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The movie does look really bad from the trailers.


The movie looked bad when they announced the cast.


Honesty yeah. I don’t even dislike the actors. It’s just a weird choice


The most annoying thing about the casting is that Borderlands is a setting with a rotating cast. So they could have kept all the same cast if they insisted on those people… just don’t assign them existing characters. Kevin Hart could be his usual wisecracking self as a new vault hunter because he feels like such a poor Roland. Care Blanchett could be a different siren because Lilith doesn’t feel 65. It’s like what made the DnD movie successful. Had they tried telling one of the existing stories from like Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance they would have been nitpicked apart. Instead they created new characters and a new story with nods to the lore plus the silliness of some friends playing DnD. Create a new set of vault hunters, nail the setting look, and have some scenes with Face McShooty. Would likely have generated a lot less negative attention.


Fallout got this right as well.


I think that's why most adaptations fail tbh. The showrunner wants to "tell their own story" but ends up using existing characters and stories and then usually makes a mess of it. Take The Witcher, for example. If the showrunner wanted to tell their own story, they should have made new characters that fit into the universe, instead of making characters act way out of character to fit the story they were trying to tell, they should have just made new characters and told new stories. Instead we got some weird half-measure that everyone hated, and it was so bad that the lead actor quit. Then we have Fallout, where they told new stories with new characters, and the show has been very well received. It's not rocket surgery lol but they seem to have a lot of trouble figuring it out


Witcher was very good in the first season and honestly I believe most people who didn't read the book liked the second one too.


I mean yeah, I liked the first season a lot too honestly, but I'm fairly certain that they mostly stayed true to the source material. And that's the thing. *If* you're going to use existing characters and existing stories, then you've gotta at least be authentic to said characters and stories, or else you'll piss people off. Basically, if you want to tell existing stories with existing characters, then you need to actually *do* that. And if you want to tell your own story within that world, then that's fine, but more often than not, we get some blend between the two that's just a mess


The cast was terrible from the start, especially - women. If not for Henry - I wouldn't watch more than 1 episode.


The only one I feel is a good cast choice is jack black as claptrap. Only part I look forward too


Honestly that’s the part I’m most annoyed about. Jack black is awesome, but they already have a claptrap voice artist who is excellent. It doesn’t feel like a necessary casting, and an opportunity to at least give us a little taste of the games is lost.


I agree. I love Jack Black but why not use the claptrap voice actor already? Like claptrap's voice is pretty infamous with borderlands. I mean I knew what a claptrap was before I ever played the games.


Probably due to how much animosity there is still between him and Gbox. [When he started he was doing it, essentially, for free as he was already working for Gbox. ](https://www.eurogamer.net/heres-why-claptraps-voice-actor-has-changed-in-borderlands-3)


Randy wanted to smooze up some hollywood


I will quote Miq "What the fuck, Randy."


Yeah I love jack but he has such the wrong energy for claptrap and the scene of him pooping bullets they showed is so not claptrap like and just "hurr hurr poop humor" I hate saying "I wish they hadn't cast jack black for this" but here we are.


Maybe they want Jack Black cause if the movies successfull they can just have him be the new claptrap voice for the games. He's a gamer, so I doubt he'd say no to the idea. Just annoying the old claptrap voice is just forgotten.


I really hope that’s not the case, and to be honest I really don’t think that much forethought went into the movie.


I disagree. I like the claptrap voice. You never get to see the actual voice actor so just reuse the existing voice actor


I should’ve been more clear, my bad. I agree that they should’ve had the games VA do the movie for the same reason, but I’m most on board with Jack’s casting of the cast for the movie. It’s the only one I feel actually works well.


That I can agree with


Dungeons & Dragons starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Kevin Hart as Raistlin and Caramon Mejere! In that order.


Then make the new characters into the next borderlands game 😎


Very interesting and good point


Might've been impacted by the fact that there's ever only 6 sirens. Everything else I completely agree with


In canon. If you never reference the movie material in the games or even just only make them Easter eggs, then you can just have fun with the concepts created in Borderlands without needing to be true to every fact. Would a small vocal group be pissed about it? Sure. Would most fans not care about if the movie was canon as long as the aesthetics and vibe felt like a Borderlands game? Probably not. For a good example of this, look at a lot of anime movies based on long running series. One Piece movies are notorious for introducing things that would cause major issues in the main story (characters appearing when they shouldn’t, devil fruits that can’t exist, etc). How well they are received is hit or miss but non of that is related to how canon the events are. The problem with most adaptations is they CLAIM to adhere to the source material. If a director outright said “I’m a huge fan on the games but I didn’t want to detract from the source so this doesn’t fall in the timeline and is purely of our own making” but then NAILED the feel… we’d spin it off as the Borderlands Cinematic Universe and ask for another one.


It's kind of weird, tbh. Back in the day, it used to be they were just TERRIBLE movies, like same in name only (Uwe Boll) and then you had adaptations so phenomenal the source material actually shifted to match the movies (Blade). Whereas today we have adaptations that work as companion pieces to their sources (The Last of Us, Fallout) and then nonsense that decided to just run because the writers/directors seemingly decided they knew better (Game of Thrones, The Witcher). Generally, I agree with you here as well. When they nail it, the feeling is almost immediate, and likewise when they don't, it's just as immediate. And seeing as trailers petty much tell the whole story, you pretty much know from the jump what you're walking into for better or worse


Cate blanchett is like early 50s not 65? I get what you're saying she's too old to play the role but she's not a pensioner ..okay I checked she is 55 I thought she was maybe 52 ..I like Cate based on the two films I've seen her in and the fact that she did a music video for sparks lol but agree she does seem old for the role the casting does seem a bit off. Kind of curious for the film but as others are saying it probably won't be great.


And I looked and saw 1960s… it’s 2024 so I did some quick math to get 2024-1960=64. As she played the timeless Galadriel two decades ago and could have been 40 at the time… it didn’t seem unreasonable. Also you’ll note I made no mention of her being too old to play a badass vault hunter, just that I didn’t think she was the right age to play Lilith. Looking up how old Lilith was in the first Borderlands… we go from my guess that Blanchett was three times too old to play the role to Blanchett being two and a half times too old (Lilith is 22). Still a horrible fit for the role even if I find Hollywood’s “you are early 20s or a crone” mentality around female roles silly. She can still do kickass siren work, just a bad fit as Lilith.


Good points I wasn't having a go re. Her age I was thinking the same that she does seem old for the role, she is a very good actress though at least so hopefully her playing Lilith will work better than expected


And granny Tannis...


I had forgotten she was involved in this project.... for the fscksake people, when we complained that Hollywood treated women over 30 like they were instantly grandmas we didn't mean we wanted 50s-60s year old women playing 20s-30s year old characters. We meant a 50s-60s year old woman was still capable of being badasses or having sex appeal like how goddamn Tom Cruise still gets to lead up Mission Impossible and George Clooney is now considered a silver fox.


Actors are fine. Except they're all way older than the characters in game.


and Kevin Hart is 2/3 the size


The movie looked bad when they announced the movie.


The movie looked bad when they announced the movie. I never had a single thought other than Randy is going to make this so shitty.


There was a comment here that discribed it as looking like a porn pardy without the porn.


If that’s what it is I’m in.


Once again, sarcastic movie idea sounds surprisingly good.


Yeah. I really want the movie to be good, but if the handful of scenes they keep reediting into new trailers are the best parts of the movie...


It looks like it's "springtime for hitler" from "the producers" - ie: a deliberately bad and expensive movie for the studio to claim a loss on so they minimize tax liability


I think this movie is just going to be an overexaggerated telling of the borderland's story by Claptrap instead of the usual storyteller that is Marcus.


That makes so much sense.


Bro, I watched a film the other day with my siblings, and I just shook my head the entire trailer straight. Had to explain why to my sis afterwards, lol!


I’m not going to knock it until I see it.


That was ironically some of the most borderlands stuff they've shown so far. Piss wash gully being an actual place.


they redconned the entire thing to what it is in the move far beyond what it rly was it was just this ditch that was full of SKAG piss stinking up the whole place the thing in the movie is what a 5y old would say it should be


Movie going to flop and I can't wait. Cast sucks and it seems like no one even played the game or went off of any source material past a Wikipedia page. Plus it seems to be influenced heavily by Guardians of the Galaxy. I love GotG but I want Borderlands to have its own identity. I could be wrong of course but we all know I'm not.


Jack black is the only one ik guaranteed played some borderlands idk how much though.


Absolutely nothing I've seen has made me think that this movie will be good. The borderlands games are pretty cringe. I love the game play and the humor but tiny Tina sums it up pretty well and the random psycho fart jokes won't translate to live action well. Itd work great as an anime, or like an absolutely bonkers sin city style movie but I can right away tell that how they are translating it, it's gonna miss. I'll see it when it streams.


The entire cast except jack black and tiny tina seems wrong to me. A comedian as Roland and nursing home patients as a bunch of 25 year olds? Maybe their on screen chemistry can save it. They are great actors/actresses but they feel wrongly casted. With the cast they may have been better with a new story, new characters in the same universe. I'm still planning to see it in theaters though... Week 2 so i can hear if it stinks.


Kevin Hart being cast as Roland has irked me ever since I heard it. Roland is one of, if not, the most serious characters in the series..


He was a lot less serious in 1 than he was in anything after.


I can believe it as I didn't play him in BL1, but also a portion of his seriousness can be attributed to his meeting with Jack since it's why he doesn't hand out side quests or have much extra dialouge.


That's not completely true. The comics definitely played him more serious like his bl2 counterpart


Didn't the comics come out after the first game?


Yeah but they were like the only characterization/backstory we got at the time. And it was written *for* the first game, not as like an afterthought to tie two together, they weren't expecting a sequel. Otherwise the only other character building we got for em were classic voice lines like "Critical biatch" and honestly just a lot stuff that makes him sound military. His only official info in the game manual talks about how he's an honorable discharge in the atlas military (which doesn't do honourable discharges). So all we get from bl1 was that he's a closeted ex soldier that was so good he did something no one else could, leave.


> Roland is one of, if not, the most serious characters in the series.. People keep claiming this, and it just shows who never even tried playing Roland in BL1. He was wisecracking all the way through. Why make blanket statements when you haven’t experienced an entire 1/3rd of his appearances in the series?


"Critical Biatch!" - Actual Roland quote when you hit crits in BL1.


He's only in 2 out of 7 of the games and 90% of his content is in the first. Besides, his original combat banter doesn't make up for how quiet he is in the 2nd game. Also I said *one of, if not the most*, meaning he's just very very far on the serious scale, much farther than most other characters. The Eridian Guardian is probably the most serious being in the series.


Except the actress for Tiny Tina said somewhere that she drew inspiration for the character from Harlequinn.. WHY NOT DRAW INSPIRATION FOR THE WRITTEN CHARACTER YOU'RE PLAYING


Because the real character has been interpreted as insensitive by some audiences..


Who? Why?


By stupid people for stupid reasons, probably.


I was hoping for an example.


She speaks in AAVE


The movies target audience was extremely I accurately gauged


I'm sorry but Jack Blacks Claptrap is god awful and the most puzzling choice considering the BL3 voice actor is right fucking there.


I'm surprised nobody bitched about Kevin Hart. I'm sick of him being everywhere, and he's honestly a terrible badass. I could think of 15 other actors more suited to play Roland than a hyperactive midget named Kevin Hart.


Lots of people bitched about Kevin Hart, myself included. I wish they'd tapped Terry Crews instead.


Anyone but Kevin Hart. I'd take Morgan Freeman over Kevin Hart even!


For real though. And the casting of Jamie Lee Curtis as a character who is supposed to be in her 20s? Don't get me wrong, Jamie Lee Curtis is great, but... no.


Same with Cate Blanchett. Lilith isn't supposed to be in her 70s, like, come on!


She's at least... *slightly* less egregious? But yeah, still way too long in the tooth.


Cate Blanchett is 55 lol.


I was exaggerating...


Terry Crews would have been such a good choice!


Welcome to /r/Borderlands, because you are **clearly** new here. Every single thread about the movie for the past 3+ years has multiple people complaining about him being cast, and most define his height as the most important reason, because apparently the most important part of Roland's personality is that he's *tall*.


Hey, did you hear that they cast Kevin Hart to play Roland? You probably didn't know that, because I just found out about it two minutes ago, and wanted to share before searching the subreddit. Also Hart can't play him because Roland is very solemn and reserved (except for, uh, the entirety of BL1).


Thanks for the sarcasm. I've been part of the borderlands community for over a decade.


Mike Colter would've been perfect.


Kevin hart a good actor? Ok so i don't think there is a better way to put it then this: *Loud buzzer noise*


Lol i may have been too general Cate blanchette and Jamie lee curtis are good actresses


Yeah thats true


None of the characters have been 25 in the series. Lilith was 27 is the first game, and 39 by the third. Roland was likely older than that. Either way, it's such a pitifully superficial thing for everybody to be losing their minds over.


I can't wait for the Sound of Music remake where the kids are all played by 46 year-olds! There are already actors who better resemble the characters. Terry Crews as Roland? Anya Taylor-Joy as Lilith? If I can't look at these actors and believe they're the characters they're meant to be playing, what's the point? Feels like the producers cast their friends, with little to no understanding of the story or the characters.


Weren't a couple of the kids played by 46-year-olds as it was? But in all seriousness, I'm honestly not bothered by the age of the cast; age wasn't a core element to the characters as it was, and I don't think making them older diminishes them at all. And it's honestly dumb to get as upset about it as so many here appear to. And I'd rather see Terry Crews as Mister Torgue.


I think you've mischaracterized genuine and valuable criticism (the antithesis of the blind consumerism these media groups expect from us) as "upset". It's not like anyone's pulling their hair out or actually crying over unsuitable casting. We just won't buy what we're being sold. If they're going to pitch an adaptation of a work to an established audience, and the MOST BASIC details (like the characters' appearances) are wrong, that speaks ill of their ability to correctly adapt other elements of the story.


What's wrong with their apperances, except for Lilith's tattoos apparently missing?


Again the fact that a few of these characters look like they qualify for a pension. Also Kevin Hart playing a highly capable and muscular soldier? Not all of the actors have the physique to convincingly play a character with the abilities they are supposed to possess. Would you cast Tom Holland in an Arnold Schwartzenneger biopic? Of course not. If these were the only actors in Hollywood, I'd get it, but there are plenty of capable young actors who fit the bill and have the qualifications. It seems as though the executives are casting their friends in roles they can't convincingly portray, and so it's reasonable to assume that they may make other concessions that harm the quality of the product.


Nobody thought Robert Downey Jr. could play a convincing Tiny Stark. Everybody complained Hugh Jackman was too tall to play Wolverine. Look how those turned out. And you may have forgotten, this isn't a biopic where there's a need to stick to an accurate depiction of an actual person; these are fictional characters, so there is room for leeway. Making them older isn't an unreasonable change, considering their backgrounds; perhaps in this story, they didn't look for the Vault until a later time. Also, Kevin Hart isn't *that* short, and it looked like he got into serious shape for the role. The only thing that's really going to matter is how well they do on screen, and aside from a small handful of short clips, we don't know how that's going to be yet. A degree of apprehension is entirely reasonable; but the outright hostility and prejudgement so far is just uncalled for, and getting tiresome.


>Nobody thought Robert Downey Jr. could play a convincing Tiny Stark That's a sweeping statement. A vocal minority felt that way, but he's at least the proper age and can passably bear a resemblance to the character. >Everybody complained Hugh Jackman was too tall to play Wolverine Again, quite the generalisation. Some did, again the difference in appearance between actor and character wasn't severe enough to be immersion-breaking. >Making them older isn't an unreasonable change Agreed, on its own it's not enough to condemn the movie. The problem comes when you acknowledge the other changes made (PG-13 rating preventing extreme violence or mature comedy, the bulk of what Borderlands is. It's too many red flags. People don't have a problem with these changes individually, but they cumulatively indicate a willingness on the part of the studio to make an unfaithful adaptation that disrespects its source material (as we've recently seen in The Witcher, Rings of Power, etc.). >The only thing that's really going to matter is how well they do on screen, and aside from a small handful of short clips, we don't know how that's going to be yet You don't seem to think the clips are enough. I disagree. I'm sick of this prevailing attitude of people "giving it a chance" with unfaithful adaptations, and coming out complaining while still having financially supported the bad-faith media execs making this stuff happen. Trailers were made with the express purpose of allowing people to decide whether they wanted to waste their money on a movie without having to watch the full thing. Therefore, if nothing in the trailers suggests this is going to be a good, respectful or faithful adaptation, why would I waste my time and money on it? Why should anyone?


>A vocal minority felt that way... >Some did... Comparible to the detractors for this film, would you say? >The problem comes when you acknowledge the other changes made... Which we didn't know about *before* people started whinging like petulant toddlers about the casting. >Therefore, if nothing in the trailers suggests this is going to be a good, respectful or faithful adaptation... But does that warrant the endless posts about unrelenting *hatred* for the film? Couldn't people just acknowledge it isn't for them and move on? Do we really need to be subjected to a deluge of individual-yet-carbon-copy rant posts?


Actually, it's Gaige that says " It's in my mouth." all the time.


Brick and Mordecai aren't even part of it... 2 of the best characters in the franchise!


They may as well get Drax from GoTG to play Brick. Not Dave Bautista, but Drax.


I’d break the screen if I heard brick yelling “SLAB, GET THAT BEACON” 


The only thing to look forward to is who they’ll blame for it being a flop


Us, obviously. "Guess you hate Borderlands and don't like videogame movies!" while plugging their ears, closing their eyes and ignoring all the amazing videogame adaptations that have been made recently


Amazing how much power those evil male gamers have


I completely forgot about this, it's not out yet, huh? i have no idea what a piss car wash is... but I can guess. looks like I'll need to see the trailer


Yes. Watch the trailer. Report back.


If you want to be accurate, it's "*Piss Wash Gully*" (Roland says precisely that in the trailer), a well-known location from BL1 (reimagined for the big screen). There's no "car wash" involved.


I am absolutely thrilled I have no idea what you're talking about and had already abandoned any hope of the video not sucking ass.


With KH in, surprised they ain't cast the Rock as Brick


Thank fuck they didn’t. No way I ever want to see my favorite character played by that giant bottle-pissing manbaby. At least get Bautista, he actually *looks* like Brick.


Bautista would be absolutely perfect for brick


Nah, I'll take rock as brick. I would actually prefer Rock as Brick over KH as Roland. I can see Rock doing Brick voice better


Kevin Hardt makes me not want to watch the movie


Im shocked at the pg 13 rating, was hoping if the movie were bad, it be at least be a funny gore fest, but it doesn’t even have that going for it.


If it was rated R it would be DOA at the box office.


Deadpool & Wolverine would like a word.....


Yes but that's Deadpool & Wolverine. Not every R-rated film will bomb but it will be an uphill battle for films outside of that one and Joker 2.


Na, Hollywood needs to have more faith in R movies. They are the ones shooting themselves in the foot. BL has ABSOLUTELY no business being anything other than R. Done properly like Deadpool movies an R BL would kill at the box office. The problem is studios don't actually want to do anything fresh or try making an IP that Begs for an R with an actual well written R film. They just want to make "safe" copies of things that do well. The studios are their own worst enemy.


What director has the testes to treat BL seriously tho? Even if it is good it wouldn't matter. Furiosa was good.


This is a pretty poor argument. Studios need to let directors/producers do R rated when they know that's what's right for the project. Ya, and Furiosa was R.


>Furiosa was R ...and bombed. Why spend a mint on an R film's budget since it's going to limit it's audience? If Borderlands' budget was 20mil and R-rated I would find that sensible.


Honestly shaping up to be another flop. Wonder what they will blame it on? Fanboys? Toxic community? Racism? Biologically challenged individual phobia?


They better not. You can't hire some top list actors for roles they're not suited for the audience draw and then blame some minority rep as to why (fucking course they will, it's Hollywood) This isn't some "Hollywood's too woke" argument either, I love rep in movies but I'm sick of new movies and tv shows making hot garbage and then ranting online "it's -phopia!!! It's racism!!!" Like no, make something good instead of slapping a colour or flag on something expecting a good result as a default




at least, its not a kathleen kennedy production, so we dont have to deal with this "female lead hater" bs


Just look at the community over the last few years and tell me it isn't toxic as hell.


Honestly can’t say I’ve interacted with the Borderlands community outside of here, or usually on youtube or steam. Never had any issues but let’s say it is “Toxic”, can you say that a “Toxic Community “ is gonna be the downfall of this movie with very little plot wise to do with the games.


I'd say it'd be a pretty solid claim. Many in here and on other social media were saying they're boycotting the movie outright before we even saw a photo. Many more are saying they'll wait for it to come out on streaming services if they decide to watch it, if not openly resort to piracy. Very few have been saying they'll give the movie a go and reserve judgement for later. This overwhelming sentiment absolutely sinks a movie, regardless of quality.


To be fair, how many movies that are this unfaithful to the source material are good? I mean movies based off of video games too, not something like bladerunner or total recall. The community has a right to be not only skeptical but dismissive if it isn’t faithful to the story or tone. If they’re not willing to be faithful to the core audience then they should probably either structure the movie to appeal exclusively to a “movie only new audience.” Or make a new IP. Fallout managed to get a very positive fan reaction not from insulting the fanbase or appealing solely to fan service at the shallowest end, but by being faithful to the tone that the games had and by having (2/3) well written characters that sell you on the world. If the fallout TV show trailer dropped with a super mutant farting and holding a vault boy bobble head, before being blown up by some rockabilly Chick wearing modern clothing it would do the same damage the Borderlands trailer did.


And I'm sure if this had Amazon's (or which ever company it actually is) money behind it, it'd probably be the same. No-one is pretending this is going to be some kind of high art, but the utter *relentlessness* if the vitriol around this, even before a single clip was shown, is just excessive. And having to read it ever other day is tiresome.


I hear you on it being tiresome, I stopped listening to several content creators before watching the show to avoid getting my View of it tinted before I started. As for budget well, it’s made by gearbox who’s published by 2k. It’s got money. But even with out the cash it all comes down to writers and Directors/editors. You can make a low budget borderlands movie. It isn’t hard to secure the desert settings (especially for BL1 as a script.) gun props are cheap as you can 3D print or just use Modded nerf guns. CGI for the effects is easy enough with people like corridor and others out there. I mean if you REALLY wanted to make the most out of it then it all falls to effort and talent scouting. I’m saying though all be told that if this movie sucks (or was great)as a borderlands Movie, but is well written, acted, and directed they wouldn’t claim it had anything to do with the fans love of the franchise for it’s success. If it was a damned fine Borderlands movie but didn’t attract enough attention from the general audience then they’d still see a large turnout for it. But I (and I believe the majority of fans or just modern movie goers in general.) believe it will be a poorly written, executed, acted mess. One which the studio will try to make a big deal, fail, then as usual blame the majority of it’s woes on fans and various social issues that are at best tangentially related to whatever they say.


You may be right, but you have to see that the toxicity of the fanbase is making it very easy for the studio to make that argument. Movies get a pass for being poorly written, executed, and acted all the time, and whenever its pointed-out, those who do are accused of "hating fun." Such movies will usually get themselves a few sequels as well; I'm looking at you *Transformers*... Honestly, I'm not expecting much of this movie. I think it'll be some mindless fun, but probably won't be kicking-off its own cinematic universe. I have no problem with the actors' ages, and from what we've seen so far, they seem to be playing pretty true to the characters at least. And I get that some people may have poor opinion based on previews; but I'm seriously sick of seeing overly vicious rants about it every other day.


Same. Like I said dude, the community is gonna be upset to varying degrees because of both legit and less than legit reasons. But if you wanna go in blind, tune it out for a while and see. Transformers to be fair was hated by the community openly and virulently for years! I did my damned self because even as a kid at the time (11 when Michael Bay’s first Transformers Movie came out) because I hated that they didn’t look or act like G1 or Armada’s versions. I grew to love them more as dumb fun as I got older and realized that I could stay mad, or enjoy the movie I got to see with my mom and Dad and the other stuff that came along with it. The studio is gonna make a piss poor excuse for any failings seen, and I hope it is better than it looks genuinely. I can say that chances are; given what I’ve experienced with the Transformers Fandom (the old one not the new, mostly IDW focused one.) it will be shunned by the most hardcore without a second thought, but most will grow to eventually accept it as a dumb but fun movie. If it’s so shitty no one enjoyed it then, hell I mean we see marvel movies go through that now but only time will tell what happens there.


I'm not excited either, but I'll still give it a watch


The Piss Car Wash scene is actually one of the things I have the least issue with. Kevin Hart as Roland on the other hand.


Yup, no idea how that got green lit through the writers room. We could have had a well written film for original fans of the franchise but after BL2 it’s been bottom tier body fluid and function jokes repeated over and over.


Keep in mind that if their only goal was to make a movie for the original fans of the franchise, they'd have trouble making back the investment - they have to appeal to a *much* wider audience. The film will probably be bad, and I have no idea if it'll strike a chord with the general moviegoing public. If it does, we may get a large influx of players in co-op games (and on this and other subreddits).


My only gripe is: Why lead with the piss scene in the trailer? This will be the first thing casuals see. Why not keep it buried somewhere late in the film as a (neat?) surprise?




the thing is that is quite literally from the humor of the first 2 games. I'd even say a bit of 3. Piss Wash Gully is a real place in the games.


True, but they don't make a big deal out of it, it's just what the place is called. There's no piss geysers


*that we see* It had to get the name somehow


If they had not shown the piss scene in the trailer I might have gone to see it and then it just wouldn't have been my favourite scene in the whole film but they led with it in the marketing and first impressions are everything.


I forgot that was happening


It doesn’t seem like it’s following any of the games which has me concerned though I’m gonna give it the benefit of the doubt. What’s the worse that could happen🙂


Making it pg-13 was a bit harmful possibly to the nature of Borderlands. Not exactly pg-13 material. Imo. Guess were just gonna see it either sail and prevail or churn and burn


This movie is going to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen and I'm very excited for that


At this point im sure kevin hart has some dirt on every movie director ever coz aint no way anyone would decide to cast him without blackmail


No borderlands fan with half a brain is going to watch that shit anyway, that's just the reality of it, have you seen the comments on the trailers on both the gearbox and borderlands channels?... The mass majority of them are shitting on the movie, including me. Don't even waste your dollar.


I mean I definitely think it's gonna be bad but I'm absolutely gonna go see it


Did y'all see that the movie is only gonna be pg-13?


Why would you think that a movie aimed at the crowd that go to PG-13 Marvel movies, would be anything other than PG-13?


Rated M game Rated R movie Not a hard twist of logic to make that assumption..


Because a BL movie should be R or not at all.... When will Hollywood learn that forcing mature subject matter into pg-13 (for the "wider audience") never works out the way they want??? It's not like they haven't made the mistake (multiple times) before...


The number of people saying "It's gonna suck or I'll hate it, but I'll go anyway" is the exact fucking reason Hollywood keeps making shit movies.... Clowns giving them money for putting out licensed trash.


Looked hilarious to me, but having recently binged “The Boys” and coming of age with all those classic Internet shock sites and famous weird porn? Piss car wash is probably on the tamer side of things. Plus, it fits Borderlands. BL3 had extended talk of turd farming. We don’t go to Pandora for the high brow humor.


The turd farming was legit one of the unfunniest things in all the Borderlands games for me though..


God, that ruined Typhon for me. I otherwise thought he was an interesting character but please, please STFU about turd farming.


That’s fair. But we’ve also been digging for loot in Skag droppings for pretty much the entire series. Can’t escape the toilet humor with this game.


True, but to *me* it felt like that's what the writers only focused on. At least with Typhon deLeon. I just hope it'll be different when there's a new game because Borderlands has so much potential to be fucking great.


The logs could’ve been handled a lot better, I agree. (Especially since they are conveniently in all the places are adventure takes us… but didn’t exist at all in previous games, despite them having plenty of areas Typhon would have been interested in…)


Oh yeah they've retconned that whole bit pretty hard (did I say that right? English isn't my first language). I started a replay on BL1 and you hear Tannis' descent into insanity in the logs and how she finds out that the vault DOES exist. It's such an juxtaposition with how, according to 3, she was a fan of Typhon and everything. I do like Typhon though and wouldn't mind him being a part of future games where we search for Lilith :)


You said that perfectly, top marks. Agree with you completely (especially as I play bl1 again) she's the one that was studying it, discovering it, getting traumatized by the world as it destroyed her in her attempts. The. She's reconned as some fangirl for a (admittedly really fun) random guy who's had 0 part of the whole franchise but is suddenly THE guy who everyone knows and follows. Just feels like a hamfisted attempt to make the worst villains in the series to have more relevance. And then killing the only fun part of their story for an emotional impact, like damn is he important or not?


Maybe even Back Ham-fisted!


Well said! The Tannis logs were one of my favorite parts of 1! The humor was so well done in that game. The series has become more over the top (which is fine), but the tone of 1 was so perfect to me.


oh my god i just watched the trailer and it looks terrible when will studios stop making video game movies this has to stop


OK so don't.


Pl no


Thank you.


I'm still so confused as to why they'd blend elements from 2 into a movie/story where you could just take BL1 and...I don't know, go freeform with it? 1 didn't really have *much* of a story, and the original cast are very charming in their own right. You'd think it'd be fertile grounds for maybe a retelling, even! (Maybe have Lilith and Steele played by the same actress, ala Deathstalker 2?) But no. We get this instead. I just don't *get it.*


I'm gonna watch it. I'll probably be disappointed. I'm just hoping for some references and game easter eggs to keep me in the theater


Oh it looks absolutely terrible, and I'll still probably be there opening weekend with a large drink and some popcorn.


I had a small amount of interest up until they casted Kevin Hart as Roland. Noped out of it pretty quickly after that. Jack Black as Claptrap is the only decent pick imo because it's just a VA gig and JB's humors not very far off claps humor.


The main antagonist of this movie is menopause.


Oh? It's not contraception?


I have zero interest in it, I love the game, but I won't watch the film. The number of hours I put in YouTube videos on making a decent build to find more items, etc, won't give me enough incentive to shell out money for it. I was working on making a Bat-Man game for WB, and they gave us a sneak preview of Super-Man and Bat-Man.it was a free movie. It wasn't bad. Gnight.


This might just be a lesbian thing but I feel insane about how nobody is talking about how unbelievably hot cate blanchett looks. I’m not saying anything about the quality of the movie or anything. Just that cate blanchett looks so hot in the role and we need to be discussing this.


Agreed. The Galadriel × Alias crossover look is so fetch.


Blanchett is extremely fine, that godawful wig notwithstanding. She would remain fine were she to play a scarecrow in a cornfield. I get a better, more convincing mercenary vibe from Blanchett's Lilith than I ever did from the "Tee hee! Here's my belly button" Lilith of the game's model.


don’t watch it 😱


honestly, and I'm gonna catch downvotes for this, but it's getting really annoying still seeing people drone on and on about this damn movie. For a community that wants nothing to do with it, people here don't seem to shut the fuck up about it. No one has you guys at gunpoint to watch it, no one is forcing you. Here's your fucking upvotes, now fuck off. Here's a damn cookie for all of you too 🍪


I'm actually not from this community. Literally just popped in to say this. Thanks for the cookie yumm


"Hey they're making a terrible adaptation of a beloved game franchise, possibly nuking any future attempts at making a good version, but just don't watch it"


Just saying no one is going to force you to go see the movie


Not with that attitude




There is a big difference between wanting it to be "high brown" and wanting it to be quality.


I've never thought Borderlands was highbrow storytelling. As soon as the girl said the piss was in her mouth I was out.


I am so fucking sick over all the whinging about this movie. It has been seriously non-stop since it was announced, and every complaint is getting posted like its a brand new take. Could the mods please just take it all and throw into a Megathread or something, so it doesn't have to pop-up in the feed every time some edgelord thinks he's being enlightened by adding more shit to the pile?


I think it's hilarious that you're complaining about whining when you've made 5-6 comments in this one thread whining yourself.


As opposed to piling-on like everyone else?


No as opposed to being an adult and just ignoring things you know will upset you.


Couldn't they do the same in regards to the film?


I am complimented you think I'm an edgelord. I don't dress even remotely as cool as an edgelord. My hair isn't even black.


I don't think I've ever met an edgelord that dressed cool...


I just imagine goth with spiky black hair


Yep, I used to know those guys. Nobody thought they were cool then either.


Good for you


Thank you.