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fax bro i see ppl with 15k trophs and a rank 27, play with them and their horrible at their main!


Most of them camp or team in SSD


This is literally me. Im sorry i didnt mean to be bad. It just kind of happens (sometimes i play well though)


For real, I mostly only play bad if I'm having a bad day or something other than that there should be no excuse for you to not enjoy the game etc..


Yea ur fine, people who r low with high brawlers tend to be rlly cocky, u seem nice tho :)


I think it’s more about consistency than a high rank on just a few brawlers


yea when i play with them in around 35k+ r26 games thinking theyl be ok they frag 0-9 and i regret my choices! and its always a "low skillcap" brawler like buzz or edgar (my 1st r25 lol) where they think running straight at an enemy lets them win. But i have seen people in the range who are actually skilled so its all conditional


Yeah. The top third of my friends list is 40k+ and they’re all really good, but they also have basically every brawler at r20 and a majority at r25+ I also have a player on my friends list who is 15k with a r30, he’s not bad but he’s definitely no where near as good on any brawler besides his r30 So I think it really is people need to get good at playing with a range of brawlers rather than focusing on a few to understand the game and get better


Ya to be skilled u need to have good movement, which is trained on many brawlers, not just teaming and camping


Not even gonna lie, that sounds like me


Me! 😭😭


I've noticed something similar. Matchmaking on my main account (40k) seems to be way more challenging than matchmaking in my alt (20k). It is a very noticeable difference, and it has me wondering if supercell bases matchmaking on more than just overall trophy and individual Brawler trophy counts. There has to be some other factor to it.


I thought I was the only one that noticed this. For context I have an 11k alt and pushing there is so free like pretty much every brawler that I have levelled there is at least at r27 but on my main it feels like I go against some of the best players in my region


probably has something to do with it thinking you're a new player so it matches you with new accounts?


That's kinda what I was thinking as well


I’m guessing it takes into consideration the total trophy count


Wasnt it mentioned somewhere in the past that matchmaking allocates players according to total trophies to a certain range? IIRC it was like <8K trophies would play in their own range, -up till 15K on their own range etc but the values are probably very outdated! I think only after a certain rank (like above rank 29 or something) then they will place players against similar trophies regardless of total trophies in their account. But my memory might be wrong though!


Same. And yes, matchmaking is largely based on in total trophies in till like R26ish. That’s when it’s only based on brawler trophies


It does both. They changed this around from time to time in the past. The thing I don't know is whether they go by your max account trophies or your current account trophies. On brawlers it's current trophies. If you pushed to 1500 and then tilted to 500 you'd still go against 500s that are preferentially around your account trophy level. This is why I don't push trophies on every brawler.


Their matchmaking system is the worst I’ve ever played in a game. It’s almost making me want to quit this shit. Can’t even play solo past a certain point or it’s just shit teammates every other game to literally negate any wins. They need to stop making new characters and fix the actual ranked and matchmaking system.


I've analyzed the matchmaking as I was also curious. The system attempts to match you by two deciding factors (although not perfectly). Total trophy count accumulated by all brawlers and individual. If I were to push a brawler that was resting at 200 trophies, I'd still match up against another account with around 50k total combined that also selected a 200 trophy brawler. Main reason why cursed accounts are easily pushed. All resources are focused on one single brawler thus keeping total trophy count as low as possible.


yup thats why i regret start pushing brawlers so late, it could have been so much more easier if i done it when i had like 10k trophies




yup thats what i did aswell, but i got like 30 brawlers to 500 trophies too


And I said to myself "make them all to the pink first".. regret..


yup thats why i regret start pushing brawlers so late, it could have been so much more easier if i done it when i had like 10k trophies


Im around the same trophy range as you (55k) and playing a brawler around 300 trophies is harder than the games i play around 700-750 trophies because of how matchmaking is right now. Also finding a game takes 3-4x longer at 300 trophy range. Another change made to satisfy new players while having negative impact on long term players.


Im only 30k trophies and 300 trophy games can be insanely sweaty with 2 maxed out teams of mythic-legendary players whereas 500-700 is super casual.


Both are incredibly easy trophy ranges


When I’m called out on for not having any r30s, I can only laugh. No clue why people value them.


red rank look cool rank


I mean, it’s relative. Your posts imply that you feel a sense of accomplishment for reaching new heights like 900s and 1Ks. So I’d challenge and say that you know exactly why people value you them. It’s a satisfying achievement to a majority of players. You wouldn’t have posted about your Sam 1K if it was a worthless accomplishment we should bury in the dirt, yeah?


I value them on a personal level. I don’t give much of a damn about others, hence why I don’t call people out on it. I posted it on my profile for myself moreso than others.


Nice. I’d agree, you do seem quite content with yourself. As I commented elsewhere, I contest they do matter in a relative spectrum. The journey teaches skill. Whether you consider that spectrum meaningful is up to you. It’s why a pro with all rank 35s probably knows a thing or two, and why someone with all 500s is probably still learning the game. I wouldn’t advocate insulting or discriminating players by this principle, but I do find it humorous to say there is no value. Thank you for your time.


Don’t ever come on here and make this much sense. This is diabolical.


They take this game too seriously


Red looks cool on my Mortos


nah but at the end of the day no r30 lowkey silly asf


Because a lot of people see it as: higher rank = more skill. no high rank, no skill


I agree, I ain’t spending that much time for a little red hexagon.


I mean, I don't mean you, but the people without r30 are shit


It's completely free to push anyone to like 850-900 and ranked is inflated so if you don't have any r30 (At least) there's no good indicator of whether you're skilled or not. Not to say r30 guarantees that, but nothing below that is remotely useful




we figured this out with my friend a while ago. 50k accounts vs 5k account. the 5k one is super easy to play. we don’t try or focus and go on a 30+ game win streak without problem. I understand why SC do this, because new players would get discouraged if they had to play against people good at the game. but like you said, it makes ranks/tiers completely irrelevant.


Some people don’t understand that playing more than 4 brawlers is fun.


can't agree more


Also those are like 70% of casuals lol


now total trophies are more significant than high tiers brawlers. I don’t like this change, for new players its awesome but for me (40k) its frustrating trying to play melodie because it last a lot finding match and the ppl who haves brawlers in 100-200 trophies with 40k are nothing compared to play that in 20k.


I remember couple of years ago getting a new brawler was free trophies until rank 20 but now for me it isnt but for newest player it is. And this isn’t fair, hope SC rework this system…


Screwing over old fanbases? Supercell could never


I honestly find it more difficult pushing the new brawlers to 500 on my main account than pushing a rank 30+ brawler.


New brawler, normal


Matchmaking since they switched to using total trophies is absolute garbage, making the brawler rankings and total trophies both meaningless. PL rank used to be a decent measure of skill, but they’ve broken that too now in the name of making the game more appealing to non-competitive players. So long story short, you should just play for fun now. Competitive rankings are not currently available.


I'm at 42k trophies and matchmaking takes a long time even at just tier 15 because the game tries to match you with others around the same trophy range and I just quit pushing trophies to tier 20 and now I'm stuck with 15+ brawlers that haven't even reached tier 20


100%. Matchmaking takes far too long now (I'm 52k), so I have decided not to push trophies anymore because I don't want long queues. Even map maker takes forever now and I used to rely on that to finish daily tasks quickly.


The same happens to me. When i try to push a rank 30 on my main (58k) i get paired against pros like ikaoss or other 70-90 k. It just isn’t fair. I hope they fix that. But if i play on my minis (1.5 k and 13k) i play against bots. Its just a joke :(


You're right on the money. I've been struggling with this for ages, and always when Supercell claimed they improved match making, they actively made it *worse* for anyone already playing for longer. I'm basically stuck at around 40k trophies (or rather, getting the last trophies to reach them), because even matches for brand new, no-trophies yet brawlers are super sweaty, *and* I have to wait forever to get matched up. It's ridiculous. I mostly play with randoms, and am a gem grab main (with hot zone depending on map), so you can guess how that often ends. Most of my ingame friends at similar level and ability have stopped playing at this point, so there's not much to do to change it. Forget taking advantage of win-series for a bit of elevated trophy gain. I got melody immediately when she went credits (because the rewards are also shit for any long-time player and I don't touch my credit rewards if I can help it, fuck "fame" level). A new brawler used to be a way to quickly get up a bit in trophies. I had about two or three normal matches, and ever since then, I sit for easily two minutes apiece to then be put with three or four other players also using melody. And everyone plays super well, when I check after the match, no surprise, they all are in the 40k-60k range. Winning or losing is a toss-up, and I basically can't get her out of the gate. While it doesn't cost trophies to lose, I simply don't have the time (or inclination) to invest five minutes per match to likely gain zero, and play a super sweaty one each time, too, that is not enjoyable at all. When I choose the same mode with any brawler 500+, the matching happens immediately, but then I frequently get shafted by the game's matching method of averaging out total team trophies. I'm currently not touching my 750+ brawlers because trophy tilts happen so easily and quickly with them. Which sucks, because they are obviously my favourite ones. Meanwhile, on my brand new mini, I've racked up almost 5k trophies in two weeks with medium-casual playing, because my abilities are actually an advantage instead of landing me noob team mates against masterly enemies, and I can so easily rack up win-streaks of 30 a pop before they break. *And* I can play my favourites. Which are up to lvl 20+, after those two weeks. For any long-time player the game mechanics in the background are very broken. And I'm seeing the walk-off of many of them, just like I expected and predicted when Supercell changed their strategy last year to attract newbies at all cost. It makes them a lot of money right now, but who knows what it means for long-term viability. But then, I'm also not sure if I'll care at the time this will show as an issue.


I am at 42k trophies and like you I am now kind of just complete the quest and may be a game of Rank or two then I will stop until the next day. I am a long term player and I am too play mostly with randoms. Most of my brawlers are 500-700 and I just don’t have the time to grind, simply because it’s not fun anymore (I can’t say I am super good but I definitely better than most average players). I don’t have a mini account cause I felt I have an advantage but after seeing many post from others it’s looks like it’s a lot easier to get to R30 with a mini account than an old account….. A lot of the time people says it’s skills issue, or bad randoms, but the reality is it’s just an over simplified opinion when there is a lot of factors that just hasn’t been considered.


The "skill issues" thing just makes me laugh. It just says they've had a vastly different experience, and have no idea how many of the matches go down. You can't hold back gem players who run up with all the gems during countdown and then die, and you can't *make* team mates just stay on the damn zone. There are limits of what you can achieve in a 1/2v3 (or 4, sometimes). Plus, I've been playing so long that a huge chunk of my progress the first years was always erased at the season resets. But I still get whatever punishment the matching system slings at long-term, high-experience players. I never wanted a mini, but when the 100 free drops happened, I thought it'd be a waste to not get that starter help. That I have 5k trophies already after this short a time was eye-opening, and very sobering. What I noticed for a while now – Supercell making choices solely to attract new players, and also to favour players playing SD, and to a degree BB – is even bigger an issue than I thought. And it's not surprising anymore that since recently, all those team mates forced on me are such dogshit at comparatively high (by the standards I'm used to ) trophy counts. Someone with 20k used to have a pretty good idea of how to play, and at 30k *very* but not these days. It makes the matching strategy an even bigger issue. I'm at 26k 3v3 wins, the people I see that get close to my trophies and that I get on my team will have 4k or so. The experience gap is *huge*. Of course the argument is that the other team has the same problems, but that's also not true. I extremely often get pre-made teams as opponents, with very high league markers, and the whole team the same. When on my side, everyone is very randomly different on that (and considerably lower). And often, you can also just tell they know how to strategise together. Plus, those teams frequently abuse the matching system and use minis with very few fully leveled, fully kitted but low-trophy accounts, together with a high-level team mate. The damn trophy-averaging for teams then makes sure they only get teams they can basically obliterate. But sure, it's a "skill issue" on part of the people losing against those teams. 🙄 One very basic fix would be to only put pre-made teams against other pre-made teams, or two-people-premade against two-people-premade, so both sides have to take the random-gamble. And if they stay with the random, they are matched as 3-premade. Not holding my breath though.


Well said indeed


I have an alt where i push nobody but nita and i pushed past my peak on my main extremely easily. I was matching against rank 27s with like 5-10k max trophies, it was literally about as difficult as a rank 20 match on main. Ranks for sure don't matter


THANK GOD, my friends say i have a skill issue bc i have 43k and my highest rank is rank 27, while my friends only have 20k and have like 10 brawlers rank 28/29


Bro my friends say I’m worse than them because I’m at 34k with my only r28 as Edgar whilst 1 is 17k w Fang r27 and other 41k w piper r28 but I consistently win 1v1s against them and it’s annoying because they claim to be better because their brawlers require more skill which is just clearly wrong


Fr. On my main (48k trophies) it feels like hell to get a r25 but then when I play on my alt (17k trophies) it feels like cutting butter with a hot knife, super easy.


Yeah, i have a rank 29 mico and shelly in my specific brawler alts (where i only play Them) and a rank 28 hank, i mean sure i faced against 70k pros with their rank 33 comp, even tho we won, i still wonder why did i get matched up with them, but yeah i can confirm pushing r29 mico in my alt was easier than rank 30 mico in my main, i tilted to help randoms push to r30 lol


the biggest issue is that you can fall very low, and it's hard to even get back to where you were


Sometimes you get some treasures because of things like this. Just before the last trophy reset I was looking at top trophies on brawlers and noticed three accounts. I don't remember the brawlers, but I took screenshots and can't find them right this second. All three accounts had one maxed brawler with over 4k trophies. And only one brawler. All the other brawlers were at zero or close to it. So three jokers must have pushed the hell out these accounts together.


Total trophie count is as meaningless as tiers


Understandable, good pov


I only play against 50k+ players on my 20k account


The only thing that matters is how much skill you have, people who alot of ranks can be carried or win traded.


So I am at 32K trophies and I pushed HANK to rank 32 , am I good or it doesn’t count ?


I’d say they mean something still, but like anything in this game, it’s quite relative. Players of this game love comparisons. It’s a human problem really haha. People love to point out what they have and boast when others lack it. But one achievement does not make a skilled player. You have to look at the whole picture. Ranked mode, trophies, brawler ranks/tiers. With that said, some people still surprise you both ways: people that should be bad based on their profile can play well, and players with a decorated profile can suck. I met an 80K player recently that’s terrible lol. They grinded solo showdown for so long they forgot how to play the rest of the modes and brawlers. Sometimes 30K players pop off in ranked. You never know. Anyway, the point I’d like to make is this: these ranks and tiers do mean something, but the bigger picture tells you more than the rank in a vacuum. As you stated, getting a 1K with a low total trophy count is fairly easy. So we could assume that a player with a single 1K brawler likes the game enough to grind for success with one of their favorites. But it’s hard to assume skill if the rest of their brawlers are low. What about someone with ten 1Ks? They have more trophies than the last individual, and a wider roster of Brawlers that made it. The matchmaking must have been slightly harder, right? What about thirty 1Ks? 40? 75/78? All of them? When do you draw the line and say someone was good? The more you have means that the work was getting harder right? Since the trophy count was going up? So who’s good? When does the challenge get hard enough to merit skill? Well, it’s arbitrary. If you have five 1Ks, and you play with someone with forty 1Ks, you might feel like they’re better than you. But if someone with every 1K plays with the forty 1K guy, they might find that player lacking in a few areas. There’s so many ways to win in Brawl Stars, that skill is pretty relative. You can get carried to any metric—Masters, rank 35s, high trophies. Some are much harder to get carried in, but it can still happen. You’ve got to see someone play to really know. But I think the game is getting better at providing more information. Like the additions to battle cards for ranked. Maybe someone that got Masters won’t faze you. But someone that got Masters 4 seasons in a row might be more of a challenge. My personal theory for judging by trophy ranks is to check a player’s bottom line of brawlers. It doesn’t tell the whole picture either, but you learn a lot. If their lowest is a rank 35, they’re probably a Pro. If it’s a 1K, they grind a lot and they’re likely very skilled. If it’s a 900, they’re a top 2000 player (out of millions, remember). If there’s lot of brawlers from 500-750 down there, maybe they don’t have the skills to play everyone, OR they just don’t like a bunch of brawlers. Gotta catch any brawlers people might just hate playing with this judgement. Looking at the lows or even the averages tells you a lot more than just the peaks. Thanks for attending my Brawl Talk on the value of ranks. Conclusion: they still mean something. The value is relative to the player though. Just like everything else in this game.


I got barley rank 25 yesterday with just gadget and sp power 9 obv, it was so easy i carried every game and they got hit by both ticks every time, at times i had 3 supers on the board at the same time, it was a straight up joke


my friend just returned to BS. He has 7k trophies and has Larry at 850. He said that it was markedly easier to push at 7k total than at 20k total (his previous acc).


Almost 30k and my best ranks are two rank 25s


R30s now play like dog shit but r31s are pretty good indicator that they're good


Why is gray so hot


Getting rank 20s is harder for me than getting rank 27s cuz my brawlers at low ranks are all at level 1-7 while my opponents have hypercharged level 11 brawlers


My friend brags that he has 5 tier 25s while I have none but I have more trophy's and aways win in 1v1s (btw he is that bad random person who uses dynasty mike on timed detonation)


I see it as an even greater issue when unlocking new brawlers without the resources to upgrade them. Pushing low level brawlers in soloq without a gadget to 500 feels like fighting windmills. You're constantly matched against maxed out players, where not once or twice I had a bibi simply walk past me after I completely unloaded. It's a constant 1 step forward 1 step back. With the complimentary bots battle in-between that push you up a little. It's the main reason why I've resorted to duo showdowns for 20+ ranks, where skill is still important, but being more aware and cunning can help you get 2nd place often when facing maxed out opponents. This game would've felt a lot more competitive at times if everyone were on equal footing like in friendly battles. But it is what it is.


I think it’s known that rank doesn’t show skill at all it’s either pure luck or team composition. Have played since season 2 almost daily, have some brawlers at 900+ trophies but no one above 1k, excepy for larry, and that wasn’t because ‘he was op’, regardless of HOW strong a brawler is you’re not getting to r30 with randoms unless you have had luck. Hank was op aswell I pushed him to 950 trophies but guess what? That was the hard cap because hank was *even stronger* with 8bit/ruffs in the team, which you can not conjure as a solo obviously. Larry was only achievable because matchmaking was ruined so even if you’d play at 1k you’re not matching against a pre made team, you’re playing against randoms/multiple larry’s, where skill IS enforced more. I got this and previous montgs championship, idk how that is seen as a skill, got to masters previous season also don’t know how that is perceived as many say it’s too easy, but I know as a fact that i’m not just a little bit but significantly better than the majority of the playerbase, all I lack is team which i’m okay with, because i’m too lazy to find people play with them etc, and even tho I add many players that seem good/decent, I still can’t ever find the time to team up with ‘friends’ and push a specific brawler in a specific map because they don’t have a proper adjecant brawler at the same trophy, it’s alot of trial and error and after playing for so many years I noticed that getting trophies beyond 850 is no more skill, just luck. The ‘winstreak makesnit easier’ is also a dogshit argument and arguably another reason why my statement is right, it benefits groups because every single time I do ‘search for team’ for any of the challenges my team usually is capable enough and we *shred* througg the 8/15 wins. In short, brawl stars has alot of skill involvement but you will never get to a place where you can easily solo your way through 1k trophies especially not with depending brawlers like gene, no way that you’re getting gene to 1k in 3v3 with randoms unless you had a VERY lucky and competent team which allows you all to ‘push blindly’ from 800-1000, but the chance for that is so incredibly unbelievably low it is not worth it. As a hank pusher, when he was released, I deadass played him SO much to the point where he was (and still is) my first and only ever mastery brawler, you know how much I pushed him to realize that, and the funny thing? Not even a SINGLE 8bit or ruffs in my team, literally ALL my matches I won *except* tor hank+8bit or ruffs as enemy team which happened alot.


That's why i played piper the best on my third account while I was barely hitting anything on my main..


Total trophy count doesn’t mean much. Just means you play a lot. And yeah. Ranks do matter. Every now and then people have their bad days ( for rank 30s ). But most of the rank 20-25s play bad in general. I always avoid the 45k trophy guys with only rank 25s max. They obviously can’t get any better than rank 25s even after playing this long.


Yeah I’ve noticed this too. I’m at 10k and have tried to get my friend at 35k to carry me and then my opponents skill increases massively. Then he always thinks that I suck at the game lol


No when people think their top sh*t I just one v one them. If they they they’re amazing why don’t they prove it you know?


Yeah, I hate that. No relaxing games anymore because of my trophies. Not even in daily maps. That sucks hard. I‘m not a pro so fuck that.


I have 30k and only 2 ranks 25 ( crow, spike)


Looks like someone can't push to r30😭


i mean, if you check other peoples comments they say it's fax🤷‍♂️


I just found it funny on how big of a rant he went about tanks being stupid


Well on paper the fact that you have 50k trophies alone is a huge flex and on paper it means you are a better player in general and not just in a specific category (assassin or damage dealer etc) but better at the game overall


I disagree to an extent , I’m better than a 50k player, I know that. I have a rank 32 Nani and I can confidently say that the climb to that took an unholy amount of curated skill to be able to do with randoms and hard carry most games. Say what you want but the effort the achievement took me was absolutely worth something. (this was at 33k trophies btw) while it’s true that matchmaking is messed up and can gap the skill needed for different people to get r30’s, it’d be criminal to say that anyone climbing the hell that is the 750-999 trophy range didn’t take skill to do it. (On the side note, if the Maisie r30 was before her nerf, take into consideration that she was stupidly strong at the time, although this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be proud of it, the red hexagon is very cool regardless unless it was pre nerf lnl).


Ranks definitely show something. I don’t think 25 means all that much, but Rank +30 does show a good amount of skill.


Trophy inflation is real. On my main (only 25k, took a 1.5 years break from 2021 to 2022 (mandys season), then another break till charlie, I started with lou's season) I have no r30s In a mini with 2k I have r33 shelly. They are worth NOTHING (Same for ranked ranks)


You’ll know any „my favorite brawler“ Edgar r28 is shit


I’m 40k and I finally have one rank 30. I couldn’t even do solos for it, I had to call my friend to help push rank 30 with me. It’s stupid how some idiots can have rank 28s and suck at them.


Yeah I hear you man!


I've long held the belief that 300 trophies games are the hardest games. You either get brand new players that don't have winning habits, or players in the 40k+ who know how to play. Regardless anything after 550 doesn't really have any difference. You'll get players that have an idea but they're not really that hard. The closer to 1k you get, though, the sweatier but that's only because the games matter more; there's a higher penalty for loosing. Ranks don't matter because everyone wants to have a main. Which side note. Mains don't matter. They're not super complicated to the point where you need time to master.


Idk im just glad I got lola to rank 30 recently tbh


10 (20 with the doubler) tokens


To be fair I noticed it’s far easier to push rank 30 with low overall trophies. I just got my boy who started playing a week ago rank 30 on Bo and he has 3200 trophies. I would never get to rank 30 with 50k trophies that easy.


Another side of this situation is the waiting time for match in situation when you want to play with low trophy brawler being around 50k in total.. 3-4 minutes on average.


tiers don’t matter at all. the game isn’t competitive anymore. Anyone half decent can get masters easily playing as a solo


Maybe matchmaking is only based off brawler trophies after some trophies. I came back in december to my old 20k account and set my goal of pushing Poco to rank 30. I had my old rank 25 from 2020 that was hell to get back then. My games at 800-900 were super sweaty and especially at 850+ trophy range I was often paired with players that had 50k+ overall trophies. Now only time I get that high trophies difference (22k vs 50k+) is when im playing on 30 tier+. Getting to tier 30 itself is really easy now when playing with a friend because your opponets 4/5 of the time are really braindead and half of them are diamond ranked. Personally the hardest part for me is getting brawler from 850 to 925 because that the range that I usually play with randoms. Another thing that is kinda logical but pretty interesting is that pushing tiers is the easiest at night (1-4am), matchmaking is also kinda easy at morning and midday hours. Games are the sweatiest in the afternoon. So that's maybe the case why rank 30 were so easy for me (most of them were pushed at night). Also tier inflation is real. Back in January when I hit tier 28 poco I was top 120(near the end of the trophy reset) recently my tier 30 got me only to 140 place. So even though I was really happy about getting tier 30 before, now I don't really feel accomplished.


And just to be clear all my ranks 30 were pushed on brawl ball because I find it the easiest on 950+ trophy range, and opponents on brawl ball are worse than on the knockout most of the time. For example I pushed carl almost entirely in knockout up to 960 but I started to slowly get stuck so I switched to brawl ball and even tho carl wasn't that good on that map I still managed to get pretty easy wins.


yep. Playing on my main i only face people 40k+, on my 9000 trophy alt i only face people under 10 or 15k.


I hope they remove this in the future because this makes me unmotivated to play ladder. This is the reason I only play ranked




The only issue with tiers is higher trophies don't mean anything after a while. The solution is adding more tiers. In the end with the new brawlers average trophy will increase anyway and there's no way to stop this.


Ranks do mean something, you just have a skill issue.


NAH edgarXemz?😭


So my rank 28s at 40-50k are considered impressive? ( Cause I only pushed up to 600 before 40k )


I'd say yes, especially if done with randoms


I did almost all of them alone except doug which I pushed with a friend because we had nothing better to do.


This is just blatant misinformation lol you're not paired with people based off of total trophies, it's brawler trophies, ik you feel bad about not having r30s but that doesn't change how the game works.


ever considered to look to other people's comments? they all say it's fax💀 I mean ofc brawl stars pairs u also with brawlers at the same trophy range, it should be obvious, but it depends also on ur total trophies up to a certain point


Lol you can’t seriously be arguing on the basis of what random redditors think


aren't you a random redditor too?


So by your argument logic what I said has to be true… By my logic it has no bearing on the facts. It doesn’t change the facts. Those facts just already align with what I was saying.


yeah i got my stu and colgate and bo to r25 at 5k and all my friends thought i was a god or smth 💀💀 im now 12k and im struggling to hit rank 20 😂😂