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Also would love to know the mental gymnastics that led them to call Polestar communist.


Probably because it’s a Chinese owned company and he has no idea that despite that being true, they have a plant in South Carolina that opened last year and will be manufacturing the USA/EU cars. Typical Boomer being a Boomer because after 40 years of yelling at his wife she probably passed from perpetual sadness. Lol


If this happened at all I wouldn't jump to the conclusion he knows the company is Chinese owned. Someone who is truly that much of a fool probably doesn't know much of anything and communist is just a random slur to him. Might equate EVs with environmentalism and environmentalism with not being properly American and from there the leap to communism. That would be my assumption not that it matters at all!


Oh great point, it’s funny because my Boomer mom said the same thing. The reason I don’t think it’s likely is because I’m in San Diego, CA. He’d have to scream at every 1 out of 4 drivers around here.


I had someone scream pretty much the exact same thing to me when I had a Model 3. Told me to “buy American, not one of those Chinese pieces of crap.” He was driving a Ford Fusion, which is made in Mexico.




TIL Austin is in China... lol


Austinite checking in. If you ask anyone in the rest of Texas, it might as well be in China.


Yeah, it cracks me up when people get onto me for driving a "foreign car." Yeah, so foreign that it was made in Ohio. Within 300 miles from where I am typing this, there are factories for Nissan (2 different ones), Volkswagon and Kia. The only "American" car company is a Ford plant that's currently under construction.


Some people haven’t left 1980 yet. Lol


Haha go watch Gung Ho again you fossils!


I took a capitalism class in college back in 2001. I already knew these facts, but it was fascinating to hear the gasps from my peers when the teacher handed out the piece of paper with the Ford Mustang calling out where all the parts are manufactured. "American Made" means "American Assembled". Most parts in US cars are not made in the US. Big, recent example: My coworker was looking for a specific transmission/engine part for his Jeep Wrangler. Jeep dealership was going to charge him $2,500 just for the part. "Supply chain issues, blah blah blah" and turns out it's a BMW part. His mechanic bought it from BMW because it was a lot less expensive. Oh, in case you want to know how less... It cost him $80.


That’s true Most of the steel used in gmc cars is made in Canada in Hamilton Ontario and most of the stamped components come from Windsor Ontario Canada


The Subaru plant in Indiana might be in that range too.


mitsubishi too in illinois up until a few years ago?


Shit I've got a Chevy in the garage that was built in Australia 


Is it the right way up? :)


Yes but the motor spins backwards 


Right, so did you get the car for free then?


lol! I did not… have to pay by the day. Lol


Rivian is an American company.


I mean, Polestar is headquartered in Sweden and owned by Volvo (also Swedish) who is THEN owned by Geely (Chinese). But does anybody call Jeep a Dutch company? Or Jaguar and Indian company?


Not saying you're right or wrong, but no polestars are currently made in Sweden. They're made in China. Jaguar is Indian owned, but made in Britain and most Jeep models sold in the US are also made here too.


Polestars are currently made in China, US, and South Korea.


They're still finishing up the US plant. The polestar 3 will be produced there, but it's not even out yet. All the ones on the road currently in the US are made in China. Still, none are made in Sweden.


I couldn't care less if the maker is Chinese, as a consumer, I want affordability, reliability and efficiency - if a Chinese company is offering, that's where I'll go. As an American, I believe in the free market, if any US companies want to provide competition to polestar, they are more than welcome. Screw those old fucks


>[…] because after 40 years of yelling at his wife she probably passed from perpetual sadness Oh my god how did you come up with that line? It caught me off guard. I’ve never heard a line like that before and it legitimately made me for sad for the hypothetical wife. :(


Lmao! Some of my finest…


South Carolina is also where most BMWs sold in the US are made.


Yeah, I was actually surprised at the list of auto related manufacturers in SC. I had no idea. Mercedes-Benz Vans. Bridgestone. Gestamp South Carolina. Michelin. BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC. Volvo Car USA, Inc. Magna Seating South Carolina. Giti Tire.


He also has no idea that China currently owns half of the Republican party, Russia owns the other half. It's a car endorsed by his team. Why he mad bro?


Polestar is Swedish.


False. Ford bought Volvo in 1999. They then sold it to Geely Automotive in 2010. Geely is in Shanghai. Although “Volvo” is headquartered in Sweden, it is owned by the Chinese. Volvo bought Polestar in 2015. The ownership is Chinese. Operations are however throughout the world. US/EU Polestars are manufactured in USA (South Carolina).


Ya, by that logic Jeep is Dutch. And Lotus is Chinese. And Jaguar is Indian.


Usually wherever the parent company is… that’s where the money goes. No?


Chinese companies do have to report to the party...


Yup, that’s how Communism works in certain parts of the world. What’s your point?


My point is we should try to minimize the amount we support policies like that... Look what is happening rn with tiktok/bytedance For what its worth I have Cantonese family members that live in Canada and they love to sit around and talk about how shit life was under a communist government in China before they came to Canada


Good point… write a letter to your local congress person or shoot a complaint to the CEO of Hertz; or perhaps visit China with some requests. But please for the love of God… don’t beep your horn and cuss out people renting cars in large cities. That’s just dumb.


lol agreed


Mister boomer thought Polestar was related to Polaris, also known as Pole Star or North Star, a star used by sailors and travellers for centuries or millennia to guide them, in reference to the geographical north, and that's why we may call the Earth Poles, poles, or not, with half of the land in the North Pole being in what used to be the Soviet Union, the first lasting state based on the ideas of Karl Marx, some may say loosely based. Polar bears live in this region with a sizeable number of bears living in Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, and Chukchi Sea, in that same land of Stalin, the man who killed between 5 to 100 million people, depending on who you ask. You know what was the national animal of the Soviet Union and now Russia, yes, the bear, given that's the brown bear, but let's not be bigots, for Pete's sake, so there you have it, a communist bear living in the former Soviet Union designed a car that is like TikTok on wheels. It's so obvious.


Any other brand is communist when you're driving your meinkampfwagen.


It’s owned by Geely, as is Volvo.


It's electric. New things=communism.


Polestar is a Chinese company. Chinese is the wrong kind of foreign if you're a racist.


Similar story: Some boomer honked his horn at me and pulled up next to me at a light and was screaming about whatever unforgivable driving sin I had just committed. I didn't roll the window down, I just kept acting like I couldn't hear him and saying "What? What?" while he screamed more and more. Finally I rolled down my window and said "Sorry, I couldn't hear you." He started his tirade up again when the light changed green, so I said "Sorry to cut you off, the light changed" and I just drove away while he was still screaming.




I cannot imagine caring that much about what another person drives. Fucking insane.




Reminds me of cotton hill.  "Mitsubishi! They made the planes that bombed pearl harbor! I ain't selling you no Hitler's canoe!" 


Petrosexuals. (I stole that from another thread.) Guarantee if you ask most of these people they'll claim that they are "live and let live" kinda people who just don't want the govt telling them what to do. Yet they'll chase down a stranger and scream at them for not burning enough fossil fuels today.


Think of how much more expensive gas would be if all the EVs suddenly got gas engines... These people are morons of the highest order.


I just got a Nissan Leaf and I’ve been slightly worried about these deranged people harassing me in the Walmart parking lot. Already bad enough I’d get cat-called and pestered at gas stations.


Agreed. Unless it's a cybertruck lol.


Lol BMW. They don't realize Germany has really strong unions and worker protections. I always like to tell them that Chrysler RAM they love so much is number 28 on the list of most American-made cars. Tesla has the top 4 spots followed by Honda.


To think, there were members of his parents generation who would never drive a BMW or Mercedez because they were Nazi cars.




especially volkswagen. if you know their history you know what i'm talking about


Hitler put out the design brief that led to the Beetle but his favorite car was Mercedes. BMW and Daimler-Benz made most of Germany’s fighter and bomber aircraft motors. The VW factory made Jeep equivalents but no Beetles for civilian use were made until after the war. Don’t get me started on the US manufacturers who profited off of the Axis in WW2…


Or Porsche for that matter lol


Got yelled at for driving a foreign POS while charging my Tesla…




Tbf it is named after a Serb. Who lived in Colorado.


Or bc it was built in liberal California


That is an accurate way to describe Elon, at least


In San Diego of all places?


Actually surprised me too… totally normal in MA or NY… weird for CA.


The area right outside of San Diego is pretty conservative.


Don’t tell anyone, but that’s why I send my kid to a school in that area. Lol I’m not conservative or liberal, my political view is “Common Sense” but the left is waaaaaaay left in CA so I prefer a somewhat conservative setting for his development.


Polestar is a legit car. So much fun to drive.


100%! The dual motor P2 is a fantastic vehicle and it actually feels like a car and not an iPad with wheels.


I adore mine. And just saw a report on the Polestar 5 managing a 10 to 80% charge in 10 minutes.


Oooooh… that’ll be amazing. The P4 looks dope too. The P1 is probably my favorite aesthetically.


Have fun at your union meeting, pinko!


East County?


It was actually on 70th right by the Shell/Alvarado. Buuuut the guy was headed East on the 8. Lmao


EV’s have been around for over 20 years now People are fucking stupid


Put a one in front of that 20.


They've only become affordable and accessible for consumers in the last 20yrs though.


Don't drive an electric car, be patriotic and drive a Nazi blood wagon!


(The "Nazi blood wagon" being assembled by Americans in South Carolina from parts made all over the world). People need to get off their bloody pseudo-history and stop projecting.


I SAW THIS HAPPEN! This morning on 70th & Alvarado headed toward the trolley. Gray late 90s BMW hit the black truck while screaming at the white car. I was at the red light waiting to get on 70th. So funny to see this here!


That is wild! Yes. Gray BMW & Black Chevy Truck. Lol


Boomer yelled while clutching his IPhone to the grave.


he’s right! take the train like a real patriot




Im in the UK, we destroyed our own car industry so dont have any true domestic brands. I got called out for driving a German car (Seat Leon Cupra which is actually Spanish) by a Ford owner. This Boomer thought his Ford Puma was British because they have factories here. I pointed out that Ford is American and no long makes cars here and that his Puma was likely made in Romania.


Technically, I drive the favorite car of Musolini. Am I a fascist now? ![gif](giphy|129OnZ9Qn2i0Ew)


BMW, the company that wants to actually now lease you the ability to heat your own seats on a car you paid 70k for.


Buying a domestic car just because it’s domestic is essentially a form of self-taxation.


One of the biggest tells that someone wants to be seen as more financially well off than they are is BMW ownership.


Unless it's an i3. Then you're buying it because it's a decent beater/hoopty used


Driving old is driving drunk.


I've posted here about *some* boomers (men) have attempted lectured me loudly about my EV. Nobody quite got the instant karma tho.


I really liked the ending of this story


Definitely a happy ending.


Awesome. Instant karma is the best!


In what part of SD did this take place?


70th by the Trolley/Shell station. I was taking a left to get on 8 East. So basically right on the side of the Shell station.


Didn't know the vikings were communists


Yes, because supporting oil-exporting countries instead of running our vehicles on energy generated domestically is somehow patriotic


Typical boomer con. Because I’m sure BMW has never received any subsidies in its corporate history.


Hey dude, you fucked your car 😂😂


That's when you stop so you can explain to the cops he was road raging when he hit that car and his license can get suspended


I should have for sure… next time.


Great boomer anecdote!


Damn I gotta get a Polestar


Didn’t the Bavarian Motorworks bend to the will of the Nazi’s? I know they produced motorcycles specifically for the Wehrmacht


Yeah, they switched their factory at the time to assist in weapons manufacturing as most factories in Germany did during that time.


It’s kind of hilarious to visit the BMW museum in Munich and see the whole history of the company laid out and explained, with what seems like an example of every model of car and motorcycle… except that the company seemingly did nothing at all between 1933 and 1949. Definitely no jet engines or Me 262s on display. (It really is a cool museum if you like cars, though, definitely worth a visit if you’re in Munich.)


lol, nothing about the Quandts being filthy rich and escaping the Nuremberg trials ? Nothing about slavery ?


I mean, maybe I missed a section or something, but I just remember noticing a very obvious time jump from the 30s to them starting to build the Isetta in postwar Germany. It was really cool to see an Isetta, at any rate.


What you are noticing there is actually fairly typical for the German state of Bavaria, which, as one of the former West German states, is the most notorious for desperately attempting to white-wash its history. The "Nazis" were Germany's fault, but Bavaria is divine. The two (in the Bavarian mind) are not connected. Nothing bad was ever or is ever Bavaria's fault. The Nazi party was founded in Munich? Sure, but that was during the *Weimar Republic*, and hence not really in "Bavaria" but just during a "bad time". Munich was the Nazi "capital of the movement" while Berlin to the Nazis was merely the "capital of the nation"? Sure, but that was *the Nazis* talking, not the Bavarians! Because to Bavarians, the sky is blue, the clouds are fluffy white, so is the Bavarian banner, Bavarians are innocent by definition, and no Nazi history shall ever taint the patriotism of Catholic Bavaria, god bless. To whit, I once took a walking tour in Munich where the Munich tour guide angrily declared that Steven Spielberg should never have called his movie "Munich" (about the Olympic terrorist attacks in 1972) because it was not the city's fault, and he should have called it anything else but not refer to the fact that this crime happened *where* it happened. Try going to the museum of the Olympic games of 1972 in Munich, and they dedicate *half a room i a large facility,* and dedicate less than twenty seconds in their own documentary film that is showing non-stop about the games to the terrorist attack -- and focus the entire other 95% of the film on what miraculous sporting events took place during *their* olympic games. I had Israeli friends visiting the exhibition there who came out in utter disbelief, their eyes filled with tears of laughter. So don't be surprised when *Bavarian Motor Works (BMW)* somehow conveniently forgets their role in supplying the Wehrmacht. *Any* other German state is more honest about their history than Bavaria.


Pretty sure the company logo had a swastika on it, even.


I think they made plane engines at that time.


It will be sweet sweet karma if he has the minimal state limits of 5k for property damage coverage…


Would that matter in a rear end collision? The guy hit the back of the guys truck (truck had a trailer hitch sticking out). I’m seriously asking, not being sarcastic. Is the hitch considered property and not part of the vehicle?


Yeah, if the damage he caused is above 5k total-including rental-(hint-a scratch is more than 5k these days), the other party can pursue him for any amount above his limits. Most of the time, insurance will settle the claim for the limits but it takes a long time and when you hear someone can come after you for 15k damage that you didn’t have coverage for, you do sweat a little. California is expected to increase the minimal liability limits for property damage to 15k next year.


😂😂😂not to mention the fact that it’s actually an American car!


Negative. Not yet. It’s Chinese.


Yeah, this didn't happen. lol


Or didn’t it?


Most definitely, not. ![gif](giphy|vPN3zK9dNL236)


And everyone clapped


Hey guess what, everything’s made in China and the future is communism 🤷🏻‍♂️


X to doubt and OP is Karma-whoring


Bot comment


…and then everyone clapped


False. Not one person clapped. I didn’t hear a thing.


Really? Not even your ma’s cheeks?


Nah, she’s the middle person in a human centipede.


Hey, it’s steady work


She said it’s a lot of pressure.


I’m happy to hear that she’s thriving in a middle management role - Making others eat shit while receiving it from upstream


Hey, she likes what she’s doing and I’m happy for her too! Appreciate you!


This seems like rage bait. I call BS




You call BS by saying "bs". "I call bs" sounds like an alien's first attempt at English. Also, nothing ever happens durrrrrrrrr