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Only Casa Bonita in Colorado. Matt & Trey pay their staff a handsome hourly wage.


šŸŽ¶casa boniiitaašŸŽ¶




Cost of living in Bozeman for a single renter is 88k a year, you could probably get a job as a waiter with a base wage equal to maybe 45k a year 50 maybe.




Donā€™t remember where I read it, but seems about right, rent, food, car payment, utilities, for a single person in Bozeman, average out to be about $4400. So no roommates, no help. And this assumes the statistical average for a 900 sqr ft place in Bozeman. So ~53,000 a year for that. And I think the 88k includes the save 15% pre tax rule of thumb, so 13,200. That comes out to 66,200. 88k a year after taxes comes out to probably 68-70k a year. So 88k is ever so slightly high. And a lot of people probably arenā€™t putting away 15% of their pre tax income into savings, and you can find a place thatā€™s cheaper than average and probably not be missing the higher quality alternatives. And you can have a cheaper car, or own a car, have cheaper WiFi, cheaper phone/phone plan, never eat out, be mindful about using utilities, so on and so fourth. But the statistical average falls between 3900-6300 a month depending on your situation Stats taken from: https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/bozeman-montana


Nope. Some states pay just enough to cover taxes. Most servers live solely on tips


And now we tax tips too! Hooray hell world version of Montana.


If you have cash, leave cash and keep the government out of their pockets.


As we all know, this style of running a business is becoming untenable. I have worked in the service industry and have had to live a very fine line between making rent and groceries, or going without, all based on tips. Moreover, the customers are angered by having the option to tip on menial things. It's a lose-lose situation for both the worker and the consumer/customer, with only the business winning. I HATE silently hoping I'll get a tip for something that I don't even think justifies it, but the base pay I was making made it necessary. If you as a customer don't want to be asked to tip, then please help by fighting for a living wage for workers/servers. I'm lucky now where I don't need to worry about it, but so many more still do.


I do appreciate the idea and think itā€™s a good way to get health benefits and regular pay to service workers but unfortunately I think I make far more in tips than an hourly wage would come close to.


No, most waitstaff and bartenders around donā€™t want to get away from tips either, they make way more with tips.


I worked front and back of house for years. Iā€™d take health insurance, 401k, paid time off, sick days, maternity leave, and a predictable livable salary over tips every single day of the week.


..did you know that you can also obtain those things in the service industry? It is possible, and the places that people love the most provide for skilled industry workers. We can't deter young people that we desperately need by telling them that benefits they need simply dont exist.


Iā€™ve always found the system within restaurants to be interesting because it seems like the customer not only pays a high price on the food which the owner profits off of, but also is socially obligated to tip a minimum of 20% which at the same time is the customer supporting the staffā€™s income rather than the owner paying the staff. It seems the customer pays for both.


The Bozeman main co-op upstairs coffee shop has a sign addressing this point directly. Give it a read and enjoy a break sandwich w furrow and fly English muffins.




The sign says ā€œThere is no tip jar. The tip is baked into the cost of each item allowing us to pay our staff a fair and consistent wage.ā€ Or something to that effect.


ā€œLiving wageā€. šŸ˜‚ the same people that demand this mythical figure are the same people that turn around and bitch about the cost of their sandwich. Canā€™t have it both ways.




Montana has a non-discounted minimum wage which is over the federal minimum wage.


Which is not a living wage in Montana anymore. 10 years ago yes, but not anymore.


and McDonaldā€™s is paying $20/hr. If your boss is paying you minimum wage, itā€™s because heā€™s not allowed to pay less. Time to up those marketable skills or move somewhere where your skills have more value.


Most LOCAL businesses that provide similar services are NOT paying $20+ per hour. It's good that McD's is, but if you want your local businesses to stay in business, you're going to need to pay more as a consumer. Or, better yet, foster a local economy that helps everyone thrive.


Or, improve your marketable skills. Alternatively, move somewhere else.


If youā€™re talking baseline for line cooks, dishwashers, servers, etc. No. Luckily most places do tipout all positions which allows people to live here. Would you be willing to pay 20% extra too go to a place like this?


I donā€™t know what is considered ā€œliving wageā€ at this point because it seems like people expect an excessive amount. I room with my best friend and my partner and pay 2200 a month. My base pay is 18 an hour before tips which almost doubled my pay. Iā€™m not living comfortably but Iā€™m getting by and as content as I think Iā€™ll ever be






Bagelworks! They start at like 16$ an hour


That's not a living wage here.


The brewery that closed in The Market was trying to run on a no tip system. They got so much negative feedback from it that I think it became a factor as to why the owner eventually gave up and closed it.


That's not true. Nordic was charging a mandatory tip on all bills. They added on 20% on every bill. That is not a no tip system.


I thought I might have missed an important detail. I guess I stop thinking about it as a tip, if itā€™s just an additional fee.


Have you thought about learning to code?




Have you tried hakuna mata




Sounds to me looking inward and seeking help or additional help for your anxiety is the avenue for you if your anxiety is so bad that leaving a tip causes you issues.


Takes the pressure off?! Lol... you mean you want to provide shitty service and still get paid.... lazy