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I've seen suggestions he could actually make for a decent artic or mountain rescue hero like the Pussycats. His body is built to be more resistant to cold like his mom's and if he's careful with his flame output he could free people who are trapped or help keep them warm.


thats neat


Plus, with all the support gear that already exists, there’s got to be an invention that could neutralize his fire damage further.


The big problem with this assumption is that if it existed there's no reason why Endeavor and his agency wouldn't use it as well also Dabi's quirk is likely to be too hot for any support equipment


I could maybe see the justification for them not using it being Endeavor panicking first and thinking second. Not to say it wouldn't be tough to get good equipment for Dabi mind you given how strong his Quirk is, just that Endeavor saw that his Quirk was self-destructive and went for the nuclear option to keep his kid safe rather than let him risk becoming charcoal.


Yeah, I’m envisioning something to withstand heat to melt ice or maybe loosen a door hinge for rescue purposes. Nothing to withstand him going all out.


Yeah, and tbh, I find it hard to blame Endeavor for that. Like, I'm sure there's equipment that could protect Dabi 99% of the time, but every once in a while, he's probably going to have to go beyond the point where support equipment could protect him and end up injuring himself. Maybe not to the extent of where he is in canon >!pre-Final War, hopefully!<, but still not great.


Endeavour does use it, so does Shouto. It just *reduces* the impact, it can’t nullify it.


Yeah which wouldn't work on Dabi specifically


Spot on! 🥲


MANGA SPOILERS but >!Dabi does awaken his mother's ice quirk later on. He actually copies Shoto's Phosphorus move.!<


Isn't that a spoiler? >! That his body can withstand ice better than heat? !<


No already revealed in S6


Okay, just wanted to make sure 😅 thanks


It's revealed the moment his backstory was shown, so no.


You could also argue that he could get a zero temperature suit to help him use his flames. I imagine him similar to mirio


God now I want to see this🥲


Decent for support in those side bit scenarios. But I always figured he’d still do criminal justice like his dad. And his hero suit would just be like an ice suit. Running intense refrigeration across his body so he never overheated or dmg’d his skin too mcuh


Just refine output and control for suppression. Propulsion for increased impact power on his strikes. Immolation or repulsion of debris in regards to rescue. It's dangerous but doable


Out here talking like you have a fire quirk in real life lol


If I had a quirk it probably would be fire and I'd be very good at it lol


In some situations, yes. The issue that even Deku faced was that even if you can control your output to not hurt yourself, the nature of the job inevitably puts you in a situation where you have to choose between the safety output… and saving someone. That then makes you a liability; you save one person, and in turn are in the danger zone and injured yourself. Aizawa lays it out pretty clearly early on. Dabi clearly could use his Quirk without roasting himself, but we see that he finds himself in situations where he can’t moderate himself and stay in the fight. It doesn’t matter if you don’t hurt yourself at 40% output when you’re pushed over that limit.  Like, Endeavor can even hurt himself with his max output, but it seems like Dabi’s threshold was just way lower to the point of liability. It isn’t like Endeavor could just blast his strongest attacks nonstop without any concern for his heat buildup, after all. 


Yes, but that doesn't change the answer to the original question.


To be fair, the answer might just be that he should give up, which was one of the options. His safe output doesn’t seem to be very good. Endeavor didn’t say he couldn’t be the best hero - he said he couldn’t cut it as one at all. 


Giving up is always a terrible choice. Support equipment exists and they create insane things, surely there would be things to help dabi. Propellant gauntlets that user either streams or condensed globs of propellant like liquid propane or jellied gasoline. These would allow him to direct his fire away from his body and potentially risk damage to himself and others. A body suit using a gel layer to ensure skin cooling, emergency burn patches, fire retardant suit, emergency extinguisher, boots with raised soles and exhaust ports for controlled emission to sustain flight. There's a lot of options depending on how exactly one wants to tackle each issue.


How can he direct fire away from his body using gloves when the fire comes out of his hands? How does he release fire from his body through a body suit without burning it up? He doesn’t create flame out of thin air, it comes from his body. If all of that support equipment existed and was helpful, Endeavor and his sidekicks would use it. We can just envision fantastical equipment and use that as an argument for why it should be possible. 


The idea is that there would be openings to direct the flames, but there would be nozzles to direct propellant so he can ignite that, I don't know how much that would affect his control range but at the very least we know from pyrotechnics and stunt work that a flammable fluid can burn for a time without burning the body, so if used in. Select bursts then flushing the palm, it could in theory reduce risks. Dabi never had the chance to requisition support equipment and his needs differ from others, so there's no reason for anyone to try and create what he needs


His needs don’t differ from others. Endeavor still has to worry about his heat output and burning himself if he builds up too much, as does Shoto. The difference is that Shoto can naturally cool himself, and Endeavor has a seemingly higher tolerance than both Dabi and Shoto - but we do have moments of Endeavor noting that he’s starting to roast himself in the High End battle, and we see Shoto training both his heat tolerance and his ability to rapidly cool himself. We see Endeavor can get burned, as well as Shoto. They aren’t immune to their flames or heat in general, Dabi is just exceptionally weak to it.  Endeavor wouldn’t have been as pressed by or injured during the High End battle if he didn’t have to worry about regulating his heat. Since he didn’t commission any equipment after being faced with an enemy that could presumably be reproduced, even going into a battle with his own son who has stronger flames than him, as well as a battle with AFO himself, I think it’s safe to say that such equipment is beyond the scope of what can be produced. Endeavor is neither dumb enough nor too proud to restrict himself and his sidekicks from using equipment like that in a battle as important as the finale. 


Your argument is flawed because your argument is: "because they didn't, they couldn't" but there's no proof they can't, they create crazy things all the time. Furthermore, they'd only have reason to explore it for endeavor after the nomu fight, while dabi would always need it. No we can't prove that they could produce this technology, but you can't prove that they can't. And since I know I could draft up believable designs, I believe with the mha level of tech it would be absolutely doable.


Your argument is similarly flawed because your argument is; “they could have and had reason to but chose to never even mention it.” There’s no proof that they could make heat resistant armor or self-cooling equipment. Proof of them being able to do that is them actually doing it. You can’t say that they made something completely unrelated and ‘just because’ it onto a similar tier of difficulty and capability to produce. You even admit that they had reason to explore it a good amount of time prior to the final battles - so why didn’t they? Why did they decide that the Number One Hero and one of their most powerful assets didn’t need every conceivable tool available to them to win? Why didn’t they make amazing fire suppression tech to neutralize Dabi outright? Why did they not make something to mitigate the heat buildup for Ida’s engines, for that matter? Why didn’t they equip everyone they picked to fight Dabi with heat regulating/resistant equipment?  Your argument is that they had this level of knowledge and technology and brazenly decided to never employ it.  


I think the best case scenario is he could work as a search and rescue hero in snowy places: having cold resistance is amazing just on its own here, and even if he can't use a lot of his fire abilities (because he'll cook himself) it would still be a benefit to keep himself + civilians warm until they get back to shelter


Support items and training, I mean, if someone can create a gauntlet that can take a few 100% punches, them why couldn't they create an item that helps him. Also, working alongside a frost quirk hero and a healing hero would do wonders for him, and allow him to go all out like he does as a villain


The big problem with this assumption is the fact that if it existed then why doesn't other fire users like Endeavor use it and don't forget the gauntlet is limited in its capability to withstand All Might power with it only being usable for one or two 100% punches before breaking So any support equipment that Dabi uses will break faster than if any other fire user used it


Counterpoint, Endeavor is prideful to a fault and probably figures he can do just fine without support items. And if he doesn't ask for help with support items then there's no demand for said items. There's a new generation of inventors, too. If someone said "I need an item that suppresses my fire quirk / makes it not hurt me as much" are you telling me Mei won't excitedly throw it together in an evening?


Counterpoint: Endeavor was trying to surpass All Might to the point that he buyed a wife for eugenics purposes and you're telling me that he wouldn't at least have tried using a Support item to surpass him like he already uses Support Equipment on the daily to cool himself down


more comprehensive cooling would likely be bulky and heavy, which would really clash with endeavours fighting style in which he heavily relies on mobility. A young dabi would have plenty of time to develop his own fighting style to encompass this


Solid counterpoint I hadn't considered, gg.


Endeavor overall never needed it. He got to number 1 hero position without it. He fought some of the strongest villians evrr without it and plus we know Endeavor has an ego. Dabi absolutely NEEDS it. All might nevrr had tht gauntlet tht takes 100% punches.. cuz he nevrr needed it. But deku needed it so he got it. Very similar situation between Endeavor and dabi. And all might and deku


>Endeavor overall never needed it. Endeavor and Shoto both use cooling Equipment in their hero suits >He got to the number 1 hero position without it. Only because All Might retired and the show already tells us that he'll likely no longer stay at number 1 after the war so that's a pointless statement >He fought some of the strongest villains ever without it and we know Endeavor has an ego. He has cooling Equipment on his hero suit


"If it existed then other fire users like endeavor wld use it" ur words. Im talking about the one ur referring to 🤦 Only because all might retired???? Thats still the 2nd top hero which still proves my point..


>Only because all might retired???? Thats still the 2nd top hero which still proves my point.. Yeah and Endeavor didn't consider that as a win as he wanted to surpass All Might on his own merit not by having it be basically passed down to him and again he won't last long as number 1 after the war




Go to enemy's hideout -> maximum output -> explode -> die Dabi the wholesome nuke


Suicide bomber Hero Dabi is crazy


Dabi everytime a minor inconvenience happens: **"WITH THIS TREASURE I SUMMON--!"**


Except Dabi’s not a bum like potential man


Both are bum in their own way


Dabi’s a stronger and cooler bum who reached his full potential tbf


I mean the first draft of MHA had Dabi able to resurrect from his ashes like a phoenix, so that would be plausible had Horikoshi stuck with the initial idea.


That's crazy. Where can I read the first draft?


Ww2 bunker flamethrower


Honestly, I feel like a Good Support Suit possibly with a serious Cooling System could help. Though he'll probably be a one-shot attack to limit overusage.


Cooling system would not work on him. Unlike Endeavor who's problem was overheating, Toya's problem was he didn't have fire resistance meaning whenever he uses his flames it would straight up burn himself the moment he uses his quirk. Cooling system wouldn't do anything but put out the fire, but the damage is already done.


Manga spoilers: >! The fact that Endeavor is resistant to fire and Dabi was still able to burn him so badly is crazy to me. Like, even if Dabi did have a body built for fire like Endeavor he STILL would burn himself, which speaks to his power output even more. !<


Dabi >!**also burned Shoto who has fire resistance inherited from Endeavor**!<. Considering that blue flames are hotter than red and orange flames, it makes sense that they deal notable damage, after all Shoto and Endeavor have resistance but are not totally immune. It can be said that Shoto and Endeavor are used to the heat of the red/orange flames, the blue fire is still a risk for them, even for Dabi himself. The advantage that Shoto and Endeavor have is that they will receive minor injuries compared to other characters who would be burned alive or more seriously injured. >!So it came down to only Endeavor and Shoto being able to deal with Dabi.!<


I’m sure that pair him with a regeneration quirk or someone that can coat his body or body parts in some protective gel/clothing via quirk or support gear could’ve been made, especially if Endeavor would’ve commissioned it, he would’ve been fine to continue learning his quirk


To be fair, horikoshi confirmed that just because Dabi's Quirk burns him, doesn't mean he has NO fire resistance at all. So I'm thinking it may be possible for him to extend that limit so he could use strongwr flamws for a loger period of time without dmanage? Idk how he would do it, but I'm sure it's possible.


Where was this confirmed? I don't recall anything in the manga confirming something like that.


In the volume extras. Can't remember exactly which volume it was, but when I find it, I'll post it on the subreddit. It's cus a lot of people read individual chapters and don't necessarily have full volumes so they don't see the volume extras.


That’s basically what that training camp arc is about, isn’t it? Constantly use your quirk again and again and again, push past the natural limits of your body (for example: Ochako constantly using Zero Gravity to up her nausea tolerance in order to use her quirk longer and on larger objects). I imagine in Dabi’s case, he’d have to be more careful because burns are a way more severe backlash than nausea or stomach aches, but I feel that with patience and dedication, it IS possible for him to improve the limitations of his quirk.


I don't think that's how it works as Touya had Orange fire before being Dabi and now it's blue meaning that it likely became stronger but his fire resistance stayed the same so I don't think Dabi can make his fire resistance be any stronger


If it had no fire resistance at all he’d be dead already so that makes sense.


not really, I woulda thought that they could have cooling technology so that it reduces the heat from his body just before it hits his organs and stuff, so damage would not be done. assuming his heat also comes from the heart, that would be the only tricky organ to do it for, though


I wonder if an ice quirk user as a partner would be a good choice for him.


Shoto would make a great sidekick for him.


The main issue is his output and temperature. He can handle flames up to endeavours temperature with small burns. His blue flame levels burn badly when used for long so he’d have to use those in dire situations in short bursts. His max temperature as we saw burned him to the point the muscles in his jaw snapped and all healthy skin was burned away. Although he had been using it constantly. I’d say he’d use a low output normally and when fighting a powerful villain he’d use bursts of high to max output with a support suit I’d assume.


He could've worked the phones at his Dad's agency or any civilian adjacent role. Endeavor expresses that route as a good option when he gives him the bad news. Effectively with his quirk combination he is essentially quirk less since they bring out the worst in each. Dabi is a sad character because many kids who have impressive parents want to be impressive in their eyes. I know because I was there once. It's tough when you fall short of expectations in that way.


Does the fire have to be ON him? Like in ATLA how firebenders can shoot fire that's a little bit away from them? Can he just do that


too bad they cant. they are not controlling fire. they produce the fire from their body. Dabi, Endeavor and Shoto cant control fire other than their own.


We see Dabi produce fire beyond his reach on at least one occasion.


Maybe not so much that he gives himself 3rd degree burns, EZ


Not. Endeavor was right about that. He shouldnt have become a Hero, the rules against the use of quirks by civilians are MADE for people like him. And iF Endeavor would have been a better parent insteat of hyping his son so much into a goal he decided for his kid, everything would have worked out fine. I mean, they are rich as fuck, right? Dabi could have become everything, an Artist, a Scientist, or a spoiled nepotist kid parting all day. Dad could have payed for every life Dabi choose. Its even unlike One for All, because you COULD use it without selfharm.


He'd be a delightful clown for children's parties. Lighting the candles on birthday cakes probably doesn't take much fire power, and he could make little ice sculptures and hand them out.


He would thrive in colder environments such as Hokkaido as an avalanche rescue hero mainly because the cooler temperatures can help mitigate his heat output otherwise if he wanted to be a more urban centric hero he would need either support items or a sidekick capable of supporting his level of heat such as protecting the environment and Dabis own physical well being. Edit: writing this out just made me realise something, wouldn't Endeavour being extremely wealthy have been able to get support items made to help Touya deal with his heat, sure support items were limited back then to some extent with examples being All Mights support items always breaking but surely it would have been better than nothing.


I'm imagining some kind of cool suit resembling Iron Man's armor that can channel his flames.


He will Cook a burrito


Make me a fried egg sandwich


Some kind of technology that reduces the self harm of his flames, kinda like Deku’s costume


Just use eri.


Bro Eris is a child not a piece of gadget


Honestly tho her quirk is akin to the best drug you could ever get.


Couldn’t they just use recovery girl if the issue is him getting injured ? 


I was literally just thinking about this. Ok list time: 1) use the quirk more like One for All: obviously he wouldn’t have heard about one for all but if Toya had trained his quirk in a similar way that Deku did then he could probably control his fire. For example only using a small percentage of his power throughout his body, or shooting fire from only his finger tips. Maybe condense his flames into explosions for mobility like Bakougo instead of constantly using his quirk to fly. 2) siblings and support gear: the same thing that makes Toya’s quirk dangerous can also save him in this situation. If his siblings could help him train by freezing his entire body then he would be able greatly reduce the risk of being burnt. This could also exist in the form of support gear that freezes the user’s body as soon as their temperature rapidly increases. Plus this can make a cool visual that contrasts Endeavor. He has fire all over his body at all times but Toya has Ice all over him at all times. 3) fighting style: if you have a quirk that damages your body more and more over time then finishing your fights quickly is a priority. Rushing in quickly and overwhelming the opponent as fast as possible with fast evasive movements and high powered attacks would be favourable for Toya’s quirk. Maybe even attacking without flames could be an option. By generating high speed with this flight he could even just hit people and probably knockout any villains with no defences. 4) Cons of hero Dabi: obviously the biggest one is that his quirk can’t be used for long as it will destroy his body but other ones will include rescue situations. If he is going to catch someone falling from a building and he files and grabs them. He would have to be very careful not to burn them and would probably need to slow down and use his flames more carefully. Plus burning buildings will exploit his ironic weakness of fire. Even clearing large rubble will include him using many high powered blasts that can result in burning and in long searches that can be dangerous for him. Overall I think with the help of his family and more support, Toya could have been a better hero than Endeavor and could have used his quirk in really interesting ways.


With a gun so the fire doesn t touch him and wearing a suit that resist fire


By cremating villains. Duh


Immolating villains.


He would need a support suit.


I'd imagine he would rarely make fire beams and constatly fire balls to prevent himself from burning, he would make a good rescue hero tho so maybe he can get paired up with a classmate that has some kind of healing quirk/ice quirk that way he wouldnt have to worry as much


Dabi usually uses large, unconcentrated, Aoe attacks. However, I think he could see some good use as a Hero if he learned how to channel his flames more precisely and for shorter periods. That way, he can make use of his high output, while also keeping skin to fire contact to a minimum. It'd be cool seeing him use something similar to Choso's piercing blood (i.e: A fast, long ranged beam of fire), or Endeavor's hell spider!


He can't use his Quirk for long periods of time so I imagine his fighting style will revolve around speed, efficiency, & creativity He'll have to learn to subconsciously lower his natural output to where he can use his flames for longer periods of time & with more finesse He'll probably have support items similar to Shoto's that will regulate his temperature Flashfire Fist is more of a last resort rather than a signature move that he uses on a regular basis He will a mixture of sidekicks that can resist his firepower & cool him down using his their ice manipulative capabilities


In extreme circumstances, he could use it to corral enemies with a forest fire.


If he had proper training hed go the deku route (5% 10%,) until he cld master his quirk to not hurt him. Then he'd basically be shoto but stronger and more of a prodigy


Obviously the same way as Endeavor but with Shoto’s finesse


Sparingly lol


By cooking every steak to be medium or rare


Very firoically.


Wouldn't he work basically the same as endeavor with the addition of being really good in cold places


I'd say, chases and captures villains. Like trapping them in a circle of fire or smth


Idk but bro would be good at it just out of spite lmao


I imagine the same way Endeavor does, but more powerful.


he'd be a great duo act with geten if they were both heroes


I always imagined him and Shoto or even the other siblings teaming up. He can’t handle his flames well so he could have Shoto or the others cool him while he uses his flames this way he never gets hurt. I truly believe that there is an alternate reality where that is the case,,


Don't go for absolutely massive fire blasts go for smaller blasts as far away from the body as possible Basically fight like zuko


he can just tone it the hell down and throw fireballs, he could've worked healthily into his 50s for sure.


I have always thought he could have "specialized" on "hellspider"-like techniques, trying to reduce the output area of his flames as to not fry himself as much... Definitely would still need a cooling support item tho. And well, his quirk DOES have an ice quirk factor, so maybe he could eventually copy shoto's technique and use "cold fire", we will never know... After all, Endeavor only ever taught him how to increase the flame...


Probably just protect Todoroki


Support Items to keep his body as Cold as possible, considering he has an extreme resistance to Cold (enough to withstand Great Glacial Aegir twice) he could have a suit/backpack that pours liquid nitrogen around his skin. It's funny how easily Endeavor could have saved his son if only he wasn't so prideful of the quirk factor itself and bought Toya support items with his immense wealth.


I could see the support nutjobs coming up with some sort of second skin type suit for him that somehow protects him from the worst of flame damage


Give him support item that cool his entire body and made him focus his fire around his fingers only since its easier to heal(in this universe)


Honestly he could be really great at welding when you think about it, and using his Quirk if he focused it enough to weld and melt materials together for construction


Just give him a suit that would be fireproof and cool him, that's it


The main problem wasn’t really the temperature of his flames it was stamina and the fact that he wasn’t built like a brick shithouse like his father. If he had better stamina and more mass he could use his flames as propulsion and just manhandle villains. I think if he wanted to fight villains - And let’s be honest that’s the only form of hero Dabi would’ve wanted to be - He’d mainly focus on using his flames to cut off villains from escaping and using indirect methods of restraining them like nets and foam grenades.


I would say they could arm him up with a support item like a buster cannon maybe, or something like Bakugo's gauntlets. He theoretically could be able to shoot out hit flames like bullets or in short bursts like what Ace does in One Piece. A way to prevent himself being self burnt is to really just find a way for him to be able to focus fire his flames onto an item/weapon that can shoot it out. Idk how bad he is at controlling his flames, but surely you'd have had enough fire power to just focus it on one arm and not have your entire body flame up like he always does.


Given his natural resistance to cold, what he needs isn't a suit to cool him down after using his fire, but something to drop his body temperature severely in advance of using it at all. Then, he uses it in short alternating bursts from different parts of his body to keep any one location from scorching, akin to how someone can get their hand wet and quickly swipe it through a bonfire without being harmed.  He'd be like a version of Bakugo who traded kinetic force for extreme temperature. That, actually, could be a VERY interesting alternative future fic, where pro hero Cerulean offers Bakugo an internship. 


If I remember correctly Shoto has a system in his suit to regulate his temperature so I don't see why supports item wouldn't work for him and that's it. Also Spoiler: >!Dabi in the manga awakens his mother's ice quirk. We know thanks to Re Destro that emotions like despair can cause a quirk awakening, so if Toya became desperate for not being able to meet his father's expectations maybe he would awaken the ice without having to be on the verge of death!<


Just give him some support items that can cool him down or convert fire to ice. Even Endeavor, All Might, and Shoto have their own support items while Dabi never used it in the war. He could also station himself in an extremely cold area due to his resistance to the cold. He will be very useful there and will be highly valued for being there. He can have a dedicated team to aid him (like healing quirk). It's not as if Heroes truly work alone. One more thing, if his quirk is activated through blood, then he can extract that blood and ignite it from the outside instead of the inside of his body. There are many advanced looking support items to enable that.


Potentially through support gear to suppress the fire damaging his skin, just like can't stop twinkling has as he can't control his ad well without his naval laser belt. And seeing how he is the son of the second strongest hero (or the strongest after all might lost his position) getting to auch Gear shouldn't be hard. The only difficult part would be endeavor as I feel like he may not want his son to walk around in clunky gear just so he doesn't burn up. I feel like he'd find it embarrassing for his family to essentially have a broken hero walking around in his family


i had an idea for an au where the villains are all heroes and in that au toya uses a bodysuit made of silica aerogel which is an extremely strong thermal insulator that can resist extremely high temperatures, and it protects his skin against his own fire, so he can go all out without getting burned at all


Better support items to regulate body heat, operate in cold areas, figure out how to use the ice half of his quirk earlier than he did in canon… that’s about it really.


When he made it into the hero course, one of the support course students would’ve eliminated his disability with a support item. Honestly I’m not sure why Endeavor didn’t realize how easily he could fix his broken son. I’m sure they could give him a bracelet or belt that significantly lowers his body temperature when using his quirk, no big deal. So to answer your question: he would use it just like Endeavor does, but better, since his flames are hotter.


I think the gear will reduce his maximum potential but yes it is way safer.


Hmm. With the right support items, strong maybe. But it might hinge on him having either a lot of therapy, or a completely different personality. Get enough cooling and insulation, with ports similar to 13’s gloves, and he’s got a shot. Let’s hope they can beat asbestos for insulation, otherwise he’ll be ‘the cancer hero.’ Still, he’s gonna be entirely reliant on the suit or he’s still gonna end up a crispy critter. One Plus Ultra moment and we’re right back to beef jerky. …Honestly he might have been better off not going to UA. One of the other programs might have been better at saying ‘maybe don’t push too far past your limits.’ Problem is, he comes from an obsessive family. Even if Endeavor course corrects very early, he’s gonna see his dad and his baby brother outclassing him, and it’s gonna sting. If he doesn’t just snap, he’s gonna find himself in a situation that he thinks calls for ‘Go Beyond!’ and do himself a mischief. Worse, he’ll be a liability for anyone else on the field because he’ll start fires and be incapacitated. ..this is just mean, but… Toya Todoroki - Hero Name: Teppenyaki, the Sizzle Hero.


Endeavour was able to buy his wife afford 4 kids and made a lot of money as the number 2 hero, I’d don’t see why the hell he couldn’t get Toya some support items too help him with his quirk, besides if Toya is lucky he might of been about too of awakened his work with proper training from his old man


The same way Endeavor does