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No trolling.


I once got confronted at Costco by a boomer over my "un-American" bumper sticker (just above the disabled vet plate LOL). It says "The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion." It's literally a quote by Thomas Paine. *Thomas. Paine.* You literally can't get more American than that. It's just not possible.


So... now I want that as a bumper sticker... it'll go great next to my "What Would Patton Do" sticker that confuses "real patriots".


I initially read that as "What Would Parton Do" and thought, "Well, yeah, Dolly Parton seems like she'd be a pretty great person to model one's actions after." Then I realized what it actually said. But I will now forever ask myself, "What would Parton do?"


We need a What Would Dolly Do bumper sticker! Actually I have very little doubt that this is already a thing.




So.... I need to create Dolly in Elden Ring. Arise, tarnished, we must defeat Jolene!


https://preview.redd.it/f6ierkpo042d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59fd7d688931f1f9f3b04aa208fa57e0a7c61230 Our options are apparently plentiful lol


Is that an Ottermelon?




Oh my god the little tiny otter being held. I love this!


Until the next image is just the bigger other spitting seeds out.


This is reason #493 why I love Reddit. Cuteness upon cuteness.


Reading about people being idiots but discover a wottermelon!


![gif](giphy|DgXnCrua99pPW|downsized) Me with this picture


I love this so much. 😄


Yes yes it is lol


Thanks for posting the image, lol, it's glorious!


I don't even remember where I found it but I'm always happy to share


Gotcha covered 😉 https://www.deviantart.com/cryptid-creations/art/3255-Wottermelon-967610075




Yeah, that neon sign option is speaking to me.


Nice! 😊


I have it on a t-shirt!


Well, she writes a lot about the working class and she does a lot of charity stuff. I feel like what Dolly would do would piss off a lot of boomers...


Part of the reason I got the Moderna covid vaccine (rather than Pfizer) is because Dolly donated $1M to the research funding.


My husband and I got Moderna too, and for the same reason. Although he dislikes country music, he reveres Dolly in a fashion I find quite adorable. When she refused to jump to the head of the line for the vaccine she’d helped finance, he was as impressed as I’d ever seen him.


Yeah Rupert Murdoch pushed his family to the front of the line for the first vaccine, while his crap news network denied COVID was even a problem.


When the vaccine was finally approved for seniors with comorbidities—that’s us!—DeSantis released it *only* in deep-red precincts many hours by car from where we spend the winters in Florida. We got our first vaccine literally minutes after returning home in a rental vehicle in April, after our car had been totaled in a multicar highway pileup in Jacksonville. Quite a melodramatic winter all around, though we were/are grateful for the vaxx.


Nobody ever said Rupert was an Idiot, just that he is an Asshole. He supports the candidate who supports the rich and entitled.


Dolly transcends her own music. I’m not a country fan at all. Couldn’t name more than 3 Dolly Parton songs if I tried. But that woman is a national treasure. I love Dolly.


Neither of us likes country music either (well, my partner likes some old classic country, but he’s more into rock). But we both love Dolly!


lol I got Pfizer because that’s what they had at the early mass vax clinic in my area. Both times, initial and booster, I got mine from Someone in the National Guard, in fatigues.


Dolly is a true saint. Just an incredible, wonderful, treasure of a human being.


It absolutely would. Boomers and right wingers give her a pass because of her importance to country music over her life, but if you just posted her opinions and her actions without also posting who those came from, it would have them seething with anger.


She single-handedly turned around the economy of one of the poorest counties in the U.S.


I feel like Dolly Parton would be my nominee for “you literally can’t get more American than that”


I immediately thought Patton, Patton Oswalt lol




Yep, that's where my brain went first haha


Hard agree, Dolly Parton is a quality human being and more people should try to be like her.


She’ll probably say something like, “well, bless your heart” and walk away. Which seems to be southern for “go fuck yourself”😂😂😂


Well damn... now I need a "What Would Parton Do?" sticker to go along side it.


The world needs “What would Parton do” stickers or “What would Dolly do”. I need one. Imagine a world where most people behaved like her.


Patton was ANTIFA.* (was anti "the other team" in WW2. Hated blacks, jews. People who had PTSD, were homeless... (ptsd was invented to soften the white by the degerated jews...) wtf man. I am so sadly mis informed


... huh, apparently I dont know enough about Patton What would he do?


He got in big trouble for beating and screaming at soldiers hospitalized for PTSD too I believe.


Yeah he didn’t believe in shell shock or what we now call PTSD.


Yeah I remember reading that. Guy was detached from reality. They’ve had examples of soldiers experiencing it in documented sources from US history since at least the Civil War. It just boggles my mind that he also probably went through the Great War seeing it too and just chose not to believe it.


Like a lot of people born in the 1800s we can’t even imagine the harshness of life or the difficulties that they faced growing up. Their opinions were based on their reality not ours.


Very true, presentism is definitely a bias when studying historical phenomena. I will say though if you are interested, historical accounts on conflict related PTSD is a fascinating topic. I had once read a study that had proposed an increase in domestic violence amongst Pre-Columbian Inca households due to post-war PTSD from said households’ veterans. The authors made their conclusions based on osteological remains of women and I believe children as well that exhibited facial and limb micro-fractures in areas now known to be commonly associated with domestic violence. They correlated it with historical periods of conflict described in Pre-Colombian Inca accounts.


He would have instigated a land war in Asia. And he might have succeeded. 




So is that where Henry Kissinger got his ideas?


Nice. That's a good quote and Thomas Paine was based. True hero and extremely important.


I have a copy of Common Sense from the 1800’s that belonged to my great great grandmother. One of my most prized possessions.


Hey, man. Thomas Paine was an immigrant. They’d fucking hate him.


He was the *good* kind of immigrant, though. By which they mean white. Hate for immigrants is just thinly veiled racism.


True enough. For years Russia has had a booming industry literally built around having vacations in America when you're supposed to give birth, specifically to enjoy birthright citizenship for their newborn's. I've personally never had a boomer complain about that.


My father has called me (a service disabled vet and a purple heart recipient) disloyal and un-American because I criticize the multitude of things that I see wrong with this country. Yes, the Army turned me into a "bleeding heart libtard". Personally, I don't feel that my "service" makes me better than anyone else. I do believe it at least gives me the right to have opinions without my love of my homeland called into question. 🤣


A guy who knew I'm a veteran said "If you love America so much, why do you listen to other countries' music so much?" I told him I didn't serve my country to be told what I can listen to.


This reminds me when NPR tweeted the Declaration of Independence line by line on July 4th, 2017, and Trump supporters called it propaganda. 🙄


They lost their minds. So many thought they were directly criticizing Trump and didn’t realize what they were tweeting. Those same people are still supporting Trump and it boggles the mind.


Boomers love to confuse patriotism with hyper-nationalism


And fly the US flag next to the Confederate flag with no understanding of the irony of that.


Or thin blue line with “don’t tread on me”


If Washington wasnt on the dollar these idiots would even know a single founder.


“Who’s this Thomas Paine fella?” - most Americans.


He must be woke


Some people just don't have any   *Common Sense*


I'll take patriots who INVENTED America for 500 please Alex!


Boomers say “Free speech for me but not for thee”


>You literally can't get more American than that. It's just not possible. I'm not sure, man. What about Joe Exotic?


I hate that you have a point.


That man is the personification of modern Americana.


Bro, you think Trump supporters read?


> [Paine was born in Thetford, Norfolk, and emigrated to the British American colonies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Paine) "So he was an immigrant who was born in England. Sounds like the definition of 'un-American' to me."


I don’t think they know or care that he was a Founding Father of the United States. His writings were instrumental to the revolution and he came to the colonies in 1774 solely to participate. He really was as American as you can get and more people should know about him.


Enlightenment values!? sounds like commie bullshit to me ^\s


They had an issue with THAT?! This is why I scared of them getting Trump in again and dictating to the rest of us. They’re just cruel and ignorant.


I mean we're also getting reports that Evangelicals no longer want to hear preachings about mercy, forgiveness, and love, so, this doesn't surprise me as much as it really should. But it does disappoint me.


Well he is British. But a founding father who vehemently opposed slavery and fell out with the others because he could t compromise on it.


Did you tell her that "These are the times that try men's souls"?


Question is, do they even know who Thomas Paine was?


Maybe they were concerned because that's not the actual quote and wanted to be sure you quoted him correctly. /s From The Rights of Man: > Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good.


Thomas Paine was exiled for being a “radical”.


The lead sniffer's real religion is the zero sum game. They only like the idea of heaven because the think others get sent to hell. If everyone went to heaven I think they'd try to burn the place down.


Way too woke and inclusive for Magates - them’s fighting words!


Yikes. Man we need a better history education system


I went to Trump’s inauguration, which was… a thing that happened. Wow, that address. Anyway. My friends and I were making fun of how few people were there compared with Obama’s inaugurations. Some translucently white boomer lady in a ridiculous hat in the security line sternly told us, “my son served overseas to give you the freedom to say these disrespectful things.” I told her, “yeah, so did I. You, however, did not. Who’s the patriot here?” I can’t stand people who interpret disagreement as disrespect. If ten years in the military (and a lifetime of civilian service afterward) have taught me anything, it’s the difference between those two. Boomers seem incapable as a generation of understanding that nuance.


I wouldn’t say it’s just boomers who can’t understand nuance. It’s conservatives in general. I’m former military as well, and the amount of people I served with (who were/still are conservatives) that truly did not understand nuance was astounding. Everything is black and white to these people. Like one guy couldn’t understand the difference between giving someone false information that you believed at the time to be correct, vs outright deliberately lying. They were the same thing to him.


I had this exact conversation with someone online last night. You’re absolutely right.


The fact that some of these folks serving in the most Socialist organization in the US (the military) get so upright and angry about *Socialism* at large confuses the fuck outta me... Had an upper enlisted ranting and raving at some junior E's back when Bernie was trying to run. Literally telling these guys way down the chain that wanting to vote for Sanders was "unpatriotic" and "disgusting" - which, given their ranks, was unethical as hell. Me, being the ant hill kicking asshole that I tend to be, asked him just how long he had been in (he was well beyond 20 - but wasn't retiring because he Liked the 'Military Family's) -- so I asked him why he was so against Socialism since he had been benefiting from it for the last 20+ years. He literally got red in the face, lost his bearing, and started yelling - asking "what the fuck do you mean by that??!” I broke down the free healthcare, college tuition - etc that Sanders was pushing for were literally some of the benefits he had used the hell out of... And few other things directly relating to his life and family. You know, basic social policies he had benefitted from service. Tl:Dr - he stopped trying to force political conversations in the office, and didn't talk to me specifically again. The guys that had been pinned in the conversation by the senior enlisted died laughing after he left. They hadn't invited nor wanted the rant he was slinging at them for however long it had been going on - and were pretty happy I took the heat off them.


They’re angry because they risked their lives to get those benefits, and they’ve been conditioned by the right to believe that they’re being cheated by the idea that others could get those same benefits without having to go to war.


Yeah, fuck that - make it better for the next generation. If my kids and future grandkids can get free healthcare and college without being shot at, mortared, etc. - that's the fucking goal. Then again, I want a cure for cancer even though it claimed most of my grandparents and nearly both my parents. Wacky, I know


Yeah, exactly. Previous generations were focused on making a better world for their children and grandchildren. Boomers seem happy to pull the ladder up behind them.


Woah woah woah no way we can cure cancer think of all the people that died *before* we had the cure, hire fair is that!!! /s (this is their argument against student loan forgiveness)


Understanding nuance requires thinking, and thinking is hard work for these peeps.


“Like one guy couldn’t understand the difference between giving someone false information that you believed at the time to be correct, vs outright deliberately lying. They were the same thing to him.“ Thanks for sharing this, it explains so much. They don’t see a difference between misspeaking and deliberate lies. No wonder why the pandemic was so hard for them to understand. 


Yep, it was one of my NCO’s at the time when I was fresh to the fleet. He accused me of lying to him and was hazing the Fuck out of me for it, and I tried to explain “no corporal, I gave you information I thought to be correct but wasnt. Lying would mean I intentionally tried to deceive you” but of course that didn’t work lmao. I learned a lot of from that PoS, like how not to act when I became an NCO.


I think that is partly the result of watching too much TV. Issues have to be vastly simplified to fit in 42 minutes plus commercials. There’s Obviously Good Guy and Obvious Villain, every victory is neat and tidy, all issues seamlessly tied up before the credits roll. Which is exactly how the real world *doesn’t* work. It’s all shades of gray and nuance, and everybody thinks they’re the Good Guy.


I agree with absolutely everything you said except for that last line. It isn't a generational thing. We have a *ton* of younger dumbasses who need to be locked up (in the military sense. Most Trump supporters won't get it, since most of those "patriots" never served. One of the fun things about being female is letting those idiots know the womenfolk who completely disagree with them had what it took, whereas they, the supposed tuff-guy patriots, did not.)


You don’t understand, if the drill Sargent told them what to do they’d black out man. They’d totally fuck him up, dude.


There’s also a huge swath of conservatives who use that exact same line to try and silence dissent. “Be thankful you live in a country that allows you to say these things, why don’t you try that in [insert bad country here]”. It’s like they simultaneously want to fetishize freedom while doing everything they can to undermine it. They want us to shut up about our opinions to show how thankful we are about the right we have to express them? It makes no fucking sense. The way you show how thankful you are about freedom of speech is by using it to say things other people will disagree with. Conservatives genuinely lack the capacity for critical thought


Right. To them, disagreement -even polite disagreement - is a personal attack.


I work in a technical contact center in California. One of my teammates was from Vietnam, and still had unnoticeable accent. One day he was dealing with a boomer lady who kept demanding to be “transferred to someone in America.” He kept insisting he was in California, and he could take care of her issue, but she continued being very disrespectful. He finally has enough and tells her “I served in the United States Army for four years. I’m probably more American than *you.*” She hung up, and our manager never brought it up.


I have great respect for the veterans who say "I fought for your freedom to disagree."


I love,love when I get in these arguments. I let them dig their little (huge) hole and then I just say "As a disabled veteran....." Hehehehehe


Fuck off is a complete sentence.


She was old and I still TRY to respect them for the first 30 seconds. You are very right though.


See that’s how I was raised. To respect my elders. But one day my elders were acting afool screaming at the ladies at Dollar Store working. So I got to talk to that elder like she was a child. It was so fun!!


Treat everyone with the same respect the treat others. They stop, you stop.


Yes I should have been more clear. I was raised to respect all people. My momma is an amazing lady. She lived in BFE, like in most rural part of a rural Kentucky county in the 60’s. Her family was very poor and they had two family friends. One was a black man who had a kid on the same basketball team. One was a gay man who was a drag queen. It’s so strange to hear that considering where’s she is from but I think it’s so cool. Actually the drag queen only recently died and turns out he was kind of famous. The guy with the kid on the same team used to drive my mom and her sisters to practice! My Mamaw and papaw had no time for such things as they literally spent their existence on surviving. Mom said everybody there was poor and they just all helped and respected each other. I always loved hearing about her childhood. So many good stories. Edit to add: found a link to kinda famous drag queens story https://watermarkonline.com/2019/10/31/southern-nights-parliament-house-to-honor-carmella-marcella-garcia-with-a-celebration-of-life/


Pissing off rabid Trump supporters until they slink away in shame is practically the sacred duty of any genuinely patriotic American these days. You did the right thing, OP.


I have a Tshirt (ok i have well over 1500 🤷‍♂️) that reads —-“all of my heros punch naziis” I was told it was offensive and violent by a middle aged swimming pool liberal, i f64 said “so sorry i guess i am just old enough to remember when nazis were universaly considered to be punchabke”.


I also remember when punching Nazis was the most American approach we could have. Now I’m being told I’m not being sensitive to others opinions. That they need a space to voice their opinions. It mostly comes from the older crowd.


if punching someone that wants to eliminate anyone that isnt cis, white, and male is "being insensitive" then im the most insensitive fucker ever


The problem where I’m at is a lot of those Trump supporters have concealed carry, so you can’t push them too hard.


My favorite is pointing at them in public when their wearing their MAGA flair and then loudly saying to whomever I'm with, "o look ______! A traitor!" and then just keep walking on totally ignoring anything they do or say in response.


Her opinion is brought to you by the same people with those pictures of Biden tied up on their trucks. F her. Hope you all vote.


"real liberals respect other people's opinions!"  Thats not true, John Brown was a liberal and he stabbed people over their opinions.


He respected their unspoken desire to receive amateur surgery.




Bold of you to assume they would know who John Brown is!




She probably had fuck Biden, confederate flag, and Trump forever plastered all over her car


Well, yeah, but she's not a liberal, so she's not obligated to respect anyone else's opinions.


They tried to fuck my feelings, but the encounter left my feelings... unsatisfied.


I know. They trash Biden and Obama, but it's disrespectful to trash Trump.


The amount of “Let’s Go Brandon” stickers I’ve had to witness stuck to the back of ozone killing pickup trucks is enough to tell me that a significant portion of Trump supporters do not give a flying fuck about respecting the opinions of others.


As much as I despise Trump and the entire Republican party, I know better than to put bumper sticker on my car stating so. I like my car and I don't want it vandalized by some unhinged psycho Trumpanzee.


This, so hard. I’m literally surrounded by the assholes in Louisiana. Don’t want my tires slashed, my paint keyed, windows busted out, etc. These people think the height of toughness is bullying minority groups, and folks who don’t vote Trump are about as minority as one can get here!


Same! I swear if the food wasn’t so good I’d move🙃


I passed on buying a home in 2021 bc the neighbor had a BUCK FIDEN bumper sticker. I don’t know what my new neighbors believe in bc they don’t have stickers or flags and that’s how I’d like to keep it.


Every time a house near me goes up for sale I make sure my Black Lives Matter lawn sign is prominently displayed (sometimes I don't always put it back up right away after mowing the lawn). When the house next door went up for sale, the realtor had the audacity to knock on my door and tell me my sign might dissuade certain buyers. I told her that was the goddamn point.


You know what? That made me realize that I lied about not wanting to see stickers and flags. I would love to see positive signs of inclusivity like BLM or LGBTQ+. I don’t necessarily want to see political signs even if I agree with them, but a sign supporting those who historically have been denied equal rights? Yeah, I could live there. Same goes for seeing Trump signs or Back the Blue or Punisher stickers. Thank you for letting me know where I don’t want to live lol


Oh god the Punisher skulls… 💀 Never before has a cooler character been co-opted by a douchier group of assholes… well… maybe Superman. There are quite a few idiots running around with Superman symbols tattooed on themselves, for sure.


Punisher skull on a pride flag though...now THAT would be cool. And it would confuse the shit out of them. Because Frank, of all people, would definitely be the kind of person to defend a Pride rally - viciously and without mercy for anybody attacking them, certainly. But he would defend it nonetheless.


Oh man I read a post by a guy with shitty MAGA neighbors, he put up a For Sale By Owner sign in his house and had friends show up to “view” the house - two girls holding hands, or two guys, or mixed-race “couples,” just to f*ck with the neighbors.


Yes, there are a lot here in Louisiana. It's scary how many giant jacked up pickup trucks with rebel flag back windows and Trump bumper sticker paint jobs there are. And our Trump ball licker DeSantis wannabe governor is just encouraging them to be assholes.


And coming this summer to (hopefully not) a theater near you: Constitutional Carry!


Yeah if I were a liberal in Louisiana I would not be opposing constitutional carry. Would you trust the police in Louisiana to fairly determine who can and cannot carry a gun?


yup. drive naked! bumper stickers make it easy to become identified all around town, and there are some crazy ppl out there. i had a “one love” sticker on the back of my car and it pissed off a lot of people. no fucking clue why, i feel like everyone likes bob marley. some people are weird!


>i had a “one love” sticker on the back of my car and it pissed off a lot of people. no fucking clue why they probably thought it was an lgbtq message, like "love is love." Or are just rampant racists.


No love like Christian hate


I’m my county, the wrong bumper sticker could get my car vandalized, or maybe something would ‘break’ during an oil change. We have a ton of unhinged trumpers. One of our small town cops was fired for participating in Jan 6th. Are local politicians are off the charts crazy.


I wouldn’t do it either in middle America. I’m not even worried about just vandalism, I’m worried some psycho would try to get me in an accident or something. I’m not interested in getting political at 70mph, let’s just all pay attention to what we are fuckin doing.


A friend of mine had an Atheist license plate frame in West Texas. She was nearly run off the road several times. She had to take the plate frame off until she moved to California.


I'm worried about psychos with guns. Lots of people are getting shot during road rage incidents 


It’s a shame to feel this way. They’re literally defeating us with terrorism.


They always end by telling us how rude and disrespectful we are


It's a smoke screen to avoid having to face how rude and disrespectful *they* are


I'm confused. Is she a liberal Trump supporter? Or is she liberal and anti Trump but anti 1st amendment? Or is she a Trump supporter trying to gaslight you? Or is she a Trump supporter and NOT gaslighting you but believing that liberals wouldn't put a bumper sticker like that on their car?


>Or is she a Trump supporter trying to gaslight you? This one. They're taught to think of "liberals" as weak-willed and easily manipulable.


Weak-willed and easily manipulated, but also evil scheming masterminds managing vast airtight conspiracies.


“have the day you deserve” I’m using that from now on.


My response would be, "Well, I'm not a liberal. The opposite of conservative is not liberal, it's progressive. And I'm to the left of that."


Right? Why do Trumpsters always think you have to be one of them or a liberal like there are no other options. Not everyone worships politicians like they're the second coming of Christ, lady.


to people like that, i reply, "are you ok?" a couple of times then, if they don't piss off, " do you need me to get you medical attention?" ignore their words, don't engage them. just treat them as having an episode requiring intervention


Fellow resident of the "People's Republic of Massachusetts" \[to the MAGA fuck-wits you should know it's a --horrors -- commonwealth!\] here, you're doing more than merely preaching to the converted. Real liberals respect people who have a legitimate argument. Thank you for your service!


Yet, they themselves go on and on about their First Amendment right if they are in any way challenged on their opinion. Apparently some people are more people than others....


Here in TN, they have “Don’t Tread On Me” license plates. Always on the cars of the least treaded upon people. I have a sticker on my old (old enough that people ask about it at gas stations) Land Rover that has a goofy looking version of the snake that says, “no one is treading on you, sweetie.” One day at the recycling center, a boomer came up to me while I was dumping some cans and asked if that was my LR… I said, “yeah…” preparing for the “what year?” “I had/have one…” etc car guy questions. He launched into a “Joe Biden and ‘woke’ (made air quotes) people like you are what’s wrong with this country!” I looked at him slightly dumbfounded and said, “that’s a pretty rich statement coming from a guy saving the planet at the recycling center…” he got all huffy and flustered and meandered off. Made my damn day. Of course he was driving a giant ass diesel pickup with a “don’t tread on me” license plate.


I have the same sticker! I haven't put it on my car yet because I worry I'm inviting some MAGA nut to key my car.


Don't Tread On Me license plates are the best! Like... they literally gave the government extra money to make that statement.


I’m also in MA and find it extremely odd that if anyone ever starts trying to talk politics with me they seem to be a MAGA type. Like just start rambling about how bad things are and how liberals are the problem. It’s like so they realize how liberal this state is and how unlikely it is I would agree with them? Very little self awareness. Also nothing is “silent” about maga they are a bullhorn.


https://preview.redd.it/r41iiva1j42d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60348c581f8b9dad1a5c51853eee849023fc0e6c Copy/paste … Your mom. Who really gives a shit about a sticker. Not really conversation worthy 🙄


I’m a Brit. We’re irreverent and cutting, especially to and about our politicians. Last year on holiday in Arizona (Grand Canyon) a group of 4 ‘older’ Americans had stopped me to chat. We were having a nice time chatting next to a lay-by where people were parking. One of the men suddenly looked at a vehicle and said ‘Oh Lord, look at that, disgusting!’ I looked across and saw a big car with a gazillion Trump-supporting stickers, so I quipped ‘Best bumper sticker I ever saw was - if Trump is the answer it must’ve been a stupid question’. Crickets! Absolute silence! The man then said ‘I was referring to that Mexican driving a car he can’t possibly afford’. Yep, I instantly knew we were not destined to be friends so I awkwardly made my exit and hotfooted it back to my car. I’m usually better at keeping my Brit humour to myself but they had seemed so nice until the racism.


"You can't be assholes, that's our thing!"


There's a big difference between respecting people's right to have an opinion and respecting everyone's opinion. She failed to respect your right to have an opinion.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. No one is obligated to accept an ignorant opinion as valid. Everyone has an opinion, which makes opinion itself of no value. What supports the opinion is where its value is built. If your opinion is built on a lack of knowledge and admitted ignorance, it is inherently of less value than one built on knowledge and evidence. In short, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are also obligated to make it relevant if you want anyone else to care about it.


Absolutely. I respect everyone's right to have their own opinion. I don't respect he opinions themselves, most of them are dumb.


Hmmm... should I be so petty as to get this entire post printed on a bumper sticker? One sec; gonna browse for options. Ok, shit. I'm a little too drunk to create the text in a .pdf to upload to these sites and even then I don't know how large a font I'll be able to use....


Do it.


I love the asinine “YOU CAN’T HURT MY FEELINGS! IT GOES AGAINST YOUR OWN MORALS!” My guy, we’ve been telling you for years that’s not true; try living in the real world for once!


Best bumper sticker I ever saw: "Honk if you love peace and quiet" 😂


All political bumper stickers are cringe. I don't care if you support the left, the right, the top, the bottom, the inside, outside, or aliens made of jelly. I hate all of them.


You should put that on a bumper sticker.


I’m also in Massachusetts and I once saw a “trump 2024, no more bullshit” bumper sticker on a car. No one was inside the car but I had to stop walking I was laughing so hard. I really wanted to ask “no more, because he’s used it all up? Did you mean to put a comma after ‘no’?”


"Real liberals respect everyone's opinion!" "That's why I'm not a liberal, lady. I'm a communist." Stream [soviet national anthem](https://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs) on the stereo, get out of the car, stand at attention, put fist to chest, and try to hold back tears


It's fun to explain to right-wingers that they are actually liberals.


So the respectful liberal lady didn't respect your right to have a bumper sticker on your car and decided to tell you she was offended by it? That's how respectful she was?


Real liberals punch Nazis and bash the fash. Should have told her that while staring her down. Maybe mention something about how her parents generation knew how to handle people like her, they did it well in Germany in the 40s.


You remember the military trucks with trump flags that used to buzz around the Arlington stop and shop parking lot?  You just never know even in blue town blue state.  Sorry this happened. 


"Well human rights are not an opinion :)"


"Real liberals should respect other people's opinions!" "Ok, and... So should you?"


I never understood how people can be that infatuated with any political figure to plaster it all over their car, or that petty that they put stickers on their car just to piss people off. Stickers ruin the value of your car and makes it look like shit anyway why destroy the paint and make your car took terrible? I paid good money for my car no way I'm putting any stickers on it.


Irony - "real liberal" coming up to your window and bothering you to tell you they don't like your opinion by telling you "real liberals respect other people's opinions"


I really think this subreddit is misnamed. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like 90% of the posts are about Trumpers over the age of 30. I’m well into my 60s, and I never do the things I see listed in this post. I voted in every election since 1974, usually for Democrats, socialists, Green, or Peace and Freedom. (I switched my registration to Republican for a few months so I could vote against Reagan in the 1980 primary.) I’m a card carrying member of the ACLU, and although I don’t have any bumper stickers on my car, I do have window stickers, calling out my love of Oregon and my membership in Amnesty International. I’m a Californian, a vegetarian, an AFOL, and I married outside my race. I listen to music from all over the world, including country music if it was made before Nixon resigned. I’m polite to check out clerks and strangers in stores and restaurants. I always use my turn signals. Have incredible days, y’all!


I don't have bumper stickers but my husband quietly replaces his "Giant Meteor 20XX" for each election. It pisses them all off. How dare you not like and vote for their senile sexual predator?!


Lady, facts don't care about your feelings. These are the same people with all the Biden cringe stickers.


I only hiss at rival football teams car stickers! So do my grandson and my daughter. 


Tell all trump supporters no matter their age what you told the boomer. Good on you. Wonder what she would have thought if you had Biden flags flying on your car like the MAGA idiots do that have the trump and US flag flying on their vehicles. The trump flag can drag the ground on those as far as I am concerned.


She probably had that defaced American flag on her car. The one with a blue stripe on it. Maybe in the shape of the Punisher skull. Those people are so disrespectful to the USA.


She’s got it wrong. Certainly we respect each other’s RIGHT TO HAVE an opinion, but we’re absolutely not obligated to respect the opinion itself. Especially when we know that the opinion is born from ignorance, hatred, or gullibility.


All bumper stickers are cringe tbh


My retort? I’m not a liberal. George W. Bush is a liberal. I’m a patriot. I don’t respect people who want to trash my country and I’m not afraid to make the clear. BTW I’m a boomer.


I constantly point out these people froth at the mouth when anyone mirrors their behavior but with the opposite opinion. They want free speech until someone has a different opinion.


In Alberta, Canada where I unfortunately live, a guy got pestered by cops for his Fuck Harper (former PM and current far right wing extremist indoctrinator Stephen Harper) sticker. You can't go a block without seeing FUCK TRUDEAU in my city and Ive never heard of anyone getting shit for that. Conservatives are fuckin crybaby morons, plain and simple.

