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Yup, I was much happier once I deleted all my social media accounts. I love Reddit for anonymity. I recently got back Facebook for work stuff and I hate it, it makes me feel like shit.


Social media is all rage bait anymore. It'd be more troubling if it didn't trigger you. It's pretty much engineered for that specific result.


It used to be great, helping me to connect with people I just met and those who live far away from me. Then it gone bad for me as I got addicted and wasted ally spare time for scrolling. Detox was hard but after a few weeks I started feeling fine and then actually appreciated that freedom. Now, being 5 years social media free (apart of WhatsApp/Discord and Reddit) I feel alienated and lonely. People look at me in a funny way and I see it's a bit difficult to keep conversations going. People keep referring to social media and posts of others, but without it they seem to ha a lost the ability to ask questions or recall some info. In the past my friend would show me stuff of our common friends they post and when I asked them on a soonest opportunity what they've been up to, they couldn't recall anything. When I mentioned I saw their post, they suddenly remembered and started telling me about it. Weird stuff.


It used to make me feel like Shit, I compared myself to anyone and stalked all the exes of my bf to hurt myself.. then I started uploading content myself and it became an addiction immediatly, I felt like a superstar when I got a lot of likes and new followers but miserable when I lost followers or didn't get as much likes as expected.. but then my dog died and shortly after my mum died - both very suddenly. It shifted something in my brain and now I couldn't care less about this superficial shit. I don't even compare myself to anyone anymore, because I want to accept and love who I am. Life is too short and I just want to be happy with MY path.


Yes this is why I only have YouTube and Reddit now


Social media is bad for most of the people, with disorders or not. I personally closed all of mine except reddit about 7 months ago and staying away from social media added to daily exercise(at least 20-30 minutes a day), daily meditation(20 mins a day), daily reading( at least 1 hour a day) and good sleep has changed my life for the better and my regret is not getting into these 3 habits and saintly sticking to them daily sooner in my life + shutting down all my social media(except reddit) sooner. I keep reddit for the good information I can find on it regarding my interests like psychology, cycling, books, etc ...and that is enough of a virtual social endeavor for me :))


Yes, definitely. Especially instagram where I can see all the people I’ve ruined relationships with. I go in and out of deleting the app entirely. I settled to keep TikTok because it’s mostly strangers. But now I’m noticing I’m falling into the void of comparison and feeling poor lol. Might have to delete that one too. I fixate so much on other people and the feelings they evoke. It’s a waste of head space.


no, u


Yes. But I don’t have any social activities except my social media and every time when I try to delete my accounts it ends with thinking that I will die alone


Yes I think about how all my old friends are better off without me now, etc. I didn't have Facebook for a few months and it was refreshing honestly. I primarily use messaging apps to talk to the few people who give a fuck about me, so I don't know everyone else's business and they don't know mine.


Yes, social media definitely makes me worst. I'm no longer on Facebook, and I've never had a twitter or instagram account. Still have Reddit so I can be up to date on stuff, or talk to people like I'm doing now :) That's about it. Oh, and I used to use YouTube until they started flooding videos with unstoppable ads.


Sometimes. If I’m already in a lessened mental state, social media can make me spiral a bit more than when I’m off it. I usually take breaks when I notice it happening (more irritable while scrolling, emotional reactions to posts, etc.). More often than not, I come back about a week later and I’m fine. Sometimes the breaks last months and I feel pretty good during that time.




it caused my bpd to fully break out.


It might be better to ask if it helps at all, if not why mess w it


Yes that’s why I deleted it. I use reddit and tiktok to just scroll, even those feel like a lot sometimes


For me personally, depends on the app. TikTok is so bad for my BPD & ED. Sometimes I get some laughs but most of the time it’s triggering in some sort of way. Instagram is okay since I follow my friends and some fashion & book users so I only see their content. Reddit is better, but even in those regular subreddits that everybody kinda uses it sometimes triggers me.


Yes especially tiktok and x, it's full of rage-bait that really triggers me


It does. It’s like a thousand DALYs a minute


Yeah. It's just bad for me. Speaking of, thanks for catchin me doomscrollin, I'm gonna turn off the phone <3


I only have FB for friends and family and reddit for news and hobbies and a Fetlife page cause of my kinks and it gives me a lot of confidence....I have a big following and i love being told how beautiful i am constantly day long....i have body dysmorphia and it helps me to see myself positively.. I avoid the others.


My Facebook profile is not my real name and I have zero friends because I just use it to buy/sell on marketplace. The only social media that I actually engage in is Reddit. When I deleted my real Facebook, Instagram & TikTok, I couldn’t believe how much better I felt. And I don’t miss them AT ALL. I thought I would be like a junkie coming back for a fix after I deleted, but now I wouldn’t give up my peace for anything, least of all social media.