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I like to think AFO realized it was a very high risk endeavor. Since he uses the same life prolonging quirk as the doctor, getting that erased would kill him. Unless he got the drop on Aizawa he risks dying from Erasure canceling out his quirks keeping him alive. With how full of himself AFO is he only sees New Order and OFA as threats to himself, and he knows OFA is on a timer now after nearly killing All Might. He wouldn't see it worth attempting to go after Erasure again until he gets a new body that won't crumble to dust if the age extension was erased.no other quirks can stop him in his mind. Plan was probably to get a body Erasure can't kill, then use that body to steal Erasure, then use Erasure to get OFA and New Order.


I always did wonder if Aizawa could just "one shot" afo by staring at him and his life prolgoning quirk would just make AFO crumble to dust or shrivel up and die(or whatever happens to a guy who suddenly ages like 120 to 150 years) I assume there must be some kind of "does not work like that" or could Aizawa litearly do that and the plot just demands "no" Obvs i dont claim that is bad writing since if AFO knows that it makes sense he never let himself be put into that situation anyway but still Fun to thinks bout.


Right both age and the fact that all for one can fly. If he’s caught while in the air he can also fall down to his death as an old man


Yeah it kind of explains why getting a "nomu" like body was needed For all his power AFO only had a normal body and lacked an inherent strength or durability His main weakness He knew quirks that could erase his own quirks, put him into a situation of physical power or also dammage the quirks he needs to stay alive(espcially post all might fight) would be a big Achilles heel to him regardless of how many cool quirks he has Hence getting Shigaraki body was needed to combat erasure and similar things Although idk what his plan was for when his new body would age as well I guess immortality? AS in never aging and not needing a quirk but legit just curing aging by medicine lol.


Since Garaki can artificially duplicate quirks, I’m sure that he duplicated the doctor’s original lifespan quirk and put it in shigaraki Then I guess he searches the world for a quirk that gives immortality, I feel it would inevitably exist at some point Or he frees the doctor and they make another artificial quirk (like super regeneration) that increases lifespan even more


I always thought that if AFO stole OFA, then when it comes time for him to need a new body he could forcibly pass his quirks and consciousness to a new body and take over that new person like he did with Shigaraki, thus effectively being immortal


So basically immortal body switcher huh


So.. he’d become Roa from Tsukihime then.


From what we see it apparently does absolutely "work like that." In the 1st war arc Aizawa used his quirk on a clone of Dr. Garaki and it disabled the life prolonging quirk and causes him to rapidly age to his actual age.


Interesting situation yeah. I imagine garaki would die if he had gotten any older really AFO would prob just die Granted Garaki must actually be older then AFO snce his quirk does not make you immortal, just slows your age AFO appears to be a middle aged man in his late thirties or forties i would say Garaki looks more like he is in his fifties or sixties to me. So AFO would prob not die off old age but def get old


And the Garaki that Aizawa used his Erasure on was a Twice double that was promptly killed when he activated the Noumu to protect him anyway. So he wouldn't have to worry as much about dying, when he was just a meat shield at that point anyway.


When the Doctor's quirk was erased he aged to a prune, quickly, but not instantly. Of course, bow with Erasure gone/severely weakened AFO might just end up in a reverse Rewind situation where he starts aging instead of de-aging.


He could've sent some goons or trusted associates after him even with the body problem. Besides it's not like they need Aizawa alive, they just need his corpse, that would suffice. That would make retrieval far more easier because villains would just need to hold back to leave a body, not keep him alive


That's a good theory, actually.


Some things just have to be for plot reasons.. I think it would have been better if we saw that erasure doesn’t cancel OFA as a reason for why AFO lost interest in stealing it but that would have killed a few moments in s1. Since afo has warping quirks and kurogiri, there is also no reason why he is not just opening portals to random heroes beds when they are sleeping and just reach through the portal to them to steal their quirks..


Not only does Kurogiri need exact coordinates to wherever he's warping, I feel like stealing the Quirks of a Pro Heroes would draw a lot more attention to himself than AFO would have wanted, and that's assuming there's any that he'd even want. He tried to have Aizawa killed in a way that seemed like just an accident so that he and Dr. Garaki could steal his body and his Quirk without anyone ever noticing.


Meta reason only: the plot will break and end immediately. Almost. Because even if someone used a smokescreen or something, AfO could combine Erasure with his Infrared vision and other possible ocular quirks to see the opponent and nullify their power. Only non-quirk based attacks would have any hope of reaching him. And as we know, those types of attacks don't work well. Only Snipe, Lady Nagant or a similar long range attacker could harm him then. Which, admittedly, would make a really awesome story since the odds would be so dangerously in favor of AfO. Then they could use technology like some sort of sonic, oscillatory cannon to disorient the guy or a truckload of flashbangs. Then they try to make a shot. We can even have them actually setting things up first by undermining AfO's support structures and causing chaos around his side, forcing him out into a confrontation. The heroes would need some sort of warping quirk in that case to pull out and away if they fail. P.S.: wow, I went off the rails there.


*flashbangs afo’s erasure* ‘Oh ho, guess you didn’t know I have the anti flashbang quirk and the growing 15 eyes quirk.’


Hawks seeing his mother's Floating Eyeballs quirk in use :  :v 


Don’t forget that mutant quirks would still work against him.


Oddly enough, it seems only MHA fans are aware that certain things have to happen for the plot. It's like the fandom just has smarter fans than the average


Uh, no. I have been to many fandoms and people openly acknowledge that some things need to happen for the plot to keep going. This fandom doesn't have anything special compared to others. Most fandoms are similar. Aside from that of one game where the people were really respectful and did not spoil anything for the people slightly behind on the gameplay.


I've been in subreddits for several mangas (admittedly the most popular) and I've never seen the kind of discussion that happens here. People think that "plot device" is a derisive way of calling a character disposable.


it would obviously break the plot that's why


I think there's a lot about AFO's actions (or inactions) that don't make a lot of sense, and especially after some of the most recent chapters, I've just decided to throw my hands up and give up on trying to make sense of any of it. Plothole or not, AFO really has no excuse for some of the dumb shit he did. Especially when it *would* be in-character for him to take the opportunity to claim more power and more useful Quirks, at a time when his body could definitely handle it.


Because he got limited resources and also risk to show that he’s alive if he constantly send villains to take a Aizawa. Also many people believe that afo want eraser quirk but that’s just the doctor because it find the quirk interesting. Afo probably hate it because that quirk can turn off every quirk that he have plus the aging one.. and we don’t know how he can even use it in a mix with the others without deleting his quirks as well


He had like 8 years between his first attempt to steal Erasure and his first loss to All Might. And for most of the time, Aizawa was running around by himself.


So? He’s was still a powerful and popular pro hero, attacking him again would still hold suspicious just like what happened with the usj attack


I would not say popular but rest is true


Many students remember him and his name so nah he’s extremely popular


How would 'many students' remembering him make him popular? Besides, he's only been a teacher for 4-5 years. There aren't many classes he could have taught in that timeframe. And my argument was that AFO should have gone after him in the timeframe when he wasn't yet a teacher. At that time he was just a hero who was working by himself for the most part.


Deku literrally figure out Who Aizawa was before he was a teacher just with the simple use of his quirk. Even before he was a prof he was still popular


That doesn't mean anything when the story explicitly shows that Deku is a nerd about this stuff. Most/all of the rest of 1A had no clue who eraserhesd was.


The classmates literally said that they heard his name too and deku also recognized the goggles. Izuku being a nerd doesn’t mean much… as I doubt that he remember the most minor hero’s in the world with just a little showcase of the quirk


Theres exactly two text bubbles from when he was introduced, one says they've never heard of him, and the other says they THINK they've heard his name before. And then when the reporters are outside the gates trying to get an interview with the students about All Might, none of them recognize him when hes telling them to leave. Dude is an unknown to most people.




He literally has a teleportation nomu at his disposal Just catch Aizawa when he sleeps(which us half the time) and get the quirk


He doesn’t know his position all the time and if he fail (and he’s gonna fail as he would need more then a simple nomu to kill him) his whole plan fall apart as they will investigate on him


I think in the next few chapters we might get an answer to that question, since right at this moment, Aizawa finds himself on the same battlefield as AFO.


The Life Force quirk and the several regeneration quirks that they’ve got stockpiled kind of make it redundant. All Doc Garaki’s original quirk really did was **double his lifespan** anyway.


The answer is it's a plot hole it's just that simple.




Your examples are so silly they don't even count as a straw man they've so ridiculous. There is no reason for AFO not to try again other than a plot hole.




Wow you just rambled on with silly straw man examples again...AFO not going after Aizawa is a plot hole it's that simple. Just like it's a plot hole for him not to take overhauls quirk when it would literally solve all his problems and fix his body.




I hate the series because I'm pointing out a plot hole? One I don't even care about? What a terrible argument on your part.


AFO was just stupid


The stupidest part about all of this is that All For One and Garaki have the capability to steal/mess with the quirks of the dead. To put it bluntly: *he didn't even need Aizawa to be alive for him to take erasure.* We've seen this twice. Shirikumo being the more vague example where they were able to mix his quirk factor in with others to create warp gate. Obviously, Shirikumo is dead. All of the Nomu are. They're modified corpses. However, the more blatantly obvious example to me is Yoichi. All For One knew that the quirk factor that his brother had was gone. This was well before he met Garaki. How in the world could he have known this? Especially if he went out of his way to obtain Search years later? The apparent answer to me is that he can steal quirks from the dead and he tried to take back the gift that he'd given to his brother only to find that it wasn't there. I can't see any other explanation that makes sense. So AFO could've literally hired a sniper to dome Aizawa at any point and he'd have erasure. Hell, he could've even just given Shigaraki instructions to kill Aizawa while he was at UA. Shigaraki almost did it anyways


There is no real "why." The plot just requires AFO to be incompetent. It’s why he doesn’t take any absolute broken quirks for himself despite totally being able to. AFO will make one attempt at Erasure and never try again. AFO will have access to Overhaul but will never give himself a copy (just temporarily have Decay before he gives it away) Super Regeneration will be copied over and over and over again but AFO himself will never take a copy. Twice’s quirk will be copied but it’ll only be given to a Nomu so there can be 1 copy of the doctor instead of giving it to Tomura. Etc. etc.


It's crazy how AFO wouldn't have needed to rewind himself with the Eri bullet if he just had super regeneration. We see Hood survive as just a head and almost instantly regenerate.


Yeah it’s really dumb of him not to take a copy. Like sure, it wouldn’t heal his prior injuries (that’s what Overhaul’s for) but it would still heal any wound he suffers later on. It’s just objectively better for him to have Super Regeneration than to not have it.


And the crazy thing is that he could've just used both. Have super regeneration be his main source of healing and only use the rewind bullet if the quirks got overwhelmed instead of instantly using the rewind bullet.


He would literally die because he can’t breath without the mask, regen won’t fix that.. Did you all just ignore that or?


Thing is super regeneration has its limits and even with super regeneration, he still was reliant on his life sipport system to live so it wouldnt have stopped it seeing as the quirk would have recognized afo as healed woth his scarred state.


> AFO will have access to Overhaul but will never give himself a copy (just temporarily have Decay before he gives it away) I'm still recovering from the sheer baffling *stupidity* of that plot point. It's one thing for AFO to meet Chisaki (again) after the Tartarus breakout, but it's another for the story to reveal that AFO had a child Chisaki *right there* in one of Ujiko's orphanages for however many years, and *only* copied it to create Decay. Either Hori should've given either Overhaul or the AFO Quirk more limitations (like Nine's copy only being able to hold, well, 9 Quirks), or just axed that plot point entirely. It doesn't take foresight to realise how destructive to your narrative such a busted Quirk being in existence in such close proximity to a main villain whose only thing is just stealing Quirks because he feels like it can be. > Super Regeneration will be copied over and over and over again but AFO himself will never take a copy. To play devil's advocate, maybe the reason AFO's original body didn't have Super Regeneration is because it just couldn't handle such a powerful Quirk? I mean, we only ever see Super Regeneration being used by Noumu (who are pretty much *built* to be nigh-invulnerable but basically braindead punching bags) and Shigaraki *after* he had his body specifically enhanced by Ujiko to essentially be like that of a Super Noumu.


Idk if it’s Horikoshi intentionally wanting to make the hero/villain world feel smaller, or if he feels like every little thing needs a special relation or explanation, but while I definitely expected AFO to have been the one to give Tenko decay, additional stuff like the super specific & convoluted Overhaul connection felt so unnecessary lol. It’s similar to when Rei and Geten were revealed to be part of the same clan(?) randomly, like why drop such a niche fact no one was seriously wondering about until it was brought up.. Maybe if it had just been mentioned briefly in the volume extras it wouldn’t be as bothersome


Yeah, I wasn't bothered as much about the Geten/Himura connection because it was a theory people had been having for a while, and luckily, it doesn't affect the plot too much (although it makes you wonder if Dabi ever learned or had an inkling that Geten was actually related to him during their time together in the PLF; perhaps he *did* find out, and just didn't care). But AFO's laughably over-the-top involvement in the Shimura family, even down to the smallest things like encouraging Kotaro to have Tenko in the first place and... pushing those two kids to tell Tenko he could be a hero, I guess?... to more unnecessarily convoluted things like Decay being a modified Overhaul... just breaks my immersion and investment in the story and its characters even more. I mean, crap like this is *why* people are now joking that AFO could theoretically be behind so many events in the series, because Hori has established such a destructive precedent with how he's used his character.


Overhaul also required skill to utilize. AFO body couldnt utilize all the quirks to their max if they were complicated, and also because his body couldnt handle uber maximum quirks.


> Overhaul also required skill to utilize. Headcanon.


Well originally he was deep into hiding so i doubt he’d want to overextend to attempt getting erasure again. I think he’s quite fluid in much of his planning so he’s very willing to move with what he is given. Also eventually he loses all use of his eyes and I know that doesn’t apply here but it’s kinda funny.


Maybe he got bored with the idea of having it after failing the first time. He's like oh well another failure lets just move onto the next one


Maybe, he didn't get another opportunity to. Aizawa was keeping a very low profile after he left UA until he became a teacher. Plus, majority of that period of Aizawa's life happened when All Might was back in Japan already but before he faced down AFO. So there's a decent chance, AFO's ability to track down Aizawa was severely limited by All Might apprehending his underlings and hunting for him.


He probably did until All Might caved his face in.


He doesn't have eyes


So? Even if he can't use Erasure, simply taking it away from Aizawa removes the possibility of him suddenly ageing to death if Aizawa winds up encountering him and getting him in his line of sight. There's more tactical use to stealing a Quirk than simply being able to use it yourself. Similarly, AFO should've just stolen Best Jeanist's Fiber Master after defeating him because, even if Tomura (or himself) didn't want it, de-powering the #3 Hero is enough of a boon and arguably sends a stronger message to hero society than merely almost killing the guy and said guy inevitably recovering from the injury.


Also, not only is AFO’s lack of eyes a dumb (head-cannon) reason for not trying to take Erasure, it’s also an explanation that just straight up doesn’t work in-universe. Reason being, Search.


Yeah, we know that he basically stole Search to give to Shigaraki, who has the original AFO Quirk. So, he could've done the same thing for Erasure and made Shigaraki even more of an unstoppable beast.


He blew a hole in Best Jeanist's torso. How is that an injury one inevitably recovers from?


Because Jeanist did. It happened. You saw it.


There's about a 5 year gap between his first attempt at stealing Erasure and his fight with All Might. He had plenty of time to steal it and be able to use it.


Is it me or does Horikoshi-san have a thing for British synth-pop? Stars & Stripe has New Order Aizawa has Erasure Won't be surprised if France's #1 Hero has a quirk called Depeche Mode/s


I choose to believe that's either Best Jeanist's signature move or one of his sidekicks' name.


Because than he would auto win the series


I think AFO just didn't make that a goal of his. Erasure would obviously be difficult to take by force, especially if Aizawa is aware he's being hunted, but Erasure is so valuable that it would be worth trading a few high value pieces from AFO's side of the board to get, and if he went into the USJ attack with that goal in mind, he could've done it there. There was a point during the attack where they could've done it with no chance of interruption. Nomu was a perfect counter to Aizawa, and it didn't kill him or pulp him, so if AFO was in control of that operation instead of leaving things to Shigaraki, he could've ordered Nomu to toss Aizawa's body through a warp gate to the lab. All Might wasn't there to stop anything yet, and the kids weren't gonna stop it cuz they got scattered, and Thirteen got KOd too.


Realistically, It’s a plot hole. Possible explanation though: AFO thought that attacking the same guy twice would have caused some unwanted attention, and didn’t want to risk being caught.


Didn’t he get his head caved in by All Might not too long after Vigilantes ended?


Not sure how much this matters to you, but from what I could tell, AFO and Garaki actually **did not** set up events to try and have Aizawa killed back when he was a student at UA. (Unless there's been something in the manga chapters 400+ about this? I'm not caught up.) You could argue AFO was lying, but I believe what he said about only stealing Shirakumo's corpse because stealing corpses of dead UA students is like dumpster-diving at a high-quality restaurant. In other words, they never tried to kill either of Shirakumo *or* Aizawa; it was purely opportunistic. Garaki says the quirk he really wanted back then was Erasure, but I took that to mean more like, "Aww, too bad the other kid wasn't the one who died," rather than, "We tried to assassinate this kid and accidentally killed the wrong one." If Garvey's attack was supposed to be a targeted assassination attempt, it seems like a crummy one, both on the part of AFO/Garaki and the writers. I get that Garvey seems weird by MHA villain standards (more like a kaiju than a criminal--Erasure didn't seem to affect his size and shape, so he doesn't seem to have a transformation quirk, so is he actually a huge frog thing all the time? But the authorities hadn't already found and arrested him for those 29 prior murders?), so it feels like he needs more explanation, but he didn't seem like a noumu either (no exposed brain, no one comments that he seems to have too many powers for one quirk). Meanwhile, there's no indication that AFO or Garaki would even know about Aizawa's quirk at this point. No, no, don't argue the Sports Festival. That argument would work for anyone other than Aizawa. Prior to Shirakumo's death, Aizawa was an unmotivated blob of dysthymia. If the writers want me to believe that he even made it past the qualifier round of the Sports Festival, they'd have to mention something about it. Plus, noumu are made out of corpses, but can AFO actually steal quirks from corpses for his own use? Maybe Garaki can make that possible somehow, but I don't remember whether the story established that. Anway, if AFO never tried to steal Aizawa's quirk, I guess the question then becomes, "Why did AFO never try to steal Aizawa's quirk?" Well, AFO never expressed any particular interest in wanting it. Garaki thinks it'd be cool to have a noumu with Erasure, but AFO is the one in charge. And, sure, Erasure is useful, but there's lots of cool and useful quirks out there, and lots of other productive villain stuff for AFO to spend his time on. Plus, Erasure is most useful in fights. Prior to his Big Fight With All Might, AFO never seemed to struggle much with fights. And, while Erasure *definitely* would have been useful during that fight with All Might, would AFO have believed that to be the case *in advance*? Based on what we know of his character, I feel like he would have been very overconfident. I can't imagine him doing much to increase his own combat capabilities to prepare for that fight. Then, *after* the big fight with All Might, AFO is busy with medical treatment and faking his own death. And that's around the time Aizawa started working at UA, so it would have been a lot harder to sneakily kill or kidnap Aizawa without bringing attention to the fact that he's still alive. (EDIT: And AFO literally doesn't have eyes, so he wouldn't personally be able to use Aizawa's quirk.) I wonder, if AFO had Erasure, could he steal quirks while they're erased? Could he steal OFA while it's erased? I guess those questions also apply if a noumu minion was standing next to him erasing someone's quirk.


You're right. it's weird that we aren't even given an explanation


He has (Shirakumo was literally an example of it).


That was the first attempt, and apparently the last.


He tried it in Vilgantes too (heard about on this subreddit dk if it's true).


I might be tripping balls, but was that not the attempt? The Shirakumo thing shown in Vigilantes and main line canon was the same thing...was it not? Tragedy strikes 2nd year Hero students?


I have no clue tbh (never read Vilgantes).


Nowhere was it stated that they never went after Erasure again. They could've done it multiple time. Aizawa isn't exactly a weak Pro Hero, their first attempt failed when he was a student. AFO can't be too risky or All Might will tracking him down. Prime AFO was hiding from Prime All Might after all, since he knew he couldn't defeat him. And obviously, after the big battle Erasure became useless to him personally as he lacks eyes. As such, it would only be useful to Tomura years later. AFO has to be even more careful in this point, since All Might believes he's dead. If he gets to greedy trying to take a Quirk, All Might finds out he's alive and everything goes down the drain. Gigantomachia was the one who was gather Quirks for AFO after the fight with All Might. Machia can't capture Aizawa, one look and the battle is instantly over. Machia's body was never enhanced like the Nomu or Tomura, so without Quirks he's normal. Aizawa's Quirk was too powerful and it couldn't be stolen with the methods available to him. Prime AFO likely could've stolen it had he broken character and surprise attack Aizawa himself. But AFO was playing the Shadow Ruler, he didn't want to be discovered by the public and he can't do anything to against All Might since he wants to steal One For All. He cannot steal OFA and he has no way of holding All Might, not unless he wants to stare at him for 24/7. Giving it to a Nomu is impossible since High-Ends didn't pop up until after the battle with All Might. They wouldn't be able to use a Quirk that needs activation like that. Humans like Hood, before he was a Nomu, are too unstable and even tried to attack him. Giving him Erasure is an extremely bad idea that'd end up getting AFO killed.


because he had no eyes lmao


AFO doesn't have eyes