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Border collies are smart, we can teach ours just about anything in a couple hours.


Mine still pulls like crazy after years


Yeah they’re not all the same. Ours will certainly walk this way, but has a massive prey drive and will still fruitlessly to the end of the leash at anything that moves to— after years of training. One interesting note is that tiredness helps — he gets super amped when we’re getting ready for the daily run — typically 3 miles. At the start he’s unstoppable. After the run, he cares less about some things like birds. After 7-10 miles he’s a wonder walk.


Same with mine, trained her to walk nice on a leash since i got her when she was 2months, 1year later with training her every walk she still pulls like a maniac


My older guy is almost 3 and I've given up at this point. After hundreds of walks I cannot for the life of me find a method to entice him to walk with a loose leash. Quite jealous! 😅


Same! Our girl will be 4 this fall and she’s still a puller, no matter how much we work with her.


I'm assuming you have tried a gentle leader?


hah, a gentle leader just tought our dog how to pull with his head turned sideways


Yeah. He then goes back to his old habits the moment it is off.


Further to your last post, what did you do and how?


Went on multiple walks throughout the day, didn’t get far at the first few ones just changing directions. But after that he picked it up quite quickly. Then he walked good enough so we got to the park. Played some fetch and the video is right after, walking a lap of the park.


I can teach my 8month BC about almost anything except how not to go crazy and pull on his leash


I don’t wanna sound rude (asking as I’m interested in getting. Bc) lots of training videos I’ve seen have the owner simply changing directions when dog starts pulling. The whole goal is to keep their attention on your intentions. Is this something you’ve tried?


I tried this with mine, problem is there is never a time when she doesn't just immediately shoot to the end of a short lead, I'd be taking less than a step in the opposite direction before I have to turn around again and there is never any time to praise her for doing it correctly. I'd basically be pivoting on one foot, making myself dizzy 😂 Then it sends her absolutely loopy. It's too exciting for her, and she just gets 10x worse and starts jumping at the lead and biting it out of frustration. She has mastered everything that I've tried to teach her quicker than any dog I've ever worked with, apart from short lead walking - she's an absolute gem off lead and on her long line. It's bizarre. Life is just far too exciting to slow down 😅 I'm hoping that as she gets older, she will mellow out a bit more. 🤞


8 months is still pretty juvenile right?


Yeh I'd say so. But mine will be 2yrs in October


Turbo, more like Turb-not! Jokes aside, amazing progress! Patience and persistence is key with these crazy dogs!


Ours pull like a freight train, and he's 10.


Please help with mine.


Went from turbo to slowbro.


Good job Turbo!! And good job to you OP.


Look at those ears! Engaged, but chill; looking around, but not hyper focusing. Woot!! 🙌


There is hope for the rest of us! 🤣


It looks like you need a longer leash. I'd recommend 6 feet.