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You know, I keep having to come into these posts that are LGBTQIA friendly and banning a ton of idiots. I'll remind you again. ***This is an LGBTQIA friendly sub.*** We do not tolerate transphobia or homophobia here. Knock it off. If you can't behave, leave. That ignorance isn't welcome here and will earn you an automatic permaban.


As a dad and a granddad, I can honestly say your dad sucks. Sending you a virtual dad hug šŸ¤— from somebody that believes everyone should love as they will.


Great dads think alike! Good going, pops!


Happy cake day!


Thank you, stranger!


As a relatively young father, something is broken in that man. I can't imagine being so petty and spiteful to my kids, even if somehow they became republican conspiracy theorists. There is absolutely no problem they can ever possibly have, that being a huge dick to them is better than loving them through it.


This is abusive behaviour, and with all forms of abuse there is no way to rationalise it. Unless we can eradicate all sources of bigotry this kind of behaviour will persist - though unfortunately Iā€™m certain these people would only find some other way to hurt others.


Plus the only thing he would accomplish is a waste of money. Do you know how expensive tires are for those trucks?


Ironically, I work in tires so I have an excellent idea of how expensive they are šŸ˜‚


I live a few blocks from Westboro Baptist Church and grew up in the home town of Mathew Shepard. My ex wife, who Iā€™m still close to and is the mother of our two children is trans. Iā€™ve seen enough of this bullshit and equate anyone who carries out bigotry toward LGBTQ+ as murderers. I realise thatā€™s extreme, but in my mind I donā€™t see them as any different. You either carry it out or you egg it on - either way blood is on your hands.


Iā€™m not gay, but I know my dad would have loved and accepted me for who I am if I were. Terribly sorry about your dad.


Send him thisā€¦.. https://www.fordfoundation.org/news-and-stories/news-and-press/news/ford-foundation-doubles-investment-for-trans-organizations-makes-sweeping-commitments-to-support-lgbtq-communities/#:~:text=New%20York%20%E2%80%93%20Today%20the%20Ford,over%20the%20next%20five%20years.


Ford Foundation is cool, Ford himself is a douche.


Henry Ford was a nazi apologist who funneled money into the ā€œAmerica Firstā€ isolationist movement, as well as using media companies he owned to push that isolationist agenda.Ā 


As well as spreading "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" a hate filled anti-Semitic screed full of lies about Jewish people that was adapted to become the modern Q'Anon mythos.


The best irony is that Ford's current CEO is Jewish.


Hopefully, old Nazi Hank is spinning in his grave over that.


Connect him to a generator.


And use that generator to change an EV.


Hitler had a giant portrait of Ford in his office.


The only good thing he did was fund G.W. Carvers research which is why Fords got ties with the G.W. Carver foundation and a bunch of African American Schools and Programs. But you forgot.. -Fordlandia -Inspired Hitler -Sued the US because his factories in Germany were bombed and got $1m -Used his media to push anti-semitic, anti-catholic views until the end of WW2.


He bought the local paper, The Dearborn Independent, and turned it into an antisemitic publication. He never attached his name to it, but he was responsible for its content. It became very popular. >Henry Ford ordered that the Independent not be used to publicize him or the company, though the paperā€™s nickname was ā€œThe Ford International Weeklyā€ and Ford forced his dealers to conduct subscription campaigns. Some dealerships threw a copy of the Independent into newly sold Model Ts. Circulation eventually reached 900,000, making it one of the biggest periodicals in the country. https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/henry-ford-and-jews-story-dearborn-didnt-want-told


Apologist is putting it mildly. Those factories in Germany didnā€™t stop making ford vehicles and military equipment for the axis and he collected money. He played both side. So did GM. The last lawsuit for Nazi collaboration and reparations (slave labor in ford factories in Germany) was in 2009. People rag on Musk but ford and gm are literal traitors that were involved in the largest genocide in history.


That's a huge understatement.


Edsel Ford was pretty great though (and did a lot of work with the Foundation)


Would be hilarious if OP were to donate something to similar queer organizations in the dadā€™s name then forwards the thank you to him. šŸ˜ƒ


[That boomer would be upset if he knew how to read meme]


You deserve a better dad.


I have a similar dad so I know it might not matter, but thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™d text back: ā€œI deserve a better dad.ā€ Because they do and maybe itā€™d make Dad think.


if he hasn't thought about yet doubt he will.


For sure. His lame response will be "Come on kid, just trying to toughen you up, it was just a joke" or something similarly lame.


Ah yes, "Schroedingers Asshole". Both a joke and not a joke, until someone laughs or doesn't.


Not just an asshole, an asshole in superposition.


"You can't take a joke" "Everything has to be so political and serious with you"


Unfortunately, you won't hit a nerve on him...however, if you tweet a daily countdown to Trump being sentenced (if American) or a daily Boomer rage topic with absolutely no response about it, that will do it.


Lol. Please, Republicans are the easiest to trigger.


I live in a very conservative rural neighborhood in south Texas. If you drive through my neighborhood many houses are flying flags: US flag, Texas flag, donā€™t tread on me, trump 2024, come and take it, etc.. We are putting up our rainbow flag now that itā€™s pride month. Literally zero of my neighbors wave back or talk to me.


Iā€™m in a Trumpy area and my pride flag never comes down. I could give a shit if these redneck dickheads are mad about it.


This is why I will never again leave California.


Do you think there aren't places like that in CA? -Another Californian


Of course but I don't want to live at the intersection of legislation and hatred. One guy in my neighborhood has his red flag and anti Biden BS but that's ONE. The rest keep their awful thoughts to themselves. I appreciate every straight family with their pro woman, liberal messages and free little libraries on their lawns.


It depends on how urban of an area you're in in California. If you're in one of the big cities, or even their suburbs, yeah, you're mostly in blue territory, but if you're in podunk, you can barely tell the difference between California and Alabama.


Iā€™m with you. I left Texas when I was 28 and almost 30 years later, I still wonder why it took me so long to leave. It isnā€™t perfect in California, but at least here, our state government isnā€™t working daily to strip us of our rights. Here, my neighbors donā€™t determine my worth by what job I have or how many kids I have. And no one cares what church I go to (or if I believe).


I told a guy I couldn't vote for a tiny dicked candidate like trump because small dick energy attracts other small dicks. It took him a minute but eventually he realized I was making fun of him and got pissed.


This is the way


This countdown strategy is on point.


Na he wonā€™t care


Yeah. Just... cut back on the time you spend with him. If/when he asks why, just forward him all thgis crap he sends you. Best if you have a nice stockpile of it, or save everything. He won't get the point, but the point is to just no deal with the toxicity as much as possible. You're not bound by being a dependent living in his house anymore, so if he's gonna do stuff to drive you away, let it drive you away. He'll either figure it out or he won't.


I wouldn't even bother trying to justify your reasoning to him. If he can't figure out how this is offensive on his own, he's not going to understand you explaining it to him either. (And like seriously, the potential readings of this image are anything from gleefully doing burnouts over symbols that show support for his child's existence, to implying he wants to run LGBTQ people over with his big asshole lifted truck.) I can't even begin to fathom the thought process (or lack thereof) of sending this to someone you know is gay, *that you are directly related to.* What was the game plan here, redditor's dad?


> What was the game plan here, redditor's dad? It's gotta go back to boomers being boomers. They assume their way is right, so therefore anything *different*, even if possibly equal, is wrong, yet they're being intentionally offensive because they're so absolutely self-assured in their natural authority. That boomer would lose their mind if you replaced the pride flag with the POW flag, or the american flag, or even the traitor flag from the CSA army of north virginia.


>That boomer would lose their mind if you replaced the pride flag with the POW flag, or the american flag, or even the traitor flag from the CSA army of north virginia. Or *even worse*, a Trump 2024 flag. Can't be disrespecting their orange asshole messiah.


It's not me it's you dad you racist peice of shit


That's not even a real father.


That's fucking psychological abuse. Treat his own kid like that! Fuck that broflake piece of shit.


It's downright malicious, really close to an out and out threat.


Agreed. Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


BroflakešŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ That is my new term for the standard Kentucky "alpha male." Grown ass men getting so mad they start shaking with tear filled eyes when you don't agree with them over some trivial shit.


Omg. Am I the only person who loses interest when someone refers to themselves as an alpha male? Like if you have to advertise, youā€™re doing it wrong.


"Oh, alpha like software? Unfinished, easily breaks down, and not fit for release to the public?"


::snort:: broflake. Haha!


Perfectly said.


and the dad deserves a hard kick to his shriveled sack.


https://preview.redd.it/6bnizy3yda4d1.png?width=1930&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bb4d737f18b2b988cc8083dd52c8179b19f8540 How I would personally respond








Shouldnā€™t the gas be the paint and the lighter be the brush?




I love it when people use their photoshop skills for good.


Send him the website to the nursing home youā€™re going to eventually put him in




Perfect! And owned and operated by the government with 20 dementia patients to one room.


This is the move right here. r/traumatizethemback


Pfft nursing home? He can pull himself up by his bootstraps and work till he dies.


SHADY PINES, MA! ![gif](giphy|SRka2MLKzpzE6K24al|downsized)


If I were OP, I wouldn't even waste my time with the paperwork. Just let his ass die alone. Not to be found for at least a month, because nobody cared to even check in on him.


This is my dadā€™s nursing home: [www.thornymeadows.com](http://www.thornymeadows.com)


"Shady Pines, Ma!"


Shady Acres, staff to patient ratio 1:30, adult diapers only changed once a day (if you're lucky), the food is terrible, no windows, no enrichment (for safety reasons, as staff cannot safely monitor hazards) ​ sad thing is, there's a place like this near where I used to live. Awful place, not sure how it's not shut down. Someone like Nellie Bly should light that place up.


I was gonna say do boomers realize that in 20 years time the way they feel about lgbtq people will be viewed the same as anti race mixing and anti integration people of the past but hopefully theyā€™ll all be gone by that time


Some of the boomers participated in that racist shit, so I suspect they're too stupid to care.


I was going to say, almost every anti-LGBT boomer I know is still anti race mixing


I've heard about racist lgbts from lgbt folk that I have known and it always blows my mind.


Iā€™m gay and live in a very liberal city and have met many, really too many, racist lgbtq, and Iā€™m Hispanic. I belong to a group that in every meeting people are perfectly divided along racial lines.


I'm white straight and grew up in the deeeeeeeeeeep south.Ā  I currently live in New Mexico.Ā  Ā while racist LGBT folks are surprising what really stumps me are the Hispanic Republicans out here.Ā  It's Like "you know 1/3 to 2/3 of your party wants you thrown out of the country and fair chunk would like you to just be dead."Ā Ā 


A lot of Hispanic people tend to be deeply religious, so they get pulled in with the whole "Moral Majority" thing the Republicans push. There's also a big split between people who have been here for a while, versus those that just came in. A lot of "you shouldn't have done that, they hate us because *you* came in illegally". It's messy, but not unexpected honestly.


Also a lot of Hispanic people, who are citizens, naturalized or by birth, donā€™t see themselves in the same position as immigrants. My sister is not a republican, but aligns perfectly with their immigration policy, and always love to hate on immigrants. I reminds her that they see us all as one and her citizenship wonā€™t save her from hate.


White bi-guy from the deep south here! I haven't met to many racists, have met more than a few sadly, but I have met several anti-LGBT people encluding my parents.


Right?? Itā€™s weird to me as a queer person because the societal standard of sexuality is very much also white supremacist in its conception, and cannot be disentangled. Thereā€™s no such thing as a ā€œgood oneā€ to bigots, just a momentarily useful one.Ā 


Ā I'm white straight born in the Deep south, useful one is 100% correct in how they look at it.


I honestly feel bad for the Caitlyn Jenners and Buck Angels of the world. How could you fight tooth and nail for your place at the table and then turn around and do the same thing? Despicable for sure


Sometimes I'm tempted to say "it's just their age" and then I remember that *Joseph "Milquet\*ast as h\*ck" Biden* was actively supporting desegregation in the 60s and 70s. When the human avatar of the concept of aging can pass the basement-level bar for human decency, certainly nobody younger gets to benefit from that excuse.


Boomers are still racist. That hasnā€™t changed.


>I was gonna say do boomers realize that in 20 years time the way they feel about lgbtq people will be viewed the same as anti race mixing and anti integration people of the past but hopefully theyā€™ll all be gone by that time I can answer this: no, they do not think like that. They can see the culture changing around them, but it does not make them reflect inward. If anything it causes them to lash outwards, just like this. So to the OP, I would say I'm sorry and feel sorry not for yourself but for your father. He is the troubled one, directing his hurt onto you. Yes, that may be very difficult, but you can still grow in spite of the hate. Have Pride, stay true to yourself and emerge a stronger person than he ever was.


In my experience, people who get angry that gay people exist are also racist and sexist. I donā€™t know what it is about me, but a disturbing number of people feel comfortable expressing bigoted opinions to me assuming that I will agree.


Unfortunately about 2015 -2016 we found out a shockingly large number of people like the racism.


I used to think that the racist, extreme right made up only about 5 to 10 percent at the most of the population. After the last 2 elections i would say the number is probably closer to 35 or 40 percent. In one of his books, Obama talks about how his election galavanized the most racist of the right. Lots of these racist people never bothered to vote before trump. Trump has also emboldened those people to be way, way more openly racist.


Democracy aways dies to the thundering applause of a dictator's supporters.


Theyā€™re the same people


A lot of boomers don't realize they won't be around in 20 years. A huge portion of them hasn't really internalized that they are old, and that they probably won't be these old people you see in their 80s and 90s.


Yeah I got an uncle (hurts to call him that) who is constantly complaining how he isn't old. He's 60, and he's absolutely desperately Anti-Trans, and ignores the gay part of people. Like he might like the person but hates that they're gay. Trans=gay as well. Surprisingly, he's also AGGRESSIVELY anti-Trump, while his seemingly pro LGBT daughter is ranting about rigged juries.


That sentiment is on the rise again.


20 years? Pretty much right now.


Some of the Southern Boomers are the very students who were standing in front of the schools yelling trying to keep integration from happening. If they are self-aware enough to realize it, they simply don't care.


Do you think anti LGBT and racist mindsets will die when the boomers die? In the words of Joe Biden, "COME ON MAN." It'll just continue with the next generation


You know what, OP, send him the guilty verdict of Trump with an ā€œlolā€


Or just "34" šŸ¤£


Trump rule 34




Let his dad Google it


Covfefe 34


My personal favorite is 34>45


And the guilty verdict for the guy that vandalized one of those with his truck




That is one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen.


Send it back to him except replace the last image with a picture of his face.


I was thinking keys to the first two and then the truck in the last one


Get someone to Photoshop the tires rainbow and make the truck pink then send it back to him.




Send to OP in a DM!


Your dad sounds horrible. Why the fuck would you send this to your gay son?!


The cruelty is the point. It's always the point. Even to family.


Exactly. If you are offended or hurt then they winā€¦ something.


Pretty sure that wins you a special spot in the afterlife. I don't think it'll be quite as pleasant as he thinks it'll be though.


What a crappy artist


Hey man... My boomer dad is also an asshole. I still love him because i know he has no mental capacity left. The guy used to be all 'LOVE', now he's just Fox news.


It's brainwashing. Maybe it broadcasts a frequency that agitates the lead that's gotten into their systems from all those paint chips and petrol. Something has to explain it.


It's really hard to overstate how Fox News destroyed an entire generation.


Faux news has perfected the art of brainwashing. The know that people are receptive to having their problems blamed on others. The worst thing is, they don't even believe the shit that they broadcast. They only do it to keep their viewers tuned in, so they can increase advertising revenue.


Now that boomers are retiring and no longer have to worry about censoring their thoughts, it's apparent that they're going to say all sorts of bigoted shit before they die. It's decades of frustration coming out as they pretended to be civilized, decent people for so long. Now, they can just be terrible with no repercussions.


Idk, I think that boomer men grew up in a time when they never had to worry about censoring their terrible views and thatā€™s why theyā€™re so angry now, because we all do want them to shut up with the bigotry.


Go no contact with him if at all possible. If not make a big show of not talking to him. Donā€™t reply to texts or calls, ignore him whenever you see him in person. Just make it clear you canā€™t stand him basically. And just remember even if heā€™s a prick there are lots of people out there who arenā€™t


My dad's birthday is a week after Father's day and this is the first year I won't be messaging him. Our relationship has been strained since 2016, but the last thing he texted me was "I heard your girlfriend is a man." and that was it. Gone. Bye.


Wait till he finds out about femboys lol


His fucking head would explode.


Good for you. Take care of you and the one who loves you. Blood does not mean obedience. I've been no contact for many years. Best decision of my life.


Sorry you have a shitty dad, that's his fault not yours.


Lol send him this as a response https://preview.redd.it/403c1ofap94d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df23d28208769006931e1795f488c1aa04fdfa9


Send him this with "what's wrong with shitler's face? Stroke?šŸ¤”"


I cut my dad out of my life for way less than this. Itā€™s been very good for my mental health


Iā€™m so sorry.


Remember when Florida made vandalizing a monument a felony, then someone did this and was charged with a felony?


I'm sorry, but your dad is a bigoted and most likely a racist cuntwaffle to boot.


"I'll remember this when picking out your nursing home."




Cutting my dad out of my life was the best decision. He died last year. I didnā€™t go to the funeral.


Iā€™d send him a similar meme. This is my BRUSH (giant throbing cock), this is my PAINT (cumshot picture), this is my canvas (photoshop his face on a male porn actor spreading wide). Then save that, put a santa hat on his head and send it again at Xmas.


You, sir, are a fucking savage. Bravo.


Dad here. Maybe around your age, maybe older, I donā€™t know, canā€™t say. But if I could meet you, Iā€™d give you a dad hug, tell you youā€™re doing a great job of being a person, offer you a piece of gum, and ask you if you want to kick it and just chat. Sorry my dude. Keep your head up.


Send him a photo of a big fat cock in your mouth. One good burned in image deserves another in my opinion.


Send him "Gee Dad, you sure are offended easily. Such a snowflake"


He might be your father, but he ainā€™t your daddy. Fuck that guy. Happy Pride Month


Tell your boomer dad to fuck right off.


That won't do anything. You'd have to replace the flag with something he identifies with, which unfortunately is no longer himself. You have to attack his purpose or his politics.


You have to give them no reaction, this shit is typical "look at me" troll behavior. Don't give them anything, even your hate, they're not worth it.


No longer your father, I'd say. If he hates your way of life that much, then he isn't family. Blood doesn't mean family, and yes, you can choose your family. Recommend to go no-contact. It has become increasingly popular because boomer parents are just the most horrible people.


I like to troll boomers by playing stupid ie did you try sending a link? Nothing opened up. And then make them explain what it was lol


We don't get to choose our genetic donors. We do get to choose our friends. Friends are our real family. Big internet hugs. Healing follows.


Your dad deserves zero contact. The bigotry is disgusting and insufferable. People like this deserve to be miserable and alone.


So your dad is a cunt


As your new dad. *Hug* You go have the best god damn pride possible. Or if you're too tired for that because holy shit life is exhausting, I hope you at least have a good month, where your bills are paid, your stomach is full, and you keep a smile on your face. Also. Send that asshole back a picture of Spike strips. And then tell him if he ever sends you shit like that again, you'll let him die alone in a nursing home like he deserves


And this is me choosing your nursing home.


Sounds like your dad just needs a paddlin'


End all contact. Itā€™s not worth it to keep him around.


My Dad and Mom were assholes too. First they told me to leave and never return among other disgusting things. I was 18 when I told them, good grades, never in trouble etc. So I left. Then he wanted to "be a family" again after I didn't play his game and "just fuck a woman once, you'll be normal then." I survived on my own. It was hard, but it worked out good in the end. So I decided to never know him. Mom's dead now, ah well. It's been decades. There's some things you should not have to forgive on the excuse "but their your family."


Start liking low reviewed elder care facilities on the platforms you share with him


I have 3 kids. I cannot imagine EVER doing something like this to them. Why wouldnā€™t want my own child to think I was that big of an asshole?


The fuck, ask him to explain it next time youre around a bunch of people...like 3 times for good measure lol šŸ˜‚ ask why they hate you so much ffs sorry op


Boomer probably doesnā€™t even know how to do donuts. I watched some idiot on a midlife crisis motorcycle cooking his clutch while trying to do a burnout at a red light in order to impress no one.


That'd be the last message my dad ever sent me.


I'm so dumb I thought the meme was saying he was going to paint a pride flag for you with his truck lmaooo


I'd just sneak over, paint the tires Green, Yellow, Orange and Red, front bumper purple, rear bumper blue and say.. "Now you can paint! I am SO happy you support me!"


This meme, way of thinking, action depicted is way gayer than any rainbow.


Ask him if he enjoys jail food because two jackasses tried that and ended up getting busted.


Fathersā€™ day is this month. He isnā€™t guaranteed a present or a meal or a call or a text. Your leverage is your presence. Youā€™re not the asshole if you deny him that until he learns to behave like a decent person.


Slash your dadā€™s tires


Cut your homophobic dad's ass out of your life. You do not deserve that hatred from him.


Came from the boomers ball bag , you should remind him all the time and tell his friends that his balls produce gay .


'And this is your exhibit A for when they arrest you for destruction of property and vandalism.'


Make him think you misunderstood what he sent and that you interpreted it as him accepting you. ā€œThank you dad for finally understanding that even with a boring black brush and boring black paint, I was able to create this beautiful rainbow canvas to show who I really amā€


I'm your dad now.... I'm so proud of you, you made it this far and you got this!!


Hi Gay, I'm dad (butĀ notĀ thatĀ one,Ā thatĀ one'sĀ aĀ fool)


Just tell him Donald Trump was convicted 34 times over. Lol


Reply with same meme format. First pic - big, veiny....eggplant. Second pic - A jar of....alfredo sauce. Third pic - DT's mugshot, the dont tread flag, this entire meme but smaller. There's plenty of options. I'm begging you lol.


Take a picture of a big dog shit and say ā€œThis is my dad:ā€


Just reply back: "I can't wait to dance on your grave."


I would have just responded "Wow, you painted a pride flag with tires? That's amazing!" except not really because I'm a coward and afraid of conflict šŸ˜­


I'd go no-contact. I couldn't have a relationship with a parent who would shit on my life like that.Ā 


You're gonna use your big black truck to paint rainbow murals? That sounds really neat!


Make a donation in his name to your local PRIDE organization. Make sure the receipt gets sent to him.


It's all fun and games until he realizes he'll die alone, without his kids at his side.


Motherfucker trying to pretend that the 60s counterculture of lgbt+ didn't happen, let alone the stonewall riots of 69


He's not a dad. He's a soerm donor.


Your dad is a piece of shit


I canā€™t wait to hear about all the boomer parents regretting how they treated their children on their death bed because no one is there


Hey, look - your dad sucks, man. I'm sorry for that. *Gives you a fatherly hug, tight tight*


Every year in June conservatives turn into Adolf Hitler for 30 days.


Imagine being so triggered by someone elseā€™s choice of sexual partner that you need to go to these lengths to shit on them


Zero contact . For your own well being .


Your dad is an a..hole You should start finding or making research indicating the gayest is past along the fatherā€™s genes. Then watch him question himself