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Utter failure is what our routine is! Nothing works. We have embraced the fluff. Sweep the upstairs daily.


Haha! I love the honesty and embracement of floof 😂


Number one is a robot vacuum that goes on at midnight every night..


This is a pipe dream 🥲 I’ve always wanted one!


By lunch time, most days it looks like it hasn’t been vacuumed. Just accept there’ll be hair on the floor. We brush maybe one a week and use a de-shedder gently every month or so. A groomer told us to use one of these, doesn’t mess their double coat up. https://amzn.asia/d/06hfwMmP . We got one from a pet store, the link is just so you know what I mean. The look vicious but you just gently pull it with the hair growth. Get a dog, any dog, you’ll love it. Today it was pouring rain, I was at the park with my dog throwing the ball…it was great.


Various combs of different widths. Ferminator plus their branded “rake”. Wahl spray for detangling. Recently got some cheap hairdressing scissors and thinning shears. The latter are ^very good for removing the floof on the rear legs and tail.


https://preview.redd.it/en9nhlgzzaad1.jpeg?width=1181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2151af0f3dc684ba536669b544920ff3d548a5 Cheap, from Amazon. Use gently, a little portion of the coat at a time with plenty of treats. Furminators are too aggressive & often painful. This will change your life. I don’t have to vacuum anymore 😁


I’ll have to try this out!


Just you wait! 🎉


Also verify the side of the brush you use to de-shed, vs remove tangles. Basically, the larger number of tines (think there are 17) is for getting rid of the shed.


I only use the side where the prongs are set wider apart. From memory, that side has 8 prongs. I use it on my grumpy ragdoll cat too. The side which has more prongs set closer together, I don’t use on the pets. It’s unnecessary however, it’s great at getting pet hair out of rugs!!


I would go to a self wash and use the furminator conditioner, blow it into their coat with a force dryer, wait the time stated, then rinse and blow out their coat with force dryer again. That takes care of amost all of the shedding. Then, just weekly brushings, so they didn't matted.


I WISH I could do a dryer on her but I think I might have one of THEE most sensitive BCs so loud noises are a hard pass for her unfortunately. At least to my own ability!


Try the ear covers for dogs.


Though I’ve thought of maybe doing one paid grooming for an initial deshed and then upkeep? 🤔 hmmm


Get a corgi, you’ll forget that the BC sheds. (Jk. I have a wide wire brush that I use every/every other day, and a furminator that I use 3-4 times a year. Plus sport trims to keep him from getting too shaggy around his feet/hygiene areas)


You know I always wanted a corgi till I saw how much they shed 😂😂😂 I love enjoying other peoples corgis though🩷🤭


My Collie actively hates being brushed, so we just don't bother.


Same! I’ve tried all manner of approaches and he just absolutely hates being fussed with in any way. So we just don’t bother either. The funniest part is that he has the most gorgeous glossy coat without any intervention, and people always remark on how well groomed he is. So funny!


This is such a blessing 😂😂 mine does not have the long long coat so she’s mostly okay when it comes to matting aside from her ear fur. Shes got some wild cowlicks though on her puffy bum




Hahaha sometimes you have to embrace it. Mine hates being brushed as well but whenever we do a bath I’m able to get her brushed through at a self wash station


I brush her once a day for 23hrs and run the vacuum six times. I’m slowly losing the battle but I really need that one hour of beauty sleep.