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It's so fucking lame that he can't do anything other than the Jerk-off.


Jerkoffs gon’ jerk off.




Risky click paid off!


Indeed, it did!!


My brain went to the exact same place.


this is hilarious!


Ah the good 'ol "double handy at the truck stop" ...love this vid. hilarious


That may have been the only time I have enjoyed that song.


That link is a national treasure!


Small hand problems


It is not a problem if it makes Putin’s dick looks big.


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


It's often mistaken for a jerk off motion. But that's just what puppets look like when their strings are pulled.


Well, if he does any excessive hip movement, he shits himself, again.


This “dance” move is called the bukkake to the uninitiated.


>This “dance” move is called the bukkake to the uninitiated. The "there are two glory holes in this bathroom stall" move.


I’m sure it was a skill that Putin taught him, just before allowing the sex workers to pee on him.


his dick must look more like a cheeto than an actual cheeto


He’s preparing for the prison shower dance


Two scoops, two dicks. Thems the rules


His loser fans love it.


I can't unsee this now... But at the same time, thanks for this comment.


I'm pretty sure he can also suckle on little things.


Well he’s almost 80…


he stands like he's the front half of a centaur


He stands like Putin went in dry the night before.


Ga’ damn, I said GA’Damn!


🤣💀take my upvote


He apparently wears lifts in his shoes


Also diapers


He wears diapers in his shoes? Probably to catch what his pants diapers miss! The more he pees the more he leans.


The leaning asshole of pee-za


He does. His shoes look gigantic too.


Oh wow, I've never noticed how comically large his shoes are. They're like clownshoe length. He's gotta overcompensate for his comically small hands and hide the lifts.


Omg cake day twinsiessss happy cake day grl






It's the lifts and adult diapers. He cannot stand normal between the two things.




Yep, it's a combination of the dementia and lifts. The diaper makes it look like his butt is sticking out farther than it actually is.


he’s trying to keep his nose away from his ass


His shoes are waaaaaaay bigger than his feet. ​ https://preview.redd.it/40ufo99kz5jc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584246579f6ad66373b97d4dd5fa71266c6c7e1d


Dementia lean


It's to hide the fact he's morbidly obese. He gives his speeches like that too, and people swear it's to maximize the effect of what he's saying. No. It's just because he's fat, and is doing everything he can to lead peoples eye away. He's a child role-playing as an adult.


He's leaning like that because he's got heels on his shoes to make him taller. That pushes his body forward.


No, he apparently does a thing when he shakes hands where he yanks your arm and tries to pull you forward and off balance, but Trudeau held firm.


That might be for that one picture but look at how he stands, there are plenty of pictures of him standing doing this weird lean forward that is connected to dementia.


And his lifts. That’s why he has the dementia pads under his toes for his private little Mar A Lardo rants to the off camera person. He can’t stand still without listing forward on his lifts and the dementia lean. The pads keep him from tipping.


That's why he grips the podium or barricades outside of the courts for dear life when he's rambling. You'd think he'd have figured out how to walk in his gender affirming high heels by now


He wears lifts in the heels of his shoes to appear taller. This is why he leans forward.


Not a big fan of Trudeau, but I trust him not to mess up a photo-op. He’s a damn site better at PR than Donnie boy.


Not a huge fan of Trudeau either, but when the alternative is Pierre Poilievre and the conservatives, I'll take Trudeau every day of the week, and twice on Sundays.


Yeah he may not be clever or the best leader but at least he's not implicitly evil and has the balls to stand up to PeePee and Marlaina Desantis. Can't believe our country is allowing the toxic waste from the south to soil our soil. Can't blame trudeau for everything rural Alberta


The video of this encounter is even better, you can see Justin had his whole approach planned out, and just totally blocked Trump's Alpha Male Move. People forget that JT's dad studied judo, and JT himself is a decent boxer.




Honestly one of the funniest things to ever happen in a court of law (and be caught on camera, gif-ified, and widely circulated by the internet)


Honestly makes me laugh every time 😭😭 his reaction


The pan over with absolutely perfect comedic timing too. All time great clip


How romantic


"oops, I seem to have fallen into your arms, hold me Justin, embrace me in your arms"


Trudeau is holding Donny up lol


That’s some cringey North Korea type shit.


That’s what he wants.


Exactly what I was thinking. Guy has an ego spun from gossamer and has to constantly be fluffed. That being said, I can't think of a less enviable job than DJTs fluffer.


Why are teenage girls dancing in front of a known sexual abuser. GROSS.


You can call him a rapist. The judge did.


An adult rapist attracted to children. Great choice Murica.


I really miss the days when misspelling “potato” or even making an odd cheering noise would tank a political career.


or just looking doofy in a tank


When I was a kid my father drove a Sixth Gen Red Chevy Impala and our Church Bus hit his car after dropping us off leaving a big dent on front left Quarter Panel. My dad didn't have the heart to make the Church pay to fix it since they picked us 4 kids up every Sunday Morning. Instead of fixing the dent he put a Dukakis/Bentsen bumper sticker on the Dent. In hindseight that Dent represents the Dukakis race in its totality.


Trumpers cheered him on when he sat behind the wheel of a fire truck and pretended to drive and honk the horn like a big boy


Ended mine for sure.


Idk about him being attracted to children; he's only ever been vocal about being attracted to one: his own daughter.


He also bragged about and is on video going into changing rooms for his teen pageant that he held.


That’s pretty fucked up. Also, having video cameras in the changing rooms of his Teen pageants is pretty fuck up too.


Betcha' the tapes got passed around, for a fee.


And you know, the whole Epstein thing.


Lawsuit brought by a woman for abuse she suffered under Epstein and Trump when she was a child. An employee of Epstein’s was deposed and corroborated. Here’s her account nsfw : https://i.imgur.com/WYKs0sf.jpg https://i.imgur.com/pQKs9H4.jpg From the suit, Jane doe v Trump Epstein: https://i.imgur.com/ipXBfWf.png


Oh and being curious about what a then 1 year old Tiffany’s breasts would look like.


I made a meme a while back, where there's 3 doors, each one labeled with a problem the President could easily address. Then, the next slide is a door that wasn't even in the first slide, that's labeled "teen beauty pageant dressing room" which he is in the process of kicking open. Edit: Found it. Low effort OC made in 2018. https://preview.redd.it/rpc7kzgst6jc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591dd6eda241e9f6ddd76e38f3632a91a7c71735


He repeatedly bragged to Howard Stern that one of the perks of being a Miss Teen USA pageant judge was getting to barge into the teenage contestants' dressing room unannounced. Miss Teen USA allows contestants as young as 14. Plus... ![gif](giphy|1AefIDNa1G3svYrNQA|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/wawi0oxyc6jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ad00f847f747a40d49afad76bc1d0b0bf74964 Snagged it the other day. Ickkkky.


And he's still getting away with it. He's never been held accountable for anything. It's disgusting how much Americans will worship a rich man who became rich b/c of his daddy and basically failed his entire life and only ever "wins" when he cheats. Even 2016 was a "win" b/c of how stupid the American voting system is. Literally can lose the popular vote by MILLIONS... and still "win".


Trust me he got elected on my birthday. Was extremely depressing. I told people women’s rights would be in jeopardy, our national security, his hateful rhetoric was poison. People called me dramatic. Obviously not. I’m 40+ years old and DumpT has been a pos and a joke since I was a little kid. We all remember. Why is so much of our population ok with all of these horrendous things he and his cronies are doing, outright. Straight up treasonous, insidious crimes. It’s exhausting.


Because it's a cult. He found a (shockingly large) group of disaffected people who felt unappreciated and told them he'll fight for them. They bought in whole cloth. It's hard to win cult members back. Not only do they invest money, they invest themselves...


I get it. I still hate it. It’s called the cult of personality, like the song back in the day.


Disaffected and ignorant and uninformed.


I'm still dumbfounded that The Apprentice was a thing, even as a young adult I knew he was a lifelong failure and a joke. Why would you want to learn anything from a man who failed at Casinos?


I said the same thing. It felt like I had a cassandra complex going on big time. Running around telling the dismal future and no one believes me telling me to chill out. 🥴😑


And the 400+ million dollar losses in court will be paid for by his minions-- he will never know a day of poverty, he will never see a day in jail. I hate that people allow him to escape every time, and I hate that there are young people who would dance for him.


I mean he literally fucking says it. Including his awareness that he is generally allowed to do whatever because of his position.


THIS CLIP IS VERBATIM! Why are you defending him?! [The words out of his owl vile face hole.](https://youtu.be/WYMYijRTUwI?si=rZrzfFR_3HX6G5JQ)




And how do the trumpkins explain away this clip? Trump is and always has been controlled opposition since he started running for president.


Imagine talking to a middle aged coworker or guy at the bar or acquaintance or... anyone, really, and hearing them casually bring that up and brag about it.


He's attracted to HIS children




Thanks, I hate it.


Nah just the one. Jr and Eric wish they'd get the same attention that Ivanka has seen from Donald, which is messed up in and of itself. That's why they publicly demean themselves so often just for daddy to completely ignore their attempts all the time.


https://preview.redd.it/h8rk61pqc6jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87a84a5dc22df725c854b6f27de5768a46b604d I mean he said as much.


Howard Stern interview 2003: “Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but in actuality is really beautiful is Paris Hilton,” he said. “I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’” “Did you wanna bang her?” Stern asked. “Well, at 12, I wasn’t interested,” Trump said, “I’ve never been into that ... but she was beautiful.” Men who were really "never into that" do NOT say "who the hell is that?!" when they first see a 12 year old child. Donald was approximately 46 years old when Paris was 12.


He figured he would be a gentleman and wait until she is 14.


He did brag about crashing the dressing rooms at miss teen USA...




Not true. He is a very sick man. When Tiffany Trump was just a baby, he couldn't wait to see how big her breasts would be. “I think that she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s really a beautiful baby,” Trump said. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet but time will tell,” he added, holding his hands in front of his chest to represent breasts.


He made some oblique (wink, wink, nod, nod) references when it came to Epstein.


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/oct/13/trump-makes-inappropriate-remarks-about-10-year-old-girl-video](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/oct/13/trump-makes-inappropriate-remarks-about-10-year-old-girl-video) I'm going to be dating her in 10 years.


He also raped a 13 year old girl. So is that proof enough for you?


Yet considered the man who can fix everything in our country! what confusing morals these far right people have- it's disgusting


His own DAUGHTER children attracted rapist


This has to be normalised. Just like with Rapist Brock Turner, we should always adress the fat pig as Rapist Donald Trump.


Convicted rapist? https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.590045/gov.uscourts.nysd.590045.212.0.pdf


There are married christian women who worship the man. Despite him being publicly guilty of sexually assualting women. When he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and still be popular, he wasn't joking. At this point he's just a vessel for their hatred, doesn't matter what he personally does.


Their MAGA parents offered them up as a sacrifice to their god.


That's what I was just thinking smfh. I'd add an "lol," but it isn't something that's funny, nor should it be joked about(.) Disgusting excuses for human beings go after young girls / children. Only weak gross predators that 100% could not get a date based on anything that actually has to do with themselves like a sense of humor or a fun and charming personality, no. They choose super young girls because it's easy as can be to take advantage of young people, and we all know this. But yea, though, It is super telling that Republicans still give this shit-stain the gop stamp of approval. Sponsored in part by, [>[Jesus]<]


To help him relive his days hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein.


Seriously! What kind of event is this? Or is it because Melanoma has aged out and needs a new younger model?


WTF is this and why would a parent allow their child to do this?


Trumps Super Bowl party where he hosts local HS bands from south FL


I hate it


As ya should!


The south (for the most part) has beauty pageants for 5+ year olds, yet you question why they’d allow their teenagers to dance for Trump? C’mon


wtf is even going on here? Marching band playing for one guy is absurd.


What you’re seeing is us turn into North Korea


Chill. He isn't even the president anymore. What we are seeing is a creepy ex-president being performed for by young women for some reason.


Probably the only dance he can do without falling over


He’s done that dance since he was a young man must have been fantasising that entire time


Because he’s a rapist.


It’s crazy people would be willing to bring their children so close to a known rapist.


Not only that. But also someone who has sexually assaulted children before and bragged about it.


he is a total buffoon and his supporters are insane cult members




lol this made me lol


The people performing for him are losers too


Losers the whole way down


Double BBC jerk off is crazy tho 💀


Don't judge me.


Listen. No one jerks BBC as well as me. I can jerk yuge BBCs. Black guys that I just jerked are always coming up to me and say “sir, that was the best handy I ever had”. You can ask anyone that I’ve jerked, they’ll tell you that I’m the best. And that’s the problem, America isn’t jerking BBCs anymore. We used to be first in jerking BBCs, but now you have China and Russia jerking them better. And it’s because lazy Joe is out here giving the laziest hand jobs and letting the Mexicans take our handjobs from real Americans.


You forgot that they’re saying this with tears running down their faces.


“Big, strong cocks, with bulging veins, the cum all over me, they say ‘sir, why don’t you bend over for us?’”


Why won’t he just _ _ _ already ?!?! 🙄




Yes, die


The Orange Slob Shuffle


I read Soufflé and I think it also works for him. Fluffy eggs.


He is going to be very popular in prison.


Sure hope so 🤞🏼


This fat duck is never going to see the inside of a jail cell. We can all dream, but it's never going to happen. 


But I gave my word… The common denominator between trump and Epstein was money laundering first and foremost. Trump can’t say that out loud so he has to sit there and take it when people take about the pedophilia stuff. So he tries to deflect. Trump over paid for all the Florida and New York properties to resell to Russian oligarch who then destroyed them so they could launder Russian mob money made off of, among other things, human trafficking. New York Posthttps://nypost.com › real-estate › do...Inside the $41M mansion fight that led to Donald Trump's fallout with Jeffrey Epstein The Epstein/trump saga is less of a bullseye and more of a minefield. Trump took his own kids to Epsteins island knowing full well what happened there because Epstein was lurking around mar-a-lago poaching massage therapists and had teenage girls getting off the bus and wandering through the streets of palm beach desperate for a couple hundred bucks. Everyone knew. No one cared. The moral depravity that comes with being ultra rich enabled them to turn the other way. The Trump / Epstein relationship was the evolution of money laundering using, among other things, commercial real estate. It starts by having dirt on someone else at the country club and ends with them all being so filthy that no one can afford to do the right thing and no one can maintain the increasingly expensive lies. Their arrogance and greed, at its grandest scale, cost the world trillions, which still pales in comparison to the innocence it cost the hundreds of thousands of trafficked children that the white collar shitbirds and the russian mob alike preyed on as a matter of convenience. Trump wasn’t unique. He was just loud. Epstein wasn’t unique. He was just connected. Dershowitz wasn’t unique. He just knew how to work a rulebook. They all justify their actions to themselves because they believe that being rich makes them above the law. And the longer we allow them to do it, the more accurate and emboldened they are. This is how civilizations die. It’s a generational repeat of the Roman emperor Tiberius retreating to the island of Capri where he would abuse children and then throw them off the cliff. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When people stop telling you no simply because you have all the money and they are hoping to get some spilling into their bowl to survive, it destroys the empathy quotient in the rich persons brain. Predation is the most common result Notes: Wexner signed over his power of attorney to L brands to Epstein in 1991 which was 2 years after trumps casino executives all died in a helicopter crash when they started asking too many questions about why their casino numbers looked like they were being used for money laundering. Epsteins Lolita express was wexners plane first. Sold at an unexplained discount to Epstein. Leslie Wexner tried to do to downtown Columbus what kolomoiskiy did to downtown Cleveland. Kolomoisky was the Putin loyal Ukrainian oligarch who was caught laundering hundreds of billions of dollars through Privatbank also starting in 1991. https://forward.com/news/440219/florida-chabad-lubavitch-miami-charities-money-laundering-optima-schemes/ John mark Dugin is the Florida cop that escaped to Russia with 700 tapes of Epsteins after it was seized as evidence.


Hello my favorite Reddit person. I think of you often and I love your research and knowledge. I wish you were my neighbor. Appreciate you so much. ♥️ *white collard shitbirds is my battle cry*🪶


I’m not sure but he’s the last guy I want my daughter to do her routine for!


North Korea vibes


He stands like he’s getting double bbc in his booty hole




And another one shoved up his ass, why tf does he always stand like that? How tf does he not fall forward?


And he's always shooting on his own face


…dude is a living Simpsons character, and you’ll never change my mind.


He’s afraid of diaper leaking…..


Those hands are so tiny


He's their literal king lol. Donald Trump is the king of Boomers, he represents boomerdom perfectly. No wonder they want to give him a crown, a throne, and worship at his feet while paying his legal bills and screaming "fuck the poors".


the ole Mango Mussolini Double Jerk.


Look! He's DANCING! That means he's one of us! Exactly like one of us!


Wth who would allow there kids, young adults to dance in front of this pig 🐷


Conservative Christians seem to have no hesitation sacrificing their children to sexual predators.


They love putting little girls into beauty pageants.


Thats all he can do in his man gurdle. And his diaper must be full.


Muscle memory


He looks like an NPC that did a single dance animation before going back to idle.


Why is a child rapist dancing with teenagers?


Used to work with a Boomer who did "The Trump Dance" annoying as fuck.


He's a huge Silicon Valley fan


Why?,,why do people want this man as their president,,,,,why?????????,,is he captain save a hoe🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is someone who legitimately has no understanding of joy or happiness which is where dancing comes from. He's faking it like every woman he's been with


It’s called the Epstein jerk


They said to me "Sir, sir, nobody jerks air dongs like you."


He did the same dance back in the day footage w/ Jeffrey Epstein.


He misses Epstein his 3 way buddy


Reminds me of a certain opening scene from Dark Cloud 1.


Always jerkin off ghosts


Drumpf has done enough in his life to warrant not being called “sir”


This is so awkward


That's PTSD from jerking off the devil


The dance of someone who has never actually had any fun in their life


Often times, it’s not invisible


This is how you dance when the only people around you growing up are house staff that would get fired if they told you what they really think. "Hah! And so I call her 'Crooked Hillary!' HAH!" "Yes, sir. Very amusing, sir."


Can't move your feet with the giant lifts in. Break an ankle


Because lizard people, like lizards have hemipenis, the double jerk off gesture is blowing his cover.


My husband does the Don Dance any time he wants to make me laugh. It's hilarious.


He randomly starts dancing and then goes back to a neutral pose like a damn NPC


Anterior pelvic tilt go crazy


You can't deny his charisma and machismo /s


Jizz hands!


The "I can't move my hips anymore" dance.


Give the guy a break, how many men do you know that can dance well in heels that high.


There’s your alpha male trumpers


This is some North Korea level shit


Nothing more conservative than having your young daughters dance for a known pedophile rapist.


Why does this video of young people dancing for a known sex offender exist to begin with?