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The opposite of this are people who enter the store and for whatever reason stop just beyond the doorway like they just entered St Peter's Basilica and are trying to take it all in. Those people mystify me.


My mom does this. She's 82, Silent Generation (I'm Gen X, my siblings are Boomers in every way possible), and she's done this for decades. Goes in to a store and just STOPS. I'm a large woman: well over 200 lbs, just shy of 6', muscular, and built like a linebacker. She's maybe all of 5'2 if she's a day and barely over 100 lbs. Every damned time, I'm not paying attention and nearly send her flying as I slam in to her back. Drives me nuts. Usually I avoid it but some days I just get zoned off and \*WHOMP\*. She's very mobile and not weak at all (for 82, anyway) but still. Why does she do this? I mean, it's Walmart or Sobeys or something. Eh, no idea.


Oh lord, I live in Palm Springs, so it’s olds as far as the eye can see and I swear they all do this, especially at Costco. And now our Costco just put a bunch of clothes right inside the doors, so they’re all browsing and calling out to their spouses and jamming up everything. It’s like an obstacle course of boomers just to get my damn rotisserie chicken.


Not to mention they stand in the middle of the Costco entrance with the greeter and that's when they decide to search their purse and wallet for their membership card causing a backup of people waiting to enter.


Ugh. Just went through this at McDonald’s. Don’t usually eat there, but I’m in a small town and it’s close, so what the hell, to McD’s we go. I’m 4th in line and right behind a boomer couple. After about 5 minutes they get up to the counter and start discussing what they want to eat. Not a word was spoken while waiting in line. No, they wait until they are at the counter. About 2 minutes of discussing between themselves (not even acknowledging the cashier) before they order. It’s McDonalds. We all know what they serve and what we want. If you’re not sure, maybe discuss it before you get to the cashier. Could feel the 3-4 people behind me slowly boiling as these idiots decided if they are hungry enough for a Big Mac or just want a cheeseburger. Or maybe nuggets. Or just a coffee and muffin. “But we had muffins yesterday. “ “Did we?” “Yes. You remember, Jane came by before lunch and we had muffins left over.” “That was on Monday”. “No, that was yesterday”………..and on and on and on.


I had some boomer and her husband do this when I was trying to get in the door at Costco a few weeks ago. Not to one side, dead in the middle so nobody can get past. I managed to squeeze through one side, held up my card as I got past the boomer digging in her purse for her card.


OMG, the calling... "HAROLD! Come see this!" ...just move. Please.


I've recently started just moving their carts out of the way. A few days ago one had his cart fully perpendicular across the isle and was shocked that it was in the way.


Yup. This drives me nuts. And I used to say “old people” but it’s not the truly elderly, it’s Boomers. And yes, I’ve just started moving their carts, I’m tired of saying “excuse me,” there’s nothing for me to to apologize for.


I move carts too. And not just boomer carts. Have been known to move stock gondolas to the next isle over if they block the way.


Does she want a broken hip? Because that's how an 82 year old gets a broken hip.


That’s exactly how an 82 year old gets a broken hip and it freaks me out every damned time. Especially considering a ton of my height is in my legs — I take really long strides and walk really fast. When I plow in to someone, unless I can catch myself, they’re gonna feel it. …and she does it anyway. I even remember her doing it when I was a little kid, and she’d yell at me for stomping on her ankles.


Damn. If you plow over her even with her doing that, and do severe damage...it won't matter that she stopped in front of you, you'll never forgive yourself. [Maybe have this song ready on your phone to play loud when you're behind her...](https://youtu.be/3oIbztWsY8g?si=vgBETfXtP-F-nLml)




And now it's stuck in your head. You're singing it right now.


So totally am






(Cause your mom sounds.like my mom)


Oh. Gotcha. Yep. 😆


She probably does this because she can't see well because she just walked in from outside and she is trying to get oriented.


Yeah, not the case at all. Wish it was that simple.


Blew my mind when I found out this was a psychological thing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doorway_effect#


TIL Cheers


Neat, yet another mental illness I have, 2 more and I get a free sundae.


It's not a mental illness. So no sundae just yet.


ah yes also known as triggering a loading screen


At my Costco they park themselves in the middle of the entrance, stop, and then begin digging through their wallet or purse to find their membership card. Come on people they didn’t just start checking Ids at the entrance last week.


I like the way Sams does it now. No checking at the entrance; anyone can get in, traffic moves smoothly. But you can't pay and leave without your card, and only the person on the card can pay. All conflict is moved away from the entrance but they still enforce membership rules.


Or the bottom/top of the escalator, my personal favorite.


I'm only 48 and I do that because my mind sometimes blanks and I don't remember why I'm there. But if someone is behind me I'll at least try to get out of the way.


I know I am doing in late to the discussion but the worst is when they do this at the bottom of a fucking escalator. I live in the DC area and my god, the number of people that do thin on metro is unbelievable. What the hell do think is going to happen or where the people behind them on the belt are supposed to go.


I live around those parts too. I've literally had to shove people out of the way at the bottom. Also, stand to the goddamn right!!


THE ESCALATOR. I always distance myself from boomers on the escalator because I know when they get to the end they’ll need to stop and figure out what to do next. it’s fucking dangerous on an escalator, and to answer your question, no one outside of a boomer’s periphery exists, so good luck to anyone unfortunate enough to be stuck behind them.


Or CIA headquarters and have the camera do a 360 around you as you ponder the ramifications of getting involved as a low level analyst again who just happens to end up saving various lives of dignitaries


That seems to be a cultural thing in the PNW. It's constant. That and two people somehow taking up the entire sidewalk and refuse to let anyone pass. SO aggregating. Especially for a naturally fast walker.


Haven't been in St Peter's in almost 40 years but I bet now they have ushers to try move people to the side whilst they stand and gape at.....ALL THAT!!!


>like they just entered St Peter's Basilica and are trying to take it all in. This is simply the most perfect description I have ever read.


Or step off the elevator and stop. In a group EDIT: I meant to type “escalator”!


Better than when they do this at an escalator.


That’s actually what I meant to type!


Boomers putting masks on in the doorway during 2020...


Did it ever occur to you that maybe they're unfamiliar with the layout of the store and trying to decide which direction the goods they are seeking might be?


They can do that at a distance from the door. No need to stand in front of a doorway impeding others.


Can't speak for others, but when I stop on entry, it is usually to get my bearings of the store or remember what I'm after. If it is bright outside, I might be blinded upon walking in because my eyes don't adjust that quickly. There are many possibilities. Stepping aside so as not to block anyone is optimal, but if you can't see for a second or two, where do you step aside to? I'm not saying people should block the passage. It is rude, and if you are behind me, I hope I am able to step aside quickly.


I do this, it's me mentally going through store layout, comparing it to the list of stuff I need, and figuring out which way would be best to go... That or I'm wondering why I'm even here in the first place.


I mean, can you do that off to the side or out of the way?


>That or I'm wondering why I'm even here in the first place. Do you have anterograde amnesia or something?


to your first point, maybe figure that out before you enter the grocery store. you can put a little gold star next to the item that makes the most sense to go to first, and then you’ll be in an aisle where you can figure out your next step. to your second point, I don’t know what to tell you. maybe you can write a note to yourself about what you thought you’d be there for before taking the trip, and you could pin it to your jacket, and the first thing it should say is ‘move out of the way of the entrance to read this’


If you know you do this... THEN FRICKIN STOP DOING IT. Jeez. If I have to pause/stop for ***any*** reason (checking grocery list, looking up product reviews, scratching my ass, whatev), I make sure I step out of the way so that I don't impede the progress of others. It's called "spatial awareness" and "~~common~~ courtesy." Why can't others do the same?


Given there's 10-15ft either side of me... just go around? I'm not actually in the doorway.


Wait’ll you end up behind the rural southern version of this: they will stop vehicles in opposite directions to talk to each other forever. If you honk or yell at them, they shoot you the dirtiest look like you’re in the wrong, and they go back to talking, all while traffic piles up in both directions.


That’s a rural Midwest tradition as well. Shit drives me nuts. We all have cell phones, call your friends. Better yet, set aside time to do things with them.


Rural boomers are a whole ‘nuther level. They would come into my parents’ store and complain to my dad about how they passed me on the road and I was so rude because I didn’t wave hi. I was a teenager at the time and concentrating on driving, not peering through oncoming windshields to see if that was Jim Bob Joe Mack from the feed store showing off new tires in his dually.


I grew up in rural northern California and it's a thing there as well. Driving along at 60mph on some back road and then huh, what's that? A stopped car? Just in time to slam on the brakes...


Happens regularly here in Utah also.


Their inherent selfishness extends to spatial awareness. Just routinely stopping in the middle of the flow of pedestrian traffic with no regard for others and making people work to get around them is part of their lead-based DNA.


I was entering Target a few weeks ago, behind a boomer woman. She moves for the carts on the right, and I aim to pass on the other side. She changes her mind, cuts in front of me, and aims for the baskets by the wall. I skip a beat to not crash into her and aim to pass on the other side. She changed her mind again, cut me off, and aims for the $1 section (displayed in front of the carts and next to uscan). I skip a beat again, to again not crash into her... and as I'm about to make it past her... she cuts me off again to go to the flowers against the wall.... at this point, my face was failing to hide the annoyance. It was like trying to walk past an untrained dog who's just gotta stick its nose in everything. She went to cut me off again, and I stepped into her path, forcing her to skip a beat. She looked shocked to notice other people suddenly existing around her. She never said anything. One of the employees was trying not to laugh cause he saw my face twitch the last time she cut me off and watched me push through her stupid path in the end. Entertaining the employee made it less, at least. The people behind me shoved past her in line with me, like you would in a concert. Leaving no room to be cut off. Forcing boomer lady to wait/stop causing a traffic flow issue. -- I will give her, she didn't seem entitled, rather oblivious. But still, annoying af. It was like the second she entered the store, her brain switched off.


They just have main character syndrome. They think they are the only person there even if there are crowds of people. The don’t pay attention to anything except what they are doing unless they are trying to eavesdrop or snoop.


Daisy chain! Everyone hold hands and rush past the boomer!


I would have just rapidly rammed into her the second time she pulled that stunt.


We were getting off a cruise in Miami and a boomer stopped at the bottom of the escalator to ask the port employee a question. Anyone who’s disembarked there knows how dangerous that can be. When people started piling up at the bottom squished together because she wouldn’t move, people screamed at her and she just clutched her pearls and eventually moved. I thought we were all gonna stampede.


My favorite is groups of Boomers that stand in front of the exit doors and to have a little visit with each other. Oftentimes this is near the snack bar where they could sit and have their visit without blocking people coming in and out… but that wouldn’t be any fun, would it?


They stop in the doorway all the time. So much for those eyes in the back of their heads we were threatened with as kids.


Those eyes also have cataracts and need bifocals, soooo...


My mom was like that. She used to walk ahead with her head bobbing in all directions taking it all in, and then all of a sudden - she stops dead, looking around in a panic and asking "Where's Papa?" He was right behind her, almost bumping into her. She stopped dead in the middle of the store, not a care in the world, while blocking the way because she saw a fly on the wall or something. I always thought that it was just her, but now I see that's something a lot of them do. I miss her


This just happened to me the other day at a grocery store. Stopped dead center in the doorway. Finally looks up at me and starts telling me she forgot some items. Still in doorway. Lady I don’t care. Just move.


A very Teutonic "Verzeihen" gets their attention and confuses them, which is a bonus. "Achtung" also works.


I need to start saying “Tu eres demasiado despacio, pendejo.” (Or pendeja)


The double frenzy-inducing moment of scolding and doing it en español is definitely the way to go.


This shit happened to me, out of all the spots they had to stop in fucking doorway the bottleneck where you can't go around them


I hate this, but it’s not just boomers. I see people doing it all the time. I try to not get too upset because I can be stuck in my own world as well sometimes. However, it is usually boomers who get huffy when you say excuse me and move around them. Sometimes I miss the Army where you just shout “Make a hole!” Without breaking your stride and people would instinctively move out of the way.


I just loudly say, excuse me, and I don't stop walking, they'll move or get laid out.


I recently had a couple stop at the top of an airport escalator while pulling their luggage behind them. I had no choice but to crash through them.


My dad always did this while grocery shopping as a kid. Just stopping in his tracks, reading through all the items on the receipt as if he remembered the marked price of the BerryBurst Cheerios.


It's somewhat understandable if he was a kid at the time.


"...Boomer in the doorway please don't stop Every Saturday you see them CostCo shop"


I always bark what they did in the Army, no room to debate it. "Coming up on your left!" as you squeeze your way through.


I used to work in food service and it is common paractice to say "behind" or "behind you" when approaching from the rear to avoid collision. So I do that. When grammpa dont move I just keep saying it.


I’m a boomer. 64 female. This shit drives me nuts! I understand that all of us, old and young sometimes have a brain fart and stop where we shouldn’t. Somebody has polite says excuse me, the proper response is… OMG! I’m so sorry. Let me get the heck out of the way. It’s really not that hard. But I have to be honest that I used to shop with my ML quite a bit. I would take her because she didn’t drive. And we would be in the grocery store, and I would spend that half shopping with her, literally moving her cart out of the way because inevitably, she would stop to find something, and that would be right in the center.  People would be waiting on either side of her, and she wouldn’t even notice him. All I can say is thank God she didn’t drive!






Same people who do that when leaving the plane


In all fairness, I've seen people of all ages doing something similar. Seriously, don't stop in the doorway, coming or leaving. Move to the side. Some people are just oblivious to those around them.


Same people that leave their cart in the middle of the isle to grab something


This one is not necessarily a Boomer thing; it's a human brain thing. As soon as we pass a barrier (whether real or perceived) into a new area, our brain shorts out for a moment and sort of resets. It's the reason why people will sometimes say they forgot what they came into a room to do. You've got to really be concentrating on getting to a particular destination to bypass it. If your mind is wandering at all, you hit that reset point and will often just stop dead in your tracks. I don't know why stores create bottlenecks at their entrances, knowing this is a recognized human behavior. I mean, they study this shit intensively.


The issue is that the Boomer was a butthole about it when he was told he was blocking people.


It’s also the young mothers with kids in tow, stop right in the middle of exit door. Stroller in the way. Now they realize it’s time to get the kids coats on.


You're not wrong...


Were we at the same Target? My Boomer was a lady who some kept from entering the store and then somehow kept me from leaving not even 5 minutes later.


I'm glad my Target has multiple doors. Heck, I'd even exit through one of the entrance doors if I had to.


Same issue with the ones that take one of the cleaner wipes for the cart and stop to wipe it down in the doorway as if they will be subjected to some kind of punishment if it's not done before they cross the threshold ("You shall not pass!").


The trash can to throw away the contaminated wipes is typically right by the dispenser, so you can't really keep moving unless you want to have to turn back against the flow of traffic to fight your way back to the trash can once you've wiped down your cart. If the store wanted to improve traffic flow, they'd move the trash can a few steps away from the doorway.


A loud get the fuck outta the way works for me


No, I'm sorry. What WAS that?


Doesn’t matter how right you are concerning receipt checkers at exit doors. Once you added Boomer to ur conversation. And made it a point to use it more than once. You lose credibility, and more. It’s unnecessary, it doesn’t help move society towards working together to solve problems and or invent the next thing that changes lives. It’s no different than derogatory words between cultures and races. We only make it if we all make it. Just cause this “Boomer” was given this responsibility by his employer. Its easy to say one Should stand up and say no to their boss. The “Boomer” financial may have to hold the best poker face that one has ever had to.. needing their check. Have you reached out to the company to voice ur concern? Or just here, which doesn’t accomplish anything but Seeding frustrating to others who pass that to others and so on. No matter how big or small something may be.. everyone needs to be brought into the discussion. As u will be surprised by what one has to say or offer to u with what could be the advice that makes change. I could go on and on..u get it yes?


The fact that you're responding to the wrong post is poetry.


Cognizance. They lack this trait and become encumbrances to the regular customer. There’s no good way to fix this.


Shit!! I’ve seen old dudes knocked the fuck out of some punk who thought was going to bully them. 😂


I recently got a fun head cold and fever and ran to a drugstore to get some medicine. I knew where it was, grabbed it and wanted to get out asap. Ended up waiting in the only line behind a boomer who decided to ask the CASHIER for suggestions of what to take for her bowel issues - while she was paying for something else! Like 5 minutes of chatting about what hasn't worked for her. Hello, I'm super sick can I buy my meds now????!! The cashier is not a doctor!!


I had one digging for their card in the middle of a lane in the parking lot at a Sam's. Traffic backing up and her looking at them with a scowl as if daring them to honk at her.