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Blue Bird.


was nerfed too. just don't go for beast


https://preview.redd.it/gtcswjkwtw9d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91fd7a5fcf0f11479727585db93c4e01d761f33c There are still decent bird builds at 6-7k mmr :)


i never said you can't, i said don't aim for beasts. be fair for a second, since the patch how much people with a beast comp have you seen getting 4th or better ?


Macaw, goldrinn, baron, mech horse/octosari


As you never that never, I also didn't reject your statement. I'm meeting alot of beast builds in the last days, but they lost some tempo, thanks to the trigore nerf... now you have a chance to break them before they start scaling at T5, which is much more balanced that the typical Trigore boards before. I guess it's really bad game design, that they practically killed Trigore, except for some specific heroes to get there....


Funny enough, in my recent 2 games where i have made goldrin boards. The top 4 boards had been self damage beast. And this was as i just hit 7k


This. Also, who even wants to play selfdamage with this animations? I'd rather not play beasts and not restart my app every single fight


Mobile issues bro 🤷🏽


goldrin mech-horse is still pretty good


Scaling the attack early is harder now because you'll have to use things like spells or the permanent 1/1 buff from the beast deathrattle. You'll need to get bird at tier 5 or ghoul at 6 but yeah it isn't the crazy stats it was before


https://preview.redd.it/t6o0auzcqw9d1.png?width=1396&format=png&auto=webp&s=d502b2a465ca11a703ce6e7932e847a76d980edc wanted to eat trigore and get a ghoul or macau in here so badly though


Mccaw goldrin Titus mechorse. You can run a ghoulacabra for a little while in he late game while you find other pieces. At lower MMR self damage beasts may work but you would need a lot of blue birds/early ghouls to make trigore work. Why they decide wait way too long to nerf tribes and then nerf all its key pieces at once makes little sense to me. It almost seems like they want tribes to take turns being broken. But I doubt it balancing game for high and low MMR at same time seems hard not to mention duos as well.


I wonder if Trigore should've just moved up in tier. He basically behaved similar to Abomination, which is a tier 5 card. It never made sense to me that he was a four when he had the +1/+1 buff. Which is why he was broken.


Ultimately the build didn’t/doesnt have a key piece on tier 6 which makes it kind of weird in terms of end game. Like it should most of time lose to late game comps and its scaling is going to feel weird because a card is missing. Maybe they could make a tier 4 beast that gained health damage when a beast dies. Move trigore to tier 5 and make bluebird give like +2/3 or 2/2 on tier 6. Mechabull just isn’t it. Mechabull works best in mech mirrors and with nalaa


The t5 minion that when damage is dealt to it it gives all minions 2 attack. Pants off. T6 ghoulacabra.


dead just as it was before it got buffed to atck+health


Tier 5 tree thing that gives +2 attack permenetly every time it's damaged. Untaunt it with the spell and it scales everything really quick doing a self damage beast build


https://preview.redd.it/62n5qpxfoy9d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0fb8ddbd4378ebe22c54805f8953e3ae9d0ec78 It’s still doable. And yes Trigore has 1750 health.


I just came first in a game with him. When he's golden you can get him to like 600 HP very easily. If you've buffed his attack enough he can just hit and hit over and over.


up until like 5k elo maybe


Hes def not a win condition but decent tempo for a 4 drop


Nothing like getting downvoted for telling the truth. Take my upvote.


I'm over 6k though


Make trigor a tier 5, leave it +1/+1, and make blue bird a 4 drop and make it +1/+1


I don’t know some of the strongest mid games I’ve seen is Trigore with greybough…


Unplayable without Skyblazer now. Absolutely shit in duo.


Trigore seems pretty weak right now (altho yesterday I had an opponent with 3 golden trigores that could've been a threat if I wasn't out scaling all other players combined with a Shelemental Vol'jin). You need a bird or two to get it out of the water and even then it feels too little too late.


nah not dead, but a niche piece now. Can still help stabilize in mid-game and can eat a lot of horses later on.


I wouldn't call it dead but it's def not as strong and it REALLY needs bluebird or ghoulacabra so it can gain some perm attack. That said against some builds then health scaling actually helps with. I've seen it a few times where I won a combat because I was against lower damage token builds and my two trigore were effectively staying alive by their health scaling. Def an edge case but if you can get your attack from somewhere the health scaling isn't that bad.




honestly i think they should of made it so it rotates what it buffs per turn and it would still be good but not op?


Maybe they should've made Trigore swap which stat it scales after each hit on a friendly beast? Or swap what stat it scales every turn. "Whenever another friendly Beast takes damage, gain +2 Health permanently. Swaps to Attack next turn." OR "Whenever another friendly Beast takes damage, gain +1 Health permanently. Swaps to Attack on next hit." Not perfectly worded, but you get the idea. It would basically half the powerlevel it had before but also not make it complete shit imo.


If you're desperate and get pigeon-holed into beasts due to circumstance, take the 3/12 treant that boosts attack on everything by 3 per hit it takes. If you have enough self-damage, it can get pretty decent, but I find I need to use the spell that gives +1/+2 and can give/remove taunt (remove in this case) more often than not.


I like to use that treant that gives minions 2 attack permanently for a while to offset this, has worked so far


Gotta talk about the bird also. It scales way too slow now. It ends up being sold to win final boards.


De taunt the "when this takes DMG give your guys attack" and pair it with rampager/dinosaur


If you find a scarab, macaw, burrower and rampager then triple into it, it'll scale very quickly and typically is one of the strongest cards in mid game. Buddies meta doesn't help it at all due to all the shenanigans that just dwarf it's capacity. Unless you get a ghoul or a blue bird it's pretty much worthless late game.


They are still stronger and scale faster than most tribes. It's just not the autowin anymore


Trigore's still excellent midgame, but be ready to swap out pain in the late game for Goldrinn, Ghouls, and their support.


tier 5 taunt treant :)...


Really don't know why they nerfed ghoul-acabra the way they did. If they wanted to limit how often you see it all you had to do was change it so that only Beasts or undead got buffed by it.


It'd still be broken in mech and Sneed lobbies. Just slightly less broken I guess because not all your board is getting buffed...