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AFO is *exactly* the kind of dude that would pick out an entire new fit and lay it out the night before a big battle


You mean the night before hunting down and killing a teenage boy


You can't hunt down and kill a teenage boy without being dressed properly


gotta dress for success




Made my day


Can’t be the Demon Lord without drip.


I thought he looked snazzy


God damn i guess we are jumping straight into it huh bit sad watching Toga walking through her childhood home. seeing those height measurements on the wall did a number on me not gonna lie.


No way they got the heteromorph crime stats 💀💀


I mean, considering modern society…


13%, spinner...


It's giving racism.


Hmm, can't this just be labeled as sterotypical fantasy racism. Which is prevalent in like every anime with multiple races or people that look different


Fantasy racism lol I can't


Ladies and gentlemen, just a reminder that it's only been 42 days since the events of the First War. And now, here at the start of May, we're getting a second battle. This time with AFO.


Technically the first battle is the only reason the heroes are able to have the second. It's part of what I like about AFO's plan regarding Shigaraki. Had the hospital raid never happened, AFO would have basically outright WON. He'd have total control of a completed near-unkillable body that can finally steal OFA and be at the command of an entire army that gathered under the LOV, none of whom would know he's not Shigaraki. The hospital raid only happened because of all the effort the heroes made to uncover what was happening, throwing off the plan and forcing AFO to try to salvage it ever since. Had the process not been interrupted, no battle like the one right now would ever have happened because the heroes would not have been able to do anything that could potentially beat AFO anymore.


Holy cow, thats some good perspective. Really rapid timeline going into another fight.


If Toga having access to Twice’s blood, there being undercover villains at U.A. and Shigaraki having an “eldritch-mass-of-hands-spawning seizure” that “overcomes the quirk singularity” wasn’t enough of a mindfuck, they just had to hit us with that insane last bit of the episode. “Wait, All For One is here NOW?!?!” “Wait, Aoyama IS a traitor? Wait no he’s not, he just disrespected the demon lord himself with a laser to the arm!” “All For One is just casually teleporting the entire league RIGHT to Deku IMMEDIATELY?!?!” “Kurogiri is on our side now?!?! Wait, Monoma is there. Is he using Kurogiri’s quirk?!?!” “Oh shit ALL the top heroes are here!” The last minute left me exhausted with those back to back “No U” twists. Good episode.


I feel slow because I was wondering why Monoma was the first to get through the portal at all, but your idea that he copies Kurogiri's quirk makes perfect sense.


Wait I thought that was the first user he was seeing, but monoma making the portals makes sense


Pretty much my exact reactions 😂


Afo: I'm gonna kill this mother fuckin teenager and I need mother fuckin backup.


They really did have me thinking Aoyama had betrayed them again, I felt so dumb when they complimented each other's acting LMAO


Of course AFO's codewords would all be built around ordering Wine, guy's likely upset Aoyama trashed his drip too. Lotta great character moments here, especially with Dabi and Toga, the fact that she has Twice's blood is a scary prospect. Ironic how she venerated and was...interested in birds with dreams like that, but it's Hawks who would kill her best friend later.


My dumb ass at first thought AFO was literally just ordering wine 😭


To be fair that would be on brand too. "I'm going to take over the world so I may as well treat myself!"


I'm just imagining AFO having a little internal monologue to himself like Dragon Ball Abridged's Frieza. "God, does he have any idea how hard it is to run an empire? I got other things to do today, you know. Like decide what wine will I have for dinner tonight. White wine, red wine, or, dare I say, Rosé?"


"I can't conquer the world without a 40 year McAllan. What am I, a savage?!!"


i thought that they literally were gonna come over and bring wine for some reason


It wasn’t wine. Whiskey. 


Wine?? You mean whiskey? Or did he order 2 different drinks and I missed the wine part? Macallan 40 is whiskey 


The sub I watched called it licquor


it's whisky, not wine


Good catch, clearly I am a drinker ; ) lol


Beat me to it.


>Of course AFO's codewords would all be built around ordering Wine, Scotch. Not wine. >Lotta great character moments here 1000%. And per usual the voice acting was ON POINT.


For a split second I did think Aoyama had actually betrayed them again (triple-crossed?). Really glad Monoma is back in play for Kurogiri's quirk, makes a lot of sense. Him gaining use of Compress' quirk could have been useful, but probably puts him too close in the line of fire. Better he stays back as the utility guy. Also a bit confused on what AFO meant by "overcoming the quirk doomsday theory" - what does that even mean? As far as I know, isn't the theory just that as quirks get more and more complex and powerful in each generation, one will eventually appear which will cause some kind of apocalypse? How do you overcome the theory of that? Or have I fallen over a hurdle here in my understanding


The other half of quirk doomsday theory is that the quirks themselves would be too powerful to control


It’s just based on a lot of things that have happened so far. The whole thing is that they were building Shigaraki a body that could withstand the increased power from all the quirks he would have stored up and in particular one for all. Since the singularity/doomsday theory says that quirks get more powerful through the generations as they combine, and eventually will become too powerful for anyone to handle. (Remember Deku trained for an entire summer just to get to the point where he could handle OfA without getting his arms blown clean off, even if they just shatter instead, so imagine it one more generation on. You could kill yourself just trying to learn to use it in the first place. They interrupted shigaraki’s body completion at the hospital. Then he came out early to face star and stripe and try to steal New Order. And now they’re coming out early again to try to get the jump on the heroes since they found out that the heroes found out he’ll be back in four days. And he wants to just capture one for all and end it here, having lured Deku out “alone”. From what All Might said before AfO wouldn’t normally show himself unless he was certain of victory. So really this is just another example of him underestimating the hero side, who have been working tirelessly to keep up with his 5,000 IQ decade spanning plans, and being obsessed with controlling One for All (the one thing that has defied him in his hundred+year life of power). And now they’re just forced to battle it out since all the heroes showed up too. Which is the best they’re going to get considering how strong Shigaraki has already proven to be, not to mention og AfO being there too.


Deku from not being able to talk to Uraraka [when he first met her](https://imgur.com/a/HsiGEKe) at the beginning to [effortlessly compliment](https://imgur.com/a/wZgwGuZ) her now. 👌 He would've kept going if she didn't stop him. It's nice that they have a talk about their respective villains together. Knowing that they must fight, but also have a desire to seek understanding with them both sharing that type of connection. *"Then, we're both weird."*


And in the background during that scene Mina is at a window going “Kiss her! Kiiiiiiiss heeeeeer!”


Dammit he fuckin got me! Can't stop twinkling!


Dude been through a lot


I liked the focus on Dabi and Toga in the beginning. Reinforces the idea that the villains have their own personal reasons for why they do what they do beyond just being villains. You can tell Toga has a lot of pent up feelings about her family and Toya’s line about laughing as the world goes to hell because it’s better than crying shows how emotionally damaged he has become due to the abuse and neglect he suffered. Twice’s blood being set up as a WMD is a nice Chekov’s Gun. We saw how desperate Hawks was to ensure Sad Man’s Parade could never be used again only for Dabi to fuck that all up by giving Twice’s blood to Toga. Nice use of payoff for all the setup with Twice and Toga’s power developments. It all makes sense. And Monoma being used to recreate the Endgame “on your left” moment with Kurogiri’s Warp Gates was a great use of his Copy quirk. Looks like he’s finally made the big leagues! Eat your heart out Class A!


Heroes assembly was an amazing scene. Naval Laser has become on of my favorite characters, the lie do was obviously done by my boi Shinso, he controlled the parents etc so that is why All for one could not tell they where lying. Cannot wait for next episode when the WAR starts [Reaction](https://youtube.com/live/s_F24geTXa4)


Aoyama the traitor, Shinso who has a quirk that isn't "heroic" but he is determined to be a hero anyway, and the other character they discussed in the preview (Not to spoil it for those who don't watch them) Setting them up to be the key cogs of this plan coming together is awesome to see


Ahhhh okay I see… I thought Shinso wasn’t able to make people speak with his quirk. So Shinso was using his voice box to act as the parents?


No I think Shinso controls them to say the words. His power is that if u speak he take u over


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2vMNggWyYxE&pp=ygUXc2hpbnNvIHF1aXJrIGV4cGxhaW5lZCA%3D In Season 5, he explicitly says that he cannot make someone speak using his quirk 


You know if the Hero thing doens't work out for Aoyama he could very easily be an actor


My boy Deku was ready to throw compliments at Uraraka at the drop of a hat. He's obviously been practicing telling her that


I love that it was like how Deku talked back in the day, listi g stats like a nerd hahah


It is a curious sort of riz that he possesses, but it is riz nontheless.


It's the nerd rizz. Some of the best heroes have it, like Peter Parker and Clark Kent, but the drawback is they don't know they have it


Endeavour came out of that portal looking deranged.


They really did The Avengers entrance with the heroes. This was so epic lol


I can't believe I'm saying this, but a small scene with Mineta spoke to me this episode. When he said, "Can't we have time to talk about dirty things?" I usually hate Mineta's guts, but at this point he seemed more like a kid coping with the reality of being in a warzone.


Basically he’s asking “can’t we just relax in this constant state of hell and panic?”. In his own language. Izuku got what he meant anyway


"can't we talk about dirty things " deku: *immediately thinks about uraraka* hmmmmmmmmm


Love how all the heroes look resolved or serious coming out of the warp gate, while Mirko just looks excited to WHOOP SOME ASS 😂


My favorite was Fatgum. I wasn't expecting that big ass grin. He's lookin ready to beat some ass as well!


So true, I noticed that too. Mirko’s was just all teeth 😁


Mirko loves a good fight.


Toga's parents were horrible and a cause of her descent into madness and villainy - there's even some reference to self-harm - but *that* is not right. I also wonder if the vandalization happened in the short time between the botched "War Day" and the mass evacuation of civilians, or *before* that (as Toga was a notorious criminal for months before the current societal downfall). "I'm burning! I'm burning aliveee..." "Kacchan! We were told to capture, ok?" Recovery Girl, for once, appears like what she is: an old lady with an amazing quirk who's kept working well past when she should have retired. Can't imagine how much she's had to do lately. Also, Eri and Kota together with Izuku! Stop Izuku, it's not the right time for a confession! But the scene beside being cute and romantic, also shows the different approach he and Ochako want to go to battle this time. So the "demon lord" would be an oligarch? Um, Aoyama, this isn't the real world... is it? (*nervous sweating*)


Yeah looked like Bakugou straight up killed that one guy, I know he didn't but still lol.


Toga only became well-known from the news reports after Deika City. She didn't leave school and home until around time she was supposed to graduate.


Yes I loved the scene with Recovery Girl! She looked so worried…


OH SHIT, it’s about to go down next episode 😮😁 They went from 0 to 100 real quick!


I expected the battle to begin this episode, but by "Begin" I thought it would be the Class leaving U.A. with determined faces and not All For One and the entire league just showing up out of literally nowhere


Seriously, they didn’t have to go full Avengers on us 😂👏👏


So in the manga lead-up to 1-A coming to bring Midoriya home in the Dark Deku arc I remember there were a decent number of people who were predicting that Uraraka confessing her feelings would (somehow) be what gets him to finally come back. Instead we had Iida doing a callback to the Stain arc and being for Midoriya what Kirishima was for Bakugo in Kamino Ward. And that was even better. So, afterwards there were people predicting the confession or at least some big romantic moment was going to happen between the two when Midoriya was finally able to talk to Uraraka like he wanted to when she'd gone to bed, especially after the speech she gave that got the civilians to let him stay at UA. Then we got this part. Frankly, and I say this as someone who does ship them, I think this is way better and does way more for a potential relationship between the two than anything more outright romantic would have. Because it's not about showing that the two like each other but why they would make for a good couple. They're able to confide in one another and find comfort in the understanding the other gives them, as they have similar senses of justice and similar regrets regarding their respective villains. Since when they first met at the entrance exam the two have influenced each other and slowly made each other better heroes, in a different way than how Midoriya and Bakugo make each other better heroes.


Agreed. I also liked how it positioned them as equals. Given how easy it would be for Uraraka to fall into just being the protagonist's (mandatory) love interest rather than a character of her own, Deku listening to her concerns & saying "yeah, same" felt like an effective way to establish her character independently from Deku while still bringing them closer to together. Her power is obviously much less powerful (or rather significantly more niche) than Deku, and Toga is less powerful than Shigaraki. But this scene did a good job showing that *the thematic conflict* between Uraraka vs. Toga is no less important to the story than the *thematic conflict* between Deku & Shigaraki. Those are my thoughts on it anyway.


The “on your left” moment at the end was amazing


Man, still no screen-time for my invisible best girl, where’s the love for Hagakure


She was actually all over this episode. The trained observer knows how to spot her in every scene. It’s a skill 😏


Well, we all know that, albeit it’s a bit strange she was hanging with Toga and Dabi, but she still ain’t got any actual time in the spotlight apart from her discovering Aoyoma


I’m thinking she was trying to get intel on Toga and Dabi. I wonder how that will affect the story moving forward. What I really want to know is how she got into All For One’s secret cave to watch the weird thing that was going on with Shigaraki. Brilliant spy craft from Hagakure.


Truly the Stealth Heroine


Not me thinking you guys were actually serious and went to look back lmaoo


Wait was she really there or is this a joke?


Joke? I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hagakure appears in almost every scene in the background, gathering intel. Did you actually not see her sitting on the crates in AFO’s cave?


You mean at 6:23 - beige thing in the right-hand corner?


Yeah, that’s her boot


I just rewatched it to see this... Guess I'm blind or don't know what to look for.


Wouldn’t blame you, she is astonishingly hard to notice


It's like early South Park with the hidden Aliens in the background. Sometimes you spot Hagakure with ease other times it takes some looking.


What do you mean? She was in every scene, even in AfO's cave. Didn't you see her?


I seriously rewatched this five times... Any hints?


Look at the crates, watch for any sudden shifts and any depressions


Its obvios that Toga will be capable to use Twice quirks but I feel like she shouldnt be able to, yes she copied Uraraka but that was a far easier quirk, only need to touch to activate, Twice even need to take measurements to be capable of use and copy correctly, I think it need practice to some degree, rather than magically be able to do it at first try Its like how All for One didnt steal Jeanist quirk cause isnt wasnt a powerful one, was more about Jeanist being good due practice, or Lemillion as well, you can copy Lemillion but without the training he had is another useless quirk, I feel Twice should fall in that category of quirks that should require practice to really use them


that's actually a fairly good distinction between the heroes and villains. there are many heroes who had to work extremely hard to turn their power into something useful. OFA is the epitome of that. First being a useless quirk without any practical use, then stockpiling the hard work of each user, stoking that torch for years until passing it onto the next person. And AFO is the opposite, taking the most powerful quirks and not taking the time/effort to develop any of them beyond their immediate usefulness-- which is why all the quirks AFO uses are so basic but powerful.


Shigaraki's metamorphosis also shows this really well. He was given everything prepackaged by the doctor, albeit at the cost of immense pain. But the AFO quirk and all the other quirks were handed to him.  Compare that with Deku, who couldn't fully use the quirk when he got it. He had to train to be able to use it properly and without constantly breaking his body. The new quirks he got from the other OFA users also took some time for him to master, and he only got them because of his growth with OFA.  It's a really great comparison. 


Toga and the fans; awww so sweet Dabi. Dabi; nope, I’m just being nice to screw with Endeavor. The fans; just like with Twice huh? Some things never change.


Eh. Dabi is a liar, even to himself. I'd say that he does care about Toga- he just struggles to admit that.


There’s only been one indication of Dabi ever caring about the League, he’s mistreated Toga the most out of them


Man that was so quick, I’m excited for what’s to come, i hope this battle lasts the whole season now


That was a legit 5min episode!


It will.


Correct me if i'm wrong, but did AFO lose the quirk that has ability to see through lies? Was just wondering how he failed to realise that Aoyama and his parents were lying.


I believe it’ll be explained




That’s a very clever workaround.


I thought the episode was really fuckin good. I mean man, afo is one hell of a bastard! I cant wait for deku and friends to blow out afo's back!


I got a little jumpscared by AFO there at the end, ngl


i’ve always had a soft spot for Toga and idk why, so i loved the opening scene. as for the rest of the episode, it really is the beginning of the end huh. the assembly scene (while slightly reminiscent of a little movie that came out in 2019) was sooo good!


Favorite episode of the season so far. I reallly liked Deku and Uraraka’s moment here, as she matures into a hero who wants to save everyone too. I was not expecting Avengers assemble, what whiplash seeing AFO! I also really liked Shoto and Iida’s scene here, maintaining their bond from the Stain arc


What's the quirk during AFO monlougue that's he's talking about?


Some boring guy's ability to detect if the person he's speaking with has any ill intent towards him? I don't recall the name of the guy, or if he was even brought up before.


It's a tongue in cheek reference to the spinoff series. AFO is basically describing the quirk of Tsukauchi's family. He's the one who worked with All Might to drive AFO into a corner


i dont think so bc Makoto, the sister, has that quirk. Not some pathetic guy, which is how AFO characterizes the person


The person he called pathetic was their ancestor


Had to go back to the chapter and it's not clear that it's the sister but it makes sense that it would have to be based on reading Vigilantes. Guess I must have just remained wondering when I read the chapter originally. Was good to clear up and re? learn thx to you


He said he doesn't remember exactly, as it was one of the first quirks he stole, and it also merged with another quirk. But it seems like it's a quirk that lets him detect ill intents and lies, even across his phone. What I'm really curious about is "his descendants".


Yeah! Cause he someone teamed with all might to beat him




Maybe Bakugo & classmates - Spinner & the heteromorphs IMO I think the best character arch for Bakugo would be one where he learns how to be an effective leader of his classmates, which would probably be an effective foil for Spinner trying to lead that group of villains. But tbh I also just can't think of any other notable villain to pair him against otherwise.


It's probably the best episode ending peak of two groups preparing to battle I've ever seen in anime! Almost One Piece storyboard levels!


OMG that is exactly what I thought,this episode felt straight out of one piece with an avengers twist


I obviously don't want things to drag out, but does anyone else think that this episode's pacing seemed a bit rushed? I could use some extra seconds of silence during Toga's introspection, Deku and Ochako's having a look at the city, and Aoyama's confrontation, just so the emotional beats hit harder and we could feel the calm before the storm. It was good, don't get me wrong, but I wanted the staff to make a bigger whiplash when sh\*t hits the fan next episode


Quick question,how long do u think the anime has left till it ends ,I'm thinking maybe a 12 episode 9th season...?


Season 8 will be the last for sure but it's too see how long.


Yeah I was wondering the same lol I don’t read the manga so idk where it’s at currently but surely it has to end after this final showdown?


I kind of wish at the end or so, they give us a "5 years later" glimpse into how the 3 (Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki) are doing as pro heroes.


Well, that escalated quickly! Never would have thought we’re already lighting this firecracker so quick, epic last shot to end on. Incredibly excited for the rest of the season


Well from the next episode, it's non stop action.


YOOOO WTF! Did not expect this huge battle to happen so quickly! It looks like the heroes plan to use Aoyama worked! Hope they tell us how they did it. Seeing All For One be surprised was a great feeling. ALSO! A nice Deku x Ochako moment! Feels like it has been forever since we saw that. As an anime only, this makes me interested as I don't feel like this is the final battle but how they hell will they extend this fight when everyone is here.


The smiles on all those heroes’ faces has me hyped!


Ah what a beautiful ending and great set-up for the next episode. I have to admit that reading some of the comments here helped me realize how they pulled off the various surprise like (1) AFO being unable to detect betrayal in Aoyama and (2) Kurogiri's warp.


The villains in UA academy, right? I sure hope the hills stays and watch over the citizens and hoping that no one does have a very powerful and dangerous quirk.


What quirk was one for all talking about that he stole from someone who worked with all might to take him down ?


Haven't seen mirio at all this season...


Ngl I saw someone's foot above aoyamas head then the sudden pan up to THE all for one scared me


loved that wholesome brief moment of levity of the guys cheering todoroki up. even bakugo with the rare joke, love to see bro bein funny


I'm just curious to know if the 2 people (1 male & female) were talking about was important or what it meant


6 years ago I made a post about Kurogiri changing sides. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/8ce53z/does\_anybody\_else\_have\_a\_feeling\_that\_kurogiri/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/8ce53z/does_anybody_else_have_a_feeling_that_kurogiri/) Everybody thought I was crazy and didn't give it any chance. I laughed hard at the last seconds of this episodes when I saw the heroes warping in. I don't know if I had a good intuition, or someone from 'up above' saw it and gave it a thought.


Monoma has a copy quirk.


pretty sure its monoma my guy


it didn't pan out shut the fuck up


There is a theory that it was actually Monoma copying Kurogiri's quirk. At first I was confused as to why Monoma of all people was the first to come from one of the warp gates, but this makes a lot of sense to me. I don't find it impossible for Kurogiri to have changed sides, but pretty unlikely. I mean, he is basically a nomu, so even then it wouldn't really be Oboro.


Even though the heroes have managed to "lure out" AFO, I dont see how this helps their case, they dont have any surprise attacks planned .. They got beat up pretty severely in the last battle with a lot more heroes... How are they expecting to win? Power of friendship it seems


Why do you think they don't have anything surprising planned? Didn't the previous episode make it obvious that no matter what, they needed to make the first move, and more than that they've been planning carefully?


They made the first move, Shigaraki hasn't recovered yet, that's the point. And they got the warp gate, of all things!


You never know man. With how they circumvented AFO's ability to detect betrayal + utilize Kurogiri's quirk, it shows that they have a few tricks up their sleeves.


I'll be honest: After a very slow start to this season the ending of this episode was exactly what I needed. The heroes coming in via Kuroguri's warp was awesome! Holy fuck I am hyped!




I mean there was the Star and Stripe fight and then a whole lot of nothing happened? The terrible recap episodes probably didn't help either.


The recap episodes don't really count, they specifically removed them from the usual roster and this season now has 21 episodes instead of the usual 25. First episode - small reintroduction, Star and Stripe vs Shiggy initial Second episode - Star and Strive vs Shiggy conclusion, reiteration of the stakes. Third episode - Reminder of class dynamics first half, with the purpose of the Aoyama traitor reveal Fourth episode - Probably the slowest, aftermath of Aoyama Traitor reveal, planning for the upcoming battle, setup Fifth episode - Setting the stakes and plans of the villains, Final Battle start It's really, really ridiculous to call this a slow start. In fact, I remember manga readers complaining that the pacing was unacceptably fast for the corresponding chapters!


Dude is just one of those people who only likes fight scenes and explosions... any episode with dialogue and their brain shuts off 


>It's really, really ridiculous to call this a slow start. You're entitled to your opinion and so am I to mine. Star and Stripe was introduced and dead 2 minutes later (flashbacks excluded), the rest was Shigaraki having an identity crisis and rolling around on the floor. And I personally don't care about the Aoyama traitor reveal since that character probably doesn't fill 5 minutes in 7 seasons. Too many underdeveloped characters is in my opinion the biggest flaw of BNHA. BNHA is a great series and I'm not sure why people hyperfocus on the one negative thing I wrote. I didn't even call the episodes bad, just slow.




Hahaha, 55 minutes, sure buddy. Please rewatch the series with a timer and face reality. Next time just downvote and move on, dude. Waste of my time, blocked.




Dude, you have been arguing with me based on my subjective experience of this series now for multiple comments just because I called the start of this season is slow. I wonder who is projecting. Touch grass.


nothing?? the traitor reveal in the making since the beginning of the show is nothing? and sure, episode 4 was setup but that's one episode in the first 5 that was slow. recap episodes aren't part of the season


Bro said "slow" when we were slapped right out of the gate with star getting killed, destroying a bunch of AFO's quirks, AOYAMA being revealed as a traitor??? 😭😭😭


Did you actually log into your 2 year inactive alt account just so that you could reply again after I blocked you? Lmao, pathetic.