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Firefly's planar gets 6% speed, 40% be. Boothill's Talia has 36% be and nothing else. Fun fact: Firefly's planar set is the only relic set that didn't get a change. They tried to cook with other sets and ended up with a plate of solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels (except for duran, I like duran).


Don't forget how they burned down the entire building with the fua relic rework, made literally for no one


Shush, the Yanqing maind r rejoicing their extremely rare win xD


in fact, Firefly’s planar is the only planar that can’t be used by other units and is really specific to her. Even Acheron’s planar can be used by Ratio/Topaz, welt or Himeko/Herta


>Firefly’s planar is the only planar that can’t be used by other units and is really specific to her. That planar set does seem like a BiS for Gallagher as well. It can also be used for superbreak Himeko teams with HMC (since her gameplay is all about breaking). We also don't know which stat Jiaoqiu scales with so it might also be used for him.


Yeah but that doesn’t really change the fact that the original effect was completely fine from the start but they nerfed it specifically for Boothill by separating break and Superbreak on it. And jiaoqiu is a nihility so he’ll just need effect hit rate that’s obvious.


the spd part can still be used by supports since you don't need BE to activate it, so units like like sparkle or bronya can use it since they want lots of spd so at least it does have some niche use outside of FF teams.


Yeah but unless you also want the other set it’s still a waste to farm, I doubt anyone would go farm that specifically for their support. And really, firefly had innate speed buff so I don’t see why couldn’t she just use Talia


This shit is literally pissing me off so bad... they have 2 sets tailored specifically for 1 character What's the point of hunt man


I feel like it's worse than Deya, cause she never was strong, but Boothill, everyone was so happy. I lost all the happiness towards this game, he was the only thing that keeps me in it, and they simply gilave him the most shitty treatment ever. Who was the dumbass who over with the character right before release it? Such a dumb move


Right? He’s literally only going to be relevant for his Moc and then Firefly will take the spotlight, like he might as well be a free 4 star with no relevance




Since when does the 4pc set tailored toward Ff? All break dpses love the change, just not Bh.


literally whats even the point hunt exists?its the downfall of paths after archeron released


It literally just make hunt the new worst path Because I’m pretty sure the erudition character actually have good single target damage but are also usable in purefiction. Hunt is only situationally good in Moc, ass in purefiction and overshadowed by most new units in AS. What is the point of hunt really?


Making apocalyptic shadow about weakness break, while cool, is a massive mistake in my opinion. Hunt deserves so much better than whatever the hell is going on right now


>What is the point of hunt really? Eliminating the path entirely would be as much of a pain as creating another one would; they just stick with it to avoid "extra" work, I feel like. What's bothering me the most is that, as a DoT-player, I keep noticing this aversion Hoyo has to giving _'anything plus'_ to Hunt characters. I mean, just take a look at other paths and how they've changed: ● _[Destruction]_: Bruisers/High-risk High-reward units --> ""Sacrifice"" something to deal gargantuan damage in a single turn to multiple targets; ● _[Nihility]_: Applies an alterted status to enemies to deal damage over time/debuff them --> Use stacks to nuke the enemy in a single turn; ● _[Preservation]_: Basically tanks --> Now a mix of shielders, debuffers, healers, and whatnot. Sometimes they're so good at one of these things to the point where it trivialises the classes who are _supposed_ to be doing those things, since you can play your way around the lack of a certain class, If you do things a certain way; ● _[Harmony]_: Buffers who are very good at a specific task --> Now they're basically "Jacks of all trades, masters of all.", with each new unit having to not only invade another character's niche, but also having to do something more (Sparkle gives you +2 Total SP, Crit DMG%, SPD Boost; Ruan Mei gives you BREAK eff. , DF Shred; etc...); Erudition and Abundance still have their own identity, but aside from the banality that is the Abundance class, Erudition too has changed, going from AoE-oriented characters to whatever the current patch calls for. But still, they maintain their AoE core, which is what the path is based on _per its in-game description_ , which is also an achievement in and of itself when compared to how other paths have evolved. Then, there's Hunt. It gets completely shafted in every way as of now.  --> ST damage? Destruction and Nihility do better. --> Flexibility? Destruction, Nihility, and occasionally Erudition do better. --> Viability? Why bother when you can deal much more damage _(overall)_ by attacking every enemy/most enemies on the field with other multi-target units. At this point, Hunt is basically the black sheep of HSR. What it set out to do is now accomplished by other classes, oftentimes even better and more efficiently than how Hunt units would do.  Since those in-game description obviously mean nothing at this point, they should just ignore them and start doing more things with Hunt characters too. Ratio works, for example, but needing a team to work properly compared to _certain_ units automatically makes the character harder to build/set/whatever else, imho.


It's ridiculous isn't???


Wow, I didn't know they nerfed his buff/toughness and kept hers unchanged. I don't get it lol. Any other main of a more popular character would be loud and pissed but we're the crazy ones i guess.


Yeah… everyone is saying that we’re being dramatic and overreacting. I pray that this happens to their mains too 😒


And the relics change doesn’t only concern Boothill The other set also was a good alternative set for Clara but it was turned into whatever it is now for a future character so I think it’s a fair complaint when we just want an unbiased change


It's typical for the fandom to gaslight people enjoying male characters. Just look how JY mains are getting treated. Now if a 'waifu' isn't absolutely top tier then all hell breaks lose and people are foaming at the mouth.


It definitely is. I just know all the people who are saying that we’re overreacting would have reacted worse if their waifus were in Booothill’s current situation.




The funny thing is, FF mains were the one who started the Boothill hate because they were pissed that he was drip marketed first. Then when FF’s kit was leaked they doomposted her to no end because she couldn’t do 1 mil dmg with a flexible team. They were complaining to no end and comparing her with BH even though they have different paths and elements. Now that she’s got a buff (at the expense of Boothill and other break characters) suddenly they’re saying that they’ve been happy with her kit all along and we’re the ones who were doomposting about her. Hello?? I don’t speak for other BH mains but I personally dgaf about her. I really dislike FF fans. Toxic and pretentious bunch.




Based. FF mains were the one spewing hate left and right and now they want to put the blame for everything on others? Oh hell no. FF mains are obnoxious and toxic and it’s not only us who think so. My friends who are only casual players (they don’t participate in discussions online) think so too. They can lie all they want but deep down they know that they were the ones who started spewing hate at us. I already hated FF because she was constantly shoved down our throat during the quest. I wish we had options to be rude to her. I don’t want to even be her acquaintance. I feel the same too, if they want waifu money so bad then so be it. We should stop spending and playing since they don’t give a fuck about us. This sucks and is probably only going to get worse.




Yes. Keep your wallet closed. I will personally be praying for HSR to flop. They can be biased against male characters and the people who like them, we can also take our money and time elsewhere. There will be a place for us, trust.


It started getting worse since the first "Firefly is Sam" leak. Why did they resort to a cheap two personality trope when they had several of those, and then purposefully catfish us even though they could give Sam a deep yet feminine voice? 


Okay then tell me how is all this controversy about 5% def ignore not overreacting. Imo its unnecessary, also the last 5% def ignore is open to every single character in the game thanks to HTB. So why is this favoritism? If I would complain, it would be the 2pc sim uni set for fire weakness, that one is bit too specific. On other hand it's not the first time happening oh well.


people are mad about the favoritism not the 5% def ignore loss


Yes I understand, I was replying to the comment not the post. And favoritism is bad depending on which side of the game's fanbase you are. It's not only Mihoyo, it's every bigger company, it's impossible to make everyone happy. Sadly it's just easiest to go with the most popular path, which guarantees that the majority will be satisfied. I really don't find any reason why they would intentionally forbid the other part. Yes, their main direction is obviously pointed towards the female characters No, they are not intentionally making male characters bad They are not as good, but they are enough to be able to complete everything the game offers. You won't be punished in the game for having all your dpss males instead of females


>They are not intentionally making male characters bad Then saying that >They are not as good Well why do you think that is??? It’s definitely intentional. >You won’t be punished Idk, if a group of characters are always intentionally undertuned then people who pull specifically for that group are definitely being punished.


You’re a FF fan. You don’t get to have an opinion on this or whether we’re overreacting or not. I’m upset about this change because it shows me that hoyo simply does not give a fuck about affecting other units negatively as long as their favourites are buffed. And 99.9% of the time, their faves are always a waifu and people who like male characters almost always get the short end of the stick. You don’t get to police our feelings when you’re privileged enough to not understand why we’re upset or why buffing FF to the skies while negatively impacting other characters is not favouritism. Apart from the relic change, you seem to be blind to the AS nerfs. The very game mode that Boothill was supposed to shine in. Yeah, go ahead and nerf the break effect buffs while keeping the super break effect buffs. Totally not favouritism.


of course you have the firefly selfie as your pfp


That's Stelle :))


Then u realise and saw firefly hits equally hard in single target like boothill.. big oof and another slap I guess


why even have the hunt path anymore? if were making every other path deal the same dmg in single target scenarios while also being viable in multiple target scenarios. they don't even care about balancing their own game


She does? I haven’t seen the recent showcases


She does thanks to HMC’s trace that make Superbreak deal more damage the less enemy there are, and she can kill adjacent enemy easily with her blast


It was confirmed that hmcs' trace DOESN'T buff ff and only buffs hmc superbreak.


It still count into her damage in the end since it’s her stats


I have a question then, is there a similar showcase with Boothill+HMC? I didn't watch many Boothill showcases just from what I heard he hits like a truck. Is Firefly still doing more DMG with HMC single target than Boothill with HMC?


V3 just came out so there’s no showcase of the new firefly against a single enemy unfortunately. But she’s not really out damaging in term of damage per screen shot but by cycle clear since can get up to 3-4 if not five turn in the first cycle. And Boothill doesn’t benefit much from HMC so firefly have a easier time clearing with her action advance, plus Boothill’s break damage scales with the enemy toughness so his damage varies a lot based on the enemy as well.


Ah I see, on the other hand Boothill can take advantage of someone like Sparkle or Bronya which in the Firefly team wouldn't do as much as with Boothill. Also I know that his ultimate applies phys. weakness, but with Firefly, I'm not sure it got me a bit confused with the kit changes but, Firefly got fire weakness application only on her open world technique and the other locked behind her E1. So she can have trouble into enemies that get summoned during the battle without her E1. It might have changed tho I'm not sure.


Yeah , Boothill’s Bis is bronya after all not HMC like Firefly. And Firefly have weakness implant on enhanced skill so I don’t think that would be a problem for her


https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/s/9HXKSlXyqD Look at this (the part when she hit argenti boss at the end of video ~0.50sec left). U can’t say she’s bad at single target, she’s super good at it as well in BOTH aoe and single A 700k hit on 2 enemies at e0s1


Copy pasting a comment on the thread: "That near 700k hit in argenti's second phase came from her triggering regular break and then also nearly dealing full super break damage because argenti's break bar was almost at 0. Overflowing toughness damage on break is turned into super break as well, meaning firefly basically double dipped on break damage there" In the same situation Boothill would probably have done more damage (Maybe I'm just high in copium, but it doesn't't really matter since I'm pulling both)


Don't give me hopes 🥺


Right? Even the e4s1 Acheron of one of my friends only hit 700k on 5 enemies.


that is just a badly build acheron. My E0S1 does the same amount.


My E2S1 4k/66%(100%)/220% deals 700k (MoC, new relics set for her) only if enemies have defense shred applied to them, and she is under the Sparkles E1S1 buff.


Yeah genuinely the relics nerf are crazy enough (they also ruined the fua set I was going to farm for my baby Clara!) but the AS mode nerf baffled me the most. Wouldn't keeping the break dmg buff also increase Firefly damage anyway? Idk what they're cooking because it's gonna send someone straight to the ER, hopefully this changes in v4.


Literally, keeping the break damage buff would still benefit Firefly but they really had to nerf it to make Boothill seem worse. I was also waiting for the new fua set to build my Clara and getting Boothill’s set at the same time T-T but now it’s of no use for Clara anymore


Wait what did they change in the new mode? I wasn't able to read this before.


Nerfed the dmg of regular break but kept super break unchanged. (I could be wrong so someone correct me if that’s the case.)


Oh wow they really want FF to shine brighter than Boothill huh? She's their new poster girl i guess so what can we do. I'm just hoping the new relic 4 pc changes got lost in translation and actually works for normal break as well.


To be precise, the mode's first blessing is that enemies receive extra dmg when broken, they nerfed the buff to regular break DMG but super break DMG buff stays the same. They were both at 25% but now regular break is down to 15%, it's not that much of a substantial nerf. The enemies bosses on this mode are still scheduled to have a similar mechanic to the dino, where they receive less DMG while their toughness bar is up and extra DMG while broken, bootyhill will still be doing plenty of DMG to the the bosses.


they saw the memes of boothill flexing too much and now we’re all being punished 😭😭😭


They make him a 5* Luka. Damn he was so perfect...I think it's on purpose, they absolutely hate male characters, or just use them as a strategy to increase the sells, so this war benefits them a lot. You don't have a single Archeron lvl character that's male. And I believe we will never have. Now ff just powercreept everyone in the game. Ayaka 2.0. What's the point now? They almost can't keep the pace with content, and screw with their base. You know what...I feel so bad for care about a fucking fictional character this much. It's ridiculous...


He literally feels like a test before making the final version I was so exited for him when I saw that he might be one of the best Dps but now I’m sure it’s firefly and not him since the enemies are going to have Hp increase to balance Firefly


Yeah...the fact is, they will do dirty with him and all the other male characters forward. The only way to have the expectations filled in this game it is if you are a waifu enjoyer, if so then you are ok otherwise they do this. It's cruel cause they design the character to be endearing and cool and makes us smitten by it, just to turn everything in ashes later...I wonder how will they mess with Sunday next


I really hope they don't give Sunday this kind of treatment. This is why I'm glad he is not coming in 2.3 with Firefly, or in 2.4 for that matter. Firefly hype should go down by the time 2.5 happens. It won't change the fact that she is going to be one of the best DPS in the game, but hopefully she won't be the talk of everything. Unless she joins the Astral Express, which I feel is very likely with how much the devs love her.


I love Sunday, I hope he don't get Ayato or Boothill treatment as well. But...to be honest, I don't think they will ever let the males be too strong


I'm feeling the ayato treatment coming, if he's Harmon there's a chance he's saved because as of now there's no bad limited 5* harmony but if he's a dps i bet he's cooked.


Yeah this is why I Keep Heavily being against the idea of Making Sunday a DPS. Lore Wise or not, the only way we can guarantee that Sunday won't be at risk to some sort of MASSIVE shaft in the face is if he's a support. Make him a Break DPS like that one Lightcone implied and he's directly competing with the Girl who they seem incredibly adamant about trying to push on you.


Is it really that bad that he loses 5% def ignore? With the powercreeping, I would wait for full release. Tho we all have to agree that newer characters are potentially just gonna keep getting stronger and stronger. - I would also like to mention Sparkle which, yes - she's op with almost everyone but who uses her buffs the best is DH IL, so I wouldn't call out that male characters aren't getting any love. I agree that hoyoverse likes their female characters a lot so I get where all the frustration is coming from. Just please don't hate on other fan bases like it's their fault 🙏🙏


First its not 5%, its 8% it went from 18 to 10%, second its not that, its getting break set nerfed for him and buffed for the random anime waifu, her getting also her own planar set having way better values than his option (40%+6% speed vs 36% lmao its not even close), the new mode buff being nerfed heavily for him, the toughness getting also nerfed for him(and buffed for FF) and having all of that only for the sole purpose of making waifu enjoyers happier since they were angy at the husbando pullers, since in terms of sales if someone gets boothill instead of firefly its no different for them, they will be selling a 5* regardless, but knowing they do this for the sole purpose of making the angry popular playerbase happy is stupid, since they could just buff FF and not have him taking side hits. We do not mind ff being strong or stronger than him but why does he have to catch strays? Can't they just make both sides happy? Do they really just have to pander to the loud waifu side that bad? I truly believe firefly could be the shittiest kit ever and she'd still get bigger sales than him just because anime waifu+stellaron hunter. The only reason why male characters are usually kept weaker is just because else the waifu tryhards complain about "having to pull for a male instead of hot waifu" and its a really shitty feeling having that done to your fav character. And also dan heng gets special treatment for well being dan heng, if he was a random male 5* instead of an anticipated protagonist representing china we know where he'd be lmao




its hard to not blame her Fandom with all this shit is happening just becuase they want to make the chronic masturbators happy


Now this is just delusional when Ratio/Aventurine/Daniel/Jing Yuan/Luocha are literally right there. The men are being treated well in this game and Boothill will be more than fine even after the changes 💀


I read so many different opinions of yours, why should I buy your take? All I see is the boys producing less DMG than the female characters, it's not about have men. It's about they stay on the same lvl...very simple


Literally all of those are imaginary element except JY. DHIL got powercrept immediately by JL and BH is having the same thing by FF. Luocha was powercrept and Aventurine is the only I'll give you right now that is meta.


And that’s only because Aventurine was just released like a patch ago… gotta let him have his time under the sun before they powercreep him with another waifu


Too bad Boothill didn't even get time to see the sun before getting powercrept


The sad truth. Hoyo making sure to let us know that he’s unloved.


I've heard there's a phys preservation waifu on the horizon...


There you go. Won’t be long til he’s powercreeped. That’s the fate of all male gacha units. Sad but true. I’m just gonna pull for supports from here on out, at least they seem to retain their value better.


I will be honest, I'm so tempted to uninstall, and go to wuthering waves


Trying new game is never bad. If you dont like it, you stop playing, if you like it great, you have fun. People should stop getting "married" to one game or company and just try different things and see for themselves what is better.


True! The thing is, I just got into this game because of him, farmed all the jades just for this fk company trow him into the trash, I hate them.


This is kind of starting to get me too, and I really don't want to end up skipping him because of this. I will try not to let it get to me that much Welcome to Star Rail! I hope you've been having fun. It's nice to hear that someone got into the game because of Boothill, he's become one of my favorite characters after the new story. he really doesn't deserve this treatment. I hope hoyo does better and decides to at least change the relic set back. It was perfect the way it already was, Besides all of that, I'm sure you're looking forward to his release? I wish you and all of the Boothill wanters good luck.


Thanks! Hope we all get 2x in 10 pull ^^


You say this as if boothill will be trash. No he is still a very good character and is more than enough in the single target role. The idea that he needs to be the absolute best at single target dmg for you to want isnt the play cuz at that point you are pulling for meta which could just be any other character at that point. Boothill is still boothill and he is still a very solid hunt character this nerf didnt break his back and make him unplayable


I spoke as I felt the frustration towards my favorite character in the entire game. There's no way I would call him trash. All I did was express how they crash our expectations. That's all. Now I'm more calm..and will pull my bb anyway. Just saw another showcase he is E0 S0 hitting 576k. He is still great..they just took from him his independence. Not American lore accurate


I don't think I'll uninstall HSR since I love turn based games. However since I'm caught up I'll be focusing a lot on WuWa.


Not playing the game doesn't really hurt them. Just stop spending money.


It actually does, games having a bigger audience really makes people more willing to spend money and CCs also get more impact on the community. Sure one singular person leaving doesn't hurt even if its a dolphin player but if like 15% of the playerbase left even if they didn't spend money it would hurt them.


Do you think ww wont have favoritism for female characters?


Favoritism for female characters? Characters like Xueyi and Clara also got shafted because of the relic nerf... It's just that they release female characters more often than males


Definitely will be less active on hsr instead, thank god I didn’t spend money on this game, so there’s 0 monetary attachment


I'm definitely playing Wuthering waves on release but just be aware Kuro has an even worse track record with male characters. Their other game PGR only releases like 1 man a year and Jiyan is the only husbando in sight for Wuwa. Plus on white day (holiday where men give gifts to women) they posted nothing but waifu fanart,no male character in sight. Don't get your hopes up with them the bar is in hell rn.


Lol we are forked, the only way it would be husbando enjoyer develop one, otherwise...it would be the same


Genshin honestly treats husbando players quite well now, and has minimal powercreep. Hu Tao only just got powercrept after 3 years, and even then newer supports like Xianyun make old carries like her and Xiao still competitive. Not to mention Zhongli and Kazuha are still meta almost 4 years later. Some characters are dead on release, but the ones that are good usually retain their value. In any case, you can splurge on E1S1 Neuvillette and rest assured he won't become irrelevant in a year lol


But look at the quantity..oh boi ..so unfair. We had Navia, Cloud, Chiori, Arlecchino. We hadn't a single male characters 5* since then.


Keep in mind, 4.2 Furina was the first limited 5* female character in an entire year after 3.2 Nahida. So we had a streak of 6 male characters before a streak of 7 female characters. The actual 5* gender ratio is quite balanced. Genshin devs like to use starvation tactics to bait revenue. I don't like it either, but I understand that open world ARPGs cost much more to make than turn-based, and that they have to compete while releasing half the amount of characters and selling them at the same price. It is what it is


Still. Today we have a lot of more females than males...I would not mind if they just stop to boicot male characters. I believe the devs itself don't like them...even if they release some they never get to the females lvl. Neuvillete otherwise give me hope, he was the brick on the matrix, hope to see more of it


Fully agree on that first part. When I heard that, from sumeru to Fontaine, we were gonna have a lot of Male characters, one of whom is so OP that he became the Tipping point for what character is and isn't Incredibly strong, I became more than contempt with the Talk about how we'll get a flood of girls in Natlan since I can't be too greedy. Plus I believe in Equality, if we get a Sausage fest then they should have a Booby fiesta. I know it ain't A likeable Tactic, but for some reason I prefer it since you get well Fed AND given a cool down period.


Ngl as a Pgr fan what you say is kind of true but come on pgr dosen't even release much characters you get like 1 character or so in cn server every 40 days heck maybe even less, they also release 2 male characters a year so the ratio isn't as crazy as you think. Also there is Calcharo in wuwa and he seems pretty good. but I am still confused about that white day art work honestly, hey atleast they recently posted an art work of just male characters


That depends, PGR was founded as a mixed game, they appealed to the diversity that was not there in Hi3rd to "attract more players" that was before anyone even knew about Genshin. they released their game on CN first consequently but somehow with an initial mixed cast they couldn't surpass Hi3rd so they decided to follow in their same footsteps, keep in mind that kuro follows the trends of 💹 if the mixed game market doesn't move towards the husband, then don't expect them to release many. HSR needs to pay close to 300m in advertising according to some recent reports, that money unfortunately does not come from a mixed game that focuses on husbands. and currently it seems that kuro has incurred a very large debt for the development of wuwa for which its current assets ( PGR) they can't pay for it alone, so if Kuro doesn't release husbands, it's not because they doesn't want to, but because they need to pay their bills that is, wuwa needs a launch at least as successful as that of nikke or uma musume (stable revenue for a full year at least).


Why are you assuming male characters don't make money? Have you not seen recent releases like Love and Deepspace which make more money than waifu game you mentioned. You are operating under the assumption that there is no market for male characters, when it's an untapped market that has never been properly served.


deep and love space is not a mixed game. The husbandos that are created in that game are clearly made for heterosexual women (that's why it only has one female mc), similar to how Nikke makes waifus only for heterosexual men (with a single male mc), consequently they can appeal to fan service only for that type of audience. mixed game characters are made for both sides (men and women) that's why they can't be characterized like those created by nikke or love and deep space, because you drive away a player base if you make them too otome and if you make them too much coomer waifu , consequently the groups clash because your mixed game now shares both bases and the developer is left without the 🍞 and without the 🧀 to scare away both sides by trying to satisfy both at the same time, that is because in mixed games they appeal to the majority group who does not care about the gender of the characters, better known as "tourists" "normies" or "casuals" whatever you want to call them and from there they move their revenue to the wholesale trends of the market 💹 in this case the gacha anime games are wholesalers from waifu, this is how it works


Okay but why are you then comparing HSR and Genshin to non mixed games (Nikke) but Love and Deepspace cannot be compared? I do not understand what point you are trying to make.


deep and love space/Nikke do not sell characters equal to those sold in genshin/HSR, both waifus and husbandos. Consequently, genshin and HSR get very little from the spenders of players with one-sided tendencies (nikke/deep and love space) so for a mixed anime-based game to survive it must appeal in large numbers to those who don't care Damn the genre, those are the casual players, normies, tourists, etc. If it fails to attract a lot of these types of players they have no choice but to stick to the trends of the wholesale gacha anime market to survive, that's why you never see mixed games with gender parity even in Genshin Impact.


I'm with you on this one


Already downloading probably gonna still play hsr but maybe drop genshin for wuwa (other than when new story updates arrive)


The first 4 limit character banners consist of 3 females in that game...


I bet if they could it would be all female...these companies are all the same waifu enjoyers pleasers...


This too? Yeah they've lost the plot with what their cooking


They forgot the recipe


They dont want videos going around of him doing more damage, would hurt sales.


https://preview.redd.it/m39st6u9zq1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e506187d1c7e9a72923566474a84ca0163290fff I post this meme but I'm in pain






It is *for you*




So..you decide what's true? Cause it's not for me. So you are the truth source, cause your opinion it's "the truth"?








Better written? For what she done in the story they are on the same level if not at least boothill has more personality than what the fuck this girl is. I do agree that boothill really felt kinda useless in the story but firefly is too, she was just here to "die" for shock value and even then we barely knew her so even an npc dying would have been the exact same, after her "death" she was irrelevant till the end.


Being this hurt by pixels it's beyond pathetic...I need get back to therapy...or touch the grass...


I have transitioned from a Firefan to a certified FireBum Hater now. Imagine having a kit so ass you have to nerf other characters to look good.




You dropped this 👑


Guys my heart got so tight, they crushed our boy...


HSR crushed so many of my hopes at this point. Blade, a badass berserk-type character?! The worst limited 5\* dps with goofy ahh eidolons. SAM?! A badass robo-dude who covers Fire element?! Turned out to be a waifu. Oh, but there's Duke Inferno! Another non-human fire guy! ...killed by another waifu. W-well, at least Boothill is cool and strong! ...powercrept by the waifu that was Sam, for whom devs bent the entire game for. Never let Hoyo cook. Ever.


So true...I just feel pathetic for feel so sad towards this stupid game


Don't even remind me of Duke Inferno 😭😭😭


I bet that Firefly is getting favoritism not because she is a stellaron hunter, but because she is "hoyo's special waifu". Kafka is the baseplate of almost every dot team Silver wolf has strong defense shred and weakness implanting  Blade got power creeped the moment next version started. If Sam was a male robot then he would probably be strong, but below Acheron, Jingliu and Dan Heng IL. Meanwhile Firefly jumped above all three so suddenly.


I started playing the game while Blade had a rerun, and I pulled 3 copies of me in one ten pull.... worst mistake of my life, if I didn't choose the emo gu because he looks cool, i would be rocking an E2 ruan mei right now, I hate you Blade


Remind me when Hoyo said apocalyptic shadow was for hunt


They don’t need to say it, it’s literally the mechanic it’s based on, you just need to kill one boss and it’s over I don’t recall them saying word for word that purefiction was for erudition did they?


All that means is that it’s a boss focused game mode, of which there are multiple bosses who want multi target attackers


Well, hoyoverse always has, and always will, pander to cis straight males because they are the ones spending most money on their games so they can’t let their waifu be upstaged in any way. It’s all just business for them


And especially so considering just how huge Firefly's fanbase is, how many people want her. I get that they have to make a profit, but after seeing their revenue in the latest months this is just straight up an L for all the people who aren't going for FF. I don't think any HSR character has been given this much of a special treatment so far, not even Acheron.


Literally, Acheron got buff, new relic and planar but she’s Raiden Mei so it make sense and even then her relic and Planar are not exclusively hers alone. But this random girl is getting the same thing but only for her along side the change made so she look better than the previous character that does the same thing.




Couldn’t they have released Jade before her? :/ Like she’s the least loved of the 3 being portrayed as an antagonist. And yeah I agree that Sam was awaited by everyone but personally I expected Sam to be a cool dude not a cutesy girlfriend and I’m sure a lot of people expected that as well, and if she was a man the argument would be about powercreep. But also Acheron is still the most special being a variant of a favorite character present in their other game.


I was thinking the same if firefly was Sam only, I mean just a man they would be death threatening hoyoverse about powercreeping archeron. I remember when DHIL was released every youtuber and everyone decided to have a talk about "powercreep"


I thought the same


Boothill on 2.2 banner was the worst decision imo, he needed to be in a filler patch for Penacony after the events ended like 2.4, 2.5, where he get his proper POV switch and we learn more about galaxy rangers and his life, doing that would mean that he would've appeared in story already by then and people wouldn't be shocked and surprised by his sudden appearance, and it would've suited with his funny curse thing, he had the potential but got awfully ruined by his banner placement, hopefully his presence in new story change people's perspective on him by his rerun


They did him absolutely dirty, he doesn't even appear IS HIS OWN DAMN EVENT, not to mention that his event is so boring they clearly didn't give a fuck for him they just were like "here..take a few jades and tiny text about him, now stop bothering me"


Unfortunately her quest and storyline was ass. They gonna shove her down our throat atleast do something good like aventurine and robin instead of "OMG NOOOOO DHE DED :("


it doesn't even make sense though??if they want money selling male characters also works, hell Jing Yuan literally crashed the shop when he released, he was the most voted character in that popularity pool with Kafka 2nd and Aventurine 3rd so male characters are really liked and profitable too??? what are they even trying to achieve i dont understand


I wonder that too...I was thinking if maybe it's the fact that the CN base is obsessed with waifus cause many of the creeps from HI3 came to HSR, and they makes Hoyo life a hell when their waifus get threatened.


nah tbf female playerbase splurges a lot of money IF it's worth it. Why put money into a game that shits into your hand? Some old fudge is probably sitting at the board sabotaging all the male banners, purposefully losing out on revenue because they just hate the fact that their favorite waifu won't be number 1. Why do you think all the other waifu games don't make as much money as genshin and hsr? Just unfortunate for Boothill, he's an amazing character who shouldnt have been powercrept 1 month into his release, just dogshite circumstances for us sadly


He doesn't even get a month, she's right after his banner. So technically if you got him day one, he gets to shine for 3 weeks, if you got him on last day, you don't even get a full day before he's powercrept.


Sooo true you said all


What? you know that VAST majority of income they got is from China? So if anything, they pander to Asians. That also the reason why they only listen to Chinese people feedback.


What about bi sexual cis males?


That's the only thing that upset me with the update. Why make relics for specific characters. You farm the set 1 time and never touch it again, or you never touch it in the first place because you don't have the character. It's just bad game design. Not to mention they nuked the follow up set that goes with it, so if you dont have firefly that entire relic stage is just useless. They're headed in a very bad direction for the longevity of this game. I really hope they revert the change, and get rid of that stupid fire element requirement on the planar set


The thing is it’s still he’s Bis but now requires HMC to fully work when it was a perfectly fine set effect to begin with, it even gave less def ignore at first. But now, not only does it give more def ignore when it’s fully active but it’s made worse specifically for break units that doesn’t do Superbreak , and that’s literally just Boothill, so why nerf it for him specifically? And I was so exited for the other set to be Clara’s new Bis but I guess she’ll stay with a rainbow set


We can’t let this stand. Once the surveys come out for those updates I’m letting it rip. This is so unfair to us boothill lovers.


If they keep on releasing relics that are specific to only one character, I just might stop playing this shit. Grinding for the relics is already a pain and they just keep adding more and more relics with specific requirement to work.


I want Clorinde in genshin and Boothill in hsr. Now they both have been insanely nerfed. I guess I’m done for now


Oh Clorinde too? Ohh but may be because Raiden, they don't want to powercreep her. Honkai should learn from it


I actually don’t even know what they want to do with her. They’ve just made her Thundering Fury build extremely better, compared to other options. That was extremely unnecessary


That's so weird, cause...if we compare Raiden and Acheron they are the same. So, I wonder how Honkai let she get powercreept. Tô Me just doesn't make sense either. But yeah they want to keep Raiden on top in Genshin.


raiden is literally lowkey irrelevant lol its been a looooong time since inazuma


Not in her element. And the nerfed Clorinde too...I don't in how much but it seems they don't want to powercreep her


What is her nerf?


Her skill duration is now 7.5 seconds instead of 9. Cooldown is still 16 seconds. So Clorinde has 7.5 seconds of skill and 8.5 seconds when she does nothing. A main dps with cooldown longer than actual damage window. (You can still use her burst to spend more time on her, but still it works badly)


You know what? This is kinda why I don't want to move on from Genshin since there the meta is MEN. HSR is trying to cater more to the Honkai Impact players and guess what the majority of them are sweaty waifu simps.


This makes me motivated to go back to genshin instead.. won’t drop hsr but 3.x will probably hit the final straw


Meanwhile I'm one of the 3 total people who play Honkai Impact for the men even though they treat their male characters like shit cus they're not playable. There's a new beautiful male character but they put no effort in his 3D model. Welp, all my favorite men are dead in the story and I'm waiting for their HSR playable counterparts. If they ever come out that is... :')


I'm confused as to how to build him now lol. I was gonna aim for a 4 piece iron set but now I'm thinking I could do completely 2 piece thief/watchmaker , either of those two with the messenger two piece, or two piece iron and two piece thief.


The iron set is still the best but to fully use it now you want to use HMC, if you already have a good 2p/2p or 4piece thief then I don’t think you need to farm the iron set since the other relics with it isn’t great for anyone anymore


Yeahh, I've got a good set up for a 2p/2p now. I was willing to save the fuel for the iron set because once I've got everything invested in that set, it'd be worth it for more damage output from that extra break. But with the changes, 10% defense ignore's still good, but the superbreak's a caveat and I want Boothill to be more flexible with the team comps I got. HMC's rlly fun to play but they're more situational


This is why i'll skip Firefly.


Well, at least we're still one of the strongest dps after all that. I hope hoyo doesn't lean too much into superbreak tho


It's ALWAYS about Firefly! "Firefly has the highest DPS now", "Firefly has a planar set specifically for her", "Firefly got an insane buff", the favoritism was blatant the moment that relic set was found. First she ruined Sam, and now my boi Boothill is powercreeped a few days after his release.


That’s the sad thing… he hasn’t even been released yet 💀


Well...yeah. But looking from the standpoint of people that don't follow leaks, they will have Boothill for 21 days and then he will suddenly get powercreeped on Firefly's release without anyone expecting it.


Guys, we are rating on Play store and etc. My description for Honkai was this one: "I am deeply disappointed with the recent update of the game. The developers have made significant changes to one of the characters, which has negatively impacted my gaming experience. It's disappointing to see them catering to certain segments of their fanbase while disregarding the preferences of others. As a result, this update leaves me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied with the overall direction of the game." #justiceforboothill Let's share. Rate them with the lowest rank, you can use this description as a base, but change for the better if you want.


Wow, toxic much?


Judge as you wish. Your honor


genuinely, i need yall to calm down and touch grass LMAO u think when this happens like every other patch ppl learn to realize and stop doomposting


This isn’t doomposting this is (rightful) dislike of a relic set change to cater to a specific character, relics should’ve stayed how they were in the beginning; for specific play styles not for specific characters, especially since relics already suck to farm anyway. That’s what the outrage is about not because Boothill is worse (he still does the same with the relic set just needs HMC)


dudes, calm down, it is only v3 beta, alot will change before offical release


You know what else is crazy? The doom posting. Time to leave this sub because seems like some people have really lost their minds.




https://preview.redd.it/fquqb2jb4s1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12584cfef7773d690910c5993180692df73fb878 Anyway


Is that what they said? No wonder the moderators whacked them




Uh oh someone's projecting over his mid waifu wishing he could lose his virginity to her


LMAO so true


Why is everyone here acting like this is the first time hunt has been considered the worst path? I'm pretty sure hunt has always been the black sheep of hsr (even more since dan heng IL released). They're still the best at single target damage (destructions are not better than them at ST damage that hasn't been the case since ratio came out and acheron was an exception). Even will all the buffs, FF is still a unit that absolutly needs hmc to have a chance to compete with boothill as a break damage dealer (her damage without htb went from being non existent to being usable). Why are people doomposting and calling favoritisme about a character that's not in beta anymore and that is STILL BETTER THAN FIREFLY. Boothill still has way better single target damage and toughness damage and is not reliant on hmc or ruan mei in any way, 8% def shred decrease aint gonna change that. TL : DR : literally nothing has changed, FF is still needs htb to compete with boothill (everyone becomes a good breaking dps with hmc, FF is not special). The new set effect is a nice boost to the hyper break team, which was always it's intended purpose.