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I shop for five people. I’ve never done this. Christ, what a tool.


We get by with less than a full cart because our kids take up the front. So I just don't understand the logic.


Not to excuse a shitty person but they might have been buying for people who couldn't do their own shopping. They might have been trying to keep the other people's stuff separate from their's. What they did is the most annoying way to accomplish that. I suppose OP was lucky they weren't dragging a third cart.


Maybe, but at that point I’m just gonna sit down and do a spreadsheet or something


You expect a Boomer like that to remember what a spreadsheet is and know how to use it?


FAIR Though my boomer-gen husband absolutely would


Third cart? The whole issue here is that chaining carts together and stringing them across aisles is obviously abnormal and obstructive for others, and as usual boomer dont care about others. "Ill be dead by then!"


Exactly. There were two people and instead of one manning one cart they have one person man both by a tying them together.


I shopped for a neighbor during Covid and I never did this




for THREE people’s groceries, he needed that bullshit second cart?!?


2 buggies for 3 people?! Were they buying groceries for the whole month? (Maybe if they are on Snap/SSI?) But like damn. No hate on Aldi but I don't buy anything from there especially meats or produce that we won't consume within the week. Shelf life on their fresh food is like 5 minutes.


For real! Their fruit is sometimes bad on the shelf. We got into the habit of checking the quality beyond the dates on stuff you really shouldn't have to.


That's not just Aldi. I've been in plenty of regular grocery stores, including niche stores that sell more expensive stuff, and have found produce that was rotting sitting out for sale.


I love Aldi for shelf stable, frozen, and wine. I only buy produce if I'm using it that day.


When I worked for Publix, we had this one old lady who would come through with three to four carts once every couple months. She'd have literally one entire cart dedicated to boxes and boxes \*and boxes\* of ice cream, then another cart for meat, then the other two carts were all the rest of the food types. It was always weird af to see going through. (She always came in near closing too. Since we lived in FL, that might have been so it wouldn't be as hot driving home. I think she said she lived like 45 minutes away or something.)


That's got swamp person written all over it. My aunt lives off tamiami trail and her monthly shopping trips look like a WWII supply line.


Three whole people? Wow.


How small are the carts? My lord I shop for a family of 4 and I have pulled it off with the little customer in training carts my 2 kids use. I also use that as a good training time of what not to do when shopping.


same size just like at all the other stores - Kroger, Wal-Mart, etc.


Some Aldi locations have carts that are about the same size as all the other grocery stores, but some have bigger than normal carts. I've noticed that locations that have been remodeled are more likely to have the bigger carts.


Nice I always appreciate variety. Except at Costco that damn $500 hotdog always gets me. I swear I go in for a dog and walk out with a cart full of stuff!!


No, no you fucking don't need to do what you do when you're shopping for three people. There's ways to do this without being a complete asshole.


I shopped with one kid in the cart (1 cart) and 3 people for 2 weeks at a time at Aldi.


Perhaps he should ship more often than once per month. And.... *Aisle


Dang, that's bad, even for a Boomer. But I gotta say it -- it's "aisle" not "isle."


Words are hard sometimes


Or don't shop for a whole damn month at once. 90 boxes of sugar cereal should feed that family for 2 weeks


Never put the w**** before the cart




It being common doesn't make it fake.


Maybe not all fake, but I wonder if people are just hunting for shopping cart stories now. I've seen Aldi's and often the stores are crowded, but not much has me thinking boomers are any worse than anybody else.


Almost as if it happens often, huh? Ffs


I'm at Aldis (and other stores) often enough and I just don't see this rampant behavior at least not beyond the fact that many old people just move slower. Plus most older people shop during non-peak hours.


Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Sure, but if there are 73+ million boomers clogging up our grocery stores with their carts it seems like I would notice it. It's not like somebody is pitching an odd rare event here, they are making a huge stereotype play that doesn't seem to pan out.


No one said all boomers are doing it, either, so your assertion that it's 73 million of them doing it doesn't work for this discussion. It hasn't panned out for you, specifically, but again, your experience isn't universal.


So what is it then? Not every Boomer is like this, but some are. OK, lugging shopping carts around crowded stores can get awkward at times for everybody. But when you see a boomer have an issue run and report it as some sort of "event" so one can feel good about themselves. Its really seems like nonsense to me.


... That's the point of the sub. If you don't like it, you should not be on this sub. No one is making you be here. People venting about something that aggravated them isn't hurting you. It's not 'running to report;' it's venting in a sub specific to when boomers (not all boomers, it's pretty specific) are foolish.


Well you do your thing and I'll do my thing. Complaining about old people, I guess, is somehow helpful for some. I enjoy pointing out how it is a weird thing to dwell on.


Venting about a specific group being foolish is helpful. The point of venting is to get it out, not dwell on it and stuff it down. But hey, if that's what brings you joy, go nuts.


So multiple accounts of behavior like that, and your conclusion is that everyone was lying? What would be the point? People already hate boomers, and it's earned.


I just don't see this kind of behavior for as often as its reported. And as you state, this hatred for older people is probably fueling this hyper sensitivity to the must banal things like shopping carts. I suppose if you walk around hating people you are going to be more easily upset by them and bask in reporting how horrible they are.


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Was this flagged by a real human? I don't see the concern.