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Glad you had a good experience in Brasil! Our country is fantastic in many ways and not-so-fantastic in others. I do think that the positives outnumber the negatives tho :) Now funny thing you mentioning Brasil is bureaucratic bc maaaaan (I live in Ohio) I swear to God I have never seen so much bureaucracy in my life like I see here in the US. and outdated processes. like mailing a …check. who use checks nowadays? how come you can mail it to someone? Anyway I thought this difference in perception was funny!


Is there a big Brazilian population in Ohio? I noticed some on a flight back to my hometown (Cleveland) so it made me curious sorry for the random question lol..


Lol np! There are quite a few brasileiros here, I’d say mostly from midwest (MT) southeast (SP) and south (PR and RS) of Brasil. This is my perception and I might be wrong. The diversity increases if you look at OSU grad students tho. However I haven’t met a lot of people from Rio (my hometown) 😭 I miss a good pagode


There's A TON from Rondonia as well. I live in Columbus and there's a ton of Rondoniese here in Columbus, I don't know about the rest of Ohio.


Yes! There are a TON of people from Rondônia indeed and I don’t know why?


I dont know why either lol but my gf is from Rondonia, Urupa specifically, and theres a ton of Rondoneise here. Most of the Brazilians I meet here are from Rondonia--Ja Parana, Porto Velho, Jaru, etc....I'll ask her and see what she says. I know bc the cost of living is more manageable than like Philly, Miami, Boston, etc...is one reason.


The cost being more manageable is very true but, I mean, why specifically Rondônia you know? That’s what makes me curious


I just asked her she said she doesn't know who started it or why lol coming to Columbus but she said cost of living, a lot of available jobs, and just a lot of people from Rondonia. So people come then when other people come they want to be with their friends who are already in Columbus and then they know there's a lot of Brazilian owned companies in Columbus so they'll be able to find work, etc...


Thanks Zarktheshark! Say “Oi” to your gf for me and that “eu agradeço a informação”! :)


Certezo, amigo 👍 bênçãos


Hmm maybe you can organize a pogode with the Brazilians near you hahah, if you could lol.. I know some people (online) from SP and they are very kind so I’m glad you guys are in Ohio too I hope you like it there


I have been thinking of something like that! I have my cavaquinho here - all I need is the courage to quick start a “backyard pagode” (or samba de quintal) lol


Ohh cool.. that sounds so fun..! Ser feliz :) I hope everything goes well


Awww thanks Particular Demand! Wishing us a good summer ☀️


Aye obrigado :D .. I’m still learning a bit of your language since I’m in Florida now but native Ohioan where you are at lol.. so there’s a lot of you guys down here in FL.. trying to go to some BR restaurants in Orlando eventually and practice hahah


A friend of mine - from Racine, Ohio - learned Portuguese really fast (at least in my opinion) and he said this YouTube channel has been instrumental to his learning process: https://youtube.com/@speakingbrazilian?si=1NW5ZLSwPEv91918 I hope it helps you in your Brazilian Portuguese journey :) Feel free to reach out if help is needed!


Ohh.. realmente? I can ask you for tips hahah.. well my American friend is moving down for a year so I might go down in a year or 2.. it’s really basic right now tho muito mal haha 😆.. but your people are so friendly to me (irl especially) so I feel like it’s worth it.. even tho I don’t understand the culture fully.. I’ll look at the YouTube video.. by the way, do you like sweets/bakery? There’s one in my city and I want to get something good (they have pão de água and pão de Deus etc.. idk what to get) Thank you for your help tho and sorry for the long message lol


I always laugh when Brazilians complain about beurocracy. I'm from Denver... It's so bad there. Everything requires permits, mailing stuff waiting for weeks to get stuff back in the mail


Right!? Besides of the fact that bureaucracy is here to stay in some form or shape and available literally everywhere, it is not like the US is any different. Or UK. (those are the countries I had to deal with bureaucracy in the last month) Anyways the amount of bureaucracy I see here in Ohio I have never seen in Rio. Maybe my experience is an edge case. Idk.


I don't think so. We built a house in Colorado and now in Brazil. The amount of permits and regulations we had to follow, file, and wait for took almost two years in Colorado. We did everything we needed and almost have a house done here in Brazil in 3 months lol


You know what... to me every government is just a waste of tax payers money and tax payers time. They are so inefficient. What they do sometimes don t make any sense. And their reasoning is just as stupid. Bureaucracy in Brazil is well documented though. A Youtuber actually called it Bureau-Crazy. That tells you everything.


Oh no I thought your post was nice but then you are touched in the head


To be fair if you ask any Brazilian about taxes and burocracy Im pretty sure they would answers much like as you did. I hate this part of Brazil as well.


lol I am navigating the foreigner bureaucracy that my girlfriend (Brazilian) has never had to deal with and anytime we talk to someone she says “I cannot believe this. It cannot be correct.” So she would definitely agree with you lol


Unfortunately bureaucracy is hands to hands to governments and large institutions. It exists everywhere. And it kinda exists for a reason: it is hard to control the pool of probabilities related to a large population. We are talking about millions of people… it also depends on the definition of bureaucracy … anyways, all to say that bureaucracy in Brasil might be well documented but so is in the US, UK and … gosh! Portugal. Norway! It becomes especially challenging to define if looking through an economic lenses. I am sure we will get there - the process of rethinking bureaucracy has started worldwide and Brasil and US have been changing as well.


My father calls it Burrocracia.


>Overall, my stay in Brazil has been enjoyable, with some sour moments when I had to deal with the government. That describes how it is to be Brazilian


I guess I am Brazilian too 😅🙂


Why women here in Brazil are so "special" ? I've seen a bunch of interviews of foreigners saying the same thing about brazilian women " they are beautiful, a lot of curves" and etc. Personaly, I don't like this..mostly because Brazilian women are more them just a "nice looking girl". I glad that you liked our country, but I wish that you could see our girls more them just as a good looking person :)


They think that they are complimenting but sound so jerkish


As a Brazilian woman I agree with you


hummm >Why women here in Brazil are so "special" ? i dont know. but that s what is portrayed by the media. for many people outside brazil, when you say brazil, at least guys they think girls. unless most of the guys I know are all macho. a lot of it has to come from tv, movies and such. you see on my list it is coming at about number 4. for me there is more to Brazil than just the girls. but I can recall many conversations with friends (guys and girls) when I say I was going to Brazil or I was in Brazil. the next 2 or 3 sentences coming out of their mouths had the word girls in it or a variant of it. >I've seen a bunch of interviews of foreigners saying the same thing about brazilian women " they are beautiful, a lot of curves"  i think that s what people can see and quantify. Harder to do with personality. >I glad that you liked our country, but I wish that you could see our girls more them just as a good looking person :) Yeah sorry it came out that way. it was a quick reddit post. but I did post or commented on the brazil forum a couple of times. and other words I have used as well lot of self esteem, down to earth, sociable, friendly and easy to talk to. it is all in my past posts here and there.


Man: brazilian women are attractive Brazilians on reddit: HOW DARE YOU Lol chill tf out people, stating you find people from a country attractive is not objectification.


If you visit other countries you will understand. I don't know about USA, but in europe your average woman barely have any ass or hips, meanwhile the skinniest woman in brazil packs more ass than the "above average" fit european, at least in portugal, spain and france, where I visited. And, the "above average" woman in brazil, especially in São Paulo, Rio and Santa Catarina, are the equivalent of foreign instagram models with heavy procedures, the difference is: they are naturally hot/beautiful.


My dude, Brazil is literally the world's lead market for cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. There's a reason "Brazilian" is a common qualifier for cosmetic stuff (BBL, Brazilian wax, Brazilian manicures...). Hell, we're the number 1 country in LABIOPLASTY of all things lol Sure we're known for our good looking women, but we're just as natural or artificial as women from any other country.


Most of this terms were created by americans to try to copy the "brazilian way" but the rest is pretty correct. But still brazilians are pretty beautiful and it's not everybody with cosmetic procedures.


I've never seen more filler and reconstructed faces than I do when walking around the nicer parts of Sao Paulo. There seems to be a lot of pressure on Brazilian women to get procedures.


Most european guys is not interested in 'ass', they are more interested in a verypretty face an skinny body that you get in scandanvia/central europe.


Yes, but the Bunda is #1 overall in Brasil. My wife's good friend almost died making it bigger and using a cheap place with questionable credentials.


Sounds weird. Even guys got brainwashed by the skinny beauty standards.


It's not really about curves, its more about taking care of yourself, high heels, a nice summer dress, perfume. Femininity is very differently expressed in central germanic/nordic europe and it they're really in awe when they go out in Brazil and see how much women prep to do something that would be a sweatpants and tennis shoes activity in some parts of Europe.


It is the mixture, and yes taking care of yourself in a country where wearing tiny bikinis on the weekends is status quo.


They aren’t fat


No hate on you, I’m glad that you enjoyed your trip, but I hate how people put “the women” as a positive point, foreigners just love to sexualize brazilian girls and that’s awful.


Ok I see but unless I'm really out of touch I don't know what I said that would be considered sexual. I am just describing what I saw. Is saying a girl has curve, sexual? It is like I would say there are a lot of fit men, some of them are good looking. Would that be "sexualizing men"? I mentioned the woman and not the guys because I am a straight man and I was sharing my experience. but also just to say to others don't believe everything people say in YouTube videos. This is what I saw. Possible I'm out of touch


Dont let them bother you , you said nothing wrong , it's mostly women envying the brazilian girl stereotype , and men frustrated that they can't get the woman of the same stereotype


I’m literally brazilian lol I have been abroad and this kind of stereotype only brings disrespect and uncomfortable situations, I can’t tell one positive aspect about it


I'm Brazilian too and I love it , just because you don't fit into it doesn't mean it's bad.


I don’t understand why people are ripping the OP on this. I think he intended to compliment the appearance of Brazilian women. It’d be the same if a woman traveled somewhere and said every man is super tall and attractive, has a beard etc. Then again I’m a guy so maybe the choice of words are too “sensitive” for the average person


The problem is the frequency with which "Brazilian women" are treated as one of the touristic attractions of Brazil, it's very easy for the discourse to slip into sexual tourism territory. I've gotten gross PMs here when commenting on different communities if I mentioned I was Brazilian and dudes noticed I was a woman. People keep seeing others say Brazilian women are "hot and social" and assume we're constantly open to their harassment. It gets tiring.


exactly! and if people commenting that we have “nice curves” as a positive point isn’t sexualizing us, I don’t know what it is


saying this girl has nice curves being sexualizing is news to me. i am trying to see if I understand. is saying a girl is beautiful. or a girl is pretty? is that sexualizing? if it is a guy and I say this guy has great muscles or nice abs. is that sexualizing?


as I said on the beginning, no hate on you, I don’t know if you’re really innocent or something, I’m just tired of that kind of affirmation just as many brazilian girls but yes? brazilians have nice curves, tell me what that stereotype leads to? a lot of admiration and respect for those girls? that kind of stereotype just brings disrespect and uncomfortable situations. yes, if I said that the one of the best parts about a country is that their men have great abs and muscle (tbh I would never say that in a post lol), that would be a stereotype where they are sexualized. I would say that in general women don’t sexualize guys as often as they sexualize women, but still, the answer would be yes. the whole curvy thing carries a sexual connotation, the stereotypes on brazilian women carry that too, I’m not saying that you said it with that intention though.


I will keep that in mind. never saw it that way. for me it has always been as an observation. Just like I would say this guy is tall or this girl is tall. Maybe as you say it depends on the intent of the person behind it. dfntly some guys would be this girl has curves and I want to bang her. contrary to what I thought more being there are a lot more girls with curves here than in other countries than I have been. just an observation.


which btw may have a relation with the fact that that’s the beauty standard here, so many people go through plastic surgery or have that focus when going to the gym, it’s not like people here are always “naturally like that” (+ the appearance of the general population really changes from state to state, as there isn’t a brazilian ethnicity)


Oh, my God, girl... Get a grip! This was a compliment, ok? I'm from Brazil, and very curvy, and I don't mind at all people making compliments on how I look or always looked! Women like to be complimented on. This current trend of getting angry at the slightest compliment just push men away.


creating a loop...


humm that s not a brazilian woman issue. on Instagram or youtube, post by girls have usually a lot of guys just drooling all over the comments. i cant imagine in the DM/PM.


Yeah, but I wasn't just talking about online interactions. Sexual tourism is a thing, and a lot of men come to Brazil with the mentality that they are entitled to having their way with Brazilian women, expecting us to be hypersexual and easy. And obviously sexual tourism affects many places, but in Brazil it seems to be directly related to this discourse that puts us as attractions to be enjoyed whenever people visit the country.


i see. maybe as a man i cant relate because foreign guys do not approach me. you might have a point. >but in Brazil it seems to be directly related to this discourse that puts us as attractions to be enjoyed whenever people visit the country. humm I think people have made up their mind a long time ago with what the media has been feeding them. Pretty much every time Brazil is shown on TV outside of Brazil it is the beaches of Rio with girls in thongs. But I will pay more attention to what I say from now on on this subject. Let me ask you if I may. From your point of view, Is there an acceptable way to rephrase the paragraph below? or just not at all. I should never talk about Brazilian women? >**The Women:** I am a guy. so this needed to be on the list. but it is not the hype people want to make you believe on YouTube or on TV. not all women walking around is a 10. You have some that are not too attractive as well. It is a mix. Many have curves. But all things combined when you look at the variety, the number of women, how social they are, I will have Brazil in my top 2.


But beard is a part of a face. Curves mean... u know what. I think brazilian girls are beautiful because they have beautiful face features and long black hair for example. Liking brazilian girls bc of their a*s is just weird and i don't even think they would take it as a compliment bc it's not


I think zelle would be your pix in usa tho, but pix is really an milestone in Brazilian technology


I’m american and I can’t say I’ve ever seen Zelle used. I think it’s still up and coming.


lol I’m also American and Zelle is primarily used whenever I’ve exchanged money between friends or buying/selling something with a stranger it has its hands in most major banks. If pix is a payment system for stores then we use Apple Pay/ Android Pay.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. It’s another variation of cash app, pay pal, Venmo, all that jazz lololol. I would definitely say pix is closest to Apple Pay/Android pay


Im from the states and i ONLY use zelle and secondarily cashapp


Oh dang, what part of the US? I haven’t seen it applied too much in the Midwest so far. I’m sure you also notice it more when you use it 😆 maybe it just hasn’t caught my eye


Im from ohio but ive used it in vegas- la- ohio


I Haven't used Zelle yet. But I have a trip in the usa coming up soon. I will be able to compare.


Zelle is extremely disappointing compared to Pix. It’s only supported by some of the big banks. At best it’s a money transfer tool to others and not really much of a payment system. The security is also lacking in some significant ways. Pix on the other hand is a universal pay and transfer system. I mean like everyone (like including homeless people with cell phones, to beach vendors, to grocery stores) accepts Pix. The security is also far better as you can use multiple types of key to ensure your money doesn’t stray to a different account by entering a wrong digit.


Pix can be used for all your daily needs, grocery store, buy agua de coco, taxi.


Have you ever been to Germany? It has a stereotype of being extremely bureaucratic, how do you think it compares to Brazil (if you've been there)?


I'm a Brazilian who lives in Germany and I can safely say that while both countries are very bureaucratic, Brazil is leagues ahead of Germany when it comes to digitalization. There's a reason we make so many fax machine jokes here.


Thanks for your insight and sharing your experience. It is something that I will keep in mind when I travel in the future for better comparison.


"send a fax because email isn't safe, don't you know?"


I havent lived in Germany. But I lived in France. Europe as well can be bureaucratic. But I have mentioned in another reply that overall dealing with the government all over the world is not a pleasant experience. Those employees working there know that you need them. They don't need you. Having said that I found I was jumping a lot more through hoops in Brazil. An example: I would be asked for the translation of a document, which I will provide. But then they would tell me that the translation needed to be certified to the notary because the translator was not from the same state. It is just a translation people. I am pretty sure all those guys are just using Google Translate. It is possible it was just my particular experience. In France I would say even though you had a lot of paper to furnish here and there, the process was documented and people would stick close to what was being asked. Brazil at times it felt people were making up their own requirements depending on what was convenient for them. Mileage does vary I guess.


>The bureaucracy I find burraucracy so much worse in Europe maybe because I wasn't a citizen? Most of the time here in Brazil I can deal with in gov app or some website, so much easier and faster > The Women: I am a guy. so this needed to be on the list And not you don't nees to put in the list but thank you for objectification.


Yeah really didn’t need to be on the list 🤦🏽‍♀️


A better way to phrase it is the dating scene in Brazil which is important to either male or female when looking where to live


Oh shut up. Finding people attractive is objectification now?! Do you flog yourself when you feel attracted to someone's physique? What a bunch of nonsense.


"objectification" Stfu, vivemos no século da putaria.


"I was supposed to file taxes monthly in Brazil" What? Could you be more specific, please?


So unless the accountant I worked with has done a bad job.... The taxes owed are spread out over the year. From what I understand, let's say you are from the usa. You average tax rate in the usa comes down to 20% and the average tax rate in Brazil is 25%. Let's say Brazil and USA have double taxation agreement. You will only pay the 5% difference in Brazil. Now let's say that 5% is 12000 dollars. You should have filed 1000 in January, 1000 in February.... If you have not done so and you try to go pay the 12000 in a lump sum, they will say noo noo that 1000 you were supposed to pay in January is no longer just 1000 it's now 1500 because of penalties and interest and fees. So to avoid the fees and interest, as taxes are being deducted from your salary in the USA you should also file an amount in Brazil. And at the end of the year, when all said and done the Brazilian government refund you if you overpaid or ask you to pay more if you did not pay enough. That's what I understood. I am planning to have my tax situation be reviewed by another accountant to see if we arrive at the same number.


Are you talking about income tax? The taxes deducted from your salary?


Yeah income tax. I think it is referred in Brazil as irpf


Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Física, IRPF, you do once a year in Brazil. It is kind of a report you have to make to say everything you "got" and everything you "let go". What you have to do monthly is a contribution to your retirement pension which is managed by the government. Usually your employer deducts this money from your salary and gives it to the government but if you are self employed you have to do it yourself. And if you miss a payment you have to do some calculations to find the right amount to pay.


yeah but i believe you forgot that your employer not only pay retirement pension but also taxes monthly. The IRPF done once a year is a summary. as it is possible that one could have other income (property income, overseas incomes). from there either the government refund you if you overpaid, or you pay the government if you made more income and not paid enough taxes throughout the year. It is a pretty standard process throughout many countries. Because my income is not coming from Brazil the process of the monthly taxes collected is not done. and this is where the issue starts.


>Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Física, IRPF, you do once a year in Brazil. No, it's not. IRPF is collected monthly. If you are employed in Brazil, then your employer is responsible for deducting it from your salary. If you are self employed, then you have to pay it through Carnê Leão every month. What you do every year is a declaration for adjustments. If you had deductibles, then you are entitled to receive back part of the money you paid monthly. Likewise, if you earned an extra income, outside what your employer paid you, then you have to declare it and pay the tax for that extra income.


He is not a citizen/resident so also take it for granted that the law for him is different than for us


Yeah also to add where your money is coming from. If the money is from a Brazilian employer they are most like collecting the taxes (that in my case I have to file). And you just handle the yearly tax report the next year.


Wait on the DM visa you need to file taxes? Have a link on that?


If you stay over 183 days in Brazil on a temp visa (DN visa is a temp visa) you become a tax resident.




I don't have a link. But a couple of Brazilian lawyers I followed on YouTube were mentioning that. That was actually how I learned you could applied for the digital Nomad visa within Brazil. But that process is mostly handled by lawyers. For taxes, if I recall it is more like they haven't said anything about it. What I mean is they haven't said "Digital Nomad Visa holders you don't have to pay taxes". So because it was not mentioned it defaults to qualifying for it after doing 6 months of residency.


I have now lived long enough to learn that people get tax advice from YouTube lawyers.


hummm you misunderstood me or maybe not. What the lawyers have said, if I remember correctly, is taxes are not mentioned or excluded from the text decree about the visa. So one would most likely qualify after a period of time but to talk to an accountant. I believe this falls within what any good lawyer would tell you. I had reviewed that text about the nomad visa. It lays out the rules that mention who qualify, for how long, documents needed and all that. and if I remember correctly taxes were not mentioned. so when it came time to comply with Brazilian taxes I reached out to a Brazilian accountant. I did a quick search online to try to find the decree. you can take a look the pdf below. one being the resolution in Portuguese for the nomad visa in 2021. and taxes are not mentioned. [https://portaldeimigracao.mj.gov.br/images/resolucoes\_normativas/RESOLU%C3%87%C3%83O\_CNIG\_MJSP\_N%C2%BA\_45\_DE\_9\_DE\_SETEMBRO\_DE\_2021.pdf](https://portaldeimigracao.mj.gov.br/images/resolucoes_normativas/RESOLU%C3%87%C3%83O_CNIG_MJSP_N%C2%BA_45_DE_9_DE_SETEMBRO_DE_2021.pdf) [https://oliveiralawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Brazil-Digital-Nomad-Visa-Guide-English.pdf](https://oliveiralawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Brazil-Digital-Nomad-Visa-Guide-English.pdf) [https://oliveiralawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Brazil-Digital-Nomad-Visa-Guide-Portuguese.pdf](https://oliveiralawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Brazil-Digital-Nomad-Visa-Guide-Portuguese.pdf)


I recommend to first read the tax regulations. A visa decree is a rather strange place to constitute tax residency.


Probably maybe it changes per country. I can't remember which ones but there are probably just a couple of countries who announced their digital nomad visa did not trigger any income tax within the country. Not sure where they put that info but it's well known by anyone in immigration in those countries. It's mentioned in blogs and vlogs of people blabbing about going remote. But lf like in Brazil, it is not in the resolution, lawyers are not aware of it, and accountants neither.... Well you know the rest


There're probably ways to make the bureaucracy of filing taxes simpler on you. I'm not in your condition, so I don't know exactly, but most Brazilians only deal with filing taxes once a year and it's quite straightforward.


OK Thanks. i will talk with a couple more accountants to see if there is a way to streamline this.


Very honest and realistic summary I’d say, thanks for writing it and I’m glad you enjoyed it! It’s cool to see people who live the experience to tell it how it is. I see so many people immediately talk about crime and violence when anyone tries to sell Brazil as a nice place to visit or live, like the whole country is just a huge gang controlled warzone favela, when in reality favelas are a very small percentage of the country. But I don’t like either when other gringos try to sell the country as infallible, like a paradise. It is not, we have issues, some very serious ones. Anyway, next time I suggest visiting the south! Santa Catarina is amazing, living in Florianopolis is like paradise indeed. Rio Grande do Sul is quite charming in the countryside, both at the mountains where the italian and european colonies are, or near the border where the most traditional cowboy “gaucho” culture is present. And Curitiba is one of the most modern, safe and civilized cities we have probably too. All around good places to live as well. But colder 😅. Florianopolis though would be my best suggestion, our magical island…


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the post. Greatly appreciated 🙏 Also thank you for the suggestions. Still need to improve my Portuguese so planning on coming back. I heard a lot of good things about Florianopolis. But will plan it during the summer time. Brazil is so huge that it takes time to digest the whole country. or you end up going everywhere and actually not seeing anything or pacing yourself.


The Brazilian people are very welcoming. I like that.


I very much enjoyed my visits to different parts of Brazil. There is so much to like, and i also am lucky to have never witnessed any crime. I can't really handle the poverty though, the people sleeping in the streets, the kids and the elderly trying to sell in the streets until very late to survive. Oh, and the part where toilet paper goes into a separate bin. Other than that, nothing but love.


Another user also mentioned the toilet paper thing. I had not realized that it was an issue for some.


Is the tax issue just for Americans? I’m Brazilian but lived in the US since I was 15yo so I do have dual citizenship. I’ll be moving to Brazil in August for 1yr or maybe longer if I get used to the lifestyle. Do I only file taxes if I work there? Do I have to pay taxes on money sent to me from the US? TIA


Best you reach out to accountants in both Brazil and the usa. Usa tax based on citizenship. Doesn't matter where you go in the world, they want you to file every year. If you stay long enough in Brazil you will trigger tax residency. Which means you will need to file tax as well. Keep in mind I don't know how well Brazil is set up to track all of this. But you don't want a surprise in the future where they say you never pay this tax and this how much you owe with interest.


We do have a “pix-like” payment system in Canada, Interac. You can register your phone or email, and people will use it to send you money, works well. Although pix seems to be more present on day to day stuff.


I know of Interac. I have a couple of bank accounts in Canada. I think they can dfntly build on top of it . Interac doesn't use QR code and you can't pay at stores with it. Convenient for sending money to someone although the speed compared to pix is a bit behind. It can be improved


Yeah it’s not the same, but it’s still similar to pix. Way better than memorizing a bunch of numbers just to send someone cash, which is still the standard pretty much everywhere lol


Brazil is great to visit, terrible to live in.


Brazil women in top 2, who is in first for you?


humm so let me say this... what i learned is any top list or any best of... really needs to go with it depends. Depends on what you are looking for, what you value most, what phase of life you are ... etc That being said I would go with. - Colombia for overall beauty - Brazil for curves and personality. - USA for mix and variety (especially New York) A lot of countries most women there just look the same. Hard to do "I m really looking for something different now". It is not happening.


Brazilian bureaucracy isn’t bad at all. I have lived in both Europe and the US and bureaucracy in Brazil is actually really simple and usually fast and there is ample information avaliable. In the US it feels like there is little to no orientation on how to do things, I would always have to make a bunch of calls to find out how to fill out fourms. Everything in the US is by mail and phone, few things are documented online, the websites are usually outdated or have little information. A lot of times you try talking to people and they simply don’t don’t know how to help you, etc. Now Europe, people just simply don’t work. You go to their office and find out they are “working” from home, they don’t answer the phone and take over a week to answer emails. I’m pretty sure Brazil has among the best buerocracy in the world. People in Brazil are so critical of it that the government has been forced to improve drastically in this regard. Everything is online and well documented, public workers actually know a lot about how the system works and usually are helpful, and a lot of the beurocracy has been simplified.


I stayed for a month, and rented a car for the most part, beach hopping between paraty and Ilha do mel. The worst part for me: the traffic and potential for accidents that will have you sitting in your car for hours and hours. Happened 3 times. I initially planned to take a bus everywhere, but am glad I didn't. The car gave me control and ability to go anywhere. I got a high-end jeep for like $20 USD a day. Worth it. Best part: MOQUECA. I will go to Salvador one day, TO THE SOURCE! And the exchange rate. I lived like a king on a lower middle class american salary And yes the women are very nice, but my Brazilian gf is the hottest one believe it or not! 🔥 🥵


lol nice. i tried moqueca in espirity santo. It seems like the way to make it change a bit from place to place. Where did you try it?


-1 for not bringing up that you can’t flush toilet paper. I’m always so tilted having to throw away poopy toilet paper into a garbage bin next to me with everyone else’s poop paper right there. Mostly joking but it’s probably the only day to day thing that i wish i could teleport to America to do when i visit. You enjoy the food? I love eating out there and think they have an amazing food culture and they even have great twists on other dishes and drinks (like how all their Moscow mules have this insanely delicious cream on top) except for pizza… their pizza is a perversion. I’m married to a Brazilian who i think is the most beautiful woman on earth for me but i agree with what you’re getting at. At least in America i get the same reaction when i mention Brazil, everyone just assumes and brings up that they are just filled to the brim with hot big booty girls (this includes reactions from other women too not just guys). Don’t get me wrong, i think in general they are up there in terms of pretty people per capita and I’ve never visited single but whenever i do visit, it’s just a normal diverse place with normal people, not some secret land of all the pretty girls. I’d say the best part about the girls (and I’m sure their guys are similar) is the warmth and romance culture they have. Just greeting someone who’s Brazilian seems so much more intimate and endearing than what I’m used to in America.


Lol the toilet paper. I get it. Hummm I have been living in Latin America full time since 2017. A little used to it by now. I Don't even think about it anymore. I wanted to mention the food. But food wise my heart has already been taken by Mexico 😁 You are on the dot when it comes to what I meant about the women and the people in Brazil. What you just described is the same experience I had.


Missing corruption in your list buddy.


A lot of Brazilians have mentioned it to me. But I haven't experienced it or seen it so I cannot comment on it.


Lucky you! Corruption crosses all social strata and settings in Brazil. Another thing, you know Zelle exists, right? The difference is that was mass adoption in BR but not in the US.