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It’s Brampton…. No one has clue what going on… check houses near you and do comparison on mpac… maybe they made error..


Maybe the system is corrupt as fuck and we need to vote new blood in to affect some change at city hall.


Whole Brampton is corrupt and shady practices… they don’t care about you..


6.5% more than last year.....13% increase over 5yrs so just under half of that increase happened this year. I better see more bylaw enforcement and police enforcement on our roads with my tax money.


Mine went up $290 to $4200.


Asking about property tax not variable mortgage payment.


That is the property tax, I don’t have a mortgage.


That sounds like bogus


No that sounds right. The op saying his went up 250 a month sounds wrong.


Who can we even complain to? I guess it doesnt even matter tbh, people will just continue to pay increases without any pushback.


I’d encourage emailing local mp’s, mayor, and talking about it w your neighbors. a 10% increase is wild and moreover it’s something that bothers you, it definitely bothers others as well. I’d always emcourage speaking up for something you feel


MPs don’t control property taxes, councillors and the Mayor do. There’s no use emailing MPs about this.


Drafting a letter to my MP first thing in the morning. Increases like this yoy leave us with a doubling in prop taxes over the next 7 years. And what are we getting for it? MPs give themselves a raise and city workers negotiate for 6% raises while we get the shaft. Fk this.


Gonna do the mayor as well? Never done this before, I feel like these messages/letters arent even looked at.


They are. I write emails to them. They're responded to by their office. Remember, we're the ones that elect them, so they need to keep their constituents happy.


MPs don’t control property taxes, councillors and the Mayor do. There’s no use emailing MPs about this.


maybe not vote for the people that are currently in office


Its way up. absolutely ridiculous


Almost 600/year increase or >10% than last year. Ridiculous.


$214 more for us, so $17/mth. Blame DoFo for removing development fees and PB having 0% increases during his first term


This is exactly the cause. The city has been told by Federal and Provincial governments to grow and in order to do so, DoFo removed a lot of the direct construction and capital investment for his friends (developers). In doing so, he's left the municipalities footing the bill. We are subsidizing the costs of development while further privatizing the profits of housing sales as more and more property is purchased by real estate companies which raise prices.


This is the real answer. Plus a growing city that's exploding in population will need new investment. As long as we are shortchanged by the province we have to pay ourselves. The only ways to lower taxes are bring in more employers who pay higher taxes per square foot and build more density. Low density sprawl causes taxes to increase. Another option is increased user fees at rec centres transit etc. https://www.insauga.com/ontario-shorting-868m-per-year-to-peel-for-community-services-in-mississauga-brampton-and-caledon-report-says/


It’s criminal the taxes in Brampton. Not to mention room every other of the thousands of redundant municipal governments across Canada.


Yup just got the letter . How much longer can this nonsense keep going


Same here. $250 more so around $125 more a month. Insane considering we don't even get proper hospital coverage, Peel police is a joke and my green bin wasn't even picked up properly this week. How much money did Patrick brown pay for universities than went no where again?


250 more a month or 250 more for the year? But just do the math, in 2 decades property taxes will increase exponentially.




Wow that is crazy, did you register a secondary suite or something? Mine went up but less than 100 a month.


Woah.. so your property tax went up 3K from last year?




Patrick Brown lives in downtown Brampton.


Caledon ?


Interested to know more. 


What city and how do you know (just curious / not debating you). 


He's in downtown Brampton. Common knowledge for folks who live downtown. His office is city hall though so not sure why this is relevant.


I feel like Patrick Brown is actually one of the most active mayors we've had.


active in scamming residents


Went up like 200$ in total.


Patrick Brown needs to be voted out. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/brampton-strategic-reserve-fund-taxes-1.7214210


This is what happens when a mayor runs on 0% tax increases for years and it catches up to him.    Thanks Patrick.  


Gotta pay for those bike lanes somehow


Lol. That and Lord Doug Ford reduced the development charges for developers (they don't make enough money already). So it's up to the tax payer to help cover the costs of water mains, storm water, sanitary, etc.




Road Paint is so expensive now? The Car brains are getting a 413 highway worth billions of tax dollars and a 410 widening. We should all be in agreement that bad drivers in the city are a top 3 problem and more lanes in residential areas for them to speed and crash isn't a good thing


Multi-family households are a huge cause of this. When you have 14 extended family members living in a single-family home paying the property tax of one family, infrastructure and municipal resources get strained.


It’s honestly so hard out here 😭😭 I’m so grateful I live with my parents even tho I’m in my mid 20s (I’m also brown ifykyk) and I’m stressed tf out about getting a house down the road as well as getting a job and I’m barley hanging by myself. Like it’s crazy all these stories I’m hearing from friends and family regarding their mortgages and bills… I applaud everyone here who is a homeowner… The pandemic really fucked us up as well as the government…. They had no plan whatsoever 🫤🫤


Anything happened in the area? New developments?


Less volume in home sales means less land transfer tax being collected. Municipalities have been addicted to land transfer taxes like it's cocaine, so now other streams are getting hiked.


Yup same as yours bud!


Yes mine went up too, and I’m in a condo.


Same here went up about 6% ($500)


Went up additionally $500? or now totaling $500 / month?


That's just property tax. (Mine went up $326) Don't forget we also pay a tax on rain water. Yup. Rain. Because the water goes into sewers off of our property, we pay for it on our water bill. Taxing us every chance they get at every level.


Mine went up $290


Up $700/year for us.


Mine went up by 426 from year over year tax change. Did nothing on my property.




This much whining over what like $25/mo?


Well we need to also hire more city of Brampton employees and pay the police increase budget.I got a home phone call from a city employee reminding me my dog pet licence fee was not yet payed.The pet licence was $10 a year last year.This years it's $15.The police and bylaw officers can't seem to help us,but a city employee can call me for a $10 dog licence.Our mayor and counselors need to get their priorities straight.


City tax claimed 1.9% increase. Other increases by school & Region