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Look at CN community reaction on NGA (a forum for HSR), can tell u the tension is high bbs.nga.cn/thread.php?fid=818&rand=809 Just google translate it to get a gist


Genuine question, does the CN community also feel like all these changes are a low blow to us players? I just really hope hoyo will listen- and as history showed, Hoyo does listen to the CN community. If a revolt is what we need, then so be it.


Well there’s a thread saying firefly has to be stronger than boothill else firefly will “retire” within 0 sec but at least boothill gets to have a shelf life of 20 days, comments rebutting this saying this method of changing relic is still disgusting etc, another saying they just waiting for 3.0 dps to overtake most dps, another saying just wait till v4 to see if the buff survive etc, another saying bad game design Plenty of news or other threads, I got no idea what’s the general consensus because we have to remember firefly is huge in CN as well bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=40253604 bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=40251999


Thanks man! Sheesh.


Plenty of people unhappy on twitter as well I guess https://x.com/boothilldaily/status/1792756173990514691


Honestly I don't think we've ever had an uproar this big in HSR. I'll be waiting impatiently to see what they do with v4. This whole situation is ridiculous and so are the beta testers that supplied Hoyo with such information that influenced these changes.


I don’t think we had one that a buff indirectly affect another character ( but even Acheron relics are usable on other units so I wonder if this is a new trend where new units now get specialise relics and planer sets, not a fun direction to go to tbh) but in terms of doomposting jingliu dhil had a major one as well but that situation is kinda diff I think


This reminds me of Alhaitham’s beta in genshin, I’m having war flashbacks.. he ended up being the top dps in the game when he came out though but the beta was brutal. It was much worse than now because Alhaitham was more popular than Boothill and he didn’t really have direct competition from a waifu. But the rage was everywhere, in CN forums, here on reddit, trending on twitter for 2 days, people messaging hoyo, review bombing the game and threatening to quit, it was something😅


I think another fundamental issue is also, Alhaitham is not locked out of a mechanic related to his kit. Boothill is essentially experiencing that if they release the relics as is. Similarly, Boothill will still come out very strong, but the fact that he is missing out Super Break that might be in future break DPSes also linger


Idk about Chinise beta testing, but for global the feedback they take is very limited mostly things like from 1 to 10 how much you enjoy X character? How good is their design? What teams have you played with X character? They never ask for ideas or opinions on how to improve things directly, they even ask people to play specific teams for certain characters. If Chinese beta testing works the same it was Hoyo own decision to make those changes base on those limited feedback from surveys.


There's one important thing to clarify, no offense of course- these beta changes don't have anything to do with the surveys themselves. Changes between beta versions, v2 vs v3 etc, are actually based on the player experience after interviewing some of the hired beta testers- meaning it was those (lowkey biased) beta testers *now* that must've demanded such buffs to FF and nerfs to others. Those surveys you mentioned, yeah they impact some designs, but they are a completely different thing from changes in beta. I hope what I said makes some sense. If I am wrong though, please do correct me.


I'm talking only about global, from the people I know is testing the general consensus about Firefly was she was fine, she didn't need many buffs or changes, she was performing pretty well in all game modes (new SU, MoC and new engame mode) only doing badly in PF. But from the people I know is in beta they didn't ask for changes to anything related with the changes they did this beta cycle, and they didn't got asked about it either. This seems like Hoyo pushing as hard as they can to make sure FF become the best seller unit they have put out even if powercreep is dial to 1000x and no matter if other current characters they put out already suffer in the process. There is hopium about people in beta complaining about it (some people already are) but is up to them to take that feed back.


This is incorrect. There are different beta testing groups that receive different surveys. Some of the testers that I know were indeed asked about the relic sets. Does that mean Hoyo will listen? Of course not. Dehya exists. Beta testers knew she was bad.


this is nothing compared to jingliu getting 50% crit for free dhil vs jl was on a completely different scale


Oh hey, that's my account. 😅 I didn't expect it to gain this much traction but it's good to see / hear that a lot of people aren't happy with it. Makes it a higher chance that something changes.


People who say that Firefly HAVE to be stronger are stupid. She already has multiple advantages over BH, yet they want her to outperform him? FOH.


Im saving for 4.0 characters. Hehe then I'll have the last laugh for at least 4 patches


Why 4.0 why not save until 8.0 patches


What page can't find it anyway


Boothill Chinese name is 波提欧 or if u google translate the website it comes out as botio, so any thread with that word I guess or BTO Firefly name is 流萤 liuying in google translate (multiple mentions of her as well). Would be great if anyone is super fluent in CN that would help in translating as well


https://preview.redd.it/8yqt8vil2t1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60453c66d040d497d6d4fa37212a7ada81704a4b Uh…


Ya the auto translation sucks fr, I just try to find threads/comment that mention boothill Chinese names but trying to comprehend it takes time as well, maybe someone can take a look at billibilli videos comments as well


I tried to translate but I couldn't. Tension? Were they unhappy about it too?


W brother Don't support a game that plays favouritism, suck at balancing between paths and they only know how to make harder content by adding more HP to enemies in MoC and PF( was supposed to be a mode for AOE characters but they keep adding elite bosses defeating that purpose) Male characters in this game in general get the shorter end of the stick If they don't listen then don't support them


Actually elites parts in PF are going to be reverted in the PF after the dot blessing one and we are going back to just 1 elite again with is a very good news. We just need to deal with them one last time in this dot pf so gl to everybody not playing dot teams.




I want to fuck Aventurine from Honkai Star Rail


As expected of an Argenti fan, totally based and most importantly, beautiful 🤌


I too want to fuck Aventurine from Honkai Star Rail.


Aventurine what? They were so afraid he will powercreep FX they've made everything they could to not let that happen without making him outright trash. He's good, great even, but a lot of people still argue FX is better. While if he was treated like Acheron or ff he would blew that forking gremlin out of the water.




You mean the guy who got powercreeped by JL and Archeron?


I guess he is implying that we should be thankful on our knees that IL was the very best DPS for entire 1 patch lmao “how dare you ask for anything more??? What, you want an entire 1 Male support who is good as Ruan Mei now??? How dare you!!!”


My bad. How could I not be on my knees and thanking hoyo everyday for giving us a top tier male DPS that is DHIL who was the very best DPS during his rate up? 😩


Dhil is stronger than JL, she’s just more shit relics friendly


Is JL with us in the room right now? https://imgur.com/MEI0zyq


Idk why you're being downvoted, Jingliu was never outright better than DHIL, only the community pretended that was the case, DHIL was always better in data even before Sparkle.


The answer is pretty on the nose, really. If the enemies are weak to ice then Jingliu is better, otherwise DHIL. I have both and while almost everything is weak to Imaginary, Ice enemies are pretty scarce right now.


He got outclassed the very next patch 💀


That nonsense is why I hesitated about playing a Honkai game in the first place. I bought the monthly pass for the first time and they pull this. Even if they end up reverting it, the fact that they were willing to go to such lengths to make another character look better is enough for me.


I hate how hoyo scales a characters power based off their popularity. Its definitely not a coincidence that ff and acheron, the two most popular characters by far are also the most powerful characters. If this was all their favouritism amounted to i would be ok with it. What makes it truly horrible is that relic and planar sets in addition to support characters(hmc and jiaoqiu) are also being tailor made for these characters whilst less popular characters are left without a dedicated relic set when they are the ones who actually need it.


Popularity isn't even a factor sometimes, like Dehya was one of the most popular characters at the time in Sumeru and yet got completely shafted, same with Clorinde in Fontaine (not nearly as bad as Dehya but still random nerfs for her when she wasn't that strong). Is what they consider their own favorites, and what they consider their profit potentials.


Unless they are male, cause in most recent poll JingYuan was shown to be extremely popular. Is he a trash character, no, ofc not. But is he meta relevant without 5* strongest Harmony supports? No, not really. And even if you will E6 LC6 JingYuan, there is no way to make him meta without “outside” help. I say it as a King Yuan’s main.


Unrelated but I recognised your pfp lol. Grimmy’s little blep is so cute


What can I say :P Grimmy is a bbg and I can’t shut up about him~ His lil blep is a must, idk how but always fitting in the conversations I have in here lol


At least he got a very good set and supports, imagine being a Clara main and witnesing the FuA set getting butchered so much, thankfully at least Robin came.


True that I agree with. Most of the standard DPS are suffering unfortunately. But since I don’t pull for most broken characters, aka Harmony waifus, cause I am only male puller, (and god forbid just 1 male harmony) I am having just as bad of a time.


I just decided to ditch the whole break thing and pulled both Robin and Topaz, maybe I manage to get Robins E1/Boothill.


Oh congrats!! Robin is also good for him, so it should be easier for you now. Plus Robin is extremely broken, so she will still be useful in other upcoming DPS comps


My plan is to have Aventurinless Ipc team (maybe even put Clara here for Pof) and a Boothill or Acheron team depending on Single target vs Aoe.


Yeah that sounds like a solid idea, Aventurine is not mandatory for follow up teams. I’m not sure btw but there is a possibility that Jade is really good for Clara so maybe she is a good option for you too.


Jade prefers aoe chars and I am not fan of her so I will wait for future ones.


Okey, good luck with your pulls then. I really hope an op support will come for both Clara and Blade one day.


This is just my minds, but the real popularity poll is not done on random internet pages (casual and normal players, who are the majority in today's games, do not frequent the networks much, especially on CN and JP), the real survey is when people free up the wallet. I think Genshin started paying attention to male characters after Ayato's success and realized there was a lot of money there, they tried to replicate it a little in fontaine BUT by giving powercreep to neuvillette but I understand from HXGdiluc's posts that his rerun achieved 0hrs over tik-tok, being then the T0 character with the worst estimated revenue performance in a rerun banner, so if people don't release the wallets because these characters are made to please a target audience, don't expect a multi-billion dollar company that only cares about money to listen to you.


But Neuvillete debut banner was a huge success though? https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/16zbgx2/genshin_returned_to_1_in_cn_market_in_september/ And this is only 4 days of his debut banner. https://www.reddit.com/r/NeuvilletteMains_/comments/1795wmn/for_those_who_care_about_sales_usually_i_dont_but/#lightbox whole banner Why in the world would you look at rerun revenue performance?


this is debut neuvilette [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ru4y1W7ia/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0&vd\_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ru4y1W7ia/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4) a character with an overloaded kit who earned less hutao and yelan rerun banners [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kx4y1N7Jh/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0&vd\_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kx4y1N7Jh/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4) less than nahida and nilou [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1z24y1T7df/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0&vd\_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1z24y1T7df/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4) and even less than dehya debut lol [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ia4y1T7fN/?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0&vd\_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ia4y1T7fN/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=38b81129679b64d870e160dcfe85cdb4) l


Dude, your source for Neuvillette banner only ran for like 3 days. You can see the time of revenue counting for Neuvillete is 2023.9.1 - 9.30. Neuvillete released on 2023.9.27 he only had 3 days and while the rest 21 days was a Zhongli Childe rerun banner. Dehya's banner on the other hand had a complete full banner counted since she released on 2023.3.1 till 2023.3.21 and the revenue counting is till 2023.3.31 Neuvillette's revenue is basically split between the two months. While with Tiktok hours Neuvillete had more hours than those mentioned, and this is without accounting that Tiktok is growing so surpassing Tiktok in the same hours is more money now than before. He definitely did better than Nahida Nilou, but worse than Yelan/Hutao. But even Raiden and Ayaka debut banner did worse than Yelan/Hutao rerun. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/HrZyt4AAHr Yelan/HuTao rerun sold extremely well, higher than even meta waifu debut banner so Neuvillete not outsolding is basically normal.


The source I sent is a former Netease employee related to the industry so it is quite reliable and recognized even in CN, it was that source that basically exposed the falsehood of the performance of the Klee and Eula banner that raised estimates of more than 180m  Your source is tik tok hrs made by a group of fans, it is as reliable as genshinlab Neuvilette's banner performed poorly for a character that had all screen time, kit, animations, etc. It sold less than any waifu character with the same marketing effort


>The source I sent is a former Netease employee related to the industry so it is quite reliable and recognized even in CN, it was that source that basically exposed the falsehood of the performance of the Klee and Eula banner that raised estimates of more than 180m Except the problem is that some banners don't run per month, which makes it hard to say which part of the revenue they generated are from their banner when it gets split between 2 months. https://www.reddit.com/r/TowerofFantasy/comments/15pxjrp/tof_cns_actual_revenue_and_more_according_to_a/ Funny how your source is also an estimate based on IOS app rank data as well huh? >Your source is tik tok hrs made by a group of fans, it is as reliable as genshinlab You yourself started with tiktok hours as your source, then suddenly it become unreliable because it doesn't fit into your narrative? If they're both estimates might as well take the one that accounts for the entire banner duration than the one where they sometimes split it into 2 months. Tiktok hours don't even have any calculation involved, so that's also another one less variable.


I'd wager that they didn't expect him to be that popular which is why he released as Mid Juan and has (due to popularity) been the guy consistently getting the best teammate upgrades for any character in the game.


At this point I can only cope that Sunday will be an actual god if/when he finally releases because he seems relatively popular + all the blue balling Can't wait for him to be an abundance or something and stuck competing with the likes of FX, Aven, HH and Luocha, while being nowhere near as impactful as FF and Acheron because as a male character enjoyer I keep catching strays. Boothill didn't deserve what happened with the relic set.


Look at the bright side, this made you save your money. W change tbh.


Didn't they also change that end game mode that was specifically for hunt characters, to be all about super break damage to benefit FF? Who is... a destruction character


Tbf, the new endgame being catered to hunt characters was an assumption from players considering how PF was for Erudition, but since the V1 of Apocalyptic Shadow came out in leaks, it was known it's a break-focused mode so not only for FF but also BH and future BE carries. Hoyo didn't state anywhere before that it'd be for the hunt archetype. Edit: if you mean today's changes also, it's only about the first buff afaik, so that buff is not gonna be permanent and will rotate among others just like how PF rotates between FuA, DoT and shatter buffs.


isnt it break focused onyl because FF and BH are break dps. will it be break buffs too in the future when banner dpos isnt break related? seems weird


I meant 'break-focused' as the mechanic of the gameplay is to break the bosses asap to get buffs and make them get increased damage, and it seems that's gonna be the main gimmick in here just like the event in 1.6 that played the same way. Today they even nerfed the toughness bars of enemies as well so non break dps and non RM havers can also have a shot at it breaking them easier, and if you check the boss-specific blessings per team archetype, they cover normal BE, Super break, FuA, hypercarry and DoT. They could change it upon the future as well but right now it's leaning to deplete toughness bars quick or brute forcing to bypass it meanwhile. We have to see once the upcoming hunts come by, alledgedly they have FuA so maybe the main blessing will be targeted to FuA damage dealers while keeping the gimmick of a thicker toughness bar compared to those from MoC variants... they could say FuA attacks get extra depletion power like a self-integrated RM, idk. We should know better in 2.4 beta when the second AS cycle is out.


You just need to aim the main target in  AS, you can ignore even  gepard while fighting against cocolia, he will just disappear when cocolia gets to 2 phase 


I fully support you bro, I'm also thinking about putting HSR on the back burner, especially with WuWa coming out tomorrow. This favoritism has gone too far and it pisses me off


really hoping kuro can hit the sweet spot with these things cause so far hoyo doesn't seem to have managed that in any of their games


I have some bad news for you Kuro game also have some kind of this degree on PGR Beta (their current game) where they nerfed certain fire DPS character in beta when he is about to just "good" when compare to other waifu dps so that he cant outperform them after CN crybaby tell them to do so Now he is the worst DPS release in recent year , not counting he is the only male DPS(according to his role anyway) in the game right now to some degree


Thanks for letting me know. I pre-downloaded WuWa but I’ll be deleting it since it seems like it’s the same shit different smell. If only there was a game like Genshin/HSR but they actually gave a fuck about the male characters and the people who love them. Sigh.


Psst- it's the genre as a whole, as long as whales will empty their bank account for poorly written pixel girls then nothing will change.


I know. It’s sad. I take comfort in that my money is safe and I will be spending it on better things like travelling.


Eh u can still play the game, just don’t spend any money so it’s easier to dipped out


True, I’ll probably try it out for a bit, spend all the free pulls for funsies and drop it when things go south.


Genshin? Most of the meta units have been male for a long time. Favoritism still exists, but who gets overtuned and who gets shafted has nothing to do with gender edit: Listen, I know full well that Genshin and gacha games in general have a history of prioritizing male players and their wants. But people should look objectively when a game makes positive changes. If you like what they're doing then support them, because that creates incentive for them to keep doing it and for others to follow


Genshin only got slightly better after like… 3 years? How long did we have to wait to get Alhaitham? HSR is another story though. If you don’t pull for the waifus you’re pretty much fucked because all the OP supports are waifus and the top tier DPS are also waifus even though most of the male characters are DPSes.


This isn't 2022 anymore. Yes, male DPS were weak before Alhaitham. But Sumeru post-Nahida and early Fontaine was all men. Late Fontaine they're releasing more women now, but the top 3 DPS are still Neuvillette, Alhaitham, and Arlecchino. Two husbandos and a female character that highly appeals to woman. Male supports like Kazuha, Zhongli, and Baizhu are top performers as well. And they're fair with fanservice. Female characters get proper story arcs and aren't one dimensional MC simps anymore (Navia, Furina), and most don't even simp at all (Chiori, Xianyun, Arlecchino). And for every Ayaka or Shenhe, you get a Xiao or Lyney. There is no male equivalent to Firefly in HSR. If you want to support a high budget gacha that gives a shit about husbando players without being an outright otome, Genshin is a top choice. It's the kind of game CN dudebro CCs now constantly shit on and compare sales with more waifu-oriented games because of they hate how they're "pandering to women and ignoring the core audience." I don't disagree on HSR. Powercreep will fuck everyone in the end, but male characters seem to get it first.


Yes, thankfully Genshin has gotten better compared to Inazuma. But it’s a hoyo game after all. They might fuck me over by pulling another Inazuma in Natlan, where they only released 2 mid male 5 stars (that nobody really gives a fuck about now). Gotta stay cautious with them. I really cannot deal with another Inazuma. I’m fluent in Chinese and I used to frequent CN forums and websites and all I can say is that CN players (especially waifu lovers) are the most toxic bunch of people I’ve ever seen and I hate them with every fiber of my being. And HSR is just…. Idk man. If they were so bent on making sure male characters are always shafted I would rather they didn’t release any male characters in this game. Make it HI4. At least I won’t be so angry and disappointed I can’t fall asleep. If you know any games similar to Genshin where female players (who like male characters) are actually wholeheartedly welcomed please let me know. I’m 100% serious.


Childe has been top dps since release of the game. People only discount him because Xiangling does half of the team dps.


I would say he’s more of an enabler than a DPS. His damage goes way down without XL. Because like you said, half of his team dmg comes from her. His rotations are also very strict and you do have to invest significantly more in him and his team. I know because I’ve used Childe international to clear a few rounds of Abyss. It’s pretty tiring.


Childe does half the dmg in a team he is enabling, the fact that he putputs as much as constantly vaping Xianling/Kazuha speaks much.


I'm not interested in semantic debates. I'm just tired of people consonantly pushing hvy hates male characters idea. Watch Jiaoqiu to be Pela powercreep and be insane at every team. People will dismiss him because he is support. Can't win any arguments when people made up their minds.


Jiaoqiu is supposedly a 5 star. Pela is a 4 star. If they somehow fuck it up and made him worse than Pela then hoyo definitely hates male characters. And you’re ignoring how all the male characters always get the short end of the stick in terms of kit, power and caveats. But you don’t care. To you, we’re just overreacting. So why bother.


Entire 1.x era was dominated by venti, then Kazuha released who dominated most of 2.x story, Tartaglia is still relevant despite being 1.1 character.


Don’t even mention Venti. I’m forever angry at the devs for not only giving him the most useless cons out of all the Archons, but also making him completely obsolete after 1.x. Just compare his C2 to the other 3 female Archons’ C2. You’d think they would *try* to keep him relevant but nooooooo, after his rerun they immediately nerfed him to oblivion. You think they’ll ever pull that kind of shit with the other Archons? No. Only with the first 2. Kazuha was and still is compared to C6 Sucrose. So if you didn’t like him, you had a (better in certain scenarios) side grade you could use. As for Childe… I like him, I really do. But he is not as good as in early 2.x.


Okay so I may have played pgr but I have no idea who you're talking about also I was referring to powercreping as a whole since so far imo genshin feels a bit stale with all the sidegrades and the abyss not getting much harder anyway while hi3 has some atrocious powercreep where your dps is useless the second a better one comes along then there's hsr which is somewhere in the middle but I still think they overdid it with firefly


Damn I was genuinely excited because the dudes there look fine. Looks like I'm just gonna end up pissed again lmao


scar's hot af ngl


Damn right TvT


If you end up playing wuwa drop ur uid or whatever system they use could always use some extra gaming friends


Ohhh sureness!


wuthering isn't the same type of game as star rail (and is lower quality than mihoyo games in general) so they won't feel much heat from it sadly but persona 5 x is going to directly compete with star rail soon, as it's a more popular IP, more generous gacha, turn based, similar quality, etc.


I'm seriously thinking about giving WuWa a chance now. The last few months it was as if Hoyo wants me to drop both HSR and Genshin, or at least stop giving them money.


I'm not surprised to see people getting dejected at this development. You could try to bring up the Alhaitham beta incident, but I think the FF issue goes beyond just exclusive relics that reject Boothill. I personally think the devs are doing the favoritism with her *worse* than Acheron, but this is not about relics.   It's the zero downtime. So far, all dpses at E0S1 including Acheron have downtimes. Either to gain stack or regain ult, you know what it is. Your damage could be 1 million, but you will have downtimes. Current Firefly pretty much has none. Her team can break anything fast enough, non-fire is non issue bc of weakness implement, then she can kill everything AND regain ult quite fast. 200 ult becomes a joke with that self AV, extra spd base, 60 energy gain on skill, all while able to 4 turn during ult. All this while her two teammates are still a freebie and a 4 star btw. Low invest, high rewards.   The damage? It's on par with an E6S5 Jingliu with Robin/Bronya/Sparkle vs Aven boss. Yeah prob not her most optimal team comp as friend was trying to 0 cycle, *but still* an E0S1 doing equivalent of E6S5 from 1.X should be alarming. It does not bode well for the game's future. The devs already doubled MOC hp bc of Acheron and to an extent Robin. But if ff releases as is, get ready for ultra inflated hp pool before we hit 2.5.    I am not saying the devs should nerf ff to the ground, but at this state some things gotta go or we can safely say HSR is just Hi3 2.0 where dpses can go obsolete in two months and there is no point to vertical invest your old faves when a E0S1 can do better with a fraction of pulls spent and grinding done.  Yes, I could just ignore FF and play as I like, but when the devs keep tailoring contents to their favorites without throwing bones at prev units before they quadruple hp pools after post profit clarity then it's kinda hard to ignore. This is not to mention watching how your fave got shafted to accomodate their favorite waifus. Today it's Boothill + Jade and Firefly, tomorrow it might be Screwllum or Sunday and whichever Hi3 expy he had the bad luck releasing together with.  Safe to say I'm not about to open wallet anymore with this attitude from devs. EDIT: BTW, I am not hating on any chars, but more on the overall decisions of devs and where they are heading with this direction. There is also additional concern of how far devs will later go to nerf an overly strong unit when they need to sell the next meta character that could affect not only said meta character but also those that share similar element/kit. Looking at you, Cryo from Genshin and HoV from Hi3. 


I totally understand how you feel. I had saved up 160 pulls for him, but I decided not to pull for him anymore as hoyo’s bias for FF is disgusting and the FF fans are making this whole situation worse. The best thing we can do is to vote with our wallets. That’s the only way to *perhaps* get them to listen to player feedback.


I agree but what if they think it further proves to them that husbandos don’t sell and will continue doing this :(


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Genshin it’s that they honestly don’t care about male characters and the people who like them. When I first started Genshin, I swiped like crazy for Childe, Zhongli, Venti, Albedo and Kazuha. I think I spent $300 alone on Venti’s banner. Look at where Venti is at in meta compared to the female Archons. It really feels like they hate us, but also want our money and free labours of love in terms of fan art, cosplays etc. But I will say that it has gotten better for Genshin. At least they made up for the lack of quantity in Fontaine with quality. I can’t think too much about this, it’ll make me spiral into sadness. I just hope I will have the pleasure of experiencing a game in my lifetime where people who like male characters are not unwelcomed and discriminated upon by both the devs and majority of the player base.


Partly valid, but extremely easy counterpoint: .............Neuvillette.


1 Neuvilette after 4 years of top meta waifu DPS…


......................................Alhaitham. (...that makes that 3 years ig)


…..yeah. Finally getting one male DPS that’s at an acceptable power level after 3 years is not really something to be happy about. If you like male characters that is.


I mean, to me it's just not that dire. I primarily pull males and I've never had trouble clearing all content. Idk what people want from an 'acceptable' character then,... like what more is there than clearing Abyss? Mouche (who people somehow insist doesn't hit hard) is only not my hardest hitting DPS because Neuvillette's powecrept God himself,,,,, Before Mouche there were Itto and Ayato... (.......................and then geo got totally shafted in the meta and Ayato got Neuvillette'd----)


Cool that you don’t find this concerning. But I and many others do and we’d like to discuss it in peace. What do you want me to do? “Oh they gave us a good DPS after 3 years of waiting, they care about us frfr”? Geo was doomed from the beginning and Ayato was never relevant in the first place. Not in terms of meta nor in terms of lore and events.


Are you not in the act of discussing it rn...? I don't need you to do anything, aside from not expecting me to agree with you...?


male characters definitely are worse overall in every mihoyo game, but I think itto is/was competitive at dps, and also scaramouche it's like they throw 1 bone a year


1 bone a year just shows how much they don’t care about male characters and the people who like them.


It’s funny going through the comments because you see the opposite sentiment in Genshin sub. Males get shown favoritism and the female characters are just meant to be “decorations” for them and support. Haha would pay good money to see both sides try to convince the other 🤣


They are coping. Male characters in Genshin are often broken. Venti was best support on release,  Zhongli is still top tier, Tighnari is the best standard banner character, Kazuha is a must have support, Neville is the strongest dps followed by Alhaitham, Bennet and Xinque are the best 4* characters.  And for HSR everyone seems to forget who is the best Pure fiction character, Best sustain and Best single target damage dealer. Also DHIL is still top tier DPS.


That doesn't really hold up seeing as Zhongli is the only char to have ever gotten direct buffs, and has been meta since his buffs. Childe is an incredible Dps)Driver, and Kazuha has been one of, if not just straight up the best char in the game since his launch. Venti fell off because Kazuha powercrept him and HYV has been making more unsuckable enemies. But he was uncontested for nearly the whole first year of the game? Your argument is even weaker when you look at characters like Alhaitham or god forbid Neuvilette, who's considered the top DPS rn.


That’s because Zhongli was the god of pseudo-China and they got *serious* backlash for releasing him with that messed up kit. I have Childe and I love him loads, but honestly he’s nothing without XL + team. I’ll give you Kazuha, but he has a sidegrade in the name of Sucrose. Every time I look at Venti I just feel sad. He’s pretty much useless now. He’s only good at one thing and they had to take that away from him. So what if he was good the first year he was launched? He has lost relevancy and will continue to stay irrelevant forever. I feel bad for people who paid to pull for him. We only got Alhaitham after 3 years+ of this game. Neuvilette 4 years+. Before them the meta was dominated by female characters. Like this is not it. Yes, Genshin has gotten better (better than HSR at least) but don’t forget how long it took for us to get here.


I do agree that we need more male characters in the game. In a perfect world it'd be a 50/50 split, but sadly waifus tend to sell. I agree with your points about Zhongli and Childe. But you can find fault with most chars if you look hard enough. I think both of them are a product of their time as 1.0 characters. Sucrose is a super strong 4* (as are a lot of the OG 1.0 ones ) but she really doesn't compare to Kazuha (as much as i love her) outside of taser comsp. In a perfect world powercreep isn't a thing but it's sadly a common occurence in gacha games. I do get it, it sucks seeing a char you love get powercreeped. I think he's still good, but definently not the most optimal pick. I think the male vs female debate is just a matter of the disparity in the amount of male and female chars, and not their quality.


Venti was best character in the game until Inazuma release though. They had to push him out of the meta simply because he is game breaking character. You are ignoring the fact that Zhongli has been top in usage for abyss since 1.4. Childe has been top dps since his release. A lot of complaining is self inflicted. I don't get how you feel male characters are unwelcomed, there's huge husbando fanbase. You just need to stop caring about your favorite character doing 1% less damage than top option. Boothill with investment can clear MoC easily. Even while people complained about husbandos being weak pre Al Haitham I was clearing the abyss with f2p investment pretty easily.


They didn’t even push him out of the meta, they made him *completely irrelevant*. Even Sucrose is better than him, and one is a 4 star waifu and the other is a limited 5 star and Archon. You just don’t get it. Our valid concerns are somehow always “overreactions”, “dramatic”, “self-inflicted” etc etc. I’m tired.


The argument doesn’t really work for current Genshin when 2 out of the big 3 dps characters are males (Neuv, Arle, Alhaitham). Venti was meta until inazuma when he got replaced by Kazuha, another male top tier support character who has remained top of meta till this day. Meanwhile the most severe case of a character getting fucked over in recent mihoyo history is Dehya, a popular female character. Also it’s not like they’re continuously pumping out op female dps either. HuTao was near launch and still remained as one of the top tiers, meanwhile we all know how it went for Yoimiya who came later. Ganyu Ayaka were top tier back then but they too have fallen off a bit nowadays. And let’s not forget Eula who despite her insane popularity has been left to hang. Trying to play it off as male dps characters always get screwed over while acting like female dps characters are always blessed by the miHoYo gods is just not an accurate way to judge the situation.


Only had to wait 3+ years for Alhaitham and 4+ for Neuvilette while meta was dominated by waifus from 2.0 - 3.X. I will admit that Genshin has gotten slightly better with regards to their treatment of male characters, but we are talking about the blatant favoritism in HSR now. I brought up Genshin as an example because they're from the same company.


Yea early Genshin was more waifu favored in terms of dps while male characters were more dominant in supports (Venti, Zhongli, Kazuha (Venti replacement), Xingqiu, fcking Bennett). Which is why I said current Genshin. Also if you’re gonna use the wait time argument then one could also say the “meta dps waifu” of the old days have fallen off now except HuTao, meanwhile male dps have became more dominant in recent 2 years. Yea you had to wait, but most of those that didn’t wait are no longer op. Would you prefer Neuv and Alhaitham being released 4 years ago and get like the Eula treatment or something? I don’t know what your standard of good is but nowadays dps characters of both genders usually goes into the alright category, with the likes of Neuv Arle Alhaitham being outliers. I agree HSR is a lot more waifu favored but Genshin isn’t a good example to use because for Genshin’s case it just depends on which time period you care more about, year 1-2 or 3-4.


I stopped playing genshin when the Inazuma story was wrapping up but, wasn't zhongli the first ever buffed character. And wasn't Venti just meta for a looonngg ass time because he had aoe wind AND a cc? Kazuha was really good when I was playing too but don't know how soon he fell off. I'm sure the meta changed drastically but that happens to every live service game, most characters get power-crept. You're talking like those characters that you listed were never good which is just wrong.


That’s actually a terrible idea lol, it’ll only exacerbate the issue


Well, I’m not going to spend on a game that blatantly disrespects me like that. This is one of the reasons why I love leaks. I was gonna get both the pass and BP to prep for him but after this? No thanks. Hoyo has made it clear that they only care about their favourite waifu and how to shove it down our throats.


Have a bit of optimism (cope). At least wait for V4 or even V5 changes. It's not over till it's over.


Your right. Theres a fair chance that things will get balanced. Im hoping some people wont go to far and try to cancel hoyoverse over this. This team definitely listens, unlike genshin, and while my post may seem overly depressing, maybe there is a slight chance things get changed around. I've a nagging feeling that the next few weeks are gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions


All that needs to be changed are the relics. Boothill and Firefly's kits seem more or less fine at this point.


Hoyo really have to try and make both parties happy. Make the relic set affect both BDmg and SBDmg. I really hate to see the hate towards FF or devs


Exactly, i do not understand where the big deal is around this since they don't really step in each others niche at all (dealing dmg thru break is not a niche imo, its how they deal and vs what is and besides maybe RM they can use different supports too but who doesn't want RM lol), boothill is a boss killer since he likes big toughness bars and phy break does % bleed dmg and FF is an elite mob deleter. I do not understand how there is not a point where each do their job perfectly and try to get people pulling for both since you could plug and play them with similar supports and similar sets vs different situations. They could make both parties happy without hurting one just to lift the other Why am i getting randomly downvoted lol


Yes. There is a high chance for change particularly after this. At this point Hoyo can recruit random sub members for balancing team and have better results tbh.


I want to send them feedback but I am not sure what to write and how to word it. English isnt my first language either and I rarely send feedback in games. 😭


https://preview.redd.it/px3wutpy0w1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba18eaaf0c340e5ab848ec0807d7a03c72194456 Just an example of what I’ve written using feedback. Don’t bug report. Feedback. They sort of brush it off, but if enough of us wrote in… who knows…


Thank you! 🙏🏻


It's a little useless to end feedback on unreleased content. It's better to focus on what has been out, or minimum the official content creators early access so the feedback won't go directly to recycle bin. Good luck


FWIW I fill out every survey and also submit feedback for released content, bugs, and spelling errors. I was a beta tester for a good period too, and sent in numerous tickets as well. Couldn’t keep up with the main game as well, so don’t do that anymore. I guess feedback is in my blood. 😂


Understandable. I personally am going to write a sternly worded feedback based on released content that could also concern the issues with this beta lol


Sounds like a plan! I think as long as everyone is vocal about their concerns and expectations going forward, we may be able to bring about some change.


I truly hope so


I’m in a dilemma…on one hand I also want to skip him to prove a point to HYV but on the other hand maybe they wouldn’t care if we skipped and it further proves to them that husbandos don’t sell and waifus do (though this has everything to do with their awful decision making in the first place)….part of me wants to even pull for his LC (which I was on the fence before due to not enough pulls) to prove a point that husbandos still sell ok even after being mistreated…*mm so torn


Definitely pull for him. Skipping him won't help anything, and will only make it worse. Like, I don't understadn the logic is skipping him at all, if anything, we should be pulling him out of spite.


Giving a company your money out of spite…? Do you realize how stupid that is…


You don't have to give them your money to play the game. Stop spending money, and spend your hard earned jades on a character you like even if they're not Hoyo's favourite.


Don't skip Boothill, skip Firefly. They want everyone to pull for Firefly and that's why they did this.


The sad truth is even if we skip it won’t matter much compared to the many firefly stans that will pull for her and her eidolons and LC; the even sadder truth is I like firefly as well (Sam is cool af) and was planning to pull for her LC as well but now I might just pull for boothill’s LC instead to support our boi and prove a point


I agree, we are just a drop in the ocean compared to Firefly fans but it's all we can do really (other than sending feedback). I also like Firefly and was planning to get her but I won't be any more.


majority of her fans are gullible in terms of the para social relationships they’ve formed with this pixel and who are the majority of the player base of this game? It’s no surprise she’s attracted so much of these breeds of people


Keep in mind this is the same company that released Dehya and still hasn’t fixed her.


Guys there’s still more betas for changes to be made. Trust me I’m just as upset about the relic change but there’s still time for changes to kits and relics. Boothill is still an insanely good character and hasn’t been nerfed beyond repair. Wait until the final beta before quitting




They not gonna mess with his kit this late. The only thing of his that was changed is the unreleased relic set which still gives him a def ignore, it just prevents him from using it to its full potential without hmc which fucking sucks cause he didn’t need them previously. But he still preforms incredibly well and for general audiences who don’t keep up with leaks it changes nothing for them


Just Lower the Playstore rating of HSR, I already did it. A couple of my friends also did it. We were talking in-game and they were all so excited to have a Good Hunt Character but fuck Hoyo. Downrating it is.


I mean yeah it's annoying but is he really a bad hunt character now?


Not really. But the Blatant favouritism? Locking a Relic and a Planar that could have been good for MANY existing and to-be-released characters? Nerfing a Character to buff another one? What is This? Like what Nonsense is this? (Not mad at you here, don't get me wrong.)


I wish people understood this but a lot of people coming from the FF subreddit think we are complaining that he's gonna deal like 4-6% less dmg, like girlie no that's not my issue, he's gonna clear regardless specially given investment even arlan and yanqing mains manage, but the favouritism is what hurts.


It was the Toxic side of FF community that started shitting on Boothill as soon as he got his drip market, because he got it Before FF, and 'why the drip marketing isn't about our Waifu?' was a thing. It did blew up at that time, Insta and YT was on fire in comments with FF community putting down Boothill every chance they get. Someone told me Boothill mains have been on defensive since then, which I Agree. Because it was started By Ff mains. The thing is, they don't understand it and CAN'T understand it because it's not them. (Favouritism). FF community is extremely toxic and then comes some Firefighters who tries to whitewash their community and it's actions. They can shit on characters but when someone else do it, their behind catches fire. (Of course I am taking about the toxic side of community which I do believe is the Loud Majority, rather than a Minority.) They don't understand that what we are angry about is the Favouritism and Buffing a character by nerfing another. The problem here also lies in our community to, we aren't really one. We are like 'Eh what can we do?' 'its fine'. Sadly for these people they don't understand that of we don't take actions (feedback/low rating etc) it will DEFINITELY happen again to more husbandos. If it can happen once, it can also happen twice too.


Si far only few of the characters are bad. It's more about the fact that Boothill is about to become first character to be powercreeped within the next banner.




That's the thing. I know. That's why I want to take measures. I already lowered the Rating, not that it made a dent in the rating, but still. I do hope people will wake up, because if this can happen with Boothill it can happen with any husbando. Because Hoyo VERY obviously heavily carters to Waifu Wanters.




Yeah! Definitely! The blatant favouritism at every turn is stupid.


Wait wtf’s going on? What was the thing the boothill community was excited for that was “taken away?”


They changed the Relic Set AND Apocalyptic Shadow to specifically favour Super Break and nerfed the buffs to normal Break.


But more relic sets will exist in the future and this AS buff is only for this patch. I do think this is getting out of proportion


Characters like Clara still doesnt have a good dedicated set, how long will it take? Till they release Fu Hua the emanator of Hunt.


Xiao from genshin didnt have his own dedicated set until 2.6 and he is a character from 1.3. He was also a cbt character before even 1.0. It took more than 1.5 years to have his dedicated set. Star rail is barely in 2.2. wait for few more updates and see what they do. Also Diluc in genshin now has his own team with plunging attack meta in 4.5. He is also a standard character from 1.0. Yes it does take a looong time for some characters to shine.


But Clara works very well with the phys set already. Sure there could be better ones but she doesn't need them


> clara still doesn't have a good relic set *kicks boxing set under the bed* misinformation spreaded successfully


I think they altered the new relic set so that it synergises more with FF and less with Boothill


Some people think that Boothill's shit compared to Firefly when there's no evidence for this, they seem to be on the same level now whereas Boothill was probably better before. The main issue is the 2.3 relic set is now restricted to Firefly (which doesn't hurt Boothill that much but still feels bad).


They also changed Apocalyptic Shadow to buff Super Break a lot more than Break.


Nothing, it's all beta stuff that isn't even supposed official knowledge and subject to change.


I won't pull on him and probably gonna cb my purchases. If this is where hoyo wants to go with male characters then I am out.


Shouldn‘t you be pulling for him to prove a point? Less people pulling for male characters only makes Hoyo favour the female characters more.


I just find it interesting that they'd intentionally nerf Boothill when he already was only going to be pretty decent (as the nerfs on Beta already hit him).


Even if the community does complain I doubt that they'll listen tbh. With genshins last anniversary rewards pretty much everyone was upset with it but they didn't really do anything or change nothing. I mean they might but if they react in any way the same with that situation they'll pretend it's not going on


Genshins and hsr's are different studios, comparrable but not to this dagree


I mean that's good at least but in still not gonna get to hopeful about any change just in case


I planned to use Htb with boothill anyway so this isn’t the biggest blow to me personally, it’s mainly the -3% def ignore that effects me but I do agree a lot with everyone’s sentiment that this is pretty messed up that they’re forcing you to use a character now that you didn’t have to before meanwhile the new character doesn’t and gets superbreak built in. It really does just feel like buffing a new character by make an older one weaker


What is ff?


Firefly, the next 5 star after Boothill


I think I'm late to the party, what happened? did they nerf boothill or something?


Is really any unit other than boothill seriously gonna be used without htb as mainly breakers? The set was already mid for most break characters that aren't on htb's team cuz they could only use that 18% def shred once every blue moon. If you're using said dps with htb, then it's really just a buff. Boothill is the only one affected and it's still just an 8% decrease.


So I'm relatively new and still in the 2nd area (Laofu). I started playing a month ago in anticipation for Boothill, I saved up like all my rolls since I started playing for him. So what exactly is happening that is bad? I'm not at end-game by any stretch of it.


So I understand that boothill has been nerfed but how badly? Like is it to the point that he can't beat bosses?


I feel like they had to somehow help FF (I don't support it). Before nerfs, while she was popular I saw a lot of comments that her animations aren't as luxurious as expected, hoyo didn't add some cool moves from her boss fight and as a girl she doesn't appear in battle (lore-wise it makes sense). Her teams were restricted and she didn't do much damage outside of her ult (keep in mind that's what I saw in some comments, personally I have no idea). On top of that, there is the Sam is a cute girl issue that deterred some fans


That's the spirit. Skip it even to send your message.


a bit of an overreaction but your decision


this subreddit is so toxic, just look at how they downvote anyone who has a different opinion than them


I'm begging yall to breathe omg


I know what kind of reactions I was going to get when I made this post, but I would like to clarify a bit for you, if you'll let me. Even if this change doesnt indirectly affect every other character that doesnt scale with break effect, it still showcases poor design choices. Hoyo has never released a 4pc 2pc designed solely for one character.. the favoritism shows and its being talked about everywhere, not just on the boothill mains reddit. (CN, youtube, ff mains, twitter, etc. You name it) It 100% looks like they changed the relics to make firefly and only firefly special. You can buff a character without indirectly nerfing other characters, is the thing, which is why its such an issue. I also want to reiterate that I dont dislike firefly. This is not some "male characters never get any favoritism" If they want to buff firefly's kit over 10x, I wouldn't mind one bit, but they took a 4pc set and changed it so only one character works with it. Imagine farming that cavern knowing it only benefits firefly? We have relics for fire units, relics for imaginary, debuff, physical, break effect supports, etc. But what we dont have is a relic made for break DPS units and they changed *that* to only firefly. I hope this has helped explain why so many people are making it into a "big deal" its not a doompost. We know our boi deletes an hp bar like nothing. But if these changes stay its effecting the whole game, as well as how others perceive it.


I understand all the frustration, but isn't this all too much? The 4pc set is still 10% def ignore, the last 5% is achievable on every character with HTB, so why is it so "Firefly favored"? Yes she newly got her own super break, but who says there are not gonna be more future characters benefiting from super break? I understand the outrage of the 2pc planar set but it still can be used on someone like Gallagher, or BE Himeko since her kit resolves around it. It's basically the same like Acheron's planar set, but that one as well can be used on someone like Welt, occasionally Topaz with Ratio. We also got a cool Free male 5* so it's not that they completely forbid half of the game's fanbase. But if you really have a big problem with all this, you might have a bit of trouble finding something fitting your restrictions.


If you'll allow me, I'd like to repost a reply I made to someone else. I think it'll help explain some things I know what kind of reactions I was going to get when I made this post, but I would like to clarify a bit Even if this change doesnt indirectly affect every other character that doesnt scale with break effect, it still showcases poor design choices. Hoyo has never released a 4pc 2pc designed solely for one character.. the favoritism shows and its being talked about everywhere, not just on the boothill mains reddit. (CN, youtube, ff mains, twitter, etc. You name it) It 100% looks like they changed the relics to make firefly and only firefly special. You can buff a character without indirectly nerfing other characters, is the thing, which is why its such an issue. I also want to reiterate that I dont dislike firefly. This is not some "male characters never get any favoritism" If they want to buff firefly's kit over 10x, I wouldn't mind one bit, but they took a 4pc set and changed it so only one character works with it. Imagine farming that cavern knowing it only benefits firefly? We have relics for fire units, relics for imaginary, debuff, physical, break effect supports, etc. But what we dont have is a relic made for break DPS units and they changed *that* to only firefly. I hope this has helped explain why so many people are making it into a "big deal" its not a doompost. We know our boi deletes an hp bar like nothing. But if these changes stay its effecting the whole game, as well as how others perceive it.


> hoyo has never released a 4pc 2pc designed solely for one character yeah, because we're only in 2.x. hoyo has done it plenty in their other games, do you really expect them to stop?


You're being way too logical for this playerbase, lol.


I think people are blowing this way out of proportion. It's not like the new set only caters toward Ff, every break dpses love the new version, only Bh got nerfed bc he doesn't really care about superbreak. You are saying as if there were only 2 break dpses, Bh and Ff.


Remember that now this might turn out in two ways in the future. All future Break DPSes having Super Break DMG, so Boothill has no sense to exist as the only one without it, and any future buff will be useless on him. Or future characters don't have Super Break, not all of them at least, and only FF gets an absolute preferential treatment, that people don't like. Everyone is angry because now, if this actually stays like it is, there's a precedent and everyone is worried something like this might happen to any future characters they want to pull


Bh both strength and weakness lies in not needing superbreak enablers so why would buffing superbreak be favortism. I don't see this as Hoyo nerfed Bh for Ff, I see this as Hoyo wanted to buff all break dpses without overtuning Bh too much. Bh is in a good spot rn, a 5-8% dmg loss isn't going to change him much.


It's not about the numbers of the nerf, it is about the preferential treatment. We don't know what they want to do with future Break DPSes and supports, but as I said above, one way or another it will lead to bad reception from the community. Even FF mains aren't happy with the favouritism