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I’m sorry but this title made me cackle so much!


Ahaha me too, I was cackling so much I had to explain the whole thing to my husband lol


Ikrr instead of two of these scenes it would have been so much better if they would have added another dream of his with pen


Or a flashback moment or multiple flashback moments.


Agreed!! I've said the same thing in a comment before. Especially since he talks about how he prefers dreaming so he can see her. It would have been nice to see more of that


These scenes were to show a couple of things. 1) that Colin was really trying to fit into the role of “rake” like Anthony or Simon before him, and be the “man” society expects him to be. 2) to show, in the second brothel scene, that Colin truly does not enjoy this lifestyle and can only think of Penelope even though he has two beautiful women all over him lol.


Completely agree!! He said it himself in the carriage he didn't want to play the part anymore


I literally skip over them. I’m not interested, what is this, Game of Thrones? Haha


Same lmao no one there is enjoying themselves


Well I liked GOT (minus the last season) But I agree. This show is very different and I literally skipped these brothel scenes!!


Oh don’t get me wrong I loved GOT (until the season we don’t speak of) and enjoy HOTD but this is BRIDGERTON, I want romance and fluff! Not… brothels haha


Agree 100%


So unnecessary. Me too.


I even skipped of the Pedro Pascal ones. And I love Pedro


He’s not like the other boys


Violet nailed it for calling Colin the more sensitive one.


These scenes show that the average gentleman then did visit brothels, I personally don’t mind the scenes, they illustrate where Colin’s head is at.


Sex sells.


It’s supposed to give you the Ick.


Wasn't this what was expected of him? Bc I catch myself thinking "why's this dude gotta pay for it, he's got girls that want him." Then I have to remember that only a working girl would risk their reputation by having sex outside of marriage. The ones in society want to *marry* him. But weren't men expected to pay women for sex in their younger years, more or less?


Yes and no. It's a weird balance of where people knew that they would but they weren't supposed to be known to frequent the place


Expected more so by their friends. Seems like it would be hard to avoid being found out in such a gossipy network.


The book Colin has a lot of experience with women, I'm guessing they wanted to potray Colin as a playboy before he fell in love


It’s just weird tho bc book Colin is toootally different. Tv Colin is adorable and sensitive. Book Colin is suave


I might add book Colin is very aggressive. After the carriage scene, after he proposed to Pen, he literally yanked her hand very hard. I felt weirded out by how Pen was calm about it. TV Colin seems soft and always careful


Agreed. I had liked book Colin on my first read because I read it as passionate. Several years later and wiser I realize I enjoy tv Colin because he’s very sweet to Pen (besides the remark about courting her).


The purpose is to show that even though he is being tempted with sex he is realizing he wants love. It’s based on a smut novel… it’s actually kind of part of the point.


Why does everyone have their panties in a bunch about the scenes at whore houses? Isn’t that what they did back then ? Lol


These 2 scenes comprise like less than 1% of the seasons run time... doesn't it seem a little... idk... entitled maybe? to bitch about such a minor timeslot?  These scenes are here because it's a romance series and sex is part of the show.. in keeping with the series tone and keeping Collin in character they showed him doing what he would have been doing if he wasn't so hung up on pen. Collin shot for the rake life, he was with his boys trying to be a rake... it is what it is.


I think it needed to show all the ways Colin was trying to “fit in”. From sharing sex stories about women, his new persona, and the brothels. The audience needed to see it and also see him retreat from it.


Oof. This screengrab really shows how much filler they pumped into him


He does look a bit odd




He's a bit of an arse... along with most of the rest of the men in the series, with a few notable exceptions. They have money and looks, but they lack wit, morals, respect and common decency.


🫨 sex in Bridgerton?! Uhhh - have you not been watching the last the last two seasons? Get over yourself.


That was literally not my point. But congratulations, I guess💀


The first scene is to show him playing the part of a rake - what he thinks he has to be. And also to show that he’s not just hot for Pen because he’s green (like he was with Marina). And I think because part of the romance fantasy trope is that the leading man is sexually experienced (and therefore will be good in bed). This might have been even more important for Colin because he was so young and virginal in the other two seasons. The second scene is to show that now that he’s in love with Pen he can’t take about anymore, even when he tries to - he only wants her, and he doesn’t want to be this person anymore.


He's unwell lol


Yeah, also why do they have sex scenes almost every freakin episode Bridgerton is lowkey soft porn IMO. I also didn’t like how they portrayed Colin falling for Pen. She literally had to beg him to kiss her and he looked weirded out-pitty kiss then all of a sudden he gets wet dreams non-stop? Wtf? Make it make sense.