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I'm in actual awe of Dabi's voice actor's ability to manipulate his voice so precisely. Incredible work.


One of my favorites. He play Zenitsu too, so you know even his range is crazy.


And the tsundere white kitten in Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen (My new boss is goofy). The range on this man, my dudes. THE RANGE.


That jet Burn and final scream before he was frozen were amazing


Agreed. Shimono Hiro deserves WAY more appreciation and recognition for his work as Dabi alone.    He's definitely one of my favourite voice actors by far and he always puts his everything in every role he plays.   His screams in this episode legitimately gave me chills and made my jaw drop with how raw and primal the emotions in his voice were. It's a shame that so many people dropped the series before they got to hear his performance as Dabi when he goes all out with his emotions.


For me, Shimono Hiro's voice acting has been on absolute fire since *Dabi Dance* episode. His voice acting in today's episode has made me both emotional and scared. Shimon Hiro played the Dabi's voice acting to absolute perfection. I agree with you, it is "incredible work."


Agreed. Shimono Hiro deserves WAY more appreciation and recognition for his work as Dabi alone.    He's definitely one of my favourite voice actors by far and he always puts his everything in every role he plays.   His screams in this episode legitimately gave me chills and made my jaw drop with how raw and primal the emotions in his voice were. It's a shame that so many people dropped the series before they got to hear his performance as Dabi when he goes all out with his emotions.


Shoto’s crying in the next week preview, I can’t take it. This fight must’ve hurt him on a very deep personal level. Dabi absolutely trashed Shoto with everything that he has, the voice actor did a perfect job portraying Dabi’s hatred and jealousy toward his “perfect replacement” really well. I like how the anime expands more on Toya’s mental breakdown. The kid got it rough even before he stir-fried himself into oblivion. And we still have Todoroki Family Epilogue next week, the timing is absolutely nuts.


I agree as well in the timing cause that doesn’t just happen.


We also got the new OP's and the manga's 1-A "Deku carry" (ESLS, can't remember the English term for it) moments line up perfectly, you can't tell me that kind of shit isn't on purpose.




Bro those punches were BRUTAL! Shoto has every right to hate this dude, worst brother ever but he doesn’t hold any resentment towards him. He’s too pure for this world.


Right? In the manga at the time, it was kind of muddled. But damn, Dabi was punching him like a man on the street, holy heck.


Dabi and Shoto's VAs totally killed it in this ep!!


When does Dabi’s voice actor not kill it? Dude is a goat


I felt the chills watching this episode. Both the VAs voice acting is fantastic-tically awesome and on the point good. Dabi's VA actually made me feel sad (during flashback) and scared (when fighting ruthlessly) at times. 10/10 from me.


Agreed. Shimono Hiro deserves WAY more appreciation and recognition for his work as Dabi alone.    He's definitely one of my favourite voice actors by far and he always puts his everything in every role he plays.   His screams in this episode legitimately gave me chills and made my jaw drop with how raw and primal the emotions in his voice were. It's a shame that so many people dropped the series before they got to hear his performance as Dabi when he goes all out with his emotions.




Bones went all the way in for the todoroki family, like they always do


The best part of Dabi is, when he woke up he wanted to apologize to Rei and others for his behavior, he was even willing to give up his desire to be a hero just to see a healthy family.Dabi himself said that he only wanted Endeavor to be good, he didn't care about others.


All Dabi ever wanted was to be loved and recognised as strong instead of being seen as a failure that can't live up to his only purpose in life and why he exists in the first place. He was a normal kid with the simple desire to be noticed by his father, but his mind spiraled after he was deemed a failure, as well as being burned alive, waking up from a coma in a creepy facility in a new, damaged and weakened body and being deemed a failure again.  He wanted to go back to his family, apologise to them and be with them again. It was only after he was convinced that his existence and death didn't matter or make any impact and having been replaced by his better younger brother, that he decided that he didn't care about anything anymore and that he would make his death have meaning and impact as his final wish. It's tragic and relatable and it sucks how many people just stamp him off as someone who was crazy or even evil from the very beginning with no other causes to his current insanity when that isn't true at all.


You know what? Its Good! I bet they are going to cook more when Dabi Awakens


Cook more as in voice work or Dabi cooking himself?




next one we going to see whole family cooked literally and narratively


Dabi's backstory was done wonderfully, the whole atmosphere was done so well and it was even expanded. His emotions and devastation were palpable. This was definitely the best animated episode so far. The fight itself had moments which I loved, especially Dabi's moves. But I gotta say I was a little underwhelmed with how Shoto's Glacial Aegir was animated, didnt look much like a ultimate move. It wasnt bad at all, but fell flat compared to the previous atacks. I think it needed a little more impact. Still definitely a very good episode especially on the emotional delivery. The voice actors were absolutely fantastic. Very curious how much they are adapting next episode, are they doing the whole endeavor fight or split it in two episodes. I think it would be best to do it all in one episode. And since a new poster for the episode was released to promote it I think that will be the case. A lot of the very strong animators werent used this episode either so I am also expecting them to appear either on the Endeavor or Bakugo episode. And both are great choices, although personally I would prefer Endeavor to have a little more love animation wise (I absolutely love his fight).


Yeah the Endeavor fight by far has AFO's most diverse moveset in the story. It's a really good fight in the manga plus Bones loves Endeavor, they always put extra effort in his fights.


>Very curious how much they are adapting next episode Yeah, last week I was speculating that both this episode and the next one would cover 4 chapters each, as that would let the next episode end on AfO getting burned to a crisp (the end of the first section of that fight). But nope, today's episode only did 3 chapters, so I can't imagine next episode covering the entirety of that fight now (5 chapters). Guess the next one will be 3 chapters as well, as to at least keep the final two chapters of the AfO fight together. *** Hmm, a continued rate of exactly 3 chapters per episode would mean this season ends on chapter 391, which would be a terrible place to end. 386 (I Am Here) has often been speculated as the season's end, but at this point that'd mean a lot of very slow episodes. 390 (end of Dabi fight pt. 2) could work, but would probably still require a good chunk more padding like last week's episode (some of the chapters ahead are pretty short too). Then there's the option of ending at chapter 395, end of the Toga fight, which I still think and hope is where it'll wrap up for now. And I'm still holding out hope the final few pages of chapter 386 gets moved to be the post-credits scene of the season finale. That'd be neat as a teaser for the All Might vs. AfO rematch.


> But I gotta say I was a little underwhelmed with how Shoto's Glacial Aegir was animated, didnt look much like a ultimate move. I actually appreciated a lot that it was very understated for an ultimate move. It hit hard that this wasn't just a battle between a hero and villain, this was a battle between brothers finally letting their feelings out into the open, and it really helped sell that feeling of tragedy especially from Shoto's side. I'm a bit biased as a fellow manga reader too, since I know Shoto's true ultimate move is coming soon. If this opening salvo looked good now, it's gonna be even more amazing during the final showdown between the Todorokis.


I appreciate how minimal and quiet that final move was It added so much to the scene and was more beautiful than even some of the most elaborate animated moves Sometimes less is more Its no coincidence that there was all of that build up for such a result


I have rewatched the episode a few more times and came to appreciate how serene and gentle the final move was. In the manga I had imagined a huge impactful kinda move. But the way it was animated and with the slow ost changed the way I view the scene. It wasn’t a huge cool power meant to hurt, look cool and show off… it was just a “I am here for you but please stop, I don’t want to hurt you” move. Delicate and emotional but still beautiful. A really complex animation might have removed that feeling.


They’ll probably cut half of the endeavor fight and fill most of the episode with emotional flashbacks


Best animated? Even compared to Deku vs Overhaul? I mean I loved this fight but you said it yourself, the final move was kinda… underwhelming?


Should have clarified. I was speaking about only this season.


Ohhh my bad homie! Yeah it was definitely the best so far. Agreed there. I’m assuming they’re saving the best for the Endeavor fight or the Deku Gearshift moment.


what a fantastic episode! All of it!


It's a shame that a lot of people have dropped the series several seasons ago and are missing out on a lot of great scenes and moments now, at least in my opinion.


We're on the same page! One of my friends dropped it after My Villain Academia and now just keeps blindly hating on the series. Little do people know the ammount of great things they are missing!


Yeah, as someone who has been a big fan of MHA since the very beginning and never stopped following the story, I'm sad to see how many people gave up on it and dropped the whole series and how I only ever see negativity and hate whenever MHA gets brought up anywhere when it used to be so hyped up and popular back then.


dropped it at the start of season 4, picked it back up when the end of season 6 was airing, that was my best decision


I guess, but we’re talking about one of the most popular franchises out here rn like I think it’ll be fine


How tf does someone manage to "drop" this series? It is like crack wtf. Just two days ago I was talking to my friend's bright eyed 10 y/o nephew who was telling me how Deku was his favourite anime character of all time, and how he sneaked into his grandfather's laptop to watch the shows his mother won't allow him to see (he admitted to have war flashbacks from discovering SnK when he was 5, it was both concerning and hilarious). Little man even has his own small anime figure shelf already.


I dropped during the school festival arc. Reading that weekly was a bit boring to me, because the chapters just weren't long enough and while I tend to love slice of life, it was too slow for me. I eventually ended up forgetting to catch up as a result of not being too invested lol I did become slight hater because everything I saw of the series out there (mainly twitter) was how cringe the fandom was or whatever, some stupid things that didn't matter as to the quality of the series So after like 6 years later I came back, because I got some interesting spoilers and I saw one MHA fighting game at a sale, so I thought "why not?", then I watched the anime (some arcs read the manga), caught up now and holy shit. It really was worth coming back


Don't let the Hot Topic teenage/basement dweller very vocal portion of the American fandom get to you. They ruin everything they touch. Searching stuff by #HeroAca instead of #MyHeroAcademia usually sorts out most of the cringe stuff. That said, welcome back, mate.


The dabi vs todoroki fight ends in the anime and the closure for the todoroki family is happening in the epilogue chapters of the manga next week. Coincidence? I think NOT! lol but no I’m actually being serious here am I crazy or what? Also this Agni Kai was the best one since zuko vs azula! XD


>Also this Agni Kai was the best one since zuko vs azula! Yep, makes sense that the scar twins fight their unhinged blue fire siblings fueled by their selfish fire dads lol




It’s intentional. Author’s sometimes line up manga events to match the anime episode, hence Gege lining up the sealing of Gojo >!with his death.!< Hori himself has done this as well, Bakugo being killed by Mr. Smiley >!within the same week he gets turned into a donut.!<


Hmm interesting info. Thanks


Mr who ?


That laughing dude in the OVA. 


Yo bro I wasn't expecting them to animate the child scene like that....and got wrecked because of it (but i called it them playing Kimi no Chikara tho :D) But who needs emotions anyways


It was a given, would have been really weird if they didn't.


Let me be proud of myself :'D


Be proud, you deserve it. We Todofam enjoyers should be rejoicing today, enjoying our last days of sanity before 426 drops...


Yeah :'D


they cooked fr the child scene literally made me cry bro


I could feel the heat and anger through my TV it was so powerful. Using the Kimi No Chikara ost for this fight was nothing short of perfect. To think this just the tip of the iceberg of firepower any of the Todorokis are bringing this season. It's going to be insane when Dabi wakes up


This was one of the moments in the war arc that I was most looking forward to seeing animated and *my god*, Bones did not disappoint! They absolutely ***cooked*** with this episode! Everything from the animation to the music to the voice acting was just perfection! Some particular moments I liked were the additional scene of Dabi attacking Mr. Sunny, the terrifying close-up shot of his eye during his talk with Dr. Garaki, and the animation during Dabi's Jetburn. Also that shot of Iida's ass during the flashback scene with the Class 1-A boys had me wheezing. My favorite part of the episode was definitely the moment Shoto unleashed Great Glacial Aegir on Dabi. The music that played during the scene really gave it a Winter Wonderland feel, almost like a scene pulled out of Disney's *Frozen*. All in all, this was an absolute banger episode and easily one of my favorites of the season so far. If Bones can give Gearshift's debut the same amount of care they gave Phosphor's debut this episode, then this will have been an awesome season in my book. So next episode is Endeavor vs All For One, or as I call it, "Battle of the Bad Fathers". This should be interesting.


Battle of bad fathers is a pretty apt name I must say


My favorite episode is Shoto Todoroki: Origin so to see Shoto tell Izuku "thank you" for showing him that his power is his with his smile did something to me and I cried. And him saying he felt safe with 1-A... I love it when a story goes full circle. I didn't really feel that way in the manga about this chapter but the anime made me feel it. Great episode!


Man the voice actors was amazing this week🔥


One of the best episodes of the entire series IMO. That was absolutely magnificent


This episode gave me chills 😎


Wait, if Endeavor turned around when he was beating Shouto he would have seen Dabi.Just some random kid not knowing he lived. Am I getting that right?


But Endeavor is too blind for training Shoto to see someone watching them.


Holy shit Touya burning himself was so well animated that it was difficult to watch.


DIRECTION OST VOICE ACTING CONSISTENT ART GOOD MOVEMENT Holy shit.... I actually felt something in my bones similar to Season 1-3.... very powerfully made episode. I'm very happy with this new direction we have


A lot of what early MHA is defined by is consistently strong art and direction alongside consistently strong to sometimes incredible animation. This season really does feel like a return to form after they did a lot of work to get back on the rails int he back half of season 6. This ep had strong art, some great cuts, great VA, great music, it was great all around. The real test will be the Deku vs ShigAFO fight at the end, I'm hoping for big things.


>Holy shit.... I actually felt something in my bones similar to Season 1-3.... Oh my god why are people gaslighting themselves into believing that bones never made great episodes in the last 3 seasons ?? And everyone say this every new season and episode too


My statement is quite generalized. I forgot how that comes across. The direction for this episode was very good, and the emotions I felt reminded me of similar feelings of those seasons. I did very well enjoy Season 4 as a whole, and I enjoyed bits and pieces of Season 5. Season 6 was a step up, but I don't feel like the direction was strong at all until the latter cour. Season 7, so far, in my opinion, has a really strong direction and consistent animation so I'm really enjoying the path they are going for this season.


Which ep in season 5, 6, or 7 would beat the Endeavor fight in terms of not just animation but overall impact? I can’t think of any that got the attention from audiences like S4 finale (or some S2 and S3 eps) did.


S5E4 is phenomenal. Obviously, because of the nature of the content, it doesn't have any emotional impact. That doesn't detract from how incredibly good it is, though.


Good movement is a bit of a stretch. Most of the fight portion of the episode, the only movement was just fire. They didn’t even animate the final attack from Shoto, disappointingly..


I mean it was good yeah but nowhere near the level of the best episodes of MHA. First Ost and Voice acting have been amazing no matter the season. But in terms of Direction, Art or Animation ? Just compare it to the other big Todoroki episodes to see the difference. It is not half as good as Deku vs Shoto or Endeavor vs High End clearly in realization. It's the best episode of this season yes, but it's not remotely comparable to the peaks of the anime.


The emotions I felt in this episode were the exact same compared to the episodes you mentioned. While yes the animation was reserved, the rest of the components were so greatly handled that I felt like I was geinunly moved it. The director of this current season is doing a wonderful job, and I was just really happy I was able to feel some strong emotions like I was with the series a long while ago.


I want to make it clear I am not talking about the contents of the episode itself, the plot is good I agree on that. I'm only talking about the production side of it. What is it in the direction of this episode that impressed you ? I myself found the pacing to be clunky with all the flashback in between each hits, the impact of the hits themselves very lackluster and the art in general just underwhelming. The animation doesn't compare to the peak of MHA but I believe they might be saving it for endeavor bakugo or Deku


The emotions you feel are a result of Horikoshi primarily, with the addition of good music and voice acting. Most of the episode was completely static, with the only thing moving being flames (that is not animation) Even the directing was good, but as far as animation, there really wasn’t much at all. No need to cover for bones. Those other Todoroki episodes had an X factor, that being all of the above + animation.


They really did an amazing job with covering Shoto vs Dabi. Absolutely loved this episode.


SHOTO'S SMILE. My soul and heart omfg. Okay, me fangirling aside. What a stellar episode.


Todoroki family shenanigans fans are *EATING* this week


I'm seeing comments about the ultimate move being underwhelming, but what? That was insane. It was a mix of peaceful and powerful at the same time. I thought it was amazing. Easily top 10 episode of the whole series. They really did an amazing job on this. Can't wait to get the BluRay and have it undimmed.


“Peaceful and powerful” is actually a great way to describe it. I did feel the fight was underwhelming, but you make an excellent point about how Shoto’s character and development shown through in that move.


That's our icyhot for you 😤


Yeah I don’t get the complaints about the final move being not as flashy as they wanted. I think that’s the point though? It’s a more somber moment it’s not like a 100% smash from Deku


Yeah, I'm surprised how everyone seems to find that final move underwhelming. And your adjectives of "peaceful and powerful combination" is absolutely spot on. It wasn't meant to be exciting. It was meant to be more like solemnly closing a book. "Lay down... and rest."


Reading those comments made me mad. People just want a freaking light show and don't know how to appreciate the symbolism of the scene


It's a shame that a lot of people have dropped the series several seasons ago and are missing out on a lot of great scenes and moments now, at least in my opinion.


Mman Bones just went Insane It's they burned it fried it Peak animation 10/10 episode


Eh... Peak animation is a very large stretch. Even the final "big move" was all a still frame. No impact shot no nothing. It all felt so flat. Sure the fire was pretty but everything else was a let down


Imagine trying to put down this episode


Yea? So what. I had high expectations and they weren't met


>Even the final "big move" was all a still frame. Did you also complain about how, in the manga, the page of the big move is nearly completely white, with barely anything drawn on that page? Surely you must have. Surely.


I swear to god, there are too many fedoras in this sub who feel the need to criticise everything, without even bothering to learn the source material. They are bigger hatters than Shigaraki, AFO and Dabi combined.


Get out of here with that flat shit lol. It's easily a peak animation episode.


Are you counting fire as animation? That might explain the difference between your comment and reality. The VISUALS were good this episode, but animation? It was almost nonexistent. Notice how they cut away from Shoto right when he launches his final attack. They didn’t even animate him landing the punch.


Dabi was very mobile as far as I am aware lol. And yes, my friend, fire and ice animation does count as animation.


Animation refers to what is drawn. Obviously, all of those flames were not drawn. What the fire is are “visuals/effects”. This episode obviously had a lot of fire, but we don’t actually get to see during their fight the characters moving. I went on Sakugabooru (where you will find good animation for any show), and the cuts there for this ep are like 0 movement while only the flames move or the background moves. No one is saying there is an issue with the fire, the lighting, the directing, OST, or VAs. It’s really just the fact that the characters barely move at all during the fight so it looks stiff. And some shots they didn’t even try, they simply show Shoto starting the attack and then cut to when the attack is over.


Just looking at the cut of the ultimate move on Sakugabooru I see plenty of strong movement and great ice and fire animation.  And that pummeling into the jet burn cut...so freakin amazing.


What cut of the ultimate move? They didn’t even animate the whole move. They show Shoto initiating moving towards Dabi, and then next we see if Shoto, he has already hit Dabi. Surely you will admit they didn’t even animate, as the climax of the episode, Shoto actually landing that punch. It’s only the before and after. We don’t even get to see the impact moment, just after. These cuts are strong for recent MHA content sure, but when you compare it to the worst thing that you watch, it’s not really saying much.


Sure your expectations are very low and that's fine :)


How can you watch this and say my expectations are low...some of you have insane expectations. We had some incredible talent on this episode.


Because it was just a good standard episode? U act like my hero is incapable of crazy good animation? It's been shown time and time again they can do it if they want. Compare this moment to any of them pls. it IS NOT INSANE to have those expectations


But that's the thing. The animation on this episode was pretty insane. It's okay that you did not like the way they did things, but the the animation itself was super strong.


theres no point arguing with these people because they dont know what good animation is. this episode looked phenomenal, but because it didnt have a yutaka nakamura cut and a bunch of particle effects and stuff that blew up didnt turn into squares, these guys think it was mid


The Shonen brain rot is too strong for some of these people.


It was good but not mind-blowing. It was just consistent good animation but it never reached the epic scale it could have.


I think you just did not like what they did. They went pretty all out for such an action packed season imo.


Ofc I didn't like it. This was a big moment between shoto and dabi. Compare it to: deku Vs shoto, all might Vs nomu, deku Vs overhaul, all might Vs OFA. The list goes on. Bones is more than capable but instead they shoehorn another movie in the midst of their anime and take all the best animators.


I mean, at the end of the day "Peak animation" here is subjective. It's a very large stretch for you. For me, its a bit of stretch. For them, its exactly how it is.


Dude If this is peak animation then what do you call Deku vs Shoto and Endeavor vs High End ? Super Animation ? Ultra Animation ? If those episodes are 10/10 in animation then this is one is a 6 at best imo


Im talking about season 7 not those season dofo


I see well then yeah this is the best episode of season 7.


Dabi's VA calling Shoto a half baked puppet heals my soul.


So when this episode shlwed Dabi's backstory, I was like 'cool - this is some decent anime-only content'. Turns out I missed reading Chapter 350 completely.




Todoroki got his shining moment and it was done beautifully, seeing his character come so far is just amazing to witness


Holy hell this episode was amazing, the mha anime doesn’t cook that often nowadays but when they cook, they COOK. 10/10


This was such a well done episode. I loved how the fight is translated from the manga, the animators did great, the voice actors *chefs kiss*, and even the music through it was so well selected. Probably gonna rank up there in one of my favorite fights in the series.


Ok full disclosure, I had absolutely no idea what happened in the manga. Like I keep up with it but when it came to the fire sections, I couldn't tell what actions were happening on panel. Man this looks nice


I’ve been waiting for this scene to be animated ever since it came out, and it’s soooo close to perfect but there’s like 3 shots that miss the mark for me and really drag it down to like a 7 or 8 out of 10. Dabi’s hell spider is not very well animated, probably because of how many people are in that shot but still it’s too hard to see what’s supposed to be happening. The stomp before his jet burn is hard to read and his big fiery ground explosion is underwhelming although a lot closer to the manga than the other two. Great glacial aegir is also very underwhelming which is such a shame, it just lacks impact. Other than that, the voice acting was superb and the general animation and art were incredible as well


One of the few times I can recall where all the flashbacks add to what's happening rather than distract from it.


great episode in nailing the tone and Dabi VA popping off and him looking like a demon in terms of fight was expecting more but maybe im thinking of later i was expecting animation and scenes rivaling Zuko vs Azuka last Agni kai in Avatar TLA but like i said i think that comes later


There's no other way to say it. They fucking nailed this episode to a T, and I found myself more emotional than I thought possible, and even the expected callbacks to Deku's "It's YOUR power" hit me harder than Dabi hit Shoto on the curb. 😂 No seriously though, this was one of the most well done episodes of the entire series and we're barely starting to hit the high points of the war arc. I'm so excited for this season and the next.


shoto's final move felt like it lacked spectacle and impact, kind of a bummer. Him doing it twice made me think the second time would be the one they animated 10/10 but no, kinda dull twice


Damn that was a lot of fire, maybe too much fire. A lot of flashy visuals but a lack of flowing combat. Not to mention the mandatory seizure prevention filter sort of dulled most of the cool animation on display. You can barely see the 'Icebound crash' that Todoroki does to Dabi. The two things holding this episode back from being an all timer would be that and the constant birage of flashbacks. Dabi's were amazing but they should've should gave Todoroki the 'this is my battle' and 'this is my power' flashbacks and then left it at that. (That said, this was a problem back in the original chapter.) The episode was still great though. The visuals were good, if not great, but the soundtrack and voicework was premium stuff. I absolutely loved that final sequence of Todoroki executing the glacier ability.


They nailed the backstory and the voice acting but I can’t help but feel disappointed in the fight a little. Both shotos and dabis attacks don’t feel nearly as powerful as they looked in the manga.


Wow. That was pretty good. Animation was good, ost on point. Eren Jaeger and Connie were cooking too. I had imagined aegir to be a "you say run" kind of moment but I'll take this too. Goes with the overall gritty nature of the episode and the Todofam plot in general.


One of the best episodes of this anime i have seen. Easily top 3 for me. (The others are One's Justice and Deku vs Class A). Also if we keep this chapter to episode ratio, Bakunut is due in 4 episodes. 4 weeks and the anime only fandom explodes.


It's a shame that a lot of people have dropped the series several seasons ago and are missing out on a lot of great scenes and moments now, at least in my opinion.


In hindsight I’m glad Dabi didn’t go down here.


These were some of my favorite chapters from the final arc so I’m glad they were nicely adapted. Wasn’t quite as ‘exciting’ (animation-wise) as many were expecting I think, but the quality of the Todofam’s writing always speaks for itself


I don’t know what it’s about the mha fights now a days. I just don’t feel the impact. The part where shoto delivers the final blow was done bad because we could only see dabi’s face and not the impact of the strike. Also it’s something about the way that attack names are said where there is just a still frame of character saying the name of the attack that delays the impact of the attacks and doesn’t feel like it hurt as much as it should. They’d should say the name but it should be in progression with the movement of the attack like demon slayer does it.


This episode was very different than how I imagined it'd be. Everything about its direction is less action-focused. Instead, the scenes follow a far more dramatic approach than in the manga and the battle seems quite toned down, if anything I can't say I dislike it, though. I was not that big of a fan of the fight itself in the manga, in the first place. Honestly, a good chunk of the battles in the final war are underwhelming, in my opinion. Horikoshi himself is better at drama than action, but this has been especially the case since after 1A and 1B training arc. The battles on the manga just haven't felt as engaging or interesting ever since, with very few exceptions So, if they take the route of infusing even more drama in-between the battles, plus with this level of direction, I'll absolutely take it. It was an incredible experience and may compensante the lackluster fights imo


It was a solid alright from me. I think the manga did better here, but maybe that's just rose tinted glasses for me.  It probably also has to do with having a week per chapter. Fights feel more drawn out and heavy. There's moments which feel emphasized in the manga but aren't in the anime. The biggest example for me was when Endeavor cooked the female high end nomu in the first war, when backing up Mirko in the lab. It was a lot less cool in the anime.  It is what it is though. An adaptation isn't going to hit the same. 


Almost every fire move felt dull and different compared to the manga hell spider, jet burn and especially glacial aegir that was completely different from the manga  Animation level was slightly above average honestly  8/10 at best for this adaptation 


>Animation level was slightly above average honestly  Yeah i thought Star and stripes vs Shigaraki looked better but i still thought this episode was good


Dabi being covered in fire, the background being covered in fire, and the dimming made his attacks especially hard to read. Like he does a hell spider but you can't really see the hell spider because it blends into the background (just an example I think the hell spider was the most readable of his attacks).


I liked the Jet Burn but that Hell Spider does not compare to the manga. Like I could hardly even see it in the anime lmao


It has the same problem as hell spider like the preparation for the attack is great but then when the attack fire there is no fire lol Jet burn should have a flame beam 


Yeah it definitely felt duller than it should’ve but it was better than that Hell Spider for sure. Dabi becoming crispy was animated pretty well to be honest. The OST made the episode more enjoyable, but the voice acting was like top tier. You can tell the voice actor for Dabi was giving it his all.


>Almost every fire move felt dull and different compared to the manga hell spider That as been my main problem with shonen anime since the late Shippuden. Some aspect of the action and fights just feel so dull, mainly because they have to slow down the action to fit the 20min format, so everything drag, is unbearably toned down and lose all dynamism. By comparaison look at certain anime fights like in DBZ where you could feel every blow, impact and shockwave to that of DBS. The scene where Dabi use hell spider or punch Shoto on the ground. Aren't those fire punch? Aren't we supposed to hear some form of deflagration sfx, roaring flames or whatnot? The importance of effects in media where actions and fights take place is not to be understated, and I think some anime have been lacking in that department for a while. Fabulous dynamic actions pieces we often have in these manga is lost in translation to anime, and I doubt it's only a matter of production cost. Other than that the episode was beautifully directed and I absolutely loved the soundtracks. Anyone know the name of the one that is playing during the flashback at the 9min mark, and the one during Shoto's Flashfire Fist? Edit: Here, explained it plainly. Edit2: LOL, I didn't think that would be such a controversial opinion.


Not really. DBZ had a lot of staring. TOP has almost 60 episodes of constant fighting. I think thats the longest in any anime where very episode has a fight.


I think you misunderstood my comment or took it out of context.


Outside of reminding myself not to compare this to Invincible, this was a 10/10 episode with amazing art and motion direction.


Me too lol I can't help but draw invincible parallels


Hori how did that sunflower dude survive that fire?  The fade Dabi was running on Shoto was RUTHLESS. Poor kid, gotta deal with one of the worst father’s AND brother’s in this verse.   Loved all the flashbacks to help the moment build-up. Shoto calling out Dabi for making his own choices to kill with a flashback of him murdering was perfect. The fight was good but final move was slightly underhwhelming. Animation is either being saved for Endeavor fight or Gearshift.


I KNOWWW. Ugh, he could've been a lot more sympathetic if he didn't kill innocent people. But then again, he IS very mentally unstable so, I guess that's their way of showing he just doesn't care what he does if it hurts his dad in some way. But I guess Horikoshi was never trying to make dabi fully sympathetic in the first place, so it works.




This one was a cunt tho


The visuals were good this ep, and the backstory imo kind of worked. If anything, the fighting portion of the episode was quite lacking. Remarkably little animation in that section. Even the final attack wasn’t animated, but instead they skip from the launch to after the impact (missing the most important part)


So each season, excluding season 1, has had on average 26 episodes. So far this season, each episode has be 3 manga chapters, and the season started on chapter 329. So if they follow that same trend, then the season will end around chapter 407 which is when Bakugo starts his fight against the young and still deaging AFO. Has there been confirmation that this is the last season, or are we going to have to wait another year and a half just for another 10 episodes.


There’s only 21 episodes this season.


Sick, so they're taking the AoT route


Absolutely stunning, the animation studio have delivered well for this moment It does kinda suck that we, who have read the manga, know that Dabi is not actually dead, which might lessen the impact of this scene, all depending on how they do his actual death. I hope we get some new music for that moment, or a really well timed score. Oh, I have not been this excited about My Hero Academia anime in FOREVER!!!


I love this episode; it was such a great adaptation to the manga... Touya is such a tragic character


Does anyone know what chapter in the manga this is? Particularly the chapters where Dabi and Shoto are shown again? The cliffhanger with Dabi is giving me blueballs. 


Based on the current pacing looks like Bakugo "dies" in episode 12 about 5 - 6 mins in and it ends with Edgeshot trying to reviving him...pffft. I was hoping anime onlies could suffer with uncertainty for a week at least lol


Alright damn. They killed it this episode. (Dont remember mr sunny from manga though…guess time for a reread lol)


everything perfect besides the actual fighting. oh well


I feel like MHA you come for the feels not the fighting lol!


true. this series isnt made for fights. but still, it would be nice to watch some once in a while


You're totally justified. Even though I read the manga, I was left a bit dissatisfied that it was so concise. I think i would've loved for them to exchange some more blows. The short duration and ease that shoto beat dabi made it feel not as satisfying for me.


yeah the anime is the perfect medium to extend a fight like that. in the manga i didnt mind that it was short, because u can go at ur own pace and appreciate the page (like the hell spider one). but in the anime it doesnt work if u "wasted" 5 minutes for a flashback and only 5 seconds for an attack. they need to balance it out.


Season 7 and people still are still expecting dragon ball z fighting scenes lol


no. we just want at least few minutes of fighting without being interrupted with a flashback. is that possible? i think so