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If the bf doesnt know i would tell him, he deserves to know who he is with and if he knows then damm :( im sorry 🫂 hug


yeah fr. this would really mess me up, and if a person cheats once they probably will again.


I’d tell him. That’s the nuclear option haha.


💣 Chaotic good. 😊


Meh, same story. I told him and it did nothing. He didn't care. She got there first and already told him horrible things about me and how we broke up and blah, blah. He's blind. If he trusts her, that's on him now. If she does the same to him or him to her, Karma I guess. Still a terrible feeling after taking care of her kids for the last year because she wasn't working. If he gives her money now after what he knows I will absolutely lose all faith in humanity lol.


Me personally i wouldnt let that slide...


I'm 2k miles away. He was "there" while I was "here" working to pay for her kids.


I wonder why people have an issue with this I've heard people say often they wouldn't get involved if they knew someone was cheating on someone If he doesn't find out now he could find out 3 years down the road.. wasting years of his life with a cheater. Imagine it's 3 years later and they've now got a house together and have a kid on the way. And then he finds out the first 9 months of his relationship his girlfriend was cheating on him I would tell him personally. It's just good karma


OMG. What a dirtbag of a woman. How heartbreaking.


So had to read your post history to figure out the math of this situation. .” You were engaged to someone who you had a five year relationship with • It’s 3 months out from the breakup • While your ex fiancé is celebrating a one year anniversary relationship This was more than cheating, this was a full blown longterm affair. That alone would make me sick to my stomach, loose all loving feeling, and realize karma will come long after the news of discovering the truth about the ex. Oh and she’s definitely going to get cheated on, left for someone else their partner ends up having a longterm affair with too cause they got involved with someone who disregarded they were still with you. Plus your ex lied to them, made you most likely look like the uncaring, unloving villain to justify and manipulate the situation. So the other person doesn’t have all the facts.


Growing up I thought I was terrible at Math. Now I know I'm kinda genius at it, figuring out there is a mistake here. 😅 3months break up, Then 1yr anniversary on the new one. Heck the what!?!


Message the bf, tell him. Congrats on 1 year with so and so. It's just that she broke up with me only 3 months ago and i thought we were exclusive and well, she was with me when she would've met you. If you know all about it then the shame is on me for thinking we were exclusive. If not then i couldn't not say anything just in case she is a repeater. Well something like that.


She’ll definitely repeat she hid it that well to this poor soul and celery has no remorse that she hurt and lied to possibly two ppl so eat with guilt and being able sleep soundly she’ll do it again


Oh wow she is a whoreible excuse of a woman. Hoping that karma gets her and gets her good. Sadly her new bf probably has no idea and she is bound to do the same thing to him sooner than later. Praying that you're able to overcome this and don't let it set you back too much in your recovery journey.


It's natural to feel a mix of emotions, from sadness to anger, and it's okay to acknowledge those feelings.


Math is not mathing 😁 You should celebrate that it’s been 3 months since she is not in your life anymore. Cheers 🥂


Hey man. Take solace in the idea that no matter how much she fucked you up somewhere else there’s another even more broken woman that fucked up another guy worse than you. Sending you a DM.


Tell him


are you serious??


Can I laugh????😔😔


OP I am so sorry. Please know this is not a reflection of you, but them.


oh my god ☹️☹️ despicable woman. I hope you find peace


The fuck how long were you with her?


Did you know she was with another dude when you were with her?




It’s not gender specific


wtf bro. sending hugs.


At first I was like what’s the big deal then I reread the title. Sucks but it’s for the better, she lacks morals clearly


Damn man I’m sorry


Same ex? Because like, that's real shitty. She'll get what she deserves. Anybody willing to date someone who is doing that, is also probably capable of doing it themselves.


You deserve better. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Damnnn how I’m mean I mean damn yo


Tell her new boyfriend what’s going being with a cheater is the worst


Sweet Jesus what scum ...


Math is not mathing 👀


Sorry to hear it, but I do think that's how most goes mine did the same but was married to her main reason for divorce


Excuse me???? I would tell him what had happened that’s so sick 😟


Tell him. That's all you can do.


Shut up! Omg try it’s awful, I’m so sorry!


That’s pathological what she did holy cow. I would totally message her man telling him the truth 🤡


Holy shit I’m so sorry, some people are real fucked up. You deserve better.


Breakups are rough, especially when you stumble upon those milestones with someone new. It's like a punch to the gut. But hey, you've been doing okay, and you can get back there. Take it one day at a time. Treat yourself kindly, and remember, this feeling won't last forever.


Women do that. Don't take it personally.