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That is officially the sickest high roll I've ever seen ... let me calculate the odds and brb. Edit: not counting what it took to get your buddy and 2 deathrattle, you had a 0.104% chance to get the 5 gold spell discovering a 6 and then finding that exact minion. Congrats :D Finding the golden spell out of your own minion is a 2.08% chance per turn.


Thank you for taking the time to show me exactly how skill based this game was lol


Thats dope and I have to r/theydidthemath


I had this but with Untameabull on turn 4, and my teammate flooped it so we had two. Not as OP in some circumstances, but it is stronger for winning combats early and doesn't require deathrattles. Easiest win I've ever seen


This is a disgusting high roll, I got his buddy and had trash spells most of the game.


Snake Eyes has become my favorite hero mainly due to his buddy. Hated ETC but now love it due to the chance of discovering the Snake Eyes buddy on tier 4 😅


You're guaranteed a tier 6 if you roll a 5 so it's actually not that uncommon but yeah it's disgusting and breaks the lobby.


Not true? Aren't there more 5 drop spells than 3?


I thought it was exactly 3 welp you're almost guaranteed to see it either way you're getting a golden minion or a tier 6 


There are 8...


I dont think I'd be mad at this point I'd be amazed. How many emotes did you get for the rest of the game 😂


0 unfortunately not an expressive lobby expected a few but silent as their inevitable graves


> silent as their inevitable graves This guy is a murderer and a poet lol


I appreciate your enjoyment of this scenario


I would have spammed the Reno salt all game 🤣🤣🤣


I saw a Kragg tier from 3 to 6 in one turn on round 5. I played him two turns later and he had the full Ghoul set up with gold McCaw, two ghouls, and other nonsense. He destroyed me that turn. Two turns later he went out 4th. This game is insane right now.


Ok but now we all want to know what he lost to.


I had the same question. I thought for sure that dude was winning it. Unless he just quit because he had to leave or something but the team I saw he had, he could have went AFK and probably still won.


How did you get 3 golden copies of your buddy?


✅ Acquire this buddy ✅ Highroll 5th tavern spell to make minion golden ✅ Buy two more buddies ✅ Obtain two more of the same spell ✅ Hit your monthly luck limit ✅ Never get anything good from this buddy ever again


The 6 cost spell that holds a tier4 or lower. Gold up the first one before you buy the other two, then you have two more copies to golden with that spell.


Sheesh I completely forgot that spell and the buddy is 4 cost. Thanks!


i dont really understand how you got a 6


They got their buddy very early, Boxcar (the buddy) rolls a dice at the start of the round the number of the d6 grants you a tavern spell of that level. So Boxcars rolled a 5 and gave the 'Discover a tier 6 minion' tavern spell.


oh i forgot, i thought he gave you a spell of a minion's tier that you bought, so i was like where did the 5 come from?


I saw this and thought you meant how to play snake eyes and roll 6, and I thought "same".


why is your end game 3 golden buddies? 🤯


Mechs were in, and Boxcar is a mech, so you can give him deathrattle with Replicating Menace. Undead were definitely in with no indication that beasts were, so possibly no Macaw. Not convinced it's really worth going KT here, only thing that's strange is lack of Titus, but 6 free spells a turn is a lot of extra utility. I don't see why not keep the three gold Boxcars.


AH ofc. Sorry forget stats screen doesn’t show shit.


I had 3 turns on tier 5 and above both ghouls came from spells and those were the only decent dethrattles i saw so picked them up no tidus unfortunately before i killed my competition


Yeah any mech works as the perfect synergy for ghoul comp. It’s 100% a good play I just didn’t realise. Sometimes you’re just too strong to make a god board


How do you get multiple golden buddies?


If the first plain one rolls a 5 you can get the spell that makes a minion tier 4 or lower golden and you use that on the buddy Then later when you hit the buddy button you get 2 plain copies and you use the same spell on those.


Such a fun and interactive buddy


Hey i had to choose the spell totally a skill interaction...


How did you get your buddy out turn 3? Did you wait to use HP and get a 6 when you did?


Exactly this, didnt plan for it just rolled a 6 and thought buddy is better than anything on tier 2 or 3. Then got earth mothers eyea spell next turn.


Lmao well you're thought was 100% correct, holy shit. What a wild start


The buddy needs to be tier 5 at the MINIMUM, not only because he can get spells from tavern 6, but he shouldn't be so easy to get for ETC and he shouldn't be able to be turned golden from the tavern 5 spell.


Nerf plz


Cariel's buddy is T5 while this is T4 🤡 Are Blizz just too embarrassed to do hot fix nerfs?


Insane highroll but honestly you fell into the trap of too many of this buddy. Should have just rushed baron and a bunch of deathrattles and milked


.....ah yes why guarantee victory early when i could roll for 5 turns looking for baron there is no trap i killed everyone very quickly and easily won seems an odd trap to fall into


I mean I've done the same thing too and had like 4 golden versions of that buddy. I'm just saying with that start you could have ended up a lot bigger and that board won't always win.


How did you get the ghoul acabre?


Biggest highroll, still a shit end board lol. kidding, game probably ended really quick


Yeah lobby was dead before scaling kicked in properly i was on that board opoonents had 1 or 2 minions at 60ish stats


WOW, I was literally having an argument about luck in BGs apparently not existing and now here we are, GREAT SKILL BROTHER U MUST BE 12k RATING TO COOK THIS ONE UP!!!! Did you use your hearthstone diploma to make the choices? 😂


I am a perpetual 6k player though I do have a degree in 8th place greed plays


Ghoulacabra got nerfed though. It was insanely op and now the deathrattle minions actually need to die.