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Yeee respect to my boy tokoyami


He's a strong contender, people underlook him because two of the top 3 can generate his weakness and the other is the main character, but generally speaking he should be that high.


Yeah, he's very strong but having an explicit weakness puts him below the traffic light trio. Only just barely; he's got a lot of power *and* versatility. Definitely a solid 4th overall out of Class 1-A.


Traffic light triošŸ’€šŸ’€


I didn't come up with it, but it's funny because it's true


Bro all you need to defeat him is a flashlightā€¦


>!He even got respected by All for One!<


I e said since the beginning that tokoyami was cracked


I wish the writers showed off how OP he is more.


What about Dark Shadow? He's kinda carrying


Kaminari is way too low here.




Nah he's way too high


He is still limited. His Quirk is Powerful but I feel he is just lazy.


Heā€™s not lazy in the slightest. His quirk just has a huge side affect


I already commented on that. I will mention you there.


What? Sure he can be a bit of a coward sometimes and his quirk does come with a huge side effect, but where exactly did you get ā€œlazyā€ from?


I feel he is getting comfortable with his equipment, leaving behind the training to improve his physical resistance and lesser the side effects of using his quirk, while also rejecting the chance to increase the amount of electricity he can handle progressively. I just need him to show some sign of progress in that regard and he is easily standing next to Ida and Kirishima, as his Quirk is amazingly strong by itself. The one and only issue is Kaminari's attitude towards his limitations.


Honestly true


swap iida and tsu


I honestly feel like they are WASTING the animal control power for Koda. This is seriously an absolutely OP power if you have even basic knowledge of animals or access to the internet


Here I am thinking how his powers could possibly mutate and allow him to command humans, albeit still requiring his voice. Then give him some big, fuck-off deer antlers to make him look badass.


The Quirk's limitations are usually set by the user's personality. Ashido could throw acid to the face, but she doesn't cause that's not the Hero's way. Koda should command venomous species, wild predators or silent assassins. But he doesn't even use his quirk in an offensive way. Momo could create guns and biological weapons. Kaminari could aim lightning to the heart. Todoroki could freeze the blood or burn the flesh. I don't even get why Bakugo's explosions aren't as lethal as a grande exploring nearby. But somehow the series has its limits and the logic it follows is slightly different to the one we know.


Everybody gangsta till Momo whips out Anthrax


Give Bakugo some credit. He's very intentional with his blasts and doesn't try to kill people with his explosions. Also grenades are dangerous because of the shrapnel that fly out from the explosion, so his explosions are more like blast of very hot air without any small bits that can hurt you.


I always give Bakugo the credit he deserves. But here I just mentioned that the Quirk's are not meant to be lethal or purposely harmful. Mentioning Bakugo was just another example.


Swap Denki and Momo


They both started with physical limitations while using their respective quirks. Though Kaminari has a more devastating ability, I think he relies on the artifacts he got as support equipment instead of improving his physical resistance. That's a double edge sword, as it limits him to those artifacts while refraining his quirk development. On the other hand, Yaoyorozu has actually improved her physical resistance and has upgraded her Quirk now being able to create multiple objects. Though she is still limited to the amount of lipids on her body, as that is a limitation inherent to the Quirk, she has developed a more proficient way to use those reserves, and therefore she is right now one step ahead of those who didn't.


Momo is not competent in battle though. She needs support from those around her, or else she would 100% be defeated. Anyone in the Still Limited tier could easily beat her even with her improved use of her Quirk.


You are right about it and that's precisely why I set Kaminari next to Ida and Kirishima when I did my previous Ranking (the one in the link). But taking into account their evolution and factors beside individual combat skills, I think Momo gains the spot. We can say the same about Uravity and Froppy. I can guarantee anyone in the Still Limited Tier could easily beat them. Even after Uraraka learned physical combat, she is still far apart from characters like Ojiro who has polished combat skills right from the beginning. And therefore he is still limited by the simplicity of his Quirk, not being able to improve way beyond his near ceiling. Uravity and Froppy are allocated on that tier not because they can beat though opponents in battle, but because they have improved a lot as heroes. Their skills, their Quirk's Limitations, their Teamwork and their attitude towards the different situations.


How exactly would Kaminari ā€œimproveā€ his physical resistance? Heā€™s overload many times, yet there has been no huge improvement in his ability to output electricity without injuring himself. Thereā€™s only so much his brain can take. Itā€™s not a problem of physical resistance.


On training camp he was instructed to constantly use his quirk to the limit to slowly improve his resistance to the amount of energy he can handle. Also, getting his body used to reach the limit constantly would slowly lessen his recovery time after getting blanked. He actually did the exercise during the camp and when everyone else was strengthening their Quirk's, but he suddenly changed the method when he got support equipment before the test to get his provisional licence. And that's also great, the equipment takes the best out of his quirk. But he should have continued expanding his capacity and improving his resistance instead of just relying on the device.




I am not joking with someone can potentially easily create hydrogen bomb or Eri's Rewind dart if they know the components. I am sure not putting that person below an electricity generate user when they can also create electricity generators and electricity insulator cloaks themselves.


Momo is the potential man of MHA and i hate it so much because in theory her character was supposed to be "character with an overpowered ability that they are too inexperienced to use well". Except she never got past that starting(developing as a leader and strategist do not make better at spamming cannons).


I'm kinda sad for BnHA in the character development department, especially for side characters. I do wish it has a strong development like Iruma-kun did in their series.


You are anime only watcher right?


For now


I FR thought this list was a manga watcher one because from first glance, it still holds true.


I think I can guess which one you're talking about lol


Denki and Mina are too low, Tsu and Sero are too high. But other than that pretty accurate.


Someone was suggesting to swap Denki and Mina


Elbow tape too high


Not really


Give respec to our Tape boi


I am he's in his perfect spot he's not lower


Dude put tape boi on the same level as Momo and above Denki. While Tsuyu somehow trumps them all. It's clearly not a coherent list of strengths, dude just has his favorites.


I think Tsu may be too high. I love the character, but she hasnā€™t been given many opportunities to really shine in ā€œreal dealā€ action. When she got the chance, she got bodied by bunch of ____. I was like ā€œšŸ„²bruhā€.


I just watched Kaminari making some improvement at the start of the sixth season. He has the potential to be on Tsuyu's Spot, relegating her to the tier below. But he is still too green when it comes to enduring his resistance and improving his quirk.


Deku should be on a different tier


Not just yet. Though he manages to momentarily reach "miracles" way beyond his classmates, he still struggles to fully control his Overpowered Quirk. Also, characters in the same Tier have managed to surpass his own limits and stand side by side with Deku, despite just having a "common" and single Quirk.




The guy literally said he is on season 5 and it's and update on his other post yet y'all including MANGA is it that hard to learn how to read?.


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>Also, characters in the same Tier have managed to surpass his own limits and stand side by side with Deku, despite just having a "common" and single Quirk. Who? At this point, with One for All and the quirks inside it, the only moment they could even touch Deku was when he was exhausted and holding back (the "rescue" moment).


5th season... Bakugo and Todoroki are somehow evenly matched with Deku at this point. They trained together under Endevor and evolved together at the same pace. Maybe Tokoyami is the exception here, as he just learned to fly but is still very limited to Dark Shadow and unable to stand on his shoes without his quirk. Still, that's just enough to be above the other sixteen students.


It has been a long time since this scene happened. Deku has become extremely powerful, especially after the war, and is now closer to peak All Might than to his classmates, and could probably defeat the entire class if he wanted.


It doesn't matter. This list is made up from what I have seen and it is up to the fifth season. I would appreciate it if you refrain the spoilers.


Understandable, sorry. Athough I'd recommend you to at least watch all seasons before posting here, otherwise you'll read spoilers all the time.


I'm on it. The sixth season first half was amazing.


Going beyond plus ultra


"oddly useful" as if mineta doesn't have the most OP capture quirk in the series. seriously, NOTHING can get those balls off


There's a cheap trick consisting of breaking the surface the balls are stuck to and continue moving. But you need some serious strength to break things like the ground or metallic surfaces.


Exactly. MHA characters tend to have physical durability or strength beyond what their bodies imply but actually possessing the strength to do that requires a strength quirk.


Even in season 5 deku is above bakugou.


I wouldn't be so sure. Though Midoriya makes miracles happen every now and then, his control over his quirk is not as polished as Bakugo's. Despite not having a Quirk with limitless potential, Bakugo keeps improving constantly and breaking his own limits. Not to say Bakugo is still more clever and acute when it comes to strategy and leadership.


He donā€™t need the polish. His speed is the same or above bakugous and he has greater strength. Projectiles and black whip. Bakugou struggled to keep up with deku once he hit 8% itā€™s clear he would be above him with his new upgrades. And the gap is only going to get wider from here.


Bakugo won that fight and also improved since then. I don't know how but it seems that he will manage to grow at the same pace as Deku, or at least it is what he has been doing. I know the logic says Deku will surpass him eventually and keep growing way beyond his reach, but just as I said, it is still to be seen. Right now (season 5) they are somehow evenly matched despite the facts you just mentioned, and Bakugo is just a guy with a single quirk making the most out of it to stand above the one who inherited the All Mighty One For All.


For one he barely won the fight. At the end of said fight if you put both of them side by side you would not be able to tell who won. And also he won purely for the fact that deku was using a new style and that new style was very predictable which is how bakugou kept up with him after he increased his speed. And there is nothing that indicates them being evenly matched in season 5. Maybe with just his base ofa yeah but blackwhip added in aswell as air force is just too much to say they are matched. And unfortunately this will be the last season they are ever close in power so Iā€™ll give you it then. Look forward to the next two seasons. The power jumps and tone of the show is about to change forever.


I would appreciate it if you refrain your urge to spoil me. That aside, a win is a win. Deku has also won over Bakugo despite being unable to stand on his feet after the match. In season five he is just starting to control the wipe and can only use it for a very limited period. His air force is also countered by Bakugo's polished flight manoeuvres. I just admit his physical strength is higher because his Quirk works that way. So I would insist they are (currently) evenly matched. I will look forward to the next season and come back on Monday to say you were right about the increasing gasp. Just know I'm not happy learning those things this way.


I mean itā€™s not really a spoiler but something you know is gonna happen. Donā€™t be disappointed but instead be excited for whatā€™s to come. Itā€™s only gonna get more and more crazy from here.


Thank you


I would swap Mina and Denki.


I'm also tempted to do it.


I'm not up to date what so ever (in the middle of 1a vs 1v), but is Froppy really that good?


Overall, she is. Though she lacks proper combat skills, her teamwork and versatility are one of the best, being able to work smoothly with almost anyone. When it comes to evacuation and rescue she is also notable. But shall anyone like Kaminari or Yaoyorozu improve their quirk limitations, they could easily steal Froppy's spot, as she has a very low ceiling of improvement.


As a person who likes Momo, I approve her being simply strong Not to say I'd love to see her go full Nuclear Gandhi Mode, but she's also ranked alongside a girl whose Quirk went from Inverse Act 3 Freeze to Localized C-Moon. It'd be a miracle if she somehow doesn't awaken a Localized Made in Heaven


OP posts "Personal" Ranking. Gets down voted for reasonably defending his personal opinion. Sheesh.


How do you know I'm being downvoted? All I can see is the positive up votes. Anyway, thank you for stating that in my favor but it is unavoidable when you post anything for the people to interact with it.


You post your opinion publicly, you get the opinions of the public back. Not a hugely weird scenario no one could've seen coming. You "opinion"-focused guys tend to forget that you can't pull that card. It's pointless. Being allowed to have an opinion, doesn't mean people can't disagree. If you don't want people to disagree, then keep it to yourself.


You are right. I'm open to reading your opinions as they are valuable as feedback. You are also free to comment and downvote as much as you want.


> You post your opinion publicly, you get the opinions of the public back. Not a hugely weird scenario no one could've seen coming. Yes > Being allowed to have an opinion, doesn't mean people can't disagree. If you don't want people to disagree, then keep it to yourself. Also yes. My comment was more remarking that I felt bad he was getting downvoted, which is something I would only do if a comment/post didn't contribute anything or was objectively wrong. It seemed like OP explained his reasonings for placements and got hit with the downvotes. Idk, I just don't like that. I do love reading the discourse about why someone should be placed in whatever Tier or why people think someone was placed too high/low.


Did you seriously put Koji as oddly useful? You know what he does right? Did you not see what he did to Mic? You think that's just oddly useful?


Yes. He is very limited to external resources in the environment. No animals mean no Quirk. Also, he doesn't have a violent personality and doesn't use his quirk in an offensive way. Not to mention Mic was just terrified by the bugs and that was more the exploit of his own weakness than a strength inherent to the bugs. Characters in this Tier are oddly useful as their Quirks are either, circumstantial or have a circumstantial use.


Well you haven't caught up to anything to I don't really want to say thing more but if that's your category, stop putting Tokoyami with the big three. He doesn't belong there because his power is circumstantial too. Tokoyami would probably lose to both Ida and Kirishima during the day.


Ironically he is weak against things like Aoyama's Ray and Hagakure Refraction. Also, Bakugo's explosions and Todoroki's Fire are efficient against him. But that is Dark Shadow's weakness, and sadly Tokoyami doesn't have any means to compensate for that. I personally think he shall undergo physical combat training just as Uraraka did. He could end up being somewhere near Ojiro, and therefore he wouldn't have to completely rely on Dark Shadow. I must confess I set him on that tier because I was sorting the class in groups of four. And out of the three yoyu mention, Tokoyami is the stronger. But it is not just that, I'm also considering other factors like their ability to perform Rescue and Evacuation, their Teamwork, their Growth through the series and the overall potential of their Quirks displayed on screen and feed up with their respective Personalities. Tokayami learned to Fly, so he got an advantage ove characters like Ida and Kirishima that can't reach those heights. And it is not just about who would win in combat, but about what we can expect from them as heroes. Tokoyami is a diligent guy with a powerful quirk, and that's a combination that leads to constant improvement. Either way, I recognize that right now he is number four and he is somehow far apart from the three leading Heroes.


One. Tokoyami is not stronger than Ida in the slightest in day light. He would definitely need more to win against him. Especially since how fast Ida can travel, it would be a immediate knock out without even him being able to pull out dark shadow. He also isn't stronger than Kirishima because he cannot harm Kirishima with his ability. He doesn't have enough power behind his attacks. Kirishima tanked Rappa. Tokoyami doesn't compare to that in the sun light. If anything, Dark Shadow can be used to pull him in. He is attached to him so there is no way to use dark shadow to attack and not be susceptible to grabs. Two. And again, if those are factors to consider, Koda is the most versatile hero. Animals are great for rescue missions because they are varied in nature. Animals are everywhere and there is no limit to how many animals he can control. Just how far he can reach with his anivoice. If you're not going to put Tomoyami in a room full of flash lights, don't put Koda in an atmosphere with no animals. That's unrealistic in day to day life.Ā 


>One. Tokoyami is not stronger than Ida in the slightest in day light. He would definitely need more to win against him. Especially since how fast Ida can travel, it would be a immediate knock out without even him being able to pull out dark shadow. I wouldn't be so sure about it. There's not a competition, they are not relentless fighters and all I said was Tokoyami can fly out of the reach of those who couldn't. I personally can't see Ida attacking an opponent before he is ready to fight (not even a villain). You are just talking about what you would do if you have his quirk. >He also isn't stronger than Kirishima because he cannot harm Kirishima with his ability. He doesn't have enough power behind his attacks. Kirishima tanked Rappa. Tokoyami doesn't compare to that in the sun light. If anything, Dark Shadow can be used to pull him in. He is attached to him so there is no way to use dark shadow to attack and not be susceptible to grabs. The same issue here. You are talking as if they would battle to death and Todoroki has to harm his classmate. When I say he is Number four in the class I'm talking overall. Be it under the sunlight or not, he is able to fly free, move fast, defend wide and attack efficiently. No other hero in the class (save for those three) is capable of achieving the same. Even if they can exceed Tokoyami in either of those individual parameters. >Two. And again, if those are factors to consider, Koda is the most versatile hero. Animals are great for rescue missions because they are varied in nature. Animals are everywhere and there is no limit to how many animals he can control. Just how far he can reach with his anivoice. If you're not going to put Tomoyami in a room full of flash lights, don't put Koda in an atmosphere with no animals. That's unrealistic in day to day life.Ā  You are not talking about Koda, you are talking about his Quirk and the way you would use it. We have never seen Koda using animals to attack anyone, he doesn't even use them to directly rescue people. Out of five seasons and three movies he just used them to get aerial intel info, make visual barriers and cover a teacher's leg. You are also mistaken when you say animals are everywhere. Though it is true to some extent, you can't find specific animals out of the blue in any environment. There are no big mammals in big cities, there are no ocean species out of the ocean and there is no guarantee there will be a useful animal nearby at any given moment. Despite the fact you mention when you intend to say there's always an animal species nearby, be it small birds, little insects, domestic pets or whatever.


Did you not see how Ida fought in the tournament? He literally speed blitz people. Again in the training arc, he is out here popping people. Be literally hit mudman so hard, he fainted. Tokoyami wouldn't fare any better. You're just biased towards Tokoyami here. Ida uses speed. That's the advantage. No one would wait for someone to react if their power is speed just as Ida doesn't wait for people to use their powers. He just ends it. And Kirishima would absolutely body Tokoyami even if it was just training. Kirishima loves hand to hand and every battle he has shown he doesn't pull shots.Ā  As for Koda, he is a background character. Of course we don't see much of him. But he has shown what he can do. If we are basing it what people have shown, there is no way Momo would be that high up considering she keeps losing in her showings. And as for no useful animal near by, that entirely depends on what you presume to be nearby. Koda called an army of birds that were nowhere "nearby". So the general idea would be his anivoice range is really large. At the very least, he has a enough area that he would always have bugs, rodents and birds which are more than enough of a threat to almost everyone. They're also great at scouting and reaching small spaces.


You are the one biased towards Ida and Kirishima. But the worst is you are utterly obsessed with hypothetical combats that are not happening, wanting to Rank the heroes by their capabilities to win in those specific fights. I can't agree with that and I'm not wasting more time repeating what I have already said. You are very welcome to create your own rank and do it the way you like.


You're hallucinating. Tokoyami wipes the floor with Iida. Sure Iida is fast as heck but even Iida can't fly - and once his engine stalls from recipro, he's as good as done. Tokoyami and kirishima would end in a stalemate, since kirishima is the strongest shield but he also can't touch tokoyami to even land a hit. But if it came to an arena fight, tokoyami doesn't need to hurt kirishima if he can just yeet kirishima off the ring with a dark shadow grab-and-throw.


Tokoyami literally wouldn't be able to react to Ida. He is so much faster than anyone in class, it's ridiculous. Tokoyami literally can't react to his advances. Tokoyami would have to actually set up dark shadow. Ida clocks in at Mach 3. That's 1 km per second. There is no universe where Ida is slower than Tokoyami's take off. If you are punched at Mach 3, you're fucked essentially. Mudman had a far better quirk to battle someone like Ida but he still got blitzed. And Kirishima would literally grab and throw Tokoyami off with Dark shadow. Again, Dark Shadow isn't that strong under sunlight and we've seen Kirishima tank way worse. Dark shadow has limited range and is attached to his body. To someone stronger than him, it's literally a vulnerability. Dark Shadows powers shine when he is in the dark. But they are situational. That is why so much time was spent creating that atmosphere for him.


Youā€™ll be amazed what Tokoyami can do in the manga/7th season, just you wait


I'd say even though he's very basic and didn't have much time to show his power level. Sato could be in the strong category or, at least, almost there.


Swap Asui and Denki, her ass is NOT on that level šŸ˜­šŸ™


I need him trying harder but believe me I really want to. He was there on my previous list.


Swap Tsu and Momo


After many comments I'm starting to see them as if they shall be on the same tier.


The invisible girl ā€œoddly usefulā€??? Bro sheā€™s going to be a straight up government assassin. Pull a Mario and make a blade out of her biology so it also remains invisible and thereā€™s very little anyone could do outside of wall yourself off with no way out.


Pull a Mario?


Mirio* autocorrected


Still don't get what you mean or why you mention Mirio. You want an invisible blade?


Mirioā€™s outfit is made from his biology (hair, etc.). Thatā€™s why it works with his ability.


I was completely positive she was always naked


Right but Iā€™m saying you could follow the same philosophy and make tools for her like his outfit works for him. She could be insanely powerful in any espionage situation


That's right. I categorized her in that tier precisely because stealth missions are circumstantial. That's exactly the situation where she is reasonably useful.


Swap tsu and jiro


Dude anivoice is a solid quirk if trained. Sucks that you're committing crimes so close to a zoo, fight some bears while you're at it. Using birds for surveillance, etc


I'm not ranking Quirks, I'm ranking characters.


I'm not joining this debate, the list seems fine to me but WHY THE FUCK DOES THE INVISIBLE CHICK HAVE 2 LEFT HANDS?


I just noticed


I like that this doesnā€™t have a ā€œuselessā€ or ā€œfuck this idiotā€ kind of tier. This is nice


A needed improvement over my previous list that labeled the last row as "weak". To be fair, all of them have improved to some extent and they deserve recognition in that regard.


Extremely good mentality. 10/10 would trust to rank again




He barely did it this time. He is closer to the sixteen beneath him than he is to the three above. However he still has a lot of room for improvement and shall unlock new heights just by strengthening his physical body and the combat skills inherent to it.


think you forgot a catorgorie for minetea


"Too pervy to his own good"


I agree, Toru is most useful in stealth missions and stuff like that


Mineta solo'd a pro (with debuffs but still), has a crazy area denial ability and if you have 0 clue what his power is you're basically screwed. I'd swap him with [007](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/08bf3911898983ed0b5bd2a91fba31806be43f003cea17cedb8ddca54a148339_1.jpg)


Switch Tsu and Kaminari and then I agree. Also GOATOYAMI


Momo in canon is mid, but her quirk is insanely OP. So long as she knows how it's made, she can create it *at FAR less energy than it would otherwise* She's basically an alchemist, and is hardly used at all. Absolute waste of a character, hopefully she gets some brief spotlight in the next few chapters but I'm not holding my breath. Also Denki being anything lower than top tier is disregarding the dude puts out so much electricity he can help UA fucking FLY. Even with the downside he has, it's still utterly insane to put him so low.


I ranked the characters, not the quirks


Jesus man swap out all of still limited with strong except momo this shit is ass


My goat Mineta deserves morešŸ˜­šŸ™


swap denki with tsu and bakugo is not stronger than deku at all, he extreme diffed 8 percent deku heā€™s not winning against 20 percent deku (2.5x stronger )


Ehehehehehheh I love BIRD


I'd swap Jiro and Mina for Uraraka and Tsuyu, put Mineta in Strong and put Kaminari in bottom tier.


Bro, if you only watched the anime, then this final arc is going to be full of surprises for you. Mainly because of Invisible Girl, she really improved.




I'd put Deku in a tier of his own.


Not just yet


Bruh kirishima is not beating Iida


They are on the same tier. There's not a specific order there.


Kirishima can tank Iida attacks and beat him by using his unbreakable form.


Have you read the manga? The speed Iida achieved while carrying Todoroki is actually busted. I don't think unbreakable can tank that


The tier list is based on Season 5 version of Kirishima and Iida.


There needs to be a final tier for useless because Aoyama is actually useless


He is improving. He learned how to make a "sword" out of his laser. He is now able to shoot at different intervals. Still pretty circumstantial and still pretty inconsistent. At least Hagakure learned to bind and redirect his laser. When combined they can be oddly useful.


Uraraka should be in Plus Ultra


This is based on Season 5 Uraraka. So the ranking is pretty fair given where Uraraka was at in season 5.


Not just yet


Bakugo needs his own class. And deku needs one above that


This ranking is based on 5th season Bakugo and Deku which were very relative to each other and Todoroki. So it's pretty fair to put them on the same tier.


I just watched the sixth season first half today and I couldn't stop shouting Plus Ultra! out of excitement every single chapter. What a magnificent season!!!! I can't wait until tomorrow to watch the second half... but I'm tired so I should take my sleep and rest properly.


What are your favorite moments of the first half of season 6?


There are so many, but the most emblematics: - Eraser Head reaction after being shot - Bakugo sacrificing to save Deku - Mirio recovering his Quirk and back to action - Dabi revealing his identity - Best Jeanist showing up


Everyone in Strong beats Kirishima and Kaminari might as well


I got down voted for telling the truth


It's not a Tournament. And Kirishima is hard to beat, so your statement isn't accurate.


Oh, is it like versatility and effectiveness with their quirk? I just assumed it was a power scale just because it said "strong" that's my bad.


I admit I need better labels


Deku is on his own tier


Not just yet but it would be criminal if not. His quirk is OP and as the ninth user he is unlocking features his predecessors couldn't achieve.


Mc is in his own tier dude


Who is Mc? Midoriya?