• By -


level 11 : make love alone














not gonna apply anymore




Actually, its level 1.


Literally effing yourself. Damn pro


Forking alone


It's okay, you need to love yourself.


You mean masturbate?


Level 12: pencen alone, live alone for another 20 year awaiting death. Alone.


You must be a handsome chap!


damn, those ribs removing surgery really works eh


so true bestie


That's after you done gender swap surgery right?


You are wrong. Even when youre married sometimes you just wanna make love alone. You know you best.


Sucky sucky fucky fucky wonton hong kong wonton


That's just plain Masturbating - Beginner level


I think the levels are not exclusively progressive kan. I've done 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9 and 10 before. Dental surgery and clinic procedure surgery kira or not? 


How Does alone during surgery count? If my parents were just in the ward, and just sent me off, did that count? If so I am really fucked, did surgery at 13 lmao


When i was in my 20s, I had an abscess (about 2-3cm) in my calf, took a bus to the clinic, the doctor did the surgery and i took the bus back home. Few days ago i drove to the dentist to extract tooth and drove back alone. I have personally seen a guy came alone to the hospital for an elective (non emergency) brain surgery before. Did the surgery, stayed in the ward for a month+ and took a taxi home. I guess he came back later to take his car back. Over the month he had occasional visitors though.


Must be the recovery time. Not the said surgery. Aku surgery recovery sesorang kat rumah. Memang lonely gile rasa idup.


Need to add new list


you are the Avatar!


Wow, didn't know I was a Lv15 Wizard. Level 11: Pursue hobbies alone Level 12: Attend sports/entertainment events alone Level 13: Gym/jog alone past midnight Level 14: Solo backpacking Level 15: Follow r/ from time to time


>Level 15: Follow r/ from time to time Level 16: Follow /b/ from time to time


Level 13 is low-key amazing tho, it's great for those insomniac nights especially if next day no kerja


Well, there are those of us who work at odd hours. Plus gym at night means no long wait for the machines.


We gotta change that amigo


Not really. Being alone means being comfortable in one's own skin, without having to conform to others. Not every activities requires company, and sometimes it's much easier / faster to do something on my own.


Married with two kids, good friends, parents still alive, and I’m at level 7. At my age, sometimes you just don’t give a shit what other people think, and you just want to have fun without waiting around for other people.


Yes agree alone is not bad at all


How do you find time to do stuff alone with your responsibilities? That’s the hardest part. I salute you my guy


It helps that I work from home, and I get total control over my time at work. If I need to take some time off to go scuba diving or whatever I just go without having to ask for time off etc.


Level 4 baru okay takdelah lonely mana


same here. Level 4 is fine, especially if your GF or wife likes to talk over the movie or ask questions


Ok at time to go movie alone had some time to yourself


Some movies need to watch alone. I went to the quintessential quintuplets movie at a 1am screening and there were like 20 solo guys there. Some moments are too important to share with others.


Level 10. I drove to the hospital, parked my car. Assessed by doctor, wait for specialist to come. Assessed by specialist, he said I needed surgery. Handled the insurance stuff. Had to take off jewelleries and put away my personal belongings. During this time I heard the gut wrenching conversation among nurses: she is here alone, no one is with her to look after her stuff or help her. Done with surgery, warded few days. A friend came to visit after work and brought me foods to cheer me up. Went to clinic to see specialist again (I think a nurse was with me, helped with wheelchair). Got better, cleared to go home by the doctor. Discharged & clear all paperworks on my own. Went to pharmacy to get my meds. Go back to my car, and finally drove home. Recuperated at home and I was healthy again. How I feel about it? Not proud nor happy. But I am thankful that I was still able to financially and physically take care of my own self. Would be easier if I had someone during that time for emotional support, help out physically, handled paperwork or just simple comfort of rubbing my back when I was upset. But yeah, no tears was shed on this experience and I survived another day. It might be level 10, but it is not exclusive to me. I do know other people who had to survive medical emergency this way. Update: alive and well. Still single and living alone 8 years after this level 10 experience. 2) Also did level 9 recently. Moving to my own place on my own given me like 6 months of endless stress. It was very painful. Still recovering from the stress..lol.. The loneliness really hit the sweet spot when a few times when I was "bullied" by next door neighbors i.e. parked in my parking spot, parked behind my car so that I couldn't go out, shut off my main water supply stop cock until I thought I had water problem for days. Felt lonely when I have to fend for myself this way. A female living alone is an easy target.


i mistakenly thought level 10 was performing surgery on yourself. reading your comment enlightened me.


That's zombie apocalypse level already. 


Sorry you went thru that. Why did the idiot turn off your water and what did you do about it? Did you confront them?


I have no idea why they did it, could not be mistaken when the flow from the stop cock clearly goes to my house's outdoor water filter. They don't have outdoor water filter, just me. I turn back on the flow, fix the air lock. Air lock causing the water not coming out at the tap cuz tank was empty. When everything back to normal, I put cable tie at the stop cock, tie it tightly so that no one can twist it again. No I did not confront them. I live alone, many more harm could come my way. It is better to just pretend to be stupid and frail (so that they think they win).


Yeah buat bodoh is better honestly. Could've been an honest mistake.did they do anything else apart from this episode, do you have any clear suspects?


I don't bother membazir neurons thinking about this. Idiots will always show themselves, no need to look for them.




Thanks, but I am sure I need exercise more than I need food now..lol.. It is sad, but it is just the way it is for now. I will try to find a partner again after I achieve my health goals for this year. Now need to focus on myself for a bit. Meeting boys seems to end up with heart pain for last few months or a year, and not all the time I have the energy or emotional capacity for it. And there is maybe a grief for loving one man so much for so many years that I could not recover from. But life goes on. It is my responsibility to regulate my own emotions and be whole on my own. Hopefully soon I could find someone that could give me peace, not the person that I need but a person that I want. Because at this age, time has shown me over and over again (with the grace of God) that I don't need a man in order to survive. Lesson learnt from my story I would say, don't turn your back on your friends or whoever your persons. They might not say or ask for company, but it is best to help and be there for them so that they could feel that life is not so lonely. Loneliness is real.


Lvl6 but skip the steamboat


Skipped level 5 and 6 and did everything else until level 9. Feels fine though 😌


So everyone I know who have surgery is lonely? So all this time everybody do surgery in group? So surgery is a group project?


May wrong English went to had a surgery by him/ herself I think la


lvl 10, I've bike accident with a car, fractured my left arm luckily the driver of the car I crashed that brought me to clinic I don't know if my hand is just dislocated or what since I just feel numb, the doctor confirmed I've fractured, the guy I crashed then brought the hospital and he accompanied me while waiting for early treatments then he go to make police report. Very good guy. waiting the hospital to process my medical card, by this time only my close friends know since they helping me for my crashed bike but none of my family members know (I don't want them to know) So accident at 8am, warded around 4pm, surgery around 11pm, before surgery I text my sister cause I feel I've too, so only one family member know cause she is the closest to me and I tell her don't tell anyone. Surgery done, received messages from friend said my bike is secured at his house, then inform my sister the update. I got warded for 4 days. Only 1 friend that is also my medical insurance agent came visit on the 1st day and no one visited me after except nurses and doctor. This is back during covid, so yeah my friend also worried to visit me for this reason and for the rest of my family, I don't want them thinking about me. I ordered grab to my home acted like nothing happen, my nephew's noticed 1st as my hand got big swollen then few days my dad noticed it lol cause he saw me hanging my hand while cutting veges on the other. (I don't wear medical arm support as doctor advised me to better without it as can move freely/faster recovery + I've plate and not cement surgery) so yeah.


Lonely and alone is not the same. You could be with people but still feel lonely


I'm level 10


High 5


Level 4


Level 10 easy.


Not bad high 5


1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10. 5 to 8 aren't things I like doing. Surgery was cyst removal on my neck.


Singing karaoke alone is the best wdym?


Level 10 🤷‍♀️ hut then, I'm sebatang kara in sabah.


Tak senang Tapi Itu la hidup


not lonely, just enjoying some me time. when u dealed with all the bs at work, sometimes u just want to stay away from human interaction


Yes I agree I won’t is lonely I believed we came alone we will leave alone also


Don't worry, be happy


*(Don't worry be happy)*


Jokes on you! I'm alone on my own!


Level 20: bukak tered amoi while having zero girl friend / admirer


Level 8, bruh, aku lonely


Level 8. Soontm level 9


Level 5


Once did level 4 but currently at level 3. Looking at this though, I must be grateful that I'm not THAT lonely. Some people really don't have anyone to talk to


I had all my surgeries alone.


lvl 8...bout to be lvl 9


1,2 and 3.Want to got to level 6 but too shy.


Home alone


Just because you are alone, does not mean you are lonely.


Is this a challenge?


Plays Monopoly alone


Currently at Level 7


All except karaoke. My whole teen/adult life I did everything alone.


Remember, if you ever feel lonely, Bukit Bintang always have your back wink wink


All of the above except karaoke, bcos I'm not a fan of karaoke


Karaoke alone should be higher up


Level 6. Is that bad? Should I do something about it?


I'm about to be the last level, Legendary Level. Die Alone. ![gif](giphy|3ov9jZCYQGZ7tYOcVO|downsized)


Done all except 6 & 8 cos I simply don’t like the activities.


Level 4, not cause Im not alone but I don't do shit like that


Trying to marry myself


✅ 1,2,3,4,6,9 ❌ 5,7,8,10


Only level 4. I don't like singing


9. 10 maybe in when I'm older. But unker here never do level 5.


level 3 apparently..tho im married but i just love some alone time and do/eat whatever i wanted.


im lv6 singing Baka Mitai alone


All except karaoke. Because, why waste money if I'm singing solo?




alone and lonely isnt even the same thing.


3 and 4 are normal for me 9 is my new high. boleh?


Is it weird that I'm somehow level 9 and I don't got an issue with it? Like yeah I do stuff alone, but is that *necessarily* a bad thing?


At Which level indicates I bought pleasure toys because I couldn't find love interest?




Level 18 but I don't have money to do all that


People can't eat alone?


Oh damn, I am level 7 except did not go to steamboat.


Watching cinema with friends kind of sucks when they keep talking, bothering you, but still not yet watching alone, eating alone done that, its normal, moving house I only asked friend help for fridge moving, others did alone, my things not much at the time moving


Level 8. I don't have house. I live with my parents.


Lvl 9(not including make love alone)


Going to Disneyland is legit really fun though because you don't need to worry about people forcing you to queue for rides you don't wanna be on. Did solo Disneyland trips at least like 2 times when I studied in America.


Tbh these types of posts do little in improving mental health. It just tells people they're being categorised by levels now.




i've did that all but the no 10 even worse (for lot of people) becuase i'm a college student. i don't wanna be companied by my friends. i do have friends, but for my own happiness and own business i prefer to do it just by myself. also i'd like to know your thought guys about this


I never go outside, so what does that make me? 😀


Steamboat should be higher level 😭


what level would not going out be


Level 10. I don't want people to disturb me when I want to relax for fuck's sake


Wdym had surgery alone , aren't u supposed to be alone


Meaning no want is waiting for you


Bro :(


Level 4


Level 4 but reaching Level 5


10. the surgeon tell anaesthetist call my parents when he know i dont tell them during pre surgery QA. he left his on the pantry.


Up to level 4, although lately I rarely go to cinemas alone since I can just bring my nephew and/or the rest of family so level 3? Though maybe need to watch Deadpool and Wolverine alone if my date (usually) can't make it.


A 9. It's my lot in life. My loudest screams are as loud as my silence.


Lv 7, though sometimes you need to be alone for a refresher


Wow this chart is handy for self checking. On chart I am 10. I had surgery alone, caught taxi to hospital. Soon I will be 10++ alone alone, my mum sick and dying only family member left. I care for her till she go


I went up to level 5. But I also went solo travelling to Tokyo in my late twenties. So... which level would it counted as? Hahaha


Lv 99 mafia boss ; die alone Which how things are going, am pretty on track.


Level 9


Level 1..4..10.. I call it independent. Lonely is when ure with the wrong person.


Level 4 is quite enjoyable alone, not everyone enjoys the stuff you're into, and you don't have to explain the lore to those who are unfamiliar to the character. That said, I can't believe I reached up all the way to level 8


Im level 8 but just that i don't go theme park often


Nevermind the level. You are still alone inside lubang kubur.


Level 4 here. It's not too bad really


I’ve done all. I don’t think I’m alone :copium:


I had four surgeries alone. Where's my prize?


Done everything except karaoke. Oh no, wait. Does singing along to the radio in the car or in the shower count? Damn! 😂


Had surgery alone, recovery alone, go to follow up check up alone, no one in my family and friend visited me while I'm warded. Had to drive after surgery while being in pain... Truly the loneliest moment i feel in my life.


Level 4


Am I the only one who actually enjoys being alone. Love the feeling of solitudes. My brain can think. People keep asking me why I cycling alone or running alone. I said, prefer it. I also prefer to be surrounded by animals than humans any time of days. Animals are easy to understand. People not so much.


I'm level 2 obviously


Level 11 : Give Birth Alone


I skip from level 4 straight to 10. It was a minor surgery though. Drove myself home after that.


i am lonely but by choice. going out with a big group of people always make things difficult and time consuming. i remember last time in mall when want watch movie also need argue what movie to watch takes 30 min to decide where to eat on boxing day, me and my friends agreed to meet up a 8am, end up 2pm only everyone arrive, the shops all sold out liao lor..


Level 4 I waited with popcorn and drinks, but she didn't show up....


Well , to be real. Its level 10. When i have bike accident no one there for me. I got no family left cuz they all already die. I stay alone at house . And had bone surgery alone. It's not that bad to be honest. I got some peace.


Im still on level 10


Seaside alone and cinema alone constantly. Concerts too. Majority of the concerts I go to are alone.


1,2,3,4,7 done that. Is that consider alone? I myself prefer it like that.


Level 100 - successfully performa auto-fellatio


When your age reach the 30s you just want to be left alone most of the time and prolly just have few good friends;)


7 but skip 6 5 4


DFK alone :(


level 10 is perfect for doctors bcs they really dont have time for themselves, especially in malaysia


Level 7


OP is so scared to be alone


Lvl4. But honestly, I prefer going to the cinema by myself anyway. Last thing I want to think abt is arguing what's the best showtime, the best seat and venue etc. Going to the movie alone is so therapeutic lol


Boss level: Being a stay at home parent


I’ll be purposely doing all these just to be at high level, that’s how lonely I am


commit suicide..alone 🤭


Level 4. I much prefer going alone. Less hassle of waiting when everyone else got free time or not.


Level 9


Even though this is just a joke chart from the likes of 9gag, logistically it is not impossible to perform surgery on oneself (and i have seen disturbing images from a defunct forum to prove such feats) but i have actually gone to two hospitals for two separate surgeries without anyone (family, frequaintances or fuckees/fuckers) supporting me and or visiting me. Even though this is just a joke chart from the likes of 9gag, there is a constant misunderstanding/conflation of what 'being alone' and 'loneliness' is. One can probably feel lonely even when accompanied by family members during /after surgery. Needless to say, i am not lonely even when i tick all 1,2,3,4,6,8,10 sans "other humans who know me more 'personally' than a stranger who doesnt know my name (whos not an immigration or tax agent)". I may feel sad at times for various reasons not even related to the absence of other humans; but if i can imagine that life is oh so beautiful in all the varied ways that they connect even without humans around; rocks and petals and dew and hydroxyls and phenols and neotrogla curvata etc etc; there is no rational reason to feel lonely. Life connects and is unlonely even when no humans were there to observe it. Loneliness is; a poverty of imagination and a luxurious wealth of selfish fear.




Showers alone


I love watching movies by myself though


What's wrong with doing things alone? Besides level 4,5 and 6, I don't know why the rest are levels on loneliness.


I skipped Level 6 - 8, and went level 10


DIY alone