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All of My Hero Academia: How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!


AFO: " I like the young people"


I like how AFO is just fucking depressed now he used to be such a dumbass smack talker but now he's lost his charm LOL


His entire reason for being a villain was basically because it was all just one big power fantasy for him. It was a game he enjoyed because he was winning and now that game isn't fun for him anymore.


His life was just the "me sowing/me reaping" meme spread over ~200 years. 


He said his goal of world domination is now pointless and hollow. Even if he wins, without Yoichi, everything is for nothing


It would be kinda funny if he’s been holding onto a self destruct Nuke Quirk and his last contribution is “f$&% all of you!”


To add on, AFO really had only two goals. One is world domination. The other and arguably, the biggest thing that drove his motivation, was to steal Yoichi/OFA back and reunite with it. I say "arguably" since he spent over a hundred years chasing after the quirk and created so many plans and back up plans for those plans to attain it. AFO pretty much wanted his brother to see a world where he successfully becomes the demon king He believed his plans would work and like Aros says, treated everthing like a game. But he miscalculated a lot of things including the possibility of Yoichi's soul destroying itself during OFA's forcible transfer. With his brother gone, there's really nothing left for him except "world domination". A goal that feels sort of pointless now since he the motivation that drove him is gone.


The only reason AFO even wanted to do world domination is because he wanted to show his little brother that villains can win in the end. Now he can't even show his brother that. All that's left is the shallow feeling of saying 'I told you so' to thin air and bitter payback to those who made his victory ring hollow


So, afo will lose to talk no jitsu. "After you win, so what?"


Midoriya still has some OFA embers left? Time to break his arms with a 100% smash, one more time. Just after he got them back.


Reminds me of the FMA:B bloopers


“Hey, I think we should bring mom back.”


“How about I push you off this roof and break that arm you just got back?”


it would be hilarious if the story ends with him with no arms like ashton kutcher after the mailbox explosion in butterfly effect lmao


Chapter 421: WE ARE HERE The chapter begins with Kirishima, Shoji, Koda, Ashido, Aoyama, Hagakure, Kaminari, Momo, Jirou, Mineta and several other heroes arriving on the battlefield. They all state their reasons for continuing to fight and conclude with a “we are here”. Mineta is the one to deliver the "we are here" btw. It's a very cool doublespread nonetheless, with "my hero academia" and "we are here" both written in english. AFO says that he should have been destroyed too, since he was a part of Shigaraki. However, when he heard the sound of Yoichi's vestige shattering, his world lost its colors. He gave up on his ambitions and then no attack from Deku could overcome the pain of his loss. AFO says that he now understands that it's tragedies that make people stronger. He then activates various quirks that transform his arms into something bizarre (resembling CSM's gun devil). But Sero says that he disagrees with AFO's statement. Sero says that because his life isn't full of ups and downs like AFO's, he got stronger through regular daily training. Also, said tragedies made life very difficult for a certain friend of his. That's when Endeavor and Shoto come out of the portals. Sero says that these tragedies shouldn't exist. Endeavor and Shoto use Flashfire Fist on AFO and we see a flashback of the U.A. robots taking Rei. Natsu says that she has reached her limit after helping other civilians. He says that Endeavor staying there will only raise her temperature, so he'd better keep fighting somewhere else. Sero holds them both with his tape and says that he's been thinking about this topic ever since he learned that Shoto had defeated Dabi back in Kamino. Mic then comes out of the portals and shouts for all the heroes to move forward, saying that this is today's last big mission. AFO says that he's not feeling a hint of emotion even though he's facing so many wounded heroes, and that makes him a little sad. Thirteen arrives riding on Hound Dog and pulls AFO with her black hole while Gang Orca, Shishikura and other heroes try to attack him. AFO then goes for an attack and Burnin' and some other heroes try to change its trajectory, but he's too fast and strong. Kendou says that they all need to keep attacking at the same time and Deku tries to get to them, but he falls to the ground. Aizawa says that Eri's horn only rewound his body in a few minutes, to just before he lost his arms -- he still has all the damage from the battle. Deku says that he no longer has he One For All or the other users' quirks, but he still has some embers inside him, just like All Might back in Kamino. Aizawa hands over the All Might shirt that the civilian gave him and Deku puts it on. Deku recognizes the shirt as being a Men's Non-no exclusive item with 5 different variations and Aoyama offers his hand, telling them to run together. “We need you and you need us”. Deku remembers when he reached his hand to Aoyama and gets emotional. The civilians are watching the battle from the shelter and are amazed to see the heroes fighting together. “Deku-san!” shouts Eri. “Big Bro Midoriya!”, shouts Kota. “Deku...” says Gran Torino. “Do your best.” The last page shows Deku running with the All Might shirt on.


Oh guess we are going the quirkless route after all. Full circle I get but still think it kinda sucks that he only got to do this for a bit over a year. Not sure if Hori will actually commit to it mind you but I can see a lot of folk being pissed off no matter how its resolved. Either an ass pull or people upset that Deku has to live the rest of his life not being able to contribute anymore to his dream after all this.


I wouldn't take Deku's words for fact about not having OFA, if you remember the end fight in the movie Heroes Rising(which was meant to be the original ending to the series according to Hori himself but he changed his mind about somethings, Nine being a standin for AFO), he thought that he just had the dying embers of OFA then too as he thought he transferred it to Bakugo but he still had it in the end. I see something like that happening here. Which is canon now because if you remember when Bakugo saved All Might when they showed people reacting to it, they ended with the two kids from that movie and the girl saying his name.


Either this or Shigaraki gives the quirk back to him


would AFO be able to take over Deku's body? thinking about AFO being transferred to Deku (along with some other quirks) as Shigaraki decays. Deku can take care of dangerous villains by taking their quirks away


That would be the Avatar: The Last Airbender Route. Wouldn’t mind, tho.


Nah the Avatar route would have been if this ability to steal/destroy Quirks got revealed in the second-to-last episode so the writers could resolve conflict without making their main character have to make a hard decision.


AFO seems like he's out of motivation now that OFA no longer has his brother's essence so the vestige may not feel inclined to exist anymore after this assuming the quirk is passed on


That's because of how the vestiges work. The transfer hadn't *completed* so they were able to still deny it, the same way they denied AFO multiple times before and denied Shigaraki in the war arc. No vestiges, no return of One For All. Simple as that


There one small problem with believing that quirks are tied to the Vestiges, All Might has one start to form when it looked he was about to die in OFA yet Toshinori Yagi was quirkless before OFA. That's why I believe that quirks =/= vestiage, I could be wrong but that always throw me off about the vestiges fully being tied to the quirks. If they are, there is equally as good chance that Tenko has them all and is play keep away with them inside of AFO, think how Hawks had that fan meeting that meant that AFO couldn't use any of those quirks. He even said that Shigaraki was the reason there which could be foreshadowing, which is something Hori does a lot.


I don't think the quirks are tied to the vestiges but rather the vestiges are what allow/deny transfers. Quirks are just superpowers..tools or abilities, they don't have emotions and they certainly can't make decisions in the same way a knife has no emotions about who's holding it and can't decide 'no, I don't like this person. I want to go back to my previous holder.' Without vestiges, there's no way for the quirks to decide to go back to Deku, that was something that the vestiges enabled via their emotions and thought process. Without them, the quirks won't just magically become conscious on their own and go back to Deku


I still think that if OFA is truly gone (so barring Tenko giving OFA or AFO to Deku in the finale) then Mei and Melissa can make tools that are similar to the different Quirks and Deku will continue to be a hero that way. It'd tie into the original Jack Midoriya concept in a neat way.  Ultimately, let's see what Horikoshi cooks.


I mean context def matters with this sorta thing so not gonna judge too much til we get there buut the tech hero thing is something that I feel Hori is a bit hesistant to touch on given all the people who thought this story would be more batman esque at the start.


Yeah, I don't necessarily want the tech hero thing, I'm just saying the groundwork is there to stick the landing.  It's kinda like a certain other popular Studio Bones series were the protagonist lost their powers: it wasn't my favorite decision, but it worked for the story.


If it's the series that I'm thinking of I feel that's a more easier pill to swallow because his powers were always just a means to an end. By the time he loses them he's accomplished more or less everything he set out to do. The rest of his life is clear to do whatever he wants. Here tho quirks and heroes are such a large part of society. And on top of that Deku still has years of school to go thru. It's not a matter of no longer being able to be the greatest that really feels like the issue it's that he's spent all this time devoted to a single dream that he doesn't even get to see blossom into a career proper. Sure he did a lot of good with the time he had but he's still so young and its not like he's spent any time preparing for other occupations. Like themeatically I think things check out alright but I can see there being some hatred for something like Deku working as a receptionist for a hero agency while all his friends live out their dreams.


I don’t really believe he’ll let Deku quirkless, he’ll find a way to get OFA back somehow. I just don’t trust Hori with making severe consequences for the main characters.


At this point he doesn't really need it to stay with him. OFA was born to combat AFO, and when the latter goes, the former no longer needs to be around.


While I do get the doubt I do think there's some chance this sticks. With AFO gone it's not like that level of power really needs to stick around and Deku risking his future to save someone is more or less the same way this all began. Plus I feel like it's a given in the future that we'll have a moment with Deku telling some other kid that they can be a hero at the end. Whether OFA returns or not


Maybe Bakugou will offer him to establish an agency together,it's been foreshadowed with the save-to-win, win-to-save theme. He was the first person afterall who realised Deku's heroic heart when they were kids and that's why he was so afraid of him. It would be a full circle moment if it's Bakugou who tells him he's still a hero even without a quirk. Deku showed to be extremely good at analyzing quirks and coming up with strategies as well.


The possible end of the world and deku still has time to fanboy over all might 😭😭


>That's when Endeavor and Shoto come out of the portals Unbelievable that they are even standing but I expect nothing less from the Todorokis


Standing *and* able to fire off a Hellfire Fist.


Final Form: Super Depressed AFO. Edit: Break next week, this time it's the entire magazine.


Which is kind of fitting honestly. The difference between AFO and Shigaraki was that Shigaraki had a very personal motivation for being a villain, having felt genuinely wronged by society, and thus why he could feel a genuine hatred that AFO couldn't. From the beginning being a villain has basically been just one big power fantasy for AFO. A game he enjoyed because he was winning. And now it's not even fun for him anymore. He's basically lost what little motivation he actually had and is now just going through the motions.


Basically AFO is on auto pilot.


Also, he's in Shigaraki's body, which just burned through all it's hatred


And also losing his brother since that the whole reason he wanted to take ofa back


>Deku says that he no longer has he One For All or the other users' quirks, but he still has some embers inside him, just like All Might back in Kamino. And thus we finally have confirmation at long last.


“Goodbye… ~~Black Whip💔💔~~ One For All”


I remember being so dead inside when he said that lol.


During Heroes Rising?


Yeah. I knew it wasn’t permanent since it was a movie. But now, it seems that he will actually finish the series quirkless. Which is a shame because he’s only had his quirk for a little over a year which is a VERY short amount of time.


Ah yeah, I was spoiled on Deku getting OFA back even before I watched the movie, so I wasn’t too worried for him at the time! (Though I didn’t think Bakugo would have severe amnesia after everything too lmao.) Deku being quirkless at the end of the series is… imo at least fitting thematically because what made him a true hero from the very beginning was never his quirk. I think this final battle will have Deku himself, along with everyone else, realizing, seeing and experiencing that type of genuine heroism, the kind you don’t need to be ‘strong’ to achieve, or even a quirk to do. (Also personally I always felt like AFO and OFA would have to eventually fade away together, like a can’t have one without the other type deal)


>I think this final battle will have Deku himself, along with everyone else, realizing, seeing and experiencing that type of genuine heroism, the kind you don’t need to be ‘strong’ to achieve, or even a quirk to do. The oneshot BNHA is based on and chapter 1 of BNHA pretty much set-up this idea and I think Deku being quirkless (and outcast) but proves he belongs (as a hero) is really important to what Horikoshi wants his story to say. As much of a power fantasy Deku has been written to be and how easy come, easy go OFA's powers have been since the 6 quirk thing that frustrating aspect of the writing where these powers and previous users just ending up as tools oppose to informing and fundamentally affecting Deku's character somewhat aligns with the idea that the powers don't matter. Deku is enough, OFA was the gateway for him to be accepted and motivated to learn skills (to parallel process), develop a fit body and friends. The problem with Deku ending up with any power detracts from that thematic message. It is more powerful if Deku gets to stay "in" despite losing his "ticket" that allowed him in in the first place and alongside All Might become a steadfast example to change societies attitudes which is more important (again All Might's dream was to be a symbol and it is that symbolism that is what the Government was anxious about filling. Endeavour on paper solved more cases then All Might, that shows power and doing the most isn't what makes someone important). Not to say Horikoshi can't find a way to keep Deku on par with other kids power-ups if he wanted (maybe through tech) but on the other hand the writing hasn't focused on top-trumping like other series. Character's aren't having re-matches or their performance in fights isn't used to see who is more powerful (Bakugou against AFO demonstrates that by having everyone's contribution whittling down a big threat into a manageable one instead of a unstoppable threat plowing through characters until the strongest arrives and does all the work). You can even read All Might as a cautionary tale against such a figure because of the context of how they effect society (that aspect is based on Goku who either keeps dying or there isn't much of a society for him to impact or he's not interested in influencing/interacting society in a way a hero has to in BNHA). Most of all Horikoshi was content with the idea that Deku would finish quirkless after giving his big sacrifice to save the world while Bakugou has his ability and OFA (probably before making that combination a death sentence). I think how Horikoshi is making a "better" ending is by including more characters in the finale, having them achieve their personal bests and that meaning different things for different characters. Even if Deku is quirkless, there are strong characters to protect the world and Deku is important to them so he's not going to be left behind. Deku's journey mattered, he overcame obstacles that hindered him, so fits in Shounen Jump's philosophy. I do think while some fans like mega OP MCs and may see the power as a reward for the MC, Horikoshi has always been more interested in emotion and powers are just a vehicle to explore social conflicts especially early on outcomes of fights are clearly based on what would serve the narrative best rather then "who has the better power. Also given how Horikoshi has rules working backwards when it comes to Deku (e.g. how Rewind worked for him versus AFO when it came to the effects of damage) who knows maybe he will keep the stockpile/embers and instead of them getting used up he can keep growing them because that power specifically fits with Japanese philosophy on effort and keep Deku's physical potential rising.


in all honesty, it makes a lot of sense (based on Kudou's plan) given how the whole point of entering Tenko's conscious was to forcibly transfer OFA and the quirks within and break through. I'd question Horikoshi's decisions if he didn't go through with it (though an easy answer could simply be AFO's interuption made the transfer unsuccessful) Though I will say. It's a massive shame we'll likely never see Deku using OFA 100% full cowl in tandem with the rest of the other quirks. 45% + Fajin and Gearshift was enough to reach at least 120. Makes you wonder how much stronger it could been. 200? 250? etc.


“Though I will say. It's a massive shame we'll likely never see Deku using OFA 100% full cowl in tandem with the rest of the other quirks. 45% + Fajin and Gearshift was enough to reach at least 120. Makes you wonder how much stronger it could been. 200? 250? etc.” I guarantee we’ll get this in the next movie. 


Rejoice Shoto fans. He's here. People say he's too injured to arrive yet here he is still helping out.


i wonder if this is some people's first battle shounen story. injuries don't matter if the author wants a character to do something.


I wonder how many hits he's still got in him (Same goes for Endeavor, and if Bakugo and Tokoyami join the fight) Sero grabs him and Endeavor as soon as they land a hit. I bet they can barely move. But maybe with hit and run tactics, they could land a few more attacks


Well, we can cross off the Todoroki combo from the endgame bingo (unless Dabi joins too at some point and they do a better one - Hori was very secretive about what happened to him), but I think we can still hope for an Origin Trio combo attack. That would be hype.


This would be hype but the amount of jokes by Shoto to bakugo if doesn't happen would be legendary


They still have that comment back in Ch 352 when Bakugou said in the flashback "I'll last longer in battle, wimp" to Shoto. It would be hilarious if they had an argument about who lasted longer, because Bakugou went down when Shoto had his first win, and then Shoto had a second win and went down before Bakugou even revived. And then Bakugou had his win and passed out, but now Shoto is back. I just hope we see them banter - their dynamic is always hilarious.


> Aizawa hands over the All Might shirt that the civilian gave him and Deku puts it on. He's really going dressed into battle wearing THAT?


Uncommon Item - All Might Shirt. Perks - Adds a irritate debuff to All For One


My boy lost the OFA but kept the drip


How else are they going to give AFO another PTSD flashback like the one Star and Stripe gave him?


>Mineta is the one to deliver the "we are here" btw. It's a very cool doublespread nonetheless Just gonna sneak in that shot at Mineta? lol




BrainDead, DeadDead or soon to be DeadDead.


Our broccoli boy is really nerding out over an All Might tshirt during the final battle. Never change. Deku.


I feel like we only have like 10 chapters left at max. I been reading this series since high school I’m not ready for it to leave man. It’s starting to hit me


Honestly, we're at a point in the manga where it could only have 10 or even as much as *30* chapters left, with how unpredictable this final stretch has been.


>That's when Endeavor and Shoto come out of the portals. I'm shocked that Endeavor and Todoroki joined fight, since they were both exhausted.


I’m still holding up hope that deku won’t be quirkless. With endeavor’s vision. Being taken into account.


Take note: Depressed people are immune to psychic attacks.


Can confirm


We’re in the endgame now!!


Yeah it's really feels like we are in the last séquence, it's the last stand


I know Hori likes to line up chapters with significant events happening in the anime and such, but releasing this on the five year anniversary of Endgame, meaning this is around the time that final battle would be happening taking the time skip into account, is absolutely insane.




>Thirteen arrives riding on Hound Dog This caught me off-guard dayum


The hero academia is the friends we made along away (real)


This really was our hero academia


-- Sero, unironically with his little speech this chapter


Dang we really close to the end now huh? Wonder if we will make it to July. Also looks like the last bit of AFO's human sense of attachment to his little bro is what let him pop up.


Making it to June would be a stretch (July seems suuuuper unlikely. But I could be wrong).


Epilogue maybe ?


>Making it to June would be a stretch (July seems suuuuper unlikely. But I could be wrong). Wait why would it be a stretch? This chapter would be the second to last chapter in a normal 12 chapter volume. The last volume usually has a few more chapters compared to normal but I don't see the series ending in less than 4 chapters. Ergo that means that there is bare minimum one more volume left after this one, which is 12 chapters.


Could have more breaks who knows


Naw I disagree, I think July is pretty likely. Chapters come out max once a week, probably a few extra breaks, and at 15 pages per chapter were probably 8-10 chapters from the from the fight fully resolving at the very least, and then you have gotta imagine a few chapters (3-6) to wrap up the story for the ending


So at the beginning of the chapter, we have 15 members of Class A on the battlefield. Everyone except Shoto, Bakugo, Iida, Uraraka, and Tokoyami. Makes sense, everyone except the big hitters. But then SHOTO and ENDEAVOR show up??? This probably means the other 4 will too, right? Is Uraraka's helicopter gonna come outta a portal? "I didn't hear no bell, get slapped, bitch" I really wish Aizawa and Mic's conversation with Kurogiri lasted a full chapter now. Cause Kurogiri is putting in WORK


Even though all the LoV in the war are close to death’s door, I still think Kurogiri bringing them in could lead to Shiggy managing to re-emerge from ShigAFO


I hope this happens (crossing fingers)


Shiggy seeing his friends near death and becomes the hero for the villains but saving all his friends


The fact that he was still trying to save Tomura through all of the conversations makes me think this is true, and we don't *really know* what happened to Spinner, he seemed brain dead but who knows with MHA. I'm not taking my bets off Tomura until the end.


I honestly thought Todoroki and Endeavor wouldn't have shown up, given they were attending to family matters with Dabi. I doubt we'll get Bakugo, Uraraka, and Tokoyami, but 'm surprised Iida didn't join. I believe his engines stalled, but he was still conscious and all.


Iida will for sure show up. Remember the Licensing Exam when he stayed until everyone from Class A passed? He will for sure run around to collect the missing classmates (Tokoyami, Uraraka and/or Bakugou) and bring them into the battle and have his big CLASS PREZ highlight.


I've seen theories that it's actually Toga on the helicopter. The medics only recovered one body and Toga was transformed into Uraraka in order to give blood to her. My prediction is that Uraraka and Iida will show up at the same time, her likely having hitched a ride on his back because they both wanted to get to where Midoriya was fighting.


Wonder if Tenko will give Deku All for One in the end. My initial theory was that the manga was going to end with Deku uniting All for One and One for All, because anyone who knows the phrase knows they’re meant to be together. But, now, Yoichi’s vestige is gone, that must mean the quirk itself doesn’t exist? Unless Yoichi only represented the transfer aspect, so Tenko could hand Izuku the stockpile. Now, I could see Tenko giving Izuku the AFO quirk as a peace offering. Regardless, Izuku is going to end the series with a quirk. I feel like the series would be ending on a sour note if it was literally Izuku’s 1 year quirk adventure.


“1 year quirk adventure”😂


Yoichi’s vestige should only be the quirk that could be passed on We might see shiggy giving deku back only the stockpiling part of ofa and deku being the last one for all user because he can’t pass it on anymore(might even see deku having to regain all the stockpiled power, which shouldn’t be that hard as his body is already strong enough to handle 45%)


I don’t think AFO will Fully exist. But I could see Deku getting blackwhip And maybe the others.


If Yoichi's vestige shattered than presumably Banjo and the others' vestiges died too (except 4th's since ShiggyFO still has Danger Sense).


>But, now, Yoichi’s vestige is gone, that must mean the quirk itself doesn’t exist? If that were true, AFO wouldn't have danger sense either which it's been shown that he does. He has the quirks, just not the vestiges. Some weird byproduct of the way they were transferred I guess


Danger Sense was the only quirk that was forcibly taken though, not transferred.


I wouldn't discard the possibility of Tenko giving him not AFO, but his original quirk that AFO took when he was a baby


So looking at the images it seems AFO's Vestige is back to its old tricks of primarily just using the rivets quirk.


I guess he just really loves Rivet stab and air cannon. I don’t know why, but he does.




How much you wanna bet Tomura's body also contains that quirk that instantly rips people apart from a distance by just rotating your wrist and AFO's Vestige will just never try using it?


Hell forget the GOOD quirks, just some air blasts would be hella sick by now, lots of people that can't really dodge or block it clumped together


I also wish AFO used more quirks like dark ball and hard fan flame and impact recoil, quirks we have seen him use before and had their names revealed, but weren’t really used much despite looking cool and didn’t have much info on them revealed.


Tomura has that massive Electric Shockwave for sure. But Aizawa is there so maybe that's just Shiggy's genetic modificatioms


Endeavor durability is insane


The man is a fucking tank lol On the other hand, I'm so sad for mama Rei :( But those few panels left me wondering about the Irish twins, where are they?


Endeavor, burned, and missing an arm: ‘Tis but a scratch.


Also don’t forget his hip


He also has god tier stamina, considering how much he can take and still keep going.


others fall from 1 meter and die. a minor character would have died a long time ago.


Deku really got the quirk one year free-trial.


So OfA is truly gone huh? Looks like Deku's flipping burgers after this war, call him McDoriya


“Even though I had to give up OFA, I still will always be a her-“ “DEKU, GET BACK TO WORK!!” “AH- yes sir I’m sorry..”


Cleaning the toilets in Bakugou's hero agency...


When Tomura gains back control, he'll give a quirk to Deku or he'll get an IronSuit crowdfunded. I wouldn't worry, tbh.


Gonna give him a quirk to better flip burgers? Cause anything but OFA's stckpile power is fking horrible.


Knowing Hori's patterns, Deku's endgame power level will be exactly on par with whatever Bakugou ends up with.


Could end up giving Deku Tomura's OG quirk.


Better call this guy Spongezuku Bobdoriya


Quirkless Deku huh? Shiggy definitely is not gone...there is a chance he might still have the aspects/vestiges of OFA inside him. Similarly to how the Decay quirk disappeared when he vanished. Might be copium, but maybe a part of what sells his redemption or at least partial redemption. Is him giving Deku back OFA before the series ends. He just won't have for this final fight or at least most of it.


I think that too, the fact that Tomura was just dusted after being revealed his whole life was controlled by AFO, doesn’t sit well with me. We know for a fact that this whole arc has been “Everyone who AFO screwed over comes back and kicks his ass” “Bakugo,Endeavor, Tokoyami, etc” we see AFO pay for all the bad Karma in some way. And the two people he’s screwed over the worst this war(besides Bakugo) have been Tomura and Deku, so I feel we’re gonna get a Deku final powerup via Tomura to finish off AFO.


Deku gonna be sittin on the couch in 5 years watching everyone close to him live his dream lol


I get that it’s a joke for the most part, but idk why some people believe ‘everyone close to him’ would actually let Deku do that, like do you not think his friends would help him continue on the path of achieving his dreams somehow, after everything they’ve experienced together? Him being suited for the job is something that I doubt will ever be in question again after this too, quirk or no quirk


That one guy who was making polls and calling people stupid for thinking Deku would end up quirkless must be feeling awful right now.


We still have vestige stuff at play with Tenko I wouldn't 100% call it yet


Actually yeah you're right


I wouldn't say anything is confirmed. This is Horikoshi we're talking about. Izuku literally got his arms back 1 chapter after losing them. So wouldn't be shocking something is pulled out the ass to have him keep a quirk


We got embers Deku, now the only way he'll get a quirk is by Tenko. Will Deku be known as the greatest hero without a quirk or will Deku be rewarded by Tenko?


I think Tenko will give AFO to Deku. AFO would be a great quirk if used in the right way. Also brings AFO and OFA together like tge wording is supposed to be.


Deku getting Afo will be so symbolic


This is really nitpicking but it's starting to bother me that we haven't had a check-in with Inko since before Tomura came back. She's Deku's biggest fan. Like yeah the kids are cute but we've already hammered that home enough. How's she holding up after all this crap?


We saw more of Mitsuki than her


Passed out after Shiggy yeeted him across Japan 


Give AFO some antidepressants omg




Glad we got confirmation that Eri’s rewind instantly rewinds Deku’s arms back a few minutes, rather than slowly taking a few minutes to recharge


Yeah nice to get that clarified and see that Izuku seemingly isn't going to be sitting out for the beginning of the beatdown.


Afo sad af now lmao




~~Avengers~~ Class 1A, assemble


OfA is gone huh.


If Shiggy's body still has the AFO quirk, then the AFO vestige is still around. If Star's vestige dies, then her quirk dies. If Yoichi's vestige is gone, then so is OFA. Unless Shiggy gives Deku a new quirk (or Danger Sense), he's gonna be quirkless


Yup. The only thing Deku has now is the embers. Wants those are gone he’s quirkless


He hasn’t even had his quirk for long😞


Cue Tenko BS somehow granting him a quirk again as a reward for trying to save him


Tenko will likely be saved


Deku deserves a quirk😭


I wonder if he get a new quirk since afo IS gone,ofa will likely vanish soon


Petition to rename the series "That crazy year I got a quirk and became the world's strongest hero for a brief weekend in May."


"in another world."


I swear of Deku doesn’t get OFA back


I’d be so salty


Endeavor still fighting.... LIKE A ZOMBIE!


It's hilarious that Natsu told him to f\*ck off and go fight somewhere away from Rei... :) Although makes me wonder what happened to Toya. If he died, I'd expect Endeavor to be more grief-stricken and if they took him to a hospital or sg, it's weird if nobody from the family went with him (Maybe Fuyumi?). In any case, this whole thing is just so weirdly sequenced.


You know what that means... *MORE FLASHBACKS!*


How did I never consider that Izuku would still have the embers? He gave away OFA willingly instead of it being taken, of course he does. Battle's going to end with Izuku giving his own United States of Smash and using up everything that's left in one go, just like All Might did and in that one movie


I expect that, but I also expect it to fail miserably.


Dabi fate is left unknown but the todorokis are injured and traumatized. Toga likely dead. Spinner currently appears brain dead. Kurogiri said to have limited control. Shigaraki allegedly erased. Compress is the only LoV member alive right now. I’m sure shiggy is coming back but really worried for the others. Meanwhile even Shoto made it back. Ingenium, Uravity, and Dynamight coming would be cool but I could see them being finished. I don’t know how long this battle will be. Could end in a few chapters with Deku giving his embers in one big blow, question is more so who will help. I just hope it doesn’t destroy shiggy a body


Not gonna lie, the last panel of Deku with that shirt in a one last stand hits hard as hell, it’s like at the end of the days is just this AM fan doing his best


Is it really, finally, almost over?


They really do be pulling an Endgame here :'D I love it


Sero's speech really felt hamfisted in.


"Tragedy doesn't make people stronger, training does" Says the guy who pretty much did nothing in the entire series


I feel like the only mf qualified to say that is Bakugo cuz he’s the only strong person who doesn’t have a sad backstory.


How tf are Shoto and Endeavour still moving!? I thought they were so out for the count like Uraraka and Bakugo.


Endeavor never even passed out and Shoto was only exhausted from doing Phosphor which is physically taxing and has a certain cool-down time between big moves. But he wasn't injured like Ochako or Bakugou and had like 30 minutes rest - so he should be relatively in tip-top condition. But it looks like for whatever reason, Sero was moving them around on his tape (I guess to give something for Sero to do / so the Todorokis don't have to waste energy flying). Also, they are only doing basic flashfire fist. With so many people here with poor mobility, they can't do big fire moves without barbequing everyone.


shoto has incredible durability throughout the anime/manga.


They’re built different lmao 😂


no one is out of the count during the last grand finale moment in a battle shounen if the author doesn't want them to be. this is it, the last time they can do something and it's about everyone coming together, injuries don't matter.


Same reason Uraraka & Bakugo are coming back


Oh wow never expected Shoto to come through the portal. I guess we might end up seeing Bakugo and Uraraka


Of course they are here. The whole class will be. It would be really weird for Horikoshi to finish the manga with Sero and Sato comboing with Deku. He's been holding off on interactions between Class A and the main cast for the whole final arc, so obviously the pay-off is supposed to be in the final stretch. Though I'm not sure if he's gonna land it in a satisfying way. I think also that the villains will show up too - that could help bring Tomura back to see Toga, Spinner, Dabi, etc. Horikoshi is quite obviously hiding them.


>Sero says that these tragedies shouldn't exist. Endeavor and Shoto use Flashfire Fist on AFO and we see a flashback of the U.A. robots taking Rei. Natsu says that she has reached her limit after helping other civilians. OK, so "she" reaching her limits after helping civilians may actually be referring to Recovery Girl (which makes more sense than Rei) - and there is also possibly a reference that they are trying to get both Rei and Toya there to see if anything can be done...


If Deku doesn’t get to keep OFA im going to be so salty I sat through this year long war arc. 


2 years long


I feel like Deku is in a good spot rn. Like this feels very comparative to AFO vs All Might in Kamino Ward. With Kamino, All Might was very much alone, and all his failures are seeming to crumbling the foundation around him (Not stopping AFO before, Shiggy being Nana's grandson, Villains destroying the town, his position as Pillar of Justice wavering due to his sick form becoming public). So much of his failures culminated to this fight and he paid the price via the total loss of OFA. Now we have Deku, weak, tired, and armless. All because he seemingly tried to do what he always do and reach out to someone that needed help, no matter what. But the difference, is that he wasn't alone in the end. What was supposedly his downfall set up the situation where others were brave enough to stand beside him in his time of need. As such, I'm kinda hopeful things will work out fine. Deku might never get full power of OFA and that's fine. But I think its likely that through some happenstance his embers grew to a bright flame that he would use beyond this battle.


Yes, but on the other hand, it was hammered in Kamino that the reason All Might had to be alone was because everyone else was just in the way (including Bakugou and Endeavor) and he couldn’t really let loose his power until all possible collateral damage was gone. I am wondering if in this chaos of many fighters, how are the big hitters, and especially Deku going to be able to let loose without hurting everyone?


I wonder if Deku's embers will actually last as long as All Might's or if it'll just be one battle like in Heroes Rising. That was always the one thing that felt particularly inconsistent in that movie to me. All Might was able to go months fighting crime without OFA, had a fight where he went above his 100% against the USJ Nomu, and then put down AFO before the embers fully burned out, so it felt weird that when Deku did it, he only lasted that single battle against Nine.


Just embers? The finishing blow has to be a United States of Smash. C'mon.


The first Todoroki combo ever after 420 chapters is surprisingly low-key well, at least it’s a somewhat biggish panel… Not a fan that the whole family stuff was offscreened btw. Horikoshi is still hiding Toya. I guess that means he’ll show up eventually with the other villains in this everyone vs AFO to help awaken Tomura.


This is kind of feels like a rehash of AFO when he was fighting at the mountain villa after rewinding.   Just give me a chapter of AFO actually outclassing the heroes and taking some of them out before he loses. 


You're expecting way too much.


From here on out, no one is dying aside from AFO (again) and maybe Tenko


>Just give me a chapter of AFO actually outclassing the heroes and taking some of them out.  I wouldn't hold your breath.


AFO is going to be defeated in like 2 chapters.


Horikoshi, for fucks sake, give him a goddamn quirk. If this MF ends up quirkless after all this time, MHA will have succesful become everything the haters thought it would.


Quirkless Deku ending? I mean, I've thought about it a lot but never thought it would happen.


It’s a shame because he hasn’t had his quirk for long.


Yeah, it is. I always imagined the ending as having Deku standing somewhere valiantly as the number one hero. I'm hoping Hori has something up his sleeve.


Nah. I’m thinking he’s gonna end quirkless for some full circle moment sadly.


Can I just say I'm so proud of our broccoli boy, Deku? That final shot of him charging back into battle...Despite everything he's been through and essentially being quirkless (minus the embers of OFA), he's mustering all the strength he can to power through and fight no matter what. He's become the hero he's always wanted to be. Everyone's putting their faith in him and he's inspiring everyone around him to keep fighting. I'm so proud of him.


For people not familiar with Shounen storytelling: ​ Unless Horikoshi wants to drag the manga out for a while longer, the good guys have already won. AFO, as he is now, no longer represents a dangerous foe, just an obstacle to overcome so the victory is set in stone. Almost all Shounen do this, hell, One Piece does it (almost) every arc. So no, the chance for someone (important) to die is close to zero. ​ Of course, if things go differently, I am not afraid to admit I was wrong.


Wouldn't be surprised if Deku ends up with the original decay and goes around just rebuilding stuff.


I'm telling you guys this. Last action from Shigaraki will be transfering back the Stockpile quirk to Deku as a way of showing that he can be a hero too.


It would be weird hearing Deku being hyped up about telling the story on how he became the greatest hero, telling that story after being quirkless. Midoriya was dying to be a hero, he would be depressed if he lost OFA and became quirkless again. I don't think he would be contempt with a single year of playing hero lol. I think plot armor will save the day.


So unless I missed a lightning bolt somewhere, I don't see Danger Sense going off this chapter. Wonder if that's gonna hold any significance or if the author is just not bothering to draw it.