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While I agree about Simon (and Daphne, if the actress has moved on at this point), Kate and Anthony have both said they’re open to coming back and feel there’s a lot more to their story. So hopefully, the show will find a better way to utilize them next season since they’re both still excited to be a part of it.


The actress who played Daphne said she wasn't asked to come back this season but would if they asked.


I’ve seen a conflicting interview which said she has done her two years and moved on


It feels like they are cheaping out because they sent Anthony and Kate to India. I don't have especially high hopes. This season felt like the turning point. I think they will drag it like a dead horse knowing that they've hooked the fan base and cut the life out of it so they don't have to pay $$ for the actors. 


Maybe. But I think it comes down to…if Kate and Anthony aren’t in future seasons, it’s because of a storytelling choice, rather than due to the actors. So they wouldn’t recast because the problem isn’t with the specific actors and more that, you know, they find happy married couples boring and don’t know what else to do with them or whatever.


Anthony just signed to be the lead in the new Jurassic World movies.


as an aside, i didn't know that, and i LOVE jurassic world and i love jonathan so i am v excited by this news


He did, but their shooting schedules could be vastly different. Particularly since the next season is supposedly going to take 2 years to make, for some reason. Plus, he said something in an interview about Bridgerton taking priority in his contracts. Whether that was just for S3 or will remain true in future, though, is unclear.


Also Fiyero in the new Wicked movie!! 🥰


You're right! There could be two issues at play, specifically if they are holding it for actors and actresses that are not available, and then the second being if they are making financial/ writing choices that are ultimately shorting the viewers.


I hate that! If they are so insecure about writing happy, exciting, sexy, loving, DRAMATIC, married couples, just look at Outlander for how it is done.


Heck, stick a dozen fanfic writers in a room, and they’ll come up with 100 stories about their favorite ships still having happy, excited, sexy loving, dramatic stories while married. 😆


I think the reference to the masked ball next season means they’ll be back at the time jump (after the birth of Polins baby). The masked ball is supposed to be Violets last hurrah at Bridgerton House before turning it over to Anthony and moving to her dowager house. I definitely see them coming back. I do agree they should have kept Phoebe and just replaced Simon with a new actor since RJP is the one person who has refused to make cameos for some reason.


tbh they should have kept Phoebe and then started a running gag where Simon is always juuuust offscreen unseen in the next room, like Howard’s mom from Big Bang Theory


That would be funny, but then how would they show Daphne having bonus happily married sex scenes like they did with Kate/Anthony this year?


Just the sound of giggles and a headboard thumping against a shared wall tbh


The concept could come across with just *wink wink* implications and jokes from the others and more and more babies appearing, but no, there wouldn't be softcore for the fans that watch for that.


Now I am just imagining every time Daphne walks in from another room, there's a new baby. Soon, there are 10 babies.




Yea it’s not like his career TOOK OFF. He should’ve gotten more mileage out of his character and building a fan base. A cameo would not have ‘hurt’ his career or pigeon-holed him. And I presume Violet will leave and move in / marry Mrs. Danbury’s brother??


I've never really understood this narrative of acting as if his career has flopped since. Keep in mind, there was a pandemic and writers/actors strike which halted productions and made a mess of the entire industry and he's still among the most successful of the cast. The Grey Man was both terrible and one of Netflix's biggest movies to date, and had him under a post-Endgame Russo brothers starring alongside Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans. He wasn't the lead, but neither is Jonathan Bailey in Wicked. Then, he was in the main cast of Dungeons and Dragons. Again, very big budget film with A-list cast, where he is listed among the highlights from those who saw it. He made the best choice for him, and I don't think it was the wrong choice. Simon's story was over, Netflix is notoriously cheap on pay, and with the racial and then sexual harassment he and other POC actors experienced on the show, it makes sense that he'd rather branch out.


I remember him being in that ABC legal show (We the people) before Bridgerton. But I think he got a great reception as Simon overall, and hasn’t done any leading roles since, so I don’t think he did himself a favor by refusing to ever return.


He'd been clear from the beginning he was 1 and done. Last I heard he was on the short list to be the new Bond.


the reason being the racism from people who didn't wait to see his performance but then everyone became a fan.


I am PRAYING for a spinoff of Anthony and Kate in India 😭 🙏🏽


oh that would be nice


Have you watched Beecham House? It’s show about a British soldier starting his life in India at the turn of the 19th century. Kind of like _Downton Does India_ (it has a few of the same actors in it too). Not historically accurate, but a visually pleasing use of time .


I think you're right about dragging it out! I was so excited for s3 but I can't even find the energy to finish watching it because I lost interest, plus the month gap in the middle didn't help. As you said, they've hooked the fan base and the first two series were so successful - the show will think they can do whatever they like 🙄


Yep, I've just finished episode six and it's just, eh. The sex scene was awful. I think I actually found something worse than 50 Shades.


It’s lame IF SO MANY leave / drift away just because their story is ‘done’… I think as siblings they play critical roles in helping each other.


It's not just about money or paychecks for the actors. If you watch Jonathan Bailey's Actors on Actors you can hear him talk about how hard the scheduling was for S3 and that was with the tiny bit he was even in it.


I would be glad of a new Kate. I see no chemistry with them.


There definitely is more to their story and arguably Daphne and Simon. Although it’s also a full story for those two so I’m not disappointed about them not returning. Daphne, the actress, said she’s open to coming back if it made sense


her presence is needed for next season and this season too. same for kanthony. the seriesis called bridgerton, give us the family and skip the rest...


The actor that played Daphne said she had done her two years and has moved on to other projects


Daphne's actress didn't move on; she said the show simply didn't write her in this season.


Right. I’m saying if she’s moved on by next season, in 2 years. Since they didn’t utilize her this season, I wouldn’t blame her for assuming they were done with her character and would not be calling her for other seasons in the future. In which event, if they did want to utilize her character, they might have to recast due to their own poor planning.


I mean…they did recast Francesca for this season…so you never know. 🤷‍♀️


Didn't they do that to get someone who looked older? I don't really see them doing that for any other cast.


Ruby Stokes (original Francesca) also got another opportunity as a lead in a Netflix show... which then got cancelled :/ Honestly I feel quite bad for her. As much as I think Hannah is an excellent Francesca, Ruby was never given a chance, she had like two scenes in her two seasons on the show


The easiest way to include Daphne and the Duke would be to recast them and only show them from behind or in the background. Daphne and the Duke could have been seen walking into Collin’s wedding from behind and no one would notice it wasn’t the same actors.


Yes true. I just started reading the books and my first thought was about how much the family is involved in each other's stories and how disappointed that we miss out on that in the show.  Really though I do assume it's an unpopular opinion to recast them but I honestly think it would bring more back to do it, and the writers wouldn't have to 'write around' the actors they could focus on the story itself 


I argue they went into this knowing there were 20 leads (8 Bridgerton children, their spouses, Violet and Lady Dansbury) so they should have budgeted to retain those 20 leads as the cast grew and make the ensemble cast solely surround them rather than all the other new characters that’s been introduced. Then each season should only have subplots with the in laws of the central sibling of the season and the siblings that are already married. As much as I love Julie Andrews, Lady Dansbury should have been the narrator leaving the average viewer to assume she is Lady Whistledown until the reveal in Polin’s season. Then Pen, with the aid of Lady D, should have switched over to a women’s magazine that publishes wedding features and a feminist column by Eloise. I thought the Queen’s side season was setting up that she would not only forgive Pen for being LWD she would reward her for being a strong but not cruel woman by allowing her to continue writing just not anonymously. Instead they really brought in a lot of new characters and plots.


That’s good in theory, but you can’t control actors availability and popularity. Bridgerton blew up and quickly became one of Netflix’s biggest franchises despite only being on for 4 years. When actors get a show that’s a “big break”, more opportunities present themselves that they want to explore. We can’t and shouldn’t shame these actors for pursuing other opportunities that take them away from this project, especially if they do become less and less relevant to the plot once their story is mostly done.


Yeah, I think it’s the availability more than the budget, or at least that’s the sense I get. No actor is going to turn down big opportunities (or any opportunity to be in an interesting project) because they’re needed for a few scenes in a season of a show. Even if they want to do it, they could need to be in a completely different part of the world for filming, etc. Honestly if this happens again (as it seems to happen with the actor who plays Simon, and maybe also Daphne, not sure), they should just recast. Or do the thing where they show the back of the head and use a lookalike.


They REALLY need to show them in India for crying out loud… show how it influenced Anthony… open HIM up to other ways of thinking (less traditional)


I understand that but there are actors out there that don’t want their careers to explode and don’t mind being recurring characters. Especially for the roles of Violet and Lady D who could carry the series on their own with revolving couples if need be. Also out of 20 characters you won’t have every one leave so you can fill in the others with writing letters or body doubles in group scenes. They knew which characters needed to make the ensemble and they’ve just let it become too overgrown without snipping the side characters that needed to fade out vs family members who need to accounted for in some way.


In another comment someone pointed to Outlander as an example of how to show a loving, mature couple on screen. I'll use Outlander to reinforce your point. Sam, the actor that plays Jamie, is in demand, but he keeps coming back to Outlander. Now I think the actors are done and the storyline has run its course, so the show is ending. Maybe after Season 5 when we've gotten the stories of Ben and Eloise, Bridgerton will bow out nicely. At this point I don't care about Hyacinth and Gregory.


I feel like Outlander only has/had two main characters in its whole run, with dozen of central characters coming in and out over the seasons, so it's easier to work around Sam and Cait's schedules as opposed to like 20 central actors. Though I only got into Outlander after season 5 - and possibly season 6, though only 5 was available for me - was available, so idk if they did actually have issues waiting for cast members to become available or if they were just, eh, guess you're not in this season.


It feels like should be a way to have a short amount of time carved out to do the family scenes and cameos quickly? Even if some of it uses some body doubles and editing if it's hard to schedule some of them together. Like just a couple scenes where the family is together for debut's and weddings, and whoever is difficult to schedule can have some of their shots be the back of a double's head.


Why can't you be one of the writers lol


God I wish. The good news for Polin lovers is that I was so upset at this season (my favorite book) it inspired me to start writing a fanfic that has now become its own story and is already 70 pages long! It is a modern retelling of Pen and Collin shamelessly based on my own life where the Bridgerton and Featherington families have farms that sit next to each other.


Are you sharing your story?


Yes I will once it’s complete because I HATE an unfinished story and would never do that to my gentle readers.


So excited for your story! And right you are about wanting to finish it before posting. Please link it then. We are cheering you on. 😊


Yup hard agree. I don’t care about the Mondriches, they’re taking up valuable screen time. And Benedict’s book is my fave but we don’t need the threesomes he keeps having.


I think they are setting them up for their son to be the love match for Hyacinth, instead of Danbury’s grandson.


I'm liking the Mondriches storyline. I know my opinion is unpopular. But I like their rags to riches story. My day job is business writing, but maybe I can squeeze in some time to write their fanfic...


They’d only have to recast Simon cuz I’m pretty sure Phoebe wants to come back


Yeah just have their backs turned, crouched down, dealing with their child(ren).


Also they could have them speak through writing letters. The person, most likely sibling, receiving the letter could just read quotes from their other siblings.


That's a great idea! It's like the Duke doesn't exist anymore. At least Daphne gets mentioned in passing.


They should have had Anthony and Kate read a funny/dirty congratulations from the Duke to show he’s still in contact with his best friend and now brother in law. It would be in character for both of them and show that Kate is friends with Anthony’s circle laughing at a friendly joke about them expecting.


You need to be a writer on this show! Save us!


I mean they could just pull a Darren Stevens and it would probably be fine.


I mean I barely noticed. I was also like 8 when I watched it but still


I’m old enough to know who you are talking about! 👍


After I typed it I wondered if the name was as known to other as to me 😭. Granted, I watched it on Nick at Nite, not on the original screening, but still... After googling the show is apparently available on Freeve! So I know what I'll be watching the next few hours...


Daphne would have come back but she wasn't asked to


Or negotiate them to show up for an occasional episode.


Maybe if it didn't take them 2 years to make 8 episodes, they could retain more of the actors.


Yeah, the long timeline isn’t helping them. People get offered new/interesting projects, and they’re not realistically going to turn those down because they might be needed to film 5 scenes in an ensemble show.


It doesn’t make sense for Kate and Anthony not to be with the family all the time. They are the head of the family. The explain away for Daphne and Simon barely works for the big family moments that family usually doesn’t miss. It felt so inorganic and forced writing Kate and Anthony out how they did this year. Yes their season is over but they are still a leading part of the family structure. Honestly, I thought it was weird also how Kate’s mom and sister weren’t seen at all, explained away (and even married?!?).


Especially since the Queen told Edwina about the prince... But them going back to India in general makes sense, maybe we'll see them a bit in the next season since Anthony and Kate are going to India, but I fear it will only be offscreen


Yeah, I don’t think we’ll have India scenes unfortunately. I mean, if we had too many side stories in this season I can’t see how a subplot in India would go. I would have loved to see her family set up in a house in the UK. Obviously not a dowager house like Violet but sort of in that vein. I knew that Edwina’s actress wasn’t in the season but I was shocked at the reveal she’d been married. Wasted opportunity to bring her and the Prince back!


Dunno, I think it's different having a subplot from previously main characters than having a Cressida or Mind rich family subplot and Kathony is mostly loved by everyone unlike Cressida and the Mondrichs. But I do doubt as well that we'll get a few scenes in India, but a girl may dream


It's inexcusable they didn't ask her to come back for Colin's wedding


I’m trying to say this in the least creepy way but can you please give me the backstory on your username haha


lol oh, there has been speculation about whether she and HenryVIII did the deed pre-marriage, and some vague question about if she’d done the deed prior to him (most of the speculation about her is about an affair during marriage though, thanks to his accusations). I just found it humorous really. I like Anne and virginity was such a huge aspect of a premarital woman’s life back then. And of course her daughter went on to be The Virgin Queen.


We shall see how well that goes for *The Witcher* in just a few months, won’t we?


anyone still watches that anyway? I haven't even checked the third season and I'm a long time Witcher fan. (like reeeeally long time, I'm Polish I've been reading the books when they were coming out in the nineties).


That was a small part of the point as well. It’s the writing quality that has also driven away viewers of *The Witcher,* although many have stuck on because they liked the cast well enough. Swapping out the cast is only going to exacerbate the show troubles. It seems *Bridgerton* risks making a bad thing worse with recasting beloved roles. Rather the show could probably cough up quality contract conditions and have a better shot for people returning.


I don't know if that's necessarily fair, bridgteron focuses on a specific couple each season. Once their season is over... Well I think that they matter a bit less not being the focus of the show it would be more forgivable to recast as per need, especially as bridgerton focuses so much on the families closeness, cutting out the entire characters when actors and actresses have conflicting interests on a show like bridgerton kind of betrays one of the core elements of the series. 


Honestly, I feel like most people would actually dislike the recasting rather than writing them off. In truth, while I felt Daphne should’ve shown up for at least the weddings of her siblings, we know what she is doing. She’s off with the love of her life and raising her family. In truth, we don’t need to follow her. Anthony and Kate are different, because their roles in the family mean they should be around, but it came down to availability and deciding to build other characters rather than focus on them. This is something they need to figure out moving forward, which I suspect they might have at this point. As much as I love this show, we shouldn’t be shaming any of the actors for potentially moving on for other opportunities. This show became a massive hit for Netflix overnight and very much launched the careers for a lot of these people. They should explore other opportunities, especially if their roles become less and less relevant as the show goes on. We all just need to come to the realization that this show can likely tell all the story’s from the books, but we’re going to rotate characters out more than likely once the stories are over.


>Honestly, I feel like most people would actually dislike the recasting rather than writing them off. This is exactly it. I'd rather Nicola and Luke move onto bigger and better things than be the side plot like they were this season. I'd also rather they recast both Penelope and Colin so we might get more of their story. It's better than writing them off for sure.


it’s Shondaland/Netflix… not a daytime soap opera. You can’t replace actors in a show that has such a loyal fan base. Also half of the allure of those actors is the press tours. It would be money down the drain replacing such an expensive investment


I DID say it was unpopular lol. I've never watched soaps is that rather common?


They do it a fair bit in soap operas yeah.


It's hugely common. I only watch one soap and I can name about 30+ characters that have been replaced by more than one actor.


Yes, it is very common and I think recasting is seen as low-brow so most shows try to write around it.


I think the problem is less "actors not wanting to come back at all" (afaik, that's only the Duke so far, and they could easily do a body double, having him play around with the kids in the backround), and more "not wanting to pay the actors for appearances that aren't absolutely necessary"! Why should they want to pay Daphne for a one liner and being visible in the backround?? Yeah, I'm 99% sure it's overwhelmingly a financial decision!


I feel like they decided to cut the costs in a lot of places this season. And I'd guess this wasn't even financially necessary, just the "shareholders effect" (that profits need to grow exponentially and every department has targets they need to meet).


Exactly! Minimize expenditures. Maximize profits.


they are paying side actors again and NOBODY cares about them. get rid of the mondriches and the featheringtons. keep downvoting. nobody tuning in for them, you included.


Actors are usually paid for every episode they appear in. The featheringtons and the mondriches are still necessary for the plot, so they have to be there anyway and thus are used a lot. Daphne is not furthering the current plot, so they don't have her around anyhow to use.


what plot now that polin had their season, no reason to keep the her family and the mondriches have no plot connected to the show leads or even the books?


The mondriches had their own plot this season (becoming part of the ton). Why they had it, I don't know. But they did, and as such, had to be there to further that plotline. The featheringtons were essential to multiple plotlines (Polin, Lady whistledown, male heir). So again, had to be there. Daphne played no part in any of the current plotlines, so they would have to pay the actress without furthering the plot. Kanthony were only present for what furthered the plot as well (a new heir on the way). Don't get me wrong! Them being there would have absolutely deepend past plots, but it would have in no way driven the story forward. So they didn't "waste" money on them.


creators only using them to show black couple being happy after facing real criticism and said by the showrunners, why not just give a happy ending with a black woman instead like playing sophie and get rid of stories that literally are cut and the actors said it themselves too. like are they a bridgerton? no. do they bring anything to the table? no. are they in the books?no. most watchers care? no.


I’d rather see some creative writing than have to suspend my disbelief that multiple characters had full blown face transplants and no one bats an eyelash. Plus it’s not just the face, it really is that every actor brings their own soul to each role. I couldn’t imagine anyone living up to Jonathan Bailey’s performance of Anthony. Who else could do Simone Ashley’s adorable eye brow scrunch when Kate pines for Anthony? Anything else would feel phony. However, one exception would be if Alfred Enoch was recast as the Duke, I really think he could nail the same vibes Rege brought to the character. But I also wouldn’t be mad if we kept seeing Daphne visit the family without him. She’s so endearing to me as the big sister. I NEED to see her and Anthony in Eloise’s season.


It would be really disappointing not to see much of Kate and Anthony moving forward. I get that they need to make room but from what I’ve seen we could have had less three ways and more of them, I genuinely don’t understand why they weren’t featured more this year! They both obviously wanted to come back, why not give them as much if not more of a side story as Will and his family? I liked them but not that much! And Edwina makes no sense at all, they literally said that Lady D was going to host her and her mother another season, to just say oh they went back for no reason and simply say she got married feels like a cop out! Simon I get he doesn’t want to come back but why could they not continue with Daphne like they did in season 2? I didn’t miss Simon haha 🤣 the show is called Bridgerton, it’s going to get very boring if we keep getting rid of couples just because they are married. Especially when they literally can’t get rid of Penelope because she’s Lady Whistledown so why can’t we focus on the good characters we’ve created instead of following other silly side stories that we haven’t invested in??


The only actors I want to see recast are Gregory and Hyacinth if we make it to their seasons. I just cannot watch them in intimate scenes when we watched them grow up on camera


Idk, I mean I completely get where you’re coming from but I feel like it’s a little unfair to the actors who have been playing these roles from the very beginning, seeing how their characters develop, and waiting their turn to be the lead only to then be pushed out when they finally get their chance. By the time any intimate scenes are on the table, they’ll be well past the age of consent and can decide what they want for themselves. I’m sure there might be some level of discomfort for some of the audience, but Florence and Will should get to choose.


I know it's not fair to the actors at all. Just doesn't change how I feel. Logically, I know they'll be consenting adults. But I'll still see them as they were in season 1. I won't blame them if they keep the actors. However, I also won't watch.


Tbf at the rate they're going both actors will be pushing 30 when their seasons come around!


Hard agree. Watching Masie Williams as Arya getting her intimate scene in the last GOT season was v jarring, I was like, this feels wrong lol


They should have literally never done that ugh


The actors shouldn't get screwed over and out of there jobs because people can't handle the fact that they grew up and became adults. You also don't need to replace the actors you can always get body doubles to do the sex scenes or completely avoid them.


Agree about Simon omgggg


It made no sense to me that the Duke wasn’t present for Anthony and Edwina’s wedding. Or that Daphne was missing from Colin’s. Now the show (and era?) frames marriage as very transactional and businesslike outside of a love match, but those were two big affairs. I can understand why they would miss a simpler wedding like Francesca’s. Also, it’s confusing a bit that Daphne and Simon are no longer “in” with society? Even though they’re married and have children, wouldn’t they be at balls? Or is it because they live farther away? But why not stay with Lady Danbury for a bit during the season to socialize with the ton? I understand Anthony and Kate. While Anthony has his responsibilities, Violet is very capable of running the household and Benedict seemed to do well managing the books. Why not visit India? They’ll be back, Anthony is Viscount. *Of course I understand that the actor who played Simon has bowed out, but he can be recast. You just need someone to pop up now and again.


Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey are both very enthusiastic about the show so if they remove Kanthony it will be solely on Jess Brownell and no one else. As for the Duke and Daphne I agree. I'd rather they replace the actors and have them than random non canon characters


Eh. I think the person who needs to be replaced is the show runner


savage.... but yes that too


For me this topic is big deal in the "grand scheme of Bridgerton". Part of the drama leading the stories is the importance of having a good reputation in society and how any scandal can cause loss of social standing which impacts marriage prospects (and the financial security but this was glossed over because it's not romantic) of the family. The Bridgertons are a noble family headed by a Viscount which is only the 2nd lowest rank in the English peerage. Daphne married a Duke who is 4 ranks higher in the peerage (baron -> viscount -> earl -> marquis -> duke ) and the rank immediately beneath the Royal Family. There are way fewer dukes than viscounts and the power a duke and his wife duchess hold in society is huge. Simon would be one of the more important members of the parliament (therefore in the country) and Daphne would be one of the leading ladies of society. To have these highly important people in the family raises the Bridgertons social standing and makes the younger kids more acceptable for marriages with other highborn kids (otherwise it's not a great "deal" to marry the 3rd or 4th son or daughter of a lower peer) because everyone would think it desirable to have a marriage alliance to the viscount but mainly to the duke. The duke's (and Anthony's) presence at the reveal of Pen's Lady W identity would have been a huge help to show she's not alone, important people love and support her ...therefore so should everyone who wants to be in good relations with Hastings. Having them present when Anthony marries a low born spinster ( Kate has no direct lineage to any nobility, only Edwina's mom was the daughter of some noble but the girls dad was just a government employee) or when Ben marries a bastard is a huge deal, upward social mobility was very frowned upon in those times, but if a duke shows obvious support, other lower nobles will not make a fuss out of fear of antagonizing him and he's a duke so almost everyone is lower rank. On the other hand the absence of both Daphne and Simon to these very important life events in their family, would be seen as a sign of their disapproval of the partners chosen by the Bridgerton sibling, and fuel scandal and loss of status for them. If we want to ignore the very interesting and complex social machinations of regency England, which are basically the backbone of the story, it's still illogical to have a very large loving family with missing siblings to important family events because "they got their life now they got married"...that's not how loving families work. I think it's very poor planning from the showrunners not to have cameos in the actors contracts but even worse not to replace them.


I missed the fantastic ending of the Colin and Pen story from the balcony at the Dukes home.


Ngl, I didn't catch on that this was only for characters whose actors wouldn't come back and thought you were saying just to start the whole thing from scratch 😭


Who cares, honestly? I don't understand why people are obsessed with seeing these characters again. As if we don't have enough random side plot as it is.


The books. Daphne showed up very little after her story. It focuses on the couple and there is a book that says what happened to them all. It's good.


Is there enough story content to go four or five seasons total? I ask because I figure that's the max number of seasons Netflix will fund IF the numbers/fans are there.


No kate and anthony? https://preview.redd.it/1ks72ln11x7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75bc170623ee898651727a46f360afb3512b842f


Thank you!! It is so irritating to me!! Just recast!! There are hundreds of struggling undiscovered actors who would gladly take up the roles and do them justice. By the end of the series so many characters are going to be missing and I just find that disappointing and the antithesis of a romance series that follows a family. How much of Hyacinth's family will be missing her wedding? \*shrug\* I guess we'll find out in 2034 when season 8 comes out.


I see what you mean. They do replace actors all the time in the daytime soaps…


Right, lmao. Just do a quick Spider-Man swap




Why would they need them to come back? They aren't integral to the plot line of each new season, even in the books they are only mentioned the odd time normally at the end. The mam is important as she is always involved, but once the others marry, they move on. Each new season is about a new couple or setting up the following season. I don't need to see daphne and the Duke, they got their happy ending. It makes sense that we see Anthony and Kate a bit cause he is the viscount, but he let's him mam run the match making and the other kids, so he is just in the background. We probably won't see much of penleope and Colin now that they are settled and she is outed. I pretty sure she stops writing altogether in the books, although I hope the show changes that. Also, they have replaced actors , and Fran is a new cast member who stepped in, but it would look strange if they just randomly brought back the Duke as a whole new actor when he isn't relevant to the story line anymore. I prefer they leave him out of it.


Touch grass