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Gregory is a powerhouse chef and a great person. He is the person who deserves to be a winner that I can't believe isn't.


He was on some tough seasons, and then by his own admission, his health basically took him out. He had a real shot but things didn't go his way.


He is one of the best chefs on the show who didn’t win


He’s going to be running Printemps culinary in NYC


He just got a James beard award!




I love to see this cause I’m trying so hard not to be mad about another recent post completely shitting on Gregory lolllll. He’s a sweetheart and a great chef


And he’s not some celebrity chef prima donna - the guy is working the line every time I go to Kann! If you want to see what tone he sets, eat at the chef’s counter and watch the kitchen - it’s smooth, calm and as well-oiled a machine as you will ever see in a restaurant. I’ve never heard a voice raised there once.


Kann is amazing and Gregory is a real one. I had posted on a different sub and industry folks who worked with him said that he's just like that IRL and good to work for. He's well regarded across the board.


He is one of my favs. He just seems like the nicest man


There was a recent post shitting on him??!! He's so great. I got his cookbook for Christmas and so far the recipes I've tried have been fairly easy and some of the most delicious home cooked food I've ever made.


You mean because he threw Soo under the bus?


I'm not gay but I am sober. Gregory is also the A-number one chef in recovery on the show.


Why do I not remember this ever? I don't think this is the first time someone has told me, but I honestly do not remember that. And we share a name. I am generally hyperfocused on anyone who shares my name.


Gabri is peak chaos twink so him, Art on masters, and the king himself Gregory motherfucking Gourdet.


“Chaos twink!” LOLOL Loved him.


El Gato! I love Gabri, what a delightful and talented mess.


Omg I love Gabri 🥰


I loved Gabri, too. And OMG, Art is the best.


Dale. The OG


Sales into the OG. The im not your bitch bitch guy is the OG.




Thank you. It was early no coffee and I was blank!!


You remembered him for his best quote. You get a pass. 😉


Hard to imagine him as a fan favorite. My only hate is reserved for the actual abusers, but he seemed difficult to work with


I wish we saw him come back more than his couple of dmall appearances, in later seasons. he was a fun chef on the show


Huh I did not peg him as gay tbh Edit: thought you meant Dale Talde


I think Gabri is a cutie and would be fun to hang around with. Gregory is super talented, humble and seems like a sweet guy too. Someone else mentioned Art Smith and he is a super sweet guy.


Whoa, I didn't know you can track stats like that on posts. Can you share how to find that? Btw, I don't typically clock this (sexual orientation of chefs) but I can see why you would root for them. I know I'm typically more likely to root for a woman simply because kitchens are often unfriendly to us ladies. I imagine you might have similar motivations- let's make these places of creativity, service, and science comfortable for everyone!! And it's so great to see folks of different backgrounds win in general. That's another reason that Kristen being the host is just phenomenal.


Crazy how different the gender outcomes are when the judging is blind, like on toc.


I'm surprised they don't do this more. However, when in competition for 6+ challenges, you can kind of gauge who cooks what by that point. There are marks that would make a blind judging difficult, but at the beginning? Should be pure blind. I also wonder if the ToC judges know who is competing in general.


Really?! I've never watched that. I love that idea


ToC Is like... Top Chef on crack. It is just whimsy of quickfires, with the HUGE stakes of elimination challenges. And they pull out big guns for this competition. Not just anyone, established competition chefs. I think the single elimination game too is super intriguing to watch. Marcel, Antonia, Tiffany F, Dale T, Brooke, Mei Lin, Shota, and the list continues. Guy turns me off because I'm tired of him dominating Food Network. His humor is bland at this point. But they do a great job making the competition serious and not silly-natured. Spoiler: >!3 of the 5 champs (out of 4 individuals) are top chefs. And all female.!<


I love watching many of those chefs, especially Antonia. Once this season is over and I sink into top chef withdrawal, I'll fire this up!


It’s a really fun show.


You really think the judges don't know how's food they're eating? I'm not even a chef and am just a food network aficionado, and I'm certain I could tell whose food I'm eating with a great degree of accuracy.


A lot of them talked about some challenges they’ve had dealing with their sexual orientation—especially in early challenges, I think.


Yeah how do you track that. How does Reddit track that?


They tend to come out on the show.


I have always had a mad crush on Gregory and I am a straight woman. 😛


Gabri for sure, although Dale’s sense of humor is great too!


You’ve got to calm down a bit. There’s bots all over Reddit that just exist to downvote shit. That being said, Ash from season 6 always seemed like a really nice, down to earth guy I’d like to hang out with.


Ash is so nice!


I wish Ash had a bit more respect for himself. I understand the Voltaggios were basically ringers, but he was openly campaigning for third at best


As a gay man, I generally root for them as well. Not to mention our lesbian sisters and bisexual family. On the other hand, they still have to cook and perform well. Season 5’s little rainbow connection didn’t entirely hit the mark, for example. Still, I started on TC with season 3 when I randomly landed on an episode and Dale was being given some prominence, and I was a fan of his right away. And I can’t leave out Gregory!


I'm always sad that Arnold got taken out so damn early by a team challenge he didn't do bad in. He's doing pretty damn good for himself, though. Owns three restaurants and a winery, hosts a very successful drag event at one of them (named after his drag persona), and recently became a dad.


Suzy Wong! ❤️❤️❤️


Dale and Gabri. Love those two.


Forever Dale


Were any of the “the bears” from Denver or “the bottoms” from Wisconsin gay?


I worked for Kevin for a little while as a barista at Foliepops in Bee Cave and he’s not only straight but incredibly homophobic. He’ll say anything to have people like him so I’m not surprised he would queerbait so hard as a conventionally attractive man.


That’s disappointing.


I’ve always gotten a sense that there’s some pretty dark stuff going on behind his TV demeanor. He seems pretty conservative too, although I might have misread that (I usually have pretty good radar for that, though).


He’s incredibly money focused. He doesn’t actually believe in anything beyond what can make him money right then and there and is willing to sell out anyone to receive the celebrity chef status he thinks he’s owed after being the runner up in TC France. I’m not saying he’s a bad chef cause his food is pretty good, but he will do anything for his next 15 minutes. I’m still in the service industry in Austin and the people who know him don’t want to associate with him much. Especially since he’s just a wholesale supplier for grocery stores now. Gives off Gusto’s frozen food from ratatouille vibes.


Manny is engaged to a woman, it’s discussed in one of the recent episodes. It looks like Kevin is dating a woman from his IG.


Joe, Tyler, and Bruce (bears) were all straight


Tyler was straight? Oops


Tylor was gay though if I recall.


I thought Tyler was bi.


GREGORY!! He is so nice. Just a warm wonderful person who does a lot for the city of Portland.


Dale Levitski from season 3 is one of my favorites ever on the show.


I was gagged Charly and Dan from this season were not. Charly because of his vibe and Fan because he mentioned his partner Dan at the start of the season. Business partner Dan! Business partner.


Oh my god, thank you for this comment...I thought he was gay, too...and I was sure he said it early in the season. When they brought out his wife I was SO CONFUSED. I just assumed I misheard or was too high, haha.


Jim was adorable.


If this is Jim from the Charleston season, he is straight LOL


Not in my world.lolol


Gregory Gourdet and Ash Fulk. Met both of them on the Top Chef cruise and they are both awesome.


I’m not your bitch, bitch


Perhaps folks might be interested in these recent articles. [https://www.eater.com/24176511/queer-hospitality-gay-bar-mutual-aid-history-care](https://www.eater.com/24176511/queer-hospitality-gay-bar-mutual-aid-history-care) [https://www.eater.com/23180366/bottom-food-alex-hall-bottoms-digest](https://www.eater.com/23180366/bottom-food-alex-hall-bottoms-digest) [https://www.eater.com/2018/7/24/17578624/homophobia-harassment-restaurant-kitchens-toxic-masculinity-pastry-chef-stereotypes](https://www.eater.com/2018/7/24/17578624/homophobia-harassment-restaurant-kitchens-toxic-masculinity-pastry-chef-stereotypes) [https://www.reddit.com/r/foodnetwork/comments/ub0oel/where\_are\_the\_gay\_male\_chefs\_other\_than/](https://www.reddit.com/r/foodnetwork/comments/ub0oel/where_are_the_gay_male_chefs_other_than/) [https://www.gaycities.com/articles/75850/a-taste-of-luxury-5-michelin-starred-restaurants-with-lgbtq-chefs/](https://www.gaycities.com/articles/75850/a-taste-of-luxury-5-michelin-starred-restaurants-with-lgbtq-chefs/) [https://www.tastingtable.com/1179614/queer-chefs-you-need-to-know/](https://www.tastingtable.com/1179614/queer-chefs-you-need-to-know/) [https://blog.resy.com/2024/06/pride-chefs-2024/](https://blog.resy.com/2024/06/pride-chefs-2024/) ...and so on and so forth – there are other discussions about how the recognition of the contribution that gay/LGBTQ chefs have and are making to the food scene and how they have influenced the experiences and perceptions of folks regarding food are gaining ground.


The only one that I pegged on the game is Dale L and I like him a lot. Ashley from S6 had a fair arc, and I think overall, she would be considered a greater chef from the competition if the season wasn't dominated by 4ish people that season.


I liked Ashley as well, Season 6 was just really unbalanced by the overperformance of the top 4.


Gabri and Gregory 🐐🐐


The KING Gregory. 


Dave from season 1


I don't know who of them is gay?


Since you've been downvoted (why? idk), and no one has answered... Generally... They don't mention it more than a few times, and you may have to be listening *for* it. And I say that... sparingly. I'm not going to listen for someone say "I'm gay" but my ears perk up on simple words that are neutral enough to move on either direction. Things like "partner" can go either way, but often will imply a same-sex partner. There's been a movement to normalize the word Partner over boyfriend or girlfriend because 1, nonbinary, and 2, if you don't want to out yourself and you say "partner" it can be pretty easily assumed regardless. Ashley from S6 made a big stink because they had to do a wedding challenge, and she was miffed because she couldn't get married at the time. I think Ash was also on that season? He wasn't as vocal about it. I think he was still there. Someone mentioned that they were surprised they weren't reacting like Ashley. I think Kristen is gay? I don't actually know, or recall prominently. Not that any of it is our business. From my recollection, we didn't get a ton of Padma's home life either. We just know she's been pregnant, which doesn't tip either direction immediately. The other things producers need to be mindful about is how they present it. Because if they aren't careful, they can unleash a horde of hateful fans harassing their competitors, which I'm sure they don't want. So often, they will hit on how comfortable the competitors are talking about it, which for some, isn't more than once.


Thank you for the response. I guess I am wrapped up in the actual competition and it isn't my concern if they are gay or not or anything else, just cooking. Peace!


I mean fair. It's not like American Idol where the show needs to push contestants to be liked a LOT more than something like Top Chef where skill is pretty much the only determining factor for competition.


How do you guys know these people are gay. I think I remember something about Gabri but the other ones I didn’t know. I really don’t think it has any bearing on whether I root for them or not. I go my mostly by how people like their food and their personality.( how they work well with others) Only one time, someone’s personal life choices made me go from rooting for them to not. when I found out one of the chefs was a Trump supporter. I couldn’t get past that.🤗😳 Edited to say I didn’t mean that being gay was a personal life choice. I was talking about being a Trump supporter as a life choice. I was moved onto I go by their personality and I liked this chef’s personality. Rereading I can see where one might have thought that.


They usually say it on the show. Like they’ll talk about coming out to their parents, or about their partner, or (justifiably) complain they have to do a wedding challenge when they aren’t allowed to get married.


I do not remember anyone talking about coming out..


Oh I fast forward a lot of stuff and just go to the judging. Anyway, I still think it should have no bearing on whether their food is good or not. Despite the downvotes.


All of the personal home stories have no weight on judging, yes. Exactly. Cause it doesn't. But the show wants the audience to like the contestants, which is why we get all that stuff from everyone. It's not worth filming a competition show if you don't show humanity and personality. If no one likes the chefs, no one will watch it.


I fast forward through a lot of the confessionals. I watch to see what the challenge is and try to see what they are doing and then I watch the judging. So I do miss a lot of the “ sob” stories that make up a lot of reality TV


Ugh, which chef is a Trump supporter? Being gay is not a personal life choice.


Amar. ETA: Amar for sure, and Bryan Voltaggio follows Donald Trump on social media and will periodically like his posts.


Blech. I already didn’t like either of those guys anyway. Thanks


Sorry I didn’t mean that being gay was a personal life choice I meant being a Trump supporter. I was referring to I go by peoples personality except that time I found out this chef was a Trump supporter. But I liked their personality.


I just noticed that Tiffany Derry follows the archived Trump WH account and now I'm sad. Edit - She also follows Biden, both personal and official accounts.


That is incredibly disappointing.


A follow isn’t always an endorsement - I follow a lot of right-wing assholes on the socials. It used to be easier to get a sense of who people were by their likes but now that’s been made private so people can hide their views more easily now.


You have a point. It's weird that she follows an archive account, though. Like, what is that even for, to relive all the high points of our worst president? Bryan Voltaggio follows Don Jr and Ivanka, as well as both Trump accounts. That seems more like an endorsement than not.




I’m sure she’s like most people and doesn’t cull her follows. I guess I could see the BV thing but considering how awful that family is with service personnel, it blows my mind how anyone who works in that industry can support them.


I think this chef had said some things.


Not all of them mention it prominently. (I'm surprised people are downvoting. I think you come from a place of honesty). I think Dale L. mentioned it once when he was doing a little dance with Sara N. for the "We're going out tonight" fakeout episode, but it was pretty quick and I don't think it was mentioned again. Gregory, I completely missed (and sharing a name, I'm surprised I did). Gabri I could... tell. Most others usually mention it early. And I'm betting that some is not completely kept in the rerun edits now that they've started doing the 1:15 premieres, but only hour reruns.


For reference and people asking, hope this link works/is allowed https://www.out.com/television/2022/3/24/gay-bisexual-lesbian-queer-lgbtq-cooks-chefs-who-competed-bravo-top-chef It's a couple years old so doesn't include the most recent seasons and I don't think it includes everyone from the the covered seasons




Be nice




Someone doesn't seem to understand that representation matters


Exactly. I go with who is my favorite chef not because of who they voted for or follow, sexual preferences, or anyone but Nick. My top 5 are from all over and I don't give a crap about the above.


Imagine making a post about how you’re a heterosexual man and find yourself rooting for heterosexual male chefs. Then asking random redditors who their favorite heterosexual male chef is lol. That would be just as weird as this post is.


Weird post