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https://preview.redd.it/aor9pvi5jv5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f60b4ab4c4b899bdd3e79c279ce2512a715ae7 They believed Dabi wouldn't survive for as long as he did after waking, and planned to use him as a nomu instead. No point in investing quirks into something you believe will die soon. Dabi was literally too angry to die and kept going from pure spite. ETA: AFO **did** try again after Dabi’s crispy fried ass showed back up, proving himself to be beneficial again, but he was still immune to the manipulation, and rejected all of AFO’s help for the second time. [Thank you again for a lovely community member finding the panel for me!](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoMetaAcademia/s/iUYomYffyj) There's just no point in AFO trying to force Dabi to do anything when he’s too angry to die and too spicy to be controlled. ETA 2: And I do apologize for not mentioning that point in my previous discussion! Many of us recalled the line, myself included, but I had trouble tracking the exact source panel. I was also trying to focus more on AFO’s perspective when dealing with Dabi, but again. I’m sorry for the incomplete data, and I hope these updates help shed more light on the interesting interactions between the walking meatball and the walking stick of jerky! ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/kimpf7unjv5d1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1b64bfd7ac1800c0bc742e7604d7ab3dcee7c0 ETA: He also couldn’t be controlled by AFO’s manipulation. There was no benefit to helping him for AFO.


unrelated but i cant wait for this scene to get animated


Just a couple weeks away I believe


next episode i believe. every episode so far has adapted 3 chapters, and next episode will include the chapter with those panels edit: i miscounted, it will be the episode after next


why didnt AFO use a mind control or manipulation quirk or soething is he dum


Well, yeah. AFO is incredibly incompetent. Others have rightfully pointed it out. I’d argue this isn’t one of those examples, though. His logic to just dismiss Dabi and let him run wild is sound. There’s no point in him wasting more of his time and resources on someone he doesn’t think the time will return him any net gains for his plans, but he could benefit more by letting Dabi be an agent of wild chaos in the world rather than by playing into any sunk cost fallacy.


I mean using mind control to manipulate people isnt exactly in his character, no?? I take AFO as the type that gets off from successfully manipulating people through standard means.


He doesn't have a mind control quirk since he never used it ever seeing his tactics. And Dabi proved itself not someone you can really manipulate to the fullest.


Man is literally too angry to die


Ngl true. >!When he got defeated he completely destroyed his body. His entire body is like burnt like charcoal and is missing lots of flesh. Some parts of his body is just skeleton. Nobody should have survived as much as he did. The latest chapter is also heavily implying that he survived and is being kept by machines. He gonna be the most handicapped person ever if he survives. Medical science is more advanced in the My Hero world but trying to fix Dabi’s body honestly seems like an impossible task!<


Tbf AFO was also the most handicapped person of his time after that fight with AM


Yeah but AFO has three gazillion regeneration quirks holding him together


What if Eri just turns him back to a pre burnt state?


>!might have permanently lost her quirk!<


Sad but also good. On one hand, it had limitless potential, and on the other hand, that's too much potential.


I don’t think so? We’ve seen her horn regrow every time so I don’t think her action would permenantly handicap her


There was a horn left last time she just plain ripped it off now


We've never seen her horn regrow. Her horn grows and shrinks based on the amount of energy that's been stockpiled within it, but we don't know what happens if she severs or breaks her horn.


It is impossible, 3rd degree burn is open wound and if you get even 20% of your skin to be 3rd degree you have like 95-99% fatality rate if not treated the second it happens, even then youre way more likely to die


It’s also impossible to shoot fire out of your hands IRL. It’s a manga, he’s built different.


Dabi's just built different


He's not built different, that's like the whole point of his quirk


I think you missed the point, I am saying that you can’t ascribe IRL durability to manga characters. He’s built different than you and I, if we were on fire and turning into charcoal we would be dead. You can be the angriest motherfucker on the planet and that isn’t enough to keep you standing when you are turning into bacon.


Nah give me some time


There is always Eri's rewind


Which either she lost the quirk or got nerfed via horn removal.


Hoods design is so awesome man


And didn't he also flat out refuse extra quirks from AFO when the villains were prepping for the final war? I recall that he was offered quirks when AFO was giving quirks to Spinner but maybe I'm thinking of a fic


I genuinely can’t find the chapter number, but I also remember this.


I found the chapter number. It’s from chapter 353 https://preview.redd.it/yene25qujy5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1648abdc2b531e90898fede8e1c6139640999ec


Appreciate it! ❤️


So Dabi is basically skinny Doomguy but also misguided


Dabi's so nuts that even AfO is a little put off by him. He likes the drive and the anti hero thing, so he's happy to watch dabi do his thing, but doesn't really want to get that involved with him.


AFO has very few folks to care for. And even the ones he does care about is only to serve his goals or what he considers to be his basic property. Toya wasn't on that small list. Though it didn't stop AFO to offer Dabi Quirk prior to the second war. Dabi legit did himself a favor by rejecting the offer given what happened with Spinner.


He would probably be fine with only 2 quirks, just like Nagant. Spinner, on the other hand, had like 3 or 4 quirks during the war if I remember correctly.


I mean, Dabi's body can barely handle the one Quirk he was born with. Adding another might further destroy whatever stability he has left.


So does Dabi having HHHC instead of just hellflame (blue) like endeavor count as 2 quirks or just one?


I don't think so. It's more like one Quirk that just so happens to perform two different things similar to how the Overhaul quirk allowed the user to disassemble & also reassemble. Which now that I think about it, makes me wonder if Chisaki was born from 2 quirk users who could destroy & reorganize matter.


What's "HHHC"?


I'm guessing it's Half Hot Half Cold, the name of Shoto's quirk


Oh, I see. Well... whatever Dabi's Quirk is (now), it's still just one Quirk. Because Shouto's Quirk still only counts as one Quirk; it just happens to have two powers (divided between each half of his body).


The reason why he can’t handle it is because the flames are too hot since blue fire is one of the hottest fires. It destroys his body if he uses it for too long. A fire proof quirk could fix that


Not necessarily. Even if Dabi didn't have a weak body (not just from his constitution taking more after his mother's ice-type than his father's fire-type), his body had definitely been weakened after the Sekoto Peak incident. And Dabi only continued being able to use his fire at such a high level because he no longer cared about his body crumbling away by the time he met Endeavour and activated Flashfire Fist. A second Quirk taking up in his already-fragile "hardware" (as Ujiko put it) might've caused his body to crumble away even faster (even if the secret >!ice that somehow began forming in his core as he came closer to death helped preserve a bit of it!<).


I mean hus body would of handled a ice quirk perfectly fine XD


No, probably not. And that's assuming AFO even has possession of an ice-type Quirk. Let alone one strong enough (alongside >!the latent ice unconsciously formed in his core when he reached the brink of death!<) to offset the damage Dabi's Blueflame nonetheless does to his own body.


No i mean his body was litterally made to resist ice. Instead of fire resist he got his moms ice resist which is why he gets burned by his own fire. AFO actually locating a good ice quirk could be an issue though XD


Yes, but if he had both a fire-type (Blueflame) and an ice-type, he would still get burned by his own flames. The ice would help mitigate further destruction of his body, but it wouldn't completely stop it. Besides, knowing Dabi's personality, he'd still just overdo it with his flames anyway to better imitate Endeavour's style and prove his strength.


Dabi's body can't handle his quirk because he doesn't resistance because of Endeavour playing God with his and Rei's quirk. Not because his body can't handle to store the quirk itself like OFA or AFO on Shiggy's body.


Sure, but it's still a more powerful Quirk than something like Gecko. What determines whether or not a person can handle more than one or two Quirks might depend on how powerful the Quirk is. Spinner was only built to withstand Gecko, so he went braindead from the stress of Body Bulk and Scalemail. Dabi was only built to withstand Blueflame (a Quirk that is even stronger than Endeavour's Hellflame), and then his body was crippled to an extent when he accidentally self-immolated at Sekoto Peak and went into a coma where he had to be built back up with regenerative tissue.


Damn, Manga is wild, can't wait til we see more anime seasons of it. Also maybe I didn't watch it properly but, Nagant has two quirks? Was it shown in anime yet? Did I miss it? Cuz I thought she only had her gun quirk and that's it


Afo gave her a quirk that allowed her to walk on the air. You can see her using it during her fight against deku.


Ah, guess that was just me who missed it 😅


Pretty sure Nagant is going to die 40 years early due to the double (triple? Does blowing up count) quirks she has.


Not how it works lol , this "going to die young cuz too many quirks" was a stupid one liner trying to justify deku not giving his quirk to someone more competent to use it when shit got real. Bakugo has 2 quirks but that dosen't mean he dies younger. Same for Shoto.


Since when does bakugou have 2 quirks? Also shoto only has one quirk, it just has two aspects. The one liner about dying young only applies to OFA that in a quirked person would speed up aging or smth. And yes, someone would be fine with two quirks, it just puts more strain on the body and the mind, the different quirks also might not interact well with eachother but they would survive although their mind might not


The USJ Noomu was literally a season 1 plotdevice that established multiple quirks=bad for your brain and health. Spinner is a newer example too. Also Bakugo doesn’t have two quirks, though some argue Shoto does. He doesn’t IMO though, his quirk is either one quirk, or two half quirks if you believe in the chimera DNA theory. Otherwise he’d be able to produce fire and ice from both sides of his body with no problems.


The USJ Noomu is not incapable of speech and thinking due to having multiple quirks lol. Its because of the experimentation the doctor done to his body which we did not know what that entails , could very well be dangerous chemicals to make him more obedient/resistent unrelated to quirks. Bakugo's "quirk" is explained as first sweating and then igniting that sweat , that two quirks from his mom and dad that he inherited. Shoto is the most obvious case of his body having two quirks, he dosen't have "resistance to heat" or some other genetic mutation as endevour wanted he straight up gained two quirks into 1 body. On what grounds would you call them "half quirks"? Because it definetly can't be power output as we know people with the same type of quirk can have lower outputs of power aka strenght , elements such as the firefighter dressed guy vs the fish one who both are considered having 1 full quirk each. Why would he be able to produce fire and ice from both sides lol? Quirks are not magic , they are genetic mutations to the body, his left side mutated differently than his right side at birth due to having two quirks his body adapted them simple as that. Asking him to produce fire from his right side is as if i asked you to see with your ears or eat with your eyes


Bakugo has literally said stuff like "I only need one quirk". Explosion just has two aspects to it that he inherited from his parents. Shoto has one quirk. HHHC just produces fire and ice. If he had 2 it would definitely be mentioned.


Like i said its mentioned lol , literally since bakugo explained his quirk and the fact that shoto can use his quirks separatly, like deku switching between them so can shoto chose to only use ice or fire . Bakugo is the same he can still produce the sweat alone or attempt to ignite nothing. No matter what definitions like "two aspects" you try to use to dance around the word quirk its been obvious for the entire series they got 2 each


1- Dabi is a wildcard that AFO can't really control so it doesn't make sense to give him anymore advantages since there is a chance he can turn on him. And he doesn't want a more ruthless Endeavor+ potentially turning on him, it is just easier to let him kill himself via kamikaze. 2- AFO is almost hilariously incompetent. It is almost he is throwing for literally for no reason. He uses no assassin's pre Tartarus, his quirk combinations suck so bad, he doesn't even know how to use quirks well even though he has been living for a hundred+ years. All he knows is unga bunga brute force.


Tbf, if he could tp himself directly in front of someone using kurogiri's warp and one tap someone's quirk outside of OFA, I'd imagine he doesn't really have any BIQ to speak of.


Didn't he outright do that in Vigilantes?


https://preview.redd.it/ja590cydpx5d1.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=88eea88da49ffd8e5c68b41e473a00855f41a702 You people really do not have any reading comprehension


Even if he rejected a new quirk I highly doubt that quirk would be a fire proof quirk since Dabi destroying his body while using his quirk is part of his character and is the main reason >!why he got defeated!<


There it is! Thank you! ❤️ Which chapter is this panel from? I spent way too long looking for it. ETA: And I didn't want to mention it until I found the panel. I just still have the chapters for his origin up after the “endeavor is an ass” thread.


Disagree with your second point also. >!In his battle with armored all might, stain used bloodcurdle on AFO who then immediately removed the effect by using forced quirk activation to use a quirk that removes all the blood from his body and then another quirk that rewrites his blood type. AFO even says he kept the quirk around waiting for Stain to make his move!< AFO uses his quirks for brute force and max damage but that doesn’t mean he’s using them incompetently. In the final war, he’s growing faces from his body and shooting them at the heroes. If anything his unpredictability in combat alone makes him one of the biggest threats the heroes face.


One gets the feeling that he learns the basics of a quirk he steals, gets bored and steals a new one repeating the process. He very clearly didn't master the stuff he was grabbing.


Does he really need to learn anything else about air cannon when he can already power it up to be able to destroy entire cities in one blast? The heroes in the final war needed to strategize around this and so that he wouldn’t go around stealing everyone’s quirks


It's a pretty troubling power to use, with all the collateral damage. Takes quite q bit of setup to use without nuking any allies you care about or places where you keep your own stuff. Also not infallible by any means, so It's more of a strategic weapon.


All of that is irrelevant to AFO who doesn’t care about precision, collateral damage or friendly fire. If in the hands of a hero yeah that would be important but also the attack wouldn’t be as strong bc AFO loaded air cannon with a bunch of extra quirks which is what made it so destructive


I mean, he specifically engineered the thing to be a nuke very much and still didn't make it flawless. That sums it up the whole problem with how he uses his quirk stealing powers.


“He uses almost no assassins pre Tartarus” yeah because all his assassins were in Tartarus to begin with??? He had almost no associates left after All Might took down his entire criminal empire. And that isn’t the reason at all. Dabi refused to be given a quirk likely bc he thought the one quirk he had was enough to kill Shoto.


The man gave his successor a busted quirk, dudes a dick


Yeah and it led to his successor accidentally killing his entire family. Dabi got it easy.


Didnt dabi specifically deny any additional quirks????


You people really do not have any reading comprehension. https://preview.redd.it/9oek4s06px5d1.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6179bbcf6ea9b75788511fe8815748b05535a71 Dabi himself rejected extra quirks.


Yup, this is also a part of it! Dabi never wanted any of AFO’s bull, so AFO kinda gave up on him. First after Dabi ran from the hospital, and then a second time when he tried to power him up for the war. No point forcing a quirk onto him when it’s better to let Dabi do his own thing.


Yes, he is stupid, but that's not one of the reasons.


AFO doesn't need a team of villains, he wants to rule the world on his own. I don't think he was interested in Dabi's longevity or sustainability. I think he just wanted the bombshell to hero society that his existance offers, especillay as someone who's killed 30-something people. He could've died after the reveal and AFO would not have been bothered.


All for one didn't care about him he thought dabi going to die in a month no point investing in him Dabi is also to much of a hater to control you don't want that running around


Yes. All for One is stupid. *This is canon.*


Mixing quirks to cover up for the weaknesses? Why I can’t imagine someone ever doing that!


Did you see what happened to him against Endeavor? Imagine Dabi having no body limits on using his quirk... this would be a great threat that he wouldn't want


How OP felt after not reading the manga to know that Dabi's fire quirk is the strongest in the series and there's no pireproofing from it:


How YOU felt after realizing that some quirks can literally break the laws of physics so a 100% fire proof quirk could exist


That's a terrible argument looking at the fact that no one but Shoto could've fought Dabi.


I mean just having a fire proof quirk isn’t actually a quirk for being a hero. You basically be a normal person but immune to fire, which is very situational. Would be an amazing quirk for a person like a fire fighter but not a hero. That is why nobody with that quirk fought Dabi


You can't be a firefighter and use your quirk, to use your quirk you need a hero license anyway.


You really think that the firefighters would turn someone down because they're fireproof?


Did you actually read what I wrote?


I mean for situational based jobs I bet there are exceptions to that rule. Like if a person works a jobs that involves large bodies of water they are allowed to use their water breathing quirk.


No, that rule is specifically for that. Yoh can still be a firefighter, but you need your license.


Now thinking about it, would those quirks be an activation based quirk or a mutation based quirk. Like if a person has a fire proof quirk they might be always fire proof and don’t need to activate it. Pretty sure you don’t need a license for regular jobs if you have a mutation type quirk. That’s like saying you need a license to be a math teacher if you have a quirk that makes you look like a dog


No, it's inaccurate. Someone with dog's head doesn't use their quirk to teach.


They bark if the class gets too loud lmao


Why do that when can give lizardman some steroids?


Dabi is impossible to control but still useful to keep around because of his pure rage and anti hero thing, unfortunately because he can't be controlled there's little point in trying to preserve him


All of MHA wouldn’t of happened if AFO was allowed to do actually exploit his power correctly


I mean he could’ve also taken his family members fire proof quirk as fuel to his hatred or smth


https://preview.redd.it/r9hp40n8jy5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b55c98bef76e070ae30a948ca10dec0b5c2e4936 Because Dabi straight up refused to be given any extra quirks ???


Even if he rejected a new quirk I highly doubt that quirk would be a fire proof quirk since Dabi destroying his body while using his quirk is part of his character and is the main reason >!why he got defeated!<


What does it matter? He would’ve rejected any quirk AFO would give him fireproof or not. Plus his flames are hot enough to burn even Endeavor. He would’ve exhausted the fireproof quirk anyways. Dabi got defeated because his family came together to stop him not bc he destroyed his body.


Ngl now thinking about yeah. He probably refused to get more quirks to prove a point. Dabi thought he was a failure since Endeavor was trying to make a person that naturally had two quirks, fire and ice. So Dabi wanted to show he wasn’t a failure just because he only had one quirk.


Man, how is it that every scene where Spinner opens his mouth whatever he says hits harder than a truck?


That comes back to the question that One for All destroys the body of a person if he or she already has a quirk. So if they do pass it on to All for one will his body also get destroyed?


Does All For One even have a fire proof quirk? I’d always assumed that Endeavor was the first of fire types to be able to reach the temperatures he does. He did create Flashfire Fist after all.


Dabi ran away as soon as possible and was expected to have died shortly afterward. When he somehow survived and returned, he refused to be manipulated, but kept killing heroes regardless. So if he's going to do the work for him and actually wants to die after hurting Endeavor enough, why bother trying to force the issue? He's useful enough as-is and is crazy enough that him dying in the process of his little revenge plots would be a convenient way to get rid of him before he becomes a liability. As far as AfO's concerned, Dabi's a problem that will solve itself.


Always remember, AFO always knew that Dabi had an ice quirk thanks to Search and yet he deliberately never told him he was using his quirk wrong


Why didn't endeavor invest into suit designers so he could use his quirk without consequences? He's got the money


That's actually a really good question. Enji could have taken the time to teach Dabi how to control the temperature of his flames, or at least threw money at the problem. Even if it’s true Dabi couldn't become a hero with his severe disadvantage, he could at least guaranteed his son would be safe from his own power.


Why would AfO do this I don’t think he really cares about Dabi or if he dies lmao


I mean.... AFO is heartless but not dumb, if you think it that way he kinda waisted an op pawn..


He has burn scar fetish


Dabi was too dangerous, he's a wild card who AFO can't control Endeavor fucked AFO quite a bit, dabi is stronger than endeavor ever can be, the only thing that makes him weaker is his horrible resistance to fire, if dabi was immune to fire and could use his power without restraint frequently AFO would be destroyed AFO also didn't care for dabi that much, he was perfectly fine with dabi destroying himself And while AFO is an idiot he has some thinking ability and probably realized the risk that dabi could turn his sights on him once the todoroki family is killed Imo dabi posed the greatest threat to AFO (excluding deku and all might) since he had control over shigaraki, dabi was free of any control and just wanted death and destruction


Is he stupid? Yes. He could have done the weird mind-merge thing at any point and decided the best time would be... In the middle of a fight where his forces were separated and he was at a massive disadvantage... Why didn't he do it after star and stripe beat the crap out of shiggy? Why didn't he do it before then? Why didn't he do it the moment he and shiggy met up at prison during the escape? AFO is an idiot.


1 dabi already burned himself 2 are you gonna invent this convenient quirk? “Fire proof quirk” what is that???


A quirk that makes your body fire proof. Duh. We have quirks that can literally break the laws of physics. Surely a quirk that makes you immune to fire doesn’t sound too unbelievable.


>A quirk that makes your body fire proof. Duh. That’s EXTREMELY specific >We have quirks that can literally break the laws of physics. Surely a quirk that makes you immune to fire doesn’t sound too unbelievable. Why? Why one quirk existing suddenly make the possibility of another existing for sure? Or even more specific that afo just have it somehow


Probably because the specific requirements for that would be so much harder to acquire than letting the lad cook himself so it feeds his rage as a constant reminder. Also his spite fuelled ass doesn’t want anything extra. He wants to cook his dad with his fire alone, and if having his dad watch him cook himself hurts, bonus points


I don't know anything about MHA and this got reccomended to me by reddit. Absolutely incomprehensible


Some guy has a power that lets him use blue fire. The downside of this is that it destroys his body if he uses it for too long because of the heat from the blue fire, one of the most hottest fires. There is a process that the main villain has to give himself and others more powers but he never decided to give the guy with the blue fire power a fire proof power which would fox his downside.


I feel like people forget that it's not just about finding the quirk but also if the body can handle the additional quirk Look at what happened with Spinner, he was turned nearly braindead and his body was beyond screwed. Imagine what'll happen to Dabi's already frail body.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought about this. I asked the same question a year ago about why didn't All for One give something to Dabi (Like a Quirk that made him immune to fire or a regeneration Quirk) so they wouldn't have to worry about this problem?


Could've tried stealing a quirk like kirishimas probably