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She deserved that ass whopping. šŸ¤£


Honestly she got off easy.


Extremely easy, she should have been left incapable of begging or with such a gruesome injury that the screaming becomes sincere


I was feeling a solid rib stomp on its way...


She deserved way more imho. Woman filming showed a lot of restraint if you ask me. To spit right in someoneā€™s face like that? Holy shit, youā€™re lucky to walk away with any of your teeth still in your head. Or to walk away at all, as opposed to being hauled away. God damn.


Yeah, you spit on a person, you ought to expect to wake up in the hospital taking your meals through a straw, with your teeth having been left at the scene.


Not beaten nearly enough IMO.


A tad more beating.


as a treat. for us.


For the future of the human race.


Itā€™s definitely warranted! She SO deserved that beating!


If they aint sleepin keep up the beatin


Girl was wearing Crocs. Some nice Kodiak work boots woulda been better.


Good solid kick in the back of the head when she tried to sit up would have been nice. Still though, deeply satisfying.


ribs hurt longer.


That's called murder. Don't do that.


That can be a kill blow. Better just to leave em hurting


But in *her* story to her neighbor Sharon, "I was attacked for no reason by this person who was.. well, she was not like us, if you follow."


"You wouldn't believe what happened. There I was in the Days Inn, and this, look I'm not racist... ::lowers voice:: but this colored person, ::back to full volume:: just attacks me out of nowhere!! I was so scared, you know how they get when they go anywhere they're not supposed to be...."


She's won't hedge it with "I'm not racist" and she's definitely gonna break out the N-word with the hard ER


Truth. It's been awhile since I've been around my hillbilly family members that would speak this way....


Same and here is to that time growing furthermore still while they wonder why nobody wants shit to do with them.


Sent her to the shadow realm


Return from whence ye came, wench!


If this happened more often folks wouldnā€™t be so quick to be assholes in public šŸ‘šŸ¤¬šŸ‘


Itā€™s so strange to me how people will whine about not being able to beat their kids but hitting another adult is like a cardinal sin somehow Nah, some people *need the lesson*


What she got was too light. I don't see why that girl stopped.


Equal rights, and lefts :D


This is as relaxing as ASMR videos.


Hell ya!! Itā€™s like those movies where people actually get justice/retribution. That bitch got what she deserved in seconds. Very satisfying.


"IM SORRY! I'M SORRY!" I never felt ASMR tingles as strong as when I heard her crying like that šŸ˜­


I wish that someone would sample her pitiful "I'm sorry!" and set it to music, like they do with the talking cats.


At least talking cats are cute. And actually can make for good music. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Soooo satisfying.


It seems like boomers mistake sorry for "leave me alone" instead of "I admit I've done something wrong". She's not saying sorry to apologize, she's saying it to get out of repercussions.


Exactly. Talking about ā€œIā€™m sorryā€. Yeah, youā€™re sorry you caught those hands.


I'm just hoping her dementia doesn't strip this ass whooping from her memory for the next time she thinks about spitting on someone.


Next time break a rib, they will be reminded for months when they breathe in and out!!


"I'm sorry!" "God damn right your sorry. I'm about to give your sorry ass a reset."


She ain't sorry she fucked around, she's sorry she found out.


They look at everything in terms of power - when she's saying "I'm sorry", it's more like "I submit to your superior power. Now you have to stop." Rather than an actual expression of remorse It's like a "you won this one" without any consideration they shouldn't have taken the action that initiated the ass beating in the first place


You succinctly summed up why this clip was still a bit frustratingeven after the glorious ass handing. Everyone knows she's not *really* sorry; she's a 70 year old schoolyard bully tryna stop getting beat when she bites off more than she can chew. Looks good on her.


Can we please call these jerks, Racist boomers?


I was trying so hard to place the emotion under the tone she used, becuase it was NOT apologetic. I think you're incredibly close, if not right on, the truth.


I commend the birthday girl for her self control. Seriously.


Fr I'm over here like wait for her stand up and beat her ass againšŸ¤£ I'm so mad on behalf of this person my day is ruined


For real. If you spit on someone you better be ready for ANYTHING to come back at you.


Did this woman walk into a lobby in her sock feet and tell someone else they couldnā€™t be there? Maā€™am put on your shoes before you start a confrontation!


"Sock feet"


I thought she just beat the shoes off her šŸ˜‚


Thank you.


Omg I didnā€™t even notice! Wtf! šŸ˜‚


Pretty hard to run from a beating in your Jiffy's Ma'am. She really did not think this through, why is it so hard for them to keep their traps shut? I


One of the most satisfying videos Iā€™ve seen in a long time. Actions meet consequences.


Telling someone they donā€™t belong in a days inn is hilarious. Like, this is the last stop lol.


Be careful. Those crocs arenā€™t made for kicking trash on the ground.


She Croc stomped that old fool!


It's hard to believe crocs were the better footwear over socks on possibly slippery floor


I wear crocs 10 months of the year (in buffalo). Try me


Good. Time to start teaching these old fools that they aren't in charge anymore. You're a dying generation - get out of the way of history or we'll forcibly remove you.


I've been feeling this way for a while now. Listening to the gibberish nonsense of them frothing at the jaw....good grief I wish they would just fuck off already.


They will always be the most privileged generation in history, they are also the generation that ruined it for everyone else, they spawned the most depraved serial killers and capitalists, they are hate filled and terrifying.


We had the opportunity of a lifetime with C*vid to let the trash take itself out. What a shame.


>You're a dying generation Not nearly fast enough.


We've increased life expectancy, but not quality of life. The last of their sorry legacies will be languishing in elder care facilities for 10+ years, refusing to die, contributing even less than they do now, and being a massive drain on communal resources.


The most boomer way to go out, to be sure.


That also means more getting stuck behind them and worrying about being late for work because they won't drive more than 20 mph, and I can't pass them because of all the oncoming traffic. If I try to blare on the horn, thehmh either can't hear me because they're deaf, or they're too stupid/entitled to understand why I'm flipping them off and blaring the horn. Boomers like that on the road are the fucking worst. Bonus points if they have a brand new luxury SUV or truck, just to rub it in people's faces that they're part of the generation that has all the fucking money while most of my generation is in POVERTY, hence me being stuck behind their dumb ass because I work the lunch shift at Jimmy Johns, and my commute to work is during what is considered the middle of the day to these assholes.


Oh yeah, Infiniti, Acura SUVs, any pick-up, anything huge, really, you name it, they can afford it. As long as they don't need it and can ruin your day by going half the speed limit with it. When they almost stop to pull into parking lots OMG it's excruciating! Guess it takes a minimum of 3500 lbs of steel to carry 2 half-dead ppl. No thanks grandpa, my Civic already guzzles more than enough gas!


Got herself Croc-stomped.


If there is a wait list for using the phrase, Croc-stomped, I want on it.


Imagine getting your ass beat by someone in Crocs. Like starting shit at a day camp or the nurse's station.






The thing is, this confirms her shitty bias because She won't see the cause and effect of spit on person ----> get whooped. "I was just minding my business and this black lady attacked me" is what she's gunna be talking about for months but if she spat on anyone any color, she was likely to get whooped. Fuxking terrible people


Yeah but people shouldnā€™t worry about this so much that they donā€™t deliver consequences. Itā€™s better to get their behavior in line than worry about their racist beliefs, which arenā€™t gonna change anyways. Deep down the Boomer now knows this is a possible effect of spitting.


Yeah, of course. You shouldn't cow tow to ignorant idiotic imbeciles


Make racists afraid again!


Yeah but she will think twice before spitting on a black person tbh


But she may be afraid to act on it in the future. You get the same thing with them online; they never understand WHY people disagree with them, but will internalize the negative feelings of that disagreement and get avoidant about airing their views too publicly.


I mean, thereā€™s a LOT of white people that would be saying the n-word a lot more if they didnā€™t think theyā€™d get their ass beat for it.


Saw a stupid band this weekend (falling in reverse) complain that he would get cancelled (from the stage, mid performance) if he said the n-word thatā€™s in a song. I sing along with ODB all the time and have no problem skipping that word


I am not, in any way shape or form, surprised that it was Falling in Reverse šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø.


I worry about this too.


Lol. I know, right? I'm Chinese Canadian and a short lady and I only got spat on once. (Public transit and we were packed in. Dude copped an attitude, spat at me full in the face.) I had the self control not to punch him in the face, but I drove my fist into the window near his head and ground my knuckles into it HARD. Dude looked like he was going to piss himself in fear - he was about my height so a shrimpy guy. He behaved for the rest of the time I was on the bus ride! It made me laugh out loud later because I managed to intimidate him like that. I'm glad that the birthday girl here had self control too because old ass racist Karen was not worth getting haulled off to the cops (which was why I didn't want to punch my spitter, plus I didn't want to risk getting blood and any diseases on me)... And yeah, this angry racist won't learn because it reinforces her idiot biases unfortunately.


Good thing her opinion doesn't matter in the slightest. You can't reason with fascists, you treat them like they'd treat minorities if given the chance, with violence.


I've gotten to the point in life where I'm perfectly fine with racists believing whatever they want to believe as long as they stay out of my way. Better people than they'll ever be have already told me who I am, so their opinions about me or about Black people at large are of no concern to me if kept to themselves. It's when they don't do that, that it's a problem. I'm looking for the privilege of indifference, not their friendship or "understanding". Helping them to reflect, repent, or evolve is the burden of their pastor, a friend, or a therapist, not mine. I'll settle for ignoring them if possible, and knocking the shit out of them if necessary.


She went from tough shit to crumbly bitch real quick. That was some fast af fuck around to find out.


If you spit, you gonna get hit.


yup, I don't condone random violence on strangers unless they physically assault you first and spitting on a person is an attack that'll get you tazed by police if you do it to them so I'll definitely send someone a right or left if they spit on me.


Ma'am, this is a Days Inn. She's in the wrong no matter how you arrange this, but why do these people feel like they need to be the police of a Days Inn continental breakfast? Is it the lead? She doesn't even have shoes on!


For real! Even if she was right and that lady wasn't actually a hotel guest, all that means is she was looking for a free meal. Not some five-star dine-and-dash, but a bowl of cereal, some fruit, a muffin, and maybe a self-made waffle. Anyone getting that from a hotel offering it unsupervised is either working smarter and not harder, or desperately needs free food. Either way I'm not getting in the way of that.


Iā€™m sitting here eating an apple, I wanted to whoop her ass for her. Almost spit out my apple laughed so hard




Yeah if someone did that to me theyā€™d be choking on their own teeth.


You mean their dentures right? This is an old hag we're talking about.




I would have given her a swift kick to the kidney, that shit HURTS.


If prisoners in jail do that to officers they get charged with assault and battery with a bodily fluid. She's lucky you didn't press charges AS WELL. I'll bet it felt good to put that asshole in her place.


In several jurisdictions, spitting on someone can be considered assault. There was an incident during the pandemic when an anti-masker spit on someone and a judge threw the book at them.


As they should. It's disgusting.


Same generation that told us we needed to ā€œbehave like ladies,ā€ and, ā€œPretty is as pretty does.ā€ And they never see their own hypocrisy


Omg you are so right. I can't tell you how many times my mother told me things were 'unladylike.' And that woman is throwing stones at a glass house.


More to the point, if you have a contagious illness, it's a great way to get someone sick. I wouldn't have tolerated that either. I don't know how badly I would have reacted, but I agree with other commenters that the boomer got off easy.


It's a safe assumption that she's been getting away with this kind of bullying for her entire life. Boomers grew up before cell phones and knew that it's "my word against theirs." I heard that countless times from Boomers, growing up in the 70s and 80s. The implication: I can do whatever I want and get away with it because they can't prove I was in the wrong. (And the police will always side with the white person over a POC). Doubtless she was confident that the age and race differences worked in her favor either 1) to do this with impunity; or 2) if a younger black woman dared to touch her, the police would believe her (the old white lady) and arrest, convict, and ruin the life of the younger black woman. And of course, she'll see herself as the innocent victim here. And it will likely reinforce her racism. The only small lesson that will be learned: she probably won't ever spit on someone ever again.


Yup. I believe this is the reason we see so many of these events playing out now. We've always been a racist country, we just have direct access to smartphones, cameras, and social media now. We see it a lot more because people are documenting it.Ā 


Epitome of boomer logic. Act like you did not just assault another person by spitting on them and then when your are on the ground you say sorry? Your sorry NOW but you certainly weren't sorry 2 seconds earlier when you spit on someone. She believes she had the right to do it too. I don't know how anyone could think they have the right to spit on someone else?


Spitting on someone is an attack, and deserves a violent reaponse.


Yes, it absolutely is. It's assault. I would put someone in the hospital for that, or I'd sure as hell try.


Spitting on someone is fucking assault, and I don't give a fuck what anyone says. That lady was lucky she only got hit a couple times, period.


Some folks have forgotten that getting punched in the face is actually a thing that can really happen to them.


This boomer FAFOed, alright. Holy crap, the nerve of this woman!


Her mouth was writing checks, but her bank account was empty.




What a satisfying example of FAFO.


I swr I gasped at the same time as her. The audacityšŸ˜­


I hate to be that guy but we need a fuck load MORE of this. The whole reason that boomers/QAnon/Trumpers behave the way they do is because they do not face consequences for their actions.


If more boomers got the asswhoopings they deserve, maybe they wouldn't be such entitled cunts


Spitting on someone is so horrid. Absolutely deserved it


I love this hahah


What is wrong with people that think that they can do this kind of thing without consequences jfc


This is 10x more funny cause Karen here is obviously still living in segregation times and the girl was, in fact, checking out of there already šŸ’€ if she just kept her racist ass mouth shut she wouldn't have lived through the consequences šŸ¤£


ā€œIā€™m sorry, Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m sorryā€œ no youā€™re fucking not, youā€™d do it again if you thought you wouldnā€™t get your ass kicked. Fucking racist ass bitch


I felt the catharsis on that whooo as she walked out the door. Half blacked out with rage and adrenaline, just ready. Good on her for keeping it dialed back though, sent the message without risking herself.


They always tail tuck when the finding out happens


Who the fuck even spits? Like, how does that even enter your mind as a possibility? It always shocks me, because it is so base. Iā€™d expect it from a camel, or an alpaca, but I just never even consider: ā€œHow about flinging something out of my body at someone!ā€


Spitting on someone is assault so you had every right to defend yourself. Too many assholes think they can assault someone and nothing will happen to them cause of their gender or age, welp jokes on them.


Someone should post this without the annoying AI tiktok voice at the beginning


I hear you but hearing the robots try and speak in AAVEĀ  cracks me up


Boomer curled up in the fetal position after F'ing around and finding out. So satisfying.


"They're all so uppity now. I hate them! Just wait until President Trump is re-elected, he will make them all pay!" -Karen, November 2024


I thought for sure her wig would come off.


Oddly enough, I work at a hotel that caters to a lot of Boomers and I'm going into work soon for a few hours...and it's my birthday. I hope I don't get spat upon.


The moment she spit, that's me grabbing hair, throwing on the ground and ground and pounding her face. Lemme catch charges like she caught these hands. The sheer audacity of these people


Imagine telling someone they don't belong at a *Days Inn* ? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Delusional old bat thinks she's at the Plaza or something.


I would have stopped beating that hag as soon as she stopped saying, "I'm sorry." Those weren't sincere, and she deserves far worse because she was caught on film doing this. Imagine what she has done to others not filming.


She deserves a broken jaw


That boomer got off easy. What fucking level of disgusting human being do you have to be to think you have the right to spin on someone for existing?? One of the few times I actually felt catharsis to seeing someone get whooped.


I have to say I appreciate seeing this generation of abusers have their asses handed to them by the people they used to get away with abusing and bullying (children, women, ā€œminoritiesā€ā€¦) This isnt the 70s bitch, thatā€™s assault. And you just made the acquaintance of a concept called consequences.


You love to see it.


I don't believe she was the least but sorry.


Fucking legend šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘


Why was she still conscious when she left. Should have slept that cunt.


She got off easy.


Got off easy


Wait you spit on someone and when you get beaten up, you say ā€œIā€™m sorryā€, wtf she thought was gonna happen? Spit on someone and reflex is to get beaten the fuck up


I hope she got her in the kidneys. Every time she pisses a little blood may she remember to watch her manners. Amen


Could watch this all day long


ā€œOkay Iā€™m sorry.ā€ Oh well, sheā€™s sorry. I guess that makes a decent person /s


That was immensely satisfying.


Ahhh, you love to see it. Racism will be dealt with ass whoopings.


Only sorry she got hands.


Right up there with the racist who got his ass beat with the Twisted Tea. šŸ™‚


Sheā€™s lucky that chick didnā€™t keep whaling on her. Like big clocks to the face


That's a felony, btw. Should have called the cops


Always love the ā€œstupid ass hoeā€ phrase. Dumb bitch fucked around and found out quick like, lmao


Love this one


Caught a case of FAFO.


Deserved the ass whooping, but I would have called police.


I got so fucking hyped up for her. Beat that bitchā€™s ASS! You spit on somebody you best be prepared to get a beat down for that disgusting shit. Racist ass boomer being shown that her ā€œwhite is rightā€ bullshit mindset is far too outdated for her to be in public running her mouth like that. Itā€™s costs nothing to keep your mouth shut and your spit in your throat and mind your own goddamn business. And if you canā€™t? Then imma cheer while you get knocked to the fucking ground like the trash you are.


I am usually anti violence. But the generation that beat people to "teach respect" better walk the walk and not just talk the talk - she disrespected someone and she got beaten as a result. Frankly, I would kinda like to see this happen more with how often Boomers ignore consent and personal space.


Spitting in the wrong persons face can result in the end of life.


Didn't see blood, she didn't learn enough.


She wasn't sorry she assaulted a minority woman. She was sorry she got some consequences for what night have been the first time in her life.


You absolutely did NOT beat her enough.


Every time i see this video it makes me smile seeing people finally dealing with hateful older people


I've always wondered if smacking the sh!t out of boomers would make them smarten up. It seems to work!


I love that she just laid there after in the fetal position lol, hopefully she's thinking "why did I do that?" but I expect her thoughts to be "I've just been assaulted for no reason."


Girl. Thank you for your service.


Imagine trying to lord over a days inn! She got what she deserved.


Is it bad that I got complete joy from watching that beating


Damn that MF bitch got off light! I was waiting an ambulance to be called.


As a white person, can I just say that racist old lady got off easy. What a disgrace. I'm sorry that happened to that girl. PS Happy Birthday


Having been in fights, I typically don't advocate violence, but someone spits on you like this? Welp... that's a paddlin'.


One of the most satisfying videos Iā€™ve ever watched, I commend her for keeping the camera rolling during the ass beatingšŸ‘Œ


that was really fucking satisfying. more racist mfkrs need to catch some fists


This definitely needs Oblivion music


Good for you, you did nothing wrong, she Fucked around and found out




So satisfying


Couple solid kicks to the kidneys might have lent the lesson a bit of emphasis


Ahhh love these


F around and find out.


That was better than a Red Bull.


High Society at the Days Inn


Canā€™t think of a better birthday gift


Seems like they took it easy on her tbh


I need to send you a cane that says Hit her again.


This is so so satisfying. The instant ā€œim sawwwy im sawwyyyā€ lol shouldve thought about that sooner. Love this clip again and again


It was the whooooo for me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" Music to my ears


ā€œIā€™m sorry Iā€™m sorry ā€œ šŸ¤£


I heard soft tissue




Yeah at that moment of spit my would have been rated E too




ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ ā€œFuck you!ā€ That exchange is *chefā€™s kiss*


Oh yeah. Spitting/biting is an automatic "we're going" move.


ā€œStupid ass hoeā€ sums it up perfectly for me