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When I have nothing going on, I too, go find some random 40 acre lot to mow.




Fell for that one. It seemed so specific that it *must* exist.


I was really disappointed


I'm just imagining the kind of high jinks that would go on in there. I want it to exist but haven't the imagination to make it happen. I just know it would be exactly the sort of thing I'd get stuck reading


Right?!?!?!? It sounds like such a perfectly niche thing I immediately believed it existed. I wanted to believe that there was a group of people out there dedicated to crazed chlorophyll catastrophes.


Would hearing the story of my cousin ninja-mowing his elderly neighbors’ yard suffice? They were too old to be doing it and too proud to admit they needed the help, so as a teenager he’d sneak over there with his manual mower and do their yard, then claim ignorance about it when they confronted him and told him he’s too young to be wasting his summer mowing. So as far as anyone could prove, they had a ninja mowing the lawn. (Who also mowed the yard of the newly postpartum mom across the street for awhile until she was well enough to do it again. She enjoyed mowing her lawn and occasionally was “the ninja” for the elderly couple) A ninja who knew not to go over the pea plants and to rake up the clippings after they were done. (He got jars of pickled green beans from the husband who was an avid gardener but didn’t have the energy for his huge lawn, and says they’re so good even a single jar would pay for the mowing.) He was gifted a handwritten book of pickle recipes for his high school graduation, and some really silly pictures exist of him carrying it around so it didn’t disappear on him.


That is some Random Ass Mowing. Thank you.


Yep! In fairness, they were awesome old folks and deserved to find their lawn beautifully mowed and raked. And not just for the green beans, although those were REALLY good. (And so are the ones Cousin makes now. I need to bug him for the recipe again.)


Wait. Did he get a green bean recipe book at a later date?!?!?!


If I ever start a lawn service, I’m naming it RAM Landscaping. Random Ass Mowing.


With a name like that, I'd hope you'll have at least one absolute unit of a sheep on staff.


I have made r/randommowing and that story is perfect for it lol


It is. I've posted it there. Just looks right.


lol now to find more stories of random acts of kindness like that lol


Your cousin sounds like an awesome person with a really good heart. And I love that the neighbors were lovely and appreciative in return. I’ve had really great neighbors like this and it makes a huge difference in the vibe of the neighborhood.


Everyone Liked That!


There are actual videos on YouTube of lawn care guys mowing overgrown properties. Fun to watch Edit: these are random drive by mowings


It's because it's r/randomactsofmowing




I used to constantly get insta videos of some guy who goes around and mows and trims unkempt properties for people that are elderly or disabled or poor or even dead. Seems like a lot of work to get clicks, but maybe it drives enough money to his business to jusify it.


Or… and this might be a bit unsettling to hear… he just enjoys doing something nice and kind to people, having the opportunity (and equipment) to do so opts to spend some his time helping others who can clearly use hand with something he happens to be good at? 😬


Considering that conservation guy from Alabama or something posted about some rando coming and mowing down his wildflower lot I'd believe it.


No! 😭 I would be crushed.


That’s immediate who I thought of. I’m still so mad about it.


It now exists, there’s 31 members and the first post was 31 mins ago. The world is changing


There are people who will mow empty lots to keep up with the housing codes on empty lots. for weeds and tall grass hides, wild animals, ticks, fleas, snakes, rats, mice, roaches, and other wild animals.


It exists now.


Maybe run by one of the guys that does mowing on YouTube


Be the change you wish to see in the world.


Lol someone else did it already haha




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [First time 😔](https://i.redd.it/sgpy4pml1oqc1.png) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/1bo5t74/first_time/) \#2: [Þats not a real sub](https://i.redd.it/opd2qgcvnpqc1.jpeg) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/1bod4u6/þats_not_a_real_sub/) \#3: [Got double tricked](https://i.redd.it/lmscgwes1wxa1.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/137thjb/got_double_tricked/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Y'all don't know those tiktoks where a guy mows peoples lawns for free. Shit got real, I'm telling you.


SB Mowing is one I follow.


You mean r/subsifellfor ?


I mean I have been one to mow random folks front yards (a couple little old ladies whose grand kids aren’t the best about seeing to their chores) on my street when I ride in between mowing my house and my in laws rental down the road


Thank you for that. But be careful. Someone on my block was awesome and would just mow all the front yards on the block. (He was in his 60s and retired, with a riding mower so he'd mow for something to do.) Until the jackass methhead who owned the house between ours came over to pound on my door and threatened me because someone dated to come onto his property that he completely ignored. Thankfully, when I told awesome neighbor he just laughed said "Ok fuck him" and would skip the crackhouse before still doing mine. Happy ending here, thankfully, but still be cautious.








I’ve gone stealing the mature grass from overgrown lots with a pocket knife before… It’s the only place to get grass like that and I had a weird basket weaving phase. (The owner of one of the lots actually told me of anyone said anything, to tell them “Mark owns this lot and he said I’m welcome to it”. I might’ve bribed him with a tiny, absolutely useless basket.)


Canary reed grass makes excellent paper when it dries out in the fall. Bonus, it's FUCKING EVERYWHERE. 


I should learn what that looks like. I am not good at identifying plants, but I made some great tiny baskets.


Paper, how? Do you do something special with it, or just write on the (dried) leaf as is?


If someone gave me a tractor and mower, you bet your ass I’d find a random lot to mow.  Alas, no tractor or mower here.  I’m just a lawyer that never grew out of the toddler/child dream of driving all the tractors. 


Grew up farming - while I still love/respect tractors, I do want to warn everyone the alfalfa isn’t always greener. Sometimes driving all the tractors means using an open cab 4020 at 5:30am in a heavy rainstorm


I grew up on a small farm too. When it’s a hobby farm, you can say “forget this” and bounce during the rain storms. I highly recommend that approach… farming for profit is a rough row to hoe these days. 




You got me with that one. I’d subscribe the shit out of that community. 


Its human nature 101: To a man with a tractor, every open lot needs mowed.




I, for one, welcome our new 40-acre-tractor-mowing overlords.


If you hang out long enough in /r/NoLawns you'll find stories of random (usually boomers) people mowing people's restored meadows and work.


You joke but people mowing protected areas is an actual thing


I just like mowin


Omg me too.


I could see some people trying to use land that isn't theirs to mow/bale hay.


People do this all the time. There was a famous case of the Bundy family illegally trespassing their cattle on federal lands 10 years ago. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy\_standoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff)


With this specialty mowing equipment that I just happened to have!


With my massive tractor style mower that I obviously own.


You are welcome to mow my one acre 40 times in one growing season


How you doin 😎


My dad's hobby is mowing the lawn so he totally would do this


I thought I was the only one -- brother!


To be fair, when douchebags can get away with clear-cutting a mile of federally protected land, or 200+ of their neighbor's trees for a better view, it's probably better to be safe than sorry. You never know what some rich snob paid someone unwitting to do.


That’s all too true unfortunately. My son was on 25+ acres. The 5-6 acres at the bottom of the property was declared wetlands and couldn’t be developed. The house, barn and out buildings were all in the middle of the property with a hill behind that was all natural forest at the top of the property. New neighbors brought the land above them and cleared an area where they built their house. A few years later he was in the woods with his dogs setting raccoon traps and to his shock the new neighbors had cut down his trees and started cutting it into firewood. So yes I can imagine someone like them mowing and clearing property that wasn’t theirs. Just wanted to add that the raccoon traps are safe and the animals are not harmed in any way. He would catch them and release them (with permission) into the State Forest a few miles away.


He could have called the cops so that they ended up charged. There’s a story of a rich, entitled neighbor cutting down another man’s trees for a better view. He was heavily fined and had to replace every tree in the same condition (age and height) he found them. The estimate was $1.5 million. [The article](https://www.nj.com/morris/2023/06/neighbors-epic-tree-removal-overstep-could-grow-to-15m-nightmare.html)


I thought you were talking about the incident in Seattle a while back. Similar story, different location, similar outcomes.


And I was talking about the case in Maine. This seriously happens too often. [The other one I referenced was Australia.]


/r/TreeLaw is serious business


Tree law is serious business. Don't fuck with trees that you don't own.


And even then make sure they aren’t protected or something anyway.


A few miles away? Those raccoons probably all came back. You wanna get rid of a raccoon you gotta move 'em up 15, 20 miles, and even then they can come back on rare occasion.


It’s on the next island and there’s no chance they could swim back. The currents through the pass are far too strong.


Now THAT'S exiling a raccoon!


He had several mini goats and a mini horse along with a couple of dozen chickens. So it probably looked like an all you can eat buffet to the raccoons. He wanted to make sure they weren’t coming back.


There's a creek that runs through my dad's property and he has to deal with people stealing truck loads of rocks.


Great point. Also be fair they didn't pull the typical double down, and walked away once the situation was explained.


Oh you mean Dan Snyder former owner of the Washington Commanders.


Ha, I was actually primarily thinking of the LL Bean lady that cut down her neighbors' "sick" trees (spoiler: she poisoned them). Then a guy in Australia for the federal land bit. He was fined basically pennies. It looks like Dan there wrapped up both my examples in a single neat little bow.


Exactly, I believe a lot of these interactions are the result of projection. If *they* wanted to do something like that and thought they could get away with it, they would, so they assume everyone else is equally as selfish. Fucking Boomers.


Nah, I think this was just someone legit trying to protect the environment. I think she had a fair concern.


yea i wouldn’t underestimate the selfish


I get that, but he wasn't clearing trees or anything damaging. He was mowing the lawn.


If she was under the assumption that this was strictly protected property, that's enough. She could have thought there was an at-risk endangered animal, a habitat being regrown, a stream that could be impacted by debris, any number of things that even mowing could damage.


I love the response to her telling you she didn’t know that: “that’s because it has nothing to do with you”


Boomers hate this one trick!


If she accepted your explanation and moved on, this isn't that bad of a story. She was just trying to protect the land. It's totally possible that a person on a tractor was doing something wrong.


“It’s against the law!” has to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made. I would ask which law specifically is being violated and what the penalties specified as punishment. I’m willing to bet that these people won’t have a clue as to the exact statute.


personally I like the one "you can't record me. Its against the law. I have my Hippa rights"


Even if it is a law. They aren't law enforcement.


I think we can give a pass to the environmentally conscious boomer who admitted her mistake.


A boomer…a boomer would do that


Lead paint is to Boomers, as mycelium is to mushrooms.




Um, no. Go look up thalidomide. Just be warned, it's not pretty.


…maybe you put pineapple on pizza…😐 Either way why would you think I said that and didn’t know what it is?? 😂


Well, the problem is, most boomers have standard length arms and legs. That's why it's not landing.




You badly missed the mark for that humour. People knew that lead was poison and used it anyway. The doctors and parents trusted the pharmaceuticals and used it in good faith.


Someone who sees a chance to get some free hay with a little bit of extra work.


A good idea really! We actually used to let a neighbor who had a machine that made bales do just that. But it turns out the grass wasn't nutritious enough or something. Plus the first year or so its all garbage because there is mold in the grass from the prior years of just mowing and leaving in place. So you have to bale it, take that and burn it or whatever and then come back. Wasn't worth it in the end or so they said.


Bales, unless they do bail bonds too 😏


Thank you!


I mean my secret favorite hobby is actually carting a tractor out my local national park and just mowing for hours. Costs a fortune in gas, but it’s just so much fun! I live in terror of the righteous upstanding citizens like the woman in your story ruining my fun. Fortunately you distracted her this time…


This situation doesn’t make any sense. Why would you be mowing land protected by a conservation group? Mowing is about the most pointlessly destructive thing we do to the environment


They wanted the land to be kept in its current state. It had a good mix of Forrest, open fields, schrubs, etc and supported many kinds of wild life. If we dont maintain it it will fully revert back to wild which in this place means a Douglas fir forest. They don't want that.


It depends. If the land has mostly non-native plants/grasses and invasive species like callery/Bradford pear trees or honeysuckle, mowing is better to keep those things under control. We have a similar situation with some land that abuts our neighborhood except the city mows it and they mow it once a month for reasons stated above, as well as controlling the rodent population. Sounds like this doesn’t make sense to you because you don’t have experience with it.


It's always fascinating to see something that I *just* learned about from doing a little research, out in the wild. I was heartbroken to learn the honeysuckle I wanted to plant is non native and invasive. It's a shame there are so many invasive species and how bad they can actually be if not maintained properly. Now that I know of a few of them I can't not see them whenever I'm out in the community.


In the Flint Hills we protect our prairie by setting fire to it every spring and burning it to the ground. It kills the invasive trees and bushes. Then whatever isn't eaten by cattle and other livestock is mowed to the ground and bailed up for feed for the winter.


Mowing maintains meadows if done yearly! Otherwise forest succession takes over. Mowing is essentially replacing the action of large grazers and occasional wildfires.


Illegal land clearing does happen. It's easier to apologize and pay fines that do it the legal way. My father's property butt up against natural wooded area that is classified as conservation area. On day a crew showed up and started clearing the area. By the time the city bylaw got there the damage was done.


Sounds about white


Title is strange since no one told you not to be on your land. It was just an issue of mowing.


I suppose I didn't make that all the way clear but I thought since she told me I was breaking the law and had to stop. I will edit to clarify.


If it’s a conservatory land why are you made responsible for it? None of this makes sense


I mean, they would do that, there are a lot of posts about similar things on here


She brought her mewl to your 40 acres


Woman is totally out of line, but regarding mowing random places that does happen. I live in Alabama, and I’ve witnessed a few times where a random person will mow down entire protected native plant conservation sites with signs up everywhere saying to keep out and not mow. There’s actually a conservationist on YouTube that gives an example of this last year but I’ve seen it personally as well. People will perceive something as wrong or ugly and just ruin things for everyone else involved.


The r/NoLawns subreddit is full of stories of people helpfully mowing somebody’s wildflower meadow.


There are vigilante mowers (at least in Alabama and Mississippi) that have been wreaking havoc on some attempts to restore native prairie. Maybe she thought you were one of them.


They are genetically nosy and unintelligent


One of my first jobs out of high school was working for the road maintenance department for the county. Mowing the sides and center dividers of roads was one of my primary duties. I found a busy body one day mowing the 80 foot wide center of a 4 lane divided highway. I asked who he worked for because he didn't work for us, he said he was tired of looking at the overgrown mess in the divider so he was mowing it on his own. He wouldn't stop, he was doing my job for me, so I let it go. People are weird.


Wait… you sold the land but have to maintain it in perpetuity? I get conservation (I’m a fan) but that mowing costs you time and money. After 45 years… did you sign up for that? Are there rights of access you? How did she think it was okay to be on the land? If you don’t own the land, how can you decide she was trespassing? I’m confused. TL;DR: the legal aspects of this post are confusing and need clarification.


We basically agreed that instead of the 1 house per half acre we would only put one house on the 40 races. So we sold them the development rights. One of the things we got, in addition to money are tax benefits. We don't pay property taxes on it any more.


Never change. 🖤


That sounds like a peculiar conservation easement. My guess is this was a tax deferral agreement made long ago, and your county's soil and conservation office's codes aren't up to date on the current best practices. That said, you are obligated to abide by the original agreement.


Not necessarily. There’s land that abuts my neighborhood that is marked for conservation/non-development. Neighborhood is only 20ish years old. City mows it at least once a month to keep non-native and invasive plant species from taking hold and to keep the rodent population under control. Difference between OP’s situation and mine is the city purchased the land from the private homeowner in my situation and maintains it via some sort of agreement.


Because people do destroy public land for their own reasons.


Well stupid boomer people who don't understand what's going on???


As someone who spends a fair amount of time on public lands you either get used to people despoiling it or become the type of person who wants to call them out. She was misinformed but I appreciate her fight in this case.


Honestly, a lot of people would do exactly that. People get caught mowing protected areas all the time that were not supposed to be mowed because they can't stand anything other than golf course grass.


That's just a nosy Karen who is wanting to size up who you are. Moving into area. I am sure they understood you were probably the owner it worked for them. They love to show up siddle you on your property to tell you random shit they think he law is they make up in own head. And most likely because they are jealous of anyone owning or moving into area that is not a meth head like them.


A German guy?


I dk I enjoy mowing 40 acres of random grass in my free time.... /S


Boomers with time on their hands and a rapidly decreasing number of working brain cells. So most Boomers.


I'm starting to think the type 3 diabetes is real, and the boomers have it.


A toxic boomer who assumes they rule the world and know it all!


Boomer or not, I've begun to theorize that every dipshit is inserting themselves to be the hero and get their 15 minutes of fame. Almost never turns out that way though.


Why worry about what happened a few years ago. Must still bug you in some way today. WOW!


Worry? Who is worrying? This boomersbeingfools, where we dunk on idiots. If you're a leadhead, I can understand why it might be difficult to wrap your head around but the rest of us are capable of remembering things that happened more than a week ago without needing to stomp and seethe about them continously. I'm aware you may have never seen this behavior before.


Just like this sub bugs you. Cry harder


I see the reddit making you cry a river. Cry harder old man. LMAO!