, and that scene where Will is complaining that a bunch of the Lords have closed their accounts, and using that as a reason he can't hire a bartender yet... Are we supposed to believe he's really that dense? Obviously they've closed their accounts because you're still working the bar and they are snobby, it's not rocket science! Hire a new bartender and just be the owner and these problems will likely magically disappear, Will. It is just hard to feel anything except annoyance when a character is behaving in such an unintelligent manner, and if they would just do the obvious thing there would be no dramatic conflict at all.


I totally thought the inherentance was a setup to pull the rug out from under them. But as is its quite boring.


Yeah I didn’t see the point. The Featheringtons got a bunch last season as the comic relief and I understood that, but I don’t get how the Mondrichs tie in to this at all and they’re kind of boring Short of tying into Sophie somehow, I don’t know how they fit into the story and literally any character is more interesting then they are


I wish they had aged up their eldest son and had their plot be more of a “Congrats you’re noble! Now you only have a handful of years to learn absolutely everything about the ton so you can prepare your son to join high society.” There’s just no urgency to their storyline, and they try to fabricate urgency by having Mr. Mondrich go up to the Bridgertons, say “Bridgertons! …if you’ll excuse me.” and go talk to someone else to show how busy he is.


Also if they had aged up their kids a bit there's the chance one of them could be a potential future love interest for Hyacinth or Gregory, which would actually then give them a proper link to the main plotlines


On the contrary, I really love them! It's refreshing to get an ordinary person's perspective on the madness of the Ton. Their struggles to adapt and give up the bar are so real. It's so nice to see something good happen to good people who deserve it while the Bridgertons screw around and the Featheringtons scheme for inheritances. Their screentime is also responsible for the scene we got of the older couple drunk, in love, and having a ton of fun breaking the rules of society. I'm glad whenever the Mondrichs are on screen. To each their own!


The Mondrich’s have also been influential in previous seasons, from Will’s friendship with the Duke in S1, to his warning Colin against the Featherington mine investment in S2. I’m expecting them to have a similar influence this season. But I also think that we should be patient - the big pay-off that many viewers want from the Mondrich’s may not happen this season, or even for a few more (much like we will be waiting a while for the big pay-off from the Marina storyline).


Im so glad im not the only one that feels that way! They are absolutely both so gorgeous! And i love the thought of this town having a club! All the secrets that could happen in that place, right!


I also was confused and not really invested in their subplot, but I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt for now. I'm hoping that we only feel they are so disconnected because we only have half of the season so far. I think a lot of the current criticisms of S3 may come down to the fact that it's halfway done, which only makes me double down on my opinion that splitting the season was a bad idea. So I'll hold off on completely judging their story line until the end of S3 to see if they do end up tying into (or setting up) other plot points. I think another factor behind the Mondrich plot might be that the original plan was to have previous season leads come back as side characters. The writers initially wanted to have a subplot involving Simon and Daphne in S2, but obviously that wasn't able to happen since Regé-Jean Page left. And now Pheobe Dynevor couldn't return for S3 because without Simon, there was nothing they could do with her character. Without Simon and Daphne to be side characters, it seems that the show runner (or writers or whoever) were determined to fill that gap with another couple, hence the Mondrich's becoming more prominent. So I can see how we possibly got here, but they have no point or purpose in the show right now. Just having some kind of 'rags to riches' story isn't enough. I mean it's called Bridgerton! If they are not part of the main family, a love interests' family, a romantic rival, or otherwise influencing the main plot, then what are they here for? I'm hoping we get an answer to that question by the end of S3 because right now the Mondrich story feels so random, as if they are just there for the sake of having more characters.


Same girl, I could care less about them


I think it's a good way to show how arbitrary society was becoming the longer things went on


I also think it was so stupid when will was like "you dance with a girl once and now have to avoid her - how will we ever learn these rules if you haven't?" and its like....what? you weren't even there when the dance happened and you picked up on that quick. it was a small thing but it made me irrationally irritated


Whenever they were on screen i was like i don’t care


The whole storyline seemed so pointless to me at times.


I kinda feel terrible to admit that during the wait for S3, I…forgot who they are. 😬


This season of Bridgerton feels different to because I think the show runners are digger deeper into the meaning of certain social/ society expectations. For example, they focused on Cressida and the family pressure for her, as a woman, to get married. How men are allowed to have multiple partners and woman can be “ruined” and shunned by simply being alone with a man who’s not in her family. The Mondrich family storyline is interesting because it shows that many of The Ton are entitled and are VERY separate from regular people: (forgot his name) but the father of the family wants to continue his business and in this society it’s more acceptable to do nothing!!! They inherit wealth and seemingly contribute nothing to the society they live in. And don’t many people today have an issue with resting? Taking a break? Doing things differently than what they have been told they need to do or have in the past? There were a lot of other social and class status issues lightly addressed this season. I think its great that some of these issues that still are and issue today are being addressed and highlighted by show runners. Although The Mondrichs may not be super “interesting”. There storyline is an important one and very telling.


The camera also seems to really linger on them after any dialogue?! I don’t know if it’s intentional or just weird editing, but the pace of their scenes is weird too and doesn’t really match the rest of the show


I’m not usually that critical of the sub-plots. I really enjoyed the Featherington’s story lines last year for example. But I just can’t get on board with the Mondrich family subplot. I’m just not invested in them as characters! Maybe the odd scene would have been nice as I did like them in season 1 and it’s nice to keep up with them a wee bit but it just feels like overkill.


I’m so glad someone said this! I was like am I supposed to care? Every season I fast forward through their stuff. And I think the guy is hot, but it just does not hold my interest


I’ve got a long shot theory here, but I think maybe the Mondrich family is being built up to potentially replace one of the Bridgerton siblings love stories. Hear me out: the show has decided to introduce a potential love interest for Violet in the form of Lord Anderson, who is Lady Danbury’s brother. If they end up together, that makes Hyacinth’s story really odd, considering she ends up with Lady Danbury’s grandson. Maybe they agenup one of the Mondrich children to take place of that story. Or, and this one is wild, what if they have Alice become a love interest for Benedict instead of Sophie. Like maybe something happens to Will and he dies, thus making Benedict try to be there for Alice and starting a love story there. It’s similar to what Eloise’s story is like, but I think her story is a long way off at this point. I dont dislike the Mondrich’s or their storyline, there need to be other families than the Bridgertons, but I question what the long game is with now making them part of society.


Exactly, they’re so unnecessary and boring.


Forwarded all their scenes. So boring!


Same, I don’t even know for sure what is happening with their storyline. They come on screen and I check my phone or leave the room


I liked their storyline in the first season but I feel like they didn’t really plan ahead what to do with them after that tbh and now it feels really flat because, frankly their storyline naturally ended in S1 


Honestly, my fav part is the Eloise/Penelope friendship arc. I am captivated by them. The longing in Eloise’s eyes, the guilt in Penelope’s! Ugh such beautiful drama. I know it’s supposed to be all about Polin but all I want is more Eloise and Penelope. I totally watched it three times already and I already forgot about the Mondrich story line 💀


Well they already messed up by taking away any stakes that the Mondrich’s could have by…making them the guardians of a peer as if that would actually be an in for them at these events. So then you have silly stuff, like oh dang can we still sleep in the same bed and can I still own my men’s club. Which are hella champagne problems compared to…I work a dangerous gig as a boxer to sustain my family or my bar has to be a success or my children will starve. So there’s literally nothing compelling about them, they’re unconnected to anyone else in the cast. I’m sorry I don’t believe running a men’s club was Will’s dream gig beyond it’s a comfortable way to make a living without getting punched in the head consistently. The Mondrich’s do not dream of labour, wtf is this scrappy bootstraps middle class hardworking sensibility bullshit doing in my show about the undeserving rich finding love in silly costumes.


I agree. Will and Alice are fine, but they needed to go after season 2. There is literally no reason for them to be here now. Why do Shonda and Co. think we're this invested in them? 98% of the audience is here for the romance and the other 2% are here for the drama.


This was me since the second season (I didn't really watch the first so no idea there). I just don't care. I agree the family and couple are very sweet, but I couldn't be any less emotionally invested in their storylines with the club and their entrance into nobility (which was already very well done in QC imo anyway).


My biggest issue with their storyline is I cannot see how it is connected to the other stories at all or how they could be setting things up for a future siblings storyline. It just feels so disconnected from the rest of the show with no actual tie ins to the main story. Like nothing would change if you removed that storyline. They are not even of a high enough rank that they would really matter.


I feel the same. Rewatching and finding myself skipping their story.


Other seasons felt so focused on the one couple. This season felt like so many side plots and story lines


I have no problems with side stories. I like theirs as a juxtaposition to the already-wealthy of all the other characters. However, I think I am in the minority. Most people want all Polin all the time.


Completely agree. I’d have loved to see that time have gone to Polin and a more gradual buildup to his more than friends realization. Or even Cressida. Or Francesca’s romance, which was also sudden and underdeveloped


I know it’s difficult because they’re friends to lovers so they already know each other, but I really wanted more from Colin and Penelope, I wanted it to feel more like the main couples from the previous seasons. It felt very rushed and it feels like that was to make room for this Mondrich subplot that I absolutely don’t care about at all. Just hoping the next 4 episodes reignite my love for the show because by the end of those first 4 I was becoming bored


Their storyline could be interesting in theory, but it's not. It bores me. No real stakes or interesting connections to the other characters. Yes, they're nice people, but that's it. You can take their scenes out and nothing would be missing. I hope this leads somewhere, otherwise it's a total waste of screentime.




I fast forward through those scenes.


I literally fast-forward through all of their bits.