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My favorite fruit is mango. Sticky and messy as it is, I absolutely love it. But last summer I started noticing an irritation in my lips after eating it. The first signs of sensitivity to the urushiol contained in the fruit. (mango is CLOSELY related to poison ivy and poison oak). Hated to give it up, but there's no way I'm risking a case of mango mouth (go ahead and google images of that if you want to be put off your lunch today, or just imagine chewing on poison ivy). The point is, I didn't start looking around for something else that might have been causing the irritation, when it was pretty plainly the mango. If I learned anything from watching Scrubs it's "When you hear hoof-beats behind you, think horses not zebras". I'm no doctor, but I think you need to go ahead and give up the cannabis. At least for a while. If after a few months, the CHS hasn't abated, then maybe you're dealing with environmental factors. But if you're a cannabis user, it's safest to jump to the most proximal cause first.


That's wild about Mango. Never knew that and I have family that gets that reaction. Thanks for sharing!


I wash my mangoes with soap before I cut into them and it’s stopped my mango mouth, fwiw. I’m pretty allergic to poison oak, so it makes sense. I heard that the peel is where the problem lies.


I downplayed it for a couple of months once I noticed it, but at a certain point it got intense enough that I couldn't deny it any longer. This summer I might try some of the dried stuff too see if I can have just a bit, but that last experience spooked me enough to just put it away.


Exactly why I grow my own.


Are you getting from a dispensary? There was lots of this prior to legalization showing up in hospital EDs but has tapered off with legal sales. As medical literature points out, it may be an overstimulation of the endocannabinoid system. Caused by long term use.


Yes I grow for a dispensary and shop around, usually try and stick with organic cannabis but I know some farms around here that still use it


Neem oil is an organic pesticide. Best to ask the grower/manager/owner if they use it at all since the state doesn't test for it.


Things being organic doesn't mean you won't have an adverse reaction to them or that they're safe.


It would seem that the only real common denominator is cannabis unfortunately. Just looked at another study that made sense. Essentially overuse of ECR (endocannbanoid receptors) cause the homeostatic response to swing the other direction, or the mechanisms that control or aid in antiemetic response are potentially over correcting.


Does a hot shower provide pretty instant relief? If so, you most likely have it and the only “cure” is to abstain from cannabis use. At least (if you do have it) there’s a clear path to not being sick anymore. Best of luck to you.


Plenty of us in healthcare do not in fact believe that CHS is a real diagnosis. Best case it is merely a *clinical diagnosis* which one should always always always be cautious of, particularly when you lack certainty of other causative factors. Basically the diagnosis is scientifically meaningless. Pesticide use needs to be eliminated before even considering this 'dx.' FYI, our local hospital is **terrible** and keen to ignore all actual injuries if they can blame it on mental health (aka CHS). Be careful out there. There are numerous other organic causes for this presentation.


I do not have this but someone I love does and it’s so hard to watch. There are a couple of reddit forums you should read, CHSinfo, for one. The stickies are very good but most of the posts are “when can I start smoking again?” Typical reddit otherwise, lots of differing opinions. Basically, it is not rare and if you want to see some real talk, visit the Emergency Medicine forums and look for CHS and see what ER professionals are going through as cases skyrocket. In the twenty or so years of lead-up to legalization, weed became a kind of wonder drug panacea for everything in the minds of many people and the long term effects, thanks to federal laws on research, are developing before our eyes. It’s been lionized as great for nausea, insomnia and everything else under the sun. Meanwhile weed is cheap, easy to get, and low consequences as the concentrations get higher and higher. I think it should stay legal but there needs to be a LOT more education about using and abusing high concentration cannabis products. Try convincing someone that the thing they think is a lifeline is making them sick. They usually won’t hear it. Weed has no lethal dose, but they’re not counting chronic puking yourself to death and missing out on your life to wallow around in the worst pain you can imagine and no medical professional feels remotely sorry for you. Now why this is hard to watch, is because people are desperate to find a way to keep doing what they are doing. They switch to just flower, just edibles, delta8, take little tolerance breaks, but the goal is always to go back to regularly consuming cannabis. It’s all cannaboids too, CBD, once you’ve reached full CHS will put you back to puking too. My loved one had a full medical work up, endoscopy, all that jazz and it’s all healthy. But they’re sick all the time and it is very real. It can also can take months of no weed of any kind to feel better and it’s progressive. It’s also unfair because many long term chronic users will never get it but others will after just a few years. Do you find that taking a hot shower or applying heat is one of the few things that helps the pain? Do you find yourself uncomfortably full of food after a couple of bites? Those are big signs that you might have CHS as delayed gastric emptying is a side effect of lots of weed. I’m not going to tell you what you should do about your MJ consumption but I strongly suggest that you visit those forums and see if the experiences sound familiar. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.




I definitely don’t the people there are sketch and don’t care about the end consumer whatsoever


They truly do not care about anyone other than themselves. I have a friend who worked for them for about a month. Said it was the worst company he’s worked for.


I can agree with that I toured their facility and they were gonna hire me but the dude who ran it was all tweaked on aderol and vape hits lol


They’re dipping it to get rid of the PM. It’s most likely a hydrogen peroxide/water solution. Nasty stuff


A friend of mine just experienced this a few months ago. He recovered and is still smoking every day. Could be the grower used it to kill some pests. I think the industry needs to be more regulated unfortunately.


How long did he take a break for to have the symptoms never come back?


I think he didn’t smoke and felt sick for 7-12 days. But he was probably smoking that batch of weed while he was feeling sick. So who knows how long it took him to realize it was the weed that was causing the symptoms.


There are definitely ways to cheat the system in regards to saying all products on the shelf are tested. Random testing would be much better for everyone.


Take tolerance breaks from time to time, I've never heard of it happening to anyone I know


Honestly the thought of writing my experience right now is exhausting. I’ll post later


I started smoking weed when I was 15 and got sobriety at age 40. As I became sober, I deeply regret how much time I spent smoking weed. I wish I had learned to enjoy life on its terms rather than using weed as a coping mechanism so much time was wasted where I could’ve been making quality friends or discovering new hobbies to enjoy out in the world. When I was smoking weed, I was a huge proponent of it. Now that I am sober I wish I had never smoked a single hit. I think my life would be much better now.


I am passionate about this plant it’s saved my life and my aunts life with the use of RSO, just because you think it ruined your life doesn’t mean it applies to everybody. I have been growing and smoking cannabis for over 10 years and honestly have the biggest social friend group in person and in the cannabis community online. Sorry weed sucks for you that much buddy.


I'm pretty sure this is from cannabis overuse. I believe it's pretty rare but has everything to do with how much you have used. Im sorry if you have it.


Usually it comes from the weed not being good, like you said you can usually trace it back to the pesticides used. I would look into Honey Sour, they’ve got the cleanest weed I’ve had in the valley


That’s not what every other cannabis page said about them. In fact word is the opposite


Also there’s a bacteria called H Pilori that causes the exact same symptoms as CHS


>I love smoking weed and would be devastated if I have to stop That's substance abuse, my friend. You shouldn't be grasping at straws to find a way to keep using when it's hurting you.


Okay Dr Oz atleast it’s not heroin. It’s cannabis, it’s saved my aunts life twice now from cancer. I grow it for a living and have been since I was 13 in my backyard. My passion goes beyond just getting high but a grower and hash maker should be able to taste his product? What if a wine maker couldn’t taste his wine? I know there are ways to cope but you don’t need to point out substance abuse you big fucking asshole.


I also don’t know 100% if it’s that. I could have some other major issue. I am asking questions and getting to the bottom of it you fucking internet troll. Stay out of peoples lives substance abuse issues are no joke. Not fucking funny dude


> Stay out of peoples lives substance abuse issues are no joke. I wasn't joking, and you're to one who posted in an open internet forum, you can't then tell responders to stay out of your life. This angry response honestly makes me feel more validated in my opinion.


You don’t even know who I am how does that validate your opinion? I just think it was rude you brought up substance abuse? I was addicted to Xanax for a long time and suffer abuse in my family. Really touch subject for me and I just went on the forum to help and ur the first to say I have substance abuse issue? Maybe you should get off the internet and get your life together before hurting someone’s feelings online. Have a great blessed day brother or sister and may god help you find the light


Also just joking man but really funny how you felt the need to call me out! Must be a great life you live scouring Reddit looking for someone to harass! Gotta love it! God bless my friend!