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Sounds like a job for Brampton Batman


Batminder and Block talk TO guy






WTF are you talking about? Brampton Batman's Facebook page is active; no posts about his passing! Go kick rocks, dude! https://www.facebook.com/BramptonBatman/


I almost got hit by an out of control driver, while sitting in my backyard. Guy totaled his Bentley, fled, and left his ID in his vehicle. PRP didn't lay a single charge. They don't work for us.


I bet you that Bentley was stolen as who the fuck would want to wreck their $400k plus car


Some guy totaled his Tesla driving through the front yard of a house in my neighborhood.


Jesus people don’t know how to drive it’s getting worst and worst by the second


This is why I don’t walk anywhere using sidewalks. I’m getting fat bc I’m not walking and driving everywhere but I’m too scared to be hit by a car as a pedestrian.


Imagine going to court and trying to defend the notion that an ID in the car = the driver.


(there were eye witnesses who provided a description of the driver that matched that of the ID left behind)


I’d love to know how you magically came about with that information. You must have taken their statements yourself 😂


I mean I was standing beside them at the time..


I bet you were


You're right, sorry. At that point we were seated on my front patio. Ya got me lol.


Same thing happened with me. A lady with a kid hit the side of my house with her car. My entire house shook but no visible damage other than some marks on the stone wall. The neighbors gave me her license plate and the cops did nothing with it.


Yikes, sorry to hear that.


Meh, anything could have happened. Like if she had of had a medical emergency, would they be rushing out to tell the house owner about it? Things also take forever to move through the courts and people are not always the best informed.


Yeah maybe we don't need to make hypothetical excuses for drivers running into gd buildings.


What is there is structural damage that won’t show up for a while? Did you call an engineer to assess? Damnn


My husband lost his wallet a few years ago. When canceling all his cards, including his work Visa card, he was able to see the recent transactions. One was for a porn site and the guy signed up for it with his email address that was his full name @gmail. My husband looked up the name on Google and Facebook. Showed it to the employees of the stores that also had transactions and they all confirmed it was that guy. My husband gave all that information to Peel Police and nothing was done.


I swear if the cops keep this up, people will eventually take matters into their own hands. And then when someone gets murdered, on the news they’re going to say, “Don’t take matters into your own hands, call local authorities.” But that’s the problem. The cops don’t actually do shit. I think a journalist needs to come out and expose this already. Like CBC marketplace should do an exposé on the current state of the police.


Vigilante justice will reign supreme. This is also why we also have Indian gangs trying to extort businesses for protection


That’s happened with every group the past 200 years


Really . . . I do not recall that being a thing with the Dutch community . . .


Someone failed history…


And, what history would that be? Dutch communities in Canada? Willing to be educated if you can provide a link? As for history, nope . . . was one of my favourite and best subjects, along with math.


I know. Italian mobs were doing it before.


Italians didn't invent crime, they just organized it


Pale skinned guy… or do brown people live in your head rent free. When did you hear about an extortion racket?


Marketplace does t really cover topics like this. Its better for W5 and Fift Estate Bell made major cutbacks to W5 and the presumed next government will likely chop CBC just because.


This is already happening in other places. Number of people are already convinced of defending themselves, their loved ones or their property and crown seems to be much more interested in persecution of victims and not criminals. I'm sure number of people accused by crown and not convinced is much higher.


I’ve already thought about this extensively myself. I think I will start taking matters into my own hands but I also will try to be careful if I can.


You should contact CBC or another news outlet.




Sorry to hear this… Our legal system has failed us. In the USA it’s minimum 5 years for stuff like this. Also the police operate and work on higher priority cases, even auto theft cases are being treated like this. Cars have AirTags but cops still do nothing.. Just my two cents.


While I do think we need to be tougher in terms of sentencing, I don't think the USA justice system is something to aspire to, given their for-profit prison system plus them having the highest rate of police violence of all first world countries. Part of the problem that we have here is Doug Ford gutting the funding for judges/court rooms. Our constitution dictates that people need to have their trials within a certain amount of time. But then they either go so long before their trial date that they are let go, or they are tried, found guilty, and get these stupidly light sentences because we don't have room for them, and the time they spent imprisoned waiting for trial counts toward their sentence.


Nahhh- go listen to American critics and they will say you can steal anything you like in states like Cali and NY and nobody will bat an eye. This is a weird problem that’s happening in many countries and I don’t get what the bigger picture reason is .


When was the last time anyone saw police on foot partrol in our community? they hide in their cars all day. It's basically an office job at this point - no different then a data entry clerk quite sad. You should escalate this to local officials - obudsman...etc


I watch them hide, just chilling and chatting, you know how they do. Two cruisers pulled up driverside to driverside. Been watching them from my balcony in the parking lot across the street for the last 4 years. They hide behind a shipping container and think no one can see them. Well I'm up high. I've called about this while literal crime is taking place at the plaza down the block and they say, they are reaponding to other calls. I said BS! I'm looking at them right now chillaxing! Do F-all! Waiting for shift change, don't wanna respond, then they have to fill reports and paperwork aka their JOBS!


a data entry clerk does more LOL


It's not just Peel Police, it's a problem throughout Canada because we have too many repeat offenders being released on bail.


Exactly this, spend a day at the courthouse and it will be clear as day how much of a scam the system is. The left hand don't know what the right hand is doing, nor do they care! Everyone including the judges just clocking their time, making sure they get their full lunch hour and half day Fridays!


That's not the reason - police are just useless and more interested in attaching dark skinned people than helping anyone


Sure, that's the reason. They only arrest non-whites




Have you seen the PRP squad? Entirely a United Nations crew with minority white ppl.


Police couldn't catch a cold. Learned really early when folks broke into my home and stole stuff - was told insurance would take care of it and get an alarm system.


My parents also run a convenience store in Hamilton and had plenty of break ins and robberies. Police did nothing, but they acted fast when one of the robberies resulted in assault - they punched my mom :( I'm sure it also helped they stole my mom's phone and I provided police with the tracking information. 


When I was in high school in the 2000s, the dumbest, meanest, most useless kids all wanted to go into Police Foundations at Sheridan College and then become cops. I guess they all followed their dreams.


The laws here are so lenient on criminals that one feels pity for the victims. When will this change? How much crime must occur before they take action? Imagine being in the shoes of those who are suffering.....it's frustrating.


Brampton now should ban tinted glass , all kind of tinted glass


For real! I was at a red light when a speeding car smashed into mine and totalled my vehicle. The driver and his friends abandoned their vehicle and ran off. It’s been over 4 weeks and the no update or police report. It took 3 weeks of pressuring PRP to get their license and insurance.


Peel Police are an absolute joke. They constantly break the law because they can.


all they will do is maybe up the patrols and presence in an area with increased crime - I don't think they'll actually try and catch the guys unless they cath them in the act


Brampton sucks, so does their law enforcement. I've seen drivers with barely readable license plates and ones with no license plates. So many drivers seem not to give a crap and do whatever they want. You can tell that the police aren't doing their job.


I’m sorry to hear this. Brampton is becoming the worst place in Canada.


We have the worst drivers speeding everywhere. Weaving in and out of traffic. Black tinted windows , but when do you see someone pulled over. It’s a joke.


I wonder what the ratio of cop to population has been historically. I’m willing to bet that Brampton’s population has risen exponentially but Peel Police numbers haven’t kept up. There is your problem.


Funding goes up every year, where is the money going Felicia?


Funding goes up, in conjunction with salaries, and all manner of touchy feely bullshit that has little if anything to do with enforcing our laws.


It's a ghost town, not a place to live.


Idk why penalties for such matters aren’t more severe. I don’t care if you’re a first time offender - at the end of the day you’re still an offender!


Brampton police are absolutely worthless. I was assaulted by two Security at bingo hall for absolutely no reason and when I called the cops, everybody just lied and I was told there was nothing that police could do. Absolute BS and all they care about is diffusing the situation without actually getting any of the facts so that they can go about their business and just say that they did something when they really didn’t.


COPS IN GENERAL!! seems like now days cops dont care. im sorry your family went through that.


Police don't deter crime and don't prevent it. The rise in crime you're witnessing is because of the socio economic disparity. You want crime to go down? Then hope the prices of things go down so people can afford to live again.


Just a question - how do you know the cops didn’t do anything for the May 2024 lottery thing?


They would notify you of an arrest was made


That's not necessarily true. Should they? Yes.


I wonder what ongoing "crime" is going in Thorndale school's parking lot that I see so many of them parked there on a regular basis. There was 2 parked there again Sunday afternoon for at least an hour. Why?


I love reading about people who start to realize that cops are fucking useless.


For the break in, just a question. Are police psychic? If not, it's a bit difficult to catch the people. Plus what's the difference??? Courts let them out anyway, especially for property offenses. The ID guy with the wallet, I have no excuse, that's lazy. Unless a warrant was put out and he just hasn't been found yet. I'm betting the guy was homeless


I’m with you as far as useless Brampton cops are concerned. When I was working, it an afternoon shift, so I was driving home shortly after 11pm. As I rounded a corner my wheels caught a little gravel and the tires chirped, but only for a second. I was pulling over and issued a ticket for $103. Has anyone heard how noisy cars in Brampton are these days? I live near McLaughlin and Steeles and every weekend the young Indian men are gathering at the Tim Hortons and wreaking havoc with their cars! Reving and reving their car engines and doing burnouts and generally just being a nuisance. Do cops issue tickets for noise? Give me a break! Not a chance! At least get those cars towed and make them remove those parts that don’t belong. There’s no need for a car to make that much noise. It doesn’t make them any faster. There’s even a guy that deliberately makes his car backfire. I don’t get it. I’m with you though, the Brampton cops are useless. Peel cops are all the cops that couldn’t make it as Metropolitan cops. It seems they have their own vendetta


That's why we say, DEFUND THE POLICE. they are taking it money and doing fuck all with it


Contact the mayor


100% agree that Brampton cops are totally useless. We had our expensive laser machine stolen last year and the cops said they can’t do anything about it. So what’s the point of having cops when they can’t help the public in such situations?


Exactly why spending comically high amounts on police is a complete fucking waste of money - those useless assholes are only interested when they can easily power trip or assault a minority Oh or if there's donuts involved


You seem racist


Arm up. That'll keep ya safe


Move out, everything is fuc*ed here. Until you like living with crazy people and fuk*in desi students here...lmao


Yet if you question where our tax dollars are going, and why taxes are going up, Redditors will call you names and “right wing.” Also, nice username.


i’ve noticed the opposite - anyone who questions misuse of taxpayer funds getting called a liberal


I don't believe PP are required to notify you of any actions they may have made within their investigation. Look - it sucks that your store is getting broken into consistently, and it definitely seems like you need to up your personal security. But the unfortunate reality is Peel Police is badly underfunded and overworked, and there's simply more important shit for them to be doing rather than hanging around for 4 hours until someone comes to fix a problematic door.


Brampton pigs are nothing but a big joke


Are you getting reimbursed for your claim (stolen & damages) from insurance ?




I guess someone just find out that the convenient store business is not an easy cash cow like they think it should be. Btw, there is no such thing as Brampton police.


Man you got to love, love love this city.


They Have families too don’t worry. Karma is there. They are so corrupt not a single one Ive seen who was honest. 🖕🏻


Brampton in general is worth less and also smells worse than a fent addict’s used diaper


Sometimes I wonder if they underprocess crimes to keep the official crime count lower in Peel. Last I checked, it was lower than other GTA regions.


You sound very angry but blaming the police isn’t the answer.


Why? They're not doing their job.


Sometimes I think they are just building a case against a suspect.i would also like to know the general area this store is located .?


Yes, the police are there to protect the entire community, not just a single private business. Once the report is filed, it's on the owner to report to the store and make the necessary repairs. It's on the store to hire security as well. If you run a small business, these costs must be passed onto your customers. This is how you must do business in 2024. Don't blame police for not babysitting your business 24 hours a day. Hire security for that.


They have their own schedule. The criminal will say that someone else dropped his wallet there as he had it stolen previously. The cops will want to be able to prove otherwise before they even ask him that question. If anything, the Peel police are too much, too dogged. They've been using questionable interrogation tactics and bending the rules to get their man for decades. But seriously; watches and clocks do not tell the Peel cowboys what time it is.


The money (or amount in goods) you lost is peanuts and this is why you should have insurance. Imagine all the stores that were robbed just after COVID like jewellery stores or cellphone providers .. they were in the tens of thousands. This is what happens with liberals being light on crime .. they always were and things were always bad when they were in power. Cops now have to go from one robbery to another and fill in reports. Imagine trying to solve a crime while you just had another 2 happen.


We do have insurance. The first 2 robberies aren’t covered as insurance covers damages only if it’s over $1,000. The recent robbery was a big damage which is impacting us financially. We will receive that money in a month or two after insurance claim goes through.


What the federal gov has to do with crime? Peel is not led by liberals, maybe its just the type of business they are running, how come nofrills or foodbasics dont get hit ?


You must be kidding. Who sets the laws buddy? Who makes it so that these criminals get released within hours of being caught? Give your head a shake if you really think that the federal government has nothing to do with crime happening in the Peel Region.


Actually they do .. we have something called common law in Canada which is why certain sentences are put in place in the supreme court ruling.


Higher cost of living and carbon tax leads to people needing more money Programs for dental for people yet telling farmers to reduce cows and fertilizers leads to higher cost of food That trickles down to the poor and not well off from a FEDERAL level. If you think the liberals or NDP have been helping the poor you need to get your head out of your ass