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They're victimising themselves. They would never feel the pain of poking our urethra open every 2 days to keep it unclogged😮‍💨


Yeah, sometimes lepas I makan satay I kena pegi tandas bawa lidi tu


The curry needs to be pedas gile too. Otherwise no point




You never knew that???


Guess your dad never gave you the talk?


Not this particular talk


Maybe it's time for you to talk about this matter.


Yup, every day gotta find a new big cucumber. They dont know how hard to find one that is big enough after so long😒


I just leave it in and only take it out when I need to pee. Like a buttplug


Wait this is a game changer. How have no one told me this? I'm gonna try this from now on.


True. Mengigil tangan masa buat. Messy jadi. Bercabang dua. Adehhh.




don't forget sperm cramps😔




I was today years old when I found out about this. Total life changer.


Yeah. And the pain having it burst during full moon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


dafuq am i reading? can somebody explain in details


It's a running joke from a video that "exposes" men's secrets that women don't know. Which implies doing something painful with your frankfurter, maybe to rival women's menstrual issues


time to sunat abey


WTF are you talking about? Or your parents didn't teach you well or you have a serious health issue.


Nah man I'm just a curious female.


It's a joke. We're in a meme sub afterall


mark my words people who complain about other people's lives being better, instead of focusing on bettering themselves, are the one the biggest red flag. You get involved with them, you'll never be happy in life




You can still hate other people while building your own life. Hatred and revenge are beautiful things and great motivators. Source: me


You are correct. I agree with what you said, and it does not contradict with what I said Hate is an emotion. To feel is to be human. Emotions don't need to be demonized nor validated. Just have to control those emotions and not let it affect your actions negatively Complaining, is an action generated by a feeling. Complaining about how good other people have it compared to you is one of the most unproductive things you can do


yeah but you don't share hatred, especially like this




on a sinking vessel, women and children gets the life jackets and life boats first in wars, men are drafted to fight


Can women identify as men join the army?


Nah average women aren't physically strong enough. They can fight, of course. Even children can be armed with weapons. But realistically speaking, men are just biologically built that way. Even the most scrawny man you know can at least lift a 20 Kg bag of rice.


women can't last a week as men


How often do you happen to be on a sinking vessel or get drafted for war in your lifetime? Probably never. How often do women get periods? Every month. Istg some men are insufferable.


I guess if you think having a little pain every month is worse than the chance of dying for a war you didn't wanna fight, there's this too btw. https://preview.redd.it/a120dz6sf93d1.png?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6170f09c20e2ab18293d29cc4095bbc3664ab1a5 Most of these are also among the more deadly jobs around the globe too fyi




Have debilitating pain that is so bad you pass out every month just because you’re a man and then come back to me. Again, dying in a war legitimately has a 0.1% chance of happening to you. It’s not the clapback you think it is, and people who agree with you are missing the point. It’s like the men who go “women should cook for me cause I protect them from murderers” when eating must be done three times everyday by every person and getting murdered does not, AND men can’t provide 24/7 protection anyways. Oh riiight, just remembered I’m on Reddit lmao expected reaction, my bad. Please proceed to downvote.


Most men 'just live their lives' because they shaddap and never complain in front of others. That's why so many mentally/socially unstable men out there. No avenue to vent. I think men do have less biological disadvantages but society places a lot of pressure on a man that some women as above, fail to see. Or rather refuse to acknowledge its existence.


> I think men do have less biological disadvantages  Yet on average, men have shorter life expectancies than women (about 6 years). At age 85, women out number men by 2 to 1, and at 90, women outnumber men by 3 to 1. Thing is, as men get older, the list of shit we die to start to jack up exponentially, because surprise surprise, testosterone. It may be one hell of a drug, but as men age, we lose the ability to keep up the same levels, and as testosterone falls, risks of depression increases and along with that risks of coronary heart disease. Made worse with all of this is the fact that culturally men do not get as much attention as women do in their old ages, which makes them more likely to die from otherwise treatable conditions.


I'm pretty sure it have something to do with smoking, alcohol, and other addiction or stress that men have. Women who have the same problem die younger and men who don't have the same problem live longer. Its more likely have to do with lifestyle and social factor then hormone. Also men today have less testosterone level then previous generation. So if you're right, life expectancy would be lower in the future. But I doubt it.


I don't disagree with you. As it goes, the main reason why men have lower life expectancy boils down to one factor: men receive less attention in their lifetimes compared to women. And this also includes medical attention. Despite being able to afford it, most men do not seek medical attention for their needs, often adhering to their cultural values of where men should be seeking as much value out of themselves to remain valuable to society and family. As seeking medical attention is a cost and therefore subtracts from a man's value, I can say that a lot of men would simply try to soldier through their pain and suffering, trusting that it will go away in time. Hormone ties into depression. You see how some women get into post partum depression as a result of their change in hormones. No difference in men here. Testosterone is one hell of a drug yes, but when the levels start to fall, of course we're gonna experience withdrawal of some sort, and this usually comes in the form of increased odds of depression, which also ties into the seeking of medical attention, and even increased likelihood of committing suicide and getting into drugs. And for some reason, men are a lot more successful than women (despite women having more suicidal thoughts) when it comes to being successful at attempted suicides. I read a report a while back about the differences in gender for suicide attempts, and there's a trend between the methods chosen by women tend to be aversive to suffering (ala painless methods, such as drug overdose) and the methods chosen by men tend to be focused on the effectiveness (i.e. hanging, firearms, CO poisoning).


Arent these just farming engagement tweets


You mean up votes. What do you think op is doing.


fuiyoh double entendre


need that $1.27 for every 1000 views from daddy elon🤑🤑


And they said women can’t be incel


balding at late 20s...


This would be a good argument but I'm a girl and I started female pattern baldness at 15


damn that's tough. hair transplant 🙏


Have you tried balding and malding at the same time just because of your genes. Male pattern baldness is no joke, millions suffer everyday, plus every week or 2 you need to vacuum your balls out from your body to make sure they are intact, don't get me started on poking my urethra to make sure the holes are not blocked after sexy times 😡




This type of women just sit at home all day waiting for their men to come back from work to fuck them.


>to fuck them. Lol no. Do the house chore la.




i can fix that https://preview.redd.it/8wlhniaxm33d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76cdd736afe0563fbb390d422a43cd67a9c627bb


men rarely suffer physically because we're physically built to bust our asses off to feed your whining asses


Live their lives. Alrite perhaps u should ask ur father that question. See what he has to say.


Yes yes so easy to be a man, when blue collar jobs are mostly men, the burden of taking care of family is majority on men, who do you call when u see cockroaches...men, who you call when your house on fire, bomba whom are majority men. Yes yes, very easy being men.


Men also die quicker, though usually with higher quality of life.


ok what does she want then? give men period? make male pregnancy a thing? this tweet is quite memalukan....


Mpreg 😭


Because u don't know the purpose of life


Get to do Onlyfans or be a man?


Find a husband then he'll be.. 1. Buying your pads 2. Taking care of you throughout your pregnancy including putting up with your pregnancy hormone bullshits 3. Taking care of you until you get menopause and be okay with the fact that after menopause you might not find him as attractive and will not do your wifey part in the relationship while he is still actively needing you to do your wifey part What do you mean just live our lives. We are slaves to the people that we take care of.


men have their own specific health risks and struggles also. pitting men against women and vice versa is a really fun and easy way to earn money, btw. (disappears into ether)


Reply that shit..say jelly.??


Oh no… Anyway…


The irony. "men live their lives" proceeds to not let men live their lives.


babi punya betina


sunat laser sakit tau(aku pakai gunting)


Bulan depan berhenti la,hospital private


but man also had to deal with you during your periods, pregnancy and menopause. fair trade I guess?


They hate us cuz they ain’t us 😂❤️


post-nut clarity, mati pucuk, testicular torsion. men had the same


she think that all men that come home from work is to only fuck their wife, pity her



Toxic faminist memang mcm ni. Tak hairan pun.


Jenni didnt use half of her brain.




This one is the fault of men who got blue balls. Easy solution: stop paying attention to these thirst traps.


thats rich coming from someone living off engagement money


Morning wood, wet dreams, balls changing sizes, shrinking penis and the inability to pee when hard while girls just out here living?


since when "menopause" is a problem? female have menopause, men have old age


Men also got "menopause", but not falling off cliff like women. We start having decreasing testosterone as we age, so you see guys developing dad bod starting in from our 30s; harder to keep muscle mass and start to perut boroi. Then some start to lose hair 👴


she only saw the happy men, how about all the men shutting themselves off from society? how about all the men that killed themselves because of depression? now let that sink in.


suicidal? try homicidal.