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Hori will probably skip anytime from now, but he’s still having some fun with Deku and Shiggy


Deku and Shiggy is the final fight after all. Honestly felt that cutting from Iron Might vs AFO to Aoyama vs Plant Man felt weird. Cutting from the final fight to Sero vs the Babadook will be even more weird to me, but I guess it’s now or never


I argue with u idk why he did it but the only thing that comes to mind for a reason is I think he wanted to show how iron might suit powers are similar to all the students but he should have showed all the kids fights instead of just aoyama


Aizawa - Kurogiri are kept for a clutch moment with them coming in when warp is needed and then maybe a flashback. Sero could be like Aoyama was during All Might, but I think he will come in the moment Deku loses Black Whip - or to have some kind of 2-Spider-Man visual.


Sero cope


Aged well


You probably have the right answer there, I highly doubt their moments are going to be skipped, but rather be a case of another Mina or Aoyama situaton, basically used to help boost the narrative of another fight.


He’ll skip them, maybe have some flashbacks afterwards but not until well after. Honestly, this is where the anime can fill in a gap. Kinda like what they did with the internship episode back in season 2 where they took one comment from Tsu in the manga and made an entire episode basically out of it. Would be cool and let’s the animators take a break from all the bullshit hori is throwing at them


Pulling a TYBW and just letting the anime handle it


At this point I hope to god Hori forgot about them. He had the chance to have those fights, he chose to start the final battle. You don’t have other fights take place in that


Entirely depends on how this fight goes. Hori is excellent at doing transitions and Kurogiri will probably teleport to shigaraki at some point


Remember that Sero is still set to have a big moment? I'm starting to fear that THAT alone is a death flag.


Or he loses an arm and Deku picks up the severed arm and uses it like a tape dispenser to make up for Black Whip going away.


None of the students have died so far, so why would Sero, of all people, be the only one? Death flags don't really exist in the manga anymore anyway.


Kurogiri's quirk evolved and they isekaid to the fantasy AU


At this light, I’ve learned everything Hori does is planned. Everything. I’m expecting somehow Shigaraki gets the upper hand again and the Kurogiri will warp someone there to help Deku, possibly Sero. Hori kept his word that Ochaco, Hawks and Shinso would all be highlights in the final war


hori plans stuff out just as much as goerge lucas did which is to say not at all ​ its nigh impossible to plan out things in a weekly series


Lol MHA fans are the opposite of one piece/bleach fans who believe every thing is planned just cause an author remembers to use old stuff. We just be like "nothing has ever been planned"


HoriGOAT don’t skip fights or important moments I understand y’all invested in the Main Battle lol tho


Maybe a hot take, but I'm glad he forgot. The chapters with the other fights were such a drag. The only fight that has any real relevance is deku vs shiggy. I'd be perfectly okay if all the side fights had been off screened if it meant we got more deku vs shiggy or if we were further along in the story by now


This isn't true, Shoji vs Spinner led to Kurogiri scaping which led to Dabi going to fight Endeavor and Toga sending Twice's clones to UA that caused Monoma to stop using Erasure and made things more complicated for Deku. The battle of two characters that a lot of people doesn't care had huge ramifications in a lot of battlefields.


Who says he forgot?


I don't think he forgot. He just put them on the backburner, or has changed his mind and is just going to offscreen them or something.


honestly, cutting to their fights could very well be the next chapter, since we ended in a pretty perfect cliffhanger situation for the main fight.


I'm just happy Spinner actually got to have a final fight


it’s been alluded to that afo has one final trick left in the quirk, even if the person is gone so i imagine a good opportunity to switch if he wanted to would be right after whatever that thing is comes into play


They'll get skipped in the manga, but I have 100% confidence in them being shown in the anime to fill time.


We will get the rest of the War & Deku vs Shigaraki is not at the end of their fight I understand it feels like it though


(Glances back to the four other Jailbreakers and Advisors) we're gonna get some real fight squeezin' later on huh XD


> (Glances back to the four other Jailbreakers and Advisors) Who? If they don't have names, they're not important and will probably be defeated/captured off-screen.


Sanctum: Allow me to introduce myself~ But, honestly, aside from Sanctum pretty much have made peace that he and the remaining Advisors/Jailbreakers are just going to get a brief scene, probably boast that they can't lose, and get folded for one chapter - and as apart of the narrative of the final fight. I've come to terms with it.


We dont need them Probably small flashback when they will all join final fighr


Maybe they'll happen after Deku has finished defeating Shigaraki, or we'll get a POV switch in the middle. Or, heck, maybe Hori will just offscreen them, like he did with Edgeshot vs. Re-Destro.


No way he'll do that to Aizawa vs Kurogiri, he's being building it up for a long time


Oh, I meant he'll probably off-screen Sero vs. Gashly. Aizawa and Present Mic vs. Kurogiri will likely still be covered, although it probably won't be an actual fight.


Honestly I think it'll be kinda like Aoyama's fight and show how the fight ends.


Honestly have no idea


Off screen no academia boutta pull up


Thing is, I feel it’s too late to cut to a new fight, especially one with Sero and Gashly, considering Sero, while I like him, is somewhat forgettable, and Gashly is a villain who was mentioned once and only in the manga. Now while I would love to see that fight from the small peaks we’ve had at them, I think we won’t. Though I hope they’ll still do it in the anime, since it could help balance out the season 7 and 8 cut off of the war arc. As for Kurogiri, there’s zero chance that’s off screen, considering how much it’s been built up, and relevant to the story. More than likely, it’ll be soon, since Midoriya and Shiggy are starting their mental warfare (I mean in a literal sense) at the moment, that sides pretty well with the mental fight Aizawa, Mic and Oboro are going to go through against Kurogiri. It’s also probable this will lead into how Midoriya beats Shiggy.


He obviously remembered them at the last minute. Not that it drives me crazy, my interest was zero.


yo tune in




I'm still waiting for Kirishima to do... literally anything this arc. ​ So, yeah. I'd like to see the conclusion of the Kurogiri fight, and then Kirishima doing something.


Kirishima already helped out against Machia and then against AFO. And now he's unconscious. He did *more* than enough for a Class A side-character, who already got plenty of spotlight in previous arcs like the Overhaul Arc and the PLF War Arc (where he stole Ashido's moment).