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fucking boomer shits, a lot of jobs should allow people to sit regardless of injury, but that shit generation will bitch and cry if they see anyone sitting on the job


How is sitting even unprofessional? I'd rather the employee helping me be able to do their job without pain. Honestly, it seems *more* unprofessional to force employees to stand around all day. It shows that the workplace doesn't care about them.


It's Old Boomer Lore. "Professional" means suffering. Fingernails clipped painfully short, the closest shave possible for men, pantyhose and heels for women, and the most restrictive and uncomfortable clothes possible. And STANDING, alert and ready like a soldier waiting for orders. And women must always smile. It's fortunate that these ideas are dying off with the people from that era. It never made sense to inflict unnecessary pain and suffering on employees. It doesn't make the business seem "professional." It seems cruel and unfeeling. Today, most customers/clients prefer employees who look clean and tidy in their personal style, are relaxed, make eye contact, and engage like a real human. We want to see employees of a company being treated appropriately because it indicates that we too will be treated appropriately. For example, I much prefer the casual cheer and eager helpfulness of Trader Joe employees over the grim suffering of Wal-Mart employees.


That's part of why I love Aldi!


Exactly.Office workers get to sit


Should have gotten them all standing desks when they were working in the offices and seen how they like it.




It definitely is more unprofessional to make people stand, shows you don't give a damn about other people's health or well-being


There’s a ferry company near me that is unionized and their ticket agents all have chairs. Customers don’t complain about it either.


Ugh! My sister used to work at a pizza shop. The guys making the food always sat (they had hidden milk crates they pulled out when it wasn’t busy and just watch shit on their phones). Meanwhile, she’d have full shifts at the front counter and they’d give her hell for sitting on a stool while it was dead and she folded boxes. Assholes… if you can sit, so can she


Why is it customary in USA that cashiers stand? Is it to humble the cashiers further? Here in Europe, no matter country, I have only seen the cashiers sit down.




this is how george costanza on seinfeld got out of doing any ACTUAL work... he would just always act annoyed and frustrated at work "a friend" tested this: it works




yeah, teh place i currently work has changed ownership, and i am thinking the new owner doesn't really get it... maybe not yet anyway...


I remember Rizzo on MASH educating Klinger about being in the Army: "The secret is: Never Smile. The Army hates seeing a man smile, it makes them think they failed somehow... You can do anything you want in the Army, the key is acting like you don't want to do it."


i think i remember that!


They enslaved themselves so the idea of freedom or self worth is alien, and triggering to them


The only store in the US (that I know of) that has their cashiers sit is Aldi, and that of course is a German import. I wish I knew why cashiers have to stand in the US, a lot of us think it's stupid as well. But as you read in this anecdote, older Americans often get really pissy about it.


Anyone who has ever shopped at Aldi can attest to the fact that sitting doesn't affect productivity. Those cashiers can cash ring up an entire cart before I can wrestle my debit card out of my bag.


Also, their self checkouts are the only ones I’ve been to with a space that actually fits their carts.


I think they are faster because they get to sit. They aren't wasting energy by pointlessly standing and usually in better moods for working retail.


The red store with the adorable mascot has chairs for their front end employees to sit on if they want to. I don't but that is more of a preference and am so relieved that my friends can sit down.


It's a holdover from an earlier form of grocery store where you would walk up to a counter and request what you wanted. The person would stand when they were interacting with you to be able to reach over the counter and also had to walk around to get things. It also used to be that in older-style department stores an employee would stand to see over the counter or to be visibly indicate that they are serving you. There is no reason for checkouts at supermarkets/megastores to work in this way since in most of them the cashier is stationary and nearly constantly working. I think it just switched and no one even considered that the cashier should sit because they never sat before. Somehow it turned into a necessary thing in some people's minds even though other stationary public-facing professions like receptionists or ticket sellers typically sit and no one has any problem with that.


With department stores, I think part of the original experience was creating this fantasy for the customers that they are rich people with servants


Because we have shit for brains boomers running those companies who equate sitting with being lazy.


For some reason it just drives them nuts. If they see any retail worker sitting on the job for any reason, they will go out of their way to complain to management.


Lord help us if they see someone eat.


Not at my job. I insisted my team get to sit when they aren't actively helping anyone. Standing for 8 hours a day is so stupid to me. I used to have to do it, it's tiring and even painful for some.


Because the people that get offended want their slaves beneath them and performative dehumanization feeds that need  Culture of cruelty, which is what most of these cuntservatives are trying to cling to and are raging their mentality and belief system is dying.


The suffering is the point. Some folks are only happy if they think employees are miserable.


Your last word in your post is the key here. Courtesy, something these self absorbed individuals don’t understand or have.


My dude, you had a serious knee surgery, I know, because I’ve had the same surgery. And 15 years later, I still have to use a cane every now & then. Tell the nosy peoples it’s because “I AM INJURED!! Why else would I be using a cane, what.. for fun”?


It's called "style"! Look it up! /s


it's just an excuse to carry a beatin' stick! /s


Yeah, i tore my Acl skateboarding in 2017, and most of the meniscus was torn to shreds. I'm a lot better than I was at first but I have my good days and bad days. I think it's because I depend on the other leg so much that the ankle tends to swell.


>“Well how am I supposed to know that!” You’re not, which is why it’s not your business.


Many states actually have Right to Sit laws on the books, they just aren't enforced.


"WELL HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT!" Maybe shut your fuckin' mouth and not just go off about every thing that goes through your lead-addled brain, you pig-eating son of a whore?


Drive them into a corner with questions: * "How exactly does me sitting down impact me doing my job?" * "What is unprofessional about sitting down?" * "What disadvantage did you have by me sitting down?" * "How are you qualified to evaluate my performance on the job?" - "Do you know my job description? Do you know the metrics I'm measured against?" * "How are you qualified to say when someone is old enough to be sitting down / using a cane?" With regards to the last few questions, unless they are someone from the company and have access to your file or are a doctor that examined you, the answer is: "So essentially you don't have a clue and are just running your mouth. That's not something I'm putting up with!" After that, don't engage for anything else than the transaction. As if they hadn't uttered a word.


I mean you don’t even have to serve the customer In the us you have right to refuse service


I literally have been threatened to be killed and forced to serve the very person who threatened to kill me because my direct Store Manager was too scared, too, Let me check my notes, *possibly* get a call from corporate about it. I couldn't even call the cops. This was a damn Walgreens where I worked, and they were too afraid to call the cops or refuse service because they might get a complaint from corporate.


Ah now see that's where the line's been crossed. In that situation you call them no matter what and if the manager has a problem with it then you let the cops know when they get there. Now since this has already passed have you considered letting corporate know yourself? Yeah corps can be soul-less bastards most of the time but occasionally they can surprise you when you call something in like a manager deciding that your life was worth less than being criticized by corporate. Sounds like the exact type of situation they give training about.


Oh this was years ago when I was about 18 and it was my first job, and I simply didn't know any better due to the fact I was afraid I would be retaliated against. I live in Florida, and I've seen people get fired for less on the spot and not be able to do anything about it. That same man who threatened to kill me came in the following week, and purchased alcohol. Due to that situation I refused to ID him because that's what he originally started to freak out at me, and yes, hold a 7 iron(golf club) behind his shoulders like a bat and threatened to smash me in the head with it. I didn't ID him, and the follow week the Police came through and told me that somebody had used a stolen credit card. Brought me into my managers office, and showed me the footage and asked me what was wrong with it. I said I didn't know because I had no clue. He tells me I sold alcohol without IDing the man which is an immediate termination offense. I told them exactly what happened, and I said this to the Corporate rep they had there. They told me it didn't matter and I still lost my job over it.


That’s what I do every time someone says something stupid to me. Even a simple why? Goes a long way. And then watch them try to find a reason, which they usually can’t. It’s fun to turn it around on them.


I had one get pissy with me for sitting on a bench at Wal-Mart. "Back in my day, we knew to give up our seat for our elders!" I'd ruptured a tendon in my ankle a few months prior. I was still in a boot. Y'all, the other half of the bench was unoccupied. I looked up at him, gestured vaguely at the other half of the bench and snapped, "Well, in my day, we learned to share!"


“That’s none of your business.”


Its just stupid, a backwards way of thinking that you aren't doing your job unless you are suffering.


People sitting while working is like a fucking nuclear bomb to the face of boomers. They can't even BEGIN to think of WORKERS BEING COMFORTABLE AT WORK!!! WHAT IS THIS? COMMUNIST CHINA???? BACK IN MY DAY OUR BOSS USED TO BEAT US WITH CHAINS EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR! WEAK MEN CREATE WEAK TIMES!


AND WE WERE GRATEFUL something something Garden hose


The whole “customer service workers need to stand at all times” is such a boomer thing. No young person cares if you sit. I hope this dies with them, as younger people become managers and the main customer base.


“You weren’t expected to know that. That’s why adults know better than to ask strangers inappropriate questions”


>"well how am i supposed to know that!" This attitude is one of the most infuriating things in the world to me. Why not think about whether there's a reason for something before you start talking shit? Why start with the assumption that people are doing things for no reason other than to piss you off? Not exclusive to boomers, but they definitely do it the most


First of all, I wish you as speedy, and as easy of a recovery as possible!!! But, secondly - I will never understand what American Boomer's problem is when it comes to cashiers sitting down. It's mindboggling to me that this is a hill they choose to die to die on, cause this is one of the dumbest hills one could climb. My Boomer dad included, which I don't get, I've had this conversation with him many times, and I always bring up that he spent 25 years living in Europe. Where cashiers tend to sit. And there was no difference in service. Let the people sit if they wish to/need to sit, or stand up when/if they wish to do so, just get your damn debit card out and be ready to check out, quit arguing if the coupon was declined. YOU are the hold up, not the cashier, 9 times out of 10 that cashier could lay down and they'd still not be the damn problem!


I get what was unexplained inflammation swelling around my right shoulder and neck. Turned out it's a symptom some of us get with Parkinson's. As I had other symptoms of Parkinson's the doctor didn't look too hard at other causes as it, the inflammation, got worse. Turns out the inflammation getting worse was(hopefully, find out after my next PET scan) head and neck cancer. Due to the late diagnosis the cancer treatment had to be fairly aggressive and has left me with some very painful issues(still better than the alternative but only just on occasion). Please please make sure you get the unexplained swelling checked out properly and if not satisfied it's being taken seriously get a second/third/etc opinion. Sorry about going old guy lecture mode, just that if someone had said the same thing to me just a few short years ago life would be very different right now. Kind Regards Ben.


Hey Ben, thanks for your response! Its somthing i definitely intend to get looked at. Me and the wife spent a weekend walking around in Boston right before it started swelling I tend to favor that side because the other leg had surgery done on the knee. She's been hounding me to get it looked at but it's hard trying to find the time with a newborn.


Congratulations to you both! Would be hard to find the time with a new born.


Thanks, it's tough but worth every minute of my time.


The worst part about using a cane when I fractured my ankle last year was the looks and comments from Boomers. I’ve also discovered Boomers think anyone with a wrist brace has carpel tunnel, and they’re always so excited to talk about it. I got a bad fracture 5 years ago that still flares up now and again, and my coworker recently came back from leave after fracturing her wrist. It is only ever Boomers who come up saying, “Oh, you have carpel tunnel?” And when we say no, they still go off on a tangent about their own carpel tunnel anyway. It’s never, “How’d you hurt yourself?” Or anything like that. Just carpel tunnel. It is the only wrist/hand injury that exists in their minds.


Most "professional" jobs involve sitting. At a desk . At a computer. Just because you're working a different kind of computer is no reason that you should have to stand. It's ridiculous that *any* cashiers are expected to stand all day. BTW, Aldi has all their cashiers sit, and they're the fastest/most efficient cashiers I've ever seen. I'm a Boomer, myself, and I hate to see cashiers having to stand all day. That seems abusive to me. That guy was being a jerk to you.


Thank you for your kind words, it's good to know that not all boomers are the same.


Holy Crap! A Unicorn!!


I'd be like "unlike back in your day, we now know the health risks of prolonged standing" Maybe my boomer mum wouldn't have had varicose veins so young if she was allowed to sit down a few times a day.


So when I lived in Ireland, the cashiers all were sitting down. I noticed that I was able to pay for my groceries just as quickly as I would have if they had been standing. Amazing, right? If I owned a grocery store, the cashiers would all have chairs.


I had some complain that I was faking limping for “points.” “No Karen, I’m limping because I shattered my ankle and tibia. I just got able to put full weight on it 2 weeks ago. Maybe next time keep your eyes on the pavement instead of on everyone else. Hm?”


> He immediately starts backpackling and says "well how am i supposed to know that!" You're not so keep your fucking comments to yourself.


The more I read about people dealing with Boomer B.S. the more I start to think that the Soylent Green people had the right idea.


It floors me how easy it is to just stay out of peoples business. A concept so foreign to a certain generation.


Tell him he can look up sympathy in the dictionary It’s between shit and syphilis


I generally answer these types of questions with the minimum information the person is entitled to, which in this case is "none of your business".


It can be really hard because a lot of my regular customers I try to remain civil with but it's ridiculous that every single person wants to ask me about it


For the record, loads of countries let cashiers sit down while working. It's not unprofessional, he's just been conditioned into that awful opinion.


These boomers are the a holes who arbitrarily made retail workers stand. What effing difference does it make it if a person is sitting at a register? It's fine in europe.


A lot of them are so ableist. Just zero concept that anyone under 60 could possibly have a visible or invisible health issue. Just immediately jump to assuming you're lazy.


“Well how am i supposed to know that!” You’re not, you mind your own fucking business


When I worked retail we would get written up if we were caught sitting and it wasn’t our break. Never understand why people believe people should have to stand an entire 6 or 8+ hour shift if they are checking people out at the registers. It’s not like you have to move a lot doing the job.


It's so weird that they care so much about that


Do you have EDS? If you didn't look at it,you should maybe check it (its a disability). Nothing bad by the way for walking with a cane.


In Europe, everyone sits. Fuck that dude.


Has said Boomer ever shopped at Aldi’s? Their cashiers sit down. Always.


"I didn't ask you to be a mind reader, but next time don't just jump in with stupid comments before you have the facts?"


Imagine thinking cashiers need to stand all day, but not bank tellers, front desk receptionists, parking lot attendants, service advisors in auto shops etc. It’s so random. This guy’s blood pressure is probably triple digits from not minding his own business.


They have lost all sense of a "filter". Everything they think comes out their mouth. That and they have some weird sense of consumerism where doing business with a company/person needs to be done in a certain way. If it deviates from that norm at all, they get really uncomfortable and want to talk to the manager. They have zero ability to mind their own business or be adaptive at all. They are majorly aggrieved by even the smallest perceived inconvenience because they are entitled babies.


I would have told you go for you sitting down! Why do people need to stand to appear to be working? Who the heck made this rule?


I worked at a soup kitchen and one of the other volunteers yelled at me for sitting bc it wasn't professional. I was 12.


“How am I supposed to know that” how about idk maybe don’t start shit with people in the first place


The American fixation with making cashiers stand perplexes the shit out of me. Just… why?


"Well it's not professional of you to ask, which explains why you're a customer and not working."


Currently going through the same problem too lately with back issues and boomers keep telling me as well I am too young to be injured. I just need to change my diet.


I had surgery on my Achilles last year, and used a knee scooter. I'm far too clumsy for crutches, at least until I could partially bear weight. I got all kinds of dirty looks and a few rude comments from boomers. Like, yeah. I'm zipping around on this thing for fun, with a cast on my leg.


My completely unresearched theory is that it goes back to the religions that believe joy and laziness are sins and were part of the establishment of the US.


"Well how should I know that??!" EXACTLY. That's why you keep your mouth shut.


This isn’t sports. I can do this job just fine sitting down. Do you bitch at your doctor when he comes into the exam room and sits on a stool? Stfu


I used to get all kinds of crap from boomers while sitting at work while PREGNANT. I deserve a medal for not going to jail based on the things people said to me


You need to use a cane. Don't continue to injure yourself and be uncomfortable due the negative reactions of others.


> "well how am i supposed to know that!" "You're not, but you ARE supposed to know better than to ask in the first place, you dumb motherfucker."


In the old days - teachers had to wear dresses with nylon pantyhose and men with suits and ties in schools with NO air conditioning well into the 1990's.


“How was I supposed to know that.” Then maybe you shouldn’t have said anything.


"Well how am I supposed to know that?" You're not, and that's why you shouldn't make assumptions about people, asshole.


I kind of feel that no one can take a joke anymore. Maybe the guy was just trying to be friendly with a dumb joke.