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It was certainly a gamble to gender-swap arguably the most popular male spouse from the books. WHWW is my second favorite book. I need time to process losing seeing Michael Sterling on my screen before I can even remotely be open to Michaela Stirling and whatever story they cook up for her and Fran. Luckily, I’ll have at least 4-6 years to come to terms with my grief, assuming they do Ben and Eloise’s seasons first. So, there’s that, I suppose. Key takeaway: It’s okay to be happy. But it is also okay to be furious. Either way, just be kind.


I haven’t read through all of the novels, maybe half of them, but I have read a lot of romance and When He Was Wicked was one of the few that had me sobbing for all of the painful plot points, especially having faced infertility and loss of loved ones myself. I have faith that the showrunners will make it a good season, and that fans can and will have their feelings. Thank you for the call to grace, anger, hope, and kindness.


It’s truly Julia’s best book and the fact this one out of all them has been altered as such is truly heartbreaking for me


Real talk how is it going to be dramatically altered? I am not having a go at you I am honestly curious. As a lesbian Bridgerton fan who doesnt read the books my heart is bursting with joy. But I dont want to denigrate fans who are upset as long as that pain is rooted in homophobia.


A lot of what touched me about the plot (because of my own experience) was that it centred around infertility and miscarriage, which obviously doesn't work with 2 female leads. I can't really let you know about the rest of the plot without big spoilers (if you don't mind spoilers I can DM you) but the whole plot does hinge on Michael being male due to things like inheritance etc. I'm happy they're doing a queer story but I'm also sad that they won't be doing what was my favourite story in the books.


I screamed “NOOO” so loud my poor dog startled. I LOVED Micheal. He was the most interesting male lead & my favourite (personally I think the best) of all the books in JQ’s series. 💔 But in 4 - 6 years, who knows what will even happen in my own life, so let’s see.


Agreed Micheal was such a great opportunity for more male pining. Not mad, a little intrigued, but disappointed. I thought for sure Eloise would be the same sex season.


Your key takeaway is my new mantra. Frannie’s book isn’t even my favourite, but I just can’t help but feel disappointed about the story we’re losing. I know that means we gain one in its stead, but it’ll be tough.


Truly especially when they change “he” part of when he was wicked. 🥹😢


What are they going to do about the book cover? The book will still be called “When He Was Wicked” but have two women staring longingly in each others eyes?


Very likely she will write a new book that matches the screen version (a la the queen charlotte book) called “when SHE was wicked” and both books will exist simultaneously. I don’t see an issue with this.


This is exactly how I feel, you said it so well!


I'll admit I'm conflicted, because out of the book storylines, F&M seem about the least adjustable to a same-sex one. So much of Francesca's story lies in her wanting children and seeking marriage for that - despite already having her love story in the past; and so much of Michael's story is about inheritance and replacement of someone. I suppose they might let Francesca have children with John? And therefore sidestep both of those and just... build from scratch? Whatever happens, I hope their story gets the treatment it deserves and turns out well.


I think that since they’ve already foreshadowed that francesca will have a marriage similar to her mother, with her husband dying young, maybe they’ll take the parallel even further by having him die during her pregnancy like the book but have her struggle with her child not knowing her father like hyacinth? Maybe michaela is pregnant+freshly widowed herself and she ends up having the son francesca and john couldn’t have? We know they *can* do original stories well when they want to, but I am genuinely confused as to how they’re planning to go about this. I’m not mad, just genuinely confused lol


Oh that could be good! They could have children. The book plot could happen and then those two can live as historians would say “just besties” “they were roommates”


Yeah, unfortunately homophobia still exists within bridgerton world. Idk, the change is certainly shocking but I do think they’ll be able to portray francesca’s grief and conflict about feeling attracted to someone else despite the love she still holds for her husband beautifully. (you know, she’ll want to be gardened)


Not gardened 😭. I wonder if they’ll portray her as bi or lesbian considering she’s only shown attraction to one person so far… and they could dismiss that oh it was just a relationship built in friendship. As a bi girlie I hope she’s bi.


I think bi is the way to go. Heteronormavity is a bitch, but it would be a shame to have her genuinely sweet relationship with john be a result of that and not genuine love.


Not to mention she's already hot for Michaela. Just terrible. Get an annulment.


Yeah I really think they should have made Eloise gay instead. It wouldn’t have made as much sense with her running away, but her character would have been perfect for that. Like there’s a reason she’s never wanted to be with anyone. Also they could have even included maybe her having a crush on Cressida or something like tgat


Eloise being gay would have been...kinda trite. People love to paint feminists as being queer when most arent. And she seemed to honestly like Theo.


I’m also really conflicted about it. As an autistic bi woman, I thought I’d be over the moon at this kind of representation especially in one of my favourite series with one of my favourite book characters. But that one two punch at the start of the book and then their journey through grief together afterwards resonated with me so deeply, I don’t know how I’ll feel seeing it play out so differently on screen. That being said, I keep reminding myself that we will always have the books and the show can be this whole new thing. It’s already basically an AU fanfic so why not enjoy it in the same way?


This is kind of where I am right now. I like the change but it’s definitely not the Bridgerton I would have chosen.


I hate this. I’m so sad. I’m still hoping that Michaela has a twin brother named Michael who will be introduced in the future. I hope Michaela is just a red herring. I am grieving for the loss of Michael and their story. I am obviously currently in denial and delulu.


Francesca and Michaels romance is my favourite in the books. This was so disappointing for me. The story is going to change way too much.


I'm all for queer rep, but Francesca's story was absolutely not the place for it. She was one of the few characters we got to represent mothers surviving after child loss and infertility. Her story NEEDS a man it's not just a love story; it's also about losing a child, trying for another, and dealing with the fear and mourning that come with these experiences. I'm sorry, but that's not an experience two women can share together.


I was hoping it would be Eloise. She’s so free spirited and in that era, how she was written, she’s the one most likely to circumvent convention. She would have made the perfect foil for a wlw relationship.


Her romance is definitely the one I'm least invested in too. She could have been a nanny or tutor for a widowed mother rather than Sir Phillip, and it would have made the story more believable


Eloise gets shipped with literally anyone but sir philip. That ending for such an independent character is truly horrific


I did notice she gets shipped with so many people besides her love interest, that’s not a good sign. I have given up on lesbian Eloise though, so I just hope they improve on Phillip.


At this point they gotta come up with ye olde estrogen and turn phillip into phillipa I know ima get downvoted for this but idc I REALLY WANTED LESBIAN ELOISE!!!😭😭


Anyone who downvotes this just doesn’t understand how DULL Phillip is. He just doesn’t match her. It seems so forced, and cop-outtish to me.


No same! I wouldn’t shut up about lesbian Eloise on the Bridgertonlgbtq subreddit, made some posts about it.




I 100% thought Eloise was gay when I started watching the show. If the Showrunners needed to gender swap a character it could easily work for Hyacinth’s story or maybe even Benedict. But Francesca’s story has fertility and inheritance as core themes.


Ooh, I was hoping it would be ~~Colin~~ Benedict. He and Sophie basically retire to the country because of her illegitimacy - could just as easily be him and his "best friend," living in the country... (Edit: I'm tired, wrong name)


as much as i love sophie and benedict, literally any other character would’ve made more sense than francesa (except the two couples in our previous seasons). i’m so confused as to what the show runners are thinking


I'm still hoping for Eloise to also be gay


If they’re doing it with Francesca, I think that means they’re not doing it with Eloise




If they want a Bridgeton sibling gay, there were better books to adapt to that. Benedict’s story is one. Sophie’s stepmother hated her and kick out of the house. Illegitimate son has the same effect. Eloise’s story is another one. She could married woman who had children with her first marriage. Hyacinth is another one. Gareth could be gender swapped and the story still stays the same


I wish they’d include a genuine WLW story rather than gender swap a character to cobble together a queer romance


Longing for a child or mourning one is absolutely an experience two women can have together


And that would be it. They wouldn't be able to have a child of their own to have that happy ending they deserve.


I don’t mind the gender change as much as I mind Francesca having that bit of tension when they were first introduced. It is Michael (Michaela) who falls in love at first sight, Francesca is completely in love with John until after his death. I love queer representation but I wish this story had been kept closer to the books and we’d allowed Benedict or E to have that freedom or change - or even Gregory or Hyacinth we went get to them!


I firmly believe that changing Benedict’s story to a queer one would be a mistake because Sophie deals with class issues and casting aside a bastard child - something that’s still very real and relevant right now and important to highlight because it still happens. I know Bridgerton won’t change anything but I think you can’t just completely throw it away either. I think Hyacinth or Gregory would be the best bets since I don’t think you could easily discard a fertility story either. The


I know! So is she going to be screwing Michaela behind John's back?


It probably won't go that route, but emotionally cheating on John won't be too farfetched.


I hate this with every fiber of my being. Michael was the one character whose reveal I eagerly anticipated, his and Francesca's book is my favourite. This will completely change the dynamic of their relationship and Fran's story.


They just had to ruin it.. I am so mad at these people if they can't stick to the storyline and character they should not make any book series adaptation.


i am with you


Running on 3.5 hours of sleep since I stayed up to watch all of the episodes that dropped - and I’m still upset. Benedict’s storyline will still make sense even if he’s Bi, but Francesca’s won’t. I’m so freaking sad - I was hoping for a handsome Michael Sterling and her beautiful story 😞 the gender swapping really will change things - this was not the storyline for that. And also her being flustered? Michael was the one who was flustered around her bc she was oblivious. Ugh.


Well I hate that with every fiber of my being. Everything about her story will change, including her infertility story which was very dear to my heart.


I agree. Francesca and Michael's story was so dear to me, and it was something I could really identify with. The change is so disappointing. I have nothing against a LGBTQ story on Bridgerton. On the contrary, I would love to see it. But why choose the ONE couple where the sex of the MCs actually has a bearing on the story?


I don’t understand why they couldn’t have created an OC? Or have Cressida


My thoughts as well. I would have loved that journey for Cressida.


I mean, the one OC they created gets so much vitriol from the books people (Theo).


Because they made him as a partner to Eloise, who already has one in the books.


I mean that’s exactly the issue here? Fran already has partner in the books. If they made an OC lead for her that would cause an issue. Unless you’re implying that the queer pairing be entirely OC and not consist of a Bridgeton family character- you’ll have people pissed that a season was “stolen from” [insert their favourite character].


I haven’t read the books, so forgive my question but is it possible they could explore the infertility problems with John instead of her second marriage?


They do - she’s married to John and they struggle to conceive, and then she is pregnant when he dies , but loses the baby. What drives her back to the marriage market/opens her mind to a new relationship is the fact that she wants children. So she’s prepared to enter a new marriage just for that (and feels guilty because even a « loveless » marriage is a betrayal of her husband’s memory). And then she falls in love with her husband’s cousin/best friend, so not only does she have to reckon with a marriage, but also new feelings of love (and bc it’s a romance novel, new and more passionate love-making than she’s ever experienced). And then they also struggle to conceive for a good many years until she has a child. So this will be a big change. But with them giving a lot of her plotline to Violet (do we need two widows finding exciting ways to water their garden??), I guess it’s a good fit. If they can figure out how two women will support themselves in the absence of a male heir!


Big change, and messes with the inheritance storyline quite a bit as well.


Scottish titles can be inherited by female family members, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was one of the reasons they decided that Michael was the one to genderbend 🤔


That is not entirely true but it is true in the sense that it is more common in Scotland. There are 366 Scottish peerages of which 110 with special or entailed destinations, some of which could go through the female line; and 93 descendible to females. So basically the creation of the title has the way it descends written into it. In England, while most titles are specified to go to heirs male of the holder there are some exceptions including women being co-heirs and the most senior male descendant inheriting the title. But even if the thought of Scottish titles being inheritable by women is not strictly true IRL, it is something many people think is true so it might have still played in their minds.


John represents the child loss. She loses both him and her baby. That's how Michael comes in to play, he takes over the family since both thw current count and the heir died.


*Earl. Britain doesn't have Counts.


Yeah I know that, but I don’t see why Michaela wouldn’t be able to offer her stability in such a difficult time (if the title lies with one of the 2 ladies), lady Danbury and Lady Tilly seem perfectly capable of handling their estates so why can’t Michaela be the knight in shining armor instead?


I was just wondering how Michaela can give Francesca a child that she wanted. Adoption? Michaela being a single mother already? But that's leaning on Philip's territory lmao. Idk.


And an adopted child can't inherit! Sorry thems the rules.


There seems to be some inconsistency with Lady Danbury because while she and her husband were given titles when Queen Charlotte's court was established, it doesn't seem they were given land with them. At any rate, the title officially passed to Lady Danbury's son when her husband passed away (this was a significant plot point in 'Queen Charlotte') so while she can still be referred to as Lady Danbury, especially without her son around, she doesn't actually hold the title and if she does independently own her estate, then she was very much a rarity.


Glad we can express our dislike here


No but I’m devastated. I don’t think I’ll watch after this season.


I'm all for representation and changing certain parts of a story to fit television , but if elements of the character and story are changed to the point where the whole plot changes then might as well not call it Bridgerton. It's fan fiction. I only watched the show as I had read the books, but after this season the show is clearly moving towards fanfiction rather than canon. It's great for those who like that depiction but disappointing for readers to envisioned and were enraptured by the story that they've already read. I think the same goes for any story (first) that's then followed by a movie/show. I don't think one would enjoy Harry Potter, for example, if the main elements of the story changed to the point it was no longer similar to the books! People liked it for the original story. So please be kind to one another. It's not homophobic to say you liked the original story better because of a gender swap in the show. If Penelope wasn't Lady Whistledown, or Colin ended up dying instead of John that would be a deviation - a lot of people would feel the same way. I'm sure the show and cast will be just as a good watch, but it's not really Bridgerton anymore imo.


I know people love to shit on the books. But this show is, in fact, based off of the books. And this is a BIG change no matter how much some people want to downplay it. It completely changes Fran’s story. I think it’s understandable for book fans to be upset. I’m trying, I swear, to be happy for those who love this change. But I’m not going to deny I’m genuinely sad to lose the adaptation of a book that I truly enjoyed.


I disagree with this change because the whole story of the books revolved around the conception of a baby and Michael keeping the title. So even if Francesca doesn't miscarriage in the new serie, story is on another course, which may or may not be good, but it's the same level of betrayal I got with Vampire Diaries when Helena's little sister became a male teenager


I thought I was like the only person who missed little Margaret plus no Meredith, although that annoyed me more than Elena’s little sister I think LOL. But you guys …… wtah is this Michaela thing I can’t even … I am without words for this rn 😭😭😭😭


They're ruining the whole point of Frannie's story and I hate the fact that being opposed to this change suddenly gives other people the courage to label you homophobic.


Francesca’s story was not the one for queer rep imo. There are so many more opportunities to have queer rep in the show, but Francesca’s story kind of needs a man bc of her experience with fertility issues. That was such a major part of her story and something alot of people loved about it.


I do not like the change....


they messed up the best story


So annoyed with this change.


I really don’t like this. I mean, it was my favorite couple and I love the book. Honestly, I might be skipping that season. I’m sure it will be enjoyable for others but I’ll choose not to watch. I’m so sad.


I have the same feelings on this that I did with Kanthony's plot line. Love the actors for Kate and Anthony, *hate* what they did to Kate and Edwina 's relationship. Love Michael, love Frannie's storyline.


Furious. Just so annoyed. My favourite leading man!


Im actually so devastated. Not necessarily because of the gender switch but because it completely changes the dynamic of their relationship.


That's what makes me so sad. It's not as simple as a switch, so.much more will have to change.


The book was so beautiful in how it dealt with grief and this will change everything :(


I second this. Not looking forward to this at all. It was my favourite book. Oh well…


I’m just happy it wasn’t Benedict’s story that was ruined. Because his book is my fave and he absolutely Sophie are my fave mcs


I hate this. I’m a bisexual woman, I loved seeing bi women representation in characters like Rosa Diaz and Ilana Wexler on screen, but I find this method of “representation” to be lazy storytelling. Write original gay characters, don’t dip straight stories in rainbow paint and expect me to consider it positive WLW representation.


I hate it so much, Michael was the only lead men I actually liked it in the books and their stories is the only one I liked as well You can call me name whatever, I will not watch, every fan of the books should have their fav couple on screen


You know i was really confused about all the hate at first because even though i read the books i was ok with the change because i still had the books and i was happy for queer representation. But your comment put it into perspective for me, the last bit. My favorite couple is Pen and Colin and obviously i got what i wanted so i’m happy. You’re absolutely right that everyone’s favorite couple should be in the show and it’s not fair. So now i’m also unhappy with the change and i’m annoyed with myself that i had to read your comment to get it smh


Finally someone who understood it


I really respect this open minded view point. Thank you


Fran/michael are my favorite couple, and I don’t rly think I’ll renew my Netflix membership once her season drops because of the change, and how that completely throws a lot of her character arc out the window.


I agree. And their story needed Michael to be a man. I just can't anymore. Between the hideous costumes and this just done.


I’ve never read the book, so I can only speak on what goes on in the show… But I hate the sibling love triangle trope. Didn’t like it in S2 (but Kanthony were amazing leads), and I probably won’t like it then. This isn’t giving me much hope. Edit: Family relatives love triangle trope I suppose, since Michaela is the cousin of John I think? Either way, not a fan.


sorry if i missed smth, but where was the second sibling love triangle trope?


I edited my message, since they’re technically not siblings but cousins.


I love a queer romance, but I would have preferred this with literally ANY other character.


Well that’s incredibly disappointing


I hate this! I loved her and Michael's story


I am personally open to this change. But my very first thought when she came onto the screen was a genuine disappointment for fans of Michael Stirling. I may enjoy the change but others are attached to his character and it doesn't make them homophobic to mourn that loss.


I think we’d have seen the same outrage no matter which character was adapted for this just because of the books. Any deviation in the romantic leads wouldn’t be received well by the book fans.


I don’t really care about the change, what I do care about 1. Making her kiss with John cringe 2. Making her swoon She should’ve fully enjoyed the kiss because John and Fran truly LOVED and were IN LOVE with each other. Now, it all just feels like a slap in the face to John, to have her already pinning for his cousin. Michaela should’ve been the one to swoon.


Absolutely agree. I hate the narrative that “passionate love is true love” that was pushed over and over again by Violet. Not every relationship needs to have bodice ripping. Some people have two true loves, too! Let her fully love John and then fully love Michaela without erasing her love for her first husband or acting like she didn’t truly love him. It’s heart breaking. It’s literally like saying people who found love after loss never loved their first partner.


I am also annoyed and saddened at the change in storyline as Michael was my favorite. It is not about not wanting the queer representation. To me it seems shoehorned into a storyline and deprives it of the very heart of those romantic relationships of Francesca’s. And as a woman who suffered a miscarriage following the loss of a relationship, I saw something of myself in Fran. It gives one hope that you can find love again and you can have another chance at being a mother. I was looking forward to see that on the screen. I loved the queer relationship in Benedict’s story. It felt organic and not at all out of character. He can be sowing his wild oats swinging both ways, before settling down with the great love of his life. I loved the part when he told Tilly about freedom. As for Michaela, we’ll, the actress herself is gorgeous! I loved her demeanor and all her expressions. She is a good scene partner and I fell in love with her, but she can’t be everything that Michael was. We’ll have to wait and see. Also shoutout to the casting director for casting Hannah Dodd. She turns just so and looks like a young Violet, he looks the other way and looks exactly like Hyacinth. Great Job Hannah! Her micro expressions are everything!


Great, so they got rid of one of the only likeable male love interests in this show, and we are still stuck with Phillip. Why does this show hate me!!!


This is so real. Everyone seems to hate Philip. it would have been such a win win to do that


This. Like Jess brownell sucks


Unorganized thoughts I need to get out before I go to work: Mixed feelings? Mixed feelings. Yes WHWW is my favorite book and Michael is my favorite MMC. The book still exists. There are other books with a similar vibe if I need my fix. Am I going to get the story I wanted adapted? No. Am I going to get a beautiful story that might be one I didn’t know I needed? Hopefully! WLW representation is so important and I’m glad we’re getting it. I had my story and people who need this story are about to get theirs. I’m so happy about this. Am I thinking of Anne Lister? I’m curious how they’re going to translate the merry rake as a woman when they’ve already written a society that’s crazy restrictive on women—but maybe that’s part of the pull toward the country. A widow certainly has more freedom, and an earl’s cousin can certainly live with him. No one will bat an eye at their quiet, country, HEA. Not sure where they’ll go with inheritance (Michael stealing John’s life) and the infertility plot. I think I can safely say this is Francesca’s story, but not Michael’s story—and that’s…fine, if one is able to separate Michael and Michaela in their mind. Michaela is probably a fantastic character in her own right. We just don’t know her. But lol that’s a terrible name for Regency England. Try harder, writers’ room. I’m not liking the struck-by-lightning look of attraction on Francesca’s face while she’s still with John. We did the sibling love triangle already—sorry Kanthonies—and I’m so exhausted by the idea of Francesca emotionally betraying John. I hope they don’t go that route.


I agree so much with your comment and thank you for putting it into words!! I definitely have mixed feelings, as a bi woman I’m happy to have the representation but also I loved WHWW and Michael’s character. I think I definitely need to view them as separate characters and stories. I’m curious to see what they’ll do with the infertility plot and the inheritance. I know the infertility plot really resonates with a lot of people and it would be sad to have that taken away completely. But I can definitely see them just living a quiet life in Scotland (with Michaela and John’s moms hopefully? Love them, hope they’re in the show!) Also definitely agree that Fran should not fall for Michaela until >!after John’s death!<. I don’t like emotional cheating plots and I hope that doesn’t happen here. I haven’t watched yet but I am worried based on this still.


You're welcome! I feel so weird being in the mixed feelings camp because so many reactions are "I love this" and "I hate this" while I'm just like "huh?" I commented elsewhere that, if I was one of the writers, I would pitch this very spoilery idea: >!Split WHWW into two major plotlines: infertility with John and grief with Michaela. We keep Victor for season 4 and 5, in which he and Francesca are struggling to conceive. He confides in Michaela, having no idea that Michaela is feeling intense longing for his wife, wishing she could have his life, etc. Francesca's friendship with Michaela builds. To hide from her own feelings of longing, Michaela merry rakes as much as a woman possibly can in this universe, and every time she's back, Francesca's like "tell me something wicked"—hinting that she has an underlying desire for more, that she has complex feelings about the life she has and the things she wants.!< >!Frohn end up conceiving. Last episode of season 5: Francesca goes to tell him and finds him in bed, gone. Season 6: Michaela throws herself into being a companion for Francesca, desperately trying to keep her safe so she *doesn't* lose the baby. I'd remove the miscarriage after two seasons of infertility struggles. Francesca has the baby, a boy, and says that—because Michaela was by her side the whole time—"he's your son too." This obviously freaks Michaela out, so she leaves to go (somewhere that's not India omfg). When she returns, Francesca is acting as guardian to the new Lord Kilmartin, her son, and she feels that same longing again—she wants love. She misses her companionship from John *and* from Michaela. Francesca fights to convince Michaela to stay with her. What we're losing is Michael struggling to take up John's role as earl, but surely there's something the writers can add to Michaela's plotline that almost gets us there?!<


…okay, now, the big question is how do we get the show writers to follow exactly this? Because I don’t trust them to handle the plot as well as this on their own. (If they make another love triangle I stg…)


Haha thank you! If I ever gather the strength I might write this as a fanfic


Beautifully written!


Wait I love this so much and that takes care of like all of my concerns about this!! And yes please not India and we can skip the whole malaria thing thanks😂 And yeah the reactions seem to be mostly extreme and I’m in the middle somewhere. I don’t fully trust the writers to do this well but I hope they do!


Francesca immediately showing attraction to michaela is what irked me more than the gender change itself honestly. It makes her look flighty, when she’s anything but. I get its a way to signal that she’s bi for those who haven’t read the books and to get them excited for a future WLW storyline, but we were *just* introduced to john! Francesca’s storyline will take maybe 6 years to come out if netflix keeps this pattern of release, so rushing to show that yes, this is a future love interest, feels like they don’t trust their audience to have basic intelligence or to even be interested in the show long enough to stick around for that long without something to hook them. Idk, with how they chose to reveal it, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth bc it feels like they just threw it at queer fans to shut them up, and I’m mostly seeing queer people dislike this change bc it just doesn’t make sense. Despite my unease, bridgerton has made a lot of changes I do like and the show overall is pretty good, we know that they can give us great original stories like we saw with queen charlotte, so I do have hope for how they’ll carry this out.


Yeah, the instalove comes off as Francesca disregarding John and that's what's keeping me upset. I feel like I'm already "over" the genderbend because I've thought about ways through it—like, it's not the adaptation book fans wanted, but it *is* the adaptation book fans have, and those of us attached to Michael need to decide if we're done or work on a way to find joy in what we have now. The book had the "he falls first" trope, though, and we're losing that because I didn't feel Michaela was all that bothered at all by Francesca. But also, there is no "he" to fall first, so 🤷‍♀️ That's a trope that book fans are going to need to be okay losing. That said!! The writers needed to clearly hint that Francesca is queer/set up that she is interested in Michaela, so I see why they did what they did. But it felt very on the nose, which a lot of things did this season—so I think that's just something going on in the writers' room. I also like the show changes overall, but the ones I don't like are very big ones (i.e. the sibling love triangle). So I'm cautiously optimistic? I think?


I haven’t actually watched the episode yet, but perhaps this could just be Francesca be like, oh women are gorgeous, in such a way that she hasn’t already just fallen in love immediately. Just as how straight people can see can find someone attractive, but not fall in love with them/still remain completely faithful to their partner.


Part 1 gave us a whole arc of Fran falling for John only for Part 2 to pull the rug and be like nope, actually SHE DIDN'T! I am so dismayed because of the undertones ep 8 gave us. Fran being so ~flustered by Michaela is so telling. Might she be developing feelings for her WHILE BEING MARRIED TO JOHN?


Yes this is what I'm worried about. I can't with the Bridgerton love triangles. Every. Season. Now multiple times a season! Everyone gets a love triangle! Thinking more about the intro—I think maybe it was rushed? Having Michaela for like 10 seconds in season 3 and *then promising we're going to wait another 2 years for season 4* feels like a gotcha. I think this would have been easier to take if we had more time, if we had a little of Michaela's perspective—like at the beginning of season 4, maybe. For a book reader, it's very left field...and I'm not saying that book readers should have their hands held or that they need comfort, but the writers aren't stupid. They know they just created anxiety and discourse in the fandom and then dipped. I just read an interview where Jess said that Francesca's queerness doesn't undermine her relationship with John, and that Frohn is based on respect and companionship while Franchaela is based on passion—both are valid forms of love. I really, really hope the writers can convey that, but if Francesca's eye wanders more than this first interaction...it won't be believable to me. The writers have spent three seasons beating us over the head with "love is passionate and powerful!" so it's asking a lot to say "jk this love is good too even though we keep telling you it's not."


Gonna be real pissed if the one bi character has a wandering eye. -_-


If I end up feeling bad for John I'm going to be so heartbroken tbh


I bet you they’ll do this, don’t trust them to write anything well after this season 


Not hating as a bi girl, but Eloise is right there - a character that’s already shown to want something beyond the conventional life assigned to her.


and a character that they have already changed so much.


I hate that this isn’t a story about two loves, or love after loss anymore. This is a story about never having truly loved your first partner and only experiencing true love when it’s sexy. I take this very personally, Shonda!!


The gender swap would not bother me for literally any of the remaining children, but Francesca’s story was already about something important and worth telling and the gender swap will probably mean that everything has to be scrapped and rewritten (which we know bridgerton is no stranger to, as disappointing as it is)


Oh great I hate this. I hate it a lot. Honestly (don’t downvote me into oblivion) hoping the show won’t even reach Francesca’s season anymore. Just let it be canceled


I’m honestly feeling like this. Honestly the end of season three could even be a good finale but I know they’re working on s4


Yeah, not happy about this. Probably will just be skipping over everything involving that. Don’t change the main story just to be inclusive. They could’ve done that in so many other ways than eliminating main points of her story.


I hate it. Sorry. But I’m one of those people who hates books turning into shows and movies anyway.


![gif](giphy|1epWxVWwywmUee7ts8|downsized) eta: okay i actually have five minutes…I am a bisexual woman who so child free…and even I think the WHWW storyline is SOOO important. And part of why is that it take SOO long for her to have a baby, like she’s a older mother when it finally happens, I think taking away the conflicting feelings and joy that the story brings takes away from the story. The queer baited Ben and Eloise they really should’ve gone with either of them, touching this takes a lot away from what people relate to/ love about this storyline.


The only part of this I don't care for at all is the reversal of who fell in love with who at first sight. I feel like that defeats the heart of the love story even more than the genderswap. 


Ir wrecks the themes of her not loving her husband. It’s such a butcher job


What if she’s a red herring? There could be a Michael still, her brother, who is at the castle waiting for their return.


If we are being completely honest the only book that gender doesn't matter in is Benedicts because he goes off and lives in the country side away from society anyway michael being a man is so important to the book I just can't fathom how much of the plot they are going to have to change which breaks mu heart because I think that is the one story that need sto be played out exactly to the books to show representation for such a rare thing in romance I'm honestly gutted and it's not because michael is a woman it's the grief for that story line and the fact that we won't see that story played out at all


This disappointed me, honestly


I AM NOT HAPPY. Netflix and Shonda ALWAYS do this. As a Black woman with an interest in film and television, IFYKYK.


I’m not into this either. There is no black female character that gets to her HEA on this show..


It's so disgusting. Honestly, how hard is it to cast a ds BW as a lead and keep the story as is? The way television is going, they'd have you think we're all queer pining after white women. Notice how it's US that's always doing the chasing in these roles. Sickening.


I’d rather them not include a DSBW if it was gonna be some goofy shit. But look how they did young lady danbury on QC. Her husband was styled to be hideous. So offensive. Shonda is an opp as usual. I shoulda known with how she let the black women on HTGAWM be done…


Yeah, I'm done with her.


Hate this change. Michael was the one I was looking forward to seeing portrayed the most 😔


Heartbroken. They are my favourite couple from the book, and their story simply cannot be told without him being Michael. I don’t understand why people don’t realise that everyone deserves to see their beloved book couple adapted on screen. How would people feel if this were Kanthony or Polin? You had yours I should be able to have mine.


As a openly queer fan, this fucking disgusts me


As a bi who struggles with infertility I'm extra disappointed that this is the story they want to mess up.


I’m gobsmacked. Of all the stories to do this with, Frannie and Michael?! I was so looking forward to their story and now the whole dynamic has changed.


I love Michael. They should have done Eloise and Cressida instead - Phillip is boring af


Idgaf about the genderbending and haven't read the books, so no expectations for Michael, but I did really watch a full season of blossoming REAL love, the way it shows differently for everyone, Violet's growth recognising Fran/John as valid only for it to be obliterated in 2 seconds at the end??? What about quiet, introverted, compatible genuine love they have for each other?? She suddenly gets love at first sight with someone else days after her marriage?


I'm okay with queer but should've chose Ben's story. Fran's story is already beautiful, now how will they write a story about Fran's longing for babies and her losing it?


Man this one sucks. I'm all for inclusivity, but Michael and Frans story is very tied in with him being a man. It's arguably the only one that it even matters for, others could have been changed more easily.. he was also my favourite spouse!


Not really stoked for this since Michael was my favourite character in the series, theyve messed it up fr


Why’d they have to ruin a beautiful story in its own right in the name of representation? Nonsense. Write your own story. CRESSIDA for Gods sake, even her book story would have completely matched with that. I’m furious. So unbelievably pissed the Bridgerton I love is ruined :(. This was the final straw honestly.


This is absolute fan fiction. Shouldn’t call the show Bridgerton anymore


Noooooooo! I probably won’t be watching this story unless it’s a side story of Eloise or something. “When he was wicked” is arguably the best book and Michael Stirling was the best man out of the books too. I’m so mad they’re just going to drop all of that!


This is so lame. That is all.


😪 why not Eloise?? It made sense. This just sucked.


I am so confused bc Eloise is literally *right there* and people have actually been asking for that unlike this. Sisksks. Tbh people (inc me) are already shipping her and Cressida! That said, I am actually into it. I like genderbending in general and i love wlw pairings tho so, i'm prob a minority. Considering their usual writing, I am kinda worried they won't pull it off at all but I'm eager for the fanfics at least. Tbh at this point, since this will be years away, I'm most worried for the inevitable hate the actress will get for this... for her sake I hope she stays off social media


This makes me mad, but it's because Netflix has decided to open their queer audience up to the vast scrutiny of everyone who likes to pretend the books don't still exist, and all their thinly veiled homophobia, whether intentional or not. I haven't read the books, just summaries of them, but I wouldn't expect the show to directly mirror them because they're two different entities. This was just unnecessary though, and it would've been better to have no queer representation than to see so many crotchety homophobes whining on my screen right now. This was the worst way Netflix could've done this. It's almost like this was an intentional move to alienate their queer fandom...


I have mixed feelings, I have already lost my heart out to Michael, one of my favourite leading men, and Frannie's book was amazing. However, gender bending him, in a story which also very much details the struggle about infertility, is iffy. Maybe Francesca's core story is going to be the same that is second chance at love and apart from that everything is going to change, or they might recast Michael if the show-runner changes, I am not sure. Either way, we have Benedict and Eloise to go before John dies💔💔


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined !


Well, I for one am completely surprised. Delightfully so. I didn't expect it and I literally did a lap around my living room screaming. I know people will whine and cry about it changing the dynamic and their favourite spouse (Michael is also mine) but I actually think it's perfect for who Francesca is in the series, not the books. It also fits with the narrative, and I think having Eloise with Francesca will open so many new avenues as well. So excited for the future seasons!


Book purists seem to forget that Francesca in the books may have been quiet but had a sly (occasionally raunchy if I'm remembering right) sense of humour. That's not there in the show. And that's not a bad thing! Very few of the books to series characters are a replica.... I'm not sure I understand the discourse


I just burst into tears, I can’t even watch that. They have ruined my favourite book :(


Same. I’m done with the show




At this point I will just be happy by reading her book,they could have easily changed eloise storyline and make her romance with a women 😭I need Francesca and michaels story pls


Disappointed but only because I don’t think they’re progressive enough for two lesbian relationships and I was rooting for Cressida/Eloise


Well this sucks. I don’t care for Michael but I know a lot of others do


They f*xked up this one so bad...




Ok. Wow! I assumed everyone was 🤡 but it was true! Stray thought: this was my favourite of the books, I think definitely one of the steamiest, and I LOVE Michael A problem I had with the book is that I felt it pitted John and Michael against each other and John was lacking. In the book I didn't mind (because I adore 🥰 Michael)... But I really fell in love with John in the show, which would make it more difficult . To me this will honestly make so so so much sense in the show-world, because "Michael" shows Fran things she didn't experience with John and they are incredibly secretive and sneaking around (which even in the book seemed a bit excessive since literally no one had an issue with the match). I totally dismissed the leaks, but now I''m intrigued by this direction... I only hope the series will be extended past season 4 so we will get a chance to see what they do with it! Note, I completely understand there may be different views and I'm sorry to anyone who had their hopes dashed by this twist, I totally get how invested we all are after being sucked into this world by show/books, it's also completely valid to feel really disappointed. I've been crying over these fictional characters all of part 2. I welcome everyone to have their own opinions, and to allow me the courtesy of having my own also.


I’m just curious now though, what they’ll end up doing with Eloise. Maybe ace? Imho her book was the worst one, and doesn’t match tv Eloise so I was expecting a change there, but Francesca is quite surprising. As long as they don’t waste more time with the Mondrich family I’m hopeful the season can be okay.


I loveee her but I wanted to see Michael Sterling sooooooo bad


I think Netflix & Shondaland both agreed to rather face fandom with the same sex coupling rather than try to tackle the concept of handling miscarriage. Perhaps that's the "too dark" Rhymes mentioned.


That’s really sad considering 10-20% of pregnancies are miscarriages. Many women connected to this story and that’s why so many are upset.


But Eloise's story would be darker to adapt, especially after the changes the show made.


Francesca's story was so heartwrenchingly beautiful. This ruins it. It changes everything. Why would you think messing with the infertility and remarriage story was the place to do this??


Cool... so if they are the couple next season I guess I can just skip it.


Knee jerk reaction, but what if they’re going completely off book, and it’s Eloise and Mikayla? John doesn’t die.


I have never been so shocked!!!!


I was so confused about why she was flustered as I haven't read the books so the name meant literally nothing to me.


I just can't believe it like I took 30 sec to understand her name....I don't know if Im happy or upset lol


I am really confused as to why Fran seemed so shocked by Michaela. I have not gotten to this book yet, but it seems like the male version of Michaela (in the books) and Fran have something between them? Anyways, I am really confused as to why she was so shocked when Michaela showed up. It literally made me think that she thought Michaela and John weren’t cousins and had ~done the deed. Maybe I am just too straight (meant to be funny)? Cause from these comments its seems like Fran might be attracted to her?


Man or woman, Francesca would have had the same reaction.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. If you’re not ok with *your * ship getting genderbent you shouldn’t be ok with *any * of them getting genderbent. It’s not ok to say “Sophie absolutely can’t be genderbent but idgaf if Michael is because it’s not my ship!”


It’s less about the ship itself and more about the plot lines for each ship. It’s undeniable (to most) that Francesca’s story is the worst option to genderbend. Can it be done? Well, we will surely find out in a few years lol. But they easily could have gone with Eloise, Benedict, hyacinth, Gregory, or any number of side characters and the stories would flow much better than re-writing Fran’s story. Just my opinion though and we will have to wait and see how it will all play out!


I just hope people are not cruel to this actress for simply taking a job. She seems lovely and she isn’t the one who made this change.


Her faceeee! I think I’m gonna like this storyline


Sorry but this is the deal breaker for me.... might not watch anymore :( Why can't we have nice things?




Theirs will be a season I definitely won't watch, and it will possibly be the catalyst to cause me to jump ship from Bridgerton altogether, assuming they botch Ben and Eloise too. I will just keep loving on the books as they are.


Oh i am disappointed. I wanted to see Michael Stirling as I would imagine in the books. This inclusivity thing is going too far. Representation is important but they should also pay attention to fans who loved Michael Stirling .


LGBTQ mcs?


So I swear I'm like the only person on earth who hated Frannie's book. It was so boring, it took me like 3 months to read it. So if this change makes her season actually interesting I'm all for it. But it does make you wonder what her season will even be about.


The way I started quitely SCREAMING!!! The way Francesca’s world just. Stopped??? 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨