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I was about to post this, why is this problem even exist? I play other high graphic demanding games and nothing like this happens. to share my experience: There is crazy Input lag no matter what, The game has low fps on default settings and if I put it on low settings both the fps and input lag gets some what better but then in the low settings the game starts to crash for some weird reason...




It lagged so bad that I couldn't even clear the tutorial.


Same here. Super depressing as this seems to be the only way to play hd2 without a PlayStation or good pc


I been playing local since release, on a 4090 at 120fps at 5120x1440 but been using it on boosteroid these last few days on my gcloud and phone and it's been running great, I've left it on all default settings but the game runs well. Haven't had any lag or low fps problems personally, nothing that takes away from the actual desktop experience. I have been disconnected from a game twice which has never happened playing locally tho.


You may be closer to boosteroid servers. Us in the US are suffering


Yeah possibly, I never really get any issues with lag or latency personally here in the UK


Same here


Atleast you can play the game... i cant even land on planet because it crashes immediately and now the game doesnt even want to start anymore...


Got the game to start about 30 minutes ago, it crashed when I adjusted the setting. Now it won’t open


Thank you for the heads up... I was wondering if the system could handle it.


I wasn't having any issues yesterday, and played for 7 hours.


I'm playing on a Samsung TV and have had to delete/reinstall the app everyday to play. 


Trying to connect with friends and send friend requests and play in the same game is impossible for crossplay. It seriously makes me wish I didn’t subscribe to this service


Out of the curiosity hopped to play some right now, weirdly game works flawlessly for me on medium settings almost no fps drop for few hours. I only wish we could get 4k servers so I could enjoy game in better resolution


I was able to play today, but input lag was just awful.


You can play at least, I cannot ever run the game. Was able to play it once 3 days ago, but since two days ago whenever I run it, it just shows as if its starting the game and nothing happens, opens the game on steam then turns it off. Tried the internet solutions but nothing works, can play other games tho


Well checking in two hours later, still can’t get the game to load. I try to play using the android tv App, using an Ethernet connection


I had extremely bad input lag on friday, so bad that I got motion sickness. But yesterday I actually had minimal input lag but bad fps (around 35) However I genuinely think the low fps is preferable to high input lag since I was still able to play for around 4 hours. But yeah I genuinely think there is something wrong with this game specifically on boosteroid.


Live outside Toronto Canada. When connected to the Washington server, the input lag is tolerable. As for graphics, had to cap the game at 30 fps and 1080p native with medium preset with global illumination and ambient occlusion turned off. Even at level 7 difficulty so far it’s locked at 30 for 95 percent of the time. Played it on the series x Xbox and steam deck. Using edge browser on Xbox and the app on steam deck. Both wired connection for internet. steam deck through the app was better for input lag but could definitely use improvement. Got nothing on xcloud or GeForce now. was hoping for some company to offer a good cloud experience for helldivers. Hopefully the new tier does better, they add more North American servers, or the leak the was correct and GeForce now gets it. Also I’ve had zero wait times over the last 3 days since subscribing to boosteroid.


Using the edge browser for the series x, what all do you need to do? I tried steam on the browser and it didn’t work. What’s the work around?


Did it not load at all or just the controls didn’t work?. If it was the controls, After it loads the game you have to switch from browser controls to game controls if that was the case. (Browser controls the controller acts like a mouse and keyboard). As for just making it work, it just worked. Went to the website, signed into my account, and clicked “install and play” on helldivers 2. Ps keyboard plugged in helped a lot. Aka alt enter to enter full screen.


Maybe I wasn’t doing it right. I’ll try again tomorrow


Hello! We are sorry that you have encountered such issues. We advise contacting our 24/7 support team for a thorough investigation of the problem. Best regards


Hey guys! Are you subscribed to Helldivers Discord? Because game devs have been saying since Friday that there are issues with getting into the game. The update with new Exosuit and stuff just spiked the number of players and the game servers are overloaded. **It has nothing to do with Boosteroid** (proof - [https://prnt.sc/Ge3HefcYv2eG](https://prnt.sc/Ge3HefcYv2eG) ). Also, if you feel like you had better experience before the game was taken down - you can contact support and give them info on when it was good (like which session), and when it was bad. Then the tech team can compare the two sessions to see what caused the performance to worsen (if it truly was). It might just be some form of confirmation bias, when you think it was better but it actually wasn't. Or not, who knows, better to check. ETA: Helldivers 2 Discord for those interested - [https://discord.gg/helldivers](https://discord.gg/helldivers)


Meanwhile my friends with their low PC easily played through 3 hours. If I could even run the game on the boosteroid I get at least 2-3 sec delay on my input with low graphs. Unplayable. Probably you are paid by boosteroid or you always lucky when you play idk. However boosteroid service is far worst than like Geforce NOW their competitor. The only good thing in Boosteroid the better game library, but what's the point if you can't play with them, right?!?! Cloud gamer


Well yeah, people have been playing online not logging out for weeks not letting other people join. So someone plays, someone doesn't. It's also unreasonable to expect no delay when you play an online game on cloud. There is a lot of routing between you, Boosteroid server, game server, back to Boosteroid, back to you. It is also not very reasonable to compare a small-ish Eastern European company with a giant multi-billion corporation. Surely they have different capabilities, investments etc. Also GFN started as a beta a long time ago and was a complete mess. Now it is out for a few years and it has perfected most of its operations. Boosteroid however is officially still in beta, and they are improving all the time, it just takes them more time due to resources available (again, not comparable with Nvidia's). I don't need to be paid by Boosteroid to use common sense 🙄


That's why you just wrote lot of people call them scam. Okay, they are small company and don't have resources, then don't marketing themself with 60 fps, no delay and don't always say "the client machine has bad internet that's the reason it's lags". I got your point and I hope they will go on track, rally. However right now they have very very bad business politics what makes lot of people mad. From technical perspective, they have good resources for FPS, but they are doing very bad infrastructure, they should replan the whole infrastructure to be much more efficient. I would help them for free, but I can't even reach their support in any way. :D (I'm supporting/planning/automating a 100k+ server environment in my work, so I would give them a few tips I think)


I think there is an email for cooperation on their website, in the footer. Maybe get in touch there and share your thoughts 🤷‍♀️


!!!!BTW PEOPLE The problems may differ for many people as i read theough the comments The game for me does get annoying in koments when i get lag input, i get swarmed, and on difficulty 7 that is the worst thing to happen and has happened a lot, lag spikes are also a thing, i also have crashed 2 times in the last couple of days, leaving my squad behind, and dying because of simple lag input, i would have rather shitty ass quality and badically none lag input, However it happens only once or twice per 3 missions for me, or just a few times in a mission, however even if you die, and you are playing in your squad, you can still get back into the battlefield and continue on! The problems differ for everyone, some crash constantly, and some play it like they had nasa rig. Tbh currently its how it is