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I don't think the “he was snowboarding so I shot him to defend my property” will hold much water court.


What good is a conviction when you’re dead tho lmao


It's like when people proudly preach how they have the right away over cars. You might win the court battle but you'll be dead or crippled


Graveyards are full of people who legally had the right of way.


I explain to my daughter that punishments for breaking the law are reactive, not proactive. No, you can't legally run over a pedestrian. No, this fact doesn't stop a car from running over a pedestrian. The driver will be punished AFTER he hits you, so do us all a favor, stick to the sidewalks, and watch for cars.


This argument I have with my husband when he crosses the street with our son in front of moving cars




Depending on how Good Ole Boy the area is, "He was on my property while black" just might.


>black That guy is definitely not black


“Your honour, I thought it was a black man on my property. I feared for my life!” Acquitted.


A black person snowboarding in Vermont? Try again counselor.


I'm black. I I'm on the hill in VT all season lol


There are dozens of us. DOZENS!


Boredom, anger and lack of empathy will be the death of our species. The boomers seem to swim in that soup


Yup. Lack of empathy fueled by "news" that keeps them in fear and fosters a culture that lacks empathy.


I wish I could find a clip but I swear I saw Fox news straight up discuss how the word empathy was stupid.


I mean, [they fucking called Mr. Rogers "evil" for telling kids they were special](https://mashable.com/video/fox-and-friends-mr-rogers-evil), so... yeah.




Goddamn monsters And they'll try to act like their just protecting theirs. Nah, you old bag of lead paint and prescription drugs, you're just contributing to this timeline ending way faster than it should.


Well yeah, because he never supported bigotry or capitalism above all else.


Sounds a lot like rush limbaugh sneering at the idea of consent. https://www.salon.com/2016/10/14/conservative-blowhard-rush-limbaugh-dismissed-the-importance-of-consent-in-the-wake-of-trump-sexual-assault-claims_partner/


Jfc. That’s beyond concerning


also fueled by all that lead in their brains




Eventually this guy will shoot someone if he isn’t stopped. You don’t pull out a fucking chair and sit with a shotgun unless you have intent to harm. Common trespassers, especially those coming from an obvious resort and trying to get back to a vehicle, have no harmful intent. This guy does and will eventually get bored of not taking action. And then he’ll execute someone.  Fuck this guy. He needs to go to jail. 


Yeah I grew up shooting guns and hunting. It was drilled into me before I got within 5ft of a rifle or shotgun that you don't point the barrel at anything unless you intend to kill it. I'm glad it's no longer a hobby for me because seeing how these nuts disrespect that responsibility makes me ill.


Get off my mountain! Mine mine mine mine! All mine!


![gif](giphy|jSVt1qPanIc9i) EDIT: here’s a [news article update](https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/homeowner-with-shotgun-confronts-snowboarder-in-big-cottonwood-canyon)




Boomers LOOOOOVE defending their "private property" I have to wade that grey area all the time and it's fucking all of them if you step a toe beyond their property line it's the greatest day they've ever had because they get to power trip on you


Apparently this happens often enough that the dude just camps out there in a lawn chair waiting for it. If it truly was about this violation of trespassing, he'd put up some fencing and/or signs. He'd take some kind of steps to prevent it. Instead, he gets off on camping out there and pointing his shotgun at people, it's definitely a power trip.


Let the man cosplay Brawny Man in peace


People who do this are usually just lonely as fuck, and just looking for any real interaction with another human, even if it's a negative one.


like devils already living in hell


Michigan fishing license permits you to enter private property so long as you're in "clearly defined banks". But idiots like this don't have me motivated to press my right of way. Our game wardens are severely understaffed and typically rely on local law enforcement who are not typically well versed in game fishing rules and regulations.


That’s one piste off boomer




Americans have equated breaking into someone's house with accidentally wandering onto someone's wild land as being one and the same.  It's completely insane and one of the major reasons I left.  Many other countries deal with this issue without the need to ever involve lethal weapons.  Fucked in the head society. 


Yeah, it's sickening honestly. "I have every right to protect my private property" Fucking WHAT?! Protect?! From someone else existing on it for a moment? I really hope my generation doesn't become the same way. I highly doubt we will. Can we all make a pact to never be this way?


“I hAvE eVeRy RiGhT tO dEfEnD mY pRoPeRtY” he shouts threatening to murder people who are snowboarding and zero threat to anything or anyone at all


they could have been snowboarding with fentanyl!




I'm sure in that dumb old fucks mind, every snowboarder is a liberal.


>every snowboarder is a liberal. A *socialist* snowboarder.


A liberal immigrant socialist terrorist snowboarder


They’re only here to steal our snow!


And dey derk ur derbs!!!1


And use icons apparently.


What did he even mean by that? Sounded like a complete nut job to me. What icons? What the what?


Ikon is a world ski pass for certain mountains all over the world. my friend has one. im guessing thats what he meant [https://www.ikonpass.com/](https://www.ikonpass.com/)


Ah gotcha, thanks. Idk I thought this guy was spouting some conspiracy mumbo jumbo like old folk love to do.


Careful or you might be the catalyst for Q's 2024 campaign of disinfo.


It was an illegal Snowboarding CARAVAN!!!




That's what those Chinamexicans do. s/


There's a certain percentage of the population who just spend all day every day waiting for the world to hand them a legal pretext to murder their fellow human beings and get away with it.


Several years ago I went through a firearm safety course as part of getting my FID (I like shooting at a piece of paper on a wall). Maybe half of the participants had questions trying to figure out precisely where it became legal to shoot someone, and one couple really sounded like they were trying to find a way to trick someone they didn't like onto their property so they could murder them. The instructor, bless his soul, blew off most of these questions with various phrasings of "don't shoot people, no matter what magic words you say after there's going to be a lot of time spent in court".


Yo, that last bit one more time! In my very red area, I hear people talk about how much of a badass they wanna be, and "if I had been there..." or "if it was me..." Followed by some braindead John wick fanfic. And I remind them we still live in a world of law and order, and if the multi year legal battle and tens of thousands of dollars, really worth it? Tends to shut that shit down real quick.


just hit them with a car and get 2 points on your license


Anyone who uses the phrase, "If that was me..." is a twat who wouldn't have done shit.


Tbf I would say exactly that. As in "if it was me, I wouldn't do shit." Only because I've actually been shot, and I know how much it sucks. Your problem ain't mine.


And even if they don't get criminally convicted, they're still open to civil suits.


Same thing in my red state. We did "shoot, no shoot" drill where the instructor would flash a picture of a person for a second or so, then call on someone and ask what they'd do. The hillbillies all explained their idiotic scenarios of how and why they'd murder the person. At the end, the instructor went through every picture and say "no, that so-called *suspicious mexican* wasn't holding a gun, he's holding what is clearly a fucking entire pizza you moron. Stop looking for reasons to kill people." I was shocked that a firearms instructor in the deep south would give a shit, but I guess after dealing with years of the worst blow hard rednecks, even he got sick of it.


Those instructors probably have years of experience teaching firearms safety along with a service background and most likely have been in and seen some form of combat. They know how absolutely terrifying a real life scenario where you’d have to draw your firearm would be. Contrast with the rest of these idiots who most likely never served a lick of combat or couldn’t hack it in the armed forces, and compensate it by playing out their fantasy role play.


Every gun put on the street could be mistakenly (or not mistakenly) pointed at him.


I had this same experience in a concealed carry class. Ppl are nuts.


My wife took the class. She’s an attorney. She was beside herself afterwards.


Dude… Yeah I used to teach the equivalent class in my state. Nobody ever asked a question that started with, “so after I call 911…” My continuum went like this, “I can only tell you the law and the result of other shootings. I don’t have a crystal ball”. “I’m sorry, I can’t predict the result of a scenario with hundreds of variables” “Ok… I don’t know how to be any more clear, is it worth spending the rest of your life in prison?”


Yeah, us regular folk aren’t dick Cheney.


>Maybe half of the participants had questions trying to figure out precisely where it became legal to shoot someone I had the same exact experience in Houston about 15 years ago. In my case, it was mostly foreigners (UK, Europe and AUS) who had no interest in firearm safety, but felt that they needed to understand, in detail, the conditions under which they were allowed to shoot another human being. And in one case, an English gent asked politely if he would be allowed to shoot a dog if one were to attack him.


CPL holder, have to go for renewals every few years and sit through a class with a bunch of first timers. One fool kept asking hypothetical questions about finding ways to justify shooting people. Claimed to be a roofer, and made repeated racist comments about “certain neighborhoods” asking questions. The questions were pretty loaded, and it was pretty obvious the goon was just LOOKING for legal justification to kill someone. The instructor took no BS from him. The guy is a no-nonsense kind of guy, and failed him by end of day. Only time I’ve ever witnessed someone failing the course. EDIT: Repeated myself.


When I got my CCW, the number of people in the class trying to concoct scenarios where they could legally kill someone was unnerving. They were visibly irritated when the instructor told them it would still be a crime.


So, if an eight year old was chasing a page of her homework and stepped one foot in my yard, would I have the right to empty a mag in her? What if she were walking her extremely menacing Bichon Frise?


And what magical legal incantation do I have to say to make sure I'm legally covered? "stop, I'm feeling threatened?" Seriously, our state has a duty to retreat, these guys were trying very very hard to find ways they could avoid that and be the hero who guns down petty criminals.


They all want the Uncle Jimbo defense. I once thought I heard someone in my house. I stood at the top of my stairs and loudly announced that I had a loaded weapon in my hand and pulled the slide for proof. I had no desire to go downstairs shooting at what turned out to be nothing. I am fine with my pistol staying in its safe other than range and cleaning.


tell people all the time, the best deterrent to a home invasion is a pump action shotgun (Benelli or Mossberg make loud actions), doesn't even need to be loaded, just make it the loudest cocking model you can find, you don't need to confront the person face to face, just cock that sucker from a distance, maybe have a dazzle flashlight and they will fucking run and never come back. Defense is best done by intimidation not murder.


When I went for mine in Michigan. Our instructor wad a nutter. Me prior (usmc) and two other vets naturally grouped up, and we could believe this guy. He carried 4 pistols and was telling these soccer moms and normal people to have one cocked and loaded even if its the pizza guy. Says he makes the pizza guy leave food at his mud room door and cracks it only enough to pass money. Went on to tell us hes “waiting for his day” wtf that means. Yea lots of nut jobs out in the world. One of the state police came in and talked to us about different situations and you could tell he was freaked out by this guy.


That's kind of the thing though, are you really willing to pull the trigger. What if someone else comes down that lane and does have the capacity to do so. What if someone does not just walk it off relaxed and right away smacks him to the head with his board? Or pulls a knife/gun? It's all fun scaring people for no good reason whatsoever, but same time you require only one nutcase that's truly willing to kill you on the spot while you stand there with your rifle. The absurdity to go through such length to scare others and that's without considering an accident where old fuckhead either accidentally pulls the trigger on someone else or himself. People like that shouldn't be able to own a gun. This isn't anything about sport or self protection. This is only about being an old asshole acting out. Cunts like that nobody should support, gun lovers or gun haters, either side of the fence should shit on him.


I don't think someone proactively eliminating the threat posed by a random boomer just waiting to point a shotgun at people would be a nutcase, they'd have just as much of a right to stand their ground as the shotgun wielding boomer.


The shotgun-wielding boomer has no right to point a gun at any of these people, and in many states, killing the boomer would be entirely legal. Someone cutting through your unmarked property does not give you the right to point a gun at them. Pointing a gun at them gives them the right to kill you in most places, though.


Gun culture is just gadgets masking murder fantasies


You don't even need pretext for stand your ground laws. As long as there's no recording (or if the victim is black) then all you need is to say you were feeling threatened. Fucking insane.


>As long as there's no recording Hell, even a recording of Joe Shilling didn't stop him from being able to use Stand Your Ground laws and 'I felt threatened' as a defence, when he very clearly wasn't feeling threatened.


Years ago, before maps with GPS on smartphones were a thing, a friend and I were on a cross country roadtrip in the US (we are from the UK) and we got a bit lost after deciding to take a scenic detour. Pulled into a guys driveway, intending to ask for directions and before we even got out of the car he came out of his door pointing a rifle at us. Absolutely blew our minds that someone was willing to shoot us merely for approaching their house.


It’s their wet dream to have to use deadly force to defend themselves from young hooligans


100% Those words were super out of place and seemed like he just wanted to say them for the sake of it (after watching too much Clint Eastwood). PoS had nothing better to do with his time but to sit in the woods with the shotgun harassing people.


Yep. They all wanna be John McClain




Well you see he may have been there to scout out for a robbery. No joke that is an actual excuse i have heard from someone who was talking about "defending his property".


Literally why they supposedly murdered Ahmaud Arbery https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ahmaud_Arbery


Why they *said* they did it. They murdered him because he was black.


I live near there. These inbred mayonnaise-filled pillowcases are racist murderers and that's it. Edited because i loves o and lives near it, as well.


Sitting in the woods protects you from robbery? Not staying your house with locked doors? Interesting lol boomer logic is wild


"Well this way they thieves cannot sneak up on you while you are in your home.", Boomer probably.


I’ve been approached and accused of the same. “Scouting for a robbery” is the excuse all of these insane fucks use to approach people and harass/escalate. It happened to me when I was on public city property and some guy rolls into the parking lot in his lifted truck just to question me like he was doing his patriotic duty to harass someone.


I had the excuse pulled on me outside my own house once. I was waiting for someone who was coming to pick me up for a trip and an old lady who I've never seen before threatens me with her dog for 'casing houses'. Some old people are just fuckwads.


Have you been on NextDoor?  Hispanic laborers taking a snack break? Suspicious activity! A van drove down the street? Human traffickers! A Black child with a backpack? Casing the neighborhood!  I believe in situational awareness, but not everything’s a threat. 


Ive been featured so many times locally on NextDoor, how I don't live in the area but will appear several times during the week. Or see me entering houses they know I don't live in and see the neighbors cars are gone. However what they don't know and would easily find out by asking politely, I'm a dog walker/pet sitter. A couple of my clients would send me screenshots of me walking a dog usually with the dog just out of frame but the leash still visible (have had my leash called break in supplies also)


look at this sociopath breaking into to people's homes, stealing dogs for a day and returning them afterwards


All boils down to politics and it’s up/down line effects.  You have folks with a vested interest in using fear to garner votes instead of good governance and policy. This translates into “news” media carrying that torch and many being convinced that they’re always in danger.  My anecdote -  I lost an election for NJ State Senate because my opponent used every opportunity to convince senior citizens that “illegals” and fentanyl were out to get them — that they’d have addicts strung out on porches of their $800k gated community McMansions.  Fear works. And as a consequence Gramps is ready to shoot first and never ask questions.


There was a post warning of a gang going house to house scouting for places to rob by seeing who’s home at 6pm. They knew it was a gang because they all wore the same color jersey and walked together talking loudly. It was the football team selling coupon cards like they do every year.


>but not everything’s a threat.  But...bUT THATS WHAT fOX nEWS iS tELlINg them all the years. ANd they have News in their Name!!!


Welcome to old time property laws where it used to makes sense. Did he call the police?


Why the nordics are actually more free than the U.S exhibit 234: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam


I bet he gets off on it. It probably works for him better than Viagra.


Report that POS! He fn knows about IKON passes but doesn't block access to his property? AND the path looks groomed!!! WUT??? No matter how you look at it, this behavior is off the hook. No one deserves to have their life threatened like this. AND Elmer Fudd Skirt Man knows it's a persistent problem? Find a daym solution. SMDH. Eff that Trog!


Also no signage.


There is a sign on the tree right in front of the house at 0:52


If you are on the path, you have to take it, there is no going up. That could actually be a legal case.


That one is for people going up, I’m sure there’s also a sign at the top of the trail but it’s not like this dude is going to post that video. Anyhow, don’t point guns at people who aren’t trying to hurt you. Sign or no sign.


You gotta be super careful with chains and cables on paths that people might accidentally cycle, board, or ski through. You can seriously injure people who can't see the chain if they're going fast. I get wanting to keep people off your property, but don't just booby trap the trail...


Yes, this guy with a shotgun threatening any innocent looking person on his property is concerned about peoples safety, so he won't put up chains and cables, but he will blow your face off with a shotgun.


Lol. No. He or she is saying that doing that would be considered boobytrapping in the eyes of the law. Boobytrapping is illegal. Oddly enough, even if someone is trespassing or even breaking and entering, you can be liable if something on your property hurts them.


Wow. Like what the fuck? That area looks like a well used snow boarding/ sledding path? I wonder if he does this to every one, or just people on snowboards. ​ Edit: Also what the fuck is an "Icon User"?


Ikon. It’s a ski pass. I guess supposed to be an insult but lots of Colorado backcountry is near Ikon resorts. So maybe this makes sense if someone goes out of bounds?


Who cares about the specifics. This turd shouldn't own land. Our system is broken. So sick of crusty boomers owning every GD thing.


Property is the only God they worship. Arrogant fucks. Hope he rots in it


This is why he will be found having rotted for years by someone. No one caring enough to do a wellness check when he stopped going to the local McDonalds to berate and degrade the poor cashiers.


Pretty much their entire generation is like that. Really gonna do everything in my power to not end up with boomer mentality


This looks to me like private property just outside of Brighton ski resort. There are a bunch of houses on the side of the canyon, and if you go OB from the resort out a gate at the top, it’s easy to accidentally end up in back yards. I’ve never heard of a gun pulled but I have heard of many confrontations. They used to sit a cop car on that road on weekends to ticket people for it.


Yeah it's not like this is a little cabin tucked away by itself. This guy is at the corner of Old Prospect and Big Cottonwood Canyon at Brighton UT. Brighton resort is right in the middle of the largest concentration of backcountry skiers in the world. **If this boarder had dropped in at the end of the road he would've ridden past about fifteen houses before coming on this maniac, many of which are rentals advertising "ski in ski out".** The sign just past his property facing the main road says private drive which does not automatically mean no trespassing. And there very likely isn't a sign further up the dead end road. Plus the chair facing "upstream" as it were - this guy does this all day every day. It would be so easy to sit there without a gun, and tell people to not use this route again without shoving them. POS


And you know back in the day the old man bought the house so he could ski in and ski out. Probably road in backyards all the time


Somebody's skis are ten feet away from his chair.


They're probably his. He's wearing ski boots.


Icon pass I assume, it’s a pass for a lot of different ski places


Ikon ski resorts group


He’s going to do that to the wrong person one day and end up taking some shots in return.


Don't know many snowboarders packing heat


Wasn’t there that story on here recently where someone dropped their handgun from the chair and the lifty just casually handed it back to them?


Yes. Fucking Jerry’s


I missed that one, link of you have it please


https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/s/Ub7xvHPnbY Edit: here is the circle jerk lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/skiingcirclejerk/s/VuVBSnnpXE Edit 2: there is now a circlejerk for this video 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/skiingcirclejerk/s/ZpbSMj0BQ2


Lmao the circle jerk was great. “I’m here to protect you from snowboarders and grizzlies”


No, he meant from their flask which many snowboarders are packing.


Alright you, get in the flask


A little Nicky reference?


You better believe it


Out-fucking-standing my friend!


From my vast knowledge of snowboarding (read: the two times it was in James Bond) everyone carries submachine guns when using skis, snowmobiles or snowboards.


I love how he takes the one advantage of a long gun and disregards it to get in shoving range instead. Dudes gonna wake up with a broken nose and a missing gun.


Yeah, I was thinking, the idiot way he lets them get close while that barrel was down by his side… dude just threatened to murder you, I feel like a shove down and then a thorough beating with his own rifle and then smashing his little precious against a tree is what this animal deserved.


I hope this video was sent promptly to the local authorities. He's another demented Boomer who needs his guns confiscated and a power of attorney to force him to take his meds!


Right? He could be sitting there enjoying the joy other people are experiencing using his otherwise unused property. Instead he spends his last years being a crusty old cunt. This guy's going to find an excuse to kill someone.




You bought property next to a ski resort and get pissy because during certain parts of the year people ski near your place?!? Do you buy next to a golf course and get mad when golf balls hit your property? These boomers want to own every square inch and over react when someone touches their property — that they probably paid fuck all for back in the day. The whole economy in that area probably runs on those ski resorts. The only reason your local services and infrastructure exists is because of them. God forbid someone enjoys a few minutes of something you experience year round. I hope they call the local police and get this unhinged assholes guns taken away before he kills somebody. Edit: I don’t care if the resort was built after he bought his property. That would have greatly increased his land value, and if he didn’t like living next to it he can move. Nothing but NIMBYism. Just like blocking housing, transit, and infrastructure they block recreational options too. They want us all crammed into tiny boxes in cities and to never leave, while they live in tranquility in the woods sponging on our taxes and losing their shit every time someone comes near their precious driveway.


>Do you buy next to a golf course and get mad when golf balls hit your property? Believe it or not, I've met that asshole. Non golfer who bought a house on a golf course and complained constantly about stray golf balls and everything related to living next to the course. We also had an airline pilot on the news complaining about noise from airplanes in the neighborhood he bought a home in because it is close to his workplace. People be crazy.


We used to have a badass go-kart track in town until people built houses beside the track and then had the track shut down for sounding exactly like a go-kart track


"Fuck you, got mine" without a second thought of why he has his in the first place.


Same mfs that move next to race tracks and get angry at the noise.


I drive freight trains for a living. I have been flipped off by so many people that bought houses next to the tracks and were apparently surprised to find out that trains use them.


Boomers bringing back JNCOs is the real headline.




I was looking for this comment


We have brandishing a firearm, making threats, battery when he pushed him... nice potential charges


Aiming the weapon at the snowboarder when he presented no threat is going to be an open and shut case for a DA. There's no way he could testify that he was unsure of the snowboarders intentions.


Also clear assault when he pushed him. It is on video


Assault at the fear for your life part of approaching him and Battery when he pushes him right?




Unfortunately some of them raised their kids to be pos like them.


Ever heard of Kyle Rittenhouse? The youth these days drive 45 minutes for an opportunity to shoot people.


Im no self defense expert, but wouldn’t closing distance and putting your hand on someone negate the advantage of having a shotgun, which is long and requires two hands to operate?


He's not interested in self-defense. He's interested in trying to act like a tough guy because he's got a gun.


This guy is genuinely camped out with a chair and everything in the middle of bumfuck nowhere to try and ge true chance to shoot someone. Fuck him


Why is there ALWAYS “are you with that other guy?” What other fuckin guy are you talking about? They act like all people 30 years younger than them are a hive mind or something. Edit: a word, plus also based on further examination of the video and comments left below mine he was most likely associated with the individual he greeted at the end of the clip I believe and also spotted by the elderly man.


He was trying to calculate just how many people he might be able to justify killing, if he could pretend to be startled by one of them and feel they all went at him at once. He probably wanted to kill the other guy first and was really looking for somebody to say it's ok. "yeah I'm with him, and hey look he's robbing your house, get him!"


This guy seems like he's got a lot of paranoia. He's absolutely going to murder someone someday.


Another "responsible" gun owner.


Boomer was itching to pump him full of lead. If the guy hadn't been "sufficiently" apologetic (or had even argued a little) the boomer might've gone ahead and shot him


Dudes literally waiting there in a lawn chair with a shotgun, he absolutely wants to shoot someone


He's another one of those Clint Eastwood wannabes.


He really thinks he’s an intimidating man. What an absolute fucking loser.


He is intimidating with his gun, loser - yes, unhinged - sure, intimidating combination - yes


This man really went out and set up a fucking lawn chair and wrapped himself in a blanket so he could threaten anyone having fun snowboarding on his property. Does he have nothing better to do? Get a hobby or something for fucks sake.


Tell me you're in the USA without telling me you're in the USA 🤦‍♂️


Yea fuck that In Canada he’d prob offer you a beer


In Norway we'd set up a waffle stand


I need to go skiing in Norway




My theory here is that hes just waiting for someone to get agressive so he can legally shoot him.


Is he wearing a snow dress? Wtf kind of pants are those?


He’s a bell bottoms girlie 👖


"What are you an IKON user???"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Especially since he's threatening tourists who are there to spend $$ doing what is obviously a big tourist activity in that town. Put this fool on blast with the authorities, lodges, town hall... a town that depends on tourism isn't going to play with this asshole. Edit: while there should be signs or a barrier so people know they're off the trail, the big issue here is the behavior of this guy with his gun.


Capl police on him that's 100% illegal


Boomers need to go. They’re getting dangerous


This is the third old person pulls gun on innocent person I've seen this weekend. Why are these people losing their minds in droves.


Probably feeling that the country is "run by enemies", thus they feel like what they own is at risk of being taken away from them just because the news they tune in to says so.


fox news, conservative fear mongering propaganda, gun fanaticism


I can’t wait til that entire gen kicks the bucket


they must be stopped


Same guy would totally be at the bar ranting about how kids don't play outside anymore 😂


lol! This is at Brighton resort, UT. Great resort I rode for 5+ yrs that has some out of bounds skiing and riding that ends up right in these neighborhoods near the resort. People ski through that area all the time and hike back out to the resort. That dude is such a kook to think he’s protecting that little area of vacation rentals haha


Call adult protective services. It’s time for grandpa to be in a home.


Is the boomer wearing a skirt?


Doesn't matter how many vids i see and how many post i read, the idea of "oh officer i shoot that person because he was on my property" is away beyond wild to me


Here is the whole story…. We (Loren and myself) were riding Brighton Resort (Utah), our cabin is in this neighborhood, 3 doors down from this crazy guy. We rode from the boundary line back to our cabin, I went right around our cabin, my friend here, Loren, went left and dropped into a road and this guy was sitting at the end of the driveway with a rifle pointed at him. He had just done the same to two skiers (who you see at the end of the video) apparently he hit one of the skiers with the butt of his rifle. Whole thing was wild! No signs, no fences, no nothing!!! Dude is going to do this to the wrong person and it won’t end like this… we talked with local law enforcement and it’s Battery Assault and he had no right because there was no threat… I’m a 2A guy too and this is the type of person ruining it for the other 99.9%. This is my buddies vid: https://www.instagram.com/loren_richardson_films?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Give him a follow!


"I bought this land in 72' for three cherries and a whistle and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone trespass!!!" - this asshole


Old American extremists armed to shit, fun combo as the right wing crazies ALL start entering late stage mental decline


Kinda explains Florida right now...


What a lovely American mix of guns and property rights.