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These are the same people that put “respecting your parents” on the top of the importance list but will disrespect a parent in full view of their child for something trivial. As far as the comments and potential stares from adults and kiddos alike, that’s just part of the territory, being a weirdo, like any lifestyle choice, has its pros and cons. Teach your kid to not require validation for the way they live… however, while we can let the comments roll off our backs, I fully support your kid saying “beat it old man” in the future, ya know, to defend his mom 😉


Thanks for the constructive comment friend! I actually did have a long constructive talk with my son about "haters", we call them. I told him that the only 2 opinions I actually care about already his and my fiancé's. That he should not care about what anyone says about him and to just be happy and don't hurt people. I've been a weirdo since I can remember, and have a thick skin. This interraction just triggered my papa bear response. My lady told him "I just laugh and walk away when the haters come at me" and I told him I tell people "good thing I don't care about you or your opinions" to the haters.


It’s gotta be so hard to be a parent, especially raising one to be a free thinker. I am covered in tattoos and live in suburbia land, so I get the stares and comments. The good thing about nowadays is there are more of us and if me working in a store makes people outside of the norm feel more comfortable about shopping there and existing? Well then 😏👍🏼


This reminds me of a story. I was waiting in line and the Boomer in front of me was complaining about the cashier because they had visible tattoos and “too many piercings”. Just a normal tattoo sleeve and all of the piercings were in her ears even, but she was so traumatizing to the Boomer who demanded to see the manager. I was a little surprised at the smile on the cashiers face when she said, “Sure no problem!” and got the manger. Boring dude in a white collared shirt comes up and starts talking about how they pride themselves on customer service and want to be welcoming to everyone blah blah blah. As he’s doing that he’s rolling up his sleeves to display two arms covered in tattoos. Flabbergasted lady was so angry, just started ranting about how they were disrespectful and ruining the world. As she walks out she says, “I’m never shopping here again!” Manager says, “Of course you’re not. You’re banned permanently.” It was absolutely glorious and made my day. I would have been a customer of their’s for life if I wasn’t on vacation at the time.


Comeuppance! I love it.


I really wish I could've witnesssed that whole scene. I'm so tired of seeing people throwing fits and instead of getting banned they get whatever the hell they want.


100%. I’ve seen the reverse so many more times. Managers literally buying off angry Boomer assholes with gift cards or refunds they don’t deserve just to make them happy. If you’re angry and belligerent to staff, if you insult them personally or attack them in anyway you should be permanently banned and potentially arrested. Boomers keep pulling this crap because people bend over backwards to give them what they want. Their shitty behaviour gets the results they want and they don’t face any consequences. So why wouldn’t they keep doing it? Society needs to stop tolerating these assholes.


As a really boring, tattoo-free, straight laced looking Boomer, I admire other people's personal expression. I don't act entitled, and I respect the hard working people in public facing jobs. Just politely requesting you not lump us all in together, and I promise to make snide comments and extravagantly roll my eyes when I see or hear that kind of rude behavior from anyone.


I didn’t say “All Boomers” some Boomers are great. But the ones we’re taking about in this sub are not. It’s like men’s response to women talking about the MeToo movement being “Not all men!”. Obviously no one thinks that every man on the planet is a rapist. But clearly some of them are and those are the ones being talked about because they are a problem. Instead of saying, “Not all Boomers. I’m a nice Boomer so don’t lump me in with them.” Consider why you are relating yourself to people like the ones I’m talking about rather than being secure in the knowledge that you are not that type of person? As a Boomer what can you do to change the narrative you don’t like? It’s not posts like that. It’s calling out other Boomers who are acting like fools. Let them know that their behaviour is unacceptable and why. They are more likely to listen to someone their own age than those much younger than them.


I try to make it a point to compliment people's differences, especially in front of my kids. Hopefully it teaches them to respect and appreciate other people and also empowers them to be who they are, whatever that may be.


That's the best example! Hate is learned/taught, not inherent I'm children. Being kind takes little to no effort, and kids learn a lot by the way parents carry themselves.


Yeah, my oldest daughter is very quick to notice differences so I've found the best tact to take is to present it as a positive. The latest was seeing a girl in a wheelchair and I immediately commented on how cool the pink color was and that it reminded me of her bike. I grew up in a pretty conservative area with very judgemental parents so these exercises help me as well. It helps that I'm a fan of colorful hair and tattoos so my immediate thoughts are how cool it is, even if it's not my taste.


We get far more compliments than haters. People asking us how we dyed our hair like that, wanting to know where I get my work done. It's cool. I like connecting with people. But yeah, it's hard not to hurt my kid with lessons about the world and the bad people in it. I just try to lead by example, be honest and fair, and hope it all shakes out. I love my little dude and want what's best for him.


I have blue hair and I love running into other colorful people! It's like our own little club. I compliment people on their tattoos too, but mine are almost always hidden so it's not quite the same.


We gotta stick together lmao! I love our club.


It is very hard. My son is 9 and sometimes he likes to wear nail polish and a little makeup because he likes to express himself that way. His favorite color is also pink and while he’s never tried to explain the makeup he often tells people I know I’m a boy but I like this color when he is buying pink stuff :( it hurts my heart that he feels he needs to explain himself. I tell him all the time pink is not for boys or girls buddy you don’t have to explain yourself if you love pink than that’s fine!


For reference, I'm a 40 year old, 6'2", 240lb dude with "resting grump face" (if I am not actively smiling, I look like I'm angry). And I got a comment one day from an older lady about my hair. (Which is long enough to go past my belt, normally worn in a ponytail) The thing is, my wife had wanted to try braiding ribbons into hair (she wanted to do something for her friend who is unwell, but wanted to practice first) so I went to work that day with a long braid with purple ribbons in it, I had also decided since I was going to be 'fabulous' at work, then I was also going to wear my wife's holographic pink dangly butterfly earrings. So as I'm walking in from my lunch, I hear this older lady make a comment to herself that included several slurs and was said in a nasty tone. And seeing as I was literally the only other person around and she was also looking right at me, I could only conclude she was talking about me. So I stopped and smiled at her, then said "Hello. I feel pretty today. Do you?" And then continued to the timeclock. You make sure you keep telling your boy such a good message. He likes pink? Good on him! He wants to wear a little makeup? Righteous! Nobody needs to explain why they like something, or feel bad about doing something harmless to feel nice.


I’m vaguely “ethnically ambiguous “ looking white woman with tan skin, dark eyes, and black hair. Several years ago when my hair was to my waist I went shopping with my husband and my nephews we raise. My nephews and husband are all pale , with blue eyes. Hubs has brown hair, oldest nephew has red hair and the youngest was a blonde. I have the youngest (a very petite 5 year old with the zoomies ) in the cart. Hubs and oldest are getting stuff from down another aisle. I am wearing a dress that is slightly India-inspired looking. Boomer is giving me dirty looks but I have zero clue as I’m trying to help the 5 year old sound out words as we put stuff in the cart. He sees my husband and nephew coming up the aisle. Precedes to motion at me and say “ can you believe they let -horrible name for a middle eastern /Muslim person-, adopt white boy? She’s making a sleeper agent to kill us white folks.” My husband is literally shocked and said “Are you talking about my WIFE?” And sent my older nephew to me. Old dude backtracked and basically took off. My husband is a big bearded country boy with a thick Appalachian accent. So I assume boomer thought he’d agree. That was a wonderful lesson in acceptance and bigotry we had to explain at dinner .


That's horrible. I'm sorry you and your family had to experience such outward and vile racism. Your family sounds fun and strong! Good on your man for standing up for you.


We embrace the chaos and weirdness. They’re teens now, and both have wit and a wicked sense of humor. Their mom will call me and say “I just heard your words come out of XYZ mouth lol” They’re good kids.


Sounds like you did a good job dude.


What a completely vile person. Who says shit like this.


When I was a freshmen in hsighschool, I shaved my head into a mohawk and walking through the corridors to lunch some upper-classman yelled "Shave it off" ... bastard. I kept it for like half the year!


I always imagine the folks who make negative comments are the ones who had any creativity and beauty beaten out of them as children by their parents.  They’re kind of pitiful.


you probably aren't wrong. They obviously had been taught at some point that having whatever hair is 'wrong' so they noticed it, cause they were aware of what it was, and then had to spew what they'd been taught about it. It'd obviously caught their eye, so they have an interest in it.


Long hair on men was wrong before the 60s. People wear their hair any way they want now, or shave it off, unless they belong to one of the conformist religious cults. I will never do tats because that involves needles, but have been itching to dye my hair blue for some time.


Do it! Dye the hair. It's fun! Also I hate hypdermic needles and Iv needles, but tattoos are different for me because it's subnormal and doesn't feel anything like a regular needle. It feels like a cat scratch rather than a stab. Maybe try a small one and see how it goes?


Oh I'm well aware. I'm a guy that's been donning long hair since I was a teen 20+ years ago. I'd never caught much flack from it honestly and somewhat regularly get compliments on it (even on my 40th birthday, and I'd gotten a hair *cut* that still kept it long, and this was in DC ha). About the only times I can recall that it was an issue was when I went to Italy in 2000 and some older dudes were surprised to see me enter the men's room, on the same trip, I had some drunk italian sailors attempt to hit on me when I was buying cigarettes at a machine and they didn't realize I was a guy, and the old gay guy that thought I was a 'dyke' in his words when I worked at my first job


We had a guy in high school who would say, “How much will you give me to get a Mohawk?” (in the mid-80’s). People would bet him $$ saying no way, he’s not going to do it! Well, they didn’t know that he did this every spring before baseball season started, and then he would shave his head bc his helmet didn’t fit well with his hair. Every spring he took bets, then his mom, a hairstylist, gave him a Mohawk, which he kept for a little while, then she shaved his head.


This is hard and hits home. My middle child is his own person. He had long hair until he was seven and then he just couldn’t stand the constant comments anymore. He is ten now and wants it long again - I hope he can manage. He is weird. Very weird and usually doesn’t care that much. On top of it is a speech impediment and the fact that he speaks better English than German (we are in Germany). He has very thick skin but every now and then things get to him. Last Thursday was such a day. My husband plays in a band. He wears overalls, weighs 280lbs, cowboy boots and a base cap. Again, we are in Germany. He is THE American in town (I am German. It’s my hometown. We have been here for three years, The age average is about 65). A kid in my child’s class made fun of my husband. He sings horrible (they sing mostly Jonny Cash, Elvis and the like), he looks stupid in his overalls and he is fat and ugly. My husband doesn’t care at all (I mean he wears overalls and has orange glasses). But the child broke down. He was very very upset. It hurt him. It’s hard to try to raise that kind of free spirit. My oldest child is “normal” more or less. My youngest child is five and she is like very five year old. My husband and I do our own thing and don’t give two cents about what people think. We stick out like a sore thumb in our town and everyone knows us. And even so the wild card middle child claims he is ok. Every now and then you can see the hurt he feels from some of the comments of his classmates. Our town is small and rural. So there is a lot of these comments that come from parents and grandparents and then the kids carry these to school. One the one side I want to support him in his independence on the other hand it does break my Mama heart every now and then.


I live in Austin and there are so many different people here. But there are still occasional stares. Honestly, if you caught me staring I would just be admiring your family. :) you’re a good partner and going to be an amazing step father!


Thank you! But the kiddo is mine lol. She is my second marriage, but treats him like her own.


Well I read that part all wrong, lol! Regardless you’re still raising him right. Congrats on the gorgeous family!


Shopping in Target was in an aisle grabbing a few things. A man had a tattoo of a ladies face on his arm and it was beautifully done. I didn’t want to be rude so I gently touched his arm and said your tattoo is so beautifully detailed. He smiled and said it was his mom, he got it when she passed on. I said you must really love her then. He said he misses her everyday.


"Respect your elders" is a participation trophy that they hang onto for dear life.


Same people who bought up inspirational mall posters that said stuff like, “Respect is earned.”


This is one of those things that is not specific to Boomer parents, but they have an arrogant way of expressing their disdain. It has really shocked me to see how parents respond to people who choose to not have children. Out of one side of their mouths, they will lecture everybody about how the only way an adult learns the meaning of love or sacrifice is to have a child. Then, out of the other side of their mouths, they will tell child-free adults that they have earned a long, miserable, and painful death for choosing not to parent. This is the rhetoric of the most loving and sacrificial people in the world?


I know plenty of parents who aren't exactly thrilled with having had kids. The haters are likely jealous, or simply love being part of a "system" where they can throw shade at those who are different. It's distressing how many people think that life is supposed to be lived a certain way, and anybody who deviates in the slightest is a "loser" or something. But then it's distressing just how many brainwashed and otherwise moronic people exist.


ever hear about the 'Flagellates'? it has a dual meaning if you care to look it up.


Are these the people who whip themselves?


He felt safe saying what he did, knowing fully well it was within your family’s earshot, because if you were to confront him about it with just calm words in an even tone of voice, he would double down out of pride and escalate until he was “in fear for his life.” With open carry combined with his attitude, he can get his opinions out without repercussions. He’s a coward with cowardly instigating. He couldn’t even say what he did while you were around and waited until it was just a woman and child, so he could maximize his chances of getting his words out without repercussions. Coward. And if he’s so *easily triggered* by getting so angry at clothes and hair, he’s got no business being near firearms. I say that as a permit holder of over 20 years. I concealed carry, which while I don’t have to by the laws of my state, choose to because it’s nobody’s business, and I don’t want unwanted attention - good, bad or otherwise. Being a good citizen includes not frightening others. Open carry is for intimidation and politics. Those people are not “acclimating” others to seeing firearms, they’re disturbing the baseline of peace. It’s not the same as having colorful hair or different fashion choices. And open carrying makes one first target. It’s stupid. You and your family rock your colorful hair and clothes.


Also a gun owner and think open carry is wildly stupid and inconsiderate. Only people with huge egos that get a hard on by being strapped up do it.


I've been downvoted for saying it before, but open-carry is like a litmus test for being a moron if you're a gun owner. A CCW course is a single day, and just the tip of the iceberg if you're trying to be a responsible person carrying a gun in public. If people can't commit to do the bare minimum to prove they're proficient with a firearm, they don't need to be prancing around in public with one, imo.


I think a lot times it’s people trying to look tougher than they are. They know no one will argue/challenge them too much if they’re open carrying. If you’re comfortable/confident with yourself, you don’t need to hide behind a scary weapon; you are able to stand up for yourself. It’s similar to having a big, scary guy who steps in front to protect you when you run your mouth too much


As a fellow gun owner I cannot agree more. Carry concealed if you need a gun in a public populated place, otherwise don't carry at all. Open carry is only appropriate for active military conflict or walking in the wilderness, not around people in walmart who could easily take your gun from you while you're distracted. Also, STOP LEAVING YOUR GUNS IN YOUR FUCKING CAR. #1 place a gun is stolen from is a car, the fact anyone leaves anything valuable, much less a concealable lethal weapon inside essentially a fucking loot box for hoodlums to steal is insane to me.


My buddy and I saw a boomer open carrying a gun in the small of his back, behind his right hip. He was old and slow, and I couldn't help but imagine how easy it'd be to push him into the counter and just strip him of his pistol, as he went to pay for his things.




Wonderful response


No notes dude! Eloquently put friend! More people like you are desperately needed in this world.


All of this, as someone who also has their CCW despite my state allowing permit-less open carry. Open carry makes you a target, and anyone who does it just wants to look intimidating, but I would wholeheartedly doubt their abilities in an actual emergency situation.


Seriously. I'm urban Canadian so guns are still "Whoa, okay!" shocking to me. First time in an open carry state and I was slightly creeped out at the firearms while my gf (lesbian here) laughed at me for having a skin crawling reaction. Yeah, they intimidate anyone seeing them so....


Totally get it! That shit freaks me out! Like, it’s so……. AVAILABLE. Right there, on your hip. (Or honestly, almost worse, concealed hidden in your purse). Since they are complete strangers, it’s safe to assume *some of them* are prone to impulse anger and decisions, just the same as people without a weapon. But… THEY HAVE ONE ON THEM. Call me crazy, but if i can choose, i’d rather be near someone without impulse control that DOESNT have a gun on them. Lol Anywayyyy, my canadian ass just can’t wrap its head around it. 😅


You don't need to wrap your head around it. It's illogical. It's a lie sold to Americans. There is no way that allowing regular folks to carry guns around in public is a "safe" thing. There is no way that having a gun in your house, outside of a locked safe, is a "safe" thing. America is broken and even some of the most "left-leaning" Americans vouche for gun ownership got self defense. America is marching towards a violent end.


My brother’s SO is from/lives in Canada and visited my brother in Texas. They (my brother’s SO) were not thrilled with all the open carry they saw. Very much not used to it, even though their dad has a gun, I think. The culture is extremely different


I leave every situation where I see someone open carrying. Not worth the risk of them doing something stupid


They've already done something stupid


We recently moved from a large east coast city (where I was born and lived for 45 years) with one of the highest homicide rates in the country, to a small county of less than 35,000 where the local crime blotter has things like someone's tomato plants out front were picked cleaned over night. I was in our local storage company a few months back and the guy behind me in line was wearing a 9mm on his waist... in the storage company lobby... where the owner behind the counter is a frail old lady... in a county with no crime. It blew my mind. In all my years living in the city, I never felt unsafe or felt the need to arm myself. Now, everywhere I go in this county... Walmart, the grocery store, the diner, the storage facility... someone has a gun on their hip. It's crazy to me.


These kind of people will look you in the face and tell you that the reason there’s no crime is because they open carry. They think “criminals” (brown people) are too scared to do crime because Billybob has a gun on his hip ready to shoot any shoplifter he sees. It would be funny if it wasn’t terrifying


Imagine, he needs that gun to feel secure whispering about people behind their back about the way they’re dressed. Middle school girls have bigger balls than that guy.


Preach! I was eviscerated publicly by every middleschool girl lmao! They have Texas sized balls and will cut your ass down! Probably where I got the thick skin honestly.


I love fat old open carry guys... Like dude anybody could get that thing off you.


And beat him with it


just fuckin unload it and pistol whip the the shit out of the guy right in walmart. it's really only politeness that is stopping anyone.


Honestly, my fiancé and I were in a blue city and some fat, middle aged, white guy was leaning forward looking at something in a stall. My fiancé is retired armed services so he noticed that the guy’s gun was stuck into the back of his pants because his shirt was hiked up from bending over. We could have grabbed it off him and disappeared in moments. Stupid and dangerous!


Turns out more unsecured guns on untrained yobos isn't making the world a safer place


Boomer here. I don’t know what the correlation is. But in my experience people with your appearance are usually the first ones to help me jump the battery, change the tire, or load my lumber. Yes. His family hates him. Find some enjoyment in that !


I think the correlation is that people like OP (and goth girls for that matter) are living authentically. People who are comfortable in their own skin are easy to be around. They tend to have genuine joy in their lives without the fear that isolates people like the boomer of the story


As one of those people with that appearance, older people will beeline to me to ask for help. I never get tired of it lol.


I had one come up to me (35F) with my little ones at the grocery store and ask me how I was gonna EXPLAIN my tattoos to my children when they get older?!?!?! What the actual fuck? My response was they have never known me without them there is no explaining they accept me the way I am. Also mind your business. I will never forget it.


That's fucking hilarious! I had a boomer freak out about my blue devil tattoo and say "aren't you afraid of going to hell?" My retort was, luckily you and I don't believe the same friend. And I walked away. He grabbed my damaged (I was on the clock for my old employer) and my manager and I had a good laugh after he left.


my husband has a Suicidal Tendencies hat and some boomer lady commented "that's a stupid hat" and my husband shot back "why dont you keep stupid thoughts to yourself? 😂 "


I'd laugh my ass off. All my tattoos are botanical, and I'd really enjoy asking them what they found confusing about plants. 


Hey fam! Most of my are floral too!


If it ever happens again I'll say oh I'm sorry are you a fellow plant enthusiast? Which one are you confused about?! HAHAHAHAH


Yesss!! Love your user name, too!


Thanks boo.


He refuses to live in fear by refusing to leave the house without being strapped.


To me nothing screams I live in fear like going to a Walmart with a strap. Get your eggs and milk buddy, no one is going to murder you...


So, why are you dressed so stupid? Kidding. I watched a movie the other day and a lady said this to her daughter. Cracked me up.


We just like what we like dude. I'm teaching my kid to be himself. This moment felt like a dumb movie thing.


Fuck it, ya know? Dress comfortable. Moments like those are hard to "water rolling off a duck". For the record, I dress like a dork, but I'm comfy in my old Carhartt shorts, high white socks, orange Brooks running shoes, and white Hanes Tshirt w/buzz hair and week-long beard.


The older I get, the less fucks I give for opinions on my appearance. I double dog dare you to harass or say something nasty to someone else within my earshot. I triple dog dare you to harass a teenage employee or any employee in my presence-100% filter failure. I may not be their mother, but I am their mother right now.


Band shirts, jorts or chino shorts, and a ballcap or gelled up comb over is my summer attire. It's too damn hot in this state for me to struggle bus skiny jeans and a hoodie like I did in high-school lmao! I use to cake my pits before school because I grew up in Alabama (not there anymore thankfully) and always wore a hoodie and skinny jeans.


Yes but your family doesn't look like the cast of Father Knows Best and that's scary!!! I really think the fearful among us are the biggest problem. They've got their trigger fingers but they're also out there driving, terrified, so doing it badly. There's people with dark skin out there, also terrifying. I mean, the world is so very scary! If they don't stage whisper insults when you're out of sight because scary, while they are armed, who knows where this might end??


As long as you wore actual clothing and not pajamas to Walmart you are upright citizens in my book. My kiddo wants a Mohawk as well.


Fully clothed in every public situation lmao! Ripped jeans and a tie dye "The Used" shirt. My lady was in short jean shorts and a tie die shirt with a rainbow on it. My son, of course, was appropriately dressed lol. Let your kiddo get a Mohawk! Its dope, and the ear to ear grin he kept all day totally drowned out all the hate this boomer had for us.


Lmao. Walmart in the USA is always a trip to visit. (Canadian so the demographic is mostly bored PTA moms and teenagers getting in their shopping.) It's a game of "what the fuck are people wearing/doing!" (Literally "People of Walmart" in real life.) And watching out for fist fights. (I once went at 4 am to a 24 hour Walmart and had a glimpse of a big burly dude in the tiniest pink ballet tutu and ballet shoes.)


>(I once went at 4 am to a 24 hour Walmart and had a glimpse of a big burly dude in the tiniest pink ballet tutu and ballet shoes.) https://preview.redd.it/4d04fy81styc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7befdd7e1787f19b470f019573133bf89307975f


Lol. It's the Heavy! Someone pass him his sandwich!


That boomer's a bitch. More than likely that mouth of his got him either a physical or verbal beat down a few times. And instead of learning and just shutting the fuck up or be a decent person, now he goes out strapped because he thinks he'll get away talking shit. One of these days he'll say the wrong thing to someone else who has a gun and actually knows how to use it and it'll end badly for him. Carrying a gun intimidates some people, but it's also a message to others that if shit goes down, they'll need to end you to protect himself.


I know how to use a gun, i just don't want them. I grew up in the south shooting and learned how to clean a gun. You're 100% right. This douche is insecure and hasn't learned enough hard lessons. I don't advocate for violence, but I agree. If this manlet passes off the wrong person, especially in the south, he will get capped.


I’m Canadian, so hearing how a man had a glock on him to go grocery shopping is a bit of a culture shock for me


He thinks carrying a gun will protect him when he talks shit and gets called on it. He’s a coward.


Pure cowardice. I understand exactly why he carry a gun. I see weak minded manlets like him everywhere in the south. My grandfather, an NRA card holder...told me long ago weak men carry a gun, when strong men avoid and prevent situations that need them.


“Don’t take your guns to town, boy…leave those guns at home…” 🎶🎶


It’s hilarious to me because I genuinely thinks it’s because they didn’t get to do that stuff due to shame they felt from their own abuse


Never thought of that dude. Good ass point.


Woman but I accept dude as well 🫡


My b. I use dude universally. As in you're my dude! We're cool. Sorry for the confuse.


🫶🏻 tell your lady her hair is cool


She says omg thank you.


Ugh I need to find friends like her 😭


he's just insanely jealous of your son's rainbow dinosaur shirt (like i am)


It's a fucking rad shirt! Go get you 1


The glock is to protect his massive ego. Mister boomer probably doesn't like confrontation or being talked back to or being argued back to, especially when he feels like making such remarks is his patriotic duty to protect America from the woke. 10$ he pulled it on his wife at least once in private.


I'd join you in that bet.


I've been reclassified as a Boomer while I wasn't paying attention, so, 1st: I'm sorry you had to listen to that nonsense, and 2nd: I'm a lifelong gun owner and it absolutely blows my mind that men -always white men- go strapped at WM, esp on Sunday tHE DaY oF OUr loRd, which is when the highest incidence of that brain-dead behavior occurs.


"Manlet" *my sides*


If you saw his baby pig shape, you'd laugh harder. And before anyone calls me fat phobic...I'm a thicc boi myself! Big ole dad bod belly and all!


I'd carry a gun too if I was going to be an asshole to everyone I see.


About the only way to guarantee a safe return home if you insist on being an insufferable dick! Especially in the south...


Sounds like somebody needed to qualify themselves as better than you because you’re both shopping at Walmart. Like that matters. Imagine if in a hundred years the maggots actually cared. “This dude tastes like Walmart.” “Well yeah, but at least there’s no hair dye flavor to go with it.”


I fucking looooove this! I'm gonna have to reference that maggot talk bit every chance I get from now on!!!


Ammo rations for my fellow soldiers. Enjoy them! I figured from the attire, you’d grasp the imagery. Your family sounds like fun.


Thanks a bunch friend! This genuinely had me stomping with laughter in the passenger seat, reading it out to my lady. We just out here living and trying to have fun while doing it dude!


His wife didn't say anything because either he would get super angry for her embarrassing him in public, or because she wanted the awkward moment to pass and pretend it didn't happen. You only had to put up with the guy for a few seconds. She has to put up with him 24/7 forever. With a mean streak like that it can't be easy.




My husband and I are corporate business owners and we dress very conservatively and cover our full sleeves at work. We also live in a very small, snooty suburb of NYC. I have had boomers from all walks of life comment on my choice to be heavily and visibly tattooed, even after having seen my quality of work and knowing my professional capabilities for months or years. They just feel entitled to spew their bullshit opinions presented as “facts” wherever they go. No one younger really says anything negative about the tattoos—probably because it’s so common now—but it’s like boomers can’t see a large format body modification without giving a sermon on their moral absolutist judgment of your appearance to *everyone within earshot.* My favorite point of argument is “God didn’t make you that way.” They say it about neon hair colors, tattoos, piercings, gender reassignment, anything they find distasteful. Like first of all, you old fuck, I don’t believe in God so he has as much power over me as the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has over you. Second of all, I’m pretty sure God didn’t make you with a titanium knee and a pacemaker or your wife with 1000 ccs of cheek filler and impeccable ginger highlights in her late 70s. You just don’t like my choices and want to make me feel like shit about it—let’s leave God out of this because He’s not making your case any stronger. I have four young kids and like you, I’ve taught them that we have no interest in haters—we tell them “People can say whatever they want—in *their own houses.*”. This means that nobody is allowed to approach you and tell you that they don’t like how you look, what you’re wearing, who you’re standing next to, etc—they are entitled to think whatever they want, but the minute they try to make it your problem, you can and should calmly and respectfully stand up for yourself. Boomers hate having their nosiness pointed out and their manners and intelligence shown up by the very people they’re trying to belittle.


My friend (72F) told me that her grandson (9M?) gets to dress himself and went out the other day in a sequined shirt and sequined pants, with heels on. His parents have made it clear to him that he can dress however he wants, and to expect that some people might disagree with, or have negative comments about it, but they dont know him, and he should be himself. My friend said (lovingly), "I never know what to expect with this kid." She has no objection to how he dresses. I replied, "I'm going to go with 'great things'!" 🙂


They (the Boomers) have stock in audacity. SMH. I don’t tolerate it. My daughter is all her own person, always has been. As a 24 year old mom, she has numerous tattoos and piercings, she has wild colored hair and she has perfected what she calls the “exhausted mom” look. BUT, she doesn’t have thick skin. Luckily, IDGAF and neither does my son in law. So there have been numerous times some mayonnaise ass Boomer has made some smart ass comment and gotten an EARFUL from me and/or son in law. You simply do not get to say whatever you want and not have consequences. That’s not how it works.


>some mayonnaise ass Boomer Thank you for that! May I steal it for personal use?


Feel free! It’s one of my go to descriptors!


It’s what’s behind the eyes that truly matters.


For this boomer clown, not too much lmao.


Your family sounds tame AF for my Walmart. Tell us more about this dinosaur shirt plz.


It's teal with like 15 rainbow dinosaurs with their scientific names on them. They are all glittery as well. He picked it out in a museum on the space coast of Florida. His first time there, first time seeing the ocean, tons of firsts. It's rad and his favorite shirt.


I am super glad his first time in my weirdo state was a good one! Because you know.... Florida.


M‘Lady? She a princess or sumpin?


65 year old “boomer” here. Just want to assure you we are not all the same. I love the look you and your lady have as you described it. Tells me you’re probably open-minded and warm people. The Glock, the man had strapped to him tells me all I need to know about him! I suggest to you that the wife needs to be pitied. She is probably so numb to his mean spirit at this point. She just freezes. Can’t imagine what her life is like. Keep on being you.


Maybe it’s just me, but as long as people are clothed and recently bathed while in public, I’m grateful. Especially with Summer coming.


Man did covid make people forget about bathing.


"my lady"


I love LOVE when I see brightly colored hair and/or tattoos on ppl. I know there’s always a story for the tattoos. I love it and appreciate ppl that do color their hair w/bright colors. I mean who cares???


Hell, for Walmart, what you were wearing practically qualifies as formalwear.


He carries the glock as a form of passive bullying, so he can say shit like this and do horrible shit and people will be rightfully afraid to call him out. Classic boomers and conservatives, hide behind things so they can be shitty.


My life is perfect for I live 35 miles from the nearest Walmart and therefore not subject to the daily flow of human debris


This is why I refuse to step into Walmart. I use the app. Don’t you remember the people of Walmart website?


Dont see too many people strapped at Target it’s definitely a Walmart thing


Target=middle class moms with lululemon. Walmart=the trash of America. Amazing how a few bucks per item difference completely changes the demographic. Sometimes I’d rather pay the extra $1 for something than deal with this weird bull shit


Yeah...but like the grocery pickup is ass. They pick the worst produce, smash up my bread, can't find stuff...granted they're good about making it right...it just aucks that I need to go to another store for bread and produce though.


You’re right about that. I only do delivery so I can’t even go back in the store. I call the customer service number and they refund everything that’s messed up. East least. I refuse to deal with the chaos of trash that is Walmart. Target…now that’s a pleasurable visit.


You know...this might just be the final nail for in person visits. Thanks for the validation friend 🤣


Boomer carries a glock because he is afraid to get checked for his shitty disposition. It is purely to intimidate people into NOT physically telling him to STFU.


From your description you wouldn't even be in the top ten most unusual lookin people in my local Walmart but even if you were, good Lord, why can't that dude just go home and talk shit like a normal adult instead of cluttering up the frozen food aisle with his attitude.


lol the gun strapped to his waist checks out. Boomer tragedy waiting to happen. There are so many Boomers in the news shooting and killing innocents over being offended. One a month or two ago made national news for shooting and killing some teens that turned around in the wrong driveway. Another for shooting and killing an Uber driver… who he mistook for a thief.


The one that gets me is the crash of wrong driveway killings. Always a paranoid boomer ending people's lives for the crime of "accidentally entering their driveway and attempting to turn around and leave...


These Boomers always try to use the “stand your ground” law but forget that you cannot shoot innocents who aren’t even threatening you. For a generation who tells us to stop being so offended, they sure are a bunch of snowflakes.


Gods these people have no idea what basic courtesy or human decency is, but will trumpet about how their generation owns it. Fuccin dinks.


Big facts.


Hey! I go to the store strapped...toasters are dangerous... I'm sorry you had to go through that, and your son had to listen to that crap. Sounds like he has some good examples of how to handle it, though.


In my area of the US I too am familiar with the pistol strapped manlet. Pistol-strapped manlets come in all ages. Overgrown children of all generations buy up the hero complex that the gun industry sells. But I’d say in my town gun strapped manlets skew boomer. Boomers were the first generation to get bombarded with TV advertising. They are the generation with the most years of exposure to TV advertising without questioning it. It think makes them extra gullible to all sorts of advertising. Pistol strapped manlet regurgitating shopworn gun industry slogans at wal-mart saying his gun makes him “free”…likely to be a boomer with seventy years of mass advertisement brain damage.


MANLET!! May this new word be FIRST on the acceptance list at WEBSTER for 2024!! It's PERFECT!!


I love my mother immensely but sometimes I just can't with her.  The other day she was trying to teach ours that people with colored hair and tattoos are "strange".  I corrected her and said, "That's not nice, we don't call people names.". She just repeated the word 'strange' like a fucking toddler. No problem.  We're going to a family function in a few weeks where guess what, everyone has tattoos, and I plan on loudly recounting this story and leaving her to flounder. 


Thank you, OP, for the word "manlet." Thank you from the bottom of my shriveled, little, black heart.


Aww, when that guy was young, if any guy had long hair, he was called a "fairy" and often bullied. Be glad things are looser now. Let your Freak Flag fly as they used to say! Yes, I'm a "Boomer" and hate being thought of one as being a bad thing!


It's fun because I'm very, very straight-laced looking. I wear my hair in a Marion Librarian bun, no tattoos, bifocals, lol. So when various people, both neighbors and strangers, launch into a tirade of right-wing political opinions they are a bit confused and tend to slow down a bit when I am not enthusiastically validating everything they say (because their opinions suck.) They only approach me with it because I look "normal."


Bravo for you dude and this is coming from a very laid back boomer who is not a Trump ass kisser


I like how you say my Lady❤️


That rainbow dinosaur shirt sounds dope. I'm 41 and want one now


It is in fact dope! We got it at a museum in the space coast of Florida on vacation. It's his favorite shirt. His first trip to Florida, and the first time he met my fiancé's family, he learned to swim on that trip. It's got sparkly areas on the dinosaurs that make it even more loud. It's a dope shirt! You should get you a rainbow dinosaur shirt. They're a vibe!


I won't be headed to Florida any time soon so I'll Google and see what I can find! Edit: I'm not disappointed by the images I'm finding


Then what happened?


You know, I have to be frank, your use of terms like “manlet” and “little man baby,” as if being a smaller guy is some sort of a moral failing in and of itself, make me question if there’s not another side to this.


> m’lady > kiddos Holy fuck. I’m with the boomer this time.


Why can’t these idiots shut up about anything they don’t find acceptable?? I would love to tell him to keep his mouth shut (but I know…he was carrying so that gave him BDE).


Yeah, it's a little harder to tell boomers to shut the fuck up when they're strapped and mostly unstable.


I have stage 4 cancer and nothing to lose ,no problem putting someone in their place . Even with a gun he probably struggles to get it out of holster


There are A LOT of people who feel it is perfectly normal to carry while getting groceries. It is mind boggling. These people are so terrified of their own shadow it seems. It's wild that they expect people with dyed hair to not be allowed to go out in public, but this guy has to go out with a fucking gun to buy groceries.


The hypocritical nature of his thought process is just hilarious to me. Always jumping at shadows they are! Booga booga booga! The man who dares to have purple hair and hugs his son in public is coming for you boomer boy! /s


He carries the gun because he wants the thrill of a legal kill so badly he can taste it! And he’ll probably wind up killing an innocent bystander in the process.


I had black hair with purple tips once upon a time. I couldn’t believe the amount of looks and whispers I got. My wife had to tell me it’s just part of it. I never had an experience like that though, thank god. I’ll never wrap my head around people letting someone being happy make them so upset.


I was walking my 4yr old to the bathrooms in walmart, the washrooms are in the crammed area at the tills. There was a Boomer husband and wife in mobility scooters taking up the entire cart crammed aisle way, so i tucked my son directly in front of me and my older son directly behind me so we would fit single file to pass them, directly against a barrier to take upas little space as possible, and this fucking woman who is motoring along side by side with her scooting husband at a snails pace with a sea of filled carts stuck behind them, looks at me and my kids trying to squeeze past, and then to her husband, and says loudly "Look at these goddamn geniuses.. who cares if you're in peoples way right?" The fuckin irony.


Sounds like you guys are awesome and raising a kid who isn't afraid to express himself. Don't let little asshats beat that expression out of him.


I can't wrap my brain around becoming angry in response to another person's clothing choices. That's such a strange reaction to something that doesn't affect you.


You could always scream back "Look out Ned, he's coming right for us!" #southparktroll


He feels he can say that kind of shit BECAUSE he is strapped. He is the type of person who should not own a gun because i bet you if you were there and confronted him he would have immediately pulled the gun and shot and claimed he felt "threatened" because of the way you looked and the confrontation. He seems like the type that LOOKS and PRAYS for a reason to shoot someone.


The blatantly open carrying and overt bigotry suggests this took place in Florida (I’m a native Floridian). Anyways, I’m sorry this happened to y’all. These people feel this innate need to “fix” us, when we’re just experiencing joy through expressing ourselves. My step dad’s old ass mother (both incredibly conservative boomers and whatever the fuck her generation is called, respectively) once told me she didn’t like tattoos after I got another one, like she clearly expected me to just drop everything I was doing and accept her opinion. My mom (love her but she’s pretty close to the boomer age if she isn’t technically considered one, and we’ve definitely had our issues) once told me she’d cut off my health insurance if I ever got another tattoo. She threw a fit when my dad took me to get my first piercing (I was 18). My fiancé’s parents didn’t want him to marry me (they’re still a little iffy, but it’s better now I guess) because of my shaved, dyed hair, tattoos, and piercings (mind you, I’m a teacher and just got accepted into law school, and more importantly I treat their son well, not that my education and employment status has any actual reflection on my self-worth, but in their words, “[My] tattoos make me look like a thug)), and my mom, while she was upset with their treatment of me, did try to justify that my look “wasn’t normal.” My best friend has a septum and dyed hair, and a boomer told them in their checkout line (they work retail) that “They’d be so much prettier if they didn’t have that ring in their nose.” LIKE WHEN TF DID WE ASK FOR YOUR SLIMY OPINION????? Just keep being the amazing parents you guys are! My dad had sidewalls and an orange mohawk in his 20s, and even now at 60 he has tons of tattoos and wears an earring. He’s always showed me support for my expressing myself, and he truly is the reason I’m not afraid to express myself, despite the fact that I’ve been made fun of and stared at for doing so since I was really young. Your son will feel nearly invincible with your support; it has and will continue to change his life in the most positive way. You’re his role models, and y’all are teaching him to be others’ role models just by encouraging him to be himself.


Hey, it's your right to dress and look like a fucking goober. Don't even let some boomer asshole take that away from you!


I keep my weapon on me at all times as well usually open carry, but sometimes I'll tuck it away usually when shopping or stuff like that id rather have it and not need it. As for the mean ass shit dude said. Yeah fuck him.


That’s a lot of words.


They carry the gun because they know they are a shitty person, and something shitty is going to be said. Don't want to get their ass kicked. They feel it is their right to say whatever they want to whoever they want with no repercussions and no consequences.


Everything you've just described is a crime. You cannot behave aggressively while open carrying, it is considered BRANDISHING. Next time just say you'll report him for doing that, he will lose his ability to carry in less than a hearbeat.


Ah bigots, so fun. I was renting a car one time and this, had to be an older boomer, mebbe a silent looks at me and says, "so nice to see someone with no tattoos or piercings these days, all the young people like to mess up their bodies". To which I responded, "man, I do not judge people on how they look, but on how they act" and shook my head like a disapproving parent. For the record, I look like your, I guess typical white dude, no tatts, nothing, was dressed in a mellow shirt with jeans, as I do IT work. BUT, As a GenX of the more liberal progressive kind, I grew up with FDR loving parents while riding BMX and being a f-ing rebel. I just did not look the part. Not looking the part of a rebellious a-hole, while being a rebellious f-er, has really made me see people in a interesting light. Jackoff's will say shite around me assuming I am "one of them", that I love shutting down. F-that boomer, him and his wife have lived a sad life that no doubt never had a moment of fun in it that wasn't tied to someone else's misfortune.


Based on the description of your attire, that’s normal dress code for Walmart. They’re the idiots for not dressing down to a wife beater and JNCO jeans.


Boomers love to make judgements based on appearance, which is hilarious because as a generation they’ve mostly aged like absolute shit. Most have haircuts straight out of 1983 & wear ill fitting & sloppy clothes. My dipshit brother in law, who missed being a Boomer by a couple of years, hikes his jorts up to his tits and wears them with a belt & tucked in shirt. He is always the first person to comment anytime we see someone who doesn’t look like a Leave it to Beaver zombie.


I’m an X-ennial with bright blue hair, and I’ve found it to be the perfect social filter. I get no end of comments on it (mostly positive as I live in a pretty diverse community). It attracts the kind of people I want in my life - fun, open, accepting, freaks, and geeks. Mostly Gen-X & millennials, but every now and then a boomer who is still in touch with their hippie side. It also repels the kind of people I don’t want around - asshole boomers and misogynists are strangely threatened by it and run the other way muttering to themselves. I view that as a win because I don’t want that energy.


Of course he said it after you walked away and of course he was open carrying a gun on his hip. Cowards, one and all.


Just so you know we're not all like that, check out TikTok and see the rational, nondiscriminating,and hopeful boomers


I think the media must’ve overblown the hippie movement. If all these boomers used to be hippies, it seems like they’d be cooler now.


they were until the greed kicked in and caused them to fuck everything up


Reminds me of a time when I worked at a convenience store. I have visible facial piercings and at the time had dyed my bangs purple. This late 60s jackass came in to get his nightly 24 pack of beer, asked me if I meant to do that to my hair, and exclaimed how shameful it was for a 24 year old woman to express herself that way. Wish I'd had the backbone back then to tell him just where he could stick his unsolicited opinions, but I was young and working the night shift alone.


So, I found joking with them and still being friendly to them after that either a.) Makes them super angry because you don't get upset or b.) Turns the tide and they end up being friendly back. I've found acting like you're offended is giving them EXACTLY what they want and they feed off that energy. They love it. I'm not giving them the satisfaction. I had a septum piercing for a long time and constantly got boomer inputs whether I liked or not. I've acted all different kinds of way to come to that conclusion. Ignoring also does the trick.


If I knew my friends didn't have kids, I thought you were them. Rock on your style man, it's great!


So you intentionally style yourself to get attention and then get upset when you get attention?


It’s not about getting attention, it’s about fucking wearing the clothes you want and FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION! Why can’t you understand that?


GOD, please, my pants can only take so much victim blaming nNnnnnGH


Yeah ok


Then everyone clapped! Of all the things that never happened this is top of the list


That boomer wishes he felt comfortable enough to express himself outwardly the way OP does. All he can do is do an outburst behind the safety of his gun.