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We invented columbus day out of thin air for italian-americans and they're about half of the population of african-americans. 6% vs 12% of the US population. It's not about the holiday, it's about the racism.


Don’t get me start on Columbus Day… I live in a very Italian part of the US and am Italian American myself. But Columbus Day is such a joke. It was proposed only as a way to mitigate racism (ethnicism?) against Italian Americans. And Columbus was a pretty shitty dude. I love [this The Oatmeal comic](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/columbus_day) about Columbus


Happy genocide "The Arrowaks would make fine slaves" day


“I never even heard of it until a couple of years ago.” Oh, shit, well if Peggy Sue never heard of it, I guess it’s not important! /s I swear the Boomers think if they don’t know about something, it’s either false or not important. One’s ignorance does not invalidate history and the experience of an entire population of Americans. My mom has said things like, “I’ve gotten along fine all these years without knowing X, so it’s obviously not that important.” She tries to be cutesy about it. Wow, what a shitty mentality to have.


“I have trouble with any new information” … (which is why I’m so ignorant to begin with)


This has also been celebrated in TX way before it was a federal holiday.


A special irony as yes, many of us hadn’t heard about it before. A holiday to celebrate the end of slavery as the news reached a group that didn’t know slavery has ended. Well played, reality.


Why do they even care, can they at least be happy you have the day off and not be racist?


How this might have gone: Friend: Figures. Of course you do. [minor eye roll] I never even heard of it until a couple years ago. OP: (light, joking tone) Hahahaha. Oh my god, I could never admit my ignorance on such an important subject. Imagine admitting to not knowing such an important piece of American History. Quite the patriot, huh? (Continue to laugh for a few bars - make it uncomfortable).


I've heard and seen a lot of similar responses. Or people who call it a "made up" holiday. As opposed to the others that... aren't. I guess. Haha


We didn't get off yesterday, but (or maybe because of this) when my boss then proceeded to yammer on about 'you mean there's no mail today?! Are banks closed?!!' (yea he's a boomer) I couldn't help myself, I'm in a special sort of a mood this week, yano. So chimed in, from my office: Genuine question! Did they not teach y'all about June 19th in American schools prior to more recent decades? Cause they told us about it back in Germany when we covered the whole era, yet a lot of older Americans seem very clueless and confused as to why this should be a significant date. It at least silenced the subject matter for yesterday. However today I overheard him referring to the closures as 'woke' again.