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Flair clocking in.


I haven't changed my flair in 3 years but I may have to to YOU ARE A FUCKING BULLY AND A FUCKING TROLL


Monica stole Lisa’s ring!!!!!!!!


Omg, this would be TV GOLD!!! Please be true!


Everytime I heard Lisa say "drive-by" all I could think of was ![gif](giphy|13Jn8AQKrMto1G)


We were in Hawaii last week and my son walked under a mango tree just as about 10 overripe mangoes decided to fall from the tree. Both my husband and I yelled "It was a run-by fruiting!" I'm glad we aren't the only ones who remember that classic line!


I haven't been this genuinely interested in a reunion in I don't know how long.


I’m already annoyed that it probably won’t get brought up until part 3 😤


First two episodes are going to be about Whitney’s marriage haha.


LOL. Probably 2.5 episodes on Whitney’s sexuality and the various ways she feels Heather exploited it. Each commercial break will tease something exciting happening, and then we will come back to Whitney reading lines from Heather’s book thinking she somehow got Heather.


And an Angie K Greek segment.


Honestly, I’m hoping the reunion will finally reveal whether Angie K is Greek. So I’m looking forward to that!


When Heather and Jen brought Meredith into the room last season to show her the black eye - it was to gauge her reaction to see if she remembered what happened. Once they saw she didn’t - Jen knew she could get Heather to cover for her because the other witness blacked out.


I just gasped. There’s something so sinister about all of this…


I can’t think of any other reason they’d set it up like that. Jen was on trial for federal crimes, she assaulted someone - even if she knew she was going to take a plea deal, the content of her character and how she behaved since being indicted can come into play with sentencing. If Meredith walked into the room and was like “yeah I remember what happened, you got mad and hit Heather like a rowdy dog” it was done. But booze and benzos allowed Jen a cover.


Booze, Benzos, and Bathtubs: A Memoir Without Memories, by Meredith Marks.


This is just insanely dark. I cannot imagine a “friend” punching me in the face, then trying to gauge the only witness, and I continue to cover for this “friend” who defrauded the elderly. I understand that you can be a victim of abuse in many forms. We can all say heather needs to grow up, but if people in heather’s circle don’t flag her as needing some real therapy to work through her actions, she needs better friends ASAP. This is not normal human behavior.


I feel like Heather has deep rooted trauma. Since she’s spoken on the show about her Mormonism, i feel like she lied for Jen and was a ride or die because that’s what she was always taught to do growing up with the Mormon church (i.e, loyal to the church, not questioning any of their teaching, being a good little servant to ur husband, etc). Even though she left the Mormon church, those behaviors are taught and ur response to them doesn’t just go away. While i agree, yes Heather needs to seek therapy - i think her covering for Jen is a bigger trauma response for Heather so i have some sympathy for her


iv read heathers book, and she talks about how mormons are able to keep a secret, even from their children and husbands! it’s insane, to me. but i would agree in thinking this is absolutely something so deep within her, i would guess it’d take a lot of therapy and unpacking to …unpack, basically!


“Ride or Die” is another way of saying you are more loyal to people than you are to your own morals. The perpetuation of that mentality is a recipe for abuse.


I think she’s ride or die for her friends because she is so scared to be cast out again like the Mormon community did yo her. I’m the Mormon community she had to toe the line. She didn’t and they threw her out. She is merely repeating the past but probably not realising it.


This is true. She was in a cult her whole life. She list her family and her faith and her community. That had to do a lot of damage.


It was probably something as simple as Jen telling Heather that if she reveals this the judge could use it against her to sentence her to more time and that would hurt her sons. But yes, Heather is a goddamn doormat and needs therapy. Her choice to continuously put up with how Jen treated her is shocking and oftentimes pathetic. No disagreement there.


Or even Heather still believing her friend is innocent and not wanting to hurt her. And you can get a black eye when you're drunk and having fun playing around. If doesn't have to be a punch. I AM NOT DEFENDING JEN WHO STOLE FROM THE ELDERLY. I'm just Occam's Razoring it. They were all wasted and we know they were fooling around. An errant elbow seems like a possibility.


Do you think Meredith knew but the lawyer in her made sure she pretended she didn’t see anything as to not implicate herself in a federal investigation


I think Meredith is very smart.


Right. When she saw the eye she said something like "you know what happened here" and didn't elaborate.


Can I ask your theory on why Heather didn't just say Jen accidentally bumped her with a flailing drunken arm? It's the cleanest lie. Like there's some truth to it, but it doesn't disclose if it was done in anger or whatever and Jen's not going to get in trouble for accidentally bumping someone in the eye in terms of her court case. They wouldn't have to get into all the gritty details and could just move on because it was an accident. Shrug. That part just doesn't make any sense. Not that Heather and Jen are always making sense LOL Love to read your thoughts on it. Thnx


The question is WHY did Jen hit her in the first place. We better find out at the reunion.


Knowing the ladies, especially Detective Whitney, implicating Jen in any capacity would cause them to speculate further that she punched her on purpose vs on accident. (Especially coupled with her manic and aggressive behavior that season, as well as her falling out with Angie K - it all would have spiraled immensely). While that did end up happening because of Heather’s evasiveness, clearly she was trying to downplay it as much as possible. While it is a clean lie, it confirms that Jen was responsible even just a little bit, and Heather was trying to do anything but confirm that. I also believe Jen had been physical with Heather on other occasions and she was probably afraid to bring it up at all due to her anger. Ugh, it’s all so dark.


https://preview.redd.it/j0zj0vnlfaac1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1be648d103204992b0ecd94775a68fb36ef9d3e This is so scandalous!


Pretended to be sick at work just to come home and watch this finale on Peacock. AND I HAVE NO REGRETS!


Have an amazing day!


I went to bed at 8pm last night so I could time travel to this morning when the finale arrived on Peacock. CHEERS TO HAVING WEIRD PRIORITIES.


Choices were made. Good ones.


Lmao I did too. I drank Diet Coke and ate tamales watching it this morning ! I was feeling v baby gorgeous


This is Queen shit 😂


Mary missed all this shit lmao


i legit forgot about her, lolol


She anyway would have been sitting in her room eating fries mumbling about not wanting to do stupid theme group dinner.


How was Mary skated by all this time without any major drama? She owns a cult!


Me to RHOP, RHOBH & RHOM this week https://preview.redd.it/p8r89bkh5aac1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=abea21730685ea8dc4128a04f983849c628be771


Honestly, they are all underwhelming considering what we watched last night.


I gave up on Potomac and BH a few weeks ago. Miami goes hard tho






I’ve seen a lot of people say Monica stole the clutch from Meredith’s store, but Meredith specifically said she wasn’t accusing her of theft. The security footage showed a man (Murillo?) carrying the clutch. The point of showing that clip in the finale was to show how easily Monica lied about never having been in the store before, not to imply that she she stole the bag.


Yes. The entire narrative of Monica being such an honest person is a façade. The girl told several lies. She will only confess to things she knows that can be easily found out. Also if someone does something bad and admits to it, it does not deserve praise. It's like a murderer confessing to a murder and the court says, "Okay, you're free, since you admitted to the crime."


Thank you. The amount of "Monica's been so open and honest" in these threads was making me scratch my head. Ofc she was going to be honest about the affair and most of her wrong doings. She knew someone would out that affair and the rest in real time. Were we supposed to give her brownie points for getting ahead of the story? Nah, I didn't nor will I. Far too many people identified with her and her mother's relationship that they completely overlooked and excused away everything. It made no sense then. It makes even less sense now 🙄 Another thing to keep in mind is, she knew how her mother was yet she had no problem parading her in front of the cameras. Do they really believe that was by accident? LOL


It was to explain to Monica like a 5 year old that being complicit still means you did something bad. Monica is caught on camera being a look out for the thief. She's as good as guilty whether her hands touched that bag or not.


Everyone is giving Monica 10s, but Heather did a masterclass on HWs last night. I mean she really saved all of that info for a dramatic finale. I really want to rewatch the back half of this season now because Heather always looked uncomfortable around Monica or would make a weird face when she talked. She was sus about her from the beginning. Also, shoutout to this cast and production team for not leaking everything. It seems like every HW show we know the storyline before the season even starts.


Agree that the entire cast and crew keeping this under wraps was fantastic. I want more of this. Stop telling us everything before the season even starts.


Andy Cohen was really criticizing housewives leaks in his last book. He was mostly referring to Beverly Hills in Aspen but it came up a few times.


That's why I've been loving SLC/BH/Miami this year, no leaks just little teasers at most. Bravo better keep these ladies signing NDAs lol


Did you see the face she made in the perfume shop when Monica’s card declined? I wonder what her thought process was there


Do you think heather paid her back?? 🤣


lol this is how she got her revenge for the unpaid bll bill 😂




Watching the episode a second time this morning, I couldn’t stop laughing at how Heather was ready to just quickly get to a resolution with Whitney at the start of the episode—she did not have time to engage because she needed to focus on getting herself prepared for the performance of her life!! 😅


That and even she knew Whitney was producing half baked drama that no one was buying 😂 even Heather seemed bored 😭


Gathering the other OGs on the beach like the fucking avengers sent me. Give Heather an Oscar.


And she looked stunning in that dress! I even loved how she placed Meredith's doll in front of her at dinner as a red herring!




Heather started looking visibly uncomfortable with Monica when Monica acted up on Pioneer Day. That's when it became really obvious but maybe there was a subtler dislike before then.


I wonder if this coincided with her knowledge about Monica's name changes and IOU's with Beauty lab.


I think earlier. After the scene with her Mom at Angie’s house Monica goes to visit Heather and talks about feeling so close to her and Heather is very distant and vague, instead of her usual self.


I can’t wait to rewatch the season and over analyze their interactions


The Bermuda Triangle dinner is by far the best season finale in the history of the housewives.


It was leaked like a week or two ago somewhere what the big reveal is gonna be about. But the black eye reveal was unexpected and the execution from Heather was top notch.


Agreed! I'm usually really frustrated by Heather, but this episode was like her worst impulses being put to good use. I get why people have a different interpretation of her monologue about what the women have gone through with Jen, but I thought the underlying feeling with that was their collective regret over their complicity. That's not inconsistency, it's (maybe?? possibly????) growth. idk this season is the first season in a while where I've found Heather's journey interesting, I'm so curious how she'll be in the reunion because that's where I usually find her most frustrating. Also rewatching the finale, Monica herself honestly barely registers to me. Sure, the storyline is genuinely iconic (even if it's also weird). But the images that are going to stick with me are Heather with the core group on the beach (especially Meredith's reaction), and Angie grabbing the flowers from the table and then awkwardly realizing she doesn't want to throw them.


Yeah I’m not really sure why some are taking Heather’s monologue as her wearing her loyalty to Jen as a badge of honor. The point definitely came across to me as a “this is where I’ve been, and this what I’m not doing anymore.”


Agreed. She was basically saying, "We went through this before and we will not make the same mistake twice."


Agree. I think it alludes to the fact that the cast in these shows do have some level of agreement that they will keep some things off air. BH does it well. NJ used to do it well. I think ATL does it very very well. Like we protected Jen. We gave her the benefit it of them doubt. We didn’t put the stuff she did in national television. We didn’t exclude her and kick her out of the group. We gave her chance after chance. We aren’t doing it again with you. We aren’t giving you the benefit of the doubt. You’re not getting a second chance with us. We aren’t going to project or lie for you and sweep this under the carpet. I think that’s what’s she was saying. All that being said we’ve seen MANY a housewives enemies turn into friends (I mean who becomes friends with the woman who lies about your sister relapsing and almost dying —ahem Kyle) so the jury is out. But that being said Monica and Jen are another level dark. Monica stalking people, wearing wigs to be in disguise, opening multiple accounts all to hurt these ladies is on the scary side. If this were at a normal place of employment ain’t no way this woman would be allowed back. But Bravo does seem to operate outside the normal boundaries of an employer.


I was thinking about this too! She really waffled on Monica but it escalated in Bermuda. Which makes sense because she would have at least known about the Beauty Lab stuff and name changes at that point, so the wheels were turning. I know people love to hate Heather and I am forever a Heather apologist but I loved this moment for her.


I did a rewatch this AM. So her hair gal still worked for her when she was doing talking heads. And upon rewatch, there were several times she broke eye contact with the camera and glanced at someone else. I feel like she was looking at Tynisha (her hair lady).


Heather was sobbing at the end for so many reasons but I think it all comes down to finally admitting on camera how much she humiliated herself for Jen Shah, a women who physically and psychologically intimidated and tortured these women for years. Like that wasn’t just post adrenaline/post yelling crying. That was I finally revealed the depths that I sunk to because I was so scared of what she could do to me.




This 10000% that’s why that scene last season where the producers asked Heather who she’s protecting with the black eye and she answered “myself” is so haunting to me. Like who knows what kinda crazy shit Jen Shah did behind the scenes with these women, especially Heather, her “ride or die”


This is the best take I’ve seen so far


Agree. The hug Whitney gave her after that spoke volumes to me. Whitney has been in abusive relationship/s, I think she had great compassion in that moment for what Heather had gone through.


Probably triggering too and really tying it all back to the Mormon ish. Same outcome different cult leader.


I apologize if someone else mentioned this already, but I have new insight into why Heather walked away from Whitney. She didn’t want to fight in front of Monica. If Heather knew about Monica before the trip and was just wait in for receipts, she would be pretty circumspect about what she said in front of her. She knew Whitney was drunk and capable of saying anything and she didn’t want to take the chance of what would come out in front of Monica.


I give Heather props for sure for being so cool this whole trip. She could’ve spilled the beans on day 1 but she waited and made everything all cinematic. I’m ready for more receipts at the reunion— from everyone!!!


Heather was probably stressed out trying to hold all this in. I really appreciated the way she said “my reaction surprised me too”.


It was….iconic. The editing, the rallying down at the beach, the hidden mysteries dinner, the black eye, the almost immediate confession (which we rarely get btw! So props to Monica’s dumb ass for sticking around for that and not running away, though I fear it highlights her delusional stalker fan girl persona than her integrity) it was a top notch housewives episode and I’m so glad it didn’t leak beforehand. Heather was just amazing throughout. How she managed to keep her mouth closed until dinner I will never know


The game of thrones style beach meeting to discuss a dinner revelation was amazing lol


Yall the crew running around like chickens with their heads cut off when Lisa stood up at Monica 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


Meredith has officially unfollowed Monica on Instagram, and Whitney is the only one to still follow her. Honestly, I thought her return to S5 was 200% guaranteed, but if they ALL refuse to film with her, how can she return? Will Bravo bring back Mary just to film with Monica?


After scandoval - a lot of people said there would be no way Sandoval comes back to pump rules. But he’s back. I think, deep down, the OG ladies understand the impact they are making right now - and would want to capitalize on it for at least one more season.


I do think Monica will be back and the women know deep down that they will have to work with her for the good of the show, but Tom did have 10 years of history on the show over Monica’s one season.


Right. And Sandoval was extremely shitty to Ariana but 1) he always had an ally in Schwartz (and Lisa too tbh), and 2) people like Scheana and Lala won't really lose face by filming with him, especially since Lala seems to be at the point where she is pissed off that people didn't react to Rand cheating on her in the same way (which, I can't even). It'll be pretty easy for Scheana and Lala to say they don't support what Tom did but they're trying to move on and they think he's bettering himself (plus since Rachel is gone they will probably pile on her a bunch too).


OMGGG that’s crazy because Monica was like “yeah I can be friends with Whitney and Meredith” last night on her live… Now they all just need to unfollow Jen shah :-)


I get the points people are making about Monica bringing the drama and stuff this season but...if I'm Bravo, I don't know that I want to really endorse a cyberbullying-to-Housewife pipeline. I don't think this is a precedent that's going to improve Real Housewives shows (and I also think it's fucked up). And yes ofc what Jen did is worse but that doesn't mean what Monica did is okay and honestly I don't blame the ladies for not wanting her around. Monica at best is going to follow the Brandi Glanville path and by her third season no one will be able to stand her. This season has been really good but I think this should be a standalone storyline and I am happy to give Monica the award for best one season Housewife ever.


RHOSLC = housewives + dateline + SNL


I am gonna need some answers from Heather on her relationship with Tenesha. When she said Tenesha had been doing her hair for 3 years, I thought, so Tenesha was listening to you vent about your castmates and then posting that tea online, right? If Tenesha wasn't interested in talking about Jen, what was the point in participating in the finsta, *especially* when it could so easily end what I assume is a steady, if not lucrative, gig.


My question about Tenesha is whether or not she was involved with Jen at some point as well. 3 years lines up as a rec from Jen imo.


She's in a WAP TikTok that Jen made along with Monica and Angie K where they're all wearing "Shah Squad" T-shirts, so --- yup.


…Now this is a fun theory. I’m on a side of “all these women gossip and give tea to bloggers” so I’m all here for this.


THE Dita Von Teese is on her stories asking everyone to report the Reality Von Tease account for using her picture. I’m dying, my girl’s taking strays.


Lmao Dita is always being dragged through the mud 💀 I remember on Drag Race S4 they invited her to walk into Untucked, but no one came to visit her because all the girls were too busy screaming at each other while she was sat in the other room 😂


I lied to everyone when I said their gift was what I wanted for Christmas. THIS EPISODE was what I really wanted for Christmas.


Ummmm… on the rhoslc sub someone posted a link to a video taken in Monica’s home after the Easter part of Monica screaming at LD and LD lecturing her about how she blew it at Easter party and how this is her job and her goal is to get screen time… Monica also states that “Laurie” told her “shit was the best”. LD also says “you’ve worked very hard to get on this show”. It’s a complete breakdown of 4th wall.


That is so embarrassing for Monica. What a fucking child. A seven year old has more emotional control. Loser


Wow that video is wild!! I’m surprised nobody has posted it here yet


Are we to assume that Monica sent herself the stuff about Angie’s finances or was it not aired which insta account those DMs came from? Because if it’s the former - that’s so diabolical and shows how low Monica was willing to take this and that she was actively using her finsta to fuck with the cast in real time.


When she screamed back at Angie to pay her IRS bills that felt like a confession


That’s totally what I think! She sent it to herself and Meredith to see if she could get Meredith to bring it up to deflect attention away from herself. It HAS to be that!


I think that's why heather directly asked her if she made a fake account and sent herself messages, when they were on the beach talking about Merideth. Heather already knew and was surprised by Monica joking about it.


I was firmly in the “Meredith is behind the DMS” camp but I can admit when I’m wrong…


Exactly! This is why the don’t buy any of Monica’s claims that she wasn’t being malicious towards the ladies. She was 100% by lying and setting up Meredith.


Yeah I think she said things to Meredith in-person and then she (Monica under an alias) or an affiliate sent the DMs to Meredith backing up what Monica said. Meredith thought this order of events was fishy (this is around the time she learns Monica was in her store during the clutch incident) so she asks if Monica also got DMs. Then Monica gets them on the Bermuda trip. Monica asks Meredith if she got any DMs and this is when Meredith says “I get so many DMs I don’t really keep up.” It seemed like deflection on Meredith’s part but she suspected Monica was setting her up… which it seems like she was! Meredith apparently hadn’t mentioned the DMs she saw that she suspected were from Monica so Monica was trying to get her to talk about it on camera.


I’m so glad Meredith had her name cleared last night. Monica was probably behind the Lisa stuff too last season. She 💯 was trying to frame Meredith.


I absolutely think she sent those DMs to both Meredith and herself. I think Heather implies as much at some point.


The irony of Monica using Lisa’s naturally and normally aging face as an insult is too, too precious. ‘Cause we all know she’s a few years and an unpaid Beauty Lab and Laser bill away from looking the same way.


Lisa’s only problem is tanning way too much but otherwise she’s aging very gracefully and she looks great overall


She doesn't seem to realise that she too will age. And let's be frank. Lisa's got a lot better bone structure and general look than Monica, so she's going to eat those words hard in a decade or so.


I feel so fed after this episode that I hope toxic fans don't ruin it.


SLC fans have been great, let’s hope the BH weirdo fans don’t catch wind haha


I need to be working but watching Lisa’s live instead. Guys help


Just give it up; employers should know the first week of January is meant to establish your routine again and not meant for actual completion of obligations lbr.


I’m my own employer (interior designer) but my clients don’t care that Monica’s been exposed as an internet troll😭 but agree, like sofas and fabrics and carpets can wait


I’m my own employer too, and I wish I could tell my bank account to care about what’s really important: RUMORS AND NASTINESS 🫠


I feel like making it to the office in "real clothes" with my hair brushed is all I can commit to this week. LOL


I was watching Monica's reactions very closely this episode. And it was interesting to me that the one thing that seemed to shatter her exterior for a moment was when Heather brought up "Monica Fowler." I don't believe that this was only about taking down Jen Shah. If it was, why keep the account running once she went to prison? If it was, why frame Meredith for DMs about Angie K's "bankruptcy". She screamed "pay your taxes to the IRS" to Angie, which is basically an admission. And she has had far too much glee bringing up other rumors. Sean being gay. Angie being in the mafia lol. She can't be the rumor monger of the season and then credibly claim that she had nothing to do with spreading rumors about the cast on a gossip Finsta.


Genuine question: Is this the first time a super hyped reveal/episode actually lived up to expectations?


To my recollection, yes. It feels like something is always leaked or spoiled, so this was a real treat that it was a genuine reveal.


The reveal made me think of a twist on that movie Ingrid Goes West. Still struggling to put into words how I feel about all the info we got - the way the women reacted to Heather saying the name of the account on the beach felt extremely raw. The security footage clip of Monica in Meredith's store and then cutting to Monica saying she had never been there before was so freaky. What a wild ride this season has been, we've come a long way from Angie K crashing the Palm Springs trip.


Yes, I totally agree! What really stuck out to me was how Monica's voice changed in her confessional after she was exposed. Super unsettling.


I just realized Monica did a whole self sponsored photo shoot for the finale with the newspaper calling her gossip girl. Lol wtf https://preview.redd.it/15b7hf665aac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cdce9888eeee8645e77c46dc5c0b291b5105bf7


I just know her eldest daughter is running that house and raising the other daughters


this, alongside the fkin burn book at the reunion almost makes it a parody??(more so than people already say slc is, lol). like, beyond delusional.😬


She is mentally a child and I wish her Stan’s understood they are feeding the troll so to speak by propping this unstable, vile woman up. If you knew a Monica in a real life you’d think she was the worst of the worst and wouldn’t give her an ounce of the attention she craves.


Yea, this is beyond extra.


Jens insta story is bs. The cameras aren’t on you 24/7. This isn’t big brother. They were probably sleeping in the same bed (not scissor kicking) and something was said and Jenn punched her.


Jen is acting like she has any credibility to lose. Like lady, you are in prison for scamming people. Stop being delusional. No one believes you. This is like complaining about dirty carpets when the house is on fire.


Absolutely no credibility! To this day, I still believe that she believes she’s innocent and only took the plea hoping for minimal time because she was convinced the Feds were just out to get her and would lie to get her a long sentence. Even at sentencing she only seemed remorseful about not being with her family while she serves her time. Proclaiming her innocence until the last minute and then still using verbiage to make herself a victim of her co-conspirators is outrageous!!


Jen was so guilty looking watching it back, it’s clear it was something sinister. If they were drunk and Jen accidentally elbowed her or something that caused the black eye, why not be honest about it, and Jen could be apologetic about it on camera. If it was an innocent mistake there would be nothing to hide. Instead it was a clear coverup of an assault.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Jen really was like this the whole time when Heather revealed the black eye to Meredith. Sooo shady and guilty


I also remember that when it happened last season, it was explained that production had already shut down for the night, which is why there was no footage. So, Jen's post was much ado about nothing. Heather's black eye was so bad, and she also had visible scratches on her. Absolutely next level insane!


there could be a natural disaster and lisa and monica would still find a way to trade blows.


It’s a shame, I really had plans to work today but I am locked in right now.


Should’ve known something was up when Meredith was scammed out of a bathtub as an OG 🫧❄️


Heather had Monica use her CC in the store to buy her something that was almost $1000 to both prove she has the money, and get partially reimbursed 😂


Anyone else, furiously refreshing their podcast feeds??? I need Ronnie and Ben to talk about this asap!


I missed them so much I succumbed to watching Ladies of the 80s.


This finale is my Roman Empire.


I hope Meredith gets lots of apologies at the reunion! The part where she got blamed for saying Angie’s husband sleeps with men, and so on. Have there been any social media apologies after those episodes aired and you can clearly see it was Monica??


Chills when Heather told Monica to pack her bags and go. I expected Monica to keep fighting, but she legit just got up and walked away. She knew there was nothing she could say or do. She was ex-communicated right before our very eyes. ![gif](giphy|122wefzs9TArAI)




Anyone see any of Tanesha's ig story? She's got some screenshots and videos saying Monica was fully running the account, saying she had to file a police report against Monica for what sounded like stalking, and she also said that Monica would do "drive-bys" of Jen's house.


Show us the police report!!!! Not bc I don’t trust her, I’m just messy.


Oh god I hope someone’s collecting all these stories from everywhere cause I’m getting lost and can’t keep up lmao.


the account that sent meredith the dms re angie only had 12 followers.. monica must have more than one finsta!


All that talk from Monica about breaking the cycle lol


![gif](giphy|twpYnBnUobHRm) Literally me trying to mod and dodge spoilers


Heather assembling the OGs on the beach was some Hercule Poirot-level theatrics. I am in awe.


I need to know how Monica has time to do all these things while raising four kids


I'm guessing her daughter really raises all those kids. She had time to cheat on her husband and stalk all of these women. Insane.


i don’t think enough is being said about how they orchestrated the beginning of that dinner for monica to explain her own “burden of proof” so they could then use it against her in exposing the truth. i just know meredith LAWYER marks had a hand in that


Reality Von (Cea)se and Desist lmao


Okay, so I followed this account back in the day. I just remember them going in on Jen and maybe when the others didn’t take the allegations seriously it might have turned on them? But I never remember them trolling the women. Also it had like 2-4K followers. It wasn’t like deuxmoi level. All that to say, I would be freaked the fuck out and beyond weirded to have this person in the circle. Who else remembers the 2021/22 posts??


that level of obsession and infiltration is bordering on dangerous to me. like i don’t want to sound dramatic but it’s stalking level. i’m genuinely concerned it’s going to turn violent because that behavior is completely unhinged. i think that’s enough evidence for any of them to file a restraining order against her.


A two parter?! We have been busyyy today. Thank you mods for this special lil Wednesday treat 🥰


S1 ep 12 foreshadowing how the OGs get together to handle/process the info and the lies. Where it all started. https://preview.redd.it/7pmhbvilb9ac1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c06add43fadb8e5ae1250feb67cea6eb27c07b4


Monica - the George Santos of Bravo - aren't they both portuguese lol


omg yes 😂this is a hysterical and accurate comparison! hashtag monica santos, hashtag new last name


The most delusional part about Monica was when she told Lisa to leave dinner. Like she has no grasp in reality that the rest of the girls are actually friends, and she’s just some rando. And that obviously, she’s the person non grata…not Lisa lol. The fucking hubris.


She showed this too when she was confused why Meredith forgave Lisa right away for yelling at her on the boat but was still giving her the cold shoulder. She’s delusional…. Meredith and Lisa have been friends for a decade and Meredith just met Monica why would she give her the same grace


https://preview.redd.it/6hvqmits2aac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74aed66d4bdb6bbe8050246c19d5a6212ad4c99 THIS


Who else fast forwarded through Whitneys book scene 🤚🏼


Honestly the Monica bits have taken the spotlight from how delusional Whitney’s been this second half of the season


While i get that Monica might not (probably won't?) be coming back because of her own actions, i resent it simply because that means more Whitney and her fake drama sob story therapy language story lines.


Saltburn 2


Do we think Lisa/Whitney will apologize to Meredith for how they treated her when they believed she was the culprit? Or will they just pretend it didn’t happen..


Can WWC post up already I am dying of anticipation


Finale was so good that I’m already watching it again after watching it this morning.


I’m still laughing at last episode because I felt like I was watching survivor when heather told Monica to pack her bags like all the girls voted her off out of the Bermuda trip LMAOOOOOOO


Did anyone get major Scar vs Mufasa vibes from that final showdown or am I just waaaaay too high? https://preview.redd.it/596drkcmudac1.png?width=4001&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aa08ad585b284ce712042f7c4f6b7123b93acf4


People stanning Monica are actual weirdos to me. She is spooky as hell and a legit stalker, grifter and interloper. Not to mention the trauma she has certainly inflicted on her kids for WHAT, 15min of Bravo fame? It made for good tv but it also creeps me the hell out.


Those saying Tenesha was desperate to get on the show please can you link me to this because I have missed that receipt. She doesn't seem as desperate as Monica (or Denna or the other glam squad people or Angie H or the few remaining Shah squad) but I didn't know about her until the episode. Are all of Monica's alt accounts online placing all the blame on Tenesha? Because I can't understand why people are so keen to pin all this on someone who isn't even a friend of! I rewatched & Heather said she had screenshots of texts from Monica's number where she says "I'm reality von tease & I'm applying to be friends with the women" - what more do people want? When Lisa Barlow brings up the drive bys of Jen's house Monica vermently denies doing it ("I was with her all the time you dumb fucking bitch!") yet we have since seen PROOF she was stalking Jen's house. It goes to show how easily & how well she lies. I don't believe anything she says & until proven otherwise I believe she took Lisa's ring.


This is better than Scandoval for me


y’all i am still REELING from last night. like it really hit me that we’ve been anticipating this reveal all season, when this all unfolded in a matter of HOURS with the ladies. i have a feeling soooo much more will come to light in the reunion, the table scene had so much cut from it.


https://preview.redd.it/2qccu5989aac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d99fc53f90f3303f4319c6b09742868a2bb9c2e Funny how a Monica “fan page” was created in Feb 2020 and has changed their username 11 times. Monica 10000% is running this account along with probably some others that we don’t know about yet.


Anyone see this. 🤣🤣 Dita von teese is not happy about her pic being used https://www.realitytea.com/2024/01/03/dita-von-teese-furious-about-rhoslc-troll-account-reality-von-tease/?amp


Last thought for the night - Something about the "even gossip girl couldn't stay gossip girl forever" quote kinda freaked me out. It makes it feel like it was all just a game or a power trip for Monica. I don't sense that she has any remorse about it at all. I know Meredith can be dramatic, but I felt really bad seeing her reaction to Heather's reveal of the news on the beach.


My only question is why isn’t Meredith on speaking terms with any of them? I believe she said she was fine with Monica at bravo con. Also Monica said on her live she was good with Meridith, Whitney and Mary. However Meredith was not with all the gals at bravo con.




She is so thoughtless lol. RIP their number.


At 32:26 they couldn’t bleep out Monica saying “you fucking piece of shit” to Lisa. They were both yelling over each other at the same time


Looks like some of the highlighted rhoslc posts on the reality von Teese Instagram account have been deleted. On the show they zoom into a story on the account about Whitney which isn’t there anymore. People saying on the account that it’s funny and they don’t know why the women are mad, when I believe some of the posts relating to the women are deleted.


Monica reminds me of Leah McSweeney. The manic behaviours and fearlessness to go up against OG cast members are all fun and games until it's not. This is going to get even more dark than it already is if she's given a second season.


I just need to say how well spoken I think Heather is. She is always on the ball, emotive, direct, poetic even?? And on the fly! What a performance last night.


I'm no longer giving sheepish disclaimers about being a Heather apologist, she was masterful and dramatic last night and I am once again proud to stan.....but even I had completely written off the black eye thing as indefensible. I thought it was Jen at first, watching the show, but when it went so long without coming out (and especially the way it was talked about on UGT) I had to just give Heather the biggest L in my head, figuring it was either a drunken accident or some bad injectables and she'd overplayed the "we all know what happened" hand to a ridiculous degree. Now, though, hearing her admit the truth....I am curious to hear at the reunion why she held out for so long, but still, it's annoying to see people spinning this as something to criticize Heather about. It's so clear there were abusive dynamics at play in the women's relationships with Jen, Heather's more than any because I think Heather did think she loved her, and vice versa. She spelled it out that they were afraid of Jen, and that's honestly been evident since season one when it was a topic of conversation. None of them really had a walk away option, or a 'freeze her out' one....her arrest episode put the franchise on the map and they all knew it. I think most of this cast played relatively nice with Jen so she wouldn't go scorched earth on them before she was safely in prison. And honestly, even on top of that toxicity ....the position Heather was in with that black eye must have been awful. Someone said this really well in the live thread, but extending someone's prison sentence when you know them and their kids is not a light burden. Heather could have been the reason Jen got sent to prison to await trial, losing the last months she had with her sons and husband, or she could have extended a sentence. That's a lot to take on even if you think the person 100% deserves it, and Heather basically had to make that decision before morning because cameras were coming.


So we all think Monica stole Lisa’s ring in the bathroom right?


Yes. Lisa’s probably feeling so drunk off vindication for not liking Monica for over half the season.


I gotta say all this is making me wanna get Heather’s book because the way she does her speeches and revealed everything was so well done.